Interesting facts did you know? Interesting Facts

The study of man has always attracted researchers of all times and peoples. Diseases, origin, psyche, motivation, etc. - all this is aimed at getting to know a person and his stay on earth. Let's take a closer look at the knowledge that is known today.

We present to your attention the most interesting facts about the person:

  • 1. Did you know that the average person weighs about 2 kg. bacteria. There are about 40,000 bacteria in everyone's mouth alone;
  • 2. Many people are familiar with the sensation when, in bright light, a person loses the ability to see for some time. So scientists decided to label this phenomenon as snow blindness;

  • 3. For many, the pressing question is how to understand whether your interlocutor is telling you the truth or not? Research has shown that when a person begins to tell a lie, he usually looks up to the left.

  • 4. But if you look closely at the painting of Mona Lisa, you will notice that she has no eyebrows. This is due fashion trends the times when this picture was painted;

  • 5. Today medicine has made great progress in the field of disease diagnosis. In the Middle Ages, such a luxury was not available to doctors, so if they could not accurately determine what the patient was sick with, they diagnosed syphilis;

  • 6. Scientists have discovered one very interesting fact about man. As it turned out, when a person is born, there are already 14,000,000,000 cells in his brain. However, after 25 years this number decreases by 100,000;

  • 7. Everyone loves the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland,” but few people know that this is also the name of the syndrome in psychiatry, which characterizes depersonalization, as well as disturbances in the perception of space and time;

  • 8. As scientific research shows, on average, each person eats 27 tons of food in his entire life. For comparison, this is equivalent to the weight of seven elephants;

  • 9. But the question of whether life exists on other planets interests almost all of humanity. It’s not for nothing that every three minutes someone claims to have seen a UFO;

  • 10. As researchers have found, the most smiling people on earth are children, because... Compared to adults, they laugh more, an average of 400 times a day;

  • 11. For the information of our readers, as it turned out, it is impossible to sneeze without closing your eyes;

  • 12. When a child is born, there are about three hundred bones in his body, however, the more he grows, the fewer of them remain. After all, already in an adult body there are approximately 206 bones;

  • 13. But doctors in Mesopotamia had a hard time, because if he made a mistake and the patient stopped seeing, then he is also blinded; in cases where a person dies, the doctor is sentenced to death;

  • 14. As scientists have found, the tongue is not only a means of expressing one’s thoughts, but is also the strongest muscle in the body;

  • 15. Each of us in our entire life travels distances that can be compared with 5 equators of the Earth;

  • 16. Everyone knows that the lungs provide us with air, but few people know the fact that the surface area of ​​the lungs can be compared to a tennis court;

  • 17. According to statistics, 70% of men take a shower daily, but for women this figure is slightly lower - only 57%;

  • 18. For the information of smokers, those who smoke an average of one pack per day drink approximately 0.5 cups of tar per year;

  • 19. But as our great scientists have found out, only man, as a representative of the animal world, can draw a straight line;

  • 20. Did you know that each person spends on average 5 years of his life on food?

  • 21. But the navel in scientific circles sounds completely different - umbilicus is exactly the scientific name for the navel;

  • 22. According to research, a beard will grow faster in blondes than in brunettes;

  • 23. One of the features of a child’s body is that they can breathe and swallow at the same time;

  • 24. To smile, a person needs to use 17 muscles;

  • 25. But, according to scientists, human DNA contains about 80,000 genes;

  • 26. Did you know that even with a height of 130 cm, a man will be considered a dwarf; for a woman this figure is slightly lower - 120 cm;

  • 27. The lifespan of red blood cells is much longer than that of white blood cells. The former live 3-4 months, the latter 2-4 days;

  • 28. But the French call fingers completely differently: pus, index, major, anuler, oriculer;

  • 29. For the information of our readers, the fingers of each of us bend on average 25 million times throughout our lives;

  • 30. Almost each of us knows that the heart of every person is equal in size to his fist, but few people know that the weight of an adult’s heart is 220-260 g;

