The problem of the attitude towards power Khodasevich Before his resignation, Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin loved Zvanka (Unified State Examination in Russian). Indifference and responsiveness of the authorities towards the common man

Below in the text, starting right from the second paragraph, are extracts from a couple of books from the beginning of the last century, which tell about the attitude of ordinary Russian people to the authorities at that time. There is a feeling that nothing has changed fundamentally since then. We can trace the same parallels, and, after reading the extracts, we can understand a little the mentality of the ordinary Russian person, as well as why everything in our country is this way and not otherwise.

The attitude of the peasants towards various representatives power was far from homogeneous. If the Tsar and his actions were recognized unconditionally, then all the failures were attributed to officials who, as the peasants believed, deliberately distorted the royal will. Distrust of officials with complete trust in the supreme ruler is noticeable even in Ancient Rus'.

This trait political culture The peasantry gave rise to a specific attitude towards bureaucrats, especially petty ones, which the peasants encountered most often in life. Among the peasants, there was a centuries-old belief that all “frock coats” were some kind of special class that had nothing in common with the people. “The frock-coat man and the lapotnik” are two mutually repelling elements, and, according to the lapotnik, there are no common interests in given time Dont Have. If the frock coat worker represents at least the most microscopic authorities, like a volost clerk or a clerk, then every sober peasant tries, as far as possible, to hide his insides, his thoughts, desires and hopes from the gaze of this representative of the nettle tribe, not being able to separate his personality in his mind from the position she occupied and thinking of him as a clerk. The commonly used name for the authorities among the peasants was also the word “members,” which was applied to everyone except the constable and the police officer. The term "official" was rarely used.

The peasants treat the authorities with complete respect, and it is considered impossible to disobey the orders of the authorities, no matter how it manifests itself. The headman was elected from among the peasants and therefore had the right to command them.

The headman was rarely rude. But often the men laughed at this or that headman, who, after getting drunk, shouted to the whole village that he was its owner. The headman views his duties as very important and serious matters. He immediately undertakes to carry out the assigned work, but is often drawn towards the peasants, because he has a personal interest related to the interests of the peasants.

The attitude towards the zemstvo chief is respectful. The peasants do not avoid him, and in conversation with him they behave quite freely, but any decree is scary for them, and it is considered impossible not to carry out the orders of the zemstvo. Another thing is the attitude towards the new decrees: “What is the need for the zemstvo to tell us new law? What is good for us peasants is harmful to the landowner, and he himself is a master. He will call us at about 10 or 11 in the morning, and then, you see, he will come at night, the winter day is still small, and the summer day, you wait, you will be exhausted. And when it doesn’t come at all that day, but comes the next day. We sit and wait, nothing can be done."

A feature of the Russian petty bureaucracy is well represented here - permissiveness and lack of discipline, both executive and labor. Subsequently, peasants holding posts in the zemstvo or council of peasant deputies calmly repeated this behavior. It was perceived as a perk of the boss.

Among peasants, in general, one can notice a constant readiness to “thank” a literate or “learned” person for useful advice and, even more so, for assistance, trouble or writing the necessary paper; They did not consider the collection of such thanks even by employees, such as, for example, a volost or village clerk, as a bribe, but looked at it as a voluntary reward for a useful service. They consider a bribe to be the case when the official takes it but does nothing, or takes it from the opposite side in order to commit some injustice in his favor.

This attitude of the peasants is recorded in many documents. This is a tradition of worldly help. The need for gratitude was superimposed on the obligation to demonstrate one's respect. Moreover, the “gratitude” was also practical in nature, they say, I did everything now it was his turn.

Since most peasants, especially older ones, are illiterate, elders are rarely found literate, so everything in the volost is in the hands of the clerk. The volost judges also cannot conduct business themselves; the article of the law is assigned by the volost clerk.

The clerk is the prince of the volost, and if he runs the office well, then it is very difficult for the peasants to replace him, because the magistrates value him. They say that there is no way to find a clerk who could run the office in order and would not take bribes.

The zemstvo chief in the eyes of the peasants is a government protege, whose responsibility is to monitor both the needs rural population, as well as their compliance with all government requirements. According to their concepts, he carries out judgment and reprisals on them in cases of violation of civil and criminal laws. But what they cannot come to terms with and get used to is the interference of the zemstvo chief in their internal life, in their family and economic affairs, and most importantly, in their self-government.

The police officer is a zealot for the letter of the law, a dry, strict and inaccessible person; with his treatment of the peasants, sometimes rude, he is not respected among them; People turn to his assistance only in extraordinary cases.

Stanovoy is little occupied with his direct responsibility, which he considers an unnecessary burden for himself, and not a duty, and besides, he is a hot-tempered and irritable person, in the eyes of the people he loses his name decent person. The people fear him not for their conscience, but for fear, and try in every possible way to avoid any relationship with him. In dealing with his subordinates, the sots and, especially the tens, he is picky, capricious and cruel. Likes to take gifts and bribes. A peasant who has something to do with him rarely gets any sense from him or even a thorough hearing of the matter and leaves for the most part empty-handed, scolded for the anxiety he has caused his nobility. When executing urgent orders from his superiors, he acts without any reasoning, as they say, blindly.

In general, police officers are active and energetic people, unrequited workers for the public good. They try in every possible way to achieve a speedy outcome of the case, but do not take repressive measures. Their treatment of the peasants is sympathetic. They try to stand on an equal footing with them, and when fulfilling their official duties and the orders of their superiors, they act peacefully, try to inspire and convince the peasant that it is impossible to do otherwise, but must do as his superiors require of him in the form of personal or public benefit and landscaping.

The Sotskys, by themselves and in the eyes of the people, do not rise at all above their environment. Their personal attitude towards the peasants and the peasants towards them is relaxed. When executing the orders of their superiors, they are not very strict, because they do not always share the beliefs of their superiors, but rather adhere to the views of the peasants themselves.

Tens can be divided into two categories: most The majority of the population is made up of decent people, and the minority is made up of bad people. The latter often exceed their rights and obligations, which, fortunately, are very limited, and are extremely rude in the performance of their official duties. In the normal course of life, they try to put their “I” on display. Most of the tens in their ordinary life and when executing orders from superiors - the direct opposite of the just named minority.

The permanent composition of the volost government is as follows: the foreman, the volost clerk, his assistant and the messenger. The volost board also includes village elders. The volost clerk officially manages purely clerical affairs, but in fact in his person he combines the entire volost administration, starting with the foreman and ending with the courts. Whenever there is a need, the peasant turns to the volost government as the first instance.

The village headman in his special activities depends little on the authorities mentioned above. It plays somewhat of an independent organ. But he does not have the power that the foreman has, and, on the contrary, the foreman, for his part, cannot interfere with him in his personal orders, such as, for example, in issuing passports. The village headman sometimes uses his power for personal benefit and profit.

Peasants do not come to the authorities with congratulations. With the arrival of the zemstvo chiefs in the village, the entire village takes on a festive look. They remove hanging laundry from the street, drive stray cattle into the yard, put dogs on chains, sweep the streets and dress up themselves.

The orders of the zemstvo chief are carried out exactly, although slowly and without coercion. Quite different can be said regarding the enforcement of volost court decisions. The volost court is not respected, and its decisions are often violated, so that the intervention of the police is required. The reasons for this lie in the peasants themselves and in the persons holding these posts. Coming from a peasant environment and no different from them, elected rural authorities deserve only equal respect with the peasants. But this equal respect changes depending on the personal qualities of the elected person.

