Funeral 1 year after death. Two more important questions

At the hour of remembrance, until the pain of loss subsides, the first thing to remember is this delicacy. Find out, check out examples of words of condolences and. These guides will give you an idea of ethics of remembrance and they will tell you true words of consolation.

But funeral speech has its own specifics. In it you address to a whole circle of guests who gathered to console loved ones, remember the deceased themselves and listen to what friends and relatives would say about him. Your words are awaited, and yours funeral speech may sound with b ABOUT greater pathos than is customary for personal expressions of condolences.

Words of grief directly at the funeral should be extremely brief, but speech at the wake may not be limited to a couple of phrases.

Funeral words of grief and funeral speech

First, introduce yourself and, if it is not obvious to everyone, say who you are related to the deceased. Many people will speak at the wake. That's why funeral speech should be concise, and thoughts are expressed accurately. Guests will understand if the sentence is interrupted by sudden crying. But unpreparedness, verbiage, and even more so drunken babble, will be perceived by those gathered as a sign of disrespect for the deceased. Don't rely on improvisation! Have brief theses with you, and at home or on the way to the funeral ceremony, repeat your funeral speech several times.

Don't retell the biography - enough tell about one bright incident, an episode of life so that guests remember this interesting fact. It is important that the event you describe highlights one of the positive traits of the deceased. It's better to talk about that episode which you yourself highly appreciated. Study examples, their loved ones (each obituary contains an episode from the life and condolences).

Focus the audience's attention on the character trait that your story demonstrates. Every negative trait has a bright side. Examples of complementary synonyms:

  • About a grumpy person you can say, “He taught me a lesson in looking at the world critically.”
  • About the tight-fisted one: “Caution, rationality and foresight are what we all lack today, and what we can learn from the deceased.”
  • Carelessness in finances: “He was so confident of a better future...”
  • Suspiciousness: “Knew human nature...”
  • Not very smart: “Trusting, naive, he trusted people so much...”
  • Arrogant: “He knew his worth, his circle included only the best...”
  • Stubborn, stubborn: “Principled...”
  • Amenable, without a core: “Conflict-free... His credo is compromise.”

At a wake you cannot talk about shortcomings: “ About the deceased it’s either good or nothing“is the basis of the etiquette of remembrance. You should not remember, especially out loud, about failures, weaknesses, sins and grievances. Forgiveness, reconciliation, remembering better things- this is the desired aura of the memorial ceremony.

Words of Sorrow It is appropriate to supplement with a quote from the thoughts of the deceased: an order, instruction, commandment or moral maxim that he voiced during his lifetime. Then the funeral speech should begin with a mention of the benefits that he brought to loved ones and society. Conclude that the person did not live his life in vain and promise eternal memory in the hearts of the relatives and friends of the deceased.

“May he/she rest in peace! Everlasting memory!" You can end your funeral speech with these words, but many will do this. It is better to choose an appropriate epitaph that is in tune with the personality of the deceased:

  • If you or the deceased are believers, look here:, or phrases.
  • If, on the contrary, the deceased is consistent.
  • For the deceased, as well as an epitaph.
  • Many beautiful ideas for words of sorrow in or in epitaphs.

Protocol of commemoration

At a wake you need to stand and honor the deceased. minute of silence. The leader’s mission is entrusted to a person close to the family, who will be able to control his emotions in a mourning environment. He alternately gives the floor relatives according to the degree of proximity - spouse, children or parents, immediate relatives, and then friends of the deceased.

The presenter should prepare several phrases in advance to remove the pause and redirect the attention of the guests if the speaker’s speech is interrupted by tears. Funeral words are usually pronounced standing.

Orthodox Christian tradition of remembrance

If the deceased was a believer, then a funeral should be held according to church customs, in compliance with church rituals. Speeches and prayers are key components of a Christian memorial ceremony. Afterwards, the host of the ceremony should thank all the guests for coming to the funeral and praying for the soul of the newly deceased. Funeral speeches pronounced when everyone has already gathered at the table.

In the Orthodox Christian tradition, the funeral begins with Psalm 90 and. The atmosphere at the table is restrained; you need to talk quietly, in a half-whisper. The first word is given to the head of the family. Then the funeral is led by the head of the ceremony - a person respected by the guests and close to the family. Funeral words at Orthodox funerals pronounced according to seniority. Everyone who wants to speak can and should have the floor.

Funeral toasts* at Orthodox funerals end with the words: May [Name] rest in peace and may the memory be eternal! Everyone drinks without clinking glasses and bowing to the portrait or empty seat of the deceased.

