What to do if a child is hyperactive. Difficulties of social adaptation

Many parents are interested in the question: how does hyperactivity syndrome differ from the normal development of a child. All children at an early age are characterized by inconstancy, restlessness and increased activity. So, when should you sound the alarm?

What is hyperactivity syndrome?

Often, noisy, restless, inattentive, disobedient children, characteristic of a certain personality type, are unjustifiably classified as hyperactive. But such Only a specialist can make a diagnosis followed by mandatory drug treatment and psychological correction.

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity, which in most cases are combined with attention deficit, appear at the age of two or three years. But the greatest number of requests for help from specialists occurs at 6-8 years of age. This is due to the active preparation of children for school, where the entire symptom complex of hyperactivity and attention deficit manifests itself.

So what is it? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD, abbreviated as ADHD, is a disorder of the central nervous system, manifested by difficulty concentrating and increased motor activity.

Today there are:

    Hyperactivity without attention impairment;

    Attention disturbance without hyperactivity;

    Hyperactivity with impaired attention.

The most common is the last option, when the child has a combination of the previous two.

How to understand that a child is hyperactive?

In order to figure out whether a child is hyperactive, you need to know main symptoms of this syndrome, which manifest themselves for at least 6 months in a row.

    The first manifestations of ADHD can be observed in a newborn. Such children are very sensitive to external stimuli. They are frightened by bright lights, loud sounds, sleep poorly, and are capricious for no apparent reason.

    In the first year of life, the baby’s movements for a long time have a chaotic, thoughtless character. The child seems clumsy. Speech development is delayed compared to peers.

    A protracted crisis of three years, the child’s adaptation in kindergarten, which increases physical and psychological stress on the child’s body, leads to increased manifestations of the hyperactivity symptom complex. Such children cannot fulfill the exact requests of the teacher, maintain attention on one subject, or sit still for a long time. The main task of parents and educators during this period is to notice, recognize and help the child cope with this disorder in time.

    A significant deterioration in behavior and inattention manifests itself in a child when attending preparatory classes before school. During this period, the greatest number of requests to psychologists for help and correction occurs. Children during this period quickly become overtired. Their emotional development is delayed and manifests itself in negativism, stubbornness, and temper. They build relationships with other children in a difficult and long way. They often conflict. Self-esteem is low. Academic achievement is low even with high intelligence scores. They often make ridiculous mistakes due to inattention. Constantly distracted by extraneous stimuli. They cannot sit still and walk around the classroom. They do not respond to adult comments.

    After 7-8 years, the syndrome acquires pronounced symptoms. Academic performance is low. Inattention, restlessness, inability to listen or read a task to the end, failure to complete started tasks, forgetfulness, detachment, followed by impulsiveness.

Why does this problem occur?

Hyperactivity in a child is manifested as a result of immaturity of the cerebral cortex, which leads to the child’s inability to adequately recognize external signals. This causes the child to become restless, inattentive, irritable, and fussy. There are many causes of ADHD, the main ones being:

    Hereditary factor;

    Complications during pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries;

    Bruises, head injuries, severe illnesses in early childhood;

    Social factor.

Scientists have proven that this disorder can be inherited. The chances of attention disorder and hyperactivity disorder increase several times if a close relative in the family had this disease in childhood.

Poor lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, taking strong medications, women, especially in the early stages, during pregnancy, when the basic formation of the child’s brain is taking place. Complicated childbirth, asphyxia in the newborn, perinatal encephalopathy, cesarean section and birth injuries in 60% of all cases cause the further development of attention deficit and hyperactivity in the child. Head injuries and bruises, severe infectious diseases suffered in early childhood play an equally important role. And a dysfunctional family environment negatively affects the development of the child as a whole and aggravates the situation even further.

Methods and methods for correcting hyperactivity

An effective method of correcting hyperactivity, depending on the severity of the symptoms, is self-study with the child or professional help from a psychologist. She aimed at developing perseverance, gradually complicating and prolonging the time for performing various tasks, developing voluntary attention through various techniques and tests. Correction and development of the baby's emotions.

If the diagnosis of ADHD is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist, then the child is prescribed medication based on a long and thorough examination. If the origins of this disorder are problems in the functioning of the brain and its cortex, then properly selected treatment by specialists and compliance with all recommendations can completely rid the child of this disease.