As for the police chief, he has no relations with the people. The peasants never saw him. His affairs are tax-related, and since the foreman and village elders are responsible for taxes, he sometimes threatens with a fine. But he almost never plants. The elders speak very highly of him. The people also do not know the bailiff, although his part, besides the detective, is mainly tax-paying, and he must travel around the villages, force the elders and the people, but since this part again mainly lies with the elders and elders, the people, without seeing from the bailiff no oppression, considers him a kind person. The police officer, in whose area of ​​activity the village is located, is also a kind person: he personally does not harm anyone. His activity is purely fiscal: to squabble, to convey something unimportant (which didn’t even happen, as long as the bailiff was happy that I supposedly knew). If it weren't for the "mongrel" position, he could have been an excellent person. He himself is personally honest by nature, but service or the wrong concept of the oath disfigures him. Relies on Sotsky. Sotsky could even break the pipes in houses that did not give him water, under the guise that they were not working properly, although the pipes were new and more than serviceable.

Desyatsky is a stage escort and courier of government papers. He doesn’t keep order, has no idea about the fire department, about night guards, or about peace and quiet - the same as the first ones. Their treatment of the peasants is as follows: the constable orders, the captain scolds the foreman, the tenth goes to the volost and asks them to do something.

Faresov A.I. Men and bosses. St. Petersburg, 1906.
Astyrev N.M. In volost clerks: Essays on peasant self-government. M. 1896.

  • 06 April 2012 14:46 in section
Final essay 2017

Vocabulary work:

Indifference - indifference, indifference, passivity, absence
interest in everything around him, cold calm.
Responsiveness –
positive spiritual and moral quality
personality, manifested as a tendency to help those in need,
see need, unselfishness, generosity, magnanimity, skill
forgive, tolerance.


Dispassion, indifference, indifference, coldness, passionlessness,
cold-bloodedness, indifference, insensitivity, cruelty.
Sincerity, cordiality, sensitivity, compassion, attentiveness,
kindness, humanity, compassion, good nature.

“Good doesn’t lie on the road; you can’t pick it up by chance. Good man
a person learns" Ch. Aitmatov
“In my opinion, a person lives as long as he loves, and if he doesn’t love people, then why
he is needed! M. Gorky
“Only one can take to heart the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland
one who cannot pass indifferently by the joys and sorrows of an individual
human" V. A. Sukhomlinsky
“Condescension to evil very closely borders on indifference to good” N.S.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

“The worst sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; Here
truly the pinnacle of inhumanity" George Shaw
“The greatest sin of man is not hatred, but indifference to his own
brothers" Mother Teresa
“Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul”
M. Gorky
“The big vice is indifference, dispassion. Small man with ice
in the heart - a future everyman. Already in childhood it is necessary to kindle in the heart of everyone
a person's spark of civic passion and intransigence towards what is evil
or condones evil"
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The topic of indifference and responsiveness as human qualities is one of the main ones in the world
literature. It is difficult to find a work in which, to one degree or another, to one degree or another
this eternal moral problem. Writers converted
attention to the indifferent attitude towards loved ones, relatives and simply those who
is close to life in general, to his professional duty. Writers
discussed the reasons for the emergence of such quality.
Along with heroes with callous souls, there are many examples in literature of selfless,
honest, kind characters who are capable of sacrificing themselves for others.
Life is complex and multifaceted, and sometimes it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of people’s actions,
It’s not easy to explain the motives for their behavior, to understand whether a person is absolutely indifferent or
able to be responsive and compassionate.

Attitude towards people

M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”
Danko and Larra are two heroes, strong and brave young men who do not know what
fear. There is one difference between them: Danko cannot look at him indifferently.
the suffering of people, and Larra cares only about her own selfish desires.
There is no love, no pity, no compassion in him, he does not know what it is
responsiveness, wants only to be free from people. Striving for this, hero
often shows hard-heartedness. Danko, at a critical moment, does not allow
his people to bow to the conquerors, but instead offers
follow him. The hero devotes his short life to people. ABOUT
Larra’s existence is only reminiscent of a shadow wandering across the steppe, and Danko
people remember before a thunderstorm, when sparks illuminate the steppe.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Dvor"
In the story, the writer creates a unique image of a simple Russian
woman who lived hard life, but managed not to become embittered,
don't become indifferent. Matryona Vasilievna kept in her soul
selflessness and sincerity towards people. She's with a light
responded with her heart to any call for help, without demanding anything
in return: no plowing could be done without her, she was harnessed to the plow
and dragged her on herself. I couldn’t refuse any relatives
Matryona in her help, even if she had to sacrifice
own interests. Absence of any self-interest and desire
to preserve “personal good” leads to the fact that Matryona resignedly
gives away adopted daughter Kira and her husband received a room cut off from
old house. The heroine devoted her entire life to people, and when she
help was needed, no one was nearby.

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”
In the drama, the writer shows how absolutely callous, soulless,
heartless people who make the lives of loved ones unbearable (Mikhail
Kostylev, his wife Vasilisa), and sympathetic, kind people (Natasha,
Anna, Nastya, Actor). Suffice it to remember Vasilisa Kostyleva, the owner
a shelter that insults and humiliates people offended by fate. She
soulless not only towards the “dwellers of the bottom”, but also towards her own sister, happiness
which she is ready to ruin forever. The general tragic pathos of the play
smoothes out the appearance of the wanderer Luke, who carries the idea of ​​good. In his
the soul has a place for responsiveness and compassion. He takes pity on the unfortunate, gives
gives them hope, teaches them to believe in people. However, do not forget that the figure
wanderer and his philosophy are very controversial (an eternal dispute about the bitter truth
and white lies). Nevertheless, from the position of indifference and manifestation
compassion for people - he is undoubtedly a positive hero (remember,
for example, the dialogue between Luke and the dying Anna).


V. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”
In the story, the author talks about cruelty in the world of teenagers, draws attention to the fact that
how merciless children can sometimes be towards those who are different in some way. home
the heroine Lena Bessoltseva is the object of cruel ridicule in the class. She,
a good-natured, sympathetic person with an open soul, takes responsibility for
someone else's ugly act, trying to protect the boy she likes.
Her classmates boycott her, and then commit a completely terrible act:
An effigy representing a girl is burned at the stake. The worst thing is that the person who
actually committed this act (Lena’s classmate Dima Somov), there was no way he could
find the strength to confess, and two more classmates, Shmakova and Popov, accidentally
Having learned the truth, they decided not to interfere and see how the matter ends for Lena
Bessoltseva. Here we can safely say that their indifference is even worse than cowardice
Dima Somov. The cruelty of these still very immature people is truly enormous. She
brings Lena unspeakable suffering: the girl is an outcast in the class, she is despised, hated,
demonstrating in every possible way his attitude towards her. But for a teenager, and for anyone in general
man, there is nothing harder than exile. Particular attention is paid to behavior
adults, it would seem, are obliged to understand that Lena should not bear
responsibility for the asceticism of their grandfather, but they did not react in any way, and even in
in some cases they supported the cruel behavior of the girl’s classmates,
thereby contributing to the formation of indifference in the hearts of young heroes.


F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
In his famous novel, Fyodor Mikhailovich creates a vivid image
a person in whose heart there is no place for indifference, whose soul is full
compassion for one's neighbor. The author believes that it is compassion that determines
the humanity of each of us. Sonechka Marmeladova has to trade
with her body for the well-being of her family, this is how she shows compassion.
And when the heroine meets Raskolnikov, we see how the girl
shares his mental pain, shows kindness to the young man, than
saves his soul. Speaking about Dostoevsky's novel, it is worth noting that
Almost every hero is tested by this great feeling
compassion for one's neighbor. So, even the murderer Raskolnikov cannot
indifferently walk past a drunk girl, gives his last pennies to his family
deceased Marmeladov. This means that there is a place in his soul for compassion, his
the heart responds with pain to the torment of others.

