Why do you dream about a turtle? Why do you dream about a turtle in Miller's dream book? Why do you dream about a turtle biting?

The details determine the interpretation of the dream, so it is important to remember in the morning the appearance of the dreamed animal, behavioral characteristics, mood, and sequence of actions. You can understand exactly why small turtles dream about only based on all the nuances of the vision.

In Western and Eastern cultures, turtles symbolize wisdom, longevity, calmness, and slowness. Animals are also considered safe, therefore they do not portend bad omens or disasters.

Gustav Miller associated such scenes with silence, peace, and serenity. For young virgins, sleep promises relaxation, the opportunity to forget about problems and nervous experiences.

Juno's dream book considers the plot with this animal signal: the dreamer needs the help of a wise outsider whom she trusts infinitely.

Prince Zhou Gong considered a water turtle swimming freely as a promise of wealth and prosperity. Catching a reptile with your bare hands is a bad dream; someone close to you will die.

Seeing a lot of turtles in a dream

Pleasant events related to work - this is what small turtles dream of, a lot of babies. The more animals seen, the higher the rise on the career ladder and the size of the bonus.
Are turtles crawling on the floor of the room? Luck favors the dreamer; it is necessary to take advantage of this and realize old ideas. The period is suitable for starting your own business, changing jobs, activities, and fundamental life changes.

Big, small animal

Good news, good omens - the main interpretations of what turtles, big and small, dream about.

Large reptiles mean:

  • according to Tsvetkov, they guarantee successful earning options if the sleeping young lady wisely uses the information received in reality, thanks to which she herself will become rich and help the family;
  • for a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant, a large reptile promises an early pregnancy;
  • a beautiful turtle of enormous size promises quick enrichment;
  • a giant animal of unrealistic size (larger than a house, for example) is an unfavorable sign and threatens stagnation in business or service. The closer the animal is to the sleeping one, the easier it will be to find the key to the problem.

Let's look at why little turtles dream:

  • those running around the body threaten a string of minor problems, but they will be easy to deal with;
  • the turtles got into the pockets of their clothes - a new business, a position will turn out to be a failure, they may deceive, not pay the money they earned.

Medium-sized animals are fraught with worries about the health of a close relative or loved one. The outcome of the disease depends on the outcome of sleep.

Interpretation of sleep based on action with a turtle

The nuances will prompt the exact interpretation of the actions that the sleeper performed in a dream in relation to animals.

A reptile running away on land will turn into a conflict in reality: the dreamer will encounter a person whose views and preferences are unpleasant to him. The retreating animal symbolizes the real enemy, the plot promises complete victory, but it is necessary to show leniency towards the vanquished.

Catching and hunting turtles may portend deterioration in health. The reason, most likely, will be a violent nervous reaction to a trifle.
Catch is a warning dream. It is necessary to trust your intuition, analyze the facts, and only then make important decisions. Otherwise there will be trouble.

Killing is a bad dream; in reality it threatens with serious troubles. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to take advantage of the situation.

Riding while sitting on a shell means strong experiences, which, however, have no real basis. Understanding that there is nothing to worry about will help you overcome empty worries in reality.

A dream of a transparent, clean body of water, through which the dreamer is swimming on a turtle, will require attentiveness. Filtering information will benefit the sleeping person; a valuable recommendation will improve the future.

Buying an armored reptile in reality will turn into a joint work project. However, there is a danger of sabotage or sabotage. Choose your colleagues carefully, otherwise you will have to do all the work alone.

Eating turtle soup or other dishes made from these reptiles promises dubious relaxation. Avoid hot spots, it won't be fun, it's just a waste of time and money.

Why do you dream about being bitten by a turtle?

Problems that the dreamer ignores in reality, as well as sudden dangers – this is how dreamed animal bites are often interpreted. Visions suggest increased vigilance, the inner circle requires special vigilance - more often than not, danger comes from there.