The development of a child directly depends on the parents. And if, for independent reasons, a child is diagnosed with a disorder of attention and behavior, then correct and timely actions can significantly help the child.

An organized daily routine, discipline, distribution of daily workload, proper rest, increased self-esteem, and healthy nutrition will significantly improve a child’s performance. Children with ADHD need reducing stress on the nervous system by eliminating prolonged viewing of TV and computer games, protection from nervous shock.

If you cannot cope with this disorder on your own, you should not be afraid to seek help from specialists; clear and correct implementation of their instructions will ensure a quick recovery.

Find out which children can be called hyperactive. How to behave with them, communicate, play. Also read advice from psychologists to parents of little fidgets.

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see a very active child on the street. Such children cannot stand in one place for a long time, react little to comments and prohibitions, interrupt their elders, and speak loudly. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that this is an illness, and they should not react irritably to the energy-saving baby.

This syndrome is called hyperactivity (attention deficit). Such children require special treatment; parents must help their child get rid of this psychological illness.

Signs of a hyperactive child

  • The nervous system of an overly active baby is working to the limit. He cannot independently regulate energy consumption or concentrate his attention on something for a long time. Such symptoms are noticeable at an early age (2-3 years old)
  • It seems like your baby is not listening to you at all. He may be distracted by any noises, actions, or quickly change activities
  • Often these children experience delayed speech development and sleep disturbances.
  • They do not perceive any rules or norms. They don't like it when they are forbidden to do anything.
  • They forget where they put this or that thing. And sometimes they even lose clothes, shoes and other items.
  • They often cry and worry. They are characterized by anxiety, emotionality, restlessness, impulsiveness, and sudden mood swings.

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist if you notice such problems in your baby. An experienced specialist will help you deal with it. Will tell parents how to act so that conflict situations do not arise.

Hyperactive children: reasons

This pathology has not yet been fully studied. Scientists are still studying what its root causes are. However, we can already say with certainty what factors negatively affect the baby’s health. ADHD syndrome occurs if:

  • parents also had this disorder in childhood, i.e. hyperactivity is hereditary
  • the expectant mother abused strong drinks and smoked
  • the baby experiences oxygen deprivation in the womb
  • The pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, anemia, risk of failure
  • there is incompatibility between the baby and the mother according to the Rh factor
  • The expectant mother has a hard job and is stressed
  • A woman in labor has a protracted, difficult labor with pathologies
  • head injuries occur in a newborn
  • The baby has a lack of vitamins and minerals as a result of poor nutrition
  • unfavorable environment, environmental pollution, electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV

What to do with a hyperactive child at home

  • First of all, mom and dad need to be patient. Don’t try to limit your child’s movements; be prepared that your baby will run, climb on furniture, jump and still have time to answer your questions.
  • Try to praise your baby as often as possible, even if he has not fully completed the task you set. Hyperactive children respond very positively to this kind of praise.
  • Note that when a child becomes interested in something for a long time, try not to distract him. Next time, engage him in the same activity again.
  • Regularly, without distractions, conduct classes with your child for at least two minutes three times a day. Build a schedule for their implementation and observe daily lesson times. Train your baby's attention
  • Keep a close eye on your fidget, remove objects that could harm the baby
  • Play outdoor games with him, do not try to put him in a corner or sit him on a chair for an offense. Just show that your child has upset you in one way or another
  • Note that when a fidget’s activity decreases, try to read something to him or do something useful at this time

Interaction with a hyperactive child

In order to have some order, you need to accustom your baby to a clear daily routine. He must know exactly when to stay awake, when to eat and what time to go to bed. Of course, you won’t be able to do this in one or two days, but if you persistently, without shouting, with little tricks, teach your little one the established rules, then it will be much easier for both you and your child in the future morally.

The days need to be a little similar. For example, in the morning the baby woke up, washed his face, brushed his teeth, had breakfast, and the active phase began. Then after a while - a small lesson, lunch. Then a walk on the street, afternoon tea, reading a book, games, dinner in the evening, chatting with dad, who came home from work. Exactly at nine in the evening, mom spreads out the bed, turns on her favorite night light, and after the water procedures the baby lies down in the pastel. Mom is reading her favorite book.

IMPORTANT: Excessive gentleness of parents in raising fidgets is not welcome. Make sure your child does not get overtired.

