Sample thank you letter to teacher for good work. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher

I express my sincere gratitude for serving your chosen cause, tireless creative search, responsiveness and spiritual generosity! Sincerely, Director of Secondary School No. 118 Yu. Ch. Chizhikova October 2018 Recommendations for design

  • At the top of the sheet (in the “header”) indicate the name of the document - “Letter of Thanks”.
  • Under the “header” you can indicate who it is from (name or name of organization), however, this is not a prerequisite (if the letter is not issued from the administration of a district, city, region or other government organizations).
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page.
  • At the bottom of the page (after the main text) the position of the author is indicated.

Thank you letter to teacher

Biryusinsk expresses its gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for your selfless work and active life position! Your practical experience, professionalism and dedicated work continue to serve the interests of your home school, city, and country. You strive to help a young person understand the world around him, teach him how to improve it, grow up as a worthy citizen of his Fatherland and protect his interests. We admire your tireless energy, wisdom and love for your chosen business and children.

Your authority is for many guys a shining example of efficiency, exactingness and dedication. Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, we wish you health, happiness, prosperity to your family and loved ones, new achievements in work! School director I. Ts. Semenova, Biryusinsk December 22, 2018

Text of a thank you letter to the teacher

Our class is graduating, this year he will leave the building of his native school, but the fact that more than ten students are collecting documents for admission to educational institutions with a degree in chemistry speaks for itself. My son Evgeniy is also included in this top ten and we, his parents , we sincerely thank you for your professionalism, work and ability to instill in children a love for their subject. Thank you very much, happiness and health! 3. Letter of gratitude to the primary school teacher Dear you are our Olga Vasilievna! Now our children are finishing their first grade, how much change it has brought not only in their lives, but also in ours, their parents’ lives. Thanks to you, their first class teacher, our children have acquired the basics of knowledge, are accustomed to collective action, and are accustomed to studying school subjects.

How lucky we are that our children received a wise and professional teacher.

Texts of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the school administration

Option No. 2 Dear Lyudmila Danilovna! In honor of Teacher's Day, the administration of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School - Boarding School No. 10 expresses gratitude to you for your creative approach, professionalism and brilliant results in teaching and educating students. Let each of your students become a worthy person and your personal pride. Thank you for your noble work! Joy and success to you in your professional activities and beyond! Director V.

Y. Grechkina, Belomorsk 2018 Option No. 3 Dear Tatyana Borisovna! The administration of the MBOU “Secondary school No. 415 with in-depth study of chemistry” in Belebey expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the scientific session of high school students, for your support and joint work to attract students to research activities in the field of chemistry, for your attention, enthusiasm and desire help every child find his own path in life.
Sukhanova 2018 Option No. 10 The administration of Angarsk State University expresses gratitude to the teacher of MBOU Gymnasium No. 451 Andrey Vitalievich Serdolyubov for actively involving students in participating in research work, instilling cognitive interest in the physical phenomena of nature and the ability to independently solve problems of varying levels of complexity. Rector of AnSU I. Zh. Konstantinov Dean of TKZZH G. Sh. Skvortsov Option No. 11 Department of Education of the Administration of the Azov Municipal District Thanks Samokhina Ella Anatolyevna, mathematics teacher of the municipal educational institution "Secondary educational school of the city of Azov No. 333", for her professionalism and pedagogical skill in educating the growing child generation and in connection with International Women's Day. Head of the Education Department N. T. Loshadnikov
Azov Order No. 127 of 03/02/2018
Home → Sample documents → Business letters → Letter of gratitude to teacher Contents

  1. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher
  2. Sample thank you letter to class teacher
  3. Words of gratitude to the teacher
  4. Download

A letter of gratitude to a teacher is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the teacher, class teacher for their work in raising and educating children on behalf of the director of the educational institution or parents of child students. How to write a thank you letter to a teacher A thank you letter to a teacher has the details of a business letter:

  1. The header of the document - it indicates the name of the teacher to whose address the words of gratitude are sent. An optional structural element of a thank you letter - written as necessary.
  2. Appeal – contains the name of the teacher to whom gratitude is expressed.