  • 31. Apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite - these are the minerals that are part of the human body;

  • 32. According to statistics, women who are over 35 are more likely to have twins than younger girls;

  • 33. Did you know that the human brain can be compared to a real generator, because it produces much more electrical impulses per day than any telephone;

  • 34. Here’s another interesting fact, as scientists tell us, in one second, 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the human brain;

  • 35. For the information of parents, babies are born without kneecaps; they appear a little later, at 2-6 years;

  • 36. But it’s better to walk with blue-eyed people, because their vision in the dark is stronger than others;

  • 37. And here small intestine after death a person more than doubles. During life it is 2.5 m, and after death its dimensions reach 6 m;

  • 38. Each person has about 2 million sweat glands. It is worth noting that every liter of sweat spent results in a loss of 540 calories;

  • 39. But the air capacity in the lungs, as it turned out, is uneven - in the right lung it is slightly larger than in the left;
    1. Many Russians think that Catherine II sold Alaska to the United States, but this is not so. The transfer of the territory of Alaska was completed under Alexander II.
    2. If a Hawaiian woman puts a flower behind her left ear, then she is married. If she is for the right, then she is available for men to court.
    3. Not all people, as is commonly believed, kiss eyes closed, about 60% of them. Others like to watch their partner's reaction.
    4. The most ancient mountains are located on the territory of Russia and are called Ural mountains, which amaze with their picturesqueness.
    5. The most unusual school is located in Cambodia, it is located in the middle of the river and is called Kompong Luong. It is noteworthy that children swim to it in basins.
    6. The largest prison for political prisoners is located on the territory of the DPRK; more than 50 thousand people are imprisoned almost for life in Camp No. 22.
    7. Light-eyed people can see better color palette than those with brown eyes. Everything is explained by the pigmentation of the iris, which in blue-eyed people is more sensitive to light.
  1. In the Altai Territory in Russia there is an amazing place where you cannot stay for more than 20 minutes. This is the famous “Valley of Death”, the volcanic fumes of which kill all living things in just half an hour.
  2. The most radioactive place in Russia is Lake Karachay. Fifteen minutes on the shore of the lake is enough to receive radiation of 600 roentgens, which is considered fatal.
  3. The most expensive potatoes in the world cost more than 500 euros per kilogram. It is called "La Bonnote" and is grown on the French island of Nourmoitier in Atlantic Ocean. Connoisseurs of this potato claim its excellent taste.
  4. Petite Jyoti Amge is considered the smallest girl in the world. Her height is only 62 centimeters, the baby lives in the Indian city of Nagpur.
  5. The most expensive and valuable mushroom in the world is called the black truffle; the price of a large specimen can reach up to seven thousand euros. Not every common man can afford such a treat.
  6. The dirtiest city on the planet is Russian Karabash. For almost hundred year history Since the work of the local copper smelter, the entire nature of Karabash has become more like that of Mars. Acid rain occurs in this place, and the rivers have an unnatural color due to iron oxides.
  7. The real pole of cold is the Russian city of Verkhoyansk. It is there that the lowest record-low temperatures with a minus sign were recorded on the planet in those places where people live.
  8. Most people on earth have demotex mites living in their eyelashes; under microscope magnification these are real monsters!
  9. Whatever the date of your birthday, twenty million people around the world celebrate it with you at the same time.
  10. The longest reality show in the world is Dom-2. It has been running for more than ten years, and it is obvious that the television production will become the second “Santa Barbara”.
  11. When a man watches porn, he pays attention to the actress's face. On the contrary, women look at the genitals.
  12. People with blue eyes see better in the dark. It is believed that fewer and fewer blue-eyed children are born in the world each time.
  13. In the west of China they drink salty tea. The tradition is deeply rooted in the past, and instead of sugar, table salt is added to hot tea.
  14. Russia is not only the largest country in the world by territory, it is also the only state that is washed by 12 seas.
