Composing a word about Igor's regiment - "a word about Igor's regiment". Yaroslavna continuation of folklore traditions in the image

That central place in it is given to the chronicle work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" or simply "The Lay ...". This is truly a masterpiece that has managed to reach our days, revealing to the world the unique culture of our ancestors in its pure form. The image of Yaroslavna in The Tale of Igor's Campaign is not the main one, but it can be safely called one of the best. But let's talk about everything in order.

The plot of the epic

Before considering the image of Yaroslavna in The Tale of Igor's Campaign, it is worth knowing the whole plot of the work. It begins with an introduction in which the author (he is unknown) sings of the heroism of the history of his people. In short lines he mentions and legendary singer Boyana, and Trajan, and epic heroes, and talks about the battles of the princes of the Russian land. There are also echoes of pagan beliefs in them: the author speaks of the deities of the sun, winds, livestock, which were worshiped by the ancestors of the Russians.

The image of Yaroslavna in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" will appear only in the third chapter, and before that, an unknown poet tells about Igor, the Novgorod-Seversky prince, who is going on a campaign against the Polovtsians. He encourages his warriors and goes on a campaign, despite the strange signs bestowed by fate. He ignores the eclipse, which promises bad luck, and throws the army into battle. Inspired by the first success, he is in no hurry to return, for which he pays cruelly. When the main forces of the nomads arrived, the Russians were not ready. As a result, almost the entire squad of the prince perishes, and the surviving soldiers are captured.

The news of the tragedy quickly spreads throughout the Russian land, overtaking the young wife of Prince Igor in Putivl. The Grand Duke of Kiev gathers all the rulers of the specific principalities, calling for unity and redemption of Igor from captivity. The so-called golden word Svyatoslav calls on the Russians to unite, because then they will become a thunderstorm for everyone. Then Igor's flight from captivity is described, the chase sent by the nomads after him. But he successfully reached his native lands and returned to his faithful wife.

The image of Yaroslavna in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Yaroslavna is a young princess, Igor's wife. She remained in Putivl to wait for her husband's return from the campaign. It was there that she was caught by the news of the tragedy that happened to him, it is in the castle of this city that the reader is introduced to her by The Tale of Igor's Campaign. It is impossible to briefly describe the image of Yaroslavna, although the author took only a few lines to the woman. But she appears before us, as if alive. She has a thin, vulnerable soul, a strong character, self-sacrifice is close to her. She does not think about herself and all her thoughts are next to her beloved.

The image of Yaroslavna in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is not only a portrait loving wife who is ready to do anything to help her husband. She is ready to turn into a bird to wash his wounds, she appeals to the forces of nature with a reproach why they allowed this. But she thinks not only about Igor, but also about his army, which shared the fate of their prince. Therefore, the image of Yaroslavna in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is collected portrait all Russian women whose husbands went to war with the enemy. This is the image of the guardian hearth, take care of the family, because the husband will definitely return, since he is so much expected.

In those few lines one can feel the woman's great love, her compassion, her desire to be near the chosen one, her deep sadness and tenderness. That is why Yaroslavna's Lament has attracted writers and readers for so many years.

Other images in the "Word"

The main character of the work is Igor, who organized an unsuccessful campaign. This event was preceded by another campaign - a successful military campaign of the Russians with joint forces, in which many princes of Rus', except for Igor, participated. Therefore, he acts as one who thought about glory, and not about good preparation for war. He is short-sighted, because he does not pay attention to bad sounds, he craves only fame and rewards.

Another image - the prince Kyiv Svyatoslav into whose mouth the author puts the idea of ​​unification. This actual problem Rus' at that time: there was a place for the supreme power. Therefore, the country suffered from external enemies who tried to tear off a tidbit from it, and from internal ones. Only together it was possible to repulse the offenders, and this is what the author calls for.

The meaning of the work

This special essay. "The Word about Igor's Campaign" (the image of Yaroslavna, the princes in particular) makes it possible to compose big picture life of Rus' at the end of the 12th century, its way of life, its reality. The melodic language of the work, full of comparisons and epithets, is a source of inspiration for creative people- poets, writers, artists. But ancient author also teaches a lesson to future generations, an old but forgotten truth: only together can we repulse enemies, only together can a people be invincible.

Especially the "Word" is also the fact that it can be called folk epic with all the contradictions. For example, the author often refers to the image of nature and phenomena, Yaroslavna also speaks with the wind, the sun, the river, she does not pray to God, although the country has long been considered Christian.

Instead of an afterword

It is a pity that such a work as "The Word" was lost in original version. It is sad that we do not know the author of this literary masterpiece. But, fortunately, we have the opportunity to read it in translations and admire the depth of images, the sincerity of feelings and the relevance of the problem described almost a thousand years ago.

Material overview

Material overview

In the memoirs of a well-known church leader of the first third of the 20th century, Metropolitan Evlogy (Georgievsky), we find evidence that is very important for understanding the merits of Russian literature. Vladyka Evlogii tells how in his early youth, during the first two years of his seminary life, he was notable for not very worthy behavior and way of life. And what helped to avoid falling? Reading Russian literature. " educational value literature is enormous, - the metropolitan asserted on the basis of his own experience. - It is difficult even to take into account the measure of its beneficial influence. It increased self-knowledge, saved from rudeness, licentiousness, ugliness of actions, nourished the tendency of the youthful soul to idealism. I began to improve; study well, I have appeared moral questions, more serious interests ... my passion for literature ... set the stage for further development…” [10,3]

Additional explanations about the influence of literature on the formation of personality, perhaps, are not required.

Today we are talking about ancient Russian literature - the first stage of great Russian literature, "the beginning of the beginnings." The uniqueness of literature Ancient Rus', according to D. Likhachev. lies in the fact that its main themes are the beauty and grandeur of the Russian land and moral beauty person. Ideals were born in life, and ancient Russian literature, using mainly two colors - black and white - determined who to write about with what paint.

We love reading Russian people in the Middle Ages, i.e. in XV- XVI centuries were the Lives of the Saints. Talented Writers- authors of Lives - Epiphanius the Wise, Pakomy Lagofet, Joseph Volotsky, St. Macarius, Yermolai Erasmus.

    Yermolai Erasmus? What do we know about this author? (Message from a prepared student)

Yermolai Erasmus created amazing story about Prince Peter and his wife Fevronia - heavenly patrons newlyweds and young families. Prince of Murom and his wife Fevronia were canonized as saints on Church Council 1547. History was popular among the people mutual love Peter and Fevronia, their fidelity to each other, despite various obstacles, despite the intrigues of those around them, the Holy Spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. They carried their love for each other throughout their lives. Even died at the same time and laid in different places, miraculously ended up in the same coffin - so they were buried. Saints Peter and Fevronia accomplished the feat of Christian love, patience, humility and forgiveness. These saints rightfully include the poem by Alexei Stepanovich Khomyakov "Feat" (Reading a poem by a prepared student)

So let's turn to the text. ancient Russian literature XVI century "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

    Why is a work of ageographic (hagiographic) literature called a "story"? "Story" and not "life"? Why? (Student's story about what the genre of "life" is, why the medieval writer left pure genre hagiographic literature).

Conclusion: folk legend, which served as the source of the plot of the story, had such a strong influence on Yermolai Erasmus that he created a fascinating plot narrative, not much resembling a story about the feat of the saints for the glory of the Church.

    Compositionally, the story can be divided into two parts. Which?

(The first part is about the flying Serpent; the second is about the wise maiden who became the wife of the prince, and their family life)

    Recall the content of the first part (Student answer: brief retelling)

    What folklore motifs does the author use in the first part of the story? (Snake-werewolf, Agric sword or sword-kladinets)

    Who is the flying serpent? This is a hero fairy tales Russian people. In fairy tales, he has strength, deceit, cunning, but sometimes he is portrayed as stupid. For example, in the fairy tale "Stupid Serpent" (retelling of a small episode)

    Let's see how a medieval writer expresses his attitude to the tempting snake? What evaluative vocabulary does he use to characterize the serpent? ("Evil winged serpent", "evil breath and hiss", "villain", "evil deceiver", "treacherous serpent", "malicious blood")

And also, guys, in some other editions of the “Tale ...” (and we know how many editions of the “Tale ...” exist - 150), such an epithet “hostile” snake from the Old Slavonic word “dislike”, i.e. "devil". So, the hostile serpent is the devil himself - a symbol of evil. Peter will have to fight him. But to win, he needs Agric's sword. What is this?

    Peter is not a timid man, he will cope with the devil, the winged serpent, he knows what princely honor and dignity are. How does he come under the influence of a peasant girl? What's the matter? Is Fevronia stronger than Peter? What is the strength of the peasant woman? By answering these questions. We will come to understand the ideal old Russian woman. I remind you: this is the topic of our lesson

The second part begins with an introduction to the “wise maiden” (Staging of the episode:

    : Peter heard. That there are many doctors in the Ryazan land and ordered to be taken there - due to a serious illness, he himself could not sit on a horse. And when they brought him to the Ryazan land. Then he sent all his close associates to look for doctors. One of the princely youths wandered into a village called Laskovo. He came to the gate of a house and saw no one. And he went into the house, but no one came out to meet him. Then he entered the upper room and saw a girl, "more beautiful than red." And the girl said...

Young woman:…)

Guys, we know very well that riddles are a common verbal technique. folk art. They tested wisdom fairy tale hero. And here, for what purpose is this technique used? (To characterize the “wise maiden.” Together with the youth Prince Peter, we admire the girl’s mind, the beauty of her mysterious speech, and the depth of her thoughts)

    Fevronia knows in advance that Peter is destined for her husband. How does she know this? (She has the gift of healing and insight given to her by God)

    Fevronia sees that Peter is courageous, selfless. These are real masculine qualities. But in Fevronia's idea of ​​the ideal, these masculine qualities should be supplemented spiritual qualities: kindness, meekness, humility. This is what the “wise maiden” tells the boy of the prince

    In what act could the prince's humility be manifested? (In marriage to a simple girl, whose father is just a "tree climber", a beekeeper)

    Power, Russian Christians believed, was given to man as the highest blessing. Only a “born” sovereign could be on the throne. Marrying a low class girl ordinary life was impossible, and in the narration of Saint Blessed Peter it became a manifestation of the greatest humility. In addition, the author approaches the depiction of the human person as such, outside the class framework (this is the first time in literature) What feelings does Peter experience when he hears detailed story O unusual girl? (Surprised by her intelligence)

    Does he think of taking her as his wife? (Thinks, but considers beneath his dignity)

    What decision does he make? (Deceive the "wise maiden")

    Does Fevronia assume such an act of the prince? (Yes)

    What did the prince come up with to test the wisdom of Fevronia?

    And how does Fevronia respond? (sends a sliver, offering to make a loom out of it while she combs a bunch of linen). In this episode, the author also uses folklore motifs. "Wise Maiden" - one of the main characters folk tales. Let's all remember well famous Vasilisa I am wise. And some fairy tales are called "The Wise Maiden"

    What is she, the heroine of folk tales? (Student's message)

So, unselfish, non-greedy, mild, open, direct. The wisdom, kindness, mercy of Fevronia captivated Peter, evoked a reciprocal feeling. This marriage is indeed made in the heavens. And the author of the story says that Peter and Fevronia deserved their happiness: And they began to live piously, in no way transgressing God's commandments.

Of course, this is a love story. This is love for God, expressed in prayers, observance of rituals and commandments. But it is also love for man as a being created by God in his own image and likeness. To love a person means to love in a person his Divine likeness: "mind, and word, and wow alive."

In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, love is a gift from God. Not everyone is capable of true love. Not everyone is able to see and protect the image of God in the object of their love.

IN Western European literature Middle Ages there is a legend about the love of Tristan and Isolde. How do they understand love? And what is the difference between their understanding of love and our Peter and Fevronia?

The love of Peter and Fevronia was subjected to many trials. And the most significant episode is the intrigues of the boyars. Which ones? (Dissatisfied boyars - their wives are commanded by the daughter of a tree climber - insist on expelling Fevronia from the city)

What did Fevronia ask the boyars as the most precious thing? (Petra)

Why does the prince decide not to expel his wife, but to sacrifice power (“Power is nothing”) and leave with her princely throne. How does the author explain this? (Read the episode - an excerpt from the Gospel, cited by Erasmus). Some researchers say that Fevronia is a gifted, strong-willed nature, she is the embodiment and bearer of an active feeling of love. Prove it. Based on knowledge of the text (Peter and Fevronia in exile). In this episode, one can feel the spiritual superiority of Fevronia over Peter, and her extraordinary spiritual beauty and the gift of her love. Her faith, calmness, dignity, humility, meekness instill confidence in Peter, and he obeys her in everything.

Why does peace, tranquility and harmony reign in the soul of Fevronia? (Because her mind lives in harmony with her heart, they are a single whole. She does not deceive, does not dissemble, she lives according to the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself”)

D.S. Likhachev compares the heroine of the story with the “quiet angels” of Rublev. Where do you see this similarity?

Comparisons ("thread", "needle")

So, the character of Fevronia in the story is multifaceted. The daughter of a Ryazan peasant-dart frog is full of self-esteem, fierce pride, extraordinary strength and will. She has a sensitive, tender heart, is able to love and fight for her love with constancy and fidelity. She thinks wise riddles. Handles without fuss life's difficulties, speaks allegorically, works miracles, teaches lessons to Prince Peter.

In the gases surrounding Fevronia - "seer", possesses the gift of foresight, reveals moral and mental superiority over the prince. For the author, she is the ideal of moral wealth and spiritual beauty. Yermolai Erasmus writes about her with deep sympathy. It glorifies wisdom, fidelity in love, holiness of feelings, high moral qualities of a peasant girl. In all manifestations of her feelings, actions and deeds, peace of mind and serenity. Even at the moment when she decides to die simultaneously with her loved one, without fuss, without exclamations and groans, Fevronia interrupts her work, wrapping a needle with thread and sticking it into the air that she embroidered for the church.

So, we come to the answer: Fevronia is the ideal of an ancient Russian woman. February 14 is St. Valentine's Day, the Western European holiday of lovers. It is associated with the celebration of the beginning of spring. We have our own holiday of the beginning of spring - Maslenitsa. and there is a holiday of lovers - July 8 - Valentine's Day - the day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the day of purity of relations. captivating image Fevronia attracts the attention of writers, artists, musicians. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov created the opera “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia”, K. Vasiliev created the painting “Geese-Swans”, in which the inner integrity of the girl’s spiritual world, her crystal purity, nobility, kindness are expressed in poetic form . All this the artist managed to convey in her graceful movement. In a look directed after the flying couple of fidelity.

Homework. Essay-miniature

Option 1: “Why would the heart be upset ancient Russian man when looking at modern woman

Option 2: “What would the heart of an ancient Russian person rejoice at when looking at a modern woman?”

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Composition on the theme "Yaroslavna - the image of a Russian woman


Word about Igor's Campaign" - a wonderful monument ancient Russian culture. He conveyed to us not only a description of the events of his time, creative thinking and the worldview of our ancestors, in poetic form created images of princes, simple warriors and Russian women. Along with the depiction of brave and self-willed princes, the author of the Lay does not ignore the wives of Russian soldiers, dwelling in detail on the image of Yaroslavna, Igor's wife, one of the best in the work. Tender and devoted, selfless and faithful, Yaroslavna pours out her grief in traditional lamentation. But it sounds so soulful and dramatic! Yaroslavna does not just perform the prescribed ritual. She sincerely mourns the death of her husband's squad, Igor's wounds, regretting that she is not around, that she cannot help, although her soul is ready to fly like a bird, to relieve her beloved's suffering. I will fly, - says the cuckoo along the Danube, I will soak the silk sleeve in the Kayala River, Morning the prince of his bloody wounds on his mighty body. Rus' has already been baptized, Christianity is officially recognized. And in the lamentation of Yaroslavna, the beliefs and traditions of paganism are clearly audible. She, as to a living and omnipotent deity, turns to the sun and the wind, the mighty Dnieper - Slovutich, asking for protection for Igor and his soldiers. O wind, wind! Why, sir, are you moving forward? Why are you rushing the Khin arrows on your light porches against the warriors of my dear? .. O Dnieper Slovutich! You broke through the stone mountains through the land of Polovtsian... Cleave, sir, my dear one to me, So that I would not send tears to him early on the sea. Already in this ancient monument laid down those traditions that will later develop in our classical literature: the extraordinary selflessness of a Russian woman, her complete subordination to the interests of her husband - a warrior, defender of the motherland, and boundless faith in the rightness of his cause. Bright and thrice bright sun! You are warm and beautiful to everyone: Why, lord, did you extend your hot rays on the warriors of my fret? In a waterless field with thirst twisted bows, grief shut up their quivers? Yaroslavna is an equivalent image along with other heroes of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Much later, “Domostroy” will appear, which will outline the circle of a woman family problems, will make her in the Middle Ages a wordless "slave of her husband." And again, women will have to “conquer” that special position girlfriend, keeper of the hearth, which she rightfully occupied in antiquity. The image of Yaroslavna will manifest itself and be supplemented with features and virtues, acquire new life in the heroines of Pushkin and Nekrasov, Turgenev and Tolstoy, but the beginning was laid in the Lay, and this is very important and valuable. Far away in Putivl, on the visor Only the dawn breaks in the morning, Yaroslavna, full of sadness, Like a cuckoo, calls to Yura...

In the great monument of ancient Russian literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" there is an undoubted connection with folk traditions. The very idea of ​​the work is folk; nationality is manifested both in the description of events, and in language, and in artistic manner the author, as well as in the images that he creates. One of these folk images Igor's young wife, Yaroslavna, appears in the poem.

Yaroslavna is a typical Russian woman. This image is very important place V ideological concept poems. He is fanned by the thought of the world, family, home, imbued with tenderness and affection, bright popular beginning. The image of Yaroslavna and other women expresses the sadness and concern of the motherland, the people for their soldiers. They contain the idea of ​​creation, which opposes troubles and Destruction, the idea of ​​opposing war and peace. The wives of Russian soldiers mourn their husbands who fell on the battlefield. And their cry, full of tenderness and sadness, is deeply folk.

The character of the heroine is most clearly revealed in the famous lament of Yaroslavna. The author, as it were, quotes the lamentation of a Russian woman pitying not only her husband, but also his soldiers:

O wind, wind!

Why are you rushing Khin's arrows

On your porches

On the warriors of my dear? ..

Bright and thrice bright sun! ..

Why, lord, did you stretch out your hot rays

On warriors of my kind?

In the waterless field, thirst twisted their bows,

Were they shut up their quivers?

She also remembers glorious campaign Svyatoslav against, which the Russian people can rightly be proud of. In her weeping - sentencing, folk tunes are heard. The author did not accidentally choose such a style of presentation - the style of folk lyrical songs. He most accurately reveals the image of the heroine as a representative of her people. It is precisely such words and expressions that lament is filled with that were used in oral folk art - in songs, laments, parables. Appeals and images that the author uses are present in all folk art that time. From the very beginning, crying is built exclusively on folklore images - Yaroslavna, for example, strives, like heroines folk tales, "to fly like a cuckoo on the Danube." For ancient parables and songs, such a transformation into birds or animals was very characteristic.

Yaroslavna turns to nature: to the wind blowing under the clouds, cherishing the ships on the blue sea; to the Dnieper, which broke through the stone mountains and cherished Svyatoslav's embankments; to the sun, which is beautiful for everyone, and in the steppe with waterless thirst and languor twisted the Russian soldiers. All these images contain a characteristic of the great and immense Rus'. These appeals clearly reflect inseparable bond heroines with all the Russian people. It is at native nature she seeks sympathy and help:

Oh Dnepr Slovutich!

Pour, sir, my dear to me,

So that I do not send him tears

At sea early.

The peculiarity of Yaroslavna's monologue lies also in the fact that it reveals inner world Yaroslavna. With the mighty forces of nature, she is on an equal footing. She shows courage, wanting to be near her husband in danger, as well as mercy: with her presence, she wants to alleviate the suffering of the wounded Igor.

In the voice of Yaroslavna, not only suffering and sadness are heard. Every word of her cry is filled with tenderness and love. gentle lyric words it carries reconciliation to feelings, softens the bitterness of loss and defeat. She deeply mourns for the army, but her grief is bright, full of hope. Together with her, all Russian women, all the Russian people hope and believe in a happy outcome of events. And these hopes are justified - Igor escapes from captivity. He is helped by all the same nature, to which the heroine addressed with a prayer.

Thus, in Yaroslavl, the author embodied typical features people, he created a type of Russian woman devoted to her husband and home country. And, besides, this image became the embodiment of the sorrows and joys of the Russian people, their hopes. Through him, as well as through other characters, the poet conveys the main idea of ​​his work - a call for unity in the name of happiness and peace throughout Rus'.

Composition The Word about Igor's Campaign - "The Word about Igor's Campaign"

Theme of the composition: - Yaroslavna - continuation folk traditions in the image (2)

I will fly, - he says, - like a cuckoo along the Danube.

I will soak a silk sleeve in the Kayala river,

Otru to the prince his bloody wounds on his mighty body.

In the history of Russian literature, many interesting female images who embodied the ideal of a Russian woman. The most striking of them is the image of Yaroslavna, the wife of Prince Igor, in the Old Russian story "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

The image of Yaroslavna is built on the best folklore traditions. The monologue of the wife of the courageous Prince Igor occupies only a page and is a cry - a lament, but its significance for the whole story is great. We see the love, tenderness, loyalty of a Russian woman who helped the brave warriors to endure in their feats of arms. After all, the combatants knew that they were eagerly awaited at home and they certainly needed to return.

The author of the Lay compares Yaroslavna with a cuckoo, because it was this bird that was popularly a symbol of a lonely grieving woman. As in many folk works, we can observe the heroines to various phenomena

Nature: wind, Dnieper, sun. Even in the days of paganism, the Slavs prayed to these natural phenomena, believing in their omnipotence.

An interesting fact is that Yaroslavna is worried not only by the thought of wounding Igor, but also by his soldiers. This once again confirms that this woman is a true princess, for whom the fate of the state is important:

Why, my lord, did you extend your hot rays

On the warriors frets;

In a waterless field with thirst he bent his bows ...

Unfortunately, the lot of many wives, mothers, sisters of that time was a long wait for their soldiers. But all the combatants were returning from campaigns, and mournful lamentation spread throughout the Russian land. Perhaps that is why Russian folklore is dominated by tragic motifs in the depiction of female characters.

What could be better than love and loyalty? Nothing. Therefore, from the image of Yaroslavna from the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" breathes inner beauty which surprises us with its integrity and depth. This woman combined a great feeling for her beloved with great love for native land. And it seems that Yaroslavna is the whole Russian land, which is crying for her sons. Somewhere on the Danube, as if “and a complaining seagull,” Yaroslavna groans, waiting for her husband.

And her husband is Grand Duke Igor, who was captured by the Polovtsy. How hard it is for this unfortunate woman who does not even know if her husband is alive! And tears of pain, despair, dreary tears flow Great love. Yaroslavna is crying, and in her weeping you can hear the voices of all the women whose husbands laid down their lives in a foreign land or were captured. The cry of Yaroslavna in Putivl is not just a wife's appeal to her husband, it is the personified Rus', which calls its defenders to itself. And she mourns Igor not only as a husband, but also as a defender of the Motherland, who was defeated in the battle with enemies.

She appeals to the three forces of nature. Yaroslavna reproaches the wind for blowing Khin’s arrows at her husband’s soldiers (during the battle, the wind blew from the side of the Polovtsy): “Why are you throwing Khin’s arrows at the soldiers of my people?” At the Dnieper-Slavuta, she asks to cherish her husband on her waves. In the sun, Yaroslavna complains about the thirst of the Russian soldiers during the battle in the waterless steppe. Yaroslavna cries to appease nature, so that she hears that groan that goes through all Russian lands. This faithful patriotic woman cannot tolerate the injustice that comes from the Polovtsian invaders. And her cry, her immortal words are both female longing and an accusation of the forces of nature, which, instead of helping the Russian soldiers, tried to destroy them.

The author of The Lay created an immortal image of a Russian woman with such poetic power that the small Lament of Yaroslavna became a masterpiece of world literature. There are so many poetic feelings in crying, so many active love and sincere devotion, so much is contained in appeals to the wind, the Dnieper-Slavuta, to the sun of living hints about the real situation of the soldiers during the difficult battle and after it, that even the forces of nature did not remain indifferent! Yaroslavna is the image of an ideal Russian woman, a patriotic woman, he still lives in our hearts. Lives as a reminder of great love, loyalty, love for the native land. Yaroslavna is a symbol of the Russian land, which yearns for its defenders, and her cry is not only a poetic creation, but also a real conversation. I believe that for many, many years she will be a model of loyalty and love for future generations.

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