Raising a hyperactive child
hyperactive child 1 year old. What to do?

At one year old it is difficult to determine which baby is simply active or hyperactive. Most often, psychotherapists make this diagnosis only at four to six years of age. And at such a young age, parents just need to surround your beloved child with attention and care. As mentioned earlier, accustom to a strict regime. Try to ensure that the baby does not have negative impressions. To do this, you need peace in the house, so that adults do not swear, there are fewer noisy companies, and all kinds of festivities.

Create a cozy environment. Play outdoor games with your baby. Try to spend less time in places where there are large crowds of people and you can get too many new emotions (for example, in supermarkets). Allow your baby to do things on her own. For example, let him learn to eat with a spoon. Even if he doesn’t do it right, don’t interfere. The main thing is that he focused his attention on this and at this time he is calm and busy with something.

Hyperactivity in preschool children

Try not to send your restless child to school at the age of six. After all, it will be very difficult for him to concentrate on lessons. Let it be like kindergarten classes at first. Just ask the teacher in advance not to tie him to one place, let him sit where he is comfortable, move, play, jump.

Although it very often happens that a child begins to be rude to teachers and does not find a common language with the children. In such cases, it is better for parents to change groups or even kindergartens. So as not to make the situation worse. Unfortunately, not all educators are able to find a certain approach to such children.

Hyperactivity in school-age children

It is especially difficult for a hyperactive child to pay attention in class. Primary school is a real challenge for a restless person. After all, before this, the baby could do almost anything, but during classes it is necessary to sit in one place and listen carefully to the teacher. Such demands are unbearable for children with ADHD. As a result, schoolchildren have problems with learning. They have difficulty reading, writing, and mathematics.

To get rid of such problems, parents must actively support their child. Be sure to consult a psychologist or pediatrician - do not ignore the problem. Let the student be prescribed medication and more. The psychologist will tell you how to properly work with your child.

To gradually cope with your child's hyperactivity, put into practice the following advice from specialist psychologists:

  • ADVICE: Do not give the student several tasks at once. Let him handle one simple job first, then move on to the next one.
  • ADVICE: Don’t set goals for your fidget for the distant future, he will forget about them anyway. For example, if you clean your room for a whole month, then your dad and I will give you a new bicycle. Better say that if you put the toys away now, I’ll let you play on the computer
  • ADVICE: For every task well completed, give your child a reward (a token). For example, if you collect twenty tokens, we will give you a puppy
  • ADVICE: If you are going to the clinic tomorrow, then today think about what you can do there while waiting in line to see the doctor
  • ADVICE: Try to teach your child to sense time. To do this, when performing any task, use an hourglass or a timer. In the future, thanks to this, the baby will not put off important things until later.

Classes with hyperactive children

Such children are impulsive and cannot fight emotions, so you need to find your own approach to them. When working with a student, adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not begrudge your child compliments for a job well done.
  • Don’t demand too much from him, but loading him too little is also not an option.
  • think over the situation in advance and carry it out so that the child can show his best side
  • ignore the bad actions of children, do not focus everyone’s attention on them

Games for hyperactive children

Basically, games for such kids are created to correct their attention.

Game - Attention

Invite your child to memorize a simple movement. Ask him to repeat after you. Then the second simple movement, let him repeat it too. Then let him repeat the first and second in turn. And so bring it to five movements. Then ask the fidget to remember movement No. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5 on its own

Game - Palms

Suitable for babies. Clap your palms in front of you. Then clap your hands with the baby, again in front of you. Then with your left hand with the baby, in front of you and with your right. And repeat this several times until it works quickly.

Game - Traffic Light

Draw three circles: red, yellow, green, cut them out. Then show it to the children one by one. Green means you can run, scream, jump, etc. Yellow - you can walk, talk in a whisper. Red - stand still, remain silent.

Game - Animal Paws

Prepare several items in advance: a glass bottle, a makeup brush, an edge, a pen. For each item, come up with the name of an animal. Ask your baby to close his eyes. Stroke the child’s hand or cheek with any of these objects and ask them to guess what kind of animal it was.

IMPORTANT: If the fidget is not ready to play games for attention and perseverance now, postpone these activities for later. There is no need to force the child to sit down.

Communication with a hyperactive child

  • As stated above, it is important that the baby has a clear routine. When a first-grader gets ready for school, parents should help him
  • Without unnecessary information and consistently remind: put down the math notebook, when he does this, then the next thing is put down the arithmetic textbook, etc. But this is at first, then you can write a memo right next to his workspace
  • Don’t say the word “You can’t.” Use it in combination with the word “It’s possible.” For example, don’t draw on the wallpaper, draw on this piece of paper. Don't throw snowballs at the girl, throw them at the tree
  • Try to switch your baby's negative reactions to positive ones.

Hyperactive child - Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky argues that parents should receive information from doctors on how to act in a given situation, learn correctly, and treat such children. It’s great if grandparents help moms and dads in raising a restless child. After all, it wouldn’t hurt for parents to take a break from time to time either. As a rule, the disease of lack of attention and hypermobility disappears during adolescence.

Video: ten rules for raising a fidget

Hyperactivity is a rather complex disorder that occurs in children, most often in early preschool age. Such a baby does not require complex treatment, but parents need to be very attentive to their children.

It is mandatory to work with hyperactive children, since otherwise the child’s success at school may be low, this may also affect the child’s relationships with parents and loved ones, and the child may suffer from excessive mental and motor activity.

In this article we will tell you what kind of correction such preschool children need, and we will look at games for hyperactive children.

If you have a hyperactive child, then first of all you must understand what reasons led to this and eliminate them. Usually the reasons are:

  1. Past infectious diseases.
  2. Trauma during childbirth, late or early birth.
  3. Poisoning from chemicals or heavy metals.
  4. Lack of daily routine.
  5. Poor or unhealthy diet.

Most often, hyperactivity manifests itself in boys; as a result, children may have disrupted sleep patterns, they may suffer from incontinence, speech disorders, and heart disease. Very often a child suffers from hyperactivity due to attention deficit disorder.

Attention deficit

If a child suffers from hyperactivity, then most likely he also has attention deficit. But such a conclusion can be given based on the results of an examination by a psychologist, psychotherapist and pediatrician. During the examination, it will also be necessary to find out whether the child suffers from other diseases that are very similar to hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, since they may also require appropriate treatment.

If the doctor can prescribe treatment and medications that will help focus the child’s vision, calm his nervous system, and help make his behavior calmer,... This correction will help both parents and child.

Usually, in addition to treatment, the child must completely change his preschool lifestyle. Here recommendations from a psychologist for your child’s age will be useful. He will teach the baby, who is already seven years old, to relax, do breathing exercises, calm down and relax different muscle groups.

It is advisable that the teachers and principal of the school where the child is studying also inform the parents that the child is hyperactive. This may give your child some help with learning, a quieter place in the classroom, or extra time to complete assignments.

Hyperactive child – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Main signs of hyperactivity

Signs of the disorder can be detected in completely different ways. Most often, the child exhibits some kind of spontaneous reaction that he himself is unable to suppress. As a rule, such reactions are a manifestation of excessive emotionality, which is a consequence of an unbalanced nervous system.

Another very important sign of the peculiarity that a child is endowed with is difficulty with and the inability to calmly wait for something or sit in one place. Typically, such a child is disorganized, forgetful and absent-minded. As a consequence of this, the following signs of hyperactivity appear: poor performance of tasks, the child moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts everyone.

Very often, parents confuse the causes and signs of hyperactivity with attention deficit disorder, as well as with ordinary whims. But you also shouldn’t overdo it, if your baby shows hyperactivity in one situation, you don’t have to look for reasons for this, it could be a pure coincidence. But if they appear in other situations, then you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment for this feature of the baby, which requires mandatory correction.

Specific signs of hyperactivity in children:

  1. The baby cannot sit quietly, he shows restless movements of his arms and legs. He spins, twirls, fidgets, fiddles with his hair and clothes all the time.
  2. The baby exhibits causeless symptoms. He can run, jump, climb anywhere he can.
  3. The baby cannot play with concentration and calmly. He screams and squeaks, performs unconscious movements.
  4. The kid can listen to the question to the end, he can answer inappropriately, and also not really think about listening to his opponent.
  5. The baby is capricious, nervous and cannot wait long for something.
  6. The baby can interfere with other children, usually pesters them during play and can cause discomfort with its behavior.
  7. The little one's sleep is restless, the sheet under him often gets tangled, he opens up and turns over.
  8. The kid does not understand that people have their own needs and desires.
  9. The baby does not control his desires and emotions, including aggressive ones.
  10. The little one is not attentive and makes mistakes as a result of this inattention.
  11. Poor concentration, the baby can hear speech, but poorly assimilates what is said to him.
  12. A toddler who is in his sixth year may be interested in many things, but he has problems understanding this or that process or phenomenon.

