Quiz what we know about our homeland. Quiz “My own game” “My big and small Motherland” and small Motherland” Material prepared by Svetlana Vladimirovna Mingaleva, primary school teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution


To instill in children an interest in the history of their small homeland and country, to folk traditions; instill a sense of love and patriotism.


Expand children's understanding of the symbols of the state and district. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of the flora and fauna of Yamal. Develop dialogical speech children, enrich them lexicon. Build a sense of self-confidence, learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other participants in the game.

Equipment: portable board, easels, tables, computer.

Material: slide presentation, photographs of district and city attractions, scoreboard.

Preliminary work: conversations, getting to know state symbols, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, learning sayings and proverbs about the Motherland.

Progress of the game


Hello guys. We are pleased to welcome you to intellectual game“We know everything about the Motherland.” Two teams take part in it: “Anchor” and “Flag”.

Let's welcome our participants.

Rules of our game.

The teams will be asked questions in turn. For each correct answer, the team will receive a symbolic badge reward. If a team doesn't know the answer, the question goes to the other team.

To evaluate competitions, we need to select a jury.

Jury presentation.

Draw of lots.


Captains, come

Tell me what you see. (icon)

The presenter hides the badge behind his back. (Captains must guess which hand the badge is in. The team that guesses goes first.)

Warm up.


How do Russian people affectionately call Russia? (Russia - Mother).

The people came up with many proverbs and sayings about Russia.

Remember and name familiar proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

For example:

1. Beloved homeland - dear mother.

2. A man without a homeland is like a man without a song.

3. A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

4. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

I round

1. Name the main symbols of our country (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

2. Which one main color coat of arms of Russia? (red) (video response)

Video questions:

3. What bird is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (eagle, kite, vulture, golden eagle)

4. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (Suvorov, Kutuzov, St. George the Victorious, Lenin.)

Captains competition.

1. Place the colors of the Russian flag in the correct order from bottom to top.

(red, blue, white) (video response)


We call our homeland mother because it nurtured us with its waters, taught us its language, just as a mother protects us and protects us from enemies. “Motherland and mother are very similar,” there is such a song.

Musical break “Mother and Motherland”

2nd round

1. What county do we live in? (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Komi-Permeisky District) (Our district turns 81 this year)

2. What northern cities are in our YANA District? (Salekhard, Labytnangi, Priuralsk, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Gubkinsky, Muravlenko, Purovsk, Krasnoselkupsk, Tazovsk).

3. Name the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. (Salekhard)

4. What was Salekhard called in the old days? (Obdorsk, Krasnogorsk, Primorsk, Pyatigorsk)

III round.

1. What are the indigenous northern peoples inhabit the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug? (Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Selkup)

2. Name the main occupations of the indigenous peoples of the North (livestock, reindeer herding, fishing.)

Video questions:

3. What predatory animals decorate the coat of arms of Yamal (foxes, wolves, bears, arctic foxes)

4. What is the main wealth of our region? (gold, oil, coal, emeralds)

Outdoor game “Streams and Lakes”

IV round.

Video questions:

1. What is it called women's clothing indigenous peoples of Yamal? (sundress, frog, kimono)

2. What is it called? men's clothing indigenous peoples of Yamal? (malitsa, sheepskin coat, quilted jacket)

3. What is the name of the easily transportable dwelling of the indigenous peoples of Yamal? (house, hut, tent, yurt)

4. What are the names of the light sleds of the indigenous peoples of the North for transporting goods? (cart, cart, sledge, wagon)

Musical game “Who will build the tent most quickly?”

