A brief history of Russian literature. Historical theme in Russian literature

In what works of Russian literature are images of historical figures created and in what ways can they be compared with L. N. Tolstoy’s assessment of real historical figures?

The following character images can be used as a literary context: Emelyan Pugachev in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” and poem of the same name S.A. Yesenina, Ivan the Terrible in “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov”, the imperial court and generals Kornilov, Denikin, Kaledin in the epic of M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don“, Stalin and Hitler in V. S. Grossman’s epic novel “Life and Fate” (two positions of the student’s choice).

When justifying your choice and comparing the characters in a given direction of analysis, note that the image of Pugachev in A.S. Pushkin, like L. N. Tolstoy’s Napoleon, is subjective, not so much historically specific as subordinate to the author’s idea - to show the tragedy of the “people's king,” which is the product of “Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless.” The impostor is poeticized by the author: he is kind, humane, and fair, unlike his guys.

Point out that the image of Pugachev in “ The captain's daughter"and Napoleon in the epic "War and Peace" is determined by the writer's task: for L.N. Tolstoy it is the debunking of Napoleonism, for A.S. Pushkin - poeticization of the image of the “counselor”. Both have unique personal qualities, military genius, ambition. Pugachev’s willfulness is manifested in his statement: “Execute like this, execute like this, favor like this: this is my custom...” Despite all the differences in the positions of the impostor and the French emperor, both are shown not only as historical figures, but also as people in their relationships with the people and servants. Rise and fall also distinguish the nature of their fate.

Tell us how in the depiction of Ivan the Terrible by M. Yu. Lermontov in “The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov” the focus on stylization of folk epic works, and therefore to idealization. Like the French emperor, the Russian tsar is self-willed: if he wants, he executes, if he wants, he has mercy. The injustice of the tsar’s decision regarding the fate of Kalashnikov is compensated by his unquestioned authority among the people.

Remember that in V. S. Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate” Stalin and Hitler appear only as weak-willed slaves of time, hostages of the circumstances they themselves created. Hitler himself gave birth magic wand ideology and believed in it himself. A comparison of grotesquely reduced images of the rulers of two great nations gives the author the opportunity to compare Hitlerism and Stalinism, which must be condemned and overcome.

Summarizing what has been said, note that Tolstoy’s Napoleon is a small man in a gray frock coat with a “fat chest”, “round belly”, trembling calf of his left leg, Grossman’s Stalin is a pockmarked, dark-skinned man in a long overcoat (“Shtrum was outraged that Stalin’s name was overshadowed Lenin, his military genius was contrasted with the civilian mindset of Lenin’s mind”). These arbiters of destinies do not realize the strength of the people's spirit.

S. Grossman, following Tolstoy's traditions, orients the reader towards comprehension historical patterns. Raised to unprecedented heights, idols then become victims of their own people.

It has been widely covered in the literature, especially in Soviet time, as many authors have shared personal experience and they themselves experienced all the described horrors together with ordinary soldiers. Therefore, it is not surprising that first the military, and then post-war years were marked by the writing of a number of works dedicated to the feat Soviet people in a fierce struggle with Nazi Germany. It is impossible to pass by such books and forget about them, because they make us think about life and death, war and peace, past and present. We present to your attention a list best books, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, which are worth reading and re-reading.

Vasil Bykov

Vasil Bykov (books are presented below) - an outstanding Soviet writer, public figure and a WWII participant. Probably one of the most famous authors war novels. Bykov wrote mainly about a person during the most severe trials that befell him, and about the heroism of ordinary soldiers. Vasil Vladimirovich sang in his works the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Below we will look at the most famous novels by this author: “Sotnikov”, “Obelisk” and “Until Dawn”.


The story was written in 1968. This is another example of how it was described in fiction. Initially, the arbitrariness was called “Liquidation”, and the basis of the plot was the author’s meeting with a former fellow soldier, whom he considered dead. In 1976, the film “The Ascension” was made based on this book.

The story tells about a partisan detachment that is in dire need of provisions and medicine. Rybak and the intellectual Sotnikov, who is sick, but volunteers to go because no more volunteers were found, are sent for supplies. Long wanderings and searches lead the partisans to the village of Lyasina, here they rest a little and receive a sheep carcass. Now you can go back. But on the way back they come across a detachment of policemen. Sotnikov is seriously wounded. Now the Fisherman must save the life of his comrade and bring the promised provisions to the camp. However, he fails, and together they fall into the hands of the Germans.


Vasil Bykov wrote a lot. The writer's books have often been filmed. One of these books was the story “Obelisk”. The work is constructed according to the “story within a story” type and has a pronounced heroic character.