Material on the topic: thank you letter


A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school. Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration. Examples of thank-you letter texts: 1. Text of a thank-you letter to a primary school teacher from the parents of students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

Thank you letter to teacher (samples)

A thank you letter can be written to the teacher on your own behalf, from the student’s parents and from the head of the educational institution. This article describes the features of writing thank you letters: “How to write a thank you letter correctly?” You may be interested in other sample letters: for a student - download, for a doctor - download, for cooperation - sample texts, for a kindergarten teacher. Letter of gratitude to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of gratitude from the director of an educational institution must be written on company or special letterhead and formatted in the style of a regular business letter. The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of preparation.

Presented at a ceremonial meeting, with personal words of gratitude.

Examples of thank you letter texts to teachers

A thank you letter is often written to a teacher. The author can be the school management, thanking for successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students; as a rule, it is written when children graduate from school, before graduation, or on the occasion of the end of the school year. Students themselves can be initiators. Below we offer several samples of the text of a letter of gratitude addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal).

Features of writing thank you letters are discussed here. Other sample thank you letter texts: We recommend using the suggested sample letters only as an example. Add some personality to your thank you texts and highlight features that are unique to your teacher.

Thank you letter to teacher (texts)


Another option for writing a thank you letter to your teacher Dear Anna Nikolaevna! The Parent Committee of class 3A of school No. 45 thanks you for your sincere attitude towards our children, for your patience and affection. Thank you for helping our children find themselves in this life and developing their potential. Your sincere attitude towards each child allows them to feel more confident in acquiring new knowledge.

Thank you for your caring attitude towards the educational process, for your professionalism and literacy. We wish you not to lose optimism in life, be healthy and successful! A low bow to you, dear Anna Nikolaevna! Sincerely, Parents of class 3A of school No. 45.

An example of a letter of gratitude from the director to the teacher Dear Liliya Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students. I express my deep gratitude for your patience, hard work and personal approach to each student! I look forward to further collaboration. I wish you good health and personal happiness! Sincerely, Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 81 M.I. Dyakonova Letter of gratitude to the teacher from parents A letter of gratitude to the teacher from parents of students can also be written by hand, in beautiful, legible handwriting. The drafting requirements are slightly simplified. An example of gratitude from parents Dear Maria Petrovna! Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the contribution you make to the upbringing and education of our children.

Thank you letter to teacher

We are grateful to you for all the work you have done, it cannot be appreciated! We would not be able to raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support! Sincere words of gratitude to teachers from students at the 9th grade graduation, video Graduation party for 9th grade students is one of the most important significant events. Many graduates have already decided on their future life plans, and are now saying goodbye to a carefree school life, friends, classmates, and beloved teachers. For nine long years, teachers took a direct part in the fate of each of their students, passed on knowledge, and shared experience.
And so the endless lessons and homework were left behind, and the teachers turned from strict “omnipotent” mentors into such dear senior comrades.

Examples of thank you letter texts to teachers

Letters A letter of thanks is a business letter containing words of gratitude for any events or actions. You can read how it is written in this article. Very often, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher; it can be written by both parents, students, and the director of the educational institution. If the letter is written on behalf of the management of an educational institution, for example, a school, then the text usually expresses gratitude for professionalism and literacy, or active participation in the life of the school.

Samples of writing a letter of gratitude from the management of an organization to its employee are presented here. Below we offer several options for formatting a thank you letter from student parents. Parents usually thank their children's teachers after school or at the end of the school year.

Letter of gratitude to the teacher from parents

School years are the most amazing, fun time that will forever remain in the memory of each of us. Indeed, many remember their first teacher with warmth - despite the passing years, his name has not been erased from the memory of an adult for a long time. After all, it was with our first beloved teacher that we discovered the “wisdom” of reading and writing, learned life lessons and learned to look for ourselves and our place in this huge world.

Very soon the long-awaited May will come and the last bell will ring in all schools in our country, and a little later many students of grades 9 and 11 will celebrate their first graduation party. What words of gratitude can I say to my teacher? We have prepared examples of the most beautiful words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents and students who will move to secondary school next year.

Thank you letter to teacher (texts)

Your professional classroom management has enabled our children to achieve amazing achievements in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, and solved complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them with a sparkle in their eyes. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals.
There was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other in the class. We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing your soul and time in raising our children! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teaching profession! Parents of students in class 11 A 3.

Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents

We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life. Heartfelt words of gratitude to the first teacher - from students and parents at the 4th grade graduation. The first teacher... These words evoke touching feelings and slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood in every adult. The beginning of school life for every child becomes one of the brightest and most exciting events.

New faces, unfamiliar surroundings and unusual routines - all these changes cause a lot of different emotions in “newly-minted” first-graders. For four long years, the first teacher becomes a wise mentor and protector, a caring “second mother” and senior friend for the little students.

Examples of a thank you letter to a teacher (texts)


Be that as it may, at the graduation party in honor of the end of the 9th grade, girls and boys who have matured over so many years will gather with their parents, as well as school teachers. Following graduation traditions, parents say words of gratitude to teachers - for all the years spent next to their children, support in difficult situations and important life lessons. Creative performances on a school theme with the participation of parents and dedicated to their favorite teachers look especially touching.

So, you can recite poetry, a passage from prose, or sing a beautiful song - teachers will definitely appreciate such a performance and your kind, sincere words. Gratitude for teachers from parents at graduation in 9th grade - poetry and prose: On behalf of all parents, I say thank you to all our dear teachers, thank you for the part of your soul that you have invested in our children. How quickly the years have flown by.

Text of a thank you letter to the teacher

Once again we say many thanks for the difficult path that you shared with us, and may your path continue to lead to new pedagogical heights! 3. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the school administration: Dear Olga Vladimirovna! Who, if not teachers, should know that the teaching profession requires high responsibility, physical strength and mental balance? You are doing an excellent job with your teaching task and have been serving as an excellent example not only for children, but also for your colleagues for many years. We thank you for your tremendous contribution to the work of the school, the organization of educational activities, class management, extracurricular activities and active participation in the work aimed at teaching, educating and developing students, as well as developing new teaching methods.

Examples of words of gratitude for a primary school teacher - poetry and prose from students: Our first teacher, you gave us all the basics of school! Sasha, Kolya, Ira, Vova, Masha - They cannot hold back their tears... In their hearts, all the pain cannot be quelled: The children are moving to the fifth grade... They will continue to study at school, But, alas, without your beloved.
Never getting angry or scolding, They were taught by so many bright days - You, dear teacher, will not be dearer or dearer to us!!! Thank you, our first teacher, for your enormous work that you have invested in us. Of course, we are not your first issue, And yet we fell in love with each other. Everyone has their own first teacher, everyone has a good one, but the best one is MINE! Thank you, wonderful and kind teacher, for your work and your efforts, for your understanding and kindness of soul, for your correct knowledge and perseverance, for your kind words and wise advice, for your wonderful mood and support.

A thank you letter can be written to the teacher on your own behalf, from the student’s parents and from the head of the educational institution; this article describes the features of writing thank you letters. Letter of gratitude to a teacher from the director of an educational institution A letter of gratitude from the director of an educational institution must be written on company or special letterhead and formatted in the style of a regular business letter. The letter is signed by the head or rector of the institution, indicating the position and date of preparation.

Presented at a ceremonial meeting, with personal words of gratitude. An example of a letter of gratitude from the director to the teacher Dear Liliya Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students.

On behalf of all the parents of your students, we would like to thank you for your invaluable and worthy work, for your individual approach to our children, for your kind attitude and understanding, for your efforts and exciting lessons, for your wonderful mood and first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children - a person who provided them with a wealth of knowledge and sent them on their further journey through school life. Thank you again for your kindness and great work.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary education is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

Thank you for your efforts,
For your sometimes difficult work,
For being like my own mother,
You behave with your children.

We wish you to always be successful,
The most beloved, the most tender.
Let your career grow
The soul rejoices and blooms!

Our dear first teacher, on behalf of all parents who deeply respect you, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!

We want to say thank you
For your wisdom and patience,
We were able to give a lot to the kids,
Thank you for the inspiration!

You gave them goodness
And they were taught a lot,
They'll be fine
Thank you for teaching them!

Thank you for teaching
Our guys can read, count, write,
For always being with them,
When they needed some advice!

Thank you for all your efforts,
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For what you do in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,
So that your work will be a joy for you.
You are the best! We know that for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Our dear first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

We say a big thank you on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being a first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of correct knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a thirst for knowledge and discovery, a desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on the path of life.

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

The first teacher is not just a job,
This is your gift, this is your calling -
You give children love and care,
You lead them into the world along the path of knowledge,
So as not to be lazy, love science,
And they kept pace with the new century.
But your most important merit is
You teach everyone to be Human.
After all, the word, like a seed, sprouts -
Simple concepts - honesty and conscience.
And let many, many years pass,
We will remember you with gratitude!

We hope for further cooperation in promoting and popularizing a healthy lifestyle for children. Sincerely, Full name Gratitude for the work: text Best employee

  • Dear full name! On behalf of the company “(name)” and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all employees of the company “(name)” for your productive and high-quality work, sensitive attitude to client requirements and technically competent solution to our difficult problems. Sincerely, full name
  • Dear full name! I would like to express my deep gratitude and universal gratitude for your impeccable work and for your invaluable contribution to our organization. We are very glad that you are working with us, all our employees express only positive feedback to you and with sincere respect. I cannot imagine a more, better, responsible employee than you in the position you occupy.

Text of a thank you letter to the teacher

A thank you letter is often written to a teacher. The author can be the school management, thanking for successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students; as a rule, it is written when children graduate from school, before graduation, or on the occasion of the end of the school year. Students themselves can be initiators. Below we offer several samples of the text of a letter of gratitude addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal).

Features of writing thank you letters are discussed here. Other sample thank you letter texts: We recommend using the proposed sample letters only as an example. Add some personality to your thank you texts and highlight features that are unique to your teacher.

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Warning: mb_ereg(): empty pattern in /var/www/heaclub/web/ on line 179 A letter of gratitude will help you choose suitable words of gratitude for a teacher, educator, or leader. This is what the article is dedicated to. The content of the article

  • Thank you text: sample, template
  • Thank you letter to kindergarten teacher
  • Letter of gratitude to teacher, school director
  • Words of gratitude for your help: text
  • Gratitude for work: text
  • Letter of gratitude to the head of the organization
  • Video. Letter of thanks

A letter of thanks is a business letter of a non-commercial type, which expresses gratitude for the fulfillment of some request, assignment, work, or for cooperation.
It is compiled in any form, so there is no strict form and clear requirements for it.

Thank you letter to teacher

Your professional classroom management has enabled our children to achieve amazing achievements in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, and solved complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them with a sparkle in their eyes. Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals.

There was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other in the class. We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing your soul and time in raising our children! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teaching profession! Parents of students in class 11 A 3.

Examples of a thank you letter to a teacher (texts)

A letter of gratitude is a written word of gratitude addressed to a specific person, for example, a teacher, for any successful event. Gratitude can be expressed by the parents of the students or the senior management of the school. How to write a thank you letter so that it looks attractive and beautiful can be read in this article.
Below are the texts of a letter of gratitude addressed to the school teacher, from the school principal, and from the parents of the students. Sample letter of gratitude to the teacher 1. Text of the letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of students Dear Elena Alexandrovna! We express our sincere gratitude to you for your painstaking work, patience and individual approach to each student when preparing for the prom.

Sample thank you letter to class teacher

Your active life position, maternal care and increased attention to all citizens endow you with great authority and great respect. I would like to wish you that self-confidence, a sense of optimism and a business-like attitude towards work never leave you! Sincerely, Full Name (organization) Letter of gratitude to the head of the organization Head of the organization

  • Dear full name! The team of our company “(name)” expresses gratitude to you and your team for the successful and truly fruitful cooperation. We appreciate your professionalism and competent, flexible approach to solving numerous problems. We would especially like to note the amazing, friendly atmosphere that has developed during our cooperation with you.

Material on the topic: thank you letter

A solemn speech of thanks to teachers from parents in prose. This article will discuss such a powerful tool for the development of corporate culture as the leader’s speech to the team. Speech at a medical college graduation. Speech at a medical college graduation.

Let our words of gratitude to you, a talented doctor, ring out to you, as an excellent leader, man. Sample speech of gratitude to the head Material on the topic: To help class teachers when compiling texts of certificates, thanks to students, and the parent community (especially when summing up the results of the school year). Download: Preview: 1.Thank you letter to parents.
Dear………. The teaching staff of the MBOU "Secondary School No...." Expresses its gratitude to you and says a huge “THANK YOU” for your participation in the upbringing of your son... and the life of the class.

Thank you letter to teacher (samples)

Gratitude to the first teacher from parents How much in a person’s life depends on what his first teacher was like. It is he, the first mentor, who can help us take the very first, such important steps along the path of knowledge. It is the first teacher who opens the door to the magnificent world of science and art for us, teaches us to be kind, patient, and attentive.


