Angel Hru: heavenly patron of Tarot cards. Mandala of love: rules for creation and activation Fortune telling mandala of love

Tarot mandalas - the geometry of secrets and riddles. When we order a Tarot reading, our main goal at this moment is the opportunity to look into the future. And what a shame when it is not revealed to us the way we want it to be. You can adjust the perspective of your life in several ways:

  • change character (it would be so easy);
  • change your plans;
  • use special rituals or signs.

It is as a last method that Tarot mandalas are used, which have become the embodiment of white magic in the form of a geometric figure with esoteric content.

Mandala Tarot as weaving a web of happiness

Fortune telling about relationships, like other requests, can already cause slight disappointment at the interpretation stage. After all, we don’t always hear what we would like. And it is precisely in this case that the created Tarot mandala can help.

The arcana in these cards are considered the strongest symbols. With their help, you can not only predict the intensity of events, but also attract pleasant events into your life. Esotericists explain this phenomenon not only by subtle energies, but also by the launch of special mechanisms in the brain. At a subtle level, the strongest energy of all those who read tarot cards is formed by the egregor - the most powerful astral clot. When a person begins to contemplate the Tarot mandala, 2 types of mechanisms are launched - biological and energetic. The first is characterized by the formation of neural connections between the symbol and the expected event. Nerve cells transmit corresponding impulses to the body and it begins to unconsciously look for ways to bring what it wants to life. At the energy level, a channel opens between the most powerful flow of egregor and the fate of the client. But the effect will only be when the desired event, having come to life, does not bring harm to anyone.

Classification of Tarot mandala

There are 2 types of Tarot mandala - static and dynamic. The first is in the form of an image, and the second is a kaleidoscopic video. They can be combined by hanging the picture in a prominent place and periodically watching the magic video.

When formulating a request, the master selects the cards from which this magical figure will be composed. For greater effect, it is better to choose favorable cards from the fortune-telling layout. This way there will be no interference in fate, but only pleasant events will speed up or increase in intensity.

You can order Tarot mandalas from the master of the Provided magic center not only for yourself, but also for a loved one. Such a gift will become an aesthetic decoration of the interior with a deep energetic message to its owner.


Those who are interested in esotericism have probably heard of such a concept as a “mandala”. This word usually refers to a magical drawing made from certain geometric shapes, usually strictly symmetrical in outline. It is used for meditation and changing reality. But few people know that there is also a special Tarot mandala. We will now talk about what this is.

What is a Tarot mandala?

If an ordinary mandala for meditation consists of geometric figures of different colors, then it is not difficult to guess that a Tarot mandala is a magical drawing in which Tarot cards are used instead of geometric figures. Sometimes it is just one card, repeated in the pattern many times, and sometimes it is a whole set of Arcana. There are mandalas for which two decks are used at once.

But the main elements of the Tarot mandala are square, triangle, circle, i.e. strict geometric shapes.

Working with mandalas occurs as follows: a person relaxes as much as possible, enters a state similar to meditation and begins to peer closely at the mandala drawing, concentrating on the colors, figures and other elements of the magical picture. Through this exercise, he interacts with the energy contained in the drawing, and it begins to influence his life. Regular practice with a mandala based on tarot cards can attract the desired changes.

With the help of mandalas, you can attract happiness, success, wealth, and also correct your life situation. In order to change your reality, you can use ready-made mandalas created for specific situations, or you can create your own magical drawings.

Mandala Tarot for money from the Ace of Pentacles deck Magic Tarot of the Golden Dawn

To make it clearer for you, we will give several examples. Here, for example, is a Tarot mandala for money, wealth and material well-being, created from the Ace of Pentacles of the Magic Tarot of the Golden Dawn deck.

Mandala Tarot for love from the Ace of Cups deck Magic Tarot of the Golden Dawn

And here is a mandala made from the Ace of Cups from the same deck. It helps to attract love and sincere feelings into a person’s life, and helps speed up the meeting with one’s true other half.