Of course, this behavior definitely needs correction and treatment; parents definitely need to find a good doctor for their baby. But, remember that such features do not make the baby bad; parents need to take into account the advice of a doctor and psychotherapist, as well as monitor and adjust the upbringing of the baby.

Features of education

Correcting hyperactivity is not only drug treatment, it is also proper upbringing and attitude towards the baby. For the correction to benefit the baby, parents whose baby is already seven years old will need:

  1. Set boundaries for your child’s behavior, taking into account his characteristics, within which you do not show anger.
  2. Parents definitely need to talk to the baby, explain to him the boundaries and explain what sanctions may follow if the baby crosses these boundaries.
  3. Be sure to talk about what the red line is, which should not be crossed under any circumstances. Correct correction implies that at first there will be only one such boundary so that the baby does not get confused. For the age when the baby is six and entering his seventh year, this will be correct and it will be easy for the baby to follow the instructions of adults.
  4. Adults should not be angry with the child; remember that the baby is not to blame, he just has such characteristics. Remember the advice of specialists and repeat to yourself that correction and treatment is not an easy process for both you and the baby. Don't make too many demands on your baby and don't get angry.
  5. If you can’t avoid getting angry, differentiate between your anger and love for your baby. Let your child know that even if he has done a bad thing, this does not mean that he himself is bad or unworthy.
  6. Forgive your child for his characteristics, encourage his good behavior. Express your feelings towards him with words of love and praise.

In order for the correction and treatment of hyperactivity and children who have already entered their seventh year to be successful, you must correctly perceive and follow the advice and recommendations of a psychologist. Then raising a hyperactive child, who is already seven years old, will be easy and simple, and children’s whims will be accepted calmly.

So, expert advice on how to raise a hyperactive child who is seven years old:

  1. Make the daily routine clear and understandable for your little one. Introduce rituals into your daily routine.
  2. Let the baby be only in a calm and familiar environment, protect him from irritants.
  3. Get your child interested in sports and physical activity.
  4. Do not limit your baby in active play and other activities, let him spend energy.
  5. Do not punish your baby or force him to sit in one place.
  6. Love your child and show him all your love, praise him and talk about how important he is to you.
  7. Arouse your baby's interest in creativity and learning.

10 rules for raising a hyperactive child – Dr. Komarovsky

A hyperactive child is restless. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, excessive mobility, and is difficult to keep in one place. To prevent this from becoming a problem in the family and from complicating the life of the child himself, every parent needs to know what to do about it.

What is hyperactivity? In most cases, this is an inherited trait, and the activity and excessive activity of the baby differ greatly. How ? It’s better not to get lost in guesswork, but to immediately seek professional help.

If a child is hyperactive, what should parents do and how serious is the problem? This is a component of a disorder of brain function that occurs at the psychophysiological level. The medical phenomenon is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. Moreover, in addition to too much activity, children have attention-related deviations.

Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in children is a broad spectrum disorder. The way a child behaves is not related to upbringing or the development of allergic reactions or other changes.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Signs of hyperactivity in children can appear from a very early age. How can parents understand that their child needs help? In preschool age, it should be alarming that the child cannot concentrate on a certain activity. Such children usually have distracted attention. The parent sees that the child cannot play games that require an increased degree of concentration from him.

Signs of a hyperactive child quickly attract the attention of adults. However, the symptoms described do not indicate large reserves of energy. With the syndrome, in many cases, the presence of restless movements is observed. The subject becomes too short-tempered and is diagnosed with pretentious motor skills.

When a child is hyperactive, signs of this phenomenon may be as follows:

  • restless sleep, with disturbances;
  • often the child cries;
  • there is a high degree of mobility and agitation;
  • there is sensitivity to external stimuli, for example, bright light, noise.

What causes the syndrome?

Experts have not precisely identified the causes of hyperactivity. Child hyperactivity is often caused by genetic factors, and is also associated with damage to the central nervous system. These factors can be observed in combination.