Turtle bites and aggressive behavior are interpreted as follows:

  1. A close person who was trusted will set you up.
  2. There is a real threat of plans being disrupted.
  3. There is a strong temptation that is difficult to resist; it is necessary to call upon all composure and prudence.

Turtle in water, on land

An aquatic turtle swimming through the waves is considered an auspicious sign. A dream with a freely swimming animal promises a woman unexpected long-term pleasures, prosperity, and good luck.

An aquatic reptile that has bitten a girl requires caution; temptations strive to lead the sleeping woman astray. The greatest temptations will come from men; a new acquaintance can discredit the dreamer’s reputation.
There are other interpretations of why a woman dreams of a small turtle and not only:

  • Fishing in a lake or another body of water - the subconscious mind reminds of problems of perception, the dreamer is tired of trying to find herself, but a favorable period has just arrived, the changes that have happened now will be for the good.
  • Having an aquatic reptile at home portends an imminent vacation, a vacation that will leave only pleasant impressions.
  • Watching a small turtle leisurely walk is a warning dream; the sleeping one is disturbed by its slowness, it’s time to break this trait.
  • An animal basking on a stone symbolizes an empty existence; life passes the dreamer by through her own fault.

Why do you dream about a little turtle in an aquarium?

Social and personal restrictions are symbolized by a small turtle in an aquarium. Dependence on other people's opinions and fear of making independent decisions prevents a woman from living a happy life.

Many small cubs promise pregnancy to a young lady.

A turtle lives in your house

Having a couple of large reptiles at home in a dream promises a long, harmonious marriage in reality. If a quarrel occurred shortly before such a vision, then a joyful, tender reconciliation will soon occur.

Children playing with turtles will enjoy success, obedience, and will find the key to mutual understanding.

Dead, unshelled animal

A dead or killed animal with a missing shell promises a quick solution to problems. Circumstances that seem insurmountable at first glance will be easily overcome without outside help.

There are other interpretations of dreams with dead turtles:

  • a lifeless reptile without a shell is considered a sign of loneliness; perhaps the dreamer recently broke up with a man, which is why she is worried and craves support;
  • a corpse floating on the water promises a collapse of plans, a bad time for new beginnings;
  • to cook soup from a killed animal - in reality it is too late to admit guilt and your mistakes.

With cubs

Small turtles with their mother - an optimistic story that promises broad prospects in the near future.

An egg-laying, viviparous turtle portends pregnancy.

For business people, businessmen, small cubs in the water promise increased profits and lucrative contracts.

An aquarium is considered a bad sign. Sudden problems, obstacles, conflicts at work are the least of the troubles awaiting the dreamer. Competition and the machinations of envious colleagues are foreshadowed by a dream with a container infested with turtles.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book says: a good mood, an optimistic mood in the morning after a vision with reptiles promises a fateful moment, a turning point. The dreamer will be inspired and move mountains for the sake of the future.

Turtle trifle portends pregnancy and the birth of children.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian seer considered the turtle a good sign. “This is a symbol of wisdom and confidence,” says her dream book.

There are the following interpretations based on the type of action and behavior of the animal:

  • crawling - things will move slowly, don’t expect activity;
  • turned over - plans will be disrupted;
  • calm - prosperity, longevity, peace.

A woman feeding an animal in a dream means she will soon become pregnant.

List of used literature:

  • Moss R. The Secret History of Dreams: The Meaning of Dreams in Different Cultures and the Lives of Famous Personalities. Per. from English - St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2010.
  • Dreams. Their origin and role in Christian interpretation. Moscow: Obraz, 2006.
  • Solovyov V. Explanatory dictionary of dreams: An illustrated history of the civilization of dreams. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006.