  15. The most common name on the planet is Muhammad, and the surname is Lee. Among Russian surnames, the surname Kuznetsov is widespread.
  16. During flights, the marabou stork can fall asleep and hover in the air for ten minutes.
  17. Cleaner fish are hermaphrodites. The female can degenerate into a male and fertilize the offspring.
  18. The only animals in the world that have a rectangular elongated pupil are goats, sheep and octopuses.
  19. All people with blue eyes are potential relatives, since blue color is a mutation of the HERC 2 gene. People with this eye color appeared on the planet about 10 thousand years ago.
  20. The substances in mosquito repellents do not repel insects, but camouflage a person. As a result, special receptors are blocked, and the mosquito simply does not “feel” its prey.
  21. After forty years, people begin to grow down. A person shrinks with age by about one centimeter. This happens due to drying out cartilage tissue in the joints.
  22. The creepiest and most unusual road in the world is called “Road to Nowhere”. This is a fifteen-kilometer stretch of highway in New Mexico that ends in an absolute dead end. There are not very good rumors about this expensive place among the locals.
  23. Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise. Why is this happening? Scientists give this phenomenon the most different explanations, but the most obvious thing is dense atmosphere planets.
  24. In the nineteenth century, Horace Fletcher proposed a diet called Fletcherism. The idea was to chew your food at least 30 times and then spit it out. It was assumed that the stomach is full and the person does not gain weight.
  25. The worst slums in the world are located in Kenya, right in the capital of Nairobi. More than twenty million people live in a world without electricity, water, sewerage, schools or hospitals.
  26. The largest meteorite that fell to earth is considered to be the Goba meteorite, which reaches almost three meters in length. Discovered heavenly body was in Namibia. It weighs more than 60 tons and is 90 percent iron.
  27. The ancient representatives of snakes had legs. Scientists assumed that more than 130 million years ago snakes had limbs that allowed them to move quite quickly.
  28. Hong Kong is recognized as the largest and most populous metropolis on the planet. The city is home to more than thirty-five million people.
  29. Why do they wear wedding rings on the ring finger? The tradition came from Ancient Greece, where it was believed that the “vein of love” ran through the ring finger and went straight to the heart.
  30. Bob Marley's crypt contains his guitar, a bible, a football and a package of marijuana.
  31. The human femur inspired Eiffel to create the famous Parisian tower.
  32. Perfume was invented in the 16th century to remove the stench from unwashed bodies. In Europe, people haven't swam all their lives!
  33. To keep fit, a person must take at least ten thousand steps a day.
  34. Americans have the healthiest teeth; approximately forty percent of US citizens have never experienced problems with caries.
  35. Every three seconds one child is born on earth, and every 5 seconds someone dies.
  36. Over the course of a lifetime, the average person eats 30 tons of food; if you imagine this in volumetric terms, then the weight of all the food eaten in a lifetime equal to weight 8 elephants.
  37. Most billionaires live not in the United Arab Emirates, but in Moscow. But still the most expensive city in the world it is not Moscow, but Hong Kong.
  38. The mythical creature mothman or mothman in the Jersey bridge collapse in the late 60s was seen by about a hundred people at a time.
  39. American Charles Osborne hiccupped for 65 years without stopping. Nothing helped the poor man.
  40. Russia and the United States are separated by only four kilometers. Don't believe me? Find Chukotka on the map and measure the distance from the Chukotka Territory to Alaska.
  41. Bolivia has the most dangerous road in the world, its length is 70 kilometers. Drivers drive on a narrow track without bumpers over an abyss of three thousand meters!
  42. There are a lot of transvestites living in Thailand. The country's authorities have gone so far as to say that in the cities of Thailand there are schools where young transvestites study; in ordinary schools there is a special toilet for such children.
  43. We often hear off-screen laughter in soap operas, but few people know that the same 1950 recording has been duplicated for many years. Many of these people are no longer alive.
  44. Napoleon Bonaparte has always been considered a short man. But during the 18th and 19th centuries, people were not tall. Napoleon's height was 170 centimeters, and he was even considered above average at that time.
