Real name of Vasilisa from Let's Get Married. Famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina

In today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with a fairly popular TV presenter, astrologer and psychologist. We will talk about Vasilisa Volodina. It is worth noting that Vasilisa’s name is not her real name, but only a pseudonym. According to the astrologer herself, this name suits her best because of her horoscope. There are many rumors around her name and from various sources you can hear absolutely different names. But more reliable sources claim that her real name is Oksana.

The maiden name of this wonderful woman is Naumova, and she took the surname Volodin when she got married. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and cover all aspects in order. life path Vasilisa Volodina.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Our today's heroine is quite a famous person and, of course, she has her own audience of fans. Due to its incredible appearance her fans certainly want to know the answers to questions such as height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina is also a popular question in certain circles.

So, the astropsychologist’s height is 170 centimeters, with a weight of 56 kilograms. Vasilisa Volodina, at 44 years old, has just such excellent physical characteristics. Photos in youth and now without special effort can be found in the public domain. Although it is very difficult to judge objectively, because even at her current age, it is difficult to say anything about the changes in her appearance, she still looks simply dazzling.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

On the sixteenth day of the spring month of April, in 1974, our heroine was born. This happened in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, and it was then that the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began. The girl’s father was a military man, but media workers do not have more information regarding her parents.

Along with school education, Vasilisa simultaneously received musical education. At school and beyond, she was very an exemplary child, and from the age of seven she began helping her mother with housework. The parents, in turn, tried to instill in the girl tall moral principles, and also set a strict pace of life.

While studying at school, the future celebrity first learned about all kinds of paranormal activity UFO. This became the defining moment in her life. And in the evenings, she peered at the stars through her father’s military binoculars, but never discovered a single unidentified flying object. However, she began to navigate the starry sky very well and decided to read several astrological books. A few years later, a book on palmistry fell into her hands, thanks to which she read on her palm that glory awaited her.

Having completed her schooling with honors, Vasilisa decides to enter the Academy of Management to become a cybernetics economist. The girl studied at the university with maximum diligence, but did not receive satisfaction from the path she had traveled. The desired came at the moment when Vasilisa was undergoing parallel training at the capital’s Academy of Astrology.

At the age of twenty, Volodina began giving the first astrological consultations in her life, and after that she began to give forecasts that were directly related to business.

Fame began to come to Vasilisa at the beginning of the 2000s. Her forecasts gave a high percentage of accuracy, and of course the entire metropolitan elite turned their attention to Volodina. And with the advent of 2006, she was invited to television as the host of the program “ Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina." This went on for two years, and the next offer came from the first all-Russian television channel. Vasilisa was invited to the “Let's Get Married” program as an expert astrologer.

Thanks to this television program, the astropsychologist became a well-known personality whom almost everyone knew. Then Vasilisa had an audience of fans. After several years of working on television, Volodina went to maternity leave. The triumphant return took place shortly after the birth of the child, and only at the numerous requests of television viewers and fans.

In addition to her activities as an astrologer and TV presenter, Vasilisa Volodina has established herself as a writer. She became the author of a book called "The Astrology of Seduction." In this book, Volodina gives advice female about how to please the opposite sex, as well as what exactly men desire.

After this, in 2015, the astropsychologist published a whole series of books regarding love astrological forecasts for each sign of the Zodiac calendar. The information that Vasilisa shared was presented in the best possible way and concerned the same 2015.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Personal life Vasilisa Volodina is not full of hot intrigues and whirlwind romances, as is the case with most celebrities. However, even taking this fact into account, her personal life remains quite interesting and entertaining. And it all started in the nineties of the last century.

Vasilisa was asked to draw up astrological forecast for one person. This man was hers future husband named Sergei. While making this very forecast, she saw that their compatibility was one hundred percent and was extremely surprised. Some time passed, Vasilisa had already forgotten about it, but fate decided to bring them together. After their acquaintance there were very strong feelings, thanks to which they are together to this day, very happy and raising two beautiful children.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

As noted earlier, the family in which the astropsychologist grew up had rather strict morals and strict discipline. From the very early years she was accustomed to work and order, for which it is worth thanking military service her father.

Vasilisa Volodina’s own family started in 2001, when she and her common-law husband decided to get married. Another decision for the couple was to abandon lavish wedding celebrations. They were prompted to get married by the news that the couple would soon become parents. This is how Vasilisa’s own family was created.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina's children are happy interesting topic. It’s worth noting right away that the woman herself was ready for their appearance, having calculated in advance when they would be born. The first child of the famous astropsychologist was born in 2001, and the second, Vyacheslav, fourteen years later.

For the public, the news about Vasilisa’s second pregnancy came as a real surprise, because by that time she had reached her fourth decade own life. However, the astrologer herself was not at all afraid of her pregnancy and was confident that everything would be fine. This is, in fact, what happened, because she made an astrological forecast in advance, which was focused on the health of the unborn child.

Son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

Vasilisa Volodina’s son, Vyacheslav, became the second child in the family. On this moment he is three years old. The married couple was preparing for his arrival in the family, they planned his birth into this world. By the way, Vasilisa’s husband, Sergei, expressed a desire to be present at the birth. And on the part of Victoria, the first child, there was no jealousy; on the contrary, she helped her mother in every possible way during pregnancy and prepared for the appearance of her younger brother.

As mentioned earlier, Vyacheslav is 3 years old and she is growing up in a very friendly and immensely happy family, and his mother tries to spend as much time as possible with him and his older sister. Many questions have been asked why married couple decided to take a somewhat dangerous step - to give birth to a child when the astrologer turned 40 years old. Vasilisa gave a clear and precise answer; she and her husband were waiting for the most opportune moment to give birth to a baby.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The TV presenter's first child was a girl. The daughter of Vasilisa Volodina, Victoria, was fully born healthy child, despite the rather difficult period of her mother's pregnancy. This was directly related to Vasilisa’s health problems. At this point in time, Victoria is already seventeen years old. Schooling The girl is very attracted, in particular, to the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics.

In addition, Victoria is studying English in such depth that she attends courses in the UK. Regarding her future, the girl dreams of opening her own business in her homeland, related to jewelry and accessories of a similar nature.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – Sergei Volodin

Our today's heroine met her future husband at one of the parties with mutual friends. Even before the meeting, the astropsychologist knew a lot about this man, thanks to the forecast compiled for him. Vasilisa’s surprise knew no bounds, because they were perfect for each other. The couple did not immediately decide to officially marry, and for seven years they lived in perfect harmony, in civil marriage.

Sergei and Vasilisa decided to legalize their relationship after the TV presenter found out that she was pregnant. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei Volodin, worked in the logistics industry and achieved good luck. However, when his wife began to gain popularity, the couple decided to work together, and Sergei became her director. After all, in addition to television filming, Vasilisa works as an astrologer, and those who want to get a forecast from such famous person more than enough. Sergei helps his wife with calls and schedules.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

The TV presenter has her own family and children, and the topic of explicit photo shoots, affairs and other obscenities is very far from her. Not only are there no magazine covers or photographs showing naked Vasilisa Volodina, but in addition to this, the press has never noticed the TV presenter in an indecent manner.

Undoubtedly, the astrologer is very attractive at forty-four years old. And of course, some part of the audience that is not indifferent to Vasilisa’s external data wants to see her in a similar role, but this is unlikely to happen. Volodina is happy in her marriage, and it is unlikely that she needs something like that.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

On the World Wide Web you can easily find things like Vasilisa Volodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia. The TV presenter is a very popular person, which means she undoubtedly has Official page in the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. All of Vasilisa’s biographical information is there.

By the way, the page on social media. She also has it on the Instagram service. And her Instagram is very popular, in fact, like Vasilisa herself. The TV presenter quite often shares fresh photos materials from places of leisure or work process. In addition, the astropsychologist has an official page on social network“Vkontakte”, where she is happy to share her astrological forecasts famous personalities and more. Article found on alabanza

In the show “Let's Get Married!” three co-hosts. Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova help the heroes in search of personal happiness, relying on life experience and intuition. And Vasilisa Volodina is guided by astrology and believes that everything is predetermined for us from birth...

“Virgos make excellent husbands”

Vasilisa, how did you come to the profession of astrologer?

– As a schoolgirl, I read the first books on astrology, from where I learned that by studying the stars, you can look into the future. Since then, this thought has haunted me. I learned palmistry from books. After graduating from school with a gold medal, she easily entered the Faculty of Economics and at the same time went to study at the Academy of Astrology. Having received two diplomas, an economist and an astrologer, I decided to pursue business astrology. There are few such specialists - we and our clients - company owners, analysts, brokers, politicians - speak the same language. I am interested in forecasting the life of enterprises. We can say that astrology is insurance for business, which makes it possible to understand when and where money should not be invested and vice versa. And my services are not cheap - about a thousand euros for a few hours.

How did you end up in the “Let’s Get Married!” program? There is no business astrology there, everything is only about personal things...

– I have been in private practice for many years, writing articles. Before the program “Let's get married!” I already had my own television project on the “Capital” channel, which was called “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.” And then one day I got a call from Ostankino. They said it was starting new project, asked to come. At the interview, I explained how I understand compatibility in human relations. And very soon she became the host of the “Let’s Get Married!” program. as an astrologer.

What is your role on the show?

– My function as an expert is to help people understand themselves more deeply, to suggest which of the candidates will really suit them. IN ordinary life a person is guided by emotions and makes choices without thinking about how he will build a relationship with this person. For example, someone liked a blonde with busty, and it already seems to him that she is the woman with whom he can connect his life. My job is to correct them and let people understand that what glitters is not always gold.

Did you choose your future husband using astrology?

- Yes, Sergei and I just mystical story acquaintance! It so happened that I studied his fate before we met. Once a friend approached me and asked me to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. I complied with his request and noted to myself: “I have amazing compatibility with this stranger.” A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday. In the courtyard of his house I ran into handsome guy. Then, for the first time in my life, the thought flashed through my mind: “But this is the kind of guy I would marry...” This young man and I entered the entrance, then in the elevator we found out that we needed one floor... In short, we showed up at my friend’s apartment together . This is where he introduced us. He said: “And this is the same Volodin.” And I immediately had the feeling that I knew everything about this man! From that evening we left together and since then we have not parted for 16 years. And over all these years, Sergei did not give me a single reason to doubt the correctness of my choice. I won’t lie, when we started living together, we had a period of getting used to it. I'm in my twenties small years old The girl was impudent, nervous about little things, and could say something harsh. And Sergei put up with all my antics with some kind of incredible calm. Maybe because his zodiac sign is Virgo. And from the Virgos they come out great husbands!

“I want to make lonely people happy”

How do you manage to do everything: run a program, practice business astrology, write books?

– My husband helps me a lot. Two years ago, my participation in the “Let's Get Married!” program. seriously changed our lives. I had absolutely no time left for my beloved family, and more than anything I didn’t want to be a “TV mom” for my daughter. And then Sergei quit his job, although by that time he had made a good career in the field of logistics, and became my director. Now he is completely responsible for planning my working time, and I am very grateful to him for that! Not every man will decide to sacrifice his personal interests for the sake of his wife’s career. Now I can devote more time to my daughter - Vika and I talk about a variety of topics that concern her, I’m glad that she has no secrets from me. Our family lives according to the musketeer principle: one for all and all for one. And last year we finally bought a large apartment, and now we are busy with problems related to renovations... I hope that by the fall we will celebrate our housewarming!

Did horoscopes also help you when choosing an apartment?

– We even buy household appliances only with the help of astrology, let alone such a vital issue as new flat. We even go on vacation after studying the horoscope. This is a whole epic: I make sure that all three have a good day both on the way there and back. I’m checking how our stay on site might turn out. One day, we were going to the Maldives, and by all indicators it turned out that for Vika’s daughter this was a period of increased trauma. But we wanted to relax so much that we decided to fly contrary to my forecast. On the second or third day, dad decided to take his daughter for a bike ride. I put her on the trunk, and... she got her foot into the wheel. Yes, it’s so unfortunate that Seryozha, together with someone from service personnel was forced to unclench the spokes and metal rim of the bicycle wheel. During the remaining ten days of his vacation, Seryozha carried his daughter in his arms; she underwent very painful dressings. Seeing how Vika was suffering, I took Valocordin, and once I even fainted... This is how our vacation turned out. Then, looking at our dejected faces in the photographs, friends asked: “Why are you so sad in the Maldives?”

What advice would you give to people who want to get married?

– I am sure that, knowing a person’s date of birth, you can clearly understand what to expect from him. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed! Now I’m just writing a book about the psychological types of men and women. I really want to make lonely people happy and help them sort out potential partners. In principle, a woman can get along with any man if she understands what kind of man he is. psychological type he is searching and will play his role well. Only a woman needs to understand whether she is ready to play this role all her life...

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina has always been graceful and fragile. Although she gave birth to two children, one of whom was born just two years ago, one can only envy her curves. That is why fans of the TV presenter often ask what her weight, height, and age are. How old is Vasilisa Volodina - an equally popular question on the Internet, because she looks stunning.

So, Vasilisa Volodina is 43 years old. She weighs 56 kg and is 170 cm tall. Many people are interested in the secret of the country's famous astrologer, everything turned out to be very simple. Vasilisa is practically not inclined to be overweight, which means she sometimes takes liberties without harming her figure. Of course, the main thing is to know moderation in everything. In maintaining harmony, the astrologer naturally has star calculations and customs that she keeps secret.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina (TV presenter, astrologer)

Vasilisa grew up in a military family, which means she learned the rigor of her upbringing, and was also instilled in order and hard work.

Vasilisa simultaneously went to receive secondary and music education. She was also a regular at various clubs. It was strict upbringing that became the impetus for a successful future and good performance.

TO future profession Vasilisa began to show interest back in school years. During this period, television first started talking about unidentified flying objects, which the girl looked for in the sky from the balcony, looking through binoculars. She didn’t see any UFO, but she looked very carefully at the stars and their location. At that moment, the girl became seriously interested in astrology, having read several books.

At the age of 14, Vasilisa became interested in the literature on palmistry and read from her palm about a famous life.

Vasilisa receives secondary education, then receives a diploma of higher economic education in Moscow. But the girl was not attracted to the profession, so she decides to enter the Moscow Academy of Astrology. From that moment on, Vasilisa Volodina’s biography began to be filled with more and more striking events, both personal and professional.

The first clients of the astrologer Vasilisa were her classmates. Having received special education and skills, the girl made predictions not only for students, but also for more influential and wealthy people. Her work became in demand due to the high percentage of predictions that came true. Thanks to her high professionalism, Vasilisa acquired useful contacts and began to gain popularity among the capital's elite.

Officially, Vasilisa began working as a psychoatrologist in the early 90s. More and more people are turning to her influential people, stars, other big shots. To get to the famous astrologer in Moscow, you had to wait in a long line.

Since 2006, Vasilisa began working as a TV presenter of the program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” on one of the domestic channels.

Already in 2008, the popular astrologer was invited to work for one of the leading channels in Russia, the TV presenter of the “Let’s Get Married” program. Her task is to tell how much the stars will favor this or that couple on the program. Together with Vasilisa, the program is hosted by Roza Syabitova and Larisa Guzeeva. It becomes a very popular TV show, increasing Volodina’s fans and making her the idol of many fellow citizens.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

The personal life of Vasilisa Volodina is quite interesting, but not as diverse as that of many famous ones. Russian celebrities. In the 90s, an individual astrological forecast was ordered from Vasilisa for one man. Later, Vasilisa was very surprised at how suitable the person for whom she made a forecast was. According to Volodina, their compatibility was ideal.

Sergei Volodin and Vasilisa did not immediately become a couple, but only after some time. The meeting happened completely by chance, at a party of mutual friends Sergei and Vasilisa. After marriage, the girl took creative pseudonym and husband's last name.

The relationship was gaining momentum, but there was still no marriage, only after Sergei and Vasilisa had their first child - they tied the knot. When the couple met, Sergei worked as a logistician, and on time career growth wife, decided to quit his job and help his wife. Two years ago, the couple had another child. Vasilisa is happy, and she thanks the stars and her skills for this.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

Daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav are the children of Vasilisa Volodina and her husband. Vika was born in 2001, and Slava in 2015. The astrologer was ready for the appearance of her children, because she calculated their birth dates in advance.

Many were surprised by the news that Volodina was pregnant with her second child, because at that time she was 40. But the astrologer herself was not at all scared, but on the contrary. Both husband and eldest daughter Vika wanted a replenishment. Although Vasilisa focused more on her state of health and what the stars were talking about. She admitted that women who want to have successful or talented children, children of a certain gender, often turn to her for help. Vasilisa was always surprised by this, because many expectant mothers forget about the most important thing - the health of the baby. How successful a child will be depends on genetics and upbringing.

Son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

The second child, the son of Vasilisa Volodina, is Vyacheslav, who was born in 2015. It was an expected child, planned. The family prepared in advance for the birth of the baby. The husband expressed a desire to be present at the birth of the child, and the daughter helped her mother in every possible way, as she was happy in anticipation of the appearance of her brother. Today Slava is 2 years old, he is growing up in a happy and friendly family. Vasilisa tries to give everything free time children, although it is quite small. Many are surprised why the couple wanted a second child so late, but Vasilisa herself admitted that they were waiting for the most opportune moment.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The couple’s first child is Vasilisa Volodina’s daughter, Victoria. The popular astrologer admitted that the pregnancy was difficult due to health problems. Today her daughter is already 16, she is finishing school. The girl studies in depth English language, and goes to the UK for courses. But Vika plans to work and live in her homeland, and not abroad. Daughter famous TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina loves studying at school, especially, she is attracted to the exact sciences (mathematics).

As for her future profession, Victoria would like to have her own business, selling watches or jewelry. In any case, as Vasilisa’s daughter said in an interview, she counts on the help and support of her parents.

Vika also has a hobby: she loves to study English, in which she already speaks fluently, and also plays basketball. The girl trains three times a week. She really likes this sport.

Vicky's friends often ask her mother to make an astrological forecast, some of them still managed to get it. As for the fans, they certainly exist, but so far they don’t really care about Victoria. The girl is not going to get married early, dreaming of building a career and earning money for a comfortable future.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – Sergei Volodin

Sergei and Vasilisa met each other at a party with mutual friends. But Vasilisa literally learned this man even before they met, thanks to the individual astronomical forecast that one acquaintance had previously asked her to make. Then, Vasilisa was surprised, because they suited each other 100%, as the stars said. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for 7 years, and when Vasilisa became pregnant, they decided to legalize the relationship, but without magnificent celebrations.

The couple have been married for more than 16 years (officially), and together since 1995. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei Volodin, worked in the field of logistics, and very successfully. But, when his wife began to gain more and more popularity, he decided to become her director, helping both at home and with work matters. After all, in addition to filming on television, Vasilisa still continues to provide the services of an astrologer and there are many who want it. Sergei monitors her schedule and helps with phone calls. It is obvious to the naked eye that the couple is happily married.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

Popular TV presenter and astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is very attractive woman, who always takes care of her figure and beauty. She is already 43, but there are no fewer requests on the “Naked Vasilisa Volodina” network. The strange thing is that Vasilisa was not seen not only in candid photo shoots, but also in indecent appearance. Her outfits are always feminine and elegant, her makeup is always on theme and in moderation. Yes, she is a public figure, blonde, graceful and beautiful, but she did not give reasons for dirty rumors. The woman has two children, a husband and a profession that is far from dirty intrigues and indecency. Perhaps someone's wild imagination caused controversial comments online that quickly became popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

The popularity of astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is off the charts, and the further it goes, the more so. Her busy schedule does not allow her to relax. Along with other famous celebrities of the domestic show business, Vasilisa Volodina’s Instagram and Wikipedia are also online.

She has more than 300 thousand subscribers on the Instagram social network. Vasilisa talked about how many of her acquaintances only call her friends, but in reality they are just freeloaders who dream of getting free consultation leading Russian astrologer. Vasilisa works for a fee, which is also reported on Instagram. There's a lot about her interesting information, many articles about her personal life, children. She often shares recent photos from work and more. In addition to the usual biographical information, there is other information that is not very pleasant (nude photos, etc.).

The Volodin family is happy, as if they just got married yesterday. Respect, hard work, and honesty reign in their family. The astrologer connects the fact that they found each other with the stars. Vasilisa Volodina is also involved in charity work. Mom doesn’t forget about her children – Vika and Slavka. Today the couple are raising two wonderful children.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina (nee Oksana Naumova). Born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. Russian astrologer, astropsychologist and TV presenter.

Volodina is her husband's surname, Vasilisa is a pseudonym. The passport contains the maiden name.

Interest in esotericism in the biography of Vasilisa Volodina arose in adolescence. From the age of 14, I became interested in card fortune-telling, as well as determining fate based on the lines of the palm (palm reading). Along with this activity, astrological experience came to Vasilisa Volodina’s biography.

She graduated from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management and is a cybernetic economist by training. She defended her thesis on the topic “Forecasting futures in the grain market.” At the same time, she studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology with M. B. Levin.

Since 1992 he has been working as an astrologer. Conducts personal and business consulting, makes forecasts (for the press, television).

She became one of the highest paid financial astrologers in Moscow. “A large detailed consultation with a forecast for several years ahead costs from $2,000. This is serious work that people can afford wealthy people. And serious ones - their mistakes will cost them more than a consultation with an astrologer.", says Vasilisa.

Since 2006, Volodina began working on television, in the “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” program on the “Capital” TV channel.

Since 2008, she has taken part in the “Let's Get Married!” program. on Channel One as an expert and co-host and.

In October 2014, she left the project during her pregnancy.

In 2012, Vasilisa Volodina published a book "Astrology of seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relationships", which became the winner of the “Electronic Letter” award in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination.

Vasilisa Volodina in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Regarding astrology and the function of an astrologer, Vasilisa says: “The location of the planets in the sky does not directly affect a person, we are not puppets for someone to pull our strings. A person’s horoscope describes - it is such a convenient system of characteristics, a certain mechanism that shows how a person is structurally structured, what motives drive him, what they are pushing him towards and in which direction he is most likely to develop.

Let's say you are used to having lunch every day at three o'clock. And just like the clock ticked by, you go to the dining room. The clock is not to blame for this, it is not they that drive you to the refrigerator, it is not they that cause the secretion of gastric juice. But the clock shows you that the desire to eat is justified. A watch is a mechanism that helps you navigate. Horoscope - the same clock. Imagine these big clock- with a double dial, 10 hands, and 24 sectors on each dial. This is approximately how a horoscope works.

Astrology is like financial analytics- when we understand that there is a yearly cycle, then stocks will take off... Only astrology is not a calendar, where you can look whenever you want.

An astrologer is a mathematician who studies individual human cycles. The horoscope does not affect us physically, it is a kind of tool, a set of cyclic methods that allows the astrologer to explore the cycles in a person’s life.".

Vasilisa Volodina's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina:

Married to Sergei Volodin. The husband worked in the field of logistics, later became the director of Vasilisa Volodina, and is involved in planning her working hours.

According to Vasilisa, astrology helped her meet Sergei.

She said: “Sergei and I just have a mystical story of meeting. It so happened that I studied his horoscope before we met. Once a friend turned to me and asked me to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. I fulfilled his request and, I remember I noted to myself: “I have amazing compatibility with this stranger.” A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday party. thought: “But I would marry someone like that...”.” And so it happened.

The future celebrity was born into a military family in Odintsovo, near Moscow. The girl's parents raised her strictly, taught her to be diligent, and instilled in her systematic thinking.

Little Oksana Naumova, which is what Vasilisa is still called according to her passport, grew up as a calm and thoughtful girl. Having completed all her household chores and completed her homework, she watched for a long time starry sky and wondered what secrets it might hide.

When she was 14, little Vasilisa got her first book about astrology. Before that, she, along with other girls, was fond of children's fun - card fortune telling. Now the world of the unknown began to interest her even more, and her mathematical mindset suggested that there was some kind of system in predictions that could be studied.

After school, the girl, who did not know that there were special universities studying astrology, went to study in her other calling - to the Academy of Management, majoring in economics and mathematics.

Vasilisa was studying futures in one of the industries Agriculture. But even in her junior year, she was so fascinated by esotericism that, in parallel with her university, she entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology. This is what inspired her and forced her to study more and more deeply mysterious world stars and constellations.

Fate brought together

A post shared by (@vasilisa.volodina) on Jun 20, 2016 at 3:55am PDT

While still studying at the institute, Vasilisa began to seriously study astrology. In particular, there was quite accurate horoscopes- love, financial... literally predicted fate.

The rumor that this woman’s “predictions” were coming true quickly spread throughout Moscow. The secular capital became interested in her, and businessmen began to contact her. But friends, of course, stopped by to find out how their lives would turn out.

One such acquaintance brought his friend’s data and asked him to make a forecast. Working on natal chart a certain Seryozha Volodin, Vasilisa was amazed at how similar their horoscopes were, how they intersected and looked harmonious together. It never occurred to her then that fate would bring her and Sergei together very soon.

She says it was real love at first sight. Passion immediately flared up between the young people. It was clear that this relationship would definitely develop into real, sincere affection. Therefore, it is not surprising that, despite her young age - Vasilisa was only 20, the couple soon got married.


They enjoyed each other's company for a long time, until Vasilisa herself predicted pregnancy at the age of 27. And so it happened. At that time, the couple had already lived together for seven years, got used to it and was mature enough to have a child. Therefore, the Volodins’ pregnancy did not frighten them.

Now Vasilisa says that if she had approached the birth of her first child using astrology, she would have done it a little differently: the pregnancy itself was difficult. And the astrologer is sure that when the right approach this could have been avoided.

Daughter Victoria was born healthy, but it took so much effort for her mother to bear her! Now the girl is going through adolescence. Vasilisa understands that the family has entered a difficult period for the eldest child and is trying in every possible way to support her daughter.

Seeing that the girl was withdrawn, her mother even made a special astrological forecast, which showed how Vika’s life would develop further. “Believe me,” says Vasilisa, “If you know exactly when your child will stop “sausage”, you will experience it much calmer.”


The first child was raised by his father, a logistician, and his mother, an astrologer. But after Vasilisa got on Channel One, she gained fame and popular love, in her already busy schedule There is no time left for my husband. The couple sat down to think about how to find time for the two of them. And Sergei gave in.

The husband quit his job, where he had a good income and full professional fulfillment, and became the director of his star wife. Now he manages all her contacts, schedule, controls the amount of work, conducts financial and tax affairs.

But having become employees, the husband and wife did not lose their romance and passion, and in order to tie their marriage even stronger, they decided to have a second child.

In one of the interviews, Vasilisa says that a woman should give birth to as many children as she can support alone. This does not mean that she is going to divorce her Seryozha, but she asks all her fans not to forget that anything can happen.

Vasilisa shares that she is absolutely not ready to be a mother of many children, because she wants to give so much to her baby! At the same time, she and her husband always wanted a second child, but in order to decide on pregnancy, this time they carefully studied the stars.