12. Attitude to your professional duty.

V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons”
An example of a teacher who is responsive and attentive to her students is the heroine
Rasputin's story "French Lessons". Lidia Mikhailovna cannot stay away, no
may show indifference to a child experiencing life difficulties. Having seen in the main
the hero of a capable student for whom the phonetics of the “mysterious language” was not given, and a lonely
a child trying to cope with constant hunger on his own, the teacher invited
him into his home not so much with the goal of teaching him pronunciation, but rather wanting to feed him. But
the boy cannot afford to sit at the teacher's table, and Lydia Mikhailovna finds
a successful solution is to play for money: now the hero has funds again, he can again
buy yourself milk. Nor did he associate himself with a dubious group of slackers,
plays for money with them. She, of course, an adult and reasonable, imagined that this
the story may end for her - “the sower of the good and eternal” - with dismissal from her job. But
she truly helped the child and did not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune. She's real
a teacher with a soul open to children, and understands perfectly well that it is better to do such a thing
“ugly” act and lose a ruble on milk for a child, but help him survive and not
lose yourself, your individuality, your dignity, than to comply with all the rules adopted
in society, and pass by indifferently.


A.I. Kuprin " Wonderful doctor»
At the center of the writer’s narrative is the poor Mertsalov family, which
starving, who doesn't even have firewood to warm her room. One
the girl in this family has already died, the second one is very sick. One day when everything
Having already stopped hoping for the best, Mertsalov meets an elderly man in the park
the person to whom he tells his story, and the old man immediately
goes to their home. It turns out that he is a doctor whose duty is to respond
to a patient's call for help.
The doctor prescribed treatment for little Mashutka, gave money for medicine,
firewood and food. The wonderful doctor didn't even say his name. It doesn't matter how
the name of the person who unselfishly extended a helping hand, true good
always nameless. Later, the grateful Mertsalov learned that his daughter
saved by the great surgeon Pirogov.

14. Attitude towards loved ones.

L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
At first glance, it seems that in the novel “War and Peace” the Bolkonsky family and
The Rostovs are two poles, two completely different worldviews.
If for the Rostovs the main thing is emotions, then for the Bolkonskys the main thing is order,
once and for all started by them. But there is also common features, one of which is love for
each other. Countess Rostova is sincerely devoted to her children, she cannot
indifferently accept the news of the death of his son, and this pain is understandable and youngest daughter,
who will never allow herself to leave her mother alone in grief. Natasha is responsive and
of good. These qualities were brought up in her by her parents.
Speaking about the Bolkonsky family, you should pay attention to the fact that old prince, on
At first glance, it seems indifferent and cruel towards children, but everything
his words and actions are dictated by love for them. So, he only wants Marya
kind, and she, in turn, blindly obeys him, fearing to upset the old man.


K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"
The plot of Paustovsky's story tells about the life of Katerina Petrovna, an elderly
a woman waiting alone for her daughter to arrive. Nastya lives in big city,
works as a secretary in the artists' union. She is respected at work, she tries hard
in all his manifestations, to be a responsible and responsive person. Heroine
helps a young sculptor with organizing an exhibition, understanding how it is for him
important. But at the same time, he indifferently puts a telegram with the news of
the imminent death of his mother, without even reading it. And only after losing her mother does Nastya realize that
child debt should not be reduced only to a money transfer, close people
They need attention, love, support, and indifference “kills” them. Nastya
I realized this too late, when there was no one to ask for forgiveness.
The heroine of B. Ekimov’s story “Speak, Mom, Speak...” turns out to be wiser.
The young woman understands in time that it is not the money given for
telephone conversations, and an elderly mother, whose life could end at any
moment. The daughter realizes that by indifferently cutting off her mother’s story, she is harming her.

16. The attitude of the authorities towards the common man.

Of course, the indifferent and heartless attitude of the authorities towards
to the common man it is advisable to disclose first
through the analysis of images of little people. Gallery of these heroes
represented quite widely in Russian literature:
“The Station Agent”, “The Bronze Horseman” by A.S. Pushkin,
"Overcoat" N.V. Gogol, “Poor People”, “Crime and Punishment”
F.M. Dostoevsky, early stories A.P. Chekhova and others.

17. Attitude to the world, to life in general.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
Main character, after whom the novel is named, Eugene Onegin. This is young
a metropolitan aristocrat who received a typical secular upbringing. At the beginning of the novel
We meet a young man who has already survived everything, tired of life.
He doesn’t see the meaning in anything at all and is indifferent, it would seem, to everything in the world.
“Tormented by spiritual emptiness,” the young man tries to look for the meaning of life in some activity.
In the village where he escapes, Onegin meets the daughter of a local landowner.
Tatyana falls in love with her neighbor, but he does not accept the love, explaining that he
“not created for bliss,” that is, for the family. Indifference to life, passivity,
“The desire for peace,” inner emptiness suppressed sincere feelings.
Subsequently, he will be punished for his mistake by loneliness.


M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
About a hero who is indifferent to own life, says in his
novel and M.Yu. Lermontov. Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin has
special abilities: extraordinary mind, penchant for deep
analysis, charm, determination. But he doesn't find his purpose
in life and suffers from it. The question comes to his mind: “Why did I live?
For what purpose was I born? He begins to realize that time is lost,
nothing significant has happened in his life and is unlikely to
happen. Pechorin bitterly realizes that he did nothing to
to be recognized in society. Pechorin involuntarily thinks about
of death. The hero feels like a spiritual old man and immediately adds that
he looks like a boy. Those around him talk about his indifference (Werner,
Maxim Maksimych), and he himself feels his strange sensitivity,
the power that the past has over him. Pechorin is very contradictory, and
one might think that his indifference is forced, under it he is trying
hide your feelings so as not to give others power over you.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of “Indifference and Responsiveness.”

Why is indifference dangerous? Can caring for people save lives?

Indifference can cause a person mental pain, indifference can even kill. The indifference of people caused the death of the little girl, the heroine of the Christmas story by H.K. Andersen. Barefoot and hungry, she wandered the streets in the hope of selling matches and bringing money home, but it was New Year's Eve, and people had absolutely no time for buying matches, much less a beggar girl hanging around the houses. No one asked her why she was wandering alone in the cold, no one offered her food, a passing boy even stole her shoe, which was too big and fell off her small foot. The girl dreamed only of a warm place, where there was no fear and pain, of home-cooked food, the aromas of which came from every window. She was afraid to return home, and the attic could hardly be called home. In desperation, she began to burn matches that she was supposed to sell. Each burned match gave her wonderful images, she even saw her dead grandmother. The mirage was so clear that the girl believed in it, she asked her grandmother to take her with her. They ascended high into the heavens with joy on their faces. In the morning, people found a little dead girl with a smile on her lips and an almost empty box of matches in her hands. It was not cold and poverty that killed her, but human indifference to the troubles of the people around her.

Should we learn empathy?

Empathy can and should be learned. The main character of J. Boyne's novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" Bruno is a shining example, confirming my position. His dad, a German military officer, hires a tutor for the children, who should teach them to understand modern history, understand what is right and what is wrong. But Bruno is not at all interested in what the teacher says, he loves adventures and does not understand at all how some people differ from others. In search of friends, the boy goes to “explore” the territory near his home and stumbles upon a concentration camp, where he meets his peer, a Jewish boy, Shmuel. Bruno knows that he should not be friends with Shmuel, so he carefully hides his meetings. He brings food to the prisoner, plays with him and talks through the barbed wire. Neither propaganda nor his father can make him hate the camp prisoners. On the day of his departure, Bruno again goes to a new friend, he decides to help him find his father, puts on a striped robe and sneaks into the camp. The ending of this story is sad, the children are sent to the gas chamber, and only by the remains of their clothes Bruno’s parents understand what happened. This story teaches that empathy needs to be cultivated in oneself. Perhaps we need to learn to look at the world the way the main character does, then people will not repeat terrible mistakes.

Partial (indifferent) attitude towards nature

One of the main characters of the novel B.L. Vasilyeva “Don’t shoot white swans” Egor Polushkin is a man who does not stay in one job for long. The reason for this is the inability to work “without a heart.” He loves the forest very much and takes care of it. That’s why he is appointed as a forester, while firing the dishonest Buryanov. It was then that Egor showed himself as a true fighter for nature conservation. He bravely enters the fight against poachers who set fire to the forest and killed the swans. This man serves as an example of how to treat nature. Thanks to people like Yegor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this earth. Goodness in the person of caring “polushkins” must always act against Buryanov’s cruelty.