The hero of the story, whose name remains unknown, comes to the funeral of Pavel Miklashevich, a village teacher. At the wake everyone remembers the deceased kind words, but then the conversation comes up about Frost, and everyone falls silent. On the way home, the hero asks his fellow traveler what kind of relationship a certain Moroz has with Miklashevich. Then they tell him that Moroz was the teacher of the deceased. He treated the children as family, took care of them, and took Miklashevich, who was oppressed by his father, to live with him. When the war began, Moroz helped the partisans. The village was occupied by police. One day, his students, including Miklashevich, sawed off the bridge supports, and the police chief and his assistants ended up in the water. The boys were caught. Moroz, who by that time had fled to the partisans, surrendered to free the students. But the Nazis decided to hang both the children and their teacher. Before his execution, Moroz helped Miklashevich escape. The rest were hanged.

"Until Dawn"

A story from 1972. As you can see, the Great Patriotic War in literature continues to be relevant even after decades. This is also confirmed by the fact that Bykov was awarded for this story State Prize THE USSR. The work talks about Everyday life military intelligence officers and saboteurs. The story was originally written in Belarusian language, and only then translated into Russian.

November 1941, the beginning of the Great War Patriotic War. Lieutenant Soviet army Igor Ivanovsky, main character story, commands a sabotage group. He will have to lead his comrades beyond the front line - to the lands of Belarus occupied by the German invaders. Their task is to blow up a German ammunition depot. Bykov talks about the feat of ordinary soldiers. It was they, and not the staff officers, who became the force that helped win the war.

In 1975, the book was filmed. The script for the film was written by Bykov himself.

“And the dawns here are quiet...”

A work by the Soviet and Russian writer Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. One of the most famous front-line stories, largely thanks to the 1972 film adaptation of the same name. “And the dawns here are quiet...” Boris Vasiliev wrote in 1969. The work is based on real events: during the war, soldiers serving on Kirovskaya railway, prevented German saboteurs from blowing up the railway track. After a fierce battle, only the commander remained alive Soviet group, who was awarded the medal "For Military Merit".

“And the dawns here are quiet...” (Boris Vasiliev) - a book describing the 171st patrol in the Karelian wilderness. Here is the calculation of anti-aircraft installations. The soldiers, not knowing what to do, begin to drink and idle. Then Fyodor Vaskov, the commandant of the patrol, asks to “send non-drinkers.” The command sends two squads of female anti-aircraft gunners to him. And somehow one of the new arrivals notices German saboteurs in the forest.

Vaskov realizes that the Germans want to get to strategic targets and understands that they need to be intercepted here. To do this, he assembles a detachment of 5 anti-aircraft gunners and leads them to the Sinyukhin ridge through the swamps along a path known to him alone. During the campaign, it turns out that there are 16 Germans, so he sends one of the girls for reinforcements, while he himself pursues the enemy. However, the girl does not reach her own people and dies in the swamps. Vaskov has to enter into battle with the Germans unequal battle, and as a result, the four girls remaining with him die. But still, the commandant manages to capture the enemies, and he takes them to the location Soviet troops.

The story describes the feat of a man who himself decides to confront the enemy and not allow him to walk around with impunity. native land. Without an order from his superiors, the main character goes into battle himself and takes 5 volunteers with him - the girls volunteered themselves.

"Tomorrow there was a war"

The book is a kind of biography of the author of this work, Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. The story begins with the writer telling about his childhood, that he was born in Smolensk, his father was the commander of the Red Army. And before becoming anyone in this life, choosing his profession and deciding on his place in society, Vasiliev became a soldier, like many of his peers.

“Tomorrow there was war” is a work about the pre-war period. Its main characters are still very young students of the 9th grade, the book tells about their growing up, love and friendship, idealistic youth, which turned out to be too short due to the outbreak of the war. The work tells about the first serious confrontation and choice, about the collapse of hopes, about the inevitable growing up. And all this against the backdrop of an looming, grave threat that cannot be stopped or avoided. And within a year, these boys and girls will find themselves in the heat of a fierce battle, in which many of them are destined to burn. However, for his short life they learn what honor, duty, friendship and truth are.

"Hot Snow"

A novel by front-line writer Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev. The Great Patriotic War is particularly widely represented in the literature of this writer and became the main motive of all his work. But most famous work Bondarev is precisely the novel " Hot Snow", written in 1970. The action of the work takes place in December 1942 near Stalingrad. The novel is based on real events - the attempt of the German army to relieve Paulus's sixth army, surrounded at Stalingrad. This battle was decisive in the battle for Stalingrad. The book was filmed by G. Yegiazarov.

The novel begins with the fact that two artillery platoons under the command of Davlatyan and Kuznetsov have to gain a foothold on the Myshkova River, and then hold back the advance of German tanks rushing to the rescue of Paulus’s army.

After the first wave of the offensive, Lieutenant Kuznetsov’s platoon has one gun and three soldiers left. Nevertheless, the soldiers continue to repel the onslaught of enemies for another day.

"The Fate of Man"

"The Fate of Man" - school work, which is studied within the framework of the topic “The Great Patriotic War in Literature.” The story was written by the famous Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov in 1957.

