Where is Yuri Barabash Petliura buried? A short life and a bright career: the causes of death of Yuri Barabash-Petlyura

Everyone is familiar with the words of Viktor Petliura’s songs. Of course, they were never hits, but they were heard by many. He was loved and listened to; this was a certain category of people. For all cause of death of Yuri Barabash became sudden.

Yuri Vladislavovich was born in 1974, on April 14 in the Stavropol Territory. The whole country knew him under the pseudonym Petliura. One person combined a sad look and heartfelt songs. Everyone listened to the songs and wondered: who is this man? He was probably sitting or sitting and why this particular surname. Even now there are no fewer questions.

Yura never chased fame and did not seek meetings with journalists, nor did he attend noisy events. He simply performed his songs. The singer's childhood took place in Stavropol, a city that was the same as all cities. Much later, Yu. Cherny will dedicate a song to Petliura about his small homeland - Stavropol.

Yurino’s generation is people who are a little over 40 years old. They survived perestroika and live in new times. They accepted the change of power, and Petliura simply sang and did not pay attention to his surroundings. He sang mostly songs that weren’t his own. She herself wrote 2-3 maximum. He performed. He sang so soulfully that it was impossible not to listen to his voice. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

The first album “Benya the Raider” was recorded at home. At the time, it was cool to insert computer commentary during music. During this period, on the rise of Petlyura and Shatunov, they could have been confused. Therefore, the words were inserted into the music: “This is not Shatunov, this is Petlyura.”

Yuri Petlyura’s style and manner of performing songs appeared immediately. The album “Little Girl” appears on professional equipment. Some of the songs are new, some are covered from previous albums. It is released into the world on cassettes and discs. People are buying up again.

I learned how to attract new viewers with the help of the composition “Rain”. It was performed as a slow dance at discos in villages and children's camps. The girl’s boys listened and wanted to hear other songs by Yuri Barabash. In his songs, he touched on themes of prison, army, relationships with betrayal, etc.

In 1995, Yuri Sevostyanov invested in Petlyura, a Russian chanson. The compositions included songs from streets, courtyards, night restaurants and kitchens. We started filming a video for “Fast Train.” He has already moved to Moscow and works day and night. The album “Sad Guy” is being prepared for release. Petlyura's career is on the rise and suddenly death . Cause of death of Yuri Barabash banal. Car accident. He sat behind the wheel about 3-4 times. In the accident, everyone escaped with injuries; he died alone on the night of September 27, 1996. The musician was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.

Yuri Vladislavovich Barabash was born on April 14, 1974 in the Stavropol Territory. His parents were Vladislav Barabash, a naval officer, and Tamara Barabash, an employee of the Stavropol Puppet Theater and then the regional Philharmonic. In addition to Yuri, his older sister Lolita also grew up in the family.

In 1982, the entire Barabash family moved to Stavropol, where Yuri’s father died 2 years later. This tragedy had a significant impact on the character of the growing boy; he was a difficult teenager and after the death of his father did not listen to anyone. It was for his hooligan inclinations that he received the nickname Yura-Petlyura, which later developed into a creative pseudonym.

To a large extent, under the influence of increasing problems in secondary school due to behavior, the boy began to play the guitar on his own, becoming more and more immersed in the world of musical creativity. Petlyura never received any special musical education and learned the instrument at home.

It was at home that he began recording songs that he composed himself. In his works, he tried to express his pain and rebellion against the restrictions that existed around him.

Career. Beginning of musical activity

One of the first recordings made by Yuri Barabash at home was heard by Andrei Razin, who at that time was the producer of the most popular band “Tender May” throughout the country. Razin invited Yuri to his studio for gifted children. Petliura had a voice that was very similar to the voice of the star Yura Shatunov.

The comparison with Yuri Shatunov haunted the singer and he really didn’t like it. But still, since 1992, he agreed to work with Andrei Razin, becoming the lead singer of the new group “Yura Orlov”. However, his musical activity there lasted only a few months. Soon Yuri Barabash decided to leave the group. He refused to further work with Razin.

Solo career

After leaving Razin, Barabash began his solo career as a singer-songwriter of Russian chanson. Despite the absence of a producer, he quickly becomes known as a chanson performer and soon performs at concerts under his stage name Petlyura.