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    if you dreamed, What lives in the well near your house turtle, this portends nobility and wealth. See in dream a snake coiled around turtles- your wealth will improve, you will become richer than you were. For woman dream O turtle portends that she will take a high position. I turned around and it seemed to me in the neck bitten, I didn’t see it but I thought (that turtle jumped out of this vase) and said that I bitten turtle.Read completely

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    By request " turtle bitten» 11 words found. turtle bitten interpretation and meaning sleep turtle bitten according to the dream book. Pages: 1 2. ]]> 1. Bite If you dreamed, What someone got you bitten, then you should beware of illness and failure.8. Turtle See in dream turtle means that some extraordinary situation will radically change your life for the better. If in dream You eat turtle soup...Read more

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    What does it mean Turtle in dream: To you dreamed about it Turtle what is this for - Gigantic turtle- to a long and happy life. Regular turtle- to boredom and languor from idleness. Magic dream book. Dream book of the healer Akulina. What means Turtle in dream: To you dreamed about it Turtle why is this - you are worrying about things in vain: they are going slowly but surely. Everything will be done on time. Read more

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    Dream, in which you had to eat turtle or soup from turtles, means that due to momentary weakness you will have problems in the future. See in dream How turtle hid in your shell, means that you will not be able to succeed in life if you run away from problems. If dreamed, What You bitten turtle, then the meeting you were counting on will not take place. Read more

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    "Dream book is dead Turtle dreamed about it, for what dreaming in dream dead Turtle".My son dreamed about it turtle, floating in the owners' fountain. He took it (stole it), hid it under his T-shirt so that the owners and their guests would not see, took it outside the gate... then he changed his mind, decided to return it back, but she bitten one of the guests and he shot her. Read more

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    Bite in dream means resentment and disappointment. Important aspects of this sleep are: who bitten and what are the consequences. For example, if you in dream felt bite, in reality you will lose something and will be very worried. Bites any insects - to small, but still unpleasant attacks and accusations. For example, dreamed mosquitoes and ticks are small enemies. Wasps, bees and bumblebees biting in dream portend quarrels or insults addressed to you, but after such incidents you will clear your personal space of unnecessary...Read more

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    turtle bitten.Hello! In general dreamed about it dream, in dream My best friend and I were fishing on some canal. At first, my friend caught a lot of large fish, while I rarely caught very small fish. But then I began to catch a lot of large fish, and I was very happy, and in the end I caught a big one turtle with an ugly face that looks something like a human. Read more

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    turtle bitten.Had a dream feed Turtle, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming feed Turtle in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    I dreamed about it Turtle small, but necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Turtle small in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Turtle(I have one like this at home) ran after me and tried to jump bite with a turn. Bouncing off the floor like a frog. My wife ran away from her and was afraid. Read more

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    Turtle- a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as well as good luck and prosperity. However, despite such pleasant designations of this animal, which showed in dream, turtle Maybe dream about and to other events in your life. In order to understand what your dream you need to know every detail sleep where were you, what shape were you in? turtle.Read completely

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    Boa constrictorSee the boa constrictor in dream- almost the same as seeing in dream devil: dream portends turbulent times and continuous failures. Disappointment in human...me dreamed several sea turtles both small and large at sea). Me too dreamed about it a lot of turtles both big and small in the ocean. One little me bitten and I woke up. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    However, most commentators argue that many turtles in dream means that a person has accumulated a lot of things that are done at a snail’s pace. Moreover, this may indicate a bunch of unresolved problems from which a person is trying to run away, leave everything as it is, hide his head in a shell from them. When you dreamed about it(xia) a lot turtles?Read completely

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    For what dreaming bitten Dog in dream according to the dream book? Had a dream, What the dog left the mark of its teeth on you - most likely, your relationships with people who are very dear to you will deteriorate, and there may be a reason to be offended by them. At the same time, blood flows from the wound - this means a conflict with a relative; be especially careful and tolerant in communicating with relatives. Fish. Crocodile. Turtle. Dolphin.

In dreams, people often see what they think about throughout the day. You may also dream of a thought or idea that gnaws at a person.