The work describes the life of a simple driver Andrei Sokolov, who had to leave his family and native home with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. However, before the hero gets to the front, he is immediately wounded and ends up in Nazi captivity, and then in a concentration camp. Thanks to his courage, Sokolov manages to survive captivity, and at the end of the war he manages to escape. Once among his own people, he receives leave and goes to small homeland, where he learns that his family died, only his son survived, who went to war. Andrei returns to the front and learns that his son was shot by a sniper on the last day of the war. However, this is not the end of the hero’s story; Sholokhov shows that even after losing everything, you can find new hope and gain strength in order to live on.

"Brest Fortress"

The book by the famous journalist was written in 1954. For this work the author was awarded in 1964 Lenin Prize. And this is not surprising, because the book is the result of Smirnov’s ten-year work on the history of defense Brest Fortress.

The work “Brest Fortress” (Sergei Smirnov) is itself a part of history. Writing literally bit by bit he collected information about the defenders, wanting their good names and honor not to be forgotten. Many of the heroes were captured, for which they were convicted after the end of the war. And Smirnov wanted to protect them. The book contains many memories and testimonies of participants in the battles, which fills the book with true tragedy, full of courageous and decisive actions.

"The Living and the Dead"

The Great Patriotic War in the literature of the 20th century describes life ordinary people who, by the will of fate, turned out to be heroes and traitors. This cruel time many were ground, and only a few managed to slip between the millstones of history.

“The Living and the Dead” is the first book in the famous trilogy of the same name by Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov. The second two parts of the epic are called “Soldiers Are Not Born” and “ Last summer" The first part of the trilogy was published in 1959.

Many critics consider the work one of the brightest and most talented examples of describing the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the 20th century. At the same time, the epic novel is not a historiographical work or a chronicle of the war. Book characters - fictional people, although they have certain prototypes.

“War does not have a woman’s face”

Literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War usually describes the exploits of men, sometimes forgetting that women also contributed to the overall victory. But the book of the Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich, one might say, restores historical justice. The writer collected in her work the stories of those women who took part in the Great Patriotic War. The title of the book was the first lines of the novel “War Under the Roofs” by A. Adamovich.

“Not on the lists”

Another story whose theme was the Great Patriotic War. In Soviet literature, Boris Vasiliev, whom we already mentioned above, was quite famous. But he gained this fame precisely thanks to his military work, one of which is the story “Not on the Lists.”

The book was written in 1974. The action takes place in the Brest Fortress itself, besieged by fascist invaders. Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov, the main character of the work, ends up in this fortress before the start of the war - he arrived on the night of June 21-22. And at dawn the battle begins. Nikolai has the opportunity to leave here, since his name is not on any military list, but he decides to stay and defend his homeland to the end.

"Babi Yar"

Anatoly Kuznetsov published the documentary novel “Babi Yar” in 1965. The work is based on the childhood memories of the author, who during the war found himself in German-occupied territory.

The novel begins with a short introduction by the author, a short introductory chapter and several chapters, which are combined into three parts. The first part tells about the withdrawal of retreating Soviet troops from Kyiv, the collapse of the Southwestern Front and the beginning of the occupation. Also included were scenes of the execution of Jews, the explosions of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and Khreshchatyk.

The second part is completely devoted to the occupation life of 1941-1943, the deportation of Russians and Ukrainians as workers to Germany, about famine, about underground production, about Ukrainian nationalists. The final part of the novel tells about the liberation of the Ukrainian land from German occupiers, the flight of policemen, the battle for the city, the uprising in the Babi Yar concentration camp.

"The Tale of a Real Man"

Literature about the Great Patriotic War also includes the work of another Russian writer who went through the war as a military journalist, Boris Polevoy. The story was written in 1946, that is, almost immediately after the end of hostilities.

The plot is based on an event from the life of USSR military pilot Alexei Meresyev. Its prototype was real character, hero Soviet Union Alexey Maresyev, who, like his hero, was a pilot. The story tells how he was shot down in battle with the Germans and seriously wounded. As a result of the accident, he lost both legs. However, his willpower was so great that he managed to return to the ranks of Soviet pilots.

The work was awarded Stalin Prize. The story is imbued with humanistic and patriotic ideas.

"Madonna of Ration Bread"

Maria Glushko is a Crimean Soviet writer who went to the front at the beginning of the Second World War. Her book “Madonna with Ration Bread” is about the feat of all mothers who had to survive the Great Patriotic War. The heroine of the work is a very young girl, Nina, whose husband is going to war, and she, at the insistence of her father, goes to be evacuated to Tashkent, where her stepmother and brother are waiting for her. The heroine is on latest dates pregnancy, but this will not protect her from the flow of human troubles. And in a short time, Nina will have to learn what was previously hidden from her behind the prosperity and tranquility of her pre-war existence: people live in the country so differently, what kind of people they have life principles, values, attitudes, how they differ from her, who grew up in ignorance and prosperity. But the main thing that the heroine has to do is to give birth to a child and save him from all the scourges of war.

