Whose daughter is Yulia Mikhalkova from Ural dumplings. Yulia Mikhalkova “Ural dumplings”: personal life

Many fans of the TV show “Ural Dumplings” are interested in the personal life and other facts from the biography of Yulia Mikhalkova, one of the participants in the project.

The birthplace of the future celebrity was a small town near Yekaterinburg, known as Verkhnyaya Pyshma. Julia was born in 1983. Her family was incomplete, the girl grew up without a father. His replacement was his brother, grandfather and uncle.

Since childhood, Julia was very artistic and feminine. She loved to do makeup using her mother’s cosmetics and imagined herself in front of the mirror as a pop star, giving performances with an improvised microphone. From an early age she declared her intention to be an artist. She chose catchy and eye-catching outfits for school, which puzzled the teachers.

In 10th grade, Yulia got her first job - she was hired as a music news presenter on local television. After graduating from school, she chooses to major in philology and enters a pedagogical university.

The turning point for Yulia was participation in the KVN team called “Ural Dumplings”. From this period, she made a firm decision to connect her destiny with the stage, as a result of which she changed her university to a theater one. An interesting fact is that the girl decided for herself that she had enough strength to master her studies at two institutes at once. Therefore, she did not give up her first education and completed it.


Yulia Mikhalkova managed to prove herself talented in many creative fields, among which the following can be identified.

  • Participation in “Ural dumplings”. The team begins to perform not only on the stage of the university, but also on television, on the STS channel. The team is gaining enormous popularity among the audience; it was awarded the “Breakthrough of the Year 2013” ​​award. Along with other participants, the undoubted merit in this achievement belongs to Yulia Mikhalkova.
  • Filming. Yulia Mikhalkova also proved herself to be a successful actress. Her film debut took place in 2008, when she received a minor role in the film Silver. After that, she starred in the films “In Love and Unarmed”, “Real Boys” and several other projects. Viewers noted not only the actress’s spectacular appearance, but also her bright, talented manner of playing roles.

Still from the TV series “Real Boys”

  • Release of clips. Yulia is known both as a solo performer and as a singer, performing in duets with such stars as Alexey Zavyalov and rapper Stan. For many fans, the fact that Mikhalkova has a wonderful voice was a pleasant surprise.
  • Fashion model. At a certain period of her life, Mikhalkova starred for a popular men's publication in a very candid photo shoot. Later, the girl reconsidered her attitude towards such activities and responded to another proposal that she was ready to act exclusively in clothes.

Personal life

Many fans of Yulia Mikhalkova from “Ural Dumplings” are very interested in the details of her personal life. At the very beginning of her career, she was in a romantic relationship with a politician from Yekaterinburg, Igor Danilov.

She spoke extremely positively about him; according to her, the man served her as support in all her endeavors. However, in 2014, the couple announced their separation. As Yulia admitted in an interview, what was decisive for her was that Igor made her a marriage proposal, but she was not ready to accept him.

According to Yulia Mikhalkova, she does not see Igor as her husband. At the same time, she compared herself with a red Ferrari, and Danilov with a BMW X6, which could not keep up with her. She also stated that she imagines the ideal man as a Bugatti, who will have the opportunity to overtake her.

Subsequently, Mikhalkova changed her approach to interviews in the media and prefers not to advertise the details of her personal life. The name of her chosen one remains a secret behind seven seals.

In 2016, the girl announced that she had a new lover. His name remains a secret to the media, however, Yulia Mikhalkova from Ural Dumplings reported that perhaps her status in her personal life will change and she will have a husband. At the same time, she announced her intention to give birth to many children, three, and maybe even four, to buy a cozy house and get a husky dog.

Yulia Mikhalkova now

Judging by the numerous photos of the celebrity, she emerged as a successful woman who was able to prove herself in many areas of activity. So, she took up entrepreneurship, opening a center for oratory and stage speech, which brings her a good income. The interesting thing is that Julia teaches there personally.

The celebrity also tried herself in politics. In 2016, she expressed serious intentions to become a deputy of the State Duma. In this regard, the star decided to radically change her image; she oversaw the construction of children's playgrounds, monitored the condition of local areas, and began attending church.

The results of the United Russia primaries turned out to be impressive: Mikhalkova took pride of place in the leading three. However, the debates played a decisive role, in which Yulia was reproached for participating in a candid photo shoot for a men's magazine. Mikhalkova denied this fact, which gave rise to numerous jokes in her direction. To withdraw her candidacy, the authorities held a series of negotiations, as a result of which Yulia signed a refusal to participate in the elections.