Based on modern research, symptoms of deviation are associated with inconsistency in the functioning of structures responsible for controlling attention and behavior. This may be a family illness, which, for example, was present in childhood with a father or grandfather and was passed on to a grandson.

Hyperactivity in a child can be provoked by unfavorable factors that cause the appearance of minimal brain dysfunction. This can be understood as the course of pregnancy with a pathological nature, the presence of injuries that appeared during childbirth, etc. If there is an increase in the manifestation of the syndrome, this means that there is an unbalanced diet in the family. In this case, the child’s body receives insufficient quantities of useful, essential substances and vitamins.

How to deal with a hyperactive child? It is necessary to ensure harmony and comfort in the house. With unfavorable family relationships, the difficulty of adaptation increases, attention and behavior worsen. This is also caused by the lack of a sufficient level of care for children.

A complex approach

Experts give recommendations to parents of hyperactive children. Initially, the totality of brain functions that have undergone negative transformations is taken into account. The baby is likely to have problems related to maintaining a normal level of functioning.

The child gets tired quickly, his interest in the material presented decreases after a short time. The lag affects functions related to control actions and programming. This manifests itself in the impossibility of carrying out a set of actions and planning manipulations. It is especially unpleasant when visual and spatial functions develop at a slower pace compared to healthy peers.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder must undergo comprehensive treatment and thorough diagnosis. It is better to show them to both a psychologist and a neurologist at the same time. The basis for the socialization and development of a child without deviations is the common bond between parents and children. Most often, according to statistics, the diagnosis of the deviation is carried out in children aged 6 years. Less often.

Note to parents

How to deal with a hyperactive child? Parents must be patient, otherwise nothing will work out. It is necessary to remember that hyperactivity in children appears along with screaming.

In such a family, communication is very important. There will be absolutely no effect if you constantly shout at your child. The technique of switching attention brings effectiveness. When the baby shows his activity, it is better to play with him, interest him in other activities, and show attention.

Instead of reassuring a boy or girl, you should constantly praise him. This is done at every opportunity. The action allows you to maintain attention in good shape, the child will be ready to continue the activity.

Hyperactivity syndrome is possible. It is this form of action that allows one to master the surrounding nature and phenomena. , in this case, preference should be given to those options that are characterized by the presence of rules. At first they can be elementary, then the conditions become more complex.

How to deal with child hyperactivity? This technique allows you to force the baby to act in accordance with the goals set. A set of goals is concentrated in his memory. Based on the theme of the games, he develops useful skills, his emotional sphere stabilizes, and he learns to communicate correctly.

Raising hyperactive children is best done using games played in the yard. For example, it could be “Sea Figure”. If the child has already started school, then it is best for him to play basketball, football and other sports games.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children at a very young age can be eliminated with the help of games that, for example, allow you to pass an object from hand to hand. You need to talk to the child during the process, complicate the task step by step.

Exercises for hyperactive children often involve engaging different types of brain activity. It is most important to influence the most weakened species. Commenting on actions out loud allows children to more effectively cope with excessive impulsiveness. Raising a hyperactive child should be aimed at controlling mistakes so that children notice and understand their goals and attitudes.

Problem while studying

Hyperactivity in school-age children leads to the fact that, despite good intellectual abilities, they usually have low academic performance. This is due to the presence of a syndrome that can affect the process of normal childhood development. Moreover, this can happen right up to the moment.

The advice to parents is simple: first of all, they themselves must remain calm and confident in their abilities. To change the behavior of a hyperactive child for the better, you need to organize activities in a playful way and maintain an optimistic attitude and good mood. School can leave its mark on children's behavior. Outside of the educational process, you should definitely play with your daughter or son. It is necessary to alternately interest him in sedentary and active games. The degree of their complexity is selected based on the student’s abilities, so that he does not have a feeling of unsuitability. School, teacher education, and workload can help improve a child’s condition in many cases.

When a child is hyperactive, what should parents do? Can advice from a psychologist help? The student remains insensitive to punishment and does not respond to negative stimuli. If a student does not complete his homework, there is no need to raise his voice or set conditions for him. It is better to guide him towards the goal so that he wants to achieve the result on his own.