"The Man Who Planted Trees" is an allegorical story. At the center of the story is the shepherd Elzéar Bouffier, who single-handedly decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert area. For four decades Bouffier planted trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became like a Garden of Eden. The authorities perceived this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received official state protection. After some time, about 10,000 people moved to this area. All these people owe their happiness to Bouffier. Elzeard Bouffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens in readers a love for the world around them. Man can not only destroy, he is also capable of creating. Human resources are inexhaustible; determination can create life where there is none. This story was translated into 13 languages, it influenced society and authorities so much that after reading it, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest were restored.

Caring attitude to nature.

The story "" touches on the problem of attitude towards nature. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha discovers a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day she brings a whole detachment of pioneers, and together they fertilize the ground around the flower. A year later, we see the consequences of such indifference. The wasteland is unrecognizable: it was “overgrown with herbs and flowers,” and “birds and butterflies flew over it.” Caring for nature does not always require titanic efforts from a person, but it always brings such important results. By spending an hour of their time, each person can save or “give life” to a new flower. And every flower in this world counts.

Indifference to art.

The main character of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is completely devoid of interest in art. He denies it, recognizing only “the art of making money.” He considers a decent chemist more important than any poet, and calls poetry “nonsense.” The painter Raphael, in his opinion, “is not worth a penny.” Even music is not a “serious” activity. Evgeniy is proud of the “lack of artistic sense” in his nature, although he himself is quite familiar with works of art. The denial of generally accepted values ​​is most important to him. For him, the idea of ​​“need” should prevail in everything: if he does not see practical benefits in something, then it is not very important. His profession should be taken into account. He is a doctor, and therefore a zealous materialist. Everything that is subject to reason is of interest to him, but what is in the sphere of feelings and does not have a rational justification is tantamount to danger for him. What he cannot understand scares him the most. And as we know, art is something that cannot be explained in terms, it can only be felt with the heart. That is why Bazarov shows deliberate indifference to art, he simply does not understand it. Because if he understands, he will have to give up everything he believes in. This means admitting that you are wrong, “betraying your principles,” and appearing before all your followers as a person who says one thing and does another. And how could he abandon his ideas after he defended them, bringing the boiling point in the dispute to the maximum.
His profession also played an important role. It is difficult for a person who knows the anatomical structure of the body to believe in the existence of the soul. It is difficult for a doctor who sees death, denies miracles and believes in the power of medicine to imagine that the soul also needs medicine - and this is art.

Another example illustrating indifference to art is Doctor Dymov from the story “” by A.P. Chekhov. His wife Olga Ivanovna blames him for one shortcoming, namely a lack of interest in art. To which Dymov replies that he does not deny art, but simply does not understand it, he studied medicine all his life, and he had no time. Osip argues that if some smart people devote their entire lives to art, and other smart people pay huge amounts of money for their works, then that means they are needed. Partly, the indifference to art is due to his activities, partly to the fact that he had to work several jobs so that Olga Ivanovna could afford to “live in the world of art” and move in the company of “exalted” people. Perhaps Dymov did not understand precisely the false art, the love for which Olga tried so hard to instill in him. Pretense, flattery, and snobbery were the companions of the people of art who attended Olga Ivanovna’s receptions. We can say that Dymov was indifferent not to genuine art, but to false art, because the sad motives that his friend played on the piano touched his heart.

What does indifference lead to? Why is indifference dangerous?

For Onegin, indifference turned out to be a poison that destroyed him over the years. His inability to strong feelings played with him cruel joke. When Tatyana confessed her love to Evgeniy, he turned deaf to her impulses. At that stage of his life, he simply could not do otherwise. It took him years to develop the ability to feel. Unfortunately, fate did not give him a second chance. However, Tatyana’s confession can be considered an important victory, an awakening for Eugene.
A person’s attitude towards parents, indifference towards loved ones. What does indifference to loved ones lead to? Do you agree with Shaw’s statement: “The worst sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference, this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.” Do you agree with the statement: An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.”

Indifferent attitude towards loved ones.

Very often children forget about their parents, immersed in their own worries and affairs. So, for example, in the story by K.G. Paustovsky's "" shows the daughter's attitude towards her aged mother. Katerina Petrovna lived alone in the village, while her daughter was busy with her career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya saw her mother was 3 years ago, she wrote letters extremely rarely, and sent her 200 rubles every two or three months. This money didn’t bother Katerina Petrovna much; she re-read a few lines that her daughter wrote along with the translation (about not only not having time to come, but also to write a normal letter). Katerina Petrovna missed her daughter very much and listened to every rustle. When she felt really bad, she asked her daughter to come to see her before she died, but Nastya didn’t have time. There was a lot to do, she didn’t take her mother’s words seriously. This letter was followed by a telegram that her mother was dying. Only then did Nastya realize that “no one loved her as much as this decrepit old woman abandoned by everyone.” She realized too late that there had never been anyone dearer than her mother in her life and never would be. Nastya went to the village to see her mother for the last time in her life, to ask for forgiveness and say the most important words, but didn’t have time. Katerina Petrovna died. Nastya didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her and left with the awareness of “irreparable guilt and unbearable heaviness.”

Why is indifference dangerous? How are the concepts of indifference and selfishness related? What kind of person can be called indifferent? How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How painful is indifference to oneself?”

Indifference is a feeling that can manifest itself not only in relation to other people, but also to life in general. , central character“Hero of Our Time”, shown by M.Yu. Lermontov as a person who does not see the joys of life. He is bored all the time, he quickly loses interest in people and places, so the main goal of his life is to search for “adventures”. His life is an endless attempt to feel something. According to the famous literary critic Belinsky, Pechorin “frantically chases after life, looking for it everywhere.” His indifference reaches the point of absurdity, turning into indifference to himself. According to Pechorin himself, his life “becomes emptier day by day.” He sacrifices his life in vain, embarks on adventures that do not benefit anyone. Using the example of this hero, you can see that indifference spreads in the human soul like a dangerous disease. It leads to sad consequences and broken destinies of both those around them and the most indifferent person. An indifferent person cannot be happy because his heart is not capable of loving people.

Caring attitude towards the profession.

The role of a teacher in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate. A teacher is someone who is able to open a wonderful world, reveal a person’s potential, and help determine the choice of life path. A teacher is not only someone who imparts knowledge, it is, first of all, a moral guide. Thus, the main character of M. Gelprin’s story “Andrei Petrovich” is a teacher with capital letters. This is a man who remained faithful to his profession even in the most difficult times. Hard times. In a world where spirituality has faded into the background, Andrei Petrovich continued to defend Eternal values. He did not agree to betray his ideals despite the bad financial situation. The reason for this behavior lies in the fact that for him the meaning of life is to transmit and share knowledge. Andrei Petrovich was ready to teach anyone who knocked on his door. A caring attitude towards the profession is the key to happiness. Only such people can make the world a better place.

What kind of person can be called indifferent? Why is indifference dangerous? What does indifference lead to? Can indifference hurt? How are the concepts of indifference and selfishness related? Can an indifferent person be called selfish?

What can indifference lead to?

