Interpretation of sleep closure in dream books. Short circuit of electricity Why dream of short circuit wiring in the apartment

Will not bring the expected result. lie down - be calm, everything will work out.

What wires did you dream about?

Interpretation of a dream in which there were bare wires ▼

Bare wires dream when your nerves are on edge. You feel that you are about to break loose, and any one can be the last straw in the bowl. Give your nervous system a little. Even one day of relaxation can help you cope with and not do stupid things.

If the wires were tangled in a dream ▼

According to the dream book, tangled wires portend a complication of the current state of affairs. Possible on or in business. You will be powerless in the face of an unfavorable set of circumstances, and you will not be able to do anything for the situation.

If you dreamed of sparkling wires ▼

The wire that was seen sparkling in a dream reflects your impatience in some matter. Having done everything in your power, you look forward to the result with anticipation. However, this prophesies that all hopes are in vain and yours will fail. Most likely, the wrong tactics of doing business were initially chosen.

Why dream of broken wires ▼

Broken wires dream of a break in relations with a loved one. You don't have to break up. This may mean that one of you will have to move, and the distance will cause you to break up.

What do long wires mean in a dream book ▼

If you dream of long wires, it means that the desired goal is still in the distant future. It will take a lot to achieve it. The consolation is the fact that the path to the dream will be without any special obstacles, even and smooth, like a cable seen.

Why see burnt wires in a dream ▼

The dream in which they saw burnt wires indicates your carelessness and immature attitude towards. As a result, there is a great risk of acquired and most of the capital. There is also the possibility of losing the source due to your non-performance.

What did you do with the wire in your dream?

What does the dream in which you had to lick the wires mean ▼

According to Felomena's dream book, wires mean that your rash, expressive actions can lead to a loss of respect in the work team. Succumbing to an emotional impulse, you can permanently close your path to a brilliant career.

If you dream that you are repairing the wires ▼

Repairing wires on your own in a dream means that you overestimate your capabilities and take on obligations that you cannot fulfill. If someone else repaired the cable, soon this person will turn to you for help with a difficult issue. Most likely, he will need financial assistance.

The value of sleep in which it happened to turn off the wires▼

If you had to turn off the wires in a dream, this means your determination to interrupt some kind of connection. It can be both friendly relations and a love union. If this is not done now, it will not lead to anything good and will bring to all participants in these relations.

How do other dream books interpret?

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I dreamed about the Wire, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Wire is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. My mother dreamed today that we were visiting her and were going to go home (to another city), but the child did not want to go ... we walked to the train, the child was far behind and got hit by a truck ... a lot of people gathered around, but the child was not under the truck it turned out ... we ask if they saw the boy, people said they saw him, but they don’t know where he was ... we began to look for him and found him naked in some kind of ditch, wrapped in wires, alive.
    Help decipher the dream. And it got kind of creepy. Thank you in advance.

    • Most likely, such a dream of yours suggests that you may lose control over the child, which in the end will make you seriously worried.

      • Hello ... it’s not the first night that I’ve been dreaming that wires are tangled around my neck .. with not easy difficulty I manage to get rid of them ..
        Please help to find out the interpretation of this dream ...)
        Thank you.

    • A very long dream was the only thing I could not find the next situation (ending). My guest (not really familiar) cuts the wires in my apartment somewhere in the ceiling and explains this by the fact that 1 of the 3 wires is missing (grounding) and wants to help replace it with a good cable.

      I dreamed that I was lying on a bed and a little girl was looking at me who was lying in a pink bed parallel to me, then I was looking for a wire from charging, and it was cut off, then I started looking for another one, but that tattered one lies under my pillow

      Hello Tayana, I'm Alexander from Penza, we talked before ... I had a dream that I was in the house, and I see a train passing through the window, and as it passes, it knocks down an electrical wire on a pole, and the electricity goes out in my house, then it seems like I turn on the light, everything worked again… What does that mean)?

      the smell of burning I call my husband we look at the electrical outlet and an instant short circuit I experience instant horror and fear but the clap is a small fire and everything goes away and fear too and it seems that there is nothing terrible

      Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was walking with someone down a slope next to high-voltage wires, the wires spark in some places, and sag to the ground in some places. This someone is trying to fix these wires, but I tell him not to climb, because it is life-threatening, you can die, but he climbs anyway and just flips the wire to the other side and it stops sparking. Thanks in advance

      I’m sitting on the ground, bare live wires are stretched across my legs, they sag a little slightly touching my legs, pinch the skin a little, my daughter runs up, the wires sag more, trying to hold them with the finger of my left hand, I get an electric shock, my hand is pulled to the wire, somehow I remove it from the wire

      I had a dream that I was going to some person, but suddenly the top of the car breaks the wires and some people were killed, other people began to repair them, after which I ate to run across to the other side of the road over the wires, at first it was easy, but the last sparking wire wrapped around my neck, but still managed to get out.

      nilos shto ja na novoj kvartire s raznimi liudmi i iz nih tolko odin znakomij. i ja nachinaju provodit provoda dlia podkliuchenija interneta.v komnatah ja perdvigaju shkafchiki,polki na katorih razije cvetnije veshi i igrushki.
      potom budto ja s 2 znakomimi na ploshadke za magazinom nahodim kakije-to veshi. razbiraja ih mi zabirajem 2 velosipeda, fonarik, spichki, batareikii naborchik s instrumentami iz neskolki otviortok i kliuchej.

      Hello, I dreamed today that I was supposedly fishing, but somewhere in the sea, sort of like on a yacht, with my friends from the past (in real life), First I caught one fish, not small and not big for a bait, then later I I caught a big fish. It’s like a carp, and before that I thought of which one I want. After the catch, I immediately began to gut it, that is, take out the guts and clean the luska. 2 more of my bikes, and she says that they say her brother took them, we are going to that brother, and he is somewhere near the mountain, roofing felts, I don’t remember exactly the cliff, but I go somewhere and there are a lot of bare wires, and it starts to beat me current, and I felt it very well, it seemed like everything really happened, and I ask my friend and her brother to help me, and they just stand and watch, but I sort of got out of these wires.

      I already had this dream once before, and I had this dream again. I periodically see dreams where I fly, not every day, but I see. I wave my arms and fly, but flights are difficult, I almost always go down without falling quietly, but today the flight was easy, I wanted to go higher, but the whole sky was covered with electric wires, and I could not pass through them, I touched the wires, but I didn’t feel the electric current, I already saw this dream !!!

      I was flying in a dream, I wanted to go higher, but the sky was covered with electric wires!!! I often fly in my dreams. I see this dream with wires for the second time, which is interesting, when I touched the wires I did not feel a shock.

      a tall building, there are iron visors on the building, they look like balconies, they are connected to the edge by a pipe, I climbed to the very top, there was a very high height, I sat on this visor. the entrance to this visor was a door, and on the other side of the door, my best friend wanted to open it. but the door rested against me, it turns out I prevented the door from opening. I moved to the very edge, grabbed the pipe, she opened the door and went out, the pipe I was holding on came off and I started to fall, but I would have rested against the building and went down, but I got into the wires and they started to get tangled around me. I hung on the wires, but they break and I fall down ... and falling, I scream the name of my loved one. the weather was very, very cloudy. and I, falling, screaming .. and woke up screaming.

      During the winter, electricians on a repair machine with a tower repaired wires! The wires were frozen and a child was running along them, either upside down or simply! And another friend stopped me near this car and began to say that in our country there will be hunger and poverty!

      Hello! Here is a clear dream: I dreamed that the cord from the laptop began to melt. It seemed that bare wires were sticking out of the melted winding (I won’t say this - I don’t remember exactly). Then the brother disconnected the wires and the dream ended.

      Near the house there was an electric wire line, I dreamed that I was trying to get home and they fell on me and shocked me, but not fatally. Then everything repeated, only supposedly the wires were finished with something so that I could pass, but they fell every time

      I dreamed of trolleybus wires located next to my dacha. And someone said that this old trolleybus line would be restored and trolleybuses would be launched along it. But I think how they will drive (trolleybuses) near the dacha and that this will lead to a decrease in the cost of the dacha

      i dreamed of thick electrical wires fixed on the wall, red, black and blue, maybe a basement wall, I don’t remember exactly .. and I walk along this wall with wires.

      I have been dating a young man for 2.5 years. I dream that all my relatives want to marry me to a certain Ilya, whom I don’t even know and whom I have never seen, but they claim that he is perfect for me. They don't even want to hear about my young man. I am trying on a wedding dress, I like the dress itself, but I am horrified that I have to marry a stranger, and even more horrified why my beloved does not come to my rescue, he fell through the ground. At this moment, my older brother and a former young man come to visit me, to whom I still breathe unevenly. For some reason, the ex-boyfriend is with crutches and says that he is going to the army (in reality there is no such thing), they behave with my brother as if they are best friends (in reality, my brother does not get along with my current young man). At the end, I go up to the window in a dress and hear some funny stories from my brother behind, then a pause and a serious question behind it: “What was the saddest moment in your life?”. Tears well up in my eyes...

      During breaks, I still saw a picture, as if I was lying on the roof of a moving train facing the sky and I saw running wires.

      And in general, some kind of porridge has been dreaming lately, something vague every night, especially after repairs. This is the first dream in a long time that I remember. I will be very grateful to you if you can decipher.

      I wandered around the cottage, and then I found my 3rd brother plus uncle, he was already resting and I couldn’t call, I see the wires, I started to sing them, then I called and arranged a meeting for the supply of bread

      I have 2 daughters, but in a dream I walked with my eldest daughter and a boy, but I knew that he was my son. came to the old apartment of the deceased grandmother (we now live in it, but we completely redid everything there, up to the door). in a dream we live in it - the situation - during the life of my grandmother. they approached the apartment and a cord with a plug from the outlet was sticking out of the old door, but the wires were cut off and lay on the floor in the entrance

      Hello! Usually I rarely blame dreams. There is a trip with children to a sanatorium, then they need to be taken to a sanatorium. In a dream, I blame the wires on the ceiling of the Tatar language study room, as if part of them had been dismantled and were hanging in this position near the front door. From above. .I see it from the school corridor, white wires are simple without a cable channel. As buto dismantling, repair of electrical equipment. Have a little runny nose.

      The dream is very strange, at first I dreamed of a gym in which I lift very heavy weights, and in it I met my teacher (since the gym was at school for some reason, she suggested that I go to some village nearby in order to perform there on stage with and gave me a T-shirt with some kind of inscription (I don’t remember what was written), I go out and meet my mother on the threshold, we start talking and in a second I found myself as if at home (it didn’t look like our house, but why then it seemed to me that we were at home) my mother switches the channel and the TVs (for some reason there were two of them) freeze, in a dream the house stood near the gas station, and turning to her I saw some kind of booth sparkling. and we ran out into the street, started sparking at the top of the wire and fall, and for some reason I remember that I turn around and the wires fall in front of my mother and she starts running along them and I scream very loudly maaaam!

      I dreamed of a mental hospital where Power Engineers (by profession) were treated for labotomy. I wandered along its corridors and saw how one of the patients, on the orders of the doctor, picked up a bare wire connected to the network and was shocked. That's how they were treated. P/S I am a power engineer)

      I went outside and where there should be wires for the trolley bus there was nothing, all the wires were on the ground, there were a lot of them! and at first I walked bypassing them, but then my eyes dimmed and I caught my foot on the wire and threw me back, I started crying, I was shocked.

      I ran across the top of the train. there were a lot of trains all going in the same direction and there were obstacles on the roof because of which I almost fell off the roof of the train!!! and at the same time I was surrounded by sparkling wires from which I also evaded. and I don’t remember exactly if I fell or not !!!

      I had a dream that I was sitting in a lesson, and a diagram of what was shown ... but the point is that the diagram was made of spiral wire. And it is not known from what. I would like to know what it is for ... Not the first time, something is a dream, and it comes true.

      It was a dark night, there were no stars or moon in the sky. I'm running away from someone or something, I don't know, I just run without looking at the road, and all the time I stumble upon something, whether bushes, stumps, and then it happens that I stop and look around, and around I have bare wires that let electricity through, and I see these flashes all the time, they surround me and I can’t get out. But I’m scared, and I’m trying to somehow push them away with my hands, and at that time I’m getting electric shock, I feel something unpleasant going through me, it tickles me at the same time but also hurts. Then I look around and notice that I am a few meters from the house and see my grandfather in the yard. I shout to him several times to help me, but he does not hear me, and when I already despaired of screaming, he sees me, runs to me and cuts these wires that stood around me like a fortress, and then I get out of there.

      We were in the house under the house there was a basement, we went down to the basement, but suddenly a flood began, we ran outside and saw that it was raining and suddenly we saw that the house was collapsing, we started to run away and it collapsed, we ran out onto the road and saw that the wires were falling and killing people, I saw that the wire comes off and falls on me, I run away, but suddenly I fall and the wire falls on me and I see that steam is coming from me, and in a friend I see dad and my son on the field, I get up and run to them so that save, and suddenly I notice that a wire breaks over dad and son and rushes at them, I manage to run to my son and dad and close them with myself, I throw away the wire and pick them up.

      the bare wire lay on the curb, it was very large, it was dark, it sparkled, sparks flew from it, I was with a friend, she jumped calmly and I couldn’t, he started to shock, I asked for help!