  45. On the planet Uranus there is no such off-season as on Earth. There winter constantly gives way to summer. Winter or summer lasts exactly forty-two Earth years.
  46. Pluto for a long time was considered one of the planets of the solar system. This unusual celestial object was discovered in 1930, and its name was given to it by the 11th girl Venice Bernie from Old England.
  47. There is an amazing underground city on our planet. It is located in Australia and is called Coober Pedy. Precious opals are mined there, and local residents live in apartments literally carved out of caves.
  48. According to statistics, a person kisses for about three years of his life. By the way, in some countries the French kiss is still considered extremely indecent and is equivalent to a kiss on the genitals.
  49. The smallest dog breed is the Chihuahua. Usually these dogs do not reach a weight of more than two kilograms.
  50. Up to 100 thousand bees live in one beehive; the queen bee lays more than a thousand eggs a day and lives on average two years. When the queen dies, the bees leave their hive.
  51. Most copiers in the world break down after people try to “photocopy” their butt.
  52. The most expensive houses are those painted in yellow. There is less purchasing activity for white houses.
  53. The famous yo-yo was once used in the Philippines as a weapon against enemies.
  54. Bolivia is the only country in the world where there is a navy, but there is no access to the sea or ocean.
  55. Everest is not the best high mountain in the world, there is a higher peak. It is called Mauna Kea, its height is ten thousand meters and it is located in the Hawaiian Islands.
  56. The largest car in the world is the Ford F 650. Such a colossus weighs twelve tons!
  57. Half an hour of listening to music on headphones increases the number of bacteria in the ear canal by 700 times!
  58. The only animal that can laugh are ordinary rats. At the same time, all other animals in the world are deprived of this due to the lack of facial expressions.
  59. Love is not a hindrance to marriage. The most a big difference age has been recorded in Malaysia. The groom was 105 years old, and the young bride was only 22 years old.
  60. One day Pablo Escobar was very cold while hiding from the police. To keep warm, he threw wads of money into the fire; as a result, two million US dollars flew into the fire.
  61. Every minute, mobile operators earn almost a million dollars from SMS.
  62. In India a man must marry his daughter older sister. According to Indian canons, this is not considered incest.
  63. Ancient Egyptian nobles kept crocodiles as pet cats, and even bought them jewelry made of gold and precious stones.
  64. Most A tall man lives on earth in Turkey. His name is Sultan Kosen, and his height reaches a full two and a half meters. Such a giant can be seen a mile away, and in Turkey Sultan is a local celebrity who is often invited to TV shows.
  65. The deepest hole in the ocean is blue hole Dina. According to scientists, its depth is more than two hundred meters. Divers and ordinary travelers love this place. It is very picturesque.
  66. North Korea is the most closed country in the world. It terrifies the common man with its strict rules. For example, on every street in Pyongyang there are loudspeakers that blare sirens at seven in the morning, signaling that people have to go to work.
  67. Amancio Ortega is recognized as the richest man in Europe; he owns such companies as Pull and Bear, Bershka, Zara. At the same time, Amancio Ortega leads a rather secluded lifestyle and does not at all look like a rich man.
  68. A child up to five years of age can learn several foreign languages. Children in at a young age They remember words and foreign expressions very well, and this knowledge is retained by a person almost until old age.
  69. The most poisonous fish in the world, fugu, has tetrotoxin poison, which kills an adult in almost a few minutes. The poison is found in the innards, skin, gills and eyes of the fugu.
  70. IN ancient japan there was a cult of miniatures female legs. Therefore, girls from rich families literally had their feet tightly bandaged from birth so that the bones practically did not grow. Such feet were compared to a lotus, and the smaller the leg, the more noble family bride.
  71. Color blindness is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. Most colorblind people live in Europe, namely in the Czech Republic. Scientists noted that there are no colorblind people in Fiji and in a number of other island settlements.
  72. Are you often annoyed by the fact that you did not have time to cross the road at a traffic light? Scientists have found that the average person living in a city spends three whole weeks in front of a traffic light.