IN fiction the theme of indifference is also reflected. Thus, E. Zamyatin in the novel “We” shows us a certain model of life, as well as the consequences tacit consent both individuals and society as a whole. A terrifying picture appears before the reader’s eyes: a totalitarian state in which people are deprived not only of their individuality, their own opinion, but also morality. But if you try to understand the reasons for what is happening, you come to the conclusion: every society gets the leader it deserves, and the residents One State they themselves allow themselves to be ruled by a bloodthirsty dictator. They themselves join the “orderly ranks” of the robot-like ones, and on their own feet they undergo an operation to “remove fantasy,” thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to live fully.
However, there were a few who were able to say “no” to this system. For example, the main character of the novel I-33, who understands the absurdity of this world. She created a coalition of resistance because she firmly knew that no one has the right to deprive a person of freedom. She could have lived immersed in comfortable hypocrisy, but she chose protest. A great responsibility fell on her shoulders not only for herself, but also for many people who did not understand the horror happening in the state.
D-503 did exactly the same. This hero was treated kindly by the authorities, held a high position, and lived in a calm, indifferent, mechanical state. But meeting I changed his life. He realized that the ban on feelings is immoral in nature. No one dares to take away from a person what life has given him. After he experienced love, he could no longer remain indifferent. His struggle did not bring results, since the state deprived him of his soul, destroying his ability to feel, but his “awakening” cannot be called in vain. Because the world is able to change for the better only thanks to the brave and caring.

What is the danger of indifference? Do you agree with the statement: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but it is with their silent consent that betrayal and murder exist on earth”?

In the novel "Cloud Atlas" David Mitchell We come across examples of indifferent attitude towards people. The novel takes place in the dystopian state of Ni-So-Kopros, which developed on the territory of modern Korea. In this state, society is divided into two groups: purebreds (people born naturally) and fabricators (clone people raised artificially as slaves). Slaves are not considered people; they are destroyed like broken equipment. The author focuses on the heroine Sonmi-451, who by chance finds herself involved in the fight against the state. When she learns the terrible truth about how the world really works, Sunmi can no longer remain silent and begins to fight for justice. This becomes possible only thanks to caring “purebreds” who understand the injustice of such a division. In a fierce battle, her comrades and her loved one are killed, and Sunmi is sentenced to death, but before her death she manages to tell her story to the “archivist.” This is the only person who heard her confession, but it was he who later changed the world. The moral of this part of the novel is that as long as there is at least one caring person, hope for a just world will not fade.

What kind of person can be called responsive? Are there people unworthy of sympathy?

A sympathetic person can be called one who thinks about others more than about himself, is always ready to help those in need, and also takes other people’s experiences to heart. The hero of the novel by F.M. can be called truly responsive. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" by Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin. Prince Myshkin is a representative of a noble family, orphaned early, who spent 4 years abroad due to a nervous illness. He seems like a strange but interesting person to those around him. He amazes people with the depth of his thoughts, but at the same time shocks with his straightforwardness. However, everyone notes his openness and kindness.
Her responsiveness begins to appear soon after meeting the main characters. He finds himself in the midst of a family scandal: Ganya’s sister Ivolgina, in protest against his marriage, spits in his face. Prince Myshkin stands up for her, for which he receives a slap in the face from Ganya. Only instead of getting angry, he feels sorry for Ivolgin. Myshkin understands that Gana will be very ashamed of her behavior.
Lev Nikolaevich also believes in the best in people, so he turns to Nastasya Filippovna, claiming that she is better than she tries to seem. The ability to compassion, like a magnet, attracts people around Myshkin. Nastasya Filippovna and, later, Aglaya fall in love with him...
Myshkin's distinctive feature is pity for people. He does not approve of them. bad deeds, but always empathizes and understands their pain. Having fallen in love with Aglaya, he cannot marry her because he feels sorry for Nastasya Flipovna and cannot leave her.
He even feels sorry for the robber Rogozhkin, who subsequently kills Nastasya.
Lev Myshkin's compassion does not divide people into good and bad, worthy and unworthy. It is aimed at all humanity, it is unconditional.

How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How painful is indifference to oneself”?

Indifference to oneself is a heavy burden that pulls a person to the very bottom of life. An example confirming the above is the hero of the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova Ilya. His whole life is geometric progression indifference to oneself. It starts small: with his appearance, to which Ilya Ilyich does not attach any importance. He wears an old, worn-out robe and slippers. These things lack individuality and beauty. Everything in his room is broken and dusty. His financial affairs are in ruins. But most of all, Oblomov’s refusal of the idea of ​​​​happiness with Olga can be considered a manifestation of indifference in himself. He is so indifferent to himself that he deprives himself of the opportunity to live fully. This leads him to get together with a woman he doesn't love, just because it's convenient.

The focus is on the figure of Emelyan Pugachev - a rebel, a man who opposed the authorities. What prompted him to do this? Why did he not only encroach on the throne himself, but also lead the people with him? How did the people believe the impostor? Why? Under the burden of years, we can forget the historical context in which the idea of ​​​​rebellion was born. People (note, not slaves, not cattle), being in serfdom from their not always humane masters (remember, for example, Skotinin from “The Minor”), were forced to obey their will, unquestioningly listening to every, even delusional, demand. The idea of ​​a good king lived in the heart of every person. A brave, daring, desperate rebel took responsibility and decided to give people freedom, albeit short-lived, albeit ephemeral, but freedom. The degree of his courage can only be assessed by understanding the fairy tale told to Grinev. Pugachev initially knew the final outcome of the events into which he plunged his country. But he was not afraid, did not loot and disappeared. No, he went to the scaffold to prove how inhuman power can plunge a country into the horror of a merciless bloody massacre.

2. A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

The poem was written at a time when Stalin's repressions brought the entire country to its knees, when the author of the poem herself stood in line to be handed over to her son, who was condemned as an enemy of the people. The poem was formed from memories and living impressions:

It was when I smiled
Only dead, glad for the peace.

The lyrical heroine draws a parallel between the fate of her contemporary and her old compatriot, whose husband was executed as a Streltsy rebel

I will be like the Streltsy wives,
Howl under the Kremlin towers.
Death stars stood above us
And innocent Rus' writhed
Under bloody boots
And under the black tires there is marusa.

3. M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

The main character of the novel is the Master, a man living in terrible times. Stalin's repressions. Having written a novel about Pontius Pilate, he touched upon the problem of human responsibility for decision. His main character in the novel The Master, the procurator of Judea, a man invested with almost unlimited power, doubts that he is right. This phenomenon is practically unacceptable for the authorities. For the era of Stalinism, a person in power has no right to doubt that his decision is fair. This means that such a work is a priori harmful. The master is arrested. This act broke him, made him weak-willed. Thus, a person who opposed the authorities found himself outlawed and himself subjected to repression.

4. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

The story is dedicated to the fate of a man who found himself in a camp on charges of treason, although his whole fault was that he was in captivity for several days, but came out of encirclement and was ready to defend his Motherland further. However, his action seemed like a betrayal to the authorities. While serving his sentence, Ivan Denisovich carefully preserves within himself human dignity, he works and complies with all the requirements of the law prevailing in the zone. This is a kind of denial of Shukhov’s guilt. This person is always and everywhere law-abiding. Why is he disliked by the authorities? It’s just that the authorities are looking for enemies, and who is among them today is of little importance.

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1 How to reveal the topic “Indifference and responsiveness” Final essay on literature The topic of indifference and responsiveness as human qualities is one of the main ones in world literature. It is difficult to find a work in which this eternal moral problem would not be revealed to one degree or another. Writers drew attention to the indifferent attitude towards loved ones, relatives and simply those who are nearby, to life in general, to their professional duty. Writers speculated about the reasons for the emergence of this quality. Along with heroes with a callous soul, there are many examples in literature of selfless, honest, kind characters who are capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others. Life is complex and multifaceted, and sometimes it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of people’s actions, it is not easy to explain the motives for their behavior, to understand whether a person is absolutely indifferent or capable of being responsive and compassionate. Graduates will have to reflect on these difficult life questions when writing an essay. As support in your reasoning, you can refer to the following works. Attitude towards people M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil” Danko and Larra are two heroes, strong and brave young men who do not know what fear is. There is one difference between them: Danko cannot look at people’s suffering with indifference, while Larra is only concerned about her own selfish desires. There is no love, no pity, no compassion in him, he does not know what responsiveness is, he only wants to be free from people. Striving for this, the hero often shows hardness. Danko, at a critical moment, does not allow his people to bow to the conquerors, but instead offers to follow him. The hero devotes his short life to people. Only a shadow wandering across the steppe reminds of Larra’s existence, and people remember Danko before a thunderstorm, when sparks illuminate the steppe.