How to write a thank you letter to your first teacher for graduation in 4th, 9th or 11th grade? It has long been noted that success in school in high school largely depends on how professional and competent the teaching was at the beginning. And for the kids themselves, the first teacher often becomes not just a mentor, but also a “second mother.” And the best way to express gratitude to the teacher is to write a letter of gratitude to the first teacher from the parents.

What to write in a thank you letter A thank you letter is an informal document.

A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school. Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration. Examples of thank-you letter texts: 1. Text of a thank-you letter to a primary school teacher from the parents of students.

Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

Sample thank you letter to teacher from parents

We wish you the best health, optimism, prosperity and success in your difficult but important task! Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 791 Words of gratitude to the teacher Dear Olga Ivanovna! Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, teaching talent and dedication to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, kindness, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student. I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your endeavors! Sincerely, Director of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 791 Zhukova A.
A. Zhukova It is better to formalize gratitude to teachers and the class teacher on a holiday card or on the letterhead of the educational institution.

Thank you letter to teacher from parents template

You have revealed the creative abilities of every student in grade 11-A, and have instilled a desire for creativity and self-development. You filled our children with self-confidence and directed them to formulate and achieve goals of varying scale. Everyone was able to express themselves at the graduation concert without embarrassment, feeling the support of students, teachers, parents, and guests.

The children realized that it was important not only to be a grateful spectator, but also to take an active part in the performances and their organization. Sincerely, the parent team of grade 11-A of school No. 3 2. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from the school director Dear Svetlana Sergeevna! Thank you for holding a high-quality, timely cleanup event.

Cleaning up the area not only transformed the school yard, but also had a positive impact on children's behavior.

Thank you letter to teacher from parents template download

Openness and reliability are, in fact, very important in work. Thank you for your truly invaluable experience, competence, and prompt resolution of all those issues that periodically arose during our active joint work. Thank you for your genuine kindness, attentiveness and responsibility. We are glad that our long-term cooperation with you has turned out to be effective and truly fruitful.

Thank you for such high professionalism. We wish your organization further prosperity, well-being and successful retention of a leadership position in the construction market. Sincerely, (company, organization)Video.

In the graduating class, students or their parents quite often have the desire to write a letter of gratitude to the teacher or class teacher. But, having decided to thank a person, you may encounter a number of problems, the central one of which will be how this can be done in accordance with all the rules.

The easiest way

If you want to write a letter of gratitude to the teacher, then the easiest option would be to purchase a ready-made form on which a template speech is written. Forms can be purchased at any stationery store, and a letter template can be downloaded on the Internet. But more often than not, such messages look dry, impersonal and are done, most likely, not out of desire, but because it is necessary or everyone does it.

We write from the heart

If you want to write a real thank you letter to your teacher, you need to spend a little more time and create a warm message addressed to just one person. It is better to write such letters with the whole class or the entire group of parents, then each person will be able to make additions or changes to the letter.

A few rules

When creating a real thank you letter to a music teacher, for example, you need to adhere to a few unspoken rules. First of all, it is worth thinking about what exactly the class is grateful to the teacher for: for a good attitude towards students, for the knowledge gained or education. This must be indicated in the letter, focusing on the best side of the teacher’s character. It would be great if the class could remember some funny stories from their school days in the letter. Then the letter will become “alive” and stir up pleasant memories. You should not often use official phrases, officialdom will only dry up the message. Also, the letter should not be long and oversaturated with information; the ideal size is 2-5 paragraphs of general text (no more than an A4 page).

Letter structure

Like all other letters, a letter of gratitude to a teacher should begin with a heading, i.e. determine to whom it is addressed and who its author is. If the letter is written from the entire class, there is no need to list all the students by name; it is better to write, for example: “From 11-A.” What follows is the main part of the letter, where you need to reveal the whole essence. You should first contact your teacher. In your address, you can use the words “dear”, “respected” - this will make reading the letter to the addressee much more pleasant. Next, you need to thank the teacher for what he did to captivate the class and list the positive aspects of his character. If the letter has a humorous slant, you can lightly scold the teacher, for example, for often delaying the class during recess. Next, you can remember something personal from the teacher’s communication with his students. It is better to end the letter with wishes. If a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher from parents, then the structure remains the same, only the content of the letter will be slightly different.


You also need to take care of how to properly present a thank you letter to the teacher. It, of course, can be sent by mail, but it would be better to read it in front of the class during graduation or last bell. The teacher will definitely be pleased, and he will undoubtedly remember this class for many years.