How to raise a hyperactive child? If he does not cope well with household duties, then he will have to use the play method again. For example, you can make a competition out of washing dishes. When a child sweeps the floor, the broom can only be held with the left hand. The game form of performing everyday important actions allows you to cope with the problem, it produces a calming effect.

Often, to identify deviations, a special questionnaire is filled out; the criteria for identifying hyperactivity in children are clearly stated and highlighted in it. If a syndrome is identified, it can be eliminated through educational computer games. To determine the degree of deviation, the child needs to undergo special testing. After this, an automatic analysis of the results is carried out. Next, the game complex is adjusted separately for each case, which makes it possible to train the weakened function with attention deficit.

Effective therapy

Treatment of hyperactivity in children should be carried out comprehensively. Experts may advise the use of psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy, and use.

If a hyperactive child is studying at school, then he needs to select an individual regime. His class should be small, lessons should be shortened, assignments should be given in doses. How to calm a hyperactive child? Correcting the disease may mean maintaining sufficient physical activity, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition. The child should walk a lot in the fresh air. Due to the syndrome, it is better for the child to be in noisy children's company less often. His presence at large, public events is limited.

How to treat deviation? In addition to conversations and games, you can use drug treatment. To cure the child, he is prescribed atomoxetine hydrochloride, medications that are part of the nootropic group. These are Cortexin, Pyritinol, Phenibut, etc. They produce a sedative effect.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child? If there are speech disorders, then classes are conducted with a speech therapist. Achieving a good effect is possible through massage of the cervical spine and the use of kinesiotherapy.

Nowadays there are a lot of children diagnosed with childhood hyperactivity. They find it difficult to study, observe, and even communicate with teachers. But these are still the same children, to whom you just need to find the right approach. It is the parents who must do this, because over time the child will realize his problems and begin to independently change his life. The sooner his family helps him with this, the easier and faster he will be able to adapt to this life.

Despite the fact that hyperactivity is most pronounced around the age of 3 years, the first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be noticed already in infancy. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will prevent many problems with development, learning and adaptation in the future.

Hyperactivity of a baby in the first year of life

Hyperexcitability in infants is quite difficult to diagnose. Therefore, under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for your child on your own.

IMPORTANT! If you have any doubts, the most reasonable solution would be to visit a specialist who can accurately diagnose. However, it is the presence of characteristic symptoms that should alert parents, being a serious reason for a visit to a neurologist.

Hyperactive child under one year old: signs

  • any sleep disorder;
  • frequent crying and screaming;
  • constant movements of the head, legs and arms. A hyperactive infant actively kicks his legs;
  • hypertonicity of the child's muscles;
  • frequent vomiting and regurgitation after feeding;
  • violent reaction to external stimuli (bright light, sharp sounds and claps).

A hyperactive baby does not like swaddling and always tries to get out of the swaddle. Such children begin to sit, stand up and walk earlier than other peers.

Causes of hyperactivity before one year of age

Hyperexcitability in a baby is often the result of:

  • various pregnancy complications. For example, toxicosis, high blood pressure, and fetal hypoxia;
  • complications during childbirth. This includes difficult births, as well as premature births. Use of forceps, stimulation, caesarean section;
  • infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy or the child in the first weeks of life;
  • genetic predisposition. The risk of developing the disorder increases many times over if one or both parents were hyperactive in childhood;
  • mother's bad habits. For example, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products during pregnancy.

To improve the condition of hyperactive babies under one year old, as a rule, non-drug treatments are used, for example:

Hyperactive child what to do at 1-2 years old

Diagnosing hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years is somewhat easier than in children under one year old, since it is possible apply traditional diagnostics in 3 stages:

  1. Collection of information (the doctor receives data on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and illnesses suffered by the baby, and also collects and summarizes family history).
  2. Complete psychological examination of the child.
  3. Hardware examination (MRI and electroencephalographic study of the brain).

Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

So, how can you tell if a child is hyperactive at one year of age? Signs at this age include:

Causes of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

In addition to reasons related to intrauterine development of the fetus, complications during childbirth and past illnesses, at this age babies may exhibit symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity due to an unfavorable situation in the family.

IMPORTANT! Constant scandals and quarrels can lead a child into a depressed, stressful state. If there is a lack of positive emotions, in need of love and care, the baby will try to attract the attention of the family in this way.

To parents with a child with hyperactivity you will need to find a new approach: