Peaches cakes. Cake "Peach" taste from childhood Bake peaches from dough

  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Butter 82.5% - 60 g
  • Sour cream 15% – 60 g
  • Flour - 350 g
  • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp.

I am one of those who still remembers these “peaches” in every grocery store. But the strangest thing is that I never ate them as a child. Either I had other preferences, or I don’t remember something. Therefore, they always remained only a trail of memories of the food industry of the Soviet Union. About a year ago, a friend and I discussed what completely Soviet dessert could be filmed to remind us of that time. Instantly I thought of these "peaches". Memories flashed back to how they lie in every shop window next to tubes filled with cream and other dishes for children and adults.

Since then, I've put the idea of ​​making them in my head. But the problem was that there was nowhere to try the original, and it was even more difficult to find a recipe. Each looked like a classic pancake manual: sprinkle an eye of this, add a little of that and five pinches of flour. I had to work to put everything together. While I was searching for the truth, I came across these peaches in Krasnodar. This is where everything came together, there was an opportunity to try it and work on a couple of good recipes.

Following the Soviet style, I use the simplest and most understandable ingredients, and the cooking technology couldn’t be simpler. However, you are guaranteed a good immersion in childhood or a new acquaintance with the times of your grandmothers and mothers. Delicate, very porous cakes, which are indeed very similar to a peach, their velvety surface hints at the inner richness, and delicate colors and transitions from pink to yellow further emphasize their rosy and playful character. Inside there is a filling with jam, which will completely enhance the feeling that you are eating a peach! These can be made for future use, because they store well and can be enjoyed in a large company with stories about school, an ice skating rink and a snowball fight. Interesting? Means # Let's Cook!

In a mixer bowl, combine eggs (2 pcs) and sugar (200 g).

Beat until foamy; the state of the ribbon is when the mass flows from the mixer attachment in a strip, and not in drops.

And sour cream (60 g), you can replace it at your discretion, but I wouldn’t.

We need this dough consistency.

It's quite damp; when you pick it up with your fingers, it will be sticky, don't be alarmed.

The finished cookies should cool slightly.

Turn the cookies over and make indentations while the cookies are still warm. I used the apple tool. You can do this with a sharp teaspoon.

Now for the filling. For her, I took boiled condensed milk and apricot jam. The ratio is 4 to 1. That is, for 100 grams of condensed milk there are only 25 grams of jam. Condensed milk should be as thick as possible, look for it, otherwise the filling will float and the cookies will fall apart.

Place in a mixer bowl.

Beat until smooth.

I let the halves sit for half an hour in the refrigerator so that the filling hardened and the products became stronger. Also prepare a bowl with sugar and two liquids of different colors. You can take beet and carrot juices (natural option), but I tinted the apple juice with AmeriColor Red and Electric Yellow.

First, dip the cake completely in yellow. For about 1 second.

And then part in red for the same time. When you remove the product, you can blot it with a paper towel.

This elegant cake in the form of ripe, rosy peaches immediately becomes the center of attention. They are served on holidays, where they are scattered first. Nowadays you rarely see this cake on the shelves of confectionery stores, but before, you could buy it in any cafe or confectionery store. Cookies or "Peach" cake It is made from shortcrust pastry and coated with boiled condensed milk. In some cases, a nut is added to the center. Using food coloring and sugar, you can create a cake almost similar in appearance to a natural peach. If you give it time to brew and soak in the filling, it will become more tender and milder in taste. If you have children, bake step-by-step preparation of peach cake, taste from childhood with photos to pleasantly surprise them.

Ingredients for making Peach cake, taste from childhood

Step-by-step preparation of Peach cake, taste from childhood with photos

  1. In a deep container, beat softened butter (margarine) with sugar and sour cream with a mixer or fork.
  2. Add two eggs and vanilla, beat again until smooth.
  3. Add the sifted flour with baking powder and knead into a soft and pliable dough.
  4. Roll out the dough into a rope and cut it into equal parts. Roll into equal walnut-sized balls and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Immediately place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Do not keep the dough at room temperature, otherwise it will spread.
  6. Cut out the center of the bottom of each cookie, leaving the edges intact.
  7. Cut out the centers quickly while the cookies are warm, as they become brittle and crumbly as they cool and you may break them.
  8. To prepare the filling, mix the crushed cookie centers and boiled condensed milk until smooth.
  9. Fill the voids and edges of each cookie with cream.
  10. Connect both halves.
  11. Dissolve food coloring in cold boiled water.
  12. Dip one side of the cake into a container of yellow or orange dye first.
  13. Then dip the other side in red dye.
  14. Dip both halves generously in sugar.
  15. The cookies can be placed to dry on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  16. After 3-5 hours, the “Peach” cookies will dry out, become saturated, and can be served.

Peach cake can be decorated with fresh mint leaves and served with tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

A ripe peach is delicious on its own. If it’s a cake, it’s doubly delicious. Such an amazing delicacy captivates with just its appearance. And it is very easy to prepare.

Today we offer you 8 recipes for this delicious dessert, from classic to original versions of “Peach” with cream cheese. Remember the taste of childhood and pamper your loved ones with this aromatic, beautiful delicacy.

“Peaches” cake - general principles of preparation

The dough for peaches is prepared using shortbread, butter and eggs, and baking powder is added. Depending on the recipe, it may contain sour cream and milk. There is no need to cool the mass. The peach halves are sculpted immediately after kneading. Roll into small balls and place on a baking sheet, pressing lightly.

Remove the baked halves, turn them flat side up and let them cool slightly. It is important not to overdo it here. While the semi-finished product is still warm and soft, use a spoon to take out a little crumb for the “bone”. You can make larger holes in homemade peaches to make them juicier and sweeter.

Coloring and decorating peaches

It is the appearance that makes these cakes different from others. In order for them to really look like peaches, the delicacy needs to be decorated correctly. The glued cookie halves are painted. The ideal option is carrot juice with beets. But you can also use food coloring.

The peaches are dipped completely in carrot juice, removed, and after two minutes, part of the fruit is colored in beets. You can dip half or only a third. Then simply roll the cakes in fine sugar and let them dry a little. Coloring with food dyes is done in the same way.

Recipe 1: Classic Peaches cake with condensed milk

It was these cakes that were most often sold in pastry shops and delighted in taste. For the filling, boiled condensed milk and almonds are used, which can be replaced with walnuts.


Flour 3 cups;

7 grams of baking powder;

2 spoons of sour cream;

A glass of sugar;

Two eggs;

80 grams of plums. oils

For the filling, one jar of boiled condensed milk and 8 pieces of almonds. Replace with other nuts if necessary.


1. Break the eggs and immediately add sugar to them. Lower the mixer and beat in, but not for long. It is enough to dissolve the grains and make the mass homogeneous.

2. Add sour cream to the egg mixture first, then soft butter. It is not advisable to melt it.

3. Immediately pour in the first glass of flour and stir everything well with a mixer.

4. Add the rest of the flour, mix the ripper into it. You may need a little more or less flour, it all depends on the moisture content of the product. The dough should be smooth and soft.

5. Divide it into 16 identical pieces, roll each into a ball in your palms, throw it on a baking sheet and press it a little, giving it the shape of a hemisphere.

6. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 190°C.

7. Let the dog halves cool, but not completely.

8. Take a small spoon and scoop out the pulp inside, making a hole for the “bone.”

9. We fill the peaches with boiled condensed milk, and also grease the edges around the hole for stickiness, but with a thin layer.

10. Stick in an almond and glue the halves together.

11. Decorating the peaches. How to do this beautifully is described a little higher.

Recipe 2: Peaches cake with jam

Another option for cakes, for which it is better to use peach jam. If it is not possible to take it, then an apricot, apple, pear or any other will do. The dough is prepared in vegetable oil, using a refined, odorless product.


0.2 kg sugar;

8 grams of baking powder;

100 ml vegetable oil;

500-600 grams of flour;

100 ml sour cream;

For decoration there is jam.


1. Beat eggs with sour cream and granulated sugar. Add vegetable oil. It can be replaced with melted fat or margarine, but it is not advisable in this recipe.

2. Add flour. Mix it with ripper and vanilla in advance.

3. Roll the soft dough into balls. The size is slightly larger than a walnut.

4. Place on a lined baking sheet and cook in the oven for about fifteen minutes.

5. Take out the peach halves and let them cool slightly, ten minutes is enough. If you leave it longer, the dough will become tougher and begin to crumble.

6. Use a teaspoon to make indentations and leave the cookie halves to cool completely.

7. Fill the holes with jam and glue them together.

8. We decorate peaches, use natural juices or dyes.

Recipe 3: Exquisite Peaches Cake with Mascarpone

A variation of charming cakes with a very tasty filling. Instead of mascarpone, you can use another cream cheese, such as Philadelphia or Almette. These ingredients make quite a lot of peaches; if necessary, we proportionally reduce the amount of products.


500 grams of butter;

1 packet of vanilla;

6 cups flour;

1.5 cups sugar;

2 tsp. baking powder;

200 grams of cream cheese;

380 grams of boiled condensed milk;

Mint for decoration.


1. Place the butter in a food processor and beat together with the sugar. You can use a mixer or any other available device.

2. Add eggs one at a time.

3. Add flour, you can immediately pour vanilla and baking powder into the dough. Stir, but not for long.

4. Roll the balls, the size is arbitrary, but they should turn out the same among themselves.

5. Bake in the oven, as in previous recipes.

6. Cool slightly. Using a spoon, select small holes for the filling.

7. While the peaches were baking. It was necessary to prepare the cream. Just combine cream cheese and boiled condensed milk. To taste, add vanilla or add a little rum, half a spoon is enough. Stir.

8. Fill the peaches and decorate. For beauty, we stick in mint leaves, maybe along with small sprigs.

Recipe 4: Peaches Cake with Buttercream

Recipe for Peaches cake according to GOST. But it was not always prepared this way; new and no less interesting versions of the delicacy appeared.


525 grams of flour;

75 grams of butter;

210 grams of sugar;

85 grams of sour cream;

15 grams of baking powder;

20 grams of vanilla sugar;

Two eggs.

For cream:

110 ml milk;

30 grams of powder;

75 ml heavy cream;

35 grams of almonds and 10 whole;

20 grams of flour;

95 grams of butter;

1 yolk;

55 grams of condensed milk.


1. Beat the butter until fluffy, gradually add sour cream to it.

2. In another bowl, mix the eggs with sugar, you can beat them a little, but not necessarily until foamy.

3. Combine both masses, add baking powder mixed with flour and vanilla sugar. Making soft dough.

4. As in previous recipes, we form halves of peaches. Ideally, this is done using scales; you should get 20 pieces.

5. Bake until done at 200 degrees.

6. Take out a little crumb from the cookies, leave the fruit preparations until they cool completely.

7. Leave 10 almonds whole, chop the rest.

8. Mix milk with cream, flour, powder and yolk, simmer over low heat until thickened. Let cool.

9. Add condensed milk with whipped butter to the custard, add chopped almonds.

10. Fill the halves with cream, insert a whole nut, glue it together and put it away to cool for a couple of hours.

Recipe 5: Peaches Nut Cake

An amazing nut filling option for peaches. Sand semi-finished product can be prepared according to any of the recipes. This filling is enough to fill 10 peaches.


1 can of boiled condensed milk;

100 grams of walnuts;

0.5 tsp. Roma;

70 grams of butter.


1. Take the oil out to a warm place in advance so that it is soft.

2. Roast the nuts and cool. Place on a hard surface and roll over the kernels several times with a rolling pin.

3. Mix butter with condensed milk and beat.

4. Add fried nuts and rum to the cream.

5. Fill the peach halves and arrange them according to the instructions given at the beginning of the article.

Recipe 6: Peaches cake with chocolate filling

Variation of brownies with chocolate custard. Cocoa powder is used for preparation. Shortbread halves can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Ingredients for 14-15 peaches.


500 ml milk;

3 spoons of cocoa powder;

200 grams of butter;

50 grams of flour;

140 grams of sugar;


1. Combine cocoa with flour and sugar, stir to prevent lumps in the cream.

2. Beat eggs, add flour mixture and vanilla. It's better to use the saucepan right away.

3. Pour in milk and place on the stove.

4. Cook the cream until thick, stir constantly so that the mass does not burn. Let cool.

5. Beat soft butter until fluffy, add custard one spoon at a time.

6. Beat the filling until smooth.

7. Fill the peaches with chocolate cream, color and roll in sugar.

Recipe 7: Peaches cake with mascarpone 2

Another version of the Peach cake with cream cheese cream. A very delicate cake with excellent taste and a nut as a “highlight”.


Whole grain flour - 380 grams;

Yolks - 4 pieces;

Sour cream - 100 milliliters;

Butter -150 grams;

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;

White granulated sugar - 100 grams;

Salt - a pinch;

Vanillin - to taste;

Condensed milk - 200 grams;

Mascarpone cream cheese - 150 grams;

Walnuts - 12 pieces;

Beetroot juice - 0.5 cups;

Carrot juice - 0.5 cups;

Mint leaves - for decoration.


1. Separate the yolks from the whites. We only need the yolks.

2. Add granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla essence or vanilla extract to the yolks. Stir everything until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Add sour cream and whisk again.

4. Sift the flour (it is better to use whole grain flour) and add baking powder.

5. Dip a piece of butter in flour and grate it on a grater with large holes. Mix with flour and baking powder.

6. Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the butter-flour crumbs.

7. Knead the cake dough: elastic and homogeneous.

8. Place the dough in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

9. Prepare the cream for the “Peaches” cake. For it you need to boil condensed milk, cool and mix with mascarpone cream cheese.

10. Advice. For the cream, you can use any other butter cream: or just beat the softened butter well with a mixer.

11. Mix the ingredients for the cream and put it in the refrigerator.

12. The next stage of preparing a multi-colored cake is natural colors. To do this, you need to wash the fresh carrots well, grate them and strain through cheesecloth or a metal strainer. We only need carrot juice.

13. The same procedure - expressing the juice - must be done with beets. You can use both raw and boiled vegetables.

14. To form the peach-shaped cakes and fill them with filling, we will use a walnut shell for scooping. To do this, the shell needs to be coated with vegetable oil.

15. Divide the slightly frozen dough into small portions and roll each piece into a ball: approximately eight centimeters in diameter.

16. We splash the balls with our palms and stick the dough around our shells, making small cups.

17. Place our peach halves on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for ten minutes.

18. Advice. The top of each cap should be whitish: it does not need to be baked until golden brown.

19. When the cookies have cooled, carefully take out the nut shell and fill the cavities with cream, putting a nut into each peach half.

20. Glue the halves of the peach-shaped cakes together and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.

21. Dip cakes from the refrigerator on one side in carrot juice and on the other side in beet juice.

22. Roll the finished “Peaches” in granulated sugar. We put mint sprigs into each cake.

23. Place our cakes in the refrigerator for several hours to form a sugar crust.

Recipe 8: Peaches cake with condensed milk 2

Ingredients for 12 cakes:

1 tsp. vanillin

80 g butter

3.5 cups wheat flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 cup of sugar

2 tbsp. l. sour cream

1 can of condensed milk

70 g walnuts (or chocolate spread)


2 carrots

70 g brown sugar

1 beet


1. To prepare shortcrust pastry, prepare the following products: flour (sifted), butter at room temperature, eggs, sugar and sour cream.

2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. Add butter, sour cream, half the flour, baking powder. Mix with a mixer to form a soft dough base. Add the remaining flour and knead into a soft dough.

3. Divide the dough into 24 balls. Form hemispheres.

4. Place on a sheet covered with parchment and bake at 190°C for 15 minutes. Cool the finished halves of future “peaches” on a wire rack. Remove the center from the halves. For the cream, boil a can of condensed milk for 2 hours in a saucepan with water, but you can also buy ready-boiled condensed milk.

5. Mix half the boiled condensed milk and finely chopped walnuts. Fill the halves with cream. Grease the edges with boiled condensed milk and glue the halves together.