* Alcohol is not included in the Orthodox tradition of commemoration (see). But the practice of remembering “without clinking glasses” is deeply rooted among the people. It is important to observe moderation!

In Orthodoxy it is known that, thanks to prayers, funeral services and other Christian rituals, the tossing soul of the newly deceased becomes easier. A kind, warm word from family and friends pacifies the soul of the deceased and dulls the grief of loved ones. At the end of the commemoration, rising from the table, each bows to the portrait or towards the place of the deceased. Leaving, . It is not customary to say goodbye at a wake.

Poems for funerals? Yes, but delicately and in moderation.

When expressing condolences in person, face to face, it is undesirable to turn to the verse. Read gathered at a common table friends of the deceased are allowed - after all, everyone expects mournful sayings, memories and some pathos. Perhaps in verse. The main thing is that the rhyme is not vulgar, that it reflects the best features of the deceased and corresponds to the moment. And there was brief. Or very brief.

Example of a funeral speech

In order not to be constrained by the “correct” but inappropriate speech, instead of a specific example, we will offer the optimal structure of a funeral word with example phrases.


  • Dear friends and relatives of [Name]!
  • Dear guests!
  • Brothers and sisters!
  • Dear family and friends of our beloved [Name]

Personal positioning in relation to the deceased(modestly):

  • I am the nephew of our revered [Name].
  • I am the brother of [Name] whom we remember today.
  • [Name] and I have worked/served together for a long time/recent years.

About the mourning event(news of death or memory of a funeral):

  • My father was ill for a long time; we understood what would happen, but when we got a call from the hospital...
  • When I found out that [Name] died, I couldn't think about anything else that evening.
  • Although my grandfather lived a long life, the news of his death shocked me.
  • Today is 40 days since my mother left us.
  • A year ago we said goodbye to [Name], a respected and worthy person.

Few words about the best qualities of the deceased:

  • Grandmother was the kindest person, a hospitable and hospitable hostess.
  • She has been a support and reliable support for her deceased husband for five years now.
  • He was known as a joker and an optimist; it was easy and carefree to be with him.
  • He gave confidence in the future and was a support for those around him.

Quote a command, advice, or moral value that the deceased encouraged family and friends to follow. Then, in a few sentences, tell about a significant incident or episode of life, which illustrates a positive quality of the deceased. It’s good if this one is yours. How to buy grave monuments inexpensively in Moscow? Photos and prices for tombstones made of granite and marble.

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A wake is an action that is performed to honor the memory of a deceased person. The core of a wake is a communal meal, which is arranged by relatives in the house of the deceased, in a cemetery or in another place.

Funerals are held several times:

  • on the day of death of a relative or the next day;
  • on the third day after death, the soul of the deceased leaves this world and ascends to heaven (as a rule, this day coincides with the day of the funeral);
  • on the ninth day;
  • on the fortieth day;
  • further, memorial meals are held six months from the date of death, and then all subsequent anniversaries.

As a rule, family members of the deceased and his friends take part in the funeral. For example, you can come to the wake of the ninth day without an invitation. You cannot drive away those who wanted to take part in this ritual. But it is important to remember that wakes are not organized for the sake of those invited, and the set table is not their main component. People come to them not to relieve themselves of negative emotions, stress, and certainly not to chat about abstract topics. The main thing at a wake is prayer for the deceased. It is very good, before starting a meal, to read the 17th Kathisma from the Psalter. And before eating, everyone should read the “Our Father” prayer.

Postponement of the funeral date

It often happens that memorial days fall either on a weekday, when it is impossible to leave work to prepare everything for them, or on some religious holiday. In this regard, the question arises as to whether it is possible to postpone the date of the obligatory commemoration, to do it either earlier or later.

The clergy believe that it is not at all necessary to hold a memorial meal on the anniversary of death. If there are objective reasons that prevent you from doing this, then you need to focus on them first.

It is not advisable to remember the dead during the week of Easter, as well as during the Holy Week of Lent. At this time, all thoughts should be directed: in Holy Week - to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, in Easter week - to the joy of the news of his resurrection. So, if the date of the funeral falls within these periods, it would be most correct to move them to Radonitsa - the day of remembrance of the dead.

If the date of the funeral falls on Christmas Eve, then it would be better to move it to January 8. This is even considered a good sign, since the wake is essentially dedicated to the fact of birth in eternal life.