2 A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matrenin’s Dvor” In the story, the writer creates a unique image of a simple Russian woman who lived a hard life, but managed not to become embittered or indifferent. Matryona Vasilievna retained in her soul selflessness and sincerity towards people. She responded with a light heart to any call for help, without demanding anything in return: no plowing could be done without her, she harnessed herself to the plow and pulled it on herself. Matryona could not refuse her help to any relatives, even if she had to sacrifice her own interests. The absence of any self-interest and the desire to preserve “personal property” leads to the fact that Matryona meekly gives her adopted daughter Kira and her husband the upper room, cut off from the old house. The heroine devoted her entire life to people, and when she needed help, no one was nearby. M. Gorky “At the Bottom” In the drama, the writer shows both absolutely callous, soulless, heartless people who make the life of loved ones unbearable (Mikhail Kostylev, his wife Vasilisa), and sympathetic, kind people (Natasha, Anna, Nastya, Actor). Suffice it to recall Vasilisa Kostyleva, the hostess of the shelter, who insults and humiliates people offended by fate. She is soulless not only towards the “dwellers of the bottom”, but also towards her own sister, whose happiness she is ready to ruin forever. The general tragic pathos of the play is smoothed out by the appearance of the wanderer Luke, who carries the idea of ​​good. There is a place for responsiveness and compassion in his soul. He takes pity on the unfortunate, gives them hope, teaches them to believe in people. However, we should not forget that the figure of the wanderer and his philosophy are very controversial (the eternal debate about the bitter truth and lies for salvation). Nevertheless, from the position of indifference and showing compassion for people, he is undoubtedly a positive hero (remember, for example, the dialogue between Luke and the dying Anna). V. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow” In the story, the author talks about cruelty in the world of teenagers, draws attention to how merciless children can sometimes be towards those who are different in some way. main character Lena Bessoltseva is the object of cruel ridicule in class. She, a good-natured, sympathetic person with an open soul, takes responsibility for someone else's ugly act, trying to protect the boy she likes. Her classmates boycott her, and then commit a completely terrible act: they burn an effigy of a girl at the stake. The worst thing is that the person who actually committed this act (Lena’s classmate Dima Somov) could not find the strength to admit,

3 and two more classmates, Shmakova and Popov, who accidentally found out the truth, decided not to interfere and see how the matter would end for Lena Bessoltseva. Here we can safely say that their indifference is even worse than the cowardice of Dima Somov. The cruelty of these still very immature people is truly enormous. She brings Lena unspeakable suffering: the girl is an outcast in the class, she is despised, hated, demonstrating in every possible way their attitude towards her. But for a teenager, and for any person in general, there is nothing harder than expulsion. Particular attention is drawn to the behavior of adults, who seemed obliged to understand that Lena should not be responsible for the asceticism of her grandfather, but they did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported the cruel behavior of the girl’s classmates, thereby contributing to the formation of heroes of indifference. F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” In his famous novel, Fyodor Mikhailovich creates a vivid image of a man in whose heart there is no place for indifference, whose soul is full of compassion for his neighbor. The author believes that it is compassion that determines the humanity of each of us. Sonechka Marmeladova has to sell her body for the well-being of her family, so she shows compassion. And when the heroine meets Raskolnikov, we see how the girl shares his mental pain, shows kindness to the young man, which saves his soul. Speaking about Dostoevsky's novel, it is worth noting that almost every hero is tested by this great feeling of compassion for his neighbor. So, even the murderer Raskolnikov cannot pass by the drunken girl indifferently and gives his last pennies to the family of the deceased Marmeladov. This means that there is a place in his soul for compassion, his heart responds with pain to the torment of others. Attitude to your professional duty. V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons” An example of a responsive teacher who is attentive to his students is the heroine of Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”. Lidia Mikhailovna cannot stand aside, cannot show indifference to a child experiencing life difficulties. Seeing in the main character a capable student for whom the phonetics of the “mysterious language” was not given, and a lonely child trying to cope with constant hunger on his own, the teacher invited him to her house not so much with the goal of teaching him pronunciation, but wanting to feed him. But the boy cannot afford to sit at the teacher’s table, and Lidia Mikhailovna

4 finds a successful solution to playing for money: now the hero has funds again, he can buy milk for himself again. And at the same time, he did not get involved with a dubious company of slackers, does not play for money with them. She, of course, an adult and reasonable, imagined that this story could end for her, the “sower of good and eternal”, with dismissal from her job. But she really helped the child and did not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune. She is a real teacher with a soul open to children, and understands perfectly well that it is better to commit such an “ugly” act and lose a ruble on milk for a child, but help him survive and not lose himself, his individuality, his dignity, than to comply with all the rules adopted in society, and pass by indifferently. A.I. Kuprin “The Wonderful Doctor” At the center of the writer’s narrative is the poor Mertsalov family, who are starving and who do not even have firewood to warm their room. One girl in this family has already died, the second is very sick. One day, when everyone has stopped hoping for the best, Mertsalov meets an elderly man in the park, to whom he tells his story, and the old man immediately goes to their home. It turns out that he is a doctor whose duty is to respond to a patient’s call for help. The doctor prescribed little Mashutka treatment, gave money for medicine, firewood and food. The wonderful doctor didn't even say his name. After all, it doesn’t matter what the name of the person who unselfishly extended a helping hand is, true goodness is always nameless. Later, the grateful Mertsalov learned that his daughter was saved by the great surgeon Pirogov. A.P. Chekhov “In the Pharmacy” We see a different attitude towards one’s duty in Chekhov’s story “In the Pharmacy”. A silent, pedantic in everything, arrogant and indifferent to the patient’s request, the pharmacist, who puts only mutually beneficial relationships in the first place, and not sympathy and selfless actions, refuses medicine to a patient because he lacks six kopecks. The teacher Svoykin, who asked for help, tries to start a conversation with the pharmacist and find understanding, promises to repay the debt, but they don’t hear him, they don’t want to hear him. The stern man behind the counter watches indifferently as someone in dire need of help leaves with nothing. Responsiveness is here main idea story. Without the ability to have compassion for other people, we become nothing. The author leaves the story of the teacher’s fate unfinished. Such an open ending gives the reader the opportunity to guess for himself what ultimately happened to the patient. Did he die or did he go to the pharmacy this morning? This question

5 the author deliberately leaves open. This is what the result of human misunderstanding and indifference can lead to. Attitude towards loved ones. L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” At first glance, it seems that in the novel “War and Peace” the Bolkonsky and Rostov families are two poles, two completely different worldviews. If for the Rostovs the main thing is emotions, then for the Bolkonskys the order that they established once and for all is at the forefront. But there are also common features, one of which is love for each other. Countess Rostova is sincerely devoted to her children; she cannot indifferently accept the news of her son’s death, and this pain is also understandable to her youngest daughter, who will never allow herself to leave her mother alone in grief. Natasha is responsive and kind. These qualities were brought up in her by her parents. Speaking about the Bolkonsky family, you should pay attention to the fact that the old prince, at first glance, seems indifferent and cruel towards children, but all his words and actions are dictated by love for them. So, he wants only the best for Marya, and she, in turn, blindly obeys him, fearing to upset the old man. K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram” The plot of Paustovsky’s story tells about the life of Katerina Petrovna, an elderly woman who was lonely waiting for her daughter to arrive. Nastya lives in a big city, works as a secretary in the artists' union. She is respected at work, she tries in all her manifestations to be a responsible and responsive person. The heroine helps the young sculptor with the organization of the exhibition, understanding how important it is for him. But at the same time, he indifferently puts a telegram in his bag with the news of his mother’s imminent death, without even reading it. And only after losing her mother, Nastya realizes that her daughter’s debt should not be reduced only to a money transfer; loved ones need attention, love, support, and indifference “kills” them. Nastya realized this too late, when there was no one to ask for forgiveness. The heroine of B. Ekimov’s story “Speak, Mom, Speak” turns out to be wiser. The young woman understands in time that she should be sorry not for the money given for telephone calls, but for her elderly mother, whose life could end at any moment. The daughter realizes that by indifferently cutting off her mother’s story, she is offending her. The attitude of the authorities towards the common man.