"Vasily Terkin"

Literature portrayed such characters as the heroes of the Great Patriotic War to the reader in different ways, but the most memorable, cheerful and charismatic, undoubtedly, was Vasily Terkin.

This poem by Alexander Tvardovsky, which began publication in 1942, immediately received popular love and recognition. The work was written and published throughout the Second World War, the last part was published in 1945. The main task of the poem was to maintain the morale of the soldiers, and Tvardovsky successfully accomplished this task, largely thanks to the image of the main character. The daring and cheerful Terkin, who is always ready for battle, won the hearts of many ordinary soldiers. He is the soul of the unit, a cheerful fellow and a jokester, and in battle he is a role model, a resourceful warrior who always achieves his goal. Even being on the verge of death, he continues to fight and is already entering into battle with Death itself.

The work includes a prologue, 30 chapters of main content, divided into three parts, and an epilogue. Each chapter is a short front-line story from the life of the main character.

Thus, we see that the exploits of the Great Patriotic War literature Soviet period widely covered. We can say that this is one of the main themes of the middle and second half of the 20th century for Russians and Soviet writers. This is due to the fact that the entire country was involved in the battle with the German invaders. Even those who were not at the front worked tirelessly in the rear, providing the soldiers with ammunition and provisions.

Khrushcheva Ekaterina

The significance of events occurring in history for the literature of the 18th-19th centuries.



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Slide captions:

Presentation on the topic: " Historical theme in Russian literature" Completed by: student of grade 6B of Municipal Educational Institution PSOSH No. 2 Khrushcheva Ekaterina Supervisor: teacher of Russian language and Literature MOU PSOSH No. 2 Kolesnik E.I. Pervomaisk 2011-2012 academic year. Year. Golden pages of history

1. Identify how they influenced historical events on the literature of that time. 2. Find out how these events were reflected in the works of various poets. 3. Find out what the significance of the events taking place in history is for the literature of the 18th-19th centuries. Objectives of the study

It is known that literature is integrally dependent on history. Writers and poets in their works express their point of view about the events taking place in the country. Therefore, it is important to know what was happening in the country. The connection between literature and history

Goals and objectives Create positive image history in literature and confirm its main significance in Russian literature XXI century. Find out how history is reflected in Russian literature. Consider the works of some Russian writers on historical topics. Find out how the people around me feel about this topic.

Survey results

Relevance of the selected topic Is it relevant? historical literature? Yes, it is relevant - and how! Time is “symmetrical,” and especially the time of history. Caring for the past is caring for the future. We save the past for the future. We can look far into the future if we can only look into the past. Any modern experience is at the same time the experience of history. The more clearly we see the past, the more clearly we see the future. ...to understand the secret of the Russian people, its greatness, you need to know its past well and deeply: our history, its fundamental nodes, tragic and creative eras, in which the Russian character was tied.

How did literature appear? The appearance of literature in the life of a people decisively changes its historical and moral self-awareness. First historical works allow people to understand themselves in the historical process, reflect on their role in world history, understand the roots of modern events and their responsibility to the future. First moral writings, socio-political essays, clarify social norms behavior, allow for the wider dissemination of the idea of ​​everyone’s responsibility for the fate of the people and the country, and foster patriotism and at the same time respect for other peoples.

Pushkin, of course, did not immediately become what he was. He learned from his predecessors and implemented in his own linguistic mastery all the achievements of the art of words that were achieved by poets and writers of the 17th and 18th centuries. In language Pushkin's works we have the opportunity to observe traditional elements Russian literary language, received as a legacy from past periods of development. These are, first of all, Church Slavonicisms, mythology, rhetorical devices of a high syllable, etc. “Pushkin - genius poet Russian nation"

But what did the historical theme look like in the works of this great writer? Pushkin's deepest interest was aroused by the image of the ancient Russian chronicler depicted in the tragedy. “Pimen’s character is not my invention,” the poet wrote. “In him I collected the features that captivated me in our old chronicles: touching meekness, simplicity, something childish and at the same time wise...