But there are times when dreams present a rather incomprehensible picture, which it is not always possible to figure out on your own. Particularly interesting are unusual stories and phenomena that are remembered for a long time.

Dream books will help you figure out why a turtle dreams: big and small, one or many, in water or on land, for a woman or a man.

You can see a turtle in a dream in different circumstances. If you dreamed about this reptile, you need to better remember the details, because the interpretation of dreams depends on them.

Size and condition of the reptile

The turtle is a symbol of longevity, regularity and stability. At the same time, different dream books interpret a turtle seen in a dream in different ways.

You can understand why this animal is dreaming about by turning to the nuances of the dream.

The size of the reptile indicates the magnitude of the consequences of sleep. Why do you dream about a huge turtle? The results of your actions will be great. The little turtle will talk about events of a minor nature.

If you dreamed about a large turtle, it means further luck in business and making an impressive profit. In some cases, this is a symbol of a new addition to the family, equated to.

But in dreams sometimes we see not only living but also dead creatures. And this feature is alarming, since a deceased animal is subconsciously associated with bad news. It is not always so.

I dreamed of a living turtle - things are going smoothly and gradually, continuously heading towards the intended goal - this is what it means to see a turtle in a dream that is alive.

Why do you dream about a dead turtle? Such a dream indicates that there are difficulties or obstacles along the way in life, overcoming which will require attention and effort.


Pay attention to what the turtle does in the dream. An animal lying peacefully or thoughtfully and slowly moving speaks of a slow nature or a settled way of life. It’s worth thinking about, maybe it’s time to change something both in the environment and in yourself.

It's interesting to watch when an animal is busy. People can often feed a turtle in their sleep.

Dream books explain this as the presence of a person nearby who is unworthy of support. Take a closer look, perhaps the one you are helping is simply favored.

There is another interpretation: by feeding a reptile, you call on good luck, and good news will soon appear.

Meetings with this creature in a dream can also be unwelcoming. If a turtle bites a sleeping person or someone else in a dream, then this person will experience changes on a scale similar to the turtle bite itself.

There is another interpretation: if a turtle bites you in a dream, it means a quarrel or conflict, often talking about family problems. The remaining mark from the turtle’s teeth means the weight of the offense inflicted, and the blood appearing in the dream at the site of the bite means worries and torment due to the scandal that occurred.

Turtle space

Remember where exactly you dreamed about the heroine of the dream. A turtle in the water is a good deed, indicating rapid movement towards the intended goal and the correctness of the chosen path. But this will happen if the water is clean and transparent.

In the case of one filled with algae, despite the colossal amount of effort made, the situation will not be clarified as we would like.

To interpret the dream and understand why a water or sea turtle is dreaming, other details should be interpreted. For example, the size of the animal.

Let's turn to dream books to find out why we dream of a big turtle in the water. Seeing a reptile in a dream, measuredly and leisurely wandering along the sea waves, promises considerable luck or wealth.

But these are relative concepts, and an increase in prosperity can manifest itself both in winning a decent amount, and in a salary increase, being awarded a bonus or moving up the career ladder. That is, if you dreamed of a turtle in the water, you can safely rejoice.

Let's look at the number of reptiles dreamed of by representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. Let's find out why many turtles dream.

If a man sees turtles in a dream and there are a lot of them, he is guaranteed success in his career and, perhaps, generous investors will soon appear on the horizon who want to invest a lot of money in his project.

For a man involved in business, a turtle promises long-term relationships with business partners.

Why does a woman dream of turtles - many small reptiles foreshadow the lady's anticipation of various troubles. A large turtle in a dream for a woman is confirmation of a long-awaited pregnancy.

If a pregnant girl dreams about a turtle, it means the baby will be born healthy and happy, and also endowed with excellent external characteristics.

Night dreams involving armored animals symbolize a long and happy relationship for lovers. You can be confident in your other half and know that she will not let you down.

An animal imprisoned in an aquarium reflects restrictions or obstacles in life. You need to reconsider your thinking, and then you will be able to expand the possibilities of getting out of the current situation. Many turtles will be upset - long and painful waits will probably be in vain.

A large turtle in the house promises a peaceful course of family life. Strife and misunderstandings will fade into the background, and everyday life will be filled with peace and tranquility. But if you encroach on the life of an animal, do not expect anything good; major and very serious troubles await you in the future.

Did you see the heroine of the dream in your hands? Rest assured: luck is already on your side.


One turtle visiting a dream will tell you that you are on the right path, but you should not expect instant results and make hasty decisions. Everything goes on as usual, albeit at a snail’s pace, but in any case a positive result awaits you.

Seeing many small turtles in a dream foretells a new addition to the family, and for young girls - a series of gentlemen.

According to the modern universal collection, a huge number of tiny shelled creatures represent financial success. Perhaps a wealthy partner will soon become interested in your project.

And a variety of large amphibians stands for the approach of a long trip.

Nuances of dreams

The dream book will also tell you what a turtle dreams about depending on its environment. If a woman sees a floating reptile in a body of water, it means that external problems have been resolved, and the work begun is gradually approaching its logical conclusion. And at the finish line, success and recognition await him.

I dreamed of a turtle that decided to swim away from the dreamer in a dream - in life, very soon a break with a near and dear person awaits him.

What will a few turtles talk about?

But it also happens that the dreamed reptile is not alone in the dream. When racing another animal, it tells you that you won't be able to outrun your competitors.. This is especially important when in a dream a turtle interacts with a bird, trying to grab its wings and taste the value of flight.

We are not talking about competition here; on the contrary, reduce your ardor and become less self-confident. Because at this stage of life, such traits will only bring you disappointment.

What do popular dream books say?

People who are interested in deciphering dreams recognize their interpretation in different ways:

  • Some go to fortune tellers;
  • Others try to find a scientific explanation for what they saw;
  • Still others ask for help from specialists in oneirology (the science that studies dreams);
  • The rest prefer to decipher the symbols themselves using dream books.

Popular dream books offer the following interpretations of a turtle in a dream:

What to expect?

The above-mentioned good news, symbolized by the turtle, may foreshadow a meeting with a childhood friend. Thus, the distant past will never cease to delight and surprise in the present.

But the surprise can be absolutely anything: from the arrival of an old friend to winning a million. That's why, Having seen such a dream, do not immediately bet on global changes.

Interestingly, dreams about turtles are so popular that they even released a computer game with that name - “Turtle Dreams 2”. Its passage is very exciting. Additionally, there is a song in English called "The Dream of the Blue Turtles". It was written by British singer and composer Sting.

If you are a leisurely person by nature, then slowing down in business without resolving important issues can completely stop what you started. Try to get active and finish what you started.

If you have other character traits, then a turtle in your dream, on the contrary, will be a sign of upcoming success in your career.

Well and In any way, the turtle leaving you, alas, will not protect you from losses and troubles in relationships.

Thus, there is no exact and specific interpretation of one dream. To correctly decipher the “night” message, you need to remember the details. It is the little things that determine the course and direction of interpretation. In addition, if you have a phenomenal memory, interpreting a dream from a dream book will not be difficult.

If we take into account that a turtle is a slow-moving, long-lived animal, then it becomes clear why dream books, deciphering what such an image means in a dream, predict a long and stable life for the dreamer. However, you should not relax, since a dream about a large turtle can also predict the approach of a difficult period. Remember in detail how she looked in the dream and what she did - this will help you understand what you should be afraid of and what you can hope for.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

Miller's dream book gives the following interpretations of the dreamed “tortilla”: to see a large turtle in the house slowly chewing grass in a dream is a symbol that unexpected joy awaits you, which, contrary to the predictions of skeptics, will have a rather positive continuation.

Seeing not one, but two giant turtles at once is a symbol of a successful partnership. If you dreamed that a turtle couple lived in your house, this signifies mutual understanding and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. And if animals have settled in your work, then this means close and fruitful cooperation that will lead you to success.

Luck will be there

Vanga's dream book also gives rosy predictions about what a big turtle dreams about. If you dreamed that a large sea turtle was swimming next to you in the water, then this means that you will have a long life and good health.

Wondering why you dream about many sea turtles in the water? This is a symbol of profit. This is especially true for people involved in trade. The only bad thing is if a giant turtle, swimming in the water or walking on land, turns over on its back. Such a dream can predict disruption of plans and the danger of losing money.

Many large turtles and small turtles living in your house in a dream predict frequent changes of priorities. You will switch your attention from one area of ​​life to another very often and rapidly. You will be successful if the reptiles were benevolent towards you, dream books say.

You're wasting your time

The Italian dream book, explaining why you dream of a large turtle lying motionless on land, assures that this is a sign that you are wasting your time and energy. Review what of your activities does not bring you either profit or satisfaction, and switch your attention to something else, the interpreter advises.

But if you dreamed of a plot in which a large turtle and small turtles bask in the sun, then this means that the implementation of the plan is postponed due to minor problems or due to the dreamer’s absent-mindedness.

Period of victories and defeats

Seeing in a dream how many large turtles attack you is a sign of a difficult and protracted struggle, dream books suggest. Do reptiles bite you in your sleep? Remember if there was blood at the site of the bite. If turtle jaws left a bloody wound on your body in a dream, this means that you will be recovering from defeat for a long time, “licking” your mental wounds.

But if the turtles did not manage to hurt you too much or you were able to fight them off, then, despite the machinations of enemies and envious people, you will be able to win a difficult battle, the Gypsy Dream Book pleases with its interpretations.


The animal world is incredibly diverse, but almost every representative has become a totem, symbolizing certain qualities. Probably each of us remembers the legendary turtle Tortilla, who gave Pinocchio the golden key. Despite its slowness and clumsiness, even in a fairy tale this animal personified wisdom and longevity. Why do you dream about this reptile? To decipher a dream, it is important to look into the very “heart” of the vision and remember it down to the smallest detail.

Interpretation of the image of a turtle in various dream books:

  • Miller - to an incredible event that will bring joy and have a positive effect on business;
  • Vangi - a long and happy life awaits you;
  • Juno - soon you will be given wise advice, and if you use it, all your affairs will be successful;
  • big - life passes by, but you don’t even notice it;
  • Denise Lynn - your perseverance can be envied, you are moving very slowly but confidently towards your goal;
  • Maya's dream book gives two opposite interpretations: the turtle crawled through, not paying attention to you - life passes practically without your participation; if the animal swam in the water, you will soon meet a wise man who will give you a lot of practical advice;
  • family - the events that have occurred will strengthen your character, which will have a beneficial effect on business;
  • gypsy - interference and delays when concluding important transactions;
  • Zhou-Gong: a turtle in the water means wealth, catching it means the death of a loved one;
  • eastern - some unusual incident will happen to you that will radically change your life;
  • Aesop - the image personifies a lazy person who does not want to take on any obligations;
  • Longo - slowness prevents you from controlling the situation;
  • summer - the promises given to you will turn out to be empty talk;
  • modern - you will be in a great mood, all problems will be solved in the near future;
  • Russian folk - you are a very slow person, but non-standard thinking helps you out always and everywhere.

The White Magician's Dream Book states: if in a dream you fought with a turtle, it means that in real life you will have a wise opponent.

