Chocolate charlotte in a slow cooker. Charlotte with apples, cocoa and poppy seeds in a slow cooker

Hello! Today I will tell you how to bake chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker. Most often, such pies are made from light dough, but you can experiment. Cocoa powder gives baked goods a chocolate flavor. If desired, you can replace this ingredient with grated chocolate. A bar of dark or bitter chocolate is suitable for these purposes.

Charlotte dough is made from eggs, sugar and flour. These ingredients create an airy base. Apples for the pie should not be too juicy. If the skin is thin, then you can leave it. These fruits harmonize perfectly with cinnamon, so you can also add it to your taste.

Chocolate charlotte with apples is a very tasty dessert for family and holiday tea parties. It turns out to be a simply excellent delicacy made from airy dough and apple pieces. For taste and beauty, the pie can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, but after cooling.

Ingredients for making charlotte

  1. Apple – 1 pc.
  2. Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  3. Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  4. Wheat flour – 1 tbsp.
  5. Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp.
  6. Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  7. Salt – 1/5 tsp.
  8. Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  9. Powdered sugar - to taste.

How to cook chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

Carefully crack the eggshells and pour the contents into a deep bowl. Add a little salt and beat with a mixer at medium speed. The eggs should double in size after beating.

Pour half a glass of sifted flour into a dry bowl. Add cocoa powder and baking powder. Using a dry teaspoon, stir the bulk products until smooth.

Now you can add brown powder to the main mass. Stir until smooth. After this, pour in the remaining flour. Mix the dough with a spatula so that there are no lumps.

Peel the apple and cut it into small cubes or pieces.

Grease the multicooker pan with vegetable oil. Pour in the chocolate batter.

Scatter apple slices on top. Some of them will sink into the middle of the dough, and some will remain on the surface.

Turn on the “Bake” option for 60 minutes, the pie is baked with the lid closed. After cooling, remove the charlotte onto a plate; you don’t have to turn it over so that the apples are on top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste, cut into pieces and serve with tea. Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker– this extraordinary pie has everything: fragrant apples, juicy cherries, cocoa for color and amazing design, and poppy seeds. The amazing combination of flavors and the very beautiful appearance of the pie will make it your favorite sweet for tea! And how does it smell!!! Your household will be attracted by the smell even before it’s baked. Get ready for a pleasant tea party.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • poppy seeds, apples, cherries - to taste

Cooking charlotte in a slow cooker:

Beat eggs with sugar into fluffy white foam. Beat with a mixer for 7-10 minutes. Add flour in small portions and gently mix it with the eggs.

Gently mix the third part of the dough with cocoa.

Place the dough into the multicooker bowl alternately, first 2 tablespoons of white dough, then 1 tablespoon of chocolate. Cherries and apple slices are also gradually added. Sprinkle our future charlotte generously with confectionery poppy seeds on top.

Cook charlotte with apples in a multicooker in the “baking” mode for 60 minutes. After the signal, leave the charlotte on the heat for 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!!!

I bring to your attention an excellent pastry - chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker. I am one hundred percent sure that any housewife will like this recipe, since preparing charlotte is not at all difficult. Yes, the products necessary for baking charlotte are absolutely available. This dessert will take you approximately 15 minutes to prepare. And then all the work will be done for you by an excellent assistant - a multicooker. Chocolate and delicious charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is perfect for a family tea party. Serve it for dessert during dinner or lunch - everyone will be very pleased. This recipe uses a 250 ml glass.


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 apples
  • 3\4 cups sugar
  • 3\4 cups wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa


Preparation of the recipe “Chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker”:

To work, take eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, apples.

Combine sugar and eggs and beat them until a stable foam forms.

Gently stir in the pre-sifted flour with baking powder and cocoa in parts.

Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of butter (place a sheet of baking paper on the bottom and grease it too). Place the dough into it.

Place peeled and cut into medium pieces apples on top of the dough.

Bake in the usual “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

I continue my apple week with a recipe for charlotte, but not a simple one, but a chocolate one. Tender, airy, fluffy, moderately sweet biscuit dough with a distinct chocolate taste is perfectly complemented by juicy and aromatic apple slices. With a cup of hot tea, a piece of apple charlotte is so soulful, so homely.

This pie is prepared very simply and quite quickly, and from available products, so you can safely make it not only for a home tea party, but also serve it when guests arrive. Choose sweet and sour apples, and choose high-quality cocoa powder (then the taste and color of the finished sponge cake will not disappoint you). Flour is suitable for both premium and first grade, and we use medium-sized chicken eggs (45-50 grams each).

The step-by-step recipe for this tender and juicy homemade pie is ideal for a slow cooker. I use one of the simplest models - Scarlett SC-411, power 700 W, bowl volume - 4 liters. Depending on the power of your assistant, the cooking time for chocolate charlotte with apples may vary slightly.

Who else, for some reason, has not purchased a multicooker, can use this step-by-step recipe for charlotte in the oven. Biscuit dough is prepared in the same way, apple slices are added to it and the pie is baked in a preheated oven at medium level at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. About - this is because everyone’s oven is different, so you should not forget about the character of your assistant.


Cooking step by step:

If you bake charlotte in the oven, it’s time to turn it on to warm up - 180 degrees. In a separate bowl, mix 120 grams of wheat flour and 25 grams of high-quality unsweetened cocoa powder. We sift everything through a sieve.

We take another suitable large-volume bowl and break 5 fresh medium-sized chicken eggs into it. Add 150 grams of granulated sugar to them.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. The egg mass will noticeably turn white and increase greatly in volume.

It will be quite thick. If you ask me how long to beat, I won’t tell you exactly - just look at the previous photo and see how much the eggs and sugar will rise. You need to beat for a decent amount of time, and it directly depends on the power of your mixer. The better you beat the eggs with sugar, the more magnificent the finished charlotte with apples will be.

Now sift the wheat flour and cocoa into the beaten eggs in parts. If you just don’t want to make charlottes and biscuits, I advise you to try adding a teaspoon of baking powder to the flour - most likely it will save the situation.

Gradually add sifted flour and cocoa into the dough, kneading the biscuit dough from bottom to top using scooping (folding) movements. Mix in one direction, but not for very long - biscuit dough does not like this. Try not to let the dough settle too much so that it remains airy and filled with air bubbles.

It's time to put the biscuit dough into the baking pan. For the oven, take a mold with a diameter of 22-24 centimeters. I bake in a slow cooker, so I use a bowl, which I recommend greasing with a small amount of refined vegetable oil. If you prefer to use butter for this purpose, be sure to sprinkle the greased pan with flour afterwards - such butter contains water. Yes, remember that properly prepared biscuit dough flows from the spatula in a wide ribbon.

Now we make the filling very quickly, since the biscuit dough does not like to wait. Peel the apples and remove seeds, then cut the fruit into arbitrary pieces.

Vertically stick the apple pieces into the biscuit dough so that they are evenly distributed throughout the entire mass. Cook chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker for 1 hour 10 minutes on the Baking mode. As I said above, depending on the power of your appliance, the cooking time for this sponge cake may vary.

The finished chocolate charlotte with apples rose perfectly. Check the readiness of the pie with a wooden skewer or toothpick - it should come out dry. But at the same time, it is important not to overdry the cake so that the biscuit dough retains its tenderness and juiciness. Let the charlotte stand in the bowl for 10 minutes.

In the fall, at the height of the apple season, what could be easier than to please your loved ones and prepare a delicious charlotte with aromatic fresh apples. Many people are familiar with this pie from childhood, because housewives love it for its ease of preparation, and eaters love it for its delicate and juicy taste. Today we invite you to prepare a chocolate version of this pie. So, let's begin!

To prepare chocolate charlotte in a slow cooker with apples you will need:

  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • sugar – 180 g
  • flour – 110 g
  • cocoa powder – 20 g
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • apples – 2 pcs. (big size)

Note: a Binatone MUC-2180 multicooker with a bowl diameter of 22 cm was used to bake the pie.

Chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - recipe with photo:

Let's start preparing our charlotte not with dough, but with apples, since the basis of our pie is biscuit dough, which after kneading should not sit idle. Therefore, we take fresh apples, wash them and peel them, although if the skin of the apples is thin and it does not bother you, then you can leave it.

Cut the prepared apples into quarters and cut out the core of each piece.

Next, cut each part into slices about 4 mm thick. Place the prepared apples into a container and set aside for now. By the way, while the apples are waiting their turn, they may darken slightly. To prevent this from happening, if desired, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice, but this is not at all necessary, since after baking the apples will darken in any case.

Now you can make the dough for the chocolate charlotte. Take a large mixing bowl and break all the eggs into it. Add sugar to them.

Beat the eggs with a mixer for at least 10 minutes. We need to ensure that the eggs turn into a very fluffy and very dense foam. At this stage, we advise you not to be lazy, because the better the eggs are beaten, the more fluffy the charlotte will turn out. By the way, in order for the eggs to beat better, they must be at room temperature, so you can take them out of the refrigerator in advance or simply keep them in warm (precisely warm, the temperature should be about 40C) water for 10 minutes.

Mix cocoa powder and cinnamon with flour; this can be done immediately in a sieve. Sift the flour mixture (preferably in two additions) into the egg mixture.

And with a spatula or a whisk, depending on what is more convenient for you, mix the flour mixture into the dough. This must be done carefully, but at the same time thoroughly and quickly enough so that the mass does not fall off due to excessive stirring.

At the very end, add vegetable oil to the dough and mix it into the dough in several steps.

Pour the chocolate charlotte dough into the multicooker bowl. By the way, the bottom of the bowl can be lightly greased with oil or covered with a circle of oiled paper. It is better to leave the walls of the bowl clean so that it is more convenient for the cake to “catch” and grow on them during baking.

Now quickly stick the apple slices into the dough. We don’t spare the apples; we lay them out quite tightly, because during baking the pie will rise and the slices will disperse in the dough.

Prepare chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode, approximate time – 1 hour. Why is the time approximate? Because the baking time will depend on the model of your multicooker, or rather on its power, and, of course, on the volume of the bowl. Therefore, after an hour, we check the cake and, if suddenly necessary, add a little more time.

When our chocolate charlotte with apples is ready, take the bowl out of the multicooker and place it on a board or wire rack so that the bowl itself cools slightly and the pie can be taken out without getting burned on the edges of the bowl. After 10 minutes, the charlotte can be taken out. The most convenient way to do this is with a steaming stand; such a stand comes with almost every model. If you don’t have one, then select a plate of the required diameter. Let the finished charlotte cool.

Before serving the pie, lightly sprinkle the top with powder, if desired. Although, if you are a big chocolate lover, then the charlotte can be coated with chocolate glaze.

Our chocolate charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is ready!

Cut the pie into portions and serve.