A.N. Tolstoy

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy thinks about works on historical themes Alexey Tolstoy discovered the world of people of many eras. He discovered vast wealth human images– always alive, always touching the heart, always causing us concern. He made history Soviet literature as a writer who most widely and artistically raised the “Russian question” in his work - the theme of Russia, the Russian people, its history, its significance in world civilization. The theme of Russia united all the diversity of subjects and genres of his work and determined many of the features of his artistic searches. At different stages of Alexei Tolstoy’s activity, this topic changed its shape, but invariably worried the writer and accompanied him. thorny path from the start of the crash Russian Empire through difficult acceptance October revolution until the eve of the country's victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Why do Russian writers choose a historical topic? The writer’s reflection of the historical past is directly influenced by the development of certain historical problems and those in historical science, and the level of processing achieved historical sources. Truly artistic historical works are imbued with historicism and are alien to modernization and subjectivism, which distort historical truth. The best samples historical fiction represent not only aesthetic, but also historical and educational value. Historical fiction is capable of depicting a bygone era in its entirety, revealing in living images social activities, ideology, life, psyche of its representatives; historical fiction, which has the power of great emotional impact, embodying historical events in a living, figurative form, contributes to the familiarization of broad sections of the people and youth with history. Historical monument

The War of 1812 sparked a flurry of writing, main idea which was the Patriotic War! Patriotic sentiments and themes of the War of 1812 were directly reflected in a number of Krylov’s fables, which ridiculed Napoleon, who found himself in a hopeless situation (“The Wolf in the Kennel”), and the fate of the French who were starving in Moscow (“The Crow and the Hen”). The fable “Oboz” approves of Kutuzov’s intelligent slowness in the fight against Napoleon. The mediocrity of Admiral Chichagov, who failed to cut off Napoleon’s retreat route across the Berezina River, was ridiculed in the fable “The Pike and the Cat.” The significance of the Patriotic War of 1812 for the development of literature is not limited, however, to the appearance of a number of works on war themes.

Civil War 1918-1920 Domestic writers, who reflected the events of 1918-1920 in their works, created a number of vital, realistic and vivid images, placing the fate of Man at the center of the story and showing the influence of war on his life, inner world, a scale of norms and values. A lot of paper was written in response to the revolution and counter-revolution, but only a little that came from the pens of the creators of stories and novels was able to accurately reflect everything that moved the people in such difficult times and precisely in the direction in which they needed was the highest position without a single person. Also, the moral breakdown of people who find themselves in the most difficult situation of the beast of revolution is not described everywhere. And the one who started the war... Did they feel any better? No! They, too, found themselves in the hands of the monster that they themselves had given birth to.

N.V. Gogol also wrote on the topic of history

Gogol’s literary fame was brought to him by the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” (1831-1832), rich in Ukrainian ethnographic material, romantic moods, lyricism and humor. The stories from the collections “Mirgorod” and “Arabesques” (both 1835) open the realistic period of Gogol’s work. Theme of humiliation " little man"was most fully embodied in the story "The Overcoat" (1842), with which the formation of natural school. The grotesque beginning of the “St. Petersburg stories” (“The Nose”, “Portrait”) was developed in the comedy “The Inspector General” (production 1836) as a phantasmagoria of the bureaucratic and bureaucratic world. In the poem-novel " Dead Souls"(1st volume - 1842) satirical ridicule of landowner Russia was combined with pathos spiritual transformation person.

Based on the material presented, I draw a conclusion... Man in history, literature, philosophy, art is always a priority, more significant than anything else, and relevant at all times. It is from this position that we assess the increasing relevance of the topic under study, because at the front civil war, led primarily by the people described in works of art– Chapaev, Klychkov, Levinson, Melekhov... Literature in bright images captured the features real heroes, created collective figures of the writers’ contemporaries, reflecting the thoughts, aspirations, ideological ordeals and worldview of an entire generation of Russian society, from which its mentality is formed. These literary aspects allow descendants to substantiate many historical processes, explain the spiritual potential, psychology and the current generation.

Self-Esteem I found out that history is integral part literature and people's life. History and literature are sciences interconnected by very strong and inextricable threads of the great essence of Russia and its inhabitants. IN modern world historical literature is actively discussed in different layers society. And at the same time, it continuously develops in the eyes of people who are interested in it. History has left an indelible mark on literature. History is an important part of every person's life. To know the history of your family, the history of your state means to have broad representation about life. Unfortunately, not all the people around me are interested in historical literature, but still most of interested in this very important and interesting topic. I'm happy with the work I did. I learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself personally.

References 1 . V. G. Belinsky, Works of V. F. Odoevsky. 2. M. N. Zagoskin, Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612. Introductory article by B. Neumann, Goslitizdat, M., 1986. 3. M. N. Zagoskin, Roslavlev, or Russians in 1812. Introductory article 4. I.I. Lazhechnikov, Complete collection works in 12 volumes, ed. "Wolf", St. Petersburg, 1899-1900. 5 . I. I. Lazhechnikov, Ice House. Introductory article by M. V. Nechkina, Goslitizdat, M., 1988. 6. V. G. Belinsky, Two novels by Lazhechnikov. M.1995 7. Tavrina Ksenia Vladimirovna. Historical theme in Russian literature. 8 . Peculiarities historical genre fiction 9. Internet resources.

Thank you for your attention!