A turtle slowly crawling on land represents your life, which is also passing by

Who dreamed about the animal: a woman or a man

The dreamer's gender can change the meaning of the image:

  • a turtle dreamed by a girl represents good luck in love; very soon your personal life will improve, and you will meet the one who will make you happy;
  • For a woman, “turtle” dreams often promise pregnancy; this vision may also indicate stability in the relationship with your spouse;
  • For a pregnant animal, the animal portends the birth of a smart and healthy baby, endowed with incredible beauty;
  • for representatives of the stronger sex it is a symbol of success in the professional sphere and stability in financial affairs.

Usually the turtle is considered a feminine sign. This reptile is associated with the night, the moon and water. Due to the fact that the animal lays many eggs, it is considered a symbol of fertility.

Small reptiles seen in large numbers promise a long wait for something; take your time, because luck is still on your side now

Number of reptiles in a dream

A whole flock of moving reptiles means that initially imperceptible changes will radically affect your life. Give in to fate, let everything go as planned from above. A lot of turtles swimming in dirty water - to the renewal of old grievances. Probably, your enemies have been harboring a desire for revenge for a long time, and now they have found the right way. If all the animals hid their heads in their shells, you can easily cope with all difficulties.

In ancient times, it was believed that the pattern on a turtle’s shell represented some kind of sacred message.

A few small turtles promise you a promotion. Your superiors will appreciate your merits. One individual also portends good events: you will receive a decent monetary reward or meet your love. Fate favors you - do not miss the opportunity to prove yourself.

Where did you see the turtle and what was it like?

A lot depends on the location of the reptile:

  • clean water - soon you will receive a big profit, which you will rightfully receive;
  • aquarium - your life is very limited, you live as if in a golden cage from which you cannot get out;
  • a well near your house - to quick income or unexpected wealth;
  • your workplace - to problems in the professional sphere;
  • turtles swarming in the sand symbolize the monotony of your life.

In Ukraine, Belarus, and Serbia they believed that a turtle could reach the gap-grass. With the help of this potion it is possible to open any locks.

The characteristics of the animal are also important when interpreting sleep:

  • a land turtle is a sign that your life is now in complete stagnation;
  • a dead reptile indicates missed opportunities and a reluctance to change something in your life;
  • without a shell - you are defenseless against your enemies;
  • speaking - to receive wise advice; remember what the animal said, perhaps this will be the solution to your problem.

A fast running reptile indicates the hidden capabilities of an ill-wisher whom you underestimated.

A turtle without a shell indicates your defenselessness against enemies.

Actions in a dream

If a reptile tried to overtake some animal in a dream, your competitors will overtake you. A turtle crawling on land is a sign that luck will smile on you.

Interpretation of other animal actions:

  • hides his head in his shell - a dependent person will hide behind you;
  • there are enough birds - you are overly self-confident and do not listen to wise advice;
  • basking in the sun is a waste of energy;
  • bit you - you will be disappointed in your friend.

The end of a task that has taken you a long time is symbolized by a turtle giving birth in a dream. Moreover, if dead offspring are born, this indicates failure. Apparently, what you have been working on for a long time will turn out to be of no use to anyone.

The meaning of the dreamer's actions:

  • to kill a small reptile - to be refused an important matter;
  • a dream in which you cook turtle soup speaks of dubious entertainment;
  • catching animals in the water means trouble;
  • if in a dream you tried to catch a turtle, but nothing worked out, you are not in the best shape - take care of yourself;
  • treat the reptile with various delicacies - you are supporting an unworthy person who does not need your help at all;
  • walking with her as with a pet means good news and happy events;
  • riding a huge turtle is a sign that lately you have been worrying too much about others, think about yourself;
  • buying an animal means getting help from a wise person;
  • stroking a reptile in a dream, watching how it constantly hides its head - instead of making a decision, you are trying to escape from problems.
  • As you can see, “turtle” dreams are quite diverse and unusual. They can mean both good luck and the need to be careful. Use the gifted knowledge wisely, do not be afraid of difficulties, be kinder and look at life with optimism. Then success will definitely await you, because it’s not for nothing that the turtle is considered a lucky talisman.