In 1993, the musician’s first album, “Let’s Sing, Zhigan,” was released, which immediately made the young performer and songwriter famous. The musician’s creativity during this period of his life can be attributed to thieves’ lyrics.

This album is perfect for learning to play the guitar, as Yuri used the simplest pop style. Next year another album, “Benya the Raider,” will be released. Interestingly, these first music albums were recorded in his home studio without high-quality equipment.

After 2 years, a new period began in the life and musical career of the young musician. Barabash enters into a lucrative contract with the Master Sound recording company under the leadership of Yuri Sevostyanov. It was there that many previous songs of the talented author and performer were re-recorded on high-quality and professional equipment.

Thanks to the new collaboration, the albums “Little One”, “Fast Train”, “Sad Guy” were released. The album “Fast Train” is considered the most famous musical work of Yuri Barabash. The last “Farewell Album” was recorded during the artist’s lifetime, written by Slava Cherny. But the album was released after Petlyura’s death, which is why it received such a name.

Unofficial folklore occupies a special place in the work of Yuri Barabash. Petlyura’s repertoire included not only “street songs”, but also “urban romance”, for example, songs such as “Alyoshka” or “Hen”. Petlyura’s song “White Dress”, “Knitted Jacket” and many others became widely known. Petlyura's songs could be heard everywhere in the early 90s. They sounded in restaurants and courtyards, in apartments and on television.

The song “How Long I Wandered...” gained fame after the screening of the film “The Boys” directed by D. Asanova. The author of this song was Vitaly Chernitsky, and it was Petlyura who performed it in the film. This song, like the musical composition “Knitted Jacket,” has its own authors, but became so popular that it was considered folk. The whole country sang them in those years.

Yuri Barabash's songs were recorded first on cassettes, then on discs. Petliura’s musical creations, especially the composition “Rain,” were played at discos and even on Russian Radio, and Yuri wrote and sang everything.

Death of Petliura

The musician passed away unexpectedly at the height of his creative career at the age of 22, full of strength and plans. In Moscow, on Sevastopolsky Avenue, on the night of September 27-28, 1996, a traffic accident occurred.

Petlyura, who was driving the car, died in this accident. Yuri Vladislavovich received his license just a few days ago. There were other passengers in the car who were injured in the accident. The young singer and songwriter Yuri Barabash is buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.


Petlyura (Yuri Barabash) biography

YURI BARABASH (1974-1996) The country knew him as Petliura. Sad eyes from the cassette cover, an unusual pleasant voice, songs full of melancholy, penetrating straight into the soul and turning it inside out...

Even now, when several years have passed since his death, there are still more questions than answers. Yura was not a vain person, he did not advertise his name anywhere, did not shine at noisy parties, and did not flash on TV screens. He was just doing his job. He sang. He sang very well. And he danced. But less often. Sang more.

But first things first. Stavropol, the city in which Yurkino spent his childhood, was no different from hundreds of other Soviet cities. Factories, factories, five universities, two theaters, three museums, one public toilet, six pubs, four bakeries, five dairy... But still, there was something special in this city, scorched by the sun.

Later, many years later, Slava Cherny will write him a song. About the Motherland. About Stavropol region. And this song will not be far-fetched, not one bit. Soulful, heartfelt. And well sung.
Oh my Northwestern region,
I have always been in love with you since childhood.
And I missed you in Moscow.
For me you are like a pier for a ship.
My first love lived there,
And I got my first kiss there.
I will always love my city.
And I will never forget the city...

Victor Petliura is a popular performer of Russian chanson, musician, poet, born in sunny Simferopol on October 30, 1975.


His parents loved music, but did not study it seriously. No one remembers where the guitar came from in the house, but the boy began to show interest in it from early childhood. However, the parents did not see any bright creative abilities in their son, so he grew up as an ordinary yard tomboy.

However, by communicating with older kids and picking the strings after lessons, by the age of 11, Victor had learned to play this instrument quite well. Moreover, the guys with the guitar had no end to the girls, and Victor liked to be the center of attention.

Gradually, a whole group was formed from such musical boys, whose repertoire included very different genres of music - from folk to chanson.

As a teenager, he naturally fell in love for the first time, and then his creative talent began to fully reveal itself. Victor began to compose lyrical poems and set them to his own music. This is how the first, largely naive songs were born, which further increased his popularity.

The first feelings did not develop into a serious relationship, but they gave impetus to the development of a musical career. By this time, the boy had already entered a music school and understood that it was with music that he planned to connect his destiny in the future. This means you need to do it professionally.


Victor considers the beginning of his career to be performances in a club at one of the Simferopol factories. The guys were invited there by his leader, who accidentally heard them on the street. The boys were provided with premises and equipment for rehearsals, and they took part in all club events.

Gradually the group's repertoire expanded, and the young team gained popularity in the city. After school, the whole group decided to continue their studies at a music school, and in the evenings they played in the best restaurants in the city, earning quite decent money at that time.

But this was not enough for Victor - he wanted to make music on a completely different level. He begins to raise funds for the release of his debut album and select songs for it. This long-awaited event took place in 1999. The album “Blue-Eyed” includes his most favorite compositions. The small edition was immediately sold out, but it did not bring super popularity to the author.

Inspired by success, a year later Victor released a new album, “You Can’t Get Back.” With such a repertoire, the group begins to actively tour and perform at music competitions and festivals. Listeners like the discs, but not Petlyura himself. They recorded in a studio equipped for performing pop or rock and roll.

Then he decides to open his own studio and soon makes it a reality. Now ideal working conditions have been created for the team. By that time, it already had a permanent staff of real professionals, where everyone knows and loves their job. Petlyura believes that people are the main secret of his success.

Currently, the artist's discography includes 13 full-length albums. He successfully tours throughout the CIS and foreign countries and is one of the most fashionable and sought-after chanson performers. His studio is also popular. Many famous Russian performers have already worked on it.

Personal life

Already in his early youth, Victor was very popular among girls. And not only thanks to the guitar. He was very charming and at the same time had a strong masculine character, which allowed him to always achieve his goals. He often fell in love, but preferred serious long-term relationships.

He was not yet 20 when he experienced a real tragedy - almost before his eyes, in the restaurant where Victor worked, a stray bullet from gang violence, which often happened in the 90s, took the life of his bride. The girl died just a few weeks before the planned wedding.

For many months, Victor plunged into severe depression. And only the support of the team and responsibility towards it forced him to return to creativity and normal life. Although this tragedy left a deep scar on Victor's heart, after a while it thawed.

Now the artist is already in his second marriage. The first union broke up shortly after the birth of his son, and Victor prefers not to talk about the reasons for the breakup. His second wife, a former financier, completely took upon herself the organization of tours and concerts of her husband and his team. She is his right hand and faithful ally.

With his second wife

They have no children together, but Natalya’s son from her first marriage quickly found a common language with Victor’s own son from his first wife. The boys often spend time with their father, and he is happy that he does not have to be torn between them. But his busy schedule does not allow him to stay at home as often as he would like.

By the way, the musician is often confused with his former colleague, Yuri Barabash, who performed in the early 90s under the pseudonym “Petlyura”. That musician died at a young age, crashing on one of the flights. And Victor has a real last name, although sometimes he even has to show his passport to prove it to particularly distrustful journalists.

Yuri Barabash is a famous performer of Russian chanson. For fans of his musical work, he is known as Petlyura. Yuri Barabash, whose biography is eventful, not only performed songs, but was also their author. But the rich life of this creative person ended very tragically.


Yuri was born in mid-April 1974. His entire family lived in the Stavropol Territory at that time. In addition to him, the family of Vladislav and Tamara Barabash already raised a daughter, Lolita.

Yuri's parents were constantly busy with their work. The father of the future singer is a naval officer, and his mother first worked at the local puppet theater and then got a job at the Stavropol Philharmonic.


Yuri Barabash, whose biography interests fans of his work, went to first grade in his hometown. But already in 1982 the whole family was forced to move to Stavropol. The reason for the move was my sister's illness. Doctors found that Lolita, who was two years older than Yuri, had a heart disease. They recommended moving to Stavropol.

Considering the detailed biography of Yuri Barabash, it is worth noting that after he entered a comprehensive school, teachers had many problems with him. On the February holidays of 1984, almost immediately after the move, the boy’s father died. Since then, he did not listen to anyone, and at school he was considered a difficult teenager.

Stage name

Yuri Barabash, whose biography is interesting to fans of his work, received his pseudonym Petlyura while still at school. He caused a lot of trouble to his teachers and grew up as a bully boy. It was for his hooligan behavior that the future singer received the nickname Yura-Petliura.

Beginning of musical activity

Yuri Barabash never studied music anywhere. He was self-taught. So, he learned to play the guitar on his own. He made his first musical recordings at home. One day they were heard by Andrei Razin, who at that time was the producer of the famous and popular group “Tender May”. Razin invited Yuri to his music studio.

It is known that Yuri Vladislavovich’s voice was often confused with the soloist of “Tender May”. Petlyura did not like the comparison with Yuri Shatunov. But still, since 1992, he became the lead singer of the new group “Yura Orlov”. Although his activities here lasted only a few months. Soon Petliura (Yuri Barabash), whose biography is eventful, left the group.

Solo career

When Yuri leaves Razin, he decides to start his solo career. He quickly becomes famous as a chanson performer. And soon he was already performing under his stage name - Petlyura.

In 1993, his first album, “Let’s Sing, Zhigan,” was released, which immediately made the young performer and songwriter famous. His work from this period of his life can be attributed to thieves' lyrics. By the way, this album is perfect for learning to play the guitar, since Petlyura used the simplest “pop” style. Next year he releases another album, “Benya the Raider.” It is known that all of these first music albums were recorded in a home studio.

And two years later, a new period begins in the life and musical career of the young artist. Petliura (Yuri Vladislavovich Barabash) enters into a lucrative contract with Sevostyanov’s company. In the music company "Master Sound", many previous songs of the young, talented author and performer were re-recorded.

The music albums “Fast Train”, “Little One” and others were now recorded on high-quality and professional equipment. The album “Fast Train” is considered Petlyura’s most famous musical work.

After the release of the music album “Puppets” in 1995, his song “You Stand Alone by the Maple Tree” becomes very popular. A beautiful and melodic song cannot help but excite. This song describes a real story that later happened to the composer himself. After his death, the girl came to him, not knowing about his death, and Yuri’s mother reported that her lover was no longer there. The young performer seemed to feel that this would happen and wrote about it in his song.

His songs were recorded on cassettes and then on discs. Petliura’s musical creations, especially the song “Rain,” were played at discos, and Yuri composed and sang everything. His musical creations were even played on Russian Radio.

Unofficial folklore occupies a special place in the work of Yuri Barabash. At that time, Petlyura’s repertoire included not only “street songs”, but also “urban romance”. For example, these were songs such as “Alyoshka” or “Chicken”. Petliura’s song “White Dress”, “Knitted Jacket” and others were widely known. These songs had everything: people, walls, water, birds, torment and joy. Wherever Petliura's songs were heard! They could be heard everywhere. They sounded in courtyards and restaurants, in apartments and in neighborhoods, in hallways and on television.

Yuri Barabash’s song “How Long I Wandered...” became famous after the viewer first heard it in the film “The Boys” directed by D. Asanova. The author of this song was Vitaly Chernitsky, and performed it in the film Petliura. By the way, this song, like the musical composition “Knitted Jacket”, where the authors were Dorizo ​​and Dolukhanyan, were so popular that they were considered folk songs. The whole country sang these songs at that time.

The pleasant voice of the young performer, in which there were notes of sadness and melancholy, was very popular with the listeners. His songs were so popular that there were many rumors surrounding him. The strange and unexpected death only added to such conversations. And fans of his work could not understand why he no longer sings, why there are no more of his new music albums. There were even suspicions that he was in prison either before his career took off or after his disappearance.

At the very height of his creative career, when he was young, full of strength and plans, Petlyura passed away. This happened, of course, unexpectedly. So, at the end of September 1996, one of the Russian channels in the program “Road Patrol” reported that a traffic accident had occurred on Sevastopolsky Avenue on the night of September twenty-eighth.

The personality of Yuri Barabash, biography, cause of death is interesting to his fans. He was driving a car that was driving through the streets of the capital. Yuri Vladislavovich received his license just a few days ago. The car he was driving didn't even belong to him. There were other passengers in the car who were simply injured in this accident.

When they filmed the story about the accident on the avenue, at that time no one even knew who died. But viewers and fans of his work recognized the idol. The young singer and songwriter was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.