The clergy also advise us not to forget the fact that prayer for them is first and foremost important to our deceased relatives. Therefore, it is recommended to order a Liturgy for the repose of the Soul of the deceased and a Panikhida for the Day of Remembrance in the church the day before the funeral. It is advisable to pray for the deceased. And the funeral itself can be postponed to the next day off after the anniversary of the death. But moving the date of the funeral on the fortieth day to an earlier date in Orthodoxy is not recommended.

All Souls' Day

In various religions there are certain days when you can remember your dead. If for some reason it was not possible to remember your loved ones at the right time, you can always do this on the day of remembrance, the date of which varies in different religions:

  1. In Orthodoxy, as mentioned above, this is Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter. It should be noted that this is not the only day of remembrance in Orthodoxy. In addition to Radonitsa, there are five more similar dates.
  2. In Catholicism, All Souls' Day falls on November 2. Funeral services on the third, seventh and thirtieth days after death are considered optional.
  3. In Islam, it doesn’t matter what day it is, you need to remember the deceased. The main thing is to remember him with prayer and, together with his family, do good deeds on his behalf - give alms, take care of orphans. But the main thing is that it remains a secret in whose name these actions are committed.
  4. In Buddhism, the Ulambana holiday is celebrated, which takes place in the seventh month from the first to the fifteenth day of the Lunar calendar. Dedicated to commemorating the dead.

Almost everyone knows that they need to remember their dead, but people often forget how and why this is done. There is a connection between the departed and those who remain on earth. Therefore, people whose relative has died for a long time are in a state of sadness, anxiety, they have dreams about the dead, in which most often they ask for food or to do something for them.

As a rule, after such dreams there is a need to remember them, a need to visit a temple, a need to do some good deeds (for example, give alms). All this has a beneficial effect on the souls of the departed. The inability to hold a memorial ceremony on the same day is not a problem, since you can always leave a note in the temple and a clergyman will conduct it for you.

Our spiritual state affects the state of the dead in the other world, and in order to help them, we need to start changing ourselves and our environment. You can get rid of a bad habit, forgive those for whom resentment has been accumulating for a very long time, and start reading the Bible.

When conducting a funeral ritual, it is always necessary to keep its purpose in mind - when performing a joint prayer, ask the Lord to grant the deceased the Kingdom of Heaven and rest his Soul.

Days of commemoration: 9, 40 days and 1 year after death. All Souls Days and saints Orthodox. Parents' Saturday. Funeral service in Lent. Wake on the day of the funeral.

Days of remembrance of the dead among the Orthodox

Remembering a person who has passed away is a kind of mission, something obligatory, but at the same time performed without coercion - in memory of a loved one who is not around, but who remains forever in the hearts of people who remember him.

It is customary to remember the deceased on the day of the funeral, which according to Christian tradition are on the third day after death, on ninth And fortieth days, and also after a year after the loss.

Funerals on the 3rd and 9th day after death

Memorial Day after the funeral is very important. Those gathered to see off the deceased on his final journey offer prayers to God for the reassurance of his soul. On this day it is customary to cover large funeral table(you can find out what it should be like on the page “”) and have a leisurely meal, during which those present are given the opportunity to express their grief and say a few warm words about the departed person. How to issue an invitation to a wake - read the article. Read about how to formulate your thoughts at a wake and what words to choose on the “” page.

The wake on the ninth day is best held in a small circle- with family and friends, - reading prayers and resurrecting in memory episodes of the deceased’s life that characterize him from the best sides. On this day, you can visit the grave of the deceased, refresh the flowers and once again mentally “talk” and say goodbye to your loved one.

40 days and 1 year (anniversary)

Funeral for 40 days (or forties) are no less significant than the events held on the day of the funeral. According to Orthodox beliefs, on the forties the soul of a departed person appears before God and its fate is decided, where it will go - to heaven or hell. On this day, relatives and friends should prepare large funeral table and invite everyone who knew the deceased and would like to remember him. On the forties, it is customary to visit the grave of the deceased and read prayers for the repose of his soul.

Memorial service for the departed

Through one year after death It is not necessary to hold a wake for a large number of people, it is enough to gather together at the family table and honor the memory of the deceased person. At the same time, on the anniversary of death visit the grave of the deceased and, if necessary, restore order there. A year after the sad event experienced, you can plant flowers, pine needles on the grave, tint the fence, or, if the monument was temporary, replace it with a permanent granite or marble monument.

Do I need to go to church for a funeral?