  73. The weight of our planet is not constant. The most amazing thing is that the earth annually gains about fifty tons in weight and sheds about a hundred tons. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon.
  74. Have you ever thought about why the rabbit is the symbol of Playboy? The logo was created and developed by Aruthor Paul back in 1953, as a funny sketch and a kind of comic caricature. It was thanks to this sketch that the layout of the first Playboy magazine was created in 1954.
  75. Scientists have created algae that tastes like bacon and ham. They contain great amount vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. The main purpose of the invention is to fight hunger in a number of African countries. Seaweed is inexpensive and comes in a wide variety of flavors.
  76. The most environmentally friendly city is located in Switzerland. In the city of Zermatt it is prohibited to drive cars, as they pollute the atmosphere. Horse-drawn vehicles, bicycles or electric vehicle travel are permitted.
  77. The largest dinosaur was found in Argentina. His height was 32 meters, and the giant weighed approximately 80 tons.
  78. The most big dog in the world, this is a cute Great Dane named Gibson. If Gibson stands on hind legs, then his height is two meters!
  79. Every three seconds people claim to have seen a UFO, but this is usually just an optical illusion. Of course, there have been mass UFO sightings, but there has always been a rational explanation for unidentified objects in the sky.
  80. A jellyfish that kills with just one touch lives in Australia. Its venom is a hundred times more dangerous than that of a cobra. This baby only weighs a couple of grams!
  81. The biggest star in visible universe this is Betelgeuse. It is located at a distance of more than six hundred million light years from our planet. If you compare it with the sun, then the sun is a poppy seed, and Betelgeuse is an orange. By the way, in the next 3 thousand years the star will explode, and the glow from its explosion can be observed with the naked eye from the ground.
  82. Robots are being developed not only for human needs in the field of science. Robotics is gradually entering the everyday life. By 2070, scientists plan to invent robots that can replace humans. Single people will have a chance to find their soul mate, robots will be able to express their feelings and even have sex.
  83. The city that has the longest name in the world is Bangkok. The capital of Thailand sounds like "Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit" in Thai. It’s surprising that every Thai should know this fancy name by heart.
  84. A lightning strike can incinerate a person in literally seconds. But it’s not for nothing that the American Roy Cleveland is called a “lightning rod man.” Throughout his life, he survived seven lightning strikes and remained alive. Roy is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  85. The deepest metro in the world is located not in New York, but in the Russian city of St. Petersburg. It's all about rocks, during the construction of the metro it was necessary to make tunnels at a depth of eighty meters.
  86. The tallest Christmas tree was installed in Russia in 2013. The green beauty was placed on Poklonnaya Hill, and the height of the tree reached 50 meters in height. The record for the tallest tree has not yet been broken.
  87. Humanity litters on a simply enormous scale. The largest and most impressive landfill is located in Pacific Ocean. Right in the middle of the ocean there is a many-kilometer-long landfill of plastic, technical waste, fuel oil and oil.
  88. In the Middle Ages there were rather strange beauty rules for women. To achieve a white complexion, ladies used lead powder, removed freckles with sulfur, and brushed their teeth with arsenic paste.
  89. American scientists have found that the best relaxation in the world is contemplation of aquarium fish. A 550-liter aquarium with multi-colored lighting was created especially for visitors to one of the New York parks.
  90. Russia is considered the most big country in the world by territory. For quite a long time, Russia occupied third place in the honorable list of empires. Square Russian state is more than seventeen square million kilometers!
  91. Crocodile amazing creature. Although the Nile crocodile breathes through its lungs, it can hold its breath underwater for about two hours.
  92. The most terrible disease that has claimed the lives of almost half of the world's population is not the bubonic plague or the famous Spanish flu. This is malaria, which is caused by the malaria mosquito. In some parts of the planet, malaria is still rampant.

1. When you fly on an airplane, your hair grows 2 times faster.

2. Human DNA is 30% identical to lettuce DNA.

3. Sneeze with with open eyes impossible.

4. Global warming will deprive humanity of beer.

5. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.

7. If you scream at a glass of water for 80 years, you can boil it.

8. A cockroach lives without a head for 9 days, after which it dies of hunger.

9. In Windows, you cannot create a folder called “Con”, which is the word Bill Gates was called as a child.

10. If Coca-Cola had not been tinted, it would have been green.

11. The film Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself.

12. Salvador Dali drew the logo for Chupa Chups.

13. Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.

14. Chaplin took third place in the Chaplin look-alike competition.

15. Children grow faster in the spring.

16. A cat sleeps 70% of its life.

17. Most robberies happen on Tuesdays.

18. If a shark swims upside down, it can fall into a coma.

19. A frightened person sees better.

20. OK is the most popular word in the world.

21. A snail can sleep for 3 years.

22. The Alaska flag was created by a 13-year-old boy.

23. Most often in English libraries stealing the Guinness Book of Records.

25. In Siena, Italy, you can't be a prostitute if your name is Maria.

26. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.

27. No sheet of paper can be folded in half more than seven times.

28. American Airlines saved $40,000 by removing just one olive from the salads served to first class passengers.

29. Venus is the only planet solar system, rotating counterclockwise.

30. On average, 100 people die every year from choking on a ballpoint pen.

31. Lick own elbow anatomically impossible for humans.

32. Every day, US residents eat 18 hectares of pizza.

33. Almost everyone who read this text tried to lick their elbow.

34. The nose grows throughout a person’s life.

35. In Russian and English languages there is no word for the back of the knee.

36. Tongue imprints are individual for all people.

37. More living organisms live on the body of one person than there are people on Earth.

38. One hair can support a weight of 3 kg.

39. If you add up all the numbers on a casino roulette wheel, you get magic number 666.

40. For a long time, the Coca-Cola company could not find its name to sell in China. The fact is that the Chinese pronounce the name of this drink as “Kekukela”, which means “Bite the Wax Tadpole”. The company was forced to go through 40,000 variants of the spelling of its trademark before choosing “Coku Cola”, which means “Happiness in the Mouth”.

42. In the archives in Smithsonian Institution In Washington, D.C., two identical snowflakes were found preserved in a refrigerator.

43. If you have one nostril closed for 72 hours, you will slowly lose the ability to see colors. (Your vision will instantly return to normal when you release the nostril.)

44. Clouds cannot move southwest

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Frogs do not drink water, but absorb it through their skin.

The giraffe's tongue is completely black, and its length can reach 50 cm. Giraffes use their tongue to clean their ears.

A dragonfly lives 24 hours.

The elephant is the only animal that cannot jump.

A slug has four noses.

There are more cars in Los Angeles than people.

To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers.

Lightning kills 1,000 people every year.

People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.

did you know that a dog’s nose print is individual, just like a person’s papillary lines? Simply put, you can find a dog by its nose print.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of people who have recently eaten bananas.

Peanuts are used in the production of dynamite.

A person can perceive only four tastes: salty, bitter, sour, sweet. All a picturesque picture taste is drawn solely by the sense of smell.

Did you know that a goat has square pupils?

The heart of a human fetus begins beating on the 18th day after conception and does not stop throughout its life.

Sloths spend almost their entire lives hanging with their backs down.

Did you know that there are rivers without water? They are found mainly in deserts and are called “wadis”. Water appears in the riverbeds only during rains; the rest of the time they are dry depressions.

Did you know that the best pretender among mammals is the possum? There is even an expression in English that translates as “play possum,” and is used to mean “pretend,” “deceive.”

In 1998, miracle tights were invented - with three legs - the third leg was supposed to be used if one of those the girl was wearing broke

Butterflies have taste buds on their legs.

Did you know that Napoleon could have become a great Russian commander? In 1785, Bonaparte graduated from the Paris Military School with the rank of lieutenant, and in 1788 he tried to enlist in the Russian army!

The only animal whose upper jaw is movable is the crocodile. Other animals have a mobile lower jaw. Crocodiles are the only animals on Earth that do not naturally have a tongue.