V round

Video questions:

1. Name the most long time years in the North (winter)

2. Which coniferous tree has the most nutritious nuts? (pine, fir, cedar, spruce)

3. Name a bird that changes its plumage for winter (owl, partridge, wood grouse, hazel grouse)

4. What berry grows in the swamp? (strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries)




  1. Vasin Yu.Sh., Efremov F.V., Stepanova G.A. Games, competitions and original physical exercise peoples of the north. From the Institute for Advanced Studies and Development of Regional Education, 2003.
  2. Danilina G. N. For preschoolers - about the history and culture of Russia. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.
  3. Kondrykinskaya L. A. Where does the Motherland begin? – M.: Sfera, 2004.
  4. Kulemizin V. M. Meet the Khanty. – Novosibirsk, 1992.

Class hour - quiz “Russia is my Motherland!”

If not us, then who?

It will help our children

Love and know Russia?

How important it is not to be late!


    consolidate children's knowledge about state symbols Russia;

    cultivate a feeling of love for your Motherland - Russia;

    expand ideas about the nature of Russia;

    develop the ability to solve crossword puzzles;

    develop the ability to correctly construct your answer, according to grammatical rules;

    develop cognitive interests;

    to cultivate in children a sense of camaraderie, the ability to empathize and support each other;

    create a joyful and cheerful mood in children.

Progress of the lesson:

    Introductory part.

Children are divided into teams, each team is at its own table. 3 teams participate in the quiz (there are distinctive flags of these teams on the tables). Each team chooses a captain.

A recording of the song “Where the Motherland Begins” is played.

Teacher: - Hello!Guys, have you listened to the song?"Where does it begin? ».

What is the Motherland for you? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: - The homeland is the house in which we live. This is the place where you were born and raised.

Children read poetry About Russia.

There is no more beautiful land in the world,
There is no homeland in the brighter world!
Russia, Russia, Russia, –
What could be dearer to the heart?

Who was your equal in strength?
Anyone suffered defeats!
Russia, Russia, Russia, –
We are with you in sorrow and happiness!

Russia! Like a blue bird
We protect and honor you,
And if they violate the border,
We will protect you with our breasts!

And if we were suddenly asked:
“Why is the country dear to you?”
– Yes, because Russia is for all of us,
Like my own mother, alone!

Teacher: - We live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. Do you know why our country has such a name?

This name comes from a Slavic settlement that lived on the banks of the Ros River, which flows from the Dnieper.

Teacher: - For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a Russian field with tall ears of corn.

For the rivers spilling in the blue flame -

They called you Russia in Slavic. (S. Komratova)

Teacher: - To love your homeland, you need to know it well. Let's test our knowledge about Russia.

    Quiz tasks.

1st competition - warm-up: “What do I know about Russia.”

( Team representatives take out cards with the question number and answer one by one; if there is no answer, then the other team answers and gets a point).

1. What is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia)
2. What is the name of the place where a person was born and raised? (Motherland)
3. Which city is the capital of our state? (Moscow)
4. What are the people of our country called? (Russians)
5. Who is the head of our state? (The president)
6. Who is the president of our country? (V.V. Putin)
7. What is the name of the state symbol on which it is depicted? double headed eagle? (Coat of arms)
8. What symbol of our state is called the tricolor? (Flag)
9. What is the name of the main law of the state? (Constitution)
10. Who guards the borders of our state? (Army)
11. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? (Birch)
12. What is the name of the solemn song of praise performed on especially solemn occasions? (Hymn)

    competition: “Symbols of the state.”

Teacher: What state symbols do you know?? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Children: Russians, citizens of their country,

You should know everything about the coat of arms, flag, and anthem.

In these symbols Russia itself,

They contain the greatness of the country, they contain strength.

    Restore the order of the lines in the verse of the anthem.

Teacher: - What is the national anthem?(The main song of the country).

When is it performed? (On especially solemn occasions, you should listen to it while standing, showing respect.)

I suggest the teams restore correct order quatrains from the Russian anthem.

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

Fraternal peoples century-old union,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

Children's poems about the Russian anthem.

Children: Main song countries

We hear it again and again.

It sounds from south to north,

And everyone’s heart beats like that!

In it is the glory of the Fatherland, the glory of the people,

What the union grows stronger from year to year.

We are with the main song life we ​​go,

We are proud of the country, we believe and wait -

Years will give us dreams come true

For the happiness of the people, love, beauty!

Teacher: - The modern National Anthem of Russia was approved by Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on December 30, 2000. Russian people I heard it for the first time on the night of January 1, 2001 (16 years ago). On the eve of the new 21st century, Russia has a new anthem. The words of the Anthem of the Russian Federation were written by Soviet writer Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. He was also the author of the USSR National Anthem.

Singing the anthem (children stand up and sing 1 verse of the anthem with a chorus)

    Find out our flag (name the number of the Russian flag).

Teacher : - I invite the teams on the slide to choose the Russian flag among different flags (children name the flag number).

Teacher: - Where can you see the Russian flag? (On government buildings, ships, planes, residential buildings on public holidays.) White color denotes purity, blue – sky and fidelity, red – fire and courage (but there is different interpretations colors)

Teacher: - The tricolor flag of Russia was established first Russian Emperor Peter the Great back in 1693 (in the 17th century). Since then, the flag and coat of arms of our state have often changed. But in 1993, by Decree of President B. Yeltsin, these symbols were finally restored; they were approved as the state flag and coat of arms.

Children's poems about the Russian flag.

White-blue-red flag,

You are the country's native banner.

You proudly fly to the skies,

What do we know about you?

The top one is white -

Hello clear sky.

Let it be clear above us!

Every day will be wonderful!

Blue color - inspires faith

To the Fatherland, to the right cause.

In it is the constancy of the people,

Friendship, continuity, brotherhood.

The power of life - Red color,

The color of battles and victories.

Spilled red

The blood of grandfathers who died in wars.

    Find out our coat of arms.

Teacher: - We need to find the Russian coat of arms among the coats of arms of other countries.

What is depicted on our coat of arms? (Golden double-headed eagle with a scepter and orb, on the shield is depicted St. George the Victorious on a horse, he kills a snake with a spear.)

Our coat of arms symbolizes the victory of good over evil, beauty and justice.

Students read poems about the coat of arms of Russia.

Here's a two-headed one the eagle appeared,

He became the coat of arms Russian land,

Raised his wings, armed himself,

Three crowns have gained power.

Russian coat of arms, covered with glory:

The scepter and orb are on the eagle's shield,

And the wicked serpent struck by the spear -

Russia has no enemies anywhere!

3rd competition “What do we know about our Motherland?”

Teacher: - Assignment for teams about the cities of our homeland.

1 team: Name the capital of the first Russian state (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

Team 2: Name the capital modern Russia(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

Team 3: Name the northern capital of modern Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

Teacher: -

1 team: What applies to ancient Russian buildings? (cathedral, mosque, kremlin).

Team 2: What is the name of a residential building among the Russian people? (hut, hut, yurt).

Team 3: What is the name of the Russian holiday of seeing off winter? (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter).

Teacher: - Assignment about the life and traditions of the Russian people.

1 team: - What does not apply to Russian cuisine? (cabbage soup, manti, pancakes).

Team 2: - Which fairy tale is not a Russian folk tale? (“Masha and the Bear”, “Snow Maiden”, “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Team 3: - Which river does not flow through Russian territory? (Yenisei, Volga, Amazon).

4 competition “Collect a proverb”.

Teacher: - Collect parts of famous Russian proverbs about your homeland. Folk wisdom says...

To our people…..the homeland is dearer than anything else.

Beloved homeland - ..... dear mother.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Motherland..... know how to defend.

There is nothing more beautiful ..... than our Motherland.

5th competition “Captains Competition”.

Teacher: - Russian people - very creative. Many works of folk art have reached us.Now, dear captains, you will guess which Russian folk tale we are talking.

Someone grabbed onto someone tenaciously,

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out, oh,

Stuck tight. ("Turnip")

Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose,

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I wish I could eat a pie! ("Masha and the Bear")

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Golden Comb Cockerel")

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I drink water?

Very delicious water

In the hole from the hoof. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

KrA the sleeping girl is sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. ("Snow Maiden")

    Summary of the lesson.

1) Scoring. Winner's reward ceremony.

2) Teacher: - While you are still small, you cannot do anything for Russia yet. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your friends and loved ones, don’t quarrel. Let’s look at each other, smile and don’t forget that you and I are Russians, a very wise, patient, kind people. Let's all say together:“If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!”

3) Children sing a song about Russia.

4) Reflection.

Teacher: - Answer the questions: - What did I already know?

What new have I learned? - What else would I like to know?

APPENDIX (handout for 3 teams):

What is the name of the country we live in?

What is the name of the place where a person was born and raised?

Which city is the capital of our state?

What are the people of our country called?

Who is the head of our state?

Who is the president of our country?

What is the name of the state symbol that depicts a double-headed eagle?

What symbol of our state is called the tricolor?

What is the main law of the state called?

Who guards the borders of our state?

Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

What is the name of a solemn song of praise performed on special occasions?

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

Hail, our Fatherland is free,

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

1 team: Name the capital of the first Russian state(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

Team 2: Name the capital of modern Russia(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

Team 3: Name the northern capital of modern Russia(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv).

1 team: What applies to ancient Russian buildings?(cathedral, mosque, kremlin).

Team 2: What is the name of a residential building among the Russian people?(hut, hut, yurt).

Team 3: What is the name of the Russian holiday of seeing off winter?(Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter).

1 team: What does not apply to Russian cuisine?(cabbage soup, manti, pancakes).

Team 2: Which fairy tale is not a Russian folk tale?(“Masha and the Bear”, “Snow Maiden”, “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Team 3: Which river does not flow through Russian territory?(Yenisei, Volga, Amazon).

Our people have our homeland.

Motherland, dear mother.

There's nothing more beautiful thana nightingale without a song.

Our people have our homeland.

The beloved homeland is the most precious homeland.

A man without a homeland, who knows how to defend.

Motherland, dear mother.

There's nothing more beautiful thana nightingale without a song.

Our people have our homeland.

The beloved homeland is the most precious homeland.

A man without a homeland, who knows how to defend.

Motherland, dear mother.

There's nothing more beautiful thana nightingale without a song.

1. BLITZ SURVEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the name of the place where a person was born and raised? Which city is the capital of our state? Who is the head of our state? Who is the president of our country? What is the name of the state symbol that depicts a double-headed eagle? 6. What symbol of our state is called the tricolor? 7. Who guards the borders of our state? 8. Bird – symbol Russian Empire. 9. Solemn, main song countries? 10. What was our Motherland called in ancient times? 11. Name the capital of the first Russian state

3. THIS IS MY HOMELAND 4 question. What lines does the anthem of the Russian Federation begin with? (under what number) Hail, Fatherland, our free, age-old union of fraternal peoples, Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country. Hail, Fatherland, our free, age-old union of fraternal peoples, 1 2 3

3. THIS IS MY HOMELAND 5 question. What is the name of the capital of Siberia? 1 Novosibirsk 2 Berdsk 3 Tomsk

3. THIS IS MY HOMELAND 6 question. What is the name of the fundamental law that sets out the rights and obligations of Russian citizens? 1 Declaration of Human Rights 2 3 Constitution of the Russian Federation Law on the rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

3. THIS IS MY HOMELAND 7 question. Who is the mayor of Berdsk? 1 Evgeny Shesternin 2 Anatoly Lokot 3 Konstantin Boltrukevich

4. RESIDENTS OF RUSSIA Task 1. Write at least 10 different nationalities living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

STATE 1. Question: This is the only religious holiday, which became a “red day of the calendar” in the Russian Federation. Answer: Christmas is January 7

STATE 2. Question: On this day they celebrate the end of the Great Patriotic War, military parades are held on Red Square. Answer: May 9 – Victory Day

NATIONAL 3. Question: What holiday is celebrated throughout Russia on May 24? Answer: Day Slavic writing and culture. It is considered the day of remembrance of the first teachers Slavic peoples– saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. These people laid down their lives to teach all Slavs to read and write.

NATIONAL 4. Question: What holidays do Russians celebrate twice: according to the old and new styles? Answer: Christmas is December 25 and January 7. New Year– January 1 according to the new style and January 14 according to the old style. The phrase old New Year is our domestic invention and Russian tradition.

ORTHODOX 5. Question: What holiday of feasts did A. S. Pushkin write about? In a foreign land I observe sacredly Native custom old times: I release the bird into the wild When happy holiday spring. I became available for consolation; Why should I grumble at God, When I could grant freedom to at least one creature! Answer: About Easter.

ORTHODOX 6. Question: The Russian holiday of farewell to winter is... How many days does it last? Favorite treat this holiday? Answer: Maslenitsa. 7 days. Pancakes.

PROFESSIONAL 8. Question: On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin spaceship“Vostok” launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around planet Earth. What holiday is celebrated on this day? Answer: Cosmonautics Day

Elena Ladosha
Quiz “What do we know about the Motherland”

"What we we know about the Motherland"

Quiz for children of older preparatory age.

Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about Russia.



Teach children to purposefully seek answers to questions and express their opinions;

Fix the names of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation.

Activate dialogic and monologue speech.

Enrich your vocabulary.


Develop cognitive interests;

Strengthen children's knowledge about symbols Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem.

To cultivate spiritual and moral attitudes and feelings of belonging to home country.

To instill in children patriotic feelings for Homeland: love, pride, respect for the native country, careful attitude To her.


Develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss actions when working in a team, and provide mutual assistance.

Cultivate love for your homeland, a sense of pride in one’s country;


Learn to expressively recite poems about Russia.

Develop memory, attention, improve artistic, speech, and performing skills when reading a poem.

Artistic creativity:

Teach children to display impressions of educational activities in drawings.

Develop children's imagination and ability to come up with the content of their work

Cultivate interest in the drawing process and accuracy.

Equipment and materials: images of coats of arms and flags; projector, sheets of paper. pencils.

Vocabulary work:

activation: coat of arms, flag, anthem, Motherland, Russia, Russians, scepter, power, shield.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the state symbols of Russia, learning poems and proverbs about Homeland, conversations about the main Russian holidays.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal: questions, explanations, directions, artistic expression.

Visual: demonstration of the presentation, viewing images of coats of arms and flags.

Practical and playful: children completing tasks quizzes.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the song "Russia", sounding in a record and stand up, forming a circle.

Setting a goal:

I invite you to the club of experts for the game - quiz"What we we know about the Motherland Our team "Patriots" and team "Russians" will compete. During our game, we will determine the team - the best expert who answered the largest number of questions correctly.

Today we have many guests to whom we will show. what are we we know about the Motherland!

Today all the questions that you have to answer will be devoted to our Homeland, native land, the country in which you and I live.

Educator: There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but our country is an extraordinary country for us, because it is ours Motherland. What do you think is Motherland?

Children: Homeland means dear like mother and father. Homeland is a place, Where are we were born, the country in which we live. Motherland each person has one.

Educator: Well done! So, I see the experts are ready for the game, I ask you to take your seats and go on an exciting journey through the land of Knowledge! Good luck!

For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Station No. 1. "State symbols".

What state symbols are you you know? - both teams answer.

Question to "Patriots" - What is the shape of the Russian flag?

Question to "Russians" - How many stripes does the Russian flag have?

What are the colors of the stripes of the Russian flag? - both teams answer.

Right. State flag Russia is a rectangular panel of three stripes of the same width. The flag's stripes of white, blue, and red are arranged horizontally.

Uploading a flag image

The next task is for experts of both teams:

Place a picture of the Russian flag on your desk. (children lay out an image of a flag from strips of paper)

The Russian flag is our pride. The white color in it means peace, purity; blue is the color of faith and fidelity; red – symbolizes strength and courage.

- children read a poem:

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn

What other state symbol does Russia have?

What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?

Children reading a poem

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west and east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

What is an anthem? And what you know about him?-question to both teams.

Children: Anthem is a solemn song, a symbol of the state. The anthem is performed and listened to while standing.

(Russian anthem plays).

"P" - Name the capital of our state, the most main city Russia?

"R" - Name the main square of Moscow.

"P" -What do people living in Russia call?

"R" -What language do Russians speak?

“P” - Who is the head of our state (does he make important decisions for the country, signs laws?

"R" -What is the name of the city in which you and I live?

Now we talked about the state symbols of Russia, but there are no official symbols Russia, those symbols, naming which immediately brings to mind our native Russia, our home, our native street, house, our parents. What are you like you know not official symbols of Russia?

Children: chamomile, Russian birch, rainbow.

next station "Creative".

Where does ours begin? Motherland?


Where does it begin? Motherland?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field,

Bowing in the wind, it grows.

Educator: What Russian person doesn’t love the beautiful birch tree! Birch is a symbol of Russia. How good she is at different times of the year! Straight, slender, white-trunked. Let's start a round dance "Birch".

Children start a round dance "Birch" (children walk in a circle holding hands).

My birch, birch tree,

My birch is white, curly birch.

(Children stop, raise their hands, reach up).

You are standing there, little birch,

In the middle of the valley,

On you, birch tree,

The leaves are green,

(Children squat slowly).

Below you, birch tree,

Silk grass.

Station "Literary".

Do experts know poems about our Homeland. (Children recite poems about Homeland) .

Motherland- a big, big word

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with your soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies.

It fits exactly half the world,

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,

City darling, native apartment,

Grandma, kindergarten, kitten and me.

« Motherland» F. Savinov.

I see wonderful freedom,

I see fields and fields -

This is Russian expanse,

This is Russian land!

I see mountains and valleys,

I see rivers and seas -

These are Russian paintings

This my motherland!

I hear the lark's songs,

I hear the trill of a nightingale -

This is the Russian side,

This my motherland!

What are you like you know proverbs and sayings about our Homeland.

Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

For fish - the sea, for birds - the air, and for man - the Fatherland.

One per person birth mother, he has one and Motherland.

A man without Motherland is a nightingale without a song.

That hero - who is for Homeland by the mountain.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than Our homeland.

Live - Serve the Motherland.

For Not strong enough for your homeland, don’t fill up your life.

On someone else's side, even spring is not red.

Beloved Motherland that mother darling.

Station "The main holidays of Russia".

In our country there are main holidays that are celebrated by all Russian citizens. Solve riddles to find out what these holidays are called.

Santa Claus brought gifts,

He puts them under the Christmas tree.

It's cheerful, bright,

The best holiday...

Children: New Year.

So that all over the big Earth

Peace has come for humanity,

Celebrating in February

Children: Defender of the Fatherland.

On this bright spring day

They give flowers to women.

And in kindergartens and schools there are children

Crafts for moms!

Children: March 8.

Music, flags, balloons and flowers,

There is so much spring beauty around!

We will always celebrate the first of May

Joyful holiday...

Children: Spring and labor.

There's a parade going on, fireworks are going off,

The orchestra sounds here and there,

Not only great-grandparents

Meet a nice...

Children: Victory Day.

Station "Lesnaya"

What trees grow in Russian forests? (birch, oak, spruce, pine, maple)

What berries can be picked in the Russian forests? (blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blackberries).

What birds live in Russia? (crow, sparrow, tit, bullfinches).

What fish are found in rivers and lakes? (perch, crucian carp, pike, bream).

Station "Historical".

What holidays have been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times? (Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa.).

What dishes of Russian cuisine do you like? you know? (porridge, pies, pancakes, cabbage soup.).

What kind of shoes did Russian peasants wear? (bast shoes).

What souvenir was considered a symbol of Russia? (matryoshka).

Educator: Well done boys! And now the last station awaits us.

Station "The One".

The quiet sounds of songs about Homeland.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers preserved for us, saved us from destruction, from destruction, from the enemies of the Russian land, these wide steppe expanses, these huge forests, these deep rivers. And now it’s our turn to protect, preserve, defend our native land, native nature, your big beautiful Motherland - Russia. Think and name what our actions, what our deeds of Russians are necessary for our Homeland?

Children: Love her, take care of every bush, tree, grass. Protect, preserve its wealth, work, toil, prevent pollution, prevent fires. Live in peace and friendship.

Remember guys: people should be kind, live in peace and friendship. And then there will be no evil, violence, or war on Earth.

And now it’s time to sum up our quizzes. So Team Patriots recruited. points, and the team is “Russians”.

Thanks to all the experts who took part in quiz! Well done! How old are you already? know about our Motherland. You are real little citizens of Russia.

For excellent knowledge about your Homeland you are awarded certificates of honor.

Formation for the award ceremony.

I want to finish our game proverb:

There is no land more beautiful than Our homeland.


Remember what a quiz is ?

AND game, which consists of participants having to answer a series of questions asked, usually united by some common theme. The entertainment itself has a long history. This is a competition in wit, intelligence, and erudition.

Quiz from the Latin word victory.

Today you too will take part in the quiz.

Reading Poems by Oleynik Denis and Kudryavtsev Sasha

What do you think is the topic of our quiz lesson?

First task.

Continue the sentence. (hand out sheets)

Homeland is…_______________________________________________

1.Now guess the riddles:

1. It sounds solemn

Everyone stands up in greeting.

song home country

We all must respect! (Hymn) Let's sing verses 1 and 2 together

2 .It complements the anthem and flag of any country main sign.

Russia has a special one, try to name it. (Coat of arms)

3. It has many names: Tricolor, three-color banner -

Anxiety goes away with the wind. White-blue-red..(Flag)

4. By the will of the people

The head of the state is elected by right (President)

Let's play today and see how much we know about our Motherland - Russia.

The 1st “Warm-up” competition is announced.
1. What is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia)
2. What is the name of the place where a person was born and raised? (Motherland)
3. Which city is the capital of our state? (Moscow)
4. What are the people of our country called? (Russians)
5. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? (Birch)
6. Common name of every population of the country? (People)

7. On what continent is Russia located? (Eurasia)

8.The main river of Europe that flows in Russia? (Volga)

The 2nd competition is announced. The proverb goes by the way.

1. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

6. To live - to serve the Motherland.

3rd competition I am a citizen of Russia.

    Our Motherland - Russian Federation. What does the word "Federation" mean? (Union, association)

    A man who loves his homeland? (Patriot)

    A resident of our state who has rights and fulfills responsibilities? (Citizen)

    What is the name of the symbol image that shows historical traditions city, state, family, individual? (Coat of arms)

    How many colors does the Russian flag have, what are they? (Three: white, blue, red)

    What does the white color of the Russian flag mean? (White color denotes purity of aspirations)

    What does it mean Blue colour Russian flag? (Blue - the will to peace)

    What does the red color of the Russian flag mean? (Red - willingness not to spare one’s blood in defense of the Motherland)

    What are the rules that the state sets called? (Laws)

4th competition Skillful designer.

    Pictures of native nature.

    Folk crafts.

3. Russia is long-suffering.

4.Masterpieces of Russian painting.

Home sketch. Project protection.

5th competition Great people of Russia.

1. Tsar-reformer, creator of the Russian fleet? (Peter 1)

3.First cosmonaut. (Gagarin Yu.A.)

4.The great commander and diplomat who won the battle on Lake Peipsi? (Alexander Nevskiy)

5. Compilers Slavic alphabet. (Cyril and Methodius)

6.Name outstanding Russian commanders who did not lose a single battle. (Suvorov, Ushakov)

7.Who invented radio? (Popov)

8.Founder of the first state university. (Lomonosov M.V.)

9. A great Russian writer who never wrote for children. But children are engrossed in his works. (Pushkin A.S.) (general)

10. He could understand the soul of the forest like no one else

And show it to us on canvases.

The bark is alive and the branches are thorny

The pines and firs are big and mighty.

And we seem to inhale a resinous smell,

When we look at the canvases with delight.

(Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin) Project

Almost bending my head

To feet entwined with twine,

Shod in bast shoes, along the river,

The barge haulers crawled in a crowd.

(Barge Haulers on the Volga. Repin Ilya_) Project

5th competition Volzhsky is the city of my dreams.

Draw the coat of arms and flag of our city.

1 . What is the name of the central square of our city? (Lenin Square).

2 . Why did the construction of the city of Volzhsky begin? (because they decided to build another hydroelectric power station on the Volga)

3 .Who was the leader of this construction, its chief architect? (Fyodor Georgievich Loginov)

4. At the site of the death of this general in Russian and German languages inscription:. To a scientist. To the warrior. Communist. His life and death were a feat in the name of life.” Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev 1(945) was sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp, located 30 kilometers from the Austrian city of Linz. Here, on the night of February 17-18, Russian General Karbyshev, along with other prisoners of war, suffered martyrdom. The prisoners were stripped naked and driven out into the street. Then they began pour over cold water under pressure. It was bitterly cold. Those who did not die immediately were again driven out into the yard and finished off with iron rods. Among them was General Karbyshev.

5.Where is the monument to the founder of the city? (on Builders Square)

6. What areas do we have in the city? (Truda Square, Lenin Square, Sverdlov Square, Builders Square).

7. What monuments do we have in our city? (monuments to D.M. Karbyshev, A.S. Pushkin, V.I. Lenin, F. Loginov and a monument to internationalist soldiers).

8. What two rivers flow near the city of Volzhsky? (Volga and Akhtuba)

The jury sums up.

Host: Guys, do you know what you wanted to name our city? (Pyatimorsk, Elektrograd, Gidrograd, City of the Sun)

Blitz tournament

    What was our Motherland called in ancient times? (Rus)

    Name the capital of the first Russian state (Kyiv)

    What were the names of the three epic heroes?

    Most popular hero Russian epics (Ilya Muromets)

    The most famous Russian fabulist (Ivan Andreevich Krylov)

    The most popular Russian toy in the world (Matryoshka)

    Russian holiday of farewell to winter, this is (Maslenitsa)
    8. The most favorite treat during Maslenitsa (Pancakes)

Everyone knows Russian hospitality, responsiveness, sensitivity, kindness and hospitality. Let me treat you to our national dish -... pancakes.

We serve pancakes.
Teacher: Thank you everyone for participating in our quiz. I hope that each of you will grow up to be a true patriot of our great Motherland. In conclusion, let me end our quiz with poetic lines:
Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields,
Everything that is called your homeland!

1. It’s good to be away, but better at home.

2. Every sandpiper praises its swamp.

3. Where someone was born, that’s where they came in handy.

4. Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

5. If the people are united, they will not be defeated.

1. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

2. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

3. On the other side, the Motherland is doubly miles away.
4. There is no more beautiful country in the world than our Motherland.

5. The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

1. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
2.C native land- die, don't go down.
3. A person without a homeland is like a bird without wings.

4. Foreign country - viburnum, Motherland - raspberry.

5. A person has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

6. To live - to serve the Motherland.

1 team

2nd team

1 contest

Homeland is... (for each word)

2 competition. Puzzles

3 competition. Warm-up

4 competition The proverb goes by the way.

5 competition. I am a citizen of Russia.

6 competition . Skillful designer.

7 competition. Great people.

8 competition.

Volzhsky is the city of my dreams.