6. Peel carrots and beets to prepare juice, prepare sugar for sprinkling. The fine brown one worked great. Extract carrot juice using a juicer. Squeeze the beet juice; if you don’t have a juicer, then grate the vegetables and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

7. When the halves of the “peaches” have set, you can start decorating. Dip the “peach” 2/3 into carrot juice and let it drain a little, then the uncolored part into beet juice and immediately roll in sugar.

8. “Peaches” are ready. Let them dry a little and you can serve.

If you use paint to color the peaches, you can improve the taste of the solution. It is recommended to use milk instead of water. For aroma, you can add any essence or rum to the solution.

Before diluting the dry dye into the total mass, it is recommended to dissolve it in a small amount of water and add it drop by drop. This makes it easier to control the intensity of the solution.

If cream made from dairy products was used to fill the cakes, then the dessert requires storage in the refrigerator. Products with jam can be kept for several days at room temperature.

Pieces of cookies that are removed for the “bone” do not need to be thrown away. You can add a spoonful of cream or jam to them, stir and make a potato-type cake.

The taste of beets is quite pronounced and not very pleasant. Instead, you can use some berry juice, such as cherry, to color the side of the cake red.

Even though they look like tiny peaches, they don't taste like a peach. The cookies themselves turn out tender and crumbly. The sweet dulce de leche sauce is filled with cream cheese, a little rum and crushed biscuits. This combination is absolutely delicious. I would eat this filling just like that, with a spoon.

However, dipping the baked goods in colored milk and sugar turns them into a delicious frosted peach, and the little mint leaves in the center give the dish a finished look. Enjoy! I was surprised at first how easy these cakes are to make, so don't be afraid and give them a try.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Difficulty level: medium difficulty.

To make Peaches cakes you will need the following ingredients:

For cookies:

    300 grams of sugar

    2 teaspoons baking powder

For filling:

250 grams of soft cream cheese (mascarpone)
- 400 milliliters of Dulce de Leche sauce (condensed milk)
- ½ tablespoon of rum
- 300 grams of crushed biscuits (crumbs)

For decoration:

Fresh mint

For yellow/orange peaches:

1 glass of milk
- 50 drops yellow food coloring
- 2 drops red food coloring

For red peaches:

1 glass of milk
- 20 drops yellow food coloring
- 60 drops red food coloring

Cooking process:

First, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Lined a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper.

Mix softened butter and sugar with a mixer until soft and homogeneous.

In a separate small bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Then I added this mixture to the cookie dough and mixed until smooth.

Using a tablespoon, I formed the dough into balls and placed them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, 5 cm apart.

Bake in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes. Cool! The cookies are ready.

Using a small knife with a thin blade (you can use a butter knife), I cut a circle out of the bottom flat part of the cookie, leaving the top convex part.

I picked out the central cut out circle. It is very important to be extremely careful when doing this, as the cookies are very fragile and can easily break and crumble if you are not careful.

I saved the leftovers from the cut out cookies - they will come in handy a little later.


Mixed creamy soft cheese (mascarpone) and sweet Dulce de Leche sauce (boiled condensed milk) until smooth.

Pour in the rum and stir again. I crumbled the leftover cookies that had been set aside for a while with my hands.

Assembling the cakes

Using a small spoon, I filled the center of each cookie, including the edges.

I placed two cookies together and pressed them lightly.

She took three small saucers, poured sugar into one of them, and poured colored milk into the other two. Choose a color scheme at your discretion, depending on how you want the cakes to look. In the product list I indicated how many drops of dye I used, but you can make the color more saturated by adding more dye.

If it is not possible to purchase suitable food coloring in the store, you can use freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice instead of colored milk.

She dipped one side of the cake into milk, tinted yellow, and dipped it in sugar.

A ripe peach is delicious on its own.

If it’s a cake, it’s doubly delicious.

Once upon a time, an amazing delicacy captivated people just by its appearance.

Few people knew that it is very easy to prepare.

Let's remember the taste from childhood?

“Peaches” cake - general principles of preparation

The dough for peaches is prepared using shortbread, butter and eggs, and baking powder is added. Depending on the recipe, it may contain sour cream and milk. There is no need to cool the mass. The peach halves are sculpted immediately after kneading. Roll into small balls and place on a baking sheet, pressing lightly.

Remove the baked halves, turn them flat side up and let them cool slightly. It is important not to overdo it here. While the semi-finished product is still warm and soft, use a spoon to take out a little crumb for the “bone”. You can make larger holes in homemade peaches to make them juicier and sweeter.

Coloring and decorating peaches

It is the appearance that makes these cakes different from others. In order for them to really look like peaches, the delicacy needs to be decorated correctly. The glued cookie halves are painted. The ideal option is carrot juice with beets. But you can also use food coloring.

The peaches are dipped completely in carrot juice, removed, and after two minutes, part of the fruit is colored in beets. You can dip half or only a third. Then simply roll the cakes in fine sugar and let them dry a little. Coloring with food dyes is done in the same way.

Recipe 1: Classic Peaches cake with condensed milk

It was these cakes that were most often sold in pastry shops and delighted in taste. Boiled condensed milk and almonds are used for the filling; it can be replaced with walnuts.


Flour 3 cups;

7 grams of ripper;

2 spoons of sour cream;

A glass of sugar;

Two eggs;

80 grams of plums. oils

For the filling, one jar of boiled condensed milk and 8 pieces of almonds. Replace with other nuts if necessary.


1. Break the eggs and immediately add sugar to them. Lower the mixer and beat in, but not for long. It is enough to dissolve the grains and make the mass homogeneous.

2. Add sour cream to the egg mixture first, then soft butter. It is not advisable to melt it.

3. Immediately pour in the first glass of flour and stir everything well with a mixer.

4. Add the rest of the flour, mix the ripper into it. You may need a little more or less flour, it all depends on the moisture content of the product. The dough should be smooth and soft.

5. Divide it into 16 identical pieces, roll each into a ball in your palms, throw it on a baking sheet and press it a little, giving it the shape of a hemisphere.

6. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 190°C.

7. Let the dog halves cool, but not completely.

8. Take a small spoon and scoop out the pulp inside, making a hole for the “bone.”

9. We fill the peaches with boiled condensed milk, and also grease the edges around the hole for stickiness, but with a thin layer.

10. Stick in an almond and glue the halves together.

11. Decorating the peaches. How to do this beautifully is described a little higher.

Recipe 2: Peaches cake with jam

Another option for cakes, for which it is better to use peach jam. If it is not possible to take it, then an apricot, apple, pear or any other will do. The dough is prepared in vegetable oil, using a refined, odorless product.


0.2 kg sugar;

8 grams of ripper;

100 ml vegetable oil;

500-600 grams of flour;

100 ml sour cream;

For decoration there is jam.


1. Beat eggs with sour cream and granulated sugar. Add vegetable oil. It can be replaced with melted fat or margarine, but it is not advisable in this recipe.

2. Add flour. Mix it with ripper and vanilla in advance.

3. Roll the soft dough into balls. The size is slightly larger than a walnut.

4. Place on a lined baking sheet and cook in the oven for about fifteen minutes.

5. Take out the peach halves and let them cool slightly, ten minutes is enough. If you leave it longer, the dough will become tougher and begin to crumble.

6. Use a teaspoon to make indentations and leave the cookie halves to cool completely.

7. Fill the holes with jam and glue them together.

8. We decorate peaches, use natural juices or dyes.

Recipe 3: Exquisite Peaches Cake with Mascarpone

A variation of charming cakes with a very tasty filling. Instead of mascarpone, you can use another cream cheese, such as Philadelphia or Almette. These ingredients make quite a lot of peaches; if necessary, we proportionally reduce the amount of products.


500 grams of butter;

1 packet of vanilla;

6 cups flour;

1.5 cups sugar;

2 tsp. baking ripper;

200 grams of cream cheese;

380 grams of boiled condensed milk;

Mint for decoration.


1. Place the butter in a food processor and beat together with the sugar. You can use a mixer or any other available device.