      I dreamed of white-orange wires on a high-rise. I flew down them until I found a way out, how to get out of them (I was, as it were, inside the wires)
      even in a dream there were people I didn’t know (in fact, my relatives were sleeping), but I don’t know them.

      it’s hard to describe, I don’t even know how it appeared in my hand ... I just tried to move it away so that something bad would not happen, ”and then it burns my hand .., I try to reset it and I can’t, deeper and deeper it burns deeper, then hop, I already see the pain of a burn on my arm and I feel that there is a fire in my throat, as if I had swallowed something and a sensation of a burn .. With that, I woke up, my hand was clean, and there was a fire in my throat !, I drank water and it's all over..

      Good afternoon, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. My mother carried a lot of extension cords past my bed in a large lilac transparent bag and they were all without wires. Why this dream ?? Tell me please !!!

      i dreamed that my stepmother kicked me out of the house and I don’t know where to go where to live, I collect things and I still can’t collect them, as if there are so few things in my soul, fear how to continue to live where to go. then I went to my friends, thinking that I would not live with them much and. in reality, I have my own house, but in a dream I can’t find it, I always get lost and don’t remember where I live. I always end up in the place where I was in childhood. everything is strange.


      The high-voltage wire breaks on a metal support flies at me I jump across the backwater of the river along the edge under my feet green bubbling water I land on the sand from the other edge of the backwater and wake up on my own for a long time I could not move away

      Hello Tatiana. I had this kind of dream: I went to visit my grandmother (at the moment she is not alive), a wire broke near her house and began to sparkle, move in my direction. Somehow I had to avoid contact with him and I survived. I did not go to my grandmother, I returned home.

      There is a story, he is a psychic looking at 3 photos I am a brother and sister (I have no brothers and sisters) in front of the computer points the photos to the monitor and says my sister does not play at the computer and goes to bed early my brother also does not play at the computer it is my turn he says I see the picture stands in shorts (I) adjusts the wire in the monitor and then the current is born, I screamed whatoooo. He says shut up already and I wake up

      I was looking for where to buy a wire to change the wires at home, because. son talked about it. I bought a wire, but it turned out to be thin, I went back to the store, they offered me another one, but I decided not to buy at all, there I saw my ex-husband, as if he lives in this hotel, he kind of told me that the second wire would do and went to some door, but I decided not to buy.

      I saw a bare wire, or rather a charger cable (stranded). I did not understand how to fix it and did not know if it would work if connected. I twisted it in my hands not knowing how to fix it.

      in a dark tunnel, he was entangled in wires and could not free himself in any way, human silhouettes stood nearby and looked without helping. A dim lamp shone above me.

      Deal in is that in the next few days await heavy operation. It reminded me of just the same operating room and doctors on the sides.

      someone else's house I walk around the house barefoot looking for my ballet flats clean but not new I find I hold in my hands in the house the light is flashing I go into the house there a man repairs the wiring white wires the light turned on the dream is over

      some electrical wires coming from the transformer were cut off, the dangerous place was fenced off from the passage for people, in a dream it all happened on the territory of the market, but it no longer worked, there were no people

      My husband brought bottles of clear clean water in a bag, at first I thought it was vodka, but he said water. And then suddenly we were in a balloon and flew, he controlled, first along the ground, and then he abruptly began to climb. I was scared, I begged him to come down, said think about your son ... It was such a sunny day, we flew over a beautiful green forest, everything was green around, and when I flew, I removed the wires from the balloon 2 times, to which we flew. This is so weird and confusing...

      I dreamed of a mountain or a hill covered with forest. And on this hill there is some kind of base, a searchlight shines. And at the entrance to this base there are old wires from a pole. - no electric shock.

      Hello, I want to solve my dream, I wrote that I got off the ground and poured from the ground in flight, as I saw a lot of wires, and as if touching them, because of this I had a fear that I would be shocked. after which the flight above saw blue skies and little clouds.

      A small plane flies and falls, catching on electrical wires almost above me. He cuts these wires with a wing, but they do not fall, but stick out where they were. In a dream, I sit on a large truck and try to remove it away from the disaster (in real life I have been driving a car for many years) I removed the car and in a dream I thought that now there would be no light in my house due to damaged wires. In a dream it was very cloudy weather. Then my deceased grandmother appeared, I don’t remember what she said and I don’t remember where she disappeared.

      Hello. I had a dream that it seemed like I came to visit a friend of the opposite sex in another city ... I’m in his apartment (I don’t know if he rents it or if it’s his apartment), but the atmosphere is very uncomfortable, like grandmothers, everything is old and ancient, not fashionable, I look at myself in the mirror, I look good, I’m wearing gray boots, copron tights ... I hear .. sounds ... something is cooking in the kitchen, I go in and see that the boiler in the glass heats the water and the cord caught fire where the socket, next to a white cat, I I quickly take it off and run in a panic to the door to run out into the street and I understand that my friend locked me with a key for the time of leaving, I am in a panic, I am afraid to put out the cord, because it can ignite in an instant, I try to break the lock or I think to break the window .., and then I wake up.
      I really hope for your help and interpretation of sleep

      So it was a dark room, and there was a lot of equipment, but there were no chairs, but there was an ironing board, I sat on it)) and he clamped the wire from the computer and it broke, I picked it up and looked at this wire, the wire was black colors))) and in general it was dark there)

      Hello) I dreamed that I just went out for a walk with my friends on the street and, as if on the same day, I phoned a former classmate to take a walk with her. In real life, we want to meet, but she always has some reasons that she can’t, etc. .d. In a dream, I saw her while I was walking with my company, and she turned her back with mine, and then I turn around, and she comes to me, we started hugging, crying, she began to say that she fell into me, that she couldn’t, and at that time I looked at the sky, it was gray, there was no sun, the wires were tangled, and then they put them in order like drawings, and a friend told me that she started dating a former classmate who has a girlfriend in her life. I don't know what this could mean?

Any electricity in a dream- symbolizes nervous tension.

See any electrical appliance or device connected to a power source- means that in some matter you may experience excessive internal excitement or irritation.

For example, an electric kettle- portends a tense relationship in your home.

Bare electrical wire- suggests that your patience is about to burst and cause a heavy quarrel.

A dream in which you conduct any experiments related to electricity- testifies: your risk is justified. However, if the experiment failed, weigh again all the pros and cons.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

If electric shock- to the conflict at work;

Complete dream book of the New Era

Electricity- the need to express pure intent.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Electric light- find out something important.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Turn on electricity in a dream in a house- portends that your prospects will be overshadowed by unexpected changes at work, which you cannot prevent.

To dream of electric wires on poles- a sign of the kind and timely help of reliable friends.

A dream in which you find yourself a witness to an execution in the electric chair- says that in real life you will have to face insurmountable obstacles and the machinations of ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Electricity- you have bioelectrical systems that send signals through you.

Electricity can- to symbolize vitality. Pay attention to the electrical fields around you, as they may respond to your own electrical fields.

Blown fuses- may indicate that your internal fuses are also out of order. If it happened- try to relax and restore your potential.

Weak currents- can talk about the weakness of your vitality.

Modern universal dream book

Electricity- this is the energy that is obtained by converting other forms of energy into a new form, for example, the energy of water or air. What in real life can revive you and fill you with energy? Meditation, walks in nature, meeting friends?

Electricity It is also a symbol of powerful energy. In a dream, are you or someone else full of strength and energy? How do you feel about it? Perhaps your or someone else's energy is overflowing, preventing you from relaxing?

Electricity- fills with energy some object in your dream, for example, a device? Does it work well? Your answer will determine whether you have enough energy in a particular area of ​​life. For example, if in your dream electricity keeps the lamps working, and they flicker, then in real life you do not have enough energy to think about your ideas.

If in a dream you dream of some kind of incident related to electricity, for example, a powerful electric discharge, then you want to direct your energy in a different direction.

Electricity can also- to symbolize an unexpected shock. Has anything in real life affected you in a similar way?

Collection of dream books

Electricity- you have bioelectrical systems that permeate you. Electricity can symbolize life force.

If you dreamed:

    electric shock
    Possibly the paralyzing power of electroshock and invisible nature electricity make you feel paralyzed or unable to move.

Why dream of a closure

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Short circuit - If you dreamed of a short circuit, this means an unexpected obstacle in business for you.

If you dreamed that the closure did not last long and did not cause severe damage, then the problem that you were very afraid of would not bring you many losses.

See also: what the cable is dreaming of, what the lamp is dreaming of, what the fire is dreaming of.

Short circuit - to an unexpected obstacle in business. The closure did no damage - the obstacle that you feared will not bring you losses. Closing something in a dream - you do not trust the people around you. Short circuit, you got an electric shock - you should not do amateur activities. The plugs in the house burned out due to a short circuit - to a strip of pleasant, but small luck.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream, which could not be remembered in detail, indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions are embodied on the coming Friday or Saturday.

18 lunar day

A dream can indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams carry an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

22nd of May

A dream with an unpleasant tinge personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. It is pointless to interpret it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to be realized.

Dream interpretation electricity

What is the dream of electricity according to different dream interpreters? The answer to this question does not lie on the surface, as it may seem to an unknowing person. As a rule, such a phenomenon in a night dream symbolizes nervous or physical tension, which must be disposed of as soon as possible. However, you should not stop your attention only on these formulations, since you can find many alternatives in other sources.

General information

As the popular dream book prescribes, electricity is a symbol of constant conflicts that exhaust the dreamer. After waking up, it makes sense to think about the problem and try to take the first step to eliminate it. The dreaming light of an electrical appliance - to find out something important.

The details seen are of great importance in the decoding process, and therefore it is so important not to forget them after waking up:

Dreamed of a socket

  • electrical wire - to possible problems in real life;
  • socket - to emotional or physical overstrain, which will affect the state of health;
  • transformer - to the voltage associated with a responsible business;
  • a specialized indicator - to the emergence of romantic experiences;
  • switch - to make the right decision.

What do they write in dream books?

It is possible to get a primary idea of ​​​​what electricity is dreaming of thanks to the works of recognized masters. It is unlikely that you will be able to choose the appropriate option the first time, so try to analyze information from several sources.

Loff's dream book

As the dream book describes, an electric current and a blow received - your bold experiments in unknown areas can turn into a failure, and therefore try to plan your actions in advance. If you really want to complete what you started, then seek help from specialists.

Dream of electric shock

The latest dream book

Why dream of an electric shock? Such a night vision means the beginning of a difficult stage in relations with your superiors. Conflicts that arise at work sooner or later develop into something more, gaining wide publicity.

Miller's dream book

As the dream book indicates, sparks from electricity are a symbol of painstaking and hard work that will take a long time. The psychologist advises to abandon such an adventure in advance, since it will bring nothing but disappointment.

In Miller's dream interpreter, a recommendation is made regarding the alternation of work with rest, otherwise efficiency will decrease. Stress and exhaustion is an extreme degree that is best prevented. I dreamed about a short circuit of electricity - you must remain extremely vigilant, since the risk of an accident is high.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Seeing electric sparks in a dream

The reason for the appearance of dream images can be found in the works of a specialist who compares them with vital forces. Sparks of electricity are a reflection of the negative energy that has accumulated around a sleeping person. Perhaps nighttime circumstances will prevent a stressful situation in reality.

If for some reason there is not enough electricity in a dream, then it's time to pay attention to the state of health. A night dream tells that the life supply is running out, and this cannot be tolerated. Your task is to pay attention exclusively to rest and proper nutrition, discarding all prejudices.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

According to the authors, the dreamed vision symbolizes the beginning of a difficult life stage that requires enormous emotional costs. If you happen to see a device or device from which sparks of electricity fly out, then you are experiencing an excessive amount of negative emotions regarding some issue.

The dream book considers several atypical options:

Seeing a burning kettle in a dream

  • electric kettle - to the beginning of tensions within the family;
  • bare wire - your patience has limits, and a heavy quarrel will be the last point.

If you happen to feel a discharge on yourself, then such a dream is trying to warn that the nervous system is at the limit of its work. Not getting rid of overvoltage, not only a breakdown awaits you, but also the collapse of all plans. Your future is in your own hands, so try not to forget about it.

Modern combined interpreter

Dreams are dreaming in which you have to feel electric shocks on yourself - you need to abandon independent decision-making in dubious areas. Turning to specialists for help, you can count on a favorable ending to what you started.

As the dream book thinks, flashes of electricity and a blackout in the home are the beginning of unexpected, but pleasant changes in life. If the street bell is short-circuited, and annoying sounds have taken your patience away, then someone wants to find a catch in your activities. According to another interpretation, your friend needs help.

Dreams of interruptions with the electrician

Why did another person come instead of an electrician? Such an unusual castling confuses the ignorant dreamer, but the interpretation received will shed light on this. Most likely, a memorable romantic adventure awaits you.

If the electrical circuit diagram remains incomprehensible, then you have stopped devoting time to your hobby, since household chores have taken up all your free time. It's time to make the right choice and start planning your life.

Short circuit

Some dream interpreters pay attention to problems that are associated with electricity, and therefore try to recall this detail in