6 Of course, it is advisable to reveal the indifferent and heartless attitude of the authorities towards the common man, first of all, through the analysis of the images of little people. The gallery of these heroes is represented quite widely in Russian literature: “The Station Warden”, “The Bronze Horseman” by A.S. Pushkin, “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol, “Poor People”, “Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky, early stories by A.P. Chekhov and others A.I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin’s Dvor” The main theme of Solzhenitsyn’s work is the exposure of the totalitarian system, proof of the impossibility of human existence in it. The writer pays attention to the indifferent attitude of those in power to destinies ordinary people, which are just a cog in a huge machine. In the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” the narrative centers on Shukhov, who was sent to a camp on charges of treason, although his entire guilt was that he had been in captivity for several days. However, the authorities regarded this as a betrayal, and such facts are far from isolated in the history of our state. The state turned deaf and blind to the fate of the common man. And Ivan Denisovich serves his sentence in the camp, trying to preserve the person within himself. The same topic is touched upon in “ Matrenin's yard", where it is depicted hard fate Matryona Vasilyevna, righteous women. The unfair attitude of the authorities towards the heroine is manifested in the issue of attempts to receive her a well-deserved pension. A lot of bows were given to the bureaucratic authorities (the heroine herself complains to the hero-narrator: “They oppress me, Ignitich, she complained to me after such fruitless passages. I was worried”), despite the fact that Matryona’s work was ultimately not appreciated. V.G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera” In the story, the author talks about the flooding of the island of Matera and the relocation of old people to comfortable city apartments. The writer’s focus is on the elderly, addressing “administrative people” who do not understand the feelings of the residents of Matera, for whom the cemetery is the “home” of their departed relatives. This is the place where they remember their ancestors, talk to them, and this is the place where they would be brought after death. The residents of Matera are being deprived of all this, and even before their own eyes. People understand that flooding will still happen, but “this cleanup could have been done in the end so that we wouldn’t see it.” So it rises to

7 the story deals with the issue of the indifferent attitude of the authorities towards the people. Rasputin shows how responsive officials are, justifying their actions for the good of the entire people. Attitude to the world, to life in general. A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” The main character, after whom the novel is named, Eugene Onegin. This is a young metropolitan aristocrat who received a typical secular upbringing. At the beginning of the novel, we meet a young man who has already survived everything and is tired of life. He doesn’t see the meaning in anything at all and is indifferent, it would seem, to everything in the world. “Tormented by spiritual emptiness,” the young man tries to look for the meaning of life in some activity. In the village where he escapes, Onegin meets the daughter of a local landowner. Tatyana falls in love with her neighbor, but he does not accept love, explaining that he is not created for bliss, that is, for a family. Indifference to life, passivity, desire for peace, inner emptiness suppressed sincere feelings. Subsequently, he will be punished for his mistake by loneliness. M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” M.Yu. also speaks in his novel about a hero who is indifferent to his own life. Lermontov. Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin has special abilities: an extraordinary mind, a penchant for deep analysis, charm, determination. But he does not find his purpose in life and suffers from it. The question comes to his mind: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? He begins to understand that time has been lost, nothing significant has happened in his life and is unlikely to happen. Pechorin bitterly realizes that he has done nothing to be recognized in society. Pechorin involuntarily thinks about death. The hero feels like a spiritual old man and immediately adds that he looks like a boy. Those around him talk about his indifference (Werner, Maxim Maksimych), and he himself feels his strange sensitivity, the power that the past has over him. Pechorin is very contradictory, and one might think that his indifference is forced; under it he tries to hide his feelings so as not to give others power over him.

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Directions for the final essay 2015 2016 academic year 1) Time - direction is focused on a broad understanding of time as a historical and philosophical category, perceived in the interaction of the momentary

Sotnikova Elena Nikolaevna Pokotilo Galina Anatolyevna Andreeva Tatyana Alekseevna Budgetary general educational institution Omsk "Medium" comprehensive school 133" DEVELOPMENT OF A LITERATURE LESSON

ANNA KARENINA and LEV NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOY Russian writer, publicist, philosopher After all, his whole life is connected with Yasnaya Polyana. Here he was born on August 28, 1828, lived for more than 50 years, and is also buried here. Tolstoy

PROGRAM for the entrance test in literature for foreign citizens applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs Requirements for the level of preparation of applicants Applicant

Interim certification in literature in grade 10. Conducting an oral exam using tickets in grade 10 is the most effective form of certification before the state final certification

TASK BANK Literature 7.2 group Tasks 1 In what city was A.P. Chekhov born? A) St. Petersburg B) Moscow C) Taganrog D) Oryol 2 A.P. Chekhov graduated from Moscow University. Which faculty? A) chemical; B)

Matinee “To give people joy, you need to be kind and polite” - Presenter. - Today we are teaching a lesson in kindness, a lesson in politeness. After all, kindness is a person’s desire to give complete happiness to people, to all of humanity.

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us Francesco Petrarca So much interesting books

Narushevich Andrey Georgievich Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and foreign languages Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov Rostov State Economic

Contents 1. Individual task with a choice of answers... 3 Students receive sheets with the task, complete them in notebooks... 3 2. A. Markusha. “Quiet Zoya”... 6 Story... 6 3. “Old Grandfather and Granddaughter”... 8 Fable...

The program is designed for four years of study. I Results of the course extracurricular activities Grade 1: 1. Difference between the concepts of “ethics” and “etiquette”. 2. Rules of politeness and beautiful manners. 3. Commandments and related

How to prepare a child for a visit to the dentist? How to prepare a child for a visit to the dentist? Psychological preparation is certainly necessary. How to implement it? Two main tips: 1. If you

The work was verified by an expert on the website “Dunno” / 5. () It was late evening. () Home teacher Yegor Alekseich Svoikin, in order not to waste time, went straight from the doctor to the pharmacy. ()A

Questions for the literature test. 2nd semester 1. Historical and literary process of the first half of the 19th century. 2. Romanticism is the leading direction of Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. Russian identity

Contents Preface...11 How to work on an essay...13 Old Russian literature...15 Ancient Rus' in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”...15 Literature of the first half of the 19th century...18 The ballad genre in creativity

/ Lesson topic Term and ZUNs 10th grade Organization educational process 1 Russian literature of the 19th century 2 The formation of realism and the novel as a genre in Russian literature 3 Literary trends in literature of the 19th century

Thematic planning. Subject "Literature" Class: 0 Number of hours per week: 4 Total hours: 44 I trimester. Total weeks 0.6, total hours 42. Section, lesson topic Introduction. Russia in the first half

Program of entrance tests in literature The entrance test in literature is carried out in the form of a test. Literature testing is aimed at testing applicants’ knowledge of: 1) literary studies

BELGOROD INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL PROJECT "DO GOOD" Children's public organization "Earthlings" MBOU "Verkhososenskaya secondary school" Krasnogvardeisky district of Belgorod

Development of a literature lesson in grade 11 on the topic “Truth in M. Gorky’s play “At the Depth.” Author: Sayapina Oksana Valerievna Date: December 2012 Purpose: to identify the positions of the characters in the play and the author’s

LITERATURE Topics included in milestone assignments, grade 10 Topics for milestone 1, grade 10 1. A.N. Ostrovsky. "Storm". The nature of the conflict. Life and customs of the Russian merchants. 2. I.A. Goncharov. "Oblomov." Creation methods

Extracurricular event in 2nd grade on the topic “Doing good to people means making yourself look better.” Goals: to form moral knowledge; develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; cultivate attentiveness and kindness

Verification work in literature for the secondary course general education. Part A Instructions for completing tasks in Part A. When completing tasks A1 A20, indicate in the answer form the number that indicates

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE KRASNODAR REGION state budgetary professional educational institution Krasnodar region"KRASNODAR TECHNICAL COLLEGE" REGULATIONS on the conduct

MCOU "Uznimakha Secondary School" LESSON: “So, she was called Tatyana” (A.S. Pushkin. The novel “Eugene Onegin” Completed by: Teacher of Russian language and literature Ibragimova Baiginat Y. 2013-2014 academic year. So, she was called Tatyana.