2. Add eggs one at a time.

3. Add flour, you can immediately pour vanilla and baking powder into the dough. Stir, but not for long.

4. Roll the balls, the size is arbitrary, but they should turn out the same among themselves.

5. Bake in the oven, as in previous recipes.

6. Cool slightly. Using a spoon, select small holes for the filling.

7. While the peaches were baking. It was necessary to prepare the cream. Just combine cream cheese and boiled condensed milk. To taste, add vanilla or add a little rum, half a spoon is enough. Stir.

8. Fill the peaches and decorate. For beauty, we stick in mint leaves, maybe along with small sprigs.

Recipe 4: Peaches Cake with Buttercream

Recipe for Peaches cake according to GOST. But it was not always prepared this way; new and no less interesting versions of the delicacy appeared.


525 grams of flour;

75 grams of butter;

210 grams of sugar;

85 grams of sour cream;

15 grams of ripper;

20 grams of vanilla sugar;

Two eggs.

For cream:

110 ml milk;

30 grams of powder;

75 ml heavy cream;

35 grams of almonds and 10 whole;

20 grams of flour;

95 grams of butter;

1 yolk;

55 grams of condensed milk.


1. Beat the butter until fluffy, gradually add sour cream to it.

2. In another bowl, mix the eggs with sugar, you can beat them a little, but not necessarily until foamy.

3. Combine both masses, add baking powder mixed with flour and vanilla sugar. Making soft dough.

4. As in previous recipes, we form halves of peaches. Ideally, this is done using scales; you should get 20 pieces.

5. Bake until done at 200 degrees.

6. Take out a little crumb from the cookies, leave the fruit preparations until they cool completely.

7. Leave 10 almonds whole, chop the rest.

8. Mix milk with cream, flour, powder and yolk, simmer over low heat until thickened. Let cool.

9. Add condensed milk with whipped butter to the custard, add chopped almonds.

10. Fill the halves with cream, insert a whole nut, glue it together and put it away to cool for a couple of hours.

Recipe 5: Peaches Nut Cake

An amazing nut filling option for peaches. Sand semi-finished product can be prepared according to any of the recipes. This filling is enough to fill 10 peaches.


1 can of boiled condensed milk;

100 grams of walnuts;

0.5 tsp. Roma;

70 grams of butter.


1. Take the oil out to a warm place in advance so that it is soft.

2. Roast the nuts and cool. Place on a hard surface and roll over the kernels several times with a rolling pin.

3. Mix butter with condensed milk and beat.

4. Add fried nuts and rum to the cream.

5. Fill the peach halves and arrange them according to the instructions given at the beginning of the article.

Recipe 6: Peaches cake with chocolate filling

Variation of brownies with chocolate custard. Cocoa powder is used for preparation. Shortbread halves can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Ingredients for 14-15 peaches.


500 ml milk;

3 spoons of cocoa powder;

200 grams of butter;

50 grams of flour;

140 grams of sugar;


1. Combine cocoa with flour and sugar, stir to prevent lumps in the cream.

2. Beat eggs, add flour mixture and vanilla. It's better to use the saucepan right away.

3. Pour in milk and place on the stove.

4. Cook the cream until thick, stir constantly so that the mass does not burn. Let cool.

5. Beat soft butter until fluffy, add custard one spoon at a time.

6. Beat the filling until smooth.

7. Fill the peaches with chocolate cream, color and roll in sugar.

If you use paint to color the peaches, you can improve the taste of the solution. It is recommended to use milk instead of water. For aroma, you can add any essence or rum to the solution.

Before diluting the dry dye into the total mass, it is recommended to dissolve it in a small amount of water and add it drop by drop. This makes it easier to control the intensity of the solution.

If cream made from dairy products was used to fill the cakes, then the dessert requires storage in the refrigerator. Products with jam can be kept for several days at room temperature.

Pieces of cookies that are removed for the “bone” do not need to be thrown away. You can add a spoonful of cream or jam to them, stir and make a potato-type cake.

The taste of beets is quite pronounced and not very pleasant. Instead, you can use some berry juice, such as cherry, to color the side of the cake red.