Do you know that gorillas sleep in nests? These large, muscular primates build themselves a new nest every evening (or even after a hearty dinner) - on the ground or on the lower branches of trees.

The rarest spoken language on our planet is the Bikya language. It is spoken only by one 87-year-old woman from a village on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. And she has no one to talk to.

Was it Peter I who invented the original way to combat drunkenness? Alcoholics were given... a medal. Medal for drunkenness. Its weight was approximately 7 kg, and this was without chains, because it was made of pure cast iron. The medal was “presented” at the police station, and the structure was attached to the neck so that the “awardee” could not remove it. You had to wear the insignia for a week.

Not only people use the services of nannies, but also, for example, owls? North American owls use... narrow-mouthed snakes as these nannies.

There are so many interesting and unknown things in our lives that we don’t even know about, living next to the simplest things in our opinion.

Live, enjoy life and learn more and more new things! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

1. Over the past 50 years, humanity has destroyed 70% of the world's forests.

2. More than half the population globe never seen snow.

3. The heart of a white whale is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

4. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a women's watch.

5. Everyone abroad is sure that Cheburashka is SHE

6. In the town of Creskill, New Jersey, all cats must wear 3 bells so that the birds are always aware of their location.

7. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance that neutron stars are made of, then its weight will be = approximately 110 million tons.

8. Pipidastras are furry multi-colored things that are beautifully waved by girls from sports team support groups.

9. Only women and horses have a hymen.

10. Female pigeons cannot lay eggs alone. They definitely need to see a dove for this. In captivity they can be deceived with the help of a mirror.

11. The rubber armrest of the escalator in the subway moves at a different speed so that the passenger does not fall asleep on the escalator.

12. Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. Thus, scientist Stuart Springer was bitten by an embryo while he was examining the insides of a pregnant shark.

13. To free yourself from the crocodile's jaws, press thumbs on his eyeballs. He will release you immediately.

14. A chameleon's tongue is twice as long as its body.

15. Michael Jordan was not accepted into the basketball team in his sophomore year of college because of his short stature.
By the way, he celebrated his 50th birthday yesterday!

16. In Kenya, bribes account for one third of the household budget.

17. A runner is able to get ahead from the start racing car in the first 10 meters.

18. Acne can be removed with a mixture of crushed tablets of any antibiotic, aspirin and suprastin (one at a time), with the addition of a drop of water.

19. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

20. Giant Komodo lizards even attack deer and wild boar.

21. One in four Americans has been seen on television.

22. Half of men do not wash their hands after visiting the toilet.

23. If you feed a yellow canary red pepper, the color of its feathers will turn bright orange.

24. To accurately maintain balance and aerodynamic properties, when an eagle loses a feather from one wing, it loses the same feather from the other wing.

25. In the 18th century. soldiers who fought against Frederick's armies brought cockroaches to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Before this there were no cockroaches.

26. To crack a nut, just put it in hot water for 48 hours.

27. It is impossible to insert a blade between the plates of the Cheops pyramid.

28. In Finland there is a championship in dragging wives. The winner receives a quantity of beer equivalent to the weight of his wife.

29. Eagles mate in flight.

30. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.

31. Some types of tapeworms eat themselves when there is no food. However, they can eat up to 95% of their body.

32. There are no penguins at the North Pole, contrary to popular stereotype.

33. No one has yet been able to tame the African elephant. Only Indian elephant trainable.

34. A rat can fall from a five-story building without any damage.

35. Even a small drop of alcohol placed on a scorpio drives him crazy. Scorpio stings himself to death.

36. The most common language is Chinese. And the second most common is Spanish. The English team gets an honorary bronze.

37. Average duration the life expectancy of Japanese women is 84 years; while the life expectancy of women in Botswana is only 39 years.

38. Same-sex sexual relations prohibited by law in more than 70 countries. In nine, including Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, they are punishable by death.

39. More than 70 percent of the world's population has never heard a telephone ring. In Africa, only one in 40 people has a telephone.

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