After this, the girl showed her characteristic sense of humor. She released a parody known as the “Ural Dumplings Primary,” which clearly criticized the deputies.

In 2017, Mikhalkova gave rise to rumors about pregnancy by posting a photo with a rounded belly. However, these guesses were not subsequently confirmed.

Currently, the girl continues to actively participate in politics; she is a member of the PutinTeam movement. In addition, she was noted as the organizer of a charity event for pupils of an orphanage. She provided the girls with the opportunity to get closer to the world of fashion; as part of the event, they demonstrated the outfits they had sewn, and Mikhalkova herself taught them how to do the fashion show. The project was visited by some stars of Russian show business.

The biography and personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova arouse keen interest among her fans, as they are filled with bright and eventful events. The girl managed to prove herself talented in many directions, both in creativity and in politics.

The humorous show “Ural Dumplings” has become very popular thanks to the talent of its participants, who, although they have become celebrities, are in no hurry to advertise their personal lives. Agree, we know much less about them than about other stars. Interesting facts about the personal lives of the participants in the Ural Dumplings show await you further.

Sergey Ershov

Sergei Ershov also does not advertise his wife and children. Doesn't go out with them. Most often she appears in public with her television “family” - Yulia Grishina and Zoya Berber

Dmitry Sokolov and Ksenia Li

Ksenia Li is the wife of Dmitry Sokolov, like her husband, also a comedian. A member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” Sokolov, after divorcing his first wife, became one of the jury members in KVN and watched everything that happened on stage. Once, during one of the games, Dmitry Sokolov noticed in one of the teams a charming girl from Kazakhstan, whose name was Ksenia. She not only joked wittily, but also sang beautifully.

Sergey Netievsky and Natalya Netievskaya

In the photo Sergei is with his fans. He does not advertise his personal life. Sergei Netievsky's wife, Natalya, has been living with him for sixteen years. In his interviews, he always tries to avoid topics about his personal life, and although he tries not to even mention her name, it is known that her name is Natalya. The Netievsky family has three children.

Dmitry Brekotkin and Ekaterina Brekotkina

Dmitry Brekotkin's wife Ekaterina met her future husband at a student construction camp. Dmitry and Ekaterina have been married since 1995. The couple have two daughters.

Sergey Isaev and Irina

Irina is Sergei’s second wife (civil marriage). The feelings arose at first sight. Sergei jokes that while working nearby, they could see each other through the window, but they met... in a club. It is also curious that Irina was once in love with him in absentia. Now Sergey values ​​stress resistance and positivity most of all. While the lovers simply rejoice in every day they spend together. And they advise everyone: look around more carefully. Maybe your happiness is nearby? And on October 12, 2013, this couple had a son, Elisha.

Andrey Rozhkov and Elvira Rozhkova

It’s hard to believe that the merry fellow and joker, the soul of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, TV presenter and actor Andrei Rozhkov was never able to find a suitable bride for himself. Moscow friends helped me get rid of bachelor life. He was already torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, lived in the Urals, and worked in the capital. On one of his visits, friends introduced him to their friend Elvira. This was the future wife of Andrei Rozhkov. But then they were separated from the wedding by six whole years: they were getting to know each other, they wanted to understand whether they could spend their whole lives hand in hand. And now the Rozhkovs have two lovely sons.

Vyacheslav Myasnikov and Nadezhda Myasnikova

Vyacheslav is married and has two children. The Myasnikov family, like the families of all “Ural dumplings”, lives in Yekaterinburg, from where he constantly leaves for Moscow to work. Vyacheslav has to literally be torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, where he mainly has to work. The more time he tries to devote to his wife and children, returning to his hometown. Vyacheslav Myasnikov’s wife Nadezhda is raising twins – Konstantin and Maxim.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina and Igor Danilov

In 2010, Yulia had a boyfriend - 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Communal Services Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. For her thirtieth birthday, Igor gave his friend a ring. However, the wedding date is not yet known.

Ilana Yuryeva (Isakzhanova) and Dmitry Dyldin

Dmitry is Ilana's second husband. The girl divorced her first husband Anton Yuryev. The couple met by chance in one of the Moscow restaurants. According to Ilana, it was love at first sight. Within five minutes of meeting, they began jokingly planning their wedding. And exactly a year later, Ilana and Dmitry got married, and recently their daughter Diana was born.

Since childhood, Julia stood out favorably against her peers. Apparently, she borrowed her creativity from her mother, who, although she had been a trade worker all her life, was always distinguished by her cheerful disposition and remarkable imagination. So, according to Yulia’s recollections, at one of the kindergarten matinees, her mother dressed her up as a Red Army soldier instead of a snowflake. And for authenticity, she shaved her head and handed a saber into her hands. Since then, even hypothetically, Yulia has never let go of her weapon: she led an active life, studied well, and already in the 10th grade she got a job as a local television presenter.

Mikhalkova was also considered a hussar maiden at the Ural State Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg, where after school she went to receive higher education. Still would! After all, instead of poring over Dostoevsky, as muslin young ladies from the philology department of her choice do from century to century, Mikhalkova began playing in KVN from her first year, first in the girls’ team “NeParni”, and then in the now star-studded “Ural Dumplings” .

In the team, I'm like a diamond in a necklace. Just as precious and important as the others, but at the same time only a part of something whole. And I like to feel the support and help of the whole team. I probably won’t be able to perform alone. In terms of everyday life, it’s very easy with the guys. When I, for example, change clothes in the dressing room, they won’t even look in my direction

It was this team that brought Yulia Mikhalkova popularity and people's love. The only girl in the men's team immediately liked the audience. Well, Yulia herself clearly liked it, so after two years of study she dropped out of the philology department and entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (specialty: Actress of Dramatic Theatre, Film and Television), which she graduated with success in 2008.

Since then, Yulia Mikhalkova’s victories have followed one after another. She successfully acts in films and video clips, regularly tours the country, being a constant participant in the comedy show “Ural Dumplings”, founded by her native KVN team.

Is there enough time for your personal life in such a hectic work schedule? Certainly! Although the beauty doesn’t like to talk about this topic. All that is known about her lover is that his name is Igor, and he is an important, political person. “My boyfriend is very serious. He is a deputy, but with a sense of humor. He got along great with the guys from the team, so we have a lot of fun,” Yulia only slightly reveals the secret of her personal life.

Well, Julia doesn’t hide everything else. Mikhalkova's nude photo shoot for Maxim magazine in January 2013 simply blew up the Internet.

Why not? After all, a brave girl is not only funny, but also beautiful!


  • Yulia is the founder and owner of the Center for Correct and Beautiful Speech “Rechevik” in Moscow, where you can learn to speak correctly and beautifully.
  • Julia's main dream is to become the Minister of Culture.


2008 Silver

2010 In love and unarmed

2011 Unreal story

2012 Real boys (season 4 episode 75)

“Ural Dumplings” is a creative association grown from the popular KVN team (1995-1907), which won several KiVins. Since 2009 they have presented their own show. Last year, according to Forbes, the guys were in 15th place with an annual income of $2.8 million, displacing URGANT, GALUSTYAN and SVETLAKOV. Despite such heights, for the people they are “in the board.” By the way, the popular actor and author Sergei Svetlakov performed with the team in KVN from 2000 to 2009.

Despite the fact that the whole country laughs at their jokes, little is known about the personal life of the “dumplings”.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina (07/12/83) - actress, officially in the team since 2010.

Yulia Evgenievna Mikhalkova-Matyukhina was born in the Urals, in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. While studying in the 10th grade at school, Yulia began working on local television as a youth news presenter. After graduating from school, she decided to become an actress, but was afraid of the big competition and entered the philological faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University. In her free time, the girl played in the local KVN team “NeParni”, which was supervised by Sergei Ershov - one of the participants of the “Ural Dumplings” and one of the “Real Boys”. After two years of studying at the Pedagogical University, she entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (specialty - actress of dramatic theatre, film and television), from which she graduated in 2008. She is the founder and head of the center for correct beautiful speech “Rechevik”. When the “dumplings” needed a lady for a role, they most often called the lively and pretty Yulechka, and she soon became a permanent member of the team. In January 2013, she posed nude for the cover of Maxim magazine. No one condemned her, because the artist looks really great.

Yulia Mikhalkova from “Ural dumplings in Maxim magazine”

Julia is still not married. At one time, she was credited with an affair with the team’s producer, Sergei Netievsky, but it turned out that Netievsky had been officially married for 17 years and had three children.

In 2010, Yulia had a boyfriend, 39-year-old deputy of the regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Communal Services Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. They say that he is one of the few deputies who is considered honest in the Urals. He fights fraudulent utility companies.

For her thirtieth birthday, Igor gave his friend a ring. However, the wedding date is not yet known.

Andrey Rozhkov(03/28/71) - captain, artistic director, actor, author. He joined KVN in 1995. He is currently married and has two sons - Semyon and Peter. Andrey is interested in football and extreme sports.

His personal life was not easy. In his youth, he worked as a driver in high heels - he delivered cement to construction sites and was known as an inveterate bachelor. He tried three times to get a diploma as a welding engineer at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, but not a single attempt was successful. Rozhkov admits that the reason for this was the very fun life that took place in the construction team: student competitions, propaganda teams, meeting other teams. 18 years ago he came to Moscow, and friends introduced him to a pretty brunette Elechka. After 6 years of difficult living together, Andrei decided to propose. Two sons were born - Semyon and Peter.

“The junior and senior are completely different guys. Although they look like two peas in a pod. Our little one is a destroyer. He broke everything that could be broken at home. Four chairs, broke all the mugs. The last thing he made was a TV, a plasma. I took a child's hammer, hit it, and the screen cracked. That's it, it doesn't work anymore. So now we live without a TV. And it’s good,” says Rozhkov.

Elvira eventually got tired of carrying around the household while taking care of the children. She couldn’t stand it and gave Rozhkov an ultimatum: either she goes to work, or a divorce! Andrey loves children very much, so he agreed to all her conditions. Now his wife makes stained glass. There is no end to customers - fashionable decor is now at a premium.

Unlike his colleagues who moved to Moscow, Andrey lives in Yekaterinburg and is building a country house and dreams of a third child, a daughter.

Dmitry Sokolov(04/11/1965) - founder of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”.

Born in Pervouralsk. Educators and teachers often called their parents to the carpet, since Dmitry grew up a mischievous person, but the guy always hid in amorous affairs. His first hobby happened in kindergarten. A curly-haired girl with pink bows won his heart. But she preferred another boy. Sokolov fought with his opponent, but could not fight off his sweetheart.

Dima had another unrequited love in the ninth grade. He knew that his beloved loved roses, but at that time they weren’t worth a lot. To buy a large bouquet, Dmitry went to work on a collective farm. I bought a bouquet, but couldn’t give it as a gift - I gave it through her mother. Then this young lady married Sokolov’s friend.

Mutual love happened already at the institute. He met his future wife Natalya in a student construction team. The girl paid attention to him, since he was the most active joker and ringleader. The candy-bouquet period did not last long - they soon got married, a son, Sasha, was born, and ten years later, a daughter, Anechka. But Natalya didn’t like her husband’s passion for KVN, since it didn’t provide a permanent income and took up a lot of time.

Irina Aleksandrovna, Sasha’s mother, remembered her son’s first wife with a kind word: “When Dima became interested in dumplings, all the worries about the house and children fell on her shoulders. It was very difficult for Natasha, and she put him before a choice. She wanted her husband to always be there, and Dima to constantly travel. And they parted. The divorce was difficult for Natalya, but, having swallowed the insult, she did not stop Dima from meeting with the children. Now they are friends. Natasha has never established her personal life - it seems to me that she is still worried.”

On September 8, 2011, Dmitry Sokolov married for the second time. His wife was a citizen of Kazakhstan, Ksenia Li (1988). He met her at a meeting of student teams, when he sat on the jury, and his future young wife performed on stage. Then there were New Year holidays in Sochi...

Their mutual friend said that Sokol (Dmitry Sokolov) supported Ksyusha during the most difficult period for her. Since childhood, she suffered from progressive deformity of her legs. It got to the point that the girl walked on crutches, but did not dare to have surgery. Dmitry managed to persuade her. He then massaged her legs at night to relieve pain. The wedding of Dima and Ksyusha took place on September 8, 2011, as befits KVN members, noisily and cheerfully. And in October 2012, the young wife gave Sokolov a daughter, Mashenka.

Vyacheslav Myasnikov(2.11.79) - the most vocal participant in the show, author. He began his career in Yekaterinburg as captain of the KVN team “Guys from the Lumberjack” on the stage of the Ural State Forestry University in 1996. In January 2000, he became a member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, and since 2009, together with the team, he has been involved in the “Ural Dumplings Show”.

Vyacheslav Myasnikov was born in the village of Lugovoe, Tyumen region. As a child, Vyacheslav played volleyball and freestyle wrestling and has a second rank in these sports. Plays the guitar beautifully. Has a specialty "mechanical engineer".

He is married to a former model from Yekaterinburg, Nadezhda. She is bright and stately, but she captivated Vyacheslav not so much with her beauty as with her gentle disposition.

Friends of the couple say: “Nadya is three years younger than Slava and seems ready to fulfill his every whim.” Despite his wife’s past profession, Vyacheslav told her: “I will be alone on TV and in newspapers. I don't need competition!

Vyacheslav has to literally be torn between Yekaterinburg and Moscow, where he mainly has to work. The more time he tries to devote to his wife and children, returning to his hometown. Friends call Vyacheslav Myasnikov a good husband and father, and his family – strong and loving.

Dmitry Brekotkin got to the “dumplings” thanks to Dmitry Sokolov and Sergei Ershov - they met in a construction team while studying at the university. True, Brekotkin failed to obtain a higher education - he was expelled for poor academic performance and absenteeism. True, he managed to master several professions: plasterer, bricklayer, finisher. In 1995, he married a charming ballerina. Two years later, a daughter, Nastya, appeared in the family, and six years later, Lisa. While Dima is on tour, his wife runs the household and raises the children: the eldest daughter is on the Yekaterinburg synchronized swimming team and will graduate from school this year, and the youngest daughter sings in the children's choir.

Sergey Isaev(08/07/1971) - actor and author of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”. He is also a businessman, a biker athlete, and tried himself as a candidate for deputy from the “Civil Power” party. Of course, he never became a big politician.

Sergey graduated from a music school in the button accordion class, and in 1993 from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of USTU-UPI. In the Ural Dumplings team since its founding.

He met his first wife during a tour of the Ural team in the homeland of watermelons, in Astrakhan. Evgenia herself took the first step to get closer to a handsome guy. They had dinner and... separated for five months. As soon as Sergei managed to escape to Astrakhan once again, he immediately dialed Zhenya’s number and... proposed. She agreed. True, they broke up a year later and did not have time to have children.

“At first it seems to you that this is for life. And then you realize that this is just a hobby, no matter how much you convince yourself.” He also admitted that he may have separated from his first wife due to his explosive nature. “If I don’t like something, I’ll definitely say it right away. It’s probably bad for a man.” Apparently, Evgenia was one of those ladies who like to put logs in the firebox.

Then Sergei told everyone that he would definitely not go to the registry office a second time. He had many girls, but they were all fleeting hobbies. Soon he met the dark-eyed Irina. It was love at first sight. “She came out to meet me, and I felt as if something had stopped me, I tracked down the table where she was sitting and came up and introduced myself. I already felt then that my intentions were serious.”

She agreed to his conditions: to live in a civil marriage. On October 12, 2013, their son Elisha was born. Sergei speaks very warmly about her and appreciates her, as he says, “for her intelligence and beauty.” In addition, she and the hostess are one hundred percent.

“I really want the fragile things that exist between us to be preserved. Every day with her brings such pleasant feelings! I want to write an SMS, call, find out how you are doing. Still, our life is driven by Love,” admits Isaev.

Sergey loves his native Yekaterinburg very much, which he considers an interesting city, not spoiled by the capital. He believes that his team achieved a lot thanks to the Yekaterinburg spectators and their support. “If we wrote concerts in Moscow, there would be different humor. And I don’t think it’s better,” says Sergei.

Once in an interview, he told how many of their numbers were born.

“Before the concert we have so-called training camps. We are going to a recreation center for a week and a half. We disconnect from the outside world. There we share who has any ideas. Let's come up with a concert together. Then we hold it in Yekaterinburg. The townspeople are lucky, they see all our numbers first, without cuts or abbreviations - for two whole hours. After the concert, we perfect the numbers, edit them, and add gags. And then we take them to Moscow for filming. STS chooses the best and ends up with an hour-long program. So, from the idea to the finished TV show, it usually takes a month of hard work.”

He admitted that the most difficult thing is to come up with an idea for an act, which can be both simple and complex. “When the viewer understands the main idea, when the laughter starts, it’s a matter of technique to bring the audience to ecstasy, to play up the comicality of the situation.”

Personal life of girls from "Ural Dumplings"




Elena Letuchaya believes that she still has everything ahead

Yulia Mikhalkova is a well-known participant in the beloved Ural Dumplings program, broadcast on the STS channel. She is the only girl among the brutal male participants in the program and the undisputed star of the show.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Matyukhina (and this is exactly what her real name sounds like, Mikhalkova is just a sonorous pseudonym) was born in the small Ural town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region, not far from Yekaterinburg. Julia grew up without a father; in addition to her mother, she was raised by her grandfather, brother and uncle.

As a child, she was practically no different from girls of her age; she attended a regular high school in her hometown. The only thing she always knew was that she would certainly become an artist. Even as a girl, she loved to dress in her mother’s outfits, put her makeup on herself and, standing in front of a mirror with an imaginary microphone, sing and dance.

The girl’s relatives watched these concerts with a condescending smile, not really believing that her plans would come true, and she would actually go on tour and dress in beautiful dresses.

While studying in the tenth grade, Yulia got a job on one of the local Yekaterinburg television channels. She was entrusted with leading youth news.

Carier start

After graduating from school, she went to study in Yekaterinburg, entering the Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Philology, intending to get a profession as a teacher of Russian language and literature. From the very first year, she became an active member of the local KVN team, although, according to her admission, at first she joined the team out of boredom, and then joined the team so much that she no longer wanted to leave it. KVN became her second life. At first she played in the women's team, led by Sergei Ershov. Then the famous team “Ural Dumplings” grew out of it. Initially, the composition of this team was predominantly female, but by 1999, only Yulia remained among the girls.

Yulia Mikhalkova while participating in the KVN team

While studying in her second year, she realized that she lacked acting skills and that it would be nice to study in theater. Having weighed her strengths, she decided to simultaneously enter the Yekaterinburg theater university, which she successfully graduated from in 2008.

Initially, “Ural Dumplings” played only in KVN clubs, but then, having gained considerable popularity, they continued performing as an independent group. By 2009, the team decided to create their own comedy show, and Yulia became a permanent participant. Now it's hard to even imagine a show without her.

Yulia Mikhalkova with the Ural Dumplings team at a concert

In 2013, the program received an honorary award at the “Breakthrough of the Year 2013” ​​ceremony, receiving the title of “Best Comedy Show” on television.

Yulia Mikhalkova on stage

Julia made her mark not only in a humorous show, she managed to act in a movie, in a film called “Silver,” playing a small but significant role. Subsequently, the directors continued to make offers to her, and the girl starred in several more films and TV series. Among them are “In Love and Unarmed”, “Real Boys”, etc.

Nikolai Naumov and Yulia Mikhalkova in the TV series "Real Boys"

In addition to artistic comedic talent, Yulia also has vocal talent. The audience did not realize this for a long time until she took part in the recording of some songs of the group “Meaning Hallucinations”. She also starred in the videos of this group. Later she sang together with other performers.

Yulia Mikhalkova on the set of the film "In Love and Unarmed"

Yulia posed nude for the men's magazine Maxim, which played a bad joke on her when in 2016 she decided to run for parliament. She had to justify herself to voters and journalists for this act, but the girl said that she had never posed naked, and these shootings were only part of the profession, part of PR, and as a deputy she was able to do a lot for her native Yekaterinburg.

Yulia Mikhalkova on the set of a culinary program

According to the election results, she took third place, but then subsequently withdrew her candidacy. Why she did this remains unclear; most likely, the political games of her opponents played a role. The girl did not accept this state of affairs and responded with her own weapon, creating a miniature parody of the deputies and ridiculing some aspects. After the video aired, the girl was no longer included in the list of candidates from United Russia.

Personal life

For more than four years, Yulia was in a serious relationship with the deputy of the regional Duma of the Sverdlovsk region, Igor Danilov. They lived in a civil marriage, everything was fine, Igor even proposed to his beloved, giving her a diamond ring. However, the relationship went wrong, Julia chose to leave the man, saying that Igor is very good, but she needs another man, whom she will need to reach out for and strive for better.

Yulia Mikhalkova with her ex-husband

Recently, information appeared that Julia had a new lover, but she did not disclose his name. The girl also reported that she would like to have children. At the beginning of 2017, there was even a rumor about the interesting position of the actress, which she neither confirmed nor denied.

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