Universal Tarot mandala of the four Aces of the Magic Tarot of the Golden Dawn deck

And this is a universal Tarot mandala, created from the four Aces. Aces always mean a source of energy, so we can say that meditation on this drawing will help a person go through life on the right path and avoid mistakes.

Modeling the future using a mandala

A tarot reader can change future events by laying out a mandala from a Tarot deck. This happens as follows: a certain layout is created, made in the form of a magical drawing, and then, after carefully analyzing it, the master swaps some cards. But you can change cards only according to strictly defined rules, and not arbitrarily.

Tarot mandala for modeling the future is a very complex ritual that beginners will not be able to cope with. Therefore, we will only briefly talk about it, and if you are interested in this topic, you can learn more about it after reading specialized literature.

There are several types of mandalas used to change future events, the most popular is a correction called “Cross”. This mandala can be built for any area of ​​life - relationships, career, wish fulfillment, travel, etc.

To begin with, take 56 Minor Arcana and one blank card. Next, the directions of light are determined, on each of which Aces are placed: to the East - , to the West - Ace of Pentacles, to the South - , to the North - . A blank card must be placed in the center. Next, the Minor Arcana are laid out in clockwise order, starting from the East: first twos, then threes, then fours, etc. up to kings, while all suits should be strictly above “their” aces: pentacles - in the West, cups - in the South, wands - in the North, swords - in the East.

Next, the tarot reader determines the key cut - i.e. those cards that correspond to the hour of the day at which the layout of the mandala ended. In this case, the first cards (aces) mean the first hour of the day, the second (twos) - the second, etc. Since there are only fourteen cards in each direction, and there are 24 hours in a day, the fifteenth hour corresponds to tens, the sixteenth to nines, and so on down to the Ace, which will symbolize the last hour of the day. As a result, it turns out that each court card is responsible for one hour, and each numerical card is responsible for two. The key cut is movable, i.e. the Master can move it.

The next step in building a Tarot mandala to model the future is the introduction of the Major Arcana. The tarot reader takes the Major Arcana of the deck face down and, pulling them out at random, lays them out in three more circles, starting from the East, clockwise. Arcana that are not included in the mandala are placed in a separate pile. The three slices that we received - fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth - cannot be moved during modeling, they are not movable.

  • The key (moving) cut can be rotated one, two or three steps clockwise
  • Moving cut cards can be exchanged for any other cuts, including cuts with the Major Arcana, without moving cards in one pile to another
  • Any card in a key slice can be swapped with the card in the center
  • If during modeling a blank card falls into the moving slice, it can be exchanged for any Major Arcana from those that were not involved in the layout
  • Moving cut cards can be turned over, but only everything is done at once: straight lines become inverted, or vice versa

Thus, working with the Tarot mandala, the master seems to turn the wheel of life, changing the course of events. But it is important to remember that when working with modeling there are many nuances, so you can start practicing only after you have thoroughly studied the specialized literature.

Mandala Tarot for adjusting your life situation

Another way to correct fate is a mandala based on the Tree of Sephiroth. Before building a Tarot mandala, you need to undergo cleansing meditation: do not eat heavy food for three days, do not drink alcohol, and avoid emotional stress. To build a magical picture, we use two decks - one will show the state of your affairs at a given moment in time, and the second will correct events in the way we need. As a corrective deck, it is better to take a deck that is soft in energy, for example, Osho Zen Tarot.

We begin the ritual by working with deck correction. We divide it into six parts: the Major Arcana separately, the Court cards separately, and four piles corresponding to the suits. Court cards are not involved in the work, so we put the pile with them aside, and the rest of the cards are laid out as follows: in the center we put the SA stack face up so that the first card is , followed by all the other SAs in numerical order. At the top there should be a stack of wands, also laid out from Ace to Ten, on the left (from the side of the heart) - a stack of cups/cups, on the right - swords, below - pentacles.