School project for the celebration of Victory Day “Reading together”: A series of seminars on the book by Boris Polevoy “The Tale of the Present” Seminar 1 (on the first part of the book) Let’s get acquainted with the book. person" (system of questions

Examination materials for the state (final) certification of graduates of IX grades of general education institutions in the 2011-2012 academic year in literature in oral form Explanatory

Olympiad for schoolchildren “Lomonosov” in literature 2014-2015 Qualifying stage grades 10-11 Round 1 Registration test 1. “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy is a) a novel b) a poem c) a historical chronicle d) something that

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KULESHOV BASIC EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL" DEVELOPMENT (literature lesson in 6th grade) Topic "V.G. Rasputin. "French lessons". Lessons in Kindness

So, when starting to write an essay, we must remember that when evaluating a work, the following is taken into account: 1) whether the content of the essay corresponds to its topic, how fully it is disclosed; 2) is there analysis in the essay?

Research work: The image of St. Petersburg in the literature of the 19th century. Completed by: Student 10 10 “A” “A” class MOU Secondary School 1 Khromov Dmitry Birobidzhan 2011 The purpose of the work is to reveal the topic: “Image

Guseva Tatyana Vladimirovna Municipal educational institution “Secondary school 6”, Perm LITERATURE LESSON IN 6TH GRADE “G.N. TROEPOLSKY “WHITE BIM BLACK EAR” Topic: Man

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten 5 general developmental species of Istrinsky municipal district Joint partnership educational activities by educational field

Literature. Grade 10 (102 hours, 3 hours per week) Subject Number of hours ZUN students 1 Introduction. Russian literature XIX. Basic 1 Know the significance of Russian literature of the 19th century in the development of themes and problems

Lost Twin Did you know that for some time now, I have wondered as I watched you grow. Sometimes I tell myself that you were not alone during intrauterine life. Possibly existed

At the very beginning of our conversation about men, we already mentioned that the life of an adult man in Russia is full of irresponsibility and guilt. This is a statement, but not an accusation. Just accusations in practice family relations

Always be polite. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others feel pleasant with you. Prepared by the family of Ilya Fedotov, 2012. Kindness and politeness need to be learned from childhood. Politeness and kindness

Preparation for writing a final essay on literature in 11th grade, 2016-2017 academic year. Guidelines. General comments thematic areas. Materials prepared by a Russian teacher

“Approved” by the Decision of the Methodological Association 08/30/2011 Stage of training Subject Title 7 parallel literature literature Lesson-thematic plan: Lesson period Lesson topic Control Homework

LESSON PLAN About nature literary creativity(based on the story by K.G. Paustovsky “ Golden Rose") 1. Full name Baskakova Larisa Viktorovna 2. Place of work MBOU "Secondary School 3", Sasovo 3. Position Russian teacher

The Living Word Published from September 1, 2013 1 2014 Information and entertainment newspaper of the Kupinskaya Secondary School MBOU HAPPY HOLIDAY, OUR DEAR TEACHERS!!! LET FAILURES DON'T BREAK YOU, THERE WILL BE MORE GIFTS

/ Topic of the lesson Terms of knowledge 11th grade Organization of the educational process 1 Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 2 Russian literature at the turn of the century 3 Essay on the life and work of I. Bunin Know the basic facts of life and work

“Approved” by the Decision of the Methodological Association 08/31/2011 Stage of training Subject Title 9 parallel literature literature Lesson-thematic plan: Lesson period Lesson topic Control Homework

BEST MOVIES ABOUT THE IMPORTANT! BOATSWAIN CHAIKA 3 DECEMBER 20:50 16+ Boatswain Chaika, a womanizer and bachelor who cannot imagine life without the sea, returns to his hometown of Primorsk from his next voyage. But, unfortunately for him, the shipping company

UDC 1/14 BBK 86.42 S 81 S 81 100 most truthful fortune telling for girls. Moscow: AST, 2014. 192 p. (For girls). This book will become the best friend of girls from 9 to 15 years old. Funny fortune tellers, predictions, dream book,

OUTLINE OF A LESSON IN LITERARY READING Lesson topic: “Ideological and national traditions in the Tatar folk tale three daughters” Compiled by: Nacharkina Natalya Yurievna Teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution Marfinskaya

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Zippy's Friends Partnership for Children Good Health We pay great attention to physical health We make sure our children eat well and dress warmly

My Lermontov Prepared by a 6th grade student B MBOU Lyceum 3 Averin Dmitry Sarov 2014 My first acquaintance with the great Lermontov One day, when I came to the library, I saw on a shelf, among many books, an old

Contents Preface...3 Thematic planning...5 Methodological recommendations for lessons... 20 314 Part 1 Introduction... 20 Lesson 1. Heroes and heroic... 20 Topic 1. Heroism and patriotism (15 hours).. .

Official comment: “Experience and mistakes” Within the framework of the direction, discussions are possible about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the path of knowledge

THE ROLE OF CRITICAL THINKING STRATEGIES IN THE FORMATION OF RESEARCH SKILLS OF STUDENTS S.A. Vildanova (“Nazarbayev Intellectual School”, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan) Teachers often quote the statement

PROJECT OF GRABOVSKY K. ON THE TOPIC: Y. YAKOVLEV. WORDS ABOUT MOTHER Tyumen 2013 School 40 CONTENTS: 1. Title page 2. Contents 3. Introduction ( short biography Yakovleva) 4. Purpose and objectives of the project 5. Relevance

My beloved friend 1. Yesterday I told the teacher. 2. These are friends. 3. 18 years old. 4. I always give a book for my birthday. 5. We study in the same group. 6. I explained why I bought this computer. 7.

Examination cards in literature for grade 9 Explanatory note Examination material reflects new approaches recorded in the State educational standard of secondary general education

Department of Services for the Visually Impaired Electronic book exhibition “Fortitude, courage, overcoming” Gallego, R. D. “Know how to live even when life becomes unbearable. Black and white / Ruben David

Literary based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” video DUEL 1 “He was a nice guy, I dare to assure you; just a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will be cold

Research work on literature “The image of a dog in creativity” writers of the 19th century XX century" Completed by: Latysheva Elena Fedorovna, student of 7th grade "A" Supervisor: Kryukova Elena Valentinovna, Russian teacher

Explanatory note Thematic planning for literature for grade 7 is based on work program in literature for grades 5-9 in accordance with the federal component of the state

Anton Pavlovich CHEKHOV “Chameleon” II. Checking homework. 1. Students read out their essays on the topic: “What do we laugh at when reading the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Thick and Thin". 2. What is comic

MBOU "Secondary School" village Teplaya Gora, Gornozavodsky district Class hour Defense of the project “My family is my joy” (for grades 6-7) Compiled by: teacher of fine arts and drawing Romanchenko A.S. Goal: Education careful attitude

Ilya Chlaki Cycle “Law of Nature” ORPHANS 2 Characters: Husband Wife 3 Smart young spouses appear on stage. Husband in a suit, Wife in a wedding dress. It's finished! Here it is, happiness! To be honest,

1 Russian Language Podcast N 216 Russian Rap 2 Basta “Graduation” Tatiana Klimova Hello, dear friends! My name is Tatyana Klimova, and you are listening to Russian Podcast N 216. Welcome

Old Russia: how do 0 million Russians live? According to the results of representative public opinion polls of the Russian population: VTsIOM - Russia, September 00; sample: 00 people in 0 settlements