Funerals for 3, 9, 40 days, as well as 1 year later they assume Orthodox Christians holding church services. When visiting the temple, relatives of the deceased light candles, read prayers and organize memorial services. But let's add that this can be taken care of not only on memorial days, but also on ordinary days. So, you can light a candle and pray in church if something is bothering you and feelings about the departed person come flooding back again. You can offer prayers in the temple on the birthday of the deceased, on the day on which his name day fell, and at any other time whenever you want it. You can perform prayers on memorial days at home yourself or by inviting a clergyman.

Why do we need to pray for the dead?

And finally. Remembrance days should be met and seen off in a good mood, without holding a grudge against anyone, especially against the deceased person. During the funeral, it is also customary to distribute alms to those in need and treat funeral dishes to everyone who surrounds you on this day - neighbors, colleagues, friends.

The anniversary of death (1 year) is a mourning date. On this day, relatives and friends of the deceased person gather to remember him. According to tradition, those gathered remember the good deeds that the deceased person managed to do during his lifetime, share their memories with each other, and express condolences to close relatives.

How to prepare

It is customary to organize a wake for a person. The funeral event is announced only to those people whom the relatives of the deceased wish to see at the funeral table. Before holding a funeral, the relatives of the deceased person must:

  1. Notify loved ones in advance about the approaching date of mourning.
  2. Choose an establishment (cafe or canteen) for holding a memorial service or organize a memorial table at home.
  3. On the eve of the funeral, call the invitees again and find out who is going to come.

It is recommended to serve portioned dishes slightly larger than the stated number of guests. This is necessary if an uninvited distant relative or colleague of the deceased comes to the wake. You should not pay much attention to the design of the room where the funeral meal will take place. It is enough to place in a prominent place a photograph of the person being commemorated, tied with a black mourning ribbon.

The 1st anniversary is an important date, but you shouldn’t invite too many people. It is preferable if among the invitees there are close relatives and those people whom the deceased person loved during his lifetime. But you should not refuse those who themselves have expressed a desire to attend the event (the exception is cases when a person came to the wake who clearly wants to ruin the funeral event).

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to arrange a wake before the actual anniversary. The Church gives permission for this. For example, if the anniversary of the death falls on a working day of the week, then it is better to hold the funeral the day before on the weekend. Not all relatives know whether it is possible to have a funeral dinner during Lent. This is permissible provided that only lean food is present on the table.

If this option does not suit you, then it is better to organize the funeral earlier - before the start of Lent.

Visit to the church and cemetery

The Christian duty of the living is to pray for the souls of deceased relatives. Only through sincere prayers can the person being remembered be forgiven in heaven. That is why, for a year from the date of death of a person, relatives must visit the church, light candles for the repose of the soul and order a special prayer - a memorial service. A liturgy is served in the church, before which relatives present a note with the name of the deceased person. You should definitely visit the church in the morning. If a person visits the temple for the first time, he needs to ask the abbot about how to properly order a prayer service and light candles.

After going to the temple, relatives are advised to visit the grave of the person being commemorated, especially if it is summer outside. If a priest is invited to the grave, he can read the akathist and perform the litia. The ritual performed is also part of the commemoration, for which a person’s sins are forgiven. Relatives should say kind words and mentally ask for forgiveness from the deceased. It is recommended to bring fresh flowers to the cemetery. The clergy categorically prohibit bringing food, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes to the grave. It is better to bring candles and lamps to the burial site. Eating and drinking at the grave is a pagan ritual. This contributes to the spread of all kinds of garbage in the cemetery.

According to Christian traditions, the graves of the deceased must be kept clean.

In order for as many people as possible to remember the person by saying kind words, it is recommended to give alms a year after death. This ritual allows living people to perform a good deed, the result of which is to improve the afterlife of the deceased. Alms are usually distributed to those who need it - poor people. Relatives can treat colleagues and friends to something tasty, or take a small funeral ration to a nursing home or orphanage. After a year, you can give away the personal belongings of the deceased to those in need.

Funeral dinner

The table for a funeral dinner should be set modestly. It is necessary to prepare the first course, the second course, appetizers, and kutya. It is better to consecrate the Kolivo in church or sprinkle it yourself with holy water - these are the rules. It is recommended to exclude alcoholic drinks. In exceptional cases, you can put vodka, cognac or Cahors on the table. Sparkling wines would be inappropriate. If the day of the funeral falls during Lent, then the table should predominantly contain Lenten dishes. Any pastry is suitable as a dessert.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make a toast. During lunch, it is appropriate for those gathered to say kind words about the deceased person. Poems, warm words in prose - this is what they say at the wake. It is acceptable to share your memories. The annual memorial dinner should not be turned into a holiday where people gossip, have fun, and utter words that denigrate the memory of the deceased person.