ALEXANDER NEVSKY THE PRESENTATION WAS PREPARED BY THE TEACHER OF MBOU CHILDREN'S SCHOOL NO. 1, BALAKOVO SHALNOVA OLGA VYACHESLAVOVNA. THE TEACHER OF MBOU CHILDREN'S SCHOOL No. 1, BALAKOVO NEMOVA IRINA VADIMOVNA N.M. KARAMZIN PARTICIPATED IN THE PREPARATION. Meaning human existence and the role of personality in the history of Russia have always aroused the interest of researchers of different generations. “In the history of the Russian state there were such tense moments when every step of a major leader (prince, commander, tsar, emperor) could most directly affect the fate of his fellow citizens, and other peoples too. It was during such periods that Rus', Russia gave birth to greatest figures in state, spiritual and social life, in military affairs. Very often they had to solve “multiple problems” that time set before them.” (2) P.D. KORIN. MIDDLE PART OF THE TRIPTYCH “ALEXANDER NEVSKY”. May 30 (Old Style) in the distant year 1220. “Truly the city of God”(4) Pereslavl-Zalessky became the birthplace of ALEXANDER NEVSKY - “the holy noble prince, the holy knight of the Russian land”(4). Almost eight centuries separate us from this great event in the life of every Orthodox Christian. Of the 90 princes and princesses of the descendants of the great Rurik, canonized, ALEXANDER is “the most illustrious, revered and beloved prince not only in Russia, but also in other countries” (4), “from the Khonuzh Sea and to the Ararat Mountains, and across that side of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome” (1). An ancient source literary image Alexander Nevsky is “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” from the Litsevoy Chronicle of the 16th century. Miniature of the Front Chronicle. XVI century. Life of Alexander Nevsky. Battle of the Neva. “Isaiah the prophet said about such people: “A good prince in countries is quiet, friendly, meek, humble - and thus he is like God.” Without being seduced by wealth, without forgetting the blood of the righteous, he judges orphans and widows with justice, is merciful, kind to his household and hospitable to those who come from foreign countries. God helps such people, for God does not love angels, but people, in his generosity he generously bestows and shows his mercy in the world” (1). Miniature of the Front Chronicle. XVI century. Alexander Nevsky ransoms prisoners. Miniature of the Front Chronicle. “God is not in power, but in righteousness.” And King Batu saw him, and was amazed, and said to his nobles: “They told me the truth, that there is no prince like him” (1). THE RIGHT PRINCE ALEXANDER NEVSKY BEGS BATY KHAN TO SPARE THE RUSSIAN LAND. CHROMOLITHOGRAPH. XIX CENTURY. One day, ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to Alexander with the following words: “Our Pope says this: “We heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and that your land is great. That’s why we sent to you the two smartest of the twelve cardinals - Agaldad and Remont, so that you may listen to their speech about the law of God" (1). HENRY SEMIRADSKY. “ALEXANDER NEVSKY RECEIVES THE POPAL LEGATES.” In honor of the holy noble prince ALEXANDER NEVSKY, many temples, cathedrals, churches were built throughout the earth. RUSSIA. NOVOSIBIRSK CITY. ALEXANDER NEVSKY CATHEDRAL. RUSSIA. NIZHNY NOVGOROD. ALEXANDER NEVSKY CATHEDRAL. RUSSIA. PETROZAVODSK. ALEXANDRO-NEVSKY CATHEDRAL. RUSSIA. G. KURGAN. TEMPLE OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY. ALEXANDRO-NEVSKY CATHEDRAL IN SOFIA. BULGARIA. TEMPLE OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY IN ROTTERDAM. NETHERLANDS. CHURCH OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY IN TASHKENT. UZBEKISTAN. ALEXANDER NEVSKY CATHEDRAL IN TALLINN. ESTONIA. TEMPLE OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY. BICERT. TUNISIA. CHURCH IN HONOR OF ST.KN. ALEXANDER NEVSKY IN COPENHAGEN. DENMARK. Writers and poets of different eras addressed the personality of ALEXANDER NEVSKY in their works. “...His hair fell to his slender shoulders, like a golden strand, his lips breathed love and his speech sounded with wisdom. Decorated with high valor And with the heart of a true hero He was menacingly terrible to enemies in the midst of battles, Outside of battles the saint was a joy. Always in the consciousness of strict duty, He honored the truth with all his soul And divided the feelings of his heart Between the Fatherland and God. mountains. ... And only after waiting for the Livonians, having mixed ranks, to be drawn into battle, He, blazing his sword in the sun, led the squad behind him. Raising swords made of Russian steel, bending the spear shafts, the Novgorod regiments flew out of the forest screaming. They flew across the ice with a clang and thunder, bending towards their shaggy manes; And the prince, on a huge horse, was the first to cut into the German formation...” K.S. SIMONOV. POEM “BATTLE ON THE ICE” “...And there was a slash of evil, and a crack from the breaking of spears, and a sound from the cutting of swords, as if a frozen lake was moving. And there was no ice visible, for it was covered in blood.”(1) V. NAZARUK. "BATTLE ON THE ICE". “...He was young and handsome, He loved his Rus' with all his heart, The rumor was: “Born of God,” the Great, wise prince was!... Having defeated the formidable Swedes in Izhora, In his incomplete twenty years, Where he won victory with courage, How again Rus' is shaking from troubles! Even though his experience is still “not much”, Only twenty-two have passed, He became a skilled commander, He understood military affairs. With his father more than once in harsh battles, he tempered the will of steel, it was given to him to be born, to decorate the military pedestal...” LYUDMILA LEADER. POEM "NEVSKY - MATRIX OF VALUES". G.I.UGRUMOV. “THE SOLEMN ENTRY OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY INTO THE CITY OF PSKOV AFTER HIS VICTORY OVER THE GERMANS.” “...The lamp quietly burns before the image of the Savior... The prince lies motionless... As if a light shone above his head - A wonderful face lit up with beauty, Quietly the abbot approached him and with a trembling hand, felt his heart and forehead And, sobbing, exclaimed: “Our sun it's gone!..." N.M. YAZYKOV. "IN THE TOWN IN 1263." G.I.SEMIRADSKY. "THE DEATH OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY". G.I.SEMIRADSKY. "BURIAL OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY". The image of Prince Alexander Nevsky is presented in different ways on the canvases of great masters of fine art. G.I. Semiradsky portrays him as a young, energetic, strong-willed warrior and statesman, in whose appearance holiness can only be guessed. G.I.SEMIRADSKY. "ALEXANDER NEVSKY IN THE HORDE". G.I.SEMIRADSKY. “ALEXANDER NEVSKY RECEIVES THE POPAL LEGATES.” M.V. Nesterov filled the image of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky with prayerful concentration. M.V. NESTEROV. "The DORMSION OF SAINT ALEXANDER NEVSKY". M.V. NESTEROV. "PRINCE ALEXANDER NEVSKY". V.M. Vasnetsov introduced features of epic fairy-tale poetics and folklore into the image of A. Nevsky. In the appearance of the Holy Prince, he emphasized his Slavicness. V.M.VASNETSOV. "SAINT ALEXANDER NEVSKY". V.M.VASNETSOV. "ALEXANDER NEVSKIY". ICON. PSKOV. Everyone stopped behind Prince Alexander... Everyone froze from grief and sorrow... N.K. Roerich emphasizes what has always been and will be strong in the soul of the Russian people, the Russian people - compassion, compassion. N.K.ROERICH. "ALEXANDER NEVSKIY". 1942. N. Roerich specially made the canvas intended for mosaics in the character of ancient Russian book miniatures. It seems that he is looking at “what is happening” through the eyes of an artist - an eyewitness. N.K.ROERICH. “ALEXANDER NEVSKY’S BATTLE WITH YARL BIRGER.” 1904 First iconographic images Alexander Nevsky appeared only in the middle of the 16th century. ALEXANDER NEVSKIY. XVI CENTURY. KOSTROMA. IPATEVSKY MONASTERY. SAINT ALEXANDER NEVSKY. FRESCO. XVII CENTURY. MOSCOW. KREMLIN. CATHEDRAL OF THE ARCHANGEL. Dedicated to the HOLY BLESSED PRINCE ALEXANDER NEVSKY great amount icons The technique of their execution is varied. ALEXANDER NEVSKIY. ICON. XVII CENTURY-XVIII CENTURY TREE. TEMPERA. SAINT ALEXANDER NEVSKY IN THE SCHEME OF ALEXIY. ICON. ICONS WITH SCENES OF “THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY”. XIX CENTURY. ICON "ALEXANDER NEVSKY". BEADWORK. ICON "SAINT ALEXANDER NEVSKY". SETTING: SILVER, CLOISONINE AND FILIGINE ENAMEL, ENGRAVING, SHUTTERING. ZHANNA VETROVA. ICON "THE HOLY GREAT PRINCE ALEXANDER NEVSKY". MATERIAL: BEADS, BULLEDS, SEW-ON SWAROVSKI RHINESTERES, ANTI-GLARE GLASS, ITALIAN BAGUETTE. “A true Christian, the holy noble prince ALEXANDER NEVSKY was a brave warrior, a talented commander, a defender of Rus', a keeper of the Orthodox faith and a prayer book for the Russian people... In the east, Saint ALEXANDER defended his faith and Rus' with humility and humiliation, in the west he was a formidable opponent for those , who tried to encroach on the ancestral Russian lands..." (4) "...Prince ALEXANDER YAROSLAVICH NEVSKY, according to the calculations of the outstanding military historian A.N. Kirpichnikov, conducted at least 12 battles and military operations with the Swedes, Germans, Lithuania and achieved success in all of them ..."(5) Personnel feature film"Alexander. Battle of the Neva." Director: Igor Kolenov. 2008 The classic historical film of the 30s "Alexander Nevsky" is one of best works directed by Sergei Eisenstein. The music for the film was written by the famous composer Sergei Prokofiev. The texts of the vocal and choral fragments were written by the author of music and poet Vladimir Lugovsky. The film premiered in 1938 and was re-filmed in 1942, the year of the Great Patriotic War, the year of the seven hundredth anniversary Battle on the Ice , were a huge success. SERGEY PROKOFIEV SERGEY EISENSTEIN VLADIMIR LUGOVSKOY STILL FROM SERGEY EISENSTEIN’S MOVIE “ALEXANDER NEVSKY”. “Live without transgressing other people’s borders...” “..If anyone comes to us with a sword, he will die by the sword. On this the Russian land stands and will stand!..” “...God is not in power, but in truth...” “Rise, Russian people, for a glorious battle, for a mortal battle!..” Work on the music for the film by S. Eisenstein “ Alexander Nevsky" happened in the following way: either the director showed the composer a finished piece of film, leaving him to decide what the music for it should be, or Prokofiev wrote this or that musical episode in advance, and Eisenstein lined up the film frames for the music. As a result of this trust of artists in each other, Prokofiev considered Eisenstein “a very subtle musician,” and the director was amazed at the composer’s ability to convey in music the essence of the visual images of film. COOPERATION OF S. EISENSTEIN AND S. ROKOFIEV. The cantata “Alexander Nevsky” from the music for the film of the same name in seven parts is heard in concert halls as an independent work. Y. PANTYUKHIN. "ALEXANDER NEVSKIY". V.LUGOVSKOY. S. PROKOFIEV. “... IN Rus', NATIVE, IN Rus' THERE WILL BE NO GREAT ENEMY. RISE, STAND UP, MOTHER Rus'!..” MEDAL “BATTLE ON THE ICE”. GALVANIC. "MONUMENT TO ALEXANDER NEVSKY". SCULPTORS: V. KOZENYUK, A. TALMIN, A. CHARTIN. "MONUMENT TO ALEXANDER NEVSKY AND HIS SERVINE." SCULPTOR - I.I. KOZLOV AND ARCHITECT P.S. BUTENKO. 2012 IS THE YEAR OF RUSSIAN HISTORY, THE YEAR 770 - ANNIVERSARY OF THE VICTORY OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY AND HIS STREAMS IN THE BATTLE OF THE ICE. THE OPINION OF HISTORIAN RESEARCHERS TO THIS AND OTHER EVENTS OF THE 13TH CENTURY IS AMBIGUOUS. BUT THE ANOTHER VICTORY OF THE HOLY BLESSED PRINCE IN THE TELEVISION PROJECT “THE NAME OF RUSSIA” IS UNDISPUTED. THE AWARDS NAMED AFTER ALEXANDER NEVSKY ARE GREAT. IT IS GREATLY SIGNIFICANT THAT THE YOUNG GENERATION OF THE XXI CENTURY IS INTERESTED IN THE HISTORY, CULTURE OF RUSSIA AND EXPRESSES THEIR ATTITUDE IN THE DRAWINGS OF THE SCHOOL EXHIBITION - COMPETITION “DEFENDERS OF THE MOTHERLAND THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN.” ALEXANDER NEVSKIY." MIKHAILOVA DARIA. 11 YEARS OLD. "RIDER". ARKHIPOVA ANASTASIA. 11 YEARS. "GOD IS WITH US". NESTEROVA VALERIYA. 11 YEARS. "FOR THE RUSSIAN LAND." AKIMOVA EKATERINA. 12 YEARS OLD. "PRINCE'S SQUAD." KORMSHCHIKOVA ANNA. 11 YEARS. "BEFORE THE SECTION." MOROZOVA ANNA.11 YEARS OLD. "PENDING". PYPKINA POLINA. 14 YEARS OLD. "BATTLE". GENERALOVA KSENIA. "DUELS WITH THE TEUTONIC KNIGHT". MATERIALS USED: 1.L.A.DMITRIEVA, D.S.LIKHACHEV. MONUMENTS OF LITERATURE OF ANCIENT RUSSIA.MOSCOW. “FICTION”. 1981. 2.A.P. TOROPTSEV. RURIKOVICHES. FORMATION OF A DYNASTY. MOSCOW. OLMA MEDIA GROUP. 2006. 3.A.V.FOMENKO.For LIFE ON EARTH.MOSCOW. "ENLIGHTENMENT". 1990. 4. A. SOKOLOV. HOLY VITIAZ OF THE RUSSIAN LAND. NIZHNY NOVGOROD. 2008. 5. N. BODRIKHIN. 400 BATTLES OF RUSSIA. MOSCOW. "EXMO.YAUZA." 2009. 6. INTERNET RESOURCES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.