Materials for studying the story by A. S.

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A.S. Pushkin (1799 – 1837)

The basis of the novel The novel is based on the memoirs of the fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, written by him during the reign of Emperor Alexander and dedicated to the “Pugachevism,” in which the seventeen-year-old officer Pyotr Grinev, due to a “strange combination of circumstances,” unwittingly took part.

I was promoted to officer. The service did not burden me. In the God-saved fortress there were no inspections, no exercises, no guards. The commandant, of his own accord, sometimes taught his soldiers; but I still could not get them all to know which side was right and which was left, although many of them, so as not to be mistaken, placed the sign of the cross on themselves before each turn.

At that moment a woman's scream was heard. Several robbers dragged Vasilisa Yegorovna onto the porch, disheveled and stripped naked. One of them had already dressed up in her warmer. Others carried feather beds, chests, tea utensils, linen and all the junk. “My fathers!” cried the poor old woman. “Release your soul to repentance. Dear fathers, take me to Ivan Kuzmich.”

Opera "The Captain's Daughter"

Having gone down a steep path, we stopped right next to the river and drew our swords. Shvabrin was more skilled than me, but I am stronger and braver, and Monsieur Beaupre, who was once a soldier, gave me several lessons in fencing, which I took advantage of. Shvabrin did not expect to find such a dangerous opponent in me. For a long time we could not do each other any harm; Finally, noticing that Shvabrin was weakening, I began to attack him with alacrity and drove him almost into the river. Suddenly I heard my name spoken loudly. I looked back and saw Savelich running down the mountain path towards me... At that very time I was stabbed strongly in the chest below my right shoulder; I fell and fainted.

An extraordinary picture presented itself to me: at a table covered with a tablecloth and set with damasks and glasses, Pugachev and about ten Cossack elders were sitting, in hats and colored shirts, flushed with wine, with red faces and shining eyes. Between them there was neither Shvabrin nor our constable, the newly recruited traitors. “Ah, your honor!” said Pugachev, seeing me. “Welcome; honor and place, you are welcome.”

Pugachev was sitting in an armchair on the porch of the commandant’s house. He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with braid. A tall sable cap with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. His face seemed familiar to me. Cossack elders surrounded him. Father Gerasim, pale and trembling, stood at the porch, with a cross in his hands, and seemed to silently beg him for the upcoming sacrifices. A gallows was quickly erected in the square.

Robber or liberator, Pugachev was a folk hero. Only such a hero could have been produced by the Russian people at that time.

From family legends it is known that he was released from prison at the end of 1774, by personal order; that he was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people.

Father said to me: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; do not chase their affection; do not ask for service; do not talk yourself out of service; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

Grinev is saved from shame and exile by Masha, who goes to the queen to “beg for mercy.” Walking through the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, Masha met a middle-aged lady. Everything about this lady “involuntarily attracted the heart and inspired confidence.” Having found out who Masha was, she offered her help, and Masha sincerely told the lady the whole story. The lady turned out to be an empress who pardoned Grinev in the same way as Pugachev had pardoned both Masha and Grinev.

summary of presentations

Book "The Captain's Daughter"

Slides: 80 Words: 5544 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Chukhryaeva Natalya Nikolaevna. A.S. Pushkin. A short story about the writer. Creative history of the story "The Captain's Daughter". “Our eternal companion” A.T. Tvardovsky. The creative history of the creation of "The Captain's Daughter". There are 6 different plans for draft versions of the story. Pushkin does not sympathize with such people. Theory of literature. The new prototype Bashirin is an officer pardoned by Pugachev for his kind attitude towards the soldiers. The author refuses to go over to the rebels. A living contemporary of Pushkin appears - Valuev, a nineteen-year-old youth. The time depicted in the story. June 1762. Catherine II came to power.

- Book “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

The story "The Captain's Daughter"

The role of everyday details in revealing the character of a literary hero. Detail. Peter. Goodbye, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance. To pay, or to pay for clothes - to mend, patch, put on, or sew on. The story "The Captain's Daughter". Putting on the “light robe” after Baptism. I began to read a prayer to myself. I did not lose either my courage or my hope. Pogrebets. Shtof - a decanter of wine. Two robes, one calico and one striped silk, worth six rubles. Calico is a cheap grayish cotton fabric. Uniform - military or civilian uniform. Ratin is a woolen fabric for outerwear.

- The story “The Captain's Daughter”. ppt

Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter"

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Riddles of A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Think and answer. Why does Pushkin make Grinev the narrator? Compare. Check yourself. Why does Shvabrin cause our contempt? Sometimes Pugachev behaves truly like a king. What moral discoveries does Grinev’s upbringing with life bring? Similarities with the wives of the Decembrists. The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life.

- Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

Slides: 20 Words: 336 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The story of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Work on the ideological and artistic features of the story. Skills in analyzing an episode of a literary text. Literary studies. Motive. The motive of deception in literature. Fairy tales. Proverbs. Russian literature. The motive of deception in the works of A. S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Captain's daughter. The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The embodiment of honor and dignity in the story “The Captain's Daughter.” Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

- The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

Pushkin's work "The Captain's Daughter"

Slides: 12 Words: 587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Captain's daughter. Historical basis of the story. Explore a historical era. Studies of "Pushkinists". Reign of Catherine II. Travel route of A.S. Pushkin. The name of a terrible rebel. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. Research by "historians". The era of the reign of Catherine II. The situation of the people. Mass public demonstration. Ural Cossacks. Peasant War. Peasant War by E. Pugacheva. Position and status of various territories. Scheme of movement of units. Pugachev E.I. Uprising. Historians about Emelyan Pugachev. Working on a literary work.


State Budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school 223 with in-depth study of the German language, Kirov district of St. Petersburg Heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” and their prototypes Completed by Krymskaya E.A, 8b grade student Checked by Benediktova T.Yu St. Petersburg 2013

I want to explore the theme of "The Captain's Daughter" because... I liked this work by A.S. Pushkin. In my work I want to talk about the main characters and their prototypes. I want to explore the theme of “The Captain's Daughter”, because... I liked this work by A.S. Pushkin. In my work I want to talk about the main characters and their prototypes. I would like to answer the following questions: who is this? did their prototypes exist? who are they? I would like to answer the following questions: who is this? did their prototypes exist? Who are they?

Grinev Petr Andreevich (Petrusha) and his prototype Grinev Petr Andreevich (Petrusha) is the main character of Pushkin’s last major work, a provincial Russian nobleman, on whose behalf the story is told. The historical story “The Captain's Daughter” brings together all the themes of Pushkin’s work of the 1830s. The place of an “ordinary” person in great historical events, freedom of choice in cruel social circumstances, law and mercy, “family thought” - all this is present in the story and is associated with the image of the narrator’s main character. Initially, Pushkin, as in his unfinished novel Dubrovsky, intended to place at the center of the narrative a nobleman who had moved from one camp to another. Basharin, this is exactly the surname that the hero should have had, later renamed Bulanin, Valuev and, finally, Grinev. The surname Grinev is also taken from the actual history of the Pugachev era; it was worn by a nobleman who was arrested on suspicion of treason and later acquitted. Thus, the idea of ​​a story about a man who, by the will of Providence, found himself between two warring camps was finally determined; about a nobleman who remains unshakably faithful to his oath, does not separate himself from class and class ideas of honor, but at the same time looks at the world with open eyes.

Alexey Shvabrin and his prototype Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is a nobleman, the antipode of Grinev in the story. Shvabrin is dark-skinned, not good-looking, and lively. He has been serving in the Belogorsk fortress for five years. He was transferred here for “murder” (he stabbed a lieutenant to death in a duel). He is distinguished by mockery and even contempt (during the first meeting with Grinev, he very mockingly describes all the inhabitants of the fortress). Shvabrin is very smart. Undoubtedly, he was more educated than Grinev, and was even associated with V.K. Trediakovsky. Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is a nobleman, the antipode of Grinev in the story. Shvabrin is dark, not good-looking, and lively. He has been serving in the Belogorsk fortress for five years. He was transferred here for “murder” (he stabbed a lieutenant to death in a duel). He is distinguished by mockery and even contempt (during the first meeting with Grinev, he very mockingly describes all the inhabitants of the fortress). Shvabrin is very smart. Undoubtedly, he was more educated than Grinev, and was even associated with V.K. Trediakovsky. Shvanvich Mikhail Aleksandrovich () - Pugachevo officer, son of A.M. Shvanvich; together with him, his mother and brothers, Mikhail () spent about three years in Orenburg, where at that time his father served as an officer in the local garrison. Shvanvich Mikhail Aleksandrovich () - Pugachevo officer, son of A.M. Shvanvich; together with him, his mother and brothers, Mikhail spent about three years () in Orenburg, where at that time his father served as an officer in the local garrison. A.M. Shvanvich

Captain's daughter

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A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Generalizing intellectual game. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Epigraph. “There is more history in “The Captain’s Daughter” than in “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion” by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Classics about "The Captain's Daughter". Stages of an intellectual game. Blitz - survey. The name of Grinev's father The father served under the count... Petrusha Grinev was granted the title of uncle... At what year did Petrusha Grinev learn to read and write? And he could judge the properties well... Who was in his fatherland... And in Prussia... Pyotr Grinev was enlisted from infancy... And had to serve in... And he went to serve (where)... What weapons did Grinev and Shvabrin fight in a duel with? - The Captain's Daughter.ppt

Lesson Captain's Daughter

Slides: 27 Words: 204 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Public Defender or Villain? (Emelyan Pugachev is a historical figure and literary character). Well, master, there’s trouble: a snowstorm!... It’s God knows where we ended up: there’s no road, and there’s darkness all around.” A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. Lesson objectives: - through a comparative analysis of historical materials and artistic text, determine the attitude towards E. Pugachev as a historical figure and artistic image; - through the perception of Pugachev’s image, come to the realization of the idea of ​​A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. The time of the golden age of Catherine the Great. Catherine II in the office of M.V. Lomonosov. In 1762, Russia was shocked by a new coup d'etat. - Lesson Captain's Daughter.ppt

Pushkin Captain's Daughter

Slides: 7 Words: 241 Sounds: 0 Effects: 26

Highlight the Christian basis in the relationship between Grinev and the counselor. Teacher's opening speech. Conversation with the class on unprepared questions. Creative work: essay - miniature. Does the snowstorm have a symbolic meaning in the novel? Is it possible to consider a collision with a blind element as a test? What attracted Grinev to the counselor? What role does sleep play? How does Grinev express gratitude to the counselor? Does Grinev violate the laws of honor? How does the hero perceive the news of his appointment to the Belogorsk fortress? How do you now understand the title of the chapter? Write a miniature essay: How does Grinev appear in the story with the counselor? - Pushkin Captain's Daughter.ppt

Book "The Captain's Daughter"

Slides: 80 Words: 5544 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Chukhryaeva Natalya Nikolaevna. A.S. Pushkin. A short story about the writer. Creative history of the story "The Captain's Daughter". “Our eternal companion” A.T. Tvardovsky. The creative history of the creation of "The Captain's Daughter". There are 6 different plans for draft versions of the story. Pushkin does not sympathize with such people. Theory of literature. The new prototype Bashirin is an officer pardoned by Pugachev for his kind attitude towards the soldiers. The author refuses to go over to the rebels. A living contemporary of Pushkin appears - Valuev, a nineteen-year-old youth. The time depicted in the story. June 1762. Catherine II came to power. - Book “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

Tale The Captain's Daughter

Slides: 8 Words: 203 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". For the first time, truly Russian characters appeared...” Or you’ll see again...” The shackles are rattling." folk song. What historical event is A.S. talking about? Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”? What historical figures are the heroes of the story? Which of the characters in the story can be called the main one? Why is the story of interest in our time? - Tale The Captain's Daughter.ppt

- Book “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

The story "The Captain's Daughter"

The role of everyday details in revealing the character of a literary hero. Detail. Peter. To pay, or to pay for clothes - to mend, patch, put on, or sew on. Putting on the “light robe” after Baptism. I began to read a prayer to myself. I did not lose either my courage or my hope. Pogrebets. Shtof - a decanter of wine. Two robes, one calico and one striped silk, worth six rubles. Calico is a cheap grayish cotton fabric. Uniform - military or civilian uniform. Ratin is a woolen fabric for outerwear. Armenian. Events of the story. Why are there disputes about the genre of The Captain's Daughter? - The story “The Captain's Daughter”. ppt

Lesson Pushkin Captain's Daughter

Slides: 12 Words: 137 Sounds: 0 Effects: 27

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Problems to be solved in class. Portrait of a literary hero. The hero's background. How is the character of the hero revealed through appearance? How do the hero’s character traits manifest themselves in relationships with other people? How does the interior help to understand the character of the hero of the work? What role does landscape play in revealing the character of a literary hero? Lesson topic: “Is Savelich a slave? Yes, he..." A lesson-reflection with elements of research based on the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter." - Lesson Pushkin The Captain's Daughter.ppt

Pushkin's story The Captain's Daughter

Slides: 23 Words: 1069 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

“Read while thinking...” A general lesson on A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter.” The story "The Captain's Daughter". A.S. Pushkin. Lesson objectives: To deepen the understanding of the ideological and artistic richness of the novel. Learn to unravel the author’s intentions and navigate the text well. To develop moral and social qualities. Voltaire. The table is an assistant. ? The first mystery is the time when the story was written. October 19, 1836 is the date of completion of the story. Lyceum life, dear brother, I share my last moments with you. October 19 (lyceum anniversary day) 1836 is not an accidental date for the completion of the story. - Pushkin's story The Captain's Daughter.ppt

- The story “The Captain's Daughter”. ppt

Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter"

Riddles of A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Think and answer. Why does Pushkin make Grinev the narrator? Compare. Check yourself. Why does Shvabrin cause our contempt? Sometimes Pugachev behaves truly like a king. What moral discoveries does Grinev’s upbringing with life bring? Similarities with the wives of the Decembrists. The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life. - Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

Riddles of A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Think and answer. Why does Pushkin make Grinev the narrator? Compare. Check yourself. Why does Shvabrin cause our contempt? Sometimes Pugachev behaves truly like a king. What moral discoveries does Grinev’s upbringing with life bring? Similarities with the wives of the Decembrists. The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life.

- Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

The story of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Work on the ideological and artistic features of the story. Skills in analyzing an episode of a literary text. Literary studies. Motive. The motive of deception in literature. Fairy tales. Proverbs. Russian literature. The motive of deception in the works of A. S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Captain's daughter. The embodiment of honor and dignity in the story “The Captain's Daughter.” Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. - The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.pptx

Slides: 20 Words: 336 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The story of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Work on the ideological and artistic features of the story. Skills in analyzing an episode of a literary text. Literary studies. Motive. The motive of deception in literature. Fairy tales. Proverbs. Russian literature. The motive of deception in the works of A. S. Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Captain's daughter. The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The motive for the deception "The Captain's Daughter". The embodiment of honor and dignity in the story “The Captain's Daughter.” Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

"Captain's daughter". One of the last works by A.S. Pushkin. The figure of the rebellious Pugachev. History of Pugachev. How Pushkin wrote his Pugachev. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. "The Captain's Daughter" appears in the Sovremennik magazine. Write in a notebook. Ideological and artistic position. Realism. Novel. - Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter”.ppt

Pushkin's work "The Captain's Daughter"

Slides: 12 Words: 587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Captain's daughter. Historical basis of the story. Explore a historical era. Studies of "Pushkinists". Reign of Catherine II. Travel route of A.S. Pushkin. The name of a terrible rebel. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. Research by "historians". The era of the reign of Catherine II. The situation of the people. Mass public demonstration. Ural Cossacks. Peasant War. Peasant War by E. Pugacheva. Position and status of various territories. Scheme of movement of units. Pugachev E.I. Uprising. Historians about Emelyan Pugachev. Working on a literary work. - Historical basis of “The Captain's Daughter”.ppt

Pugachev Pushkin

Slides: 23 Words: 322 Sounds: 0 Effects: 87

The image of Emelyan Pugachev. in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Thief, robber. Impostor. Bloody killer. People's rebel. Leader of the peasants. People's hero. Purpose of the lesson: Reasons for the appearance of the rebel Pugachev: Biography of Emelyan Pugachev: Signature of the illiterate Pugachev: Chapter 2 “Counselor”. Pushkin shows the natural qualities of a person who is not yet “playing a role.” Chapter 6 “Pugachevism”. Pugachev is a “villain and impostor” who carries out “robberies and capital murders.” Chapter 7 “Attack.” The Pugachevites are not a gang, but “horse crowds”. The episode after the capture of the fortress. This means that something human remained in the villain’s soul. -

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Pyotr Grinev A.S. Pushkin Tale “The Captain's Daughter”

Goal: Find out what character traits the hero of the story A.S. has. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” Petr Grinev Objectives: Identifying the key characteristics of the hero’s image. give an overview of the critical literature on the characterization of Grinev’s image; determine the modernity of this image. .

Every person is a romantic at heart. Each of us has indulged in dreams and fantasies more than once. In our fantasies and dreams, the world that we are used to seeing instantly transforms, but often at the most rosy moment someone’s exclamation is heard, and that small, magical world where you were a minute ago slowly and uncontrollably begins to collapse2 耀. This happened to Pyotr Grinev, the hero of the story “The Captain's Daughter.”

Dreams of Peter Just a second ago, the young man dreamed of a cheerful, festive life in St. Petersburg, but after the words of the priest that Petrusha would not learn anything in the capital, the rosy color of his dreams gradually faded.

His father was right: Peter must learn what real military service is. In the future, the son will understand that his father made the right decision, choosing for his heir the path along which he will follow, learning from his mistakes. In the meantime, Pyotr Grinev is just learning to understand people. The beginning of Peter's life

The young man and I are trying to get to know people. I know from myself how difficult it is. Is it possible to determine at first glance what kind of person is in front of you? Of course, we can judge by appearance, by speech, but will we be able to understand that within the quietest, outwardly calm person lies an inexhaustible fountain of energy and fantasy?

It turns out that the first impression is wrong? Can meeting unpleasant people leave you feeling ashamed or remorseful? Petrusha had exactly the same feeling after meeting Zurin. Peter did not know the limits, and the captain, in turn, seeing a young, still inexperienced youth in front of him, did not help with advice, did not stop in time, but simply took advantage of the defenselessness of youth. Isn't this a lesson for us too?

A kind of meeting for Peter This meeting was a kind of lesson for Peter. It was at this moment that Grinev took a tiny, but at the same time huge step in the long and difficult science of discovering people for himself. This meeting helped Grinev discover something new in himself and in those around him. It would have been difficult for Peter to notice the good in the counselor after meeting Zurin, but the young man noticed and appreciated it. The same thing happens to us. Is not it?

Each of us at least once in our lives has wished to be kind to another person. But has it always worked out? Maybe, in trying to help, a person is pursuing some selfish goals? But I want to believe that people help from the bottom of their hearts. Grinev is also capable of good deeds. He does not feel sorry for the hare sheepskin coat given to a tramp. An amazing trait of Peter is to respond to good with good. His kindness and mercy will help in life more than once. Wouldn't Pyotr Grinev be an example to follow for us living in the 21st century - a century that is ruthless in its own way?

Life pits Peter against different people. In the fortress, the young man meets the Mironov family and their daughter Masha. Yes, according to Shvabrin, Masha is ugly, stupid and cowardly beyond measure. But Shvabrin speaks not so much out of ignorance as, perhaps, out of a feeling of revenge towards the poor girl. Perhaps Shvabrin communicated a lot with Masha, but did not notice in her the qualities that Grinev saw and appreciated.

Grinev's nobility How noble Grinev is, standing up for his beloved girl! Having no experience in a duel, he was ready to die for Masha’s honor. Apparently, Grinev was childishly confident in the sinlessness of the sweet, shy girl. It was justice, kindness and simplicity that attracted him to Masha.

Life is preparing new tests for Grinev: the death of people dear to his heart, separation from his beloved. Not every person can not be afraid at the sight of an advancing enemy. To my admiration, Grinev is afraid for Masha. How mature we see our hero. He subtly senses the line beyond which he, as a person, cannot cross. Perhaps he lost the battle, gave in to the circumstances, but honesty and nobility helped him win.

Conclusion I admire the main quality of Peter Grinev - humanity. In my opinion, nothing can be higher than this.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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