One year from the moment a person’s funeral took place is a very important mourning date. You should prepare for the funeral dinner in advance. However, we must remember that the main purpose of lunch and visiting the cemetery is to remember the deceased person and pray for his soul. Don't do it just to please the people around you. If for some reason it is not possible to arrange a funeral or visit a temple or cemetery, then you can simply mentally remember the person and pray for him.

Many people wonder what happens 1 year after the loss of a loved one. And here it is important to create not only a delicious menu - the main thing is that it complies with church canons. After all, in Christianity it is believed that exactly one year after death the soul unites with the souls of its ancestors. From now on, the three-stage ritual of remembrance is considered complete. Now, in honor of the memory of a loved one, you can gather in a narrow family circle on special memorial days or some important dates associated with the one who is no longer there.

General rules for holding funerals

If a person was baptized during his lifetime, then on the eve of the funeral in the church one must order a funeral Liturgy. It is performed specifically for commemoration, when special prayers are heard for the deceased. In addition, you can write the person’s name on special notes that are compiled in the temple. Memorial services are not held for suicides.

If the commemoration falls during Lent, then it is moved to the next weekend.

You don't need to go to the cemetery. This is important for practical purposes: the grave requires care and improvement, the fence requires new paint. It will be symbolic to replace the temporary monument or cross on this very day. From a spiritual point of view, visiting your relative or friend is simply necessary, because on this day it is important to really remember the person, talk about him, pray for his soul, and give alms. It is recommended to treat those who need it - homeless vagabonds or those living in poverty. At the same time, it is not easy to name the person being remembered, but to briefly tell what he was like, remember his good deeds. After this, you can ask to pray for him. It has long been believed that the prayer of those who are deprived of earthly goods has more weight, because such people are closer to God. They live in hope and faith, which means that their sincere request for the deceased will definitely be heard.

It would be right to bring flowers. At the wake they should only be alive.

There are several customs associated with this requirement. The first dates back to Ancient Rome, when in the spring they began to decorate graves with all kinds of flowers, and not on special days, but on ordinary ones, in order to thus make the burial place more beautiful. After some time, the cemeteries turned into blooming gardens. As a result, the church forbade taking any floral paraphernalia to funerals, including wreaths, so that relatives could concentrate on prayers.

The Christian tradition preaches something else - the immortality of the soul. This is a kind of allegory that a person, like a flower, never dies. He receives resurrection and eternal life in another, better world, and the soul is constantly reborn. As for the wreath, it must have a cross. This embodies the spiritual depth of grief, a prayerful wish for the soul to find peace. Thus, fresh flowers, unlike artificial ones, symbolize eternal life, eternal love and eternal memory. Therefore, a tradition has developed to use elements of evergreen shrubs and trees in funeral processions.

Premises and appearance

We should also talk about the place. This is, of course, an individual question; it depends on the capabilities and desires of relatives. You can rent a special room and invite everyone or those who were close to the deceased. Then the need to think about the menu will disappear by itself, because public establishments have standard options for different occasions. You just need to approve the existing menu or add some dishes to it. However, from a spiritual point of view, the place where a person is remembered should be connected with him, so many families spend memorable evenings at home.

As for clothing, everything is not as strict as on the day of the funeral. Formal style is encouraged: suits, blouses, but there is nothing wrong with modest sweaters and jeans. The main thing is that the clothes are neutral shades. It doesn't have to be black, but a T-shirt with an eye-catching pattern would definitely be out of place. It is important to understand that deaths are an act of remembrance and respect. This is not an entertaining evening, but you shouldn’t turn it into a mournful one either.

According to church canons, you cannot grieve for a long time.

We need to believe and rejoice that our loved one has gone to a better world. Those who are alien to this position should look at it differently - through the eyes of the one you want to remember. Would he like to see his entire family, friends and colleagues burst into tears? Or would he be pleased to hear the stories that connect you all? Would he be offended that you wore a red dress, or would he remark on your taste? Would he smile as his favorite songs were played, or would he prefer silence? As you can see, there is no universal answer.

Organization of a memorial meal

In memory of the deceased, it is necessary to symbolically allocate a place for him at the table: place a chair, cutlery, pour water into a glass and cover it with a piece of bread. The meal should be simple. This is a special ritual at a wake. It serves not to satiate, but to remember and unite the family. Its goal is to maintain physical and mental strength. Therefore, the table should not be crowded with an abundance of dishes, so that the evening of remembrance does not turn into a noisy feast.

The tradition itself originated in pagan times, when food was eaten at the grave of the deceased. Among the Eastern Slavs, funeral rites were accompanied by songs, dances, and various competitions. It was believed that the louder, brighter and richer they see off a person on his last journey, the easier his new life in another world will be.

According to Christian rules, what is important in a funeral meal is not food and surroundings, but modesty, humility and spirituality.

In addition, the church insists on the absence of alcohol, because under its influence the occasion of the event is forgotten. And the fact that alcoholic drinks themselves are considered to be fun makes their presence at funerals a repetition of pagan traditions. However, nowadays a funeral dinner is rarely complete without alcohol, so it is necessary to make the consumption symbolic. Sparkling and sweet drinks are unacceptable at such events, as is the common mistake of pouring alcohol on the grave soil. The Church considers this extreme disrespect for the deceased and considers it a sin.

What is required at a funeral table?

No matter how much time has passed since the death of a person - 9 days, 40 or one year - memorial meals in his honor should include dishes and products traditional for such events. These are kutia, pancakes, jelly and honey.

Kutya was used during rituals of worshiping the dead back in Ancient Rome. In Greece, boiled wheat with fruits and berries was served at funerals. It came into Christian life from pagan rituals of a similar nature. The symbolism of kutya is that the grains represent life, death and rebirth. Getting into the ground, they give new breath, blossoming, food. The consumption of raisins, berries, and nuts is also associated with this. Honey in porridge symbolizes well-being, a sweet and happy life. And if we remember that religion views death as a journey to a better world, then the appearance of this dish on the funeral table takes on a deeper meaning.

Kutya is prepared simply. To do this you will need 0.5 kg of rice or wheat, dried apricots, honey, raisins and poppy seeds if desired. The grains need to be soaked in water for several hours and then cooked until tender. Sweet additives are added at the end.

Eating jelly today is more of a tribute to tradition. With the current variety of non-alcoholic drinks, jelly can be replaced with juice, lemonade, uzvar or compote. For the latter, both fresh and frozen berries and fruits can be suitable. In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil, then add the main ingredients and add sugar. All this is cooked until a rich color and pronounced aroma appear.

The compote served should be neutral - not sour, but not very sweet either.

Sample menu

At memorial gatherings, first courses are served. These are light soups, sometimes fish soup, but most often homemade borscht. Its preparation begins with meat broth on the bones, and after some time potatoes are added to it. At the same time, vegetables are sauteed in a frying pan, after which they are also sent to the pan along with shredded cabbage and spices. After 15–20 minutes, the borscht can be removed from the stove. Where there is a first course, there must be a second. This could be mashed potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge or noodles. It is made from flour and eggs, boiled in chicken broth with spices.

Sandwiches, lavash rolls, casserole, cutlets, sliced ​​sausage and cheese, jellied meat, fish, and fruit are used as snacks. You can also make puff pastries. It’s much easier to make them with ready-made store-bought dough; all you have to do is choose the filling and put the dessert in the oven.
Thus, an approximate menu for a funeral meal can be presented as follows:

  • Kutya;
  • borsch;
  • herring;
  • puree;
  • cutlets or fried meat;
  • sandwiches;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • pickles (including mushrooms);
  • baked goods (buns, pancakes or pies);
  • candies;
  • compote, mineral water.

There is another unofficial tradition - to serve what the deceased liked. His favorite salads, pastries, and snacks can ideally complement the list of traditional dishes. If the wake falls during Lent, the menu should be different. It is necessary to exclude everything that contains animal products. You can serve lean borscht, kutya, potatoes with mushrooms, compote, carrot or cabbage cutlets, and salads. This could be a version of cucumbers and tomatoes or radishes and carrots, as well as a vinaigrette. It is prepared from boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes and beets with the addition of pickles, green peas and onions.

Pancakes are ideal for a Lenten table. They also have symbolic meaning. We know about it from Maslenitsa traditions - it is a celebration of the sun, renewal, new clean life. You will need wheat or buckwheat flour, dry yeast, water and sugar. Everything is mixed, then salt and vegetable oil are added. You need to bake pancakes in a hot frying pan. You can use mushrooms as a filling.

And again about prayer. Before eating food, the eldest representative of the family turns to God and says kind words about the deceased. The meal begins with kutya - everyone should eat at least a few spoons.