Now we take the main deck, which will show the state of your affairs, divide it into the same piles (CA, court cards and number cards by suit) and use it to lay out the Tarot mandala as follows: we simply remove the pile of court cards, the Major Arcana, folded in a natural in numerical order, we place a stack under a similar stack with the SA of the corrective deck, and we shuffle the remaining forty numbered cards, thinking about our life at the moment, and then we begin to lay out the cards in the form of the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth - there should be ten cards in each branch, we lay them out one by one on the map - one in the direction of Wands (up), the next - in the direction of Cups (left), then - Swords (right), then - Pentacles (down).

Now let’s carefully analyze what we have achieved. The stack of Wands (upper part) is responsible for your personal activity, creativity, sexuality, energy, and communication in society. Cups (left side) are your feelings, sensations, experiences, emotions. Swords (right stack) - your intellect, mental activity, and Pentacles (bottom stack) - finances, financial situation, work.

It is important to analyze each card in the Tarot mandala to understand how favorable it is, or, conversely, negative. And now we begin the fun part: we take stacks of corrective cards and with their help we neutralize, strengthen or weaken the cards that we have been dealt. You can take only those cards that correspond to the suits: for example, to correct the area of ​​feelings we take only the stack of cups of the corrective deck, to change the material area we use only the corrective stack of pentacles, etc.

To make it clearer, let's take a simple example: in the direction of the cups we have a : in order to weaken its influence, we will put on top of this card from the corrective deck: in this way, cruelty and failure will turn into a search for a new path for us. To strengthen, for example, one that is in the stack of Pentacles, we will put it on top from the corrective deck, thereby making our success permanent. The main thing is to understand how to correctly lay out the adjustment layer, because we only have ten drawn cards and ten that can be used to correct this area. All cards must be included in the layout, so before laying them out, think carefully about what and how you want to change.

As a result, your Tarot mandala should look similar to the one shown in the picture.

As you can see, with the help of Tarot cards you can not only predict the future and analyze the past, but also change your present.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Path of the Tarot

Part four

Ten Stages of Mandala Construction

The exercise of constructing a Tarot mandala is undoubtedly the best way to become familiar with the entire deck and absorb its overall structure. For work, organize a large flat surface of approximately 1.5 by 2.5 sq. m. Note: The mandala is built like a mirror, and we read the Tarot using the same principle. If one wants to assemble a mandala similar to an eastern temple (see introduction), the left/right polarities need to be reversed.

1. Take the cards Fool and Peace. In the center of the surface we will place the Fool horizontally so that he looks at the sky. He represents the primal energy, the inner god, the great architect who upholds the world of manifestation. If a fool's gaze were directed downwards, he would turn towards the dark depths and density of matter. Looking up pushes his energy towards spirituality.

2. We will place Arcanum XXI, World, on top of the Fool card. As we have already noticed, the World summarizes the complete structure of the Tarot. Therefore, the Fool will not be completely visible in the final result, but we will know that he, the supporting World, is located in the center of the picture, like the inconceivable energy of the Universe that supports our visible world. The intersection of the two cards corresponds to that part of the rectangle that corresponds to the square of Man, containing the degrees 4, 5, 6, and 7 of decimal numerology. We can say that the Fool meets the World at the peak of his human horizon. In this configuration, it appears as if the World and the Fool are looking at each other.

3. Just as when creating a temple, it is necessary to take into account the relationships of the four cardinal directions, and when practicing alchemy, four primary elements are needed - fire, air, water and earth, so the mandala requires the determination of its four guides. We already know that the central figure of the World is located between four symbols corresponding to the four suits of the Minor Arcana: a flesh-colored animal (Pentacles), a Leo (Wands), an eagle (Swords), and an angel (Cups). Therefore, we will place the Ace of each suit above its corresponding symbol on the World Map (initially, for greater legibility, we will show the center of the mandala “carbonated”). To see the final correct drawing, see page 94.

4. Then, above each Ace, we will build a structure with numbers from 2 to 10 of the corresponding suit, following the logic of the numerological rectangle. But we will place the tens cards not above cards 8 and 9, but next to them, following the progression proposed in the previous chapter (see pages 69 and 71). Now we have placed four 10s corresponding to the four energies. This diagram is similar to the swastika, a symbol of cosmic movement (see 88).

If this cross is rotated, it will unfold in a counterclockwise direction, from action to perception, from right to left. This movement repeats the movement of blood in the human body, and corresponds to the movement of the central figure of Arcanum XXI. This also corresponds to the dynamics of transformation from one suit to the next (swords, cups, pentagrams, wands, and so on). We can also say that active numbers move towards passive ones.

5. Now we will place the figured cards along the horizontal axis of the mandala, which corresponds to the human horizon. They are organized horizontally in the following order - Page, Queen, King, Knight, from inside to outside. Therefore, the figures of Cups will appear under the ray of Cups of the swastika, to our left, associated with the figures from the suit of Pentacles. Figures from the suit of Swords will be found under the ray of Swords, associated with Wands. The pages of each suit will be in contact with each other at the corners of their suits, along with the two-three pair of the corresponding suit. The Queen will be aligned with the 4-5 pair, the King with the 6-7 pair, and the Knight will be aligned with the 8-9-10 trio (see 89).

6. Finally, we will place the twenty remaining Arcana successively in two series of cards according to the numerological scheme (see 90).

Now we see how in the first of two series the arcana perform their actions in the upward direction. (see pages 32-33). The action initiated by the Magician, in whom we initially see human beings, correlates with the search for the Divine, light, heavenly air and water, and higher consciousness. This row will be positioned vertically above the World, manifesting the work towards the growth that these Arcana inspire us to achieve. The second series of Arcana from XI to XX develop their activities towards the bottom. This series, opened by the Strength card, corresponding to the idea of ​​the superman and mythological creatures that seem to emerge from dreams, moves towards the infernal side, into the underground, towards earth and fire, towards the depths of the unconscious. Therefore, these arcana are placed under the World card in descending order: arcana

XI is closest to the center, while Arcanum XX, Judgment, will be located at the other end. Thus this series reflects that this work of descent is much deeper than its symbolism suggests.

7. The degree corresponding to 10 (Arcanas X and XX) will be placed in the upper part of the rectangle, and not next to the pair VIII-VIII, as was done for the minor arcana. And the Tarot gives us the key to follow such an organization. While in the Minor Arcana the last degree indicates a transformation into another suit, in the Major Arcana we find ourselves faced with a circular return. At the very top of the Mandala lies the Wheel of Fortune, hinting that after moving along the ascending path (yellow animal), a return to the depths (corporeal animal) follows. At the very bottom of the Mandala is Arcanum XX, in which the blue spiritual androgyne emerges from the depths of the earth, raised by the call of the angelic trumpet (symbol of Cosmic Consciousness) in order to rise to the new. Now we have a complete Mandala (see pp. 92-94).

8. We see that the center of the Mandala is an octagonal geometric figure (octagon). This figure refers us to the fundamental geometry of Taoism, in which the I Ching trigrams are inscribed in a regular octagon. They are located in the center of it and symbolize the binary principle of creation (Yin and Yang). Each side of the figure has corresponding CARDINAL CARDS: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest. By the way, baptismal fonts often have octagonal stands, because this shape in Christian symbolism refers to eternal life and resurrection. We find six cards that fit inside the center of this octagon. And in like manner the hexagon is placed within the octagon, as a symbol of the burial of the individual ego in its grave before it is reborn in the grace of the spiritual Being.

9. If we draw concentric circles using the Fool-Mir intersection as their center, we will see that cards of the same level are always located in the same circle, with the exception of the 10 Minor Arcana, which follow their own circular dynamics, while The 10th levels of the Major Arcana follow the same circular dynamics from their positions above and below. (see 92).

10. If we visualize the Mandala in three dimensions, we will notice that it looks like a cross with six branches (see 93). The axis of the Major Arcana is vertical, and we can arrange the Minor Arcana on four planes, front and back, left and right, in the logic of a rotating movement.

Concentric circles showing that cards of the same level are in the same circle

Mandala Tarot in three dimensions

Mandala Tarot: The Major Arcana form the vertical, spiritual axis of the mandala. In its final form, with Aces from each suit placed above their symbols on the World Arcana, the Tarot Mandala acquires maximum power.


Every culture, religion and tradition gives its own version of color symbolism. However, they all have a common basis: the duel (or dance) between light and dark gives birth to color. The appearance of the color scheme depends on the predominance of light or dark tones in it.

And when it comes time to classify the colors, we must remember that the Tarot shows them in all their diversity and does not suggest any specific order, unlike the structure of the cards, which, on the contrary, is full of many clues regarding numerology and orientation.

Colors are always ambivalent: their meaning cannot be only positive or negative. Their symbolic meanings will vary across cultures, and this again suggests that we will not be able to reduce them to a system of strict equivalents. The keys to understanding given below are open to constant expansion of their meanings, and no definition can claim to completely exhaust the resource of the study of colors.


Here are some useful tips.

Black. This color refers to two opposing and complementary concepts. On the one hand, there is the idea of ​​emptiness: the complete absence of light or any color. Zen monks wear black clothes. Similarly, in the Dark Night of the Soul of St. John of the Cross, it is said that the only way to reach God is to go where there is no one else. There everything comes down to emptiness, there everything disappears, there thought stops and everything returns to oblivion. But, on the other hand, black is the creative magma containing all the seeds of life, the primary matter: the alchemical nigredo, the amorphous rotting mass that serves as compost for purity. It is chaos in which order is formed; all life first sprouts in darkness.

White. Unlike black, white is the luminous union of all colors, the realization in which everything is united into a perfect pure union. It is the antithesis of flesh and black. From a negative point of view, white refers to the deadly cold of snow and fear. It is the color of God or the color of death. White and black are two poles, between which other colors are deployed. And the color of the flesh is in the middle.

Bodily. This is the color of human flesh in that Western cultural area where the Tarot is active. Flesh color is represented here by the color of living flesh and awakens real life. While black speaks about the past, and white speaks about the future. By default, bodily color cannot be considered positive or negative: it accepts all mental forms of human existence, both good and evil. Corporeal is an outstanding example of ambiguity. After all, each of us can contain heaven and hell, violence and peace. All opposites are reunited in the color of flesh.

Red and green are found in the realm of material life.

Green. As the living color of abundance, green awakens Nature, stimulates eternal birth and eternal transformation. The Prophet Muhammad perceived it as the color of eternity. Green is an explosion of life from a point. Like a plant that is only alive when its roots are in the ground. For the same reason, green can mean absorption and capture. In an unconscious state, green symbolizes affection for the mother. While Mother Nature gives us life, there is also a risk that she will limit us, deprive us of our freedom, and bury us.

Red. This color can represent the active part of the Earth: central fire, blood and heat. This is an outstanding color of activity. In a negative sense, red evokes memories of spilled blood, dangers and taboos. If red is on the outside it means death, but when it circulates inside the body it represents life.

We find blue and yellow among the heavenly colors.

Blue. This is the defining color of acceptance, it is the color of the sky and the ocean. This color also speaks of affection for the father. Its negative side speaks of immobility and asphyxia: when the blood is no longer purified by oxygen, it turns blue.

Yellow. This is the light of reason and consciousness. Yellow has always been compared to gold, a symbol of spiritual wealth. The Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy turns all metals into gold. Its negative quality speaks of dryness and sterility.

Violet. This color is a combination of red, the most active color, with blue, the most receptive. This union of two extremes represents the highest wisdom. When Christ began to talk to his disciples, he was dressed in red. But when he was crucified, he wore purple robes, symbolizing the attainment of complete wisdom. Also, purple is the color of the sacrifice, and it is identified with the funeral rite. But actually this death involves the death of the ego. Very little violet is present in the Tarot because it represents the greatest of mysteries: The dominance of the ego on the path to achieving the impersonal life.

Based on our findings we can create the following table:


The restored Tarot deck has 11 different colors: black, dark green, light green, red, flesh, dark yellow, light yellow, dark blue, azure, white and a few rare spots of purple. The question is how organize them together?

In every human culture, the moment the intellect appears, the concept of the Universe arises. In this concept, people live between the Earth and the stars. Currently, the tradition in which we now live claims that the Earth is the Mother and the Sky is the Father. But in earlier cultures, for example, in the traditions of Egypt and Africa, there was exactly the opposite point of view. But one way or another, humanity is between these two forces, which either divide people or help them communicate. In our tradition, which is represented by the Marseille Tarot, Heaven is a symbol of spirituality, and Earth refers to material life. Man is between these two poles

Tarot Colors


Positive value

Negative meaning


impersonality, wisdom

sacrifice, death

purity, immortality, ecstasy

Deadly cold, selfishness

Azure (light blue)

receptivity to heavenly

dependence on father, immobility

Dark blue

sensitivity to earthly

despotism, tyranny

Light yellow

clairvoyance, awareness, active intelligence

dryness, cruelty, mind without emotions

Dark yellow

awareness, receptiveness of mind

madness, destruction


humanity, life, carnal pleasures

materialism, suppression of the flesh

animal side, activity

criminal violence

Light green

nature associated with heavenly

forces, plant side

dependence on mother, envy

Dark green

nurturing nature associated with earthly forces

coverage, absorption

creative magma, deep work

chaos, regression, death impulse

If we consider the description of orange as dark yellow, then we can assume that the three colors can be divided into light and dark tones: blue, green, yellow. Black, white and purple shades do not have such subtleties. As for red and flesh, their relationship seems interesting: to a certain extent, flesh can be considered a light shade of red. The red color of animalism, completely earthly and active, becomes more spiritual, acquiring a bodily tint. It means human being. But we can also consider these two colors as different entities

This allows the group of five "bold" colors to stand out because they don't have dark or light undertones. These colors are black, white, red (the three most common colors of alchemical work), flesh (human), and violet (androgyne).

Organized in this way, the flesh color is at the center, like the human plane of the Tarot. In the highest part of Heaven we have the color white, which contains all colors and symbolizes purity, life, euphoria, immortality, and an almost inhuman degree of perfection. From the divine white are born sky blue, azure, and yellow, reminiscent of the vibrations of the Sun.

Flesh color forms the horizon, the line of division or union between Earth and Sky. It symbolizes the human world, joy, and its limitations. At the very bottom of the Earth, at its fullest foundation, we place black, the vibration that does not contain color, the creative magma of the depths of consciousness. Above is the plant world, the green color, giving birth. In light green, nature participates in heavenly forces, and dark green cultivates the character of earthly forces. Green then gives way to red, the color of violence, vitality and creativity, with the gift of life or death.

Purple is seen as the frame of a rectangle, and like the Fool is hidden under the World card in the Tarot mandala, as it supports the entire structure. Flesh color can also be interpreted as orange mixed with white. The color of flesh also represents the human being, vitality imbued with consciousness, while orange is the color of vitality, active growth, not divine awareness.

Yellow could then be considered the color of heavenly light, and red the color of earthly magma - pure activity. According to this hypothesis, the "bold" colors are: black, red, yellow, white (the four colors of alchemical work), and violet, a mysterious union between action and perception. This provides an organizational arrangement of colors as shown in the table below.




Spiritual Sensitivity

Dark blue

Intuitive, earthy sensitivity




Human domain, conscious life


The horizon line of union and the boundaries between action/perception and Heaven/Earth


Living realm of pure perception



Light Green

Heavenly nature

Dark Green

Earthly nature


What is buried, hidden and unconscious

We can also organize the colors according to two other charts corresponding to Tarot numerology. One of them is based on a double square; the other is inscribed in a circle and was inspired by the symbolism of Arcanum XXI, World


This picture corresponds to the vision of the world in which it is described not in the form of a rectangle, but in the form of a circle, as a universe in constant expansion, born from a single central point. This circle is then intersected by the horizon, which, like the Book of Genesis, separates Heaven from Earth (Fig. 1 on page 101).

The vertical left/right side separates receptive "femininity" from active "masculinity": this is Eve born from Adam's rib while he sleeps. The circle is divided into four quarters according to the logic that was proposed by Arcanum World, XXI (see 49). We can assign four elements corresponding to the four suits of the Minor Arcana: Pentacles or bodily center; Wands or sexual, creative center; Cups or emotional center; and Swords or intellectual center. Each color will find its correct place depending on the symbol it is assigned to. (Fig. 2).

We can associate Pentacles with the yellow color of gold, green with the natural activity of Wands, red with the divine love of Cups and the sky blue airy color with Swords. Black remains at the base of the Earth, and white at the zenith of Heaven, and Violet, the color of the androgyne (the central figure in Arcana XXI), is in the center of the circle. And here it becomes obvious that light shades are closer to the sky, and dark shades are closer to the Earth. In this scheme, flesh color is associated with light red (Figure 3).

This gives us the following matches:

Ground/active: light green and dark green

Earth/receptive: yellow and orange

Sky/active: light blue and dark blue

Palate/receptive: red and flesh

Center, purple

Zenit: white

Nadir, black.


The rectangular diagram we are already familiar with includes a receptive left side and an active right side. If we assume that the so-called cool colors are receptive, and the so-called warm colors are active, we can divide them inside a double square, according to the laws of spatial orientation of the Tarot:

Here we see that this is not the only and exclusive way to organize colors. These different structures can help us interpret the symbols in the context of the map's interpretation, but it would be incorrect to say that we can organize the colors in a single diagram, since this limits their meanings.

life, love, wealth, strength and success

Tarot mandalas are an extraordinary combination of ancient traditions and modern possibilities. Do you want to get rid of the limitations of the present? Open something new? Is life better? Is it easier to solve problems? And at the same time experience incredible bliss and pleasure?

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What are Tarot Mandalas? It is known that mandalas (yantras) are sacred geometric figures and symbols that, due to their combinations, have a special effect on our consciousness and subconscious. Tarot mandalas are mandalas created from the aces of the tarot.

Aces in tarot are considered one of the most powerful cards (arcanas). They symbolize elemental energies, renewal, new chances and opportunities. Depending on the suit of the ace (the suit corresponds to the element), the sphere of its influence is determined.

How do Tarot Mandalas work? To do this, you need to make a choice of tarot mandala according to your request. Are you ready to find your mandala and experience something incredible?

Most people are accustomed to living according to the principle of least resistance, receiving from life only what it itself gives them. But it’s quite possible to change your reality for the better, to program yourself for happiness, love, success and health. Mandalas - sacred symbols that bring you closer to what you want - will help a lot with this. In this material we will talk about the mandala of love.

The mandala (in this word it is necessary to pronounce the accent on the first letter “a”) is a magical instrument actively used by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism. If you translate this word from Sanskrit, it will mean “circle,” although translation versions such as wheel, cycle, ritual and prayer are often also found.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern symbolizing the connection of the macrocosm and microcosm. In Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, the mandala is depicted as a sphere - the habitat of gods and Buddhas. You can come across another name for the mandala: “map of the cosmos” or a model of our universe, which allows us to better understand the surrounding reality.

The most popular mandala design is an outer circle within which a smaller square fits. And another circle is often included in the last one. Often the inner circle is divided into details; it can also be depicted in the form of a lotus (a divine flower that is given special attention in Eastern culture).

This inner circle represents a drawing of the sphere of residence of divine beings. The outer circle symbolizes the Universe, and the square in the middle orients it in the 4 directions of the world.

In the process of creating a mandala, each of its drawings is filled with the energy of the person performing this manipulation. Mandala images are found in most Buddhist and Hindu temples.

You may hear believers in the East refer to the mandala as a “frozen prayer.” This is due to the fact that it acts as an expression of a person’s soul when he creates this image.

How the mandala is decorated

It does not play a significant role for what purposes you create a mandala. It is important that you do this according to all the rules. In any case, the sacred image will be multi-colored, so you will need to stock up on the necessary stationery:

  • pencils;
  • pens (ballpoint, gel, oil);
  • felt-tip pens;
  • paints;
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the finest tip from 0.1 mm);
  • rapidographs (pens with a special tube for ink).

Mandala of love and happiness

The mandala of love and relationships has a special meaning and energy. It is used in cases where they want to attract this bright, sublime feeling into their life. But it also makes it possible to strengthen existing relationships.

The love mandala is depicted as a sacred circle with certain symbols inside. Each of the symbolic drawings has a specific charge of energy. When you color a drawing, a special burst of energy occurs, making it possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Symbolic signs and colors of the love mandala

Mandalas are very diverse. Thanks to the variety of options available, it becomes possible to select a design to realize various desires in different areas of life.

If you need to attract love to a woman, you should use round patterns. And for representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to give preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombuses, and creases.

  • Squares – are responsible for calmness, balance, fundamentality;
  • Flowers symbolize a pure soul, tenderness, and mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the drawings also differ; we will talk about them in more detail later.

As a rule, the choice of color should be made based on your individual preferences. But there are certain characteristics of each color, namely:

  • if you want to attract tender love into your life, give preference to pastel, unobtrusive colors: soft pink, lavender, dim blue.
  • passionate love will be ensured by the use of bright and rich colors: red, crimson, purple and cherry, as well as orange and yellow. These are all colors of power, possessing the masculine energy of Yang (responsible for aggression, excessive activity, seductiveness, sexuality that excites the mind). This is a type of active energy that helps realize your inner potential. It also fills you with vigor, warmth, and calls for active action.
  • in order to harmonize existing relationships in which there is discord, they focus on confident colors, but not too flashy (blue, green, brown).
  • In order to significantly reduce the degree of anger and aggression in a relationship, give preference to cold and calm color variations that successfully cope with negativity (gray, yellow, turquoise).

How does a mandala work to attract love?

When you have established for yourself which types of love you want to attract into your life (or change your relationship with your loved one), you can begin the ritual itself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time of day that it is recommended to plan or strengthen love relationships.

Morning symbolizes a new beginning and allows you to attract a new feeling into your life. Half a day is characterized by stability, as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

Working with the mandala is done as follows:

  • you need to take the position that is most comfortable for you;
  • there should be sufficient lighting in the room so that it is convenient for you to work with the mandala drawing;
  • to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this action as much as possible, you need to use aromatic oil;
  • a lit candle allows you to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is exactly what is needed when attracting love;
  • you just need to put the image of a mandala next to you and look at it;
  • at the same time, visualize the image of your loved one (if you have one), but otherwise just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract into your life;
  • start decorating the pattern, starting from the central part and gradually moving towards the edge;
  • when some time has passed, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that you are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of decorating a mandala is very similar to meditation in terms of inner sensations. Due to methodical movements, the train of thoughts is streamlined and the body is completely relaxed. A person is cleansed of negative energy, and instead of it, love spells begin to actively operate.

Mandala for loneliness: for marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala represents a kind of “push” that a person needs in order to gain sufficient courage to realize his plans.

A mandala for marriage helps to accumulate a sufficient amount of the desired type of energy and begin to radiate it into the surrounding space, this is especially important for the fair sex. With the help of a mandala against loneliness, a woman or girl will always feel confident in her feminine strength and attractiveness, and will also find the desired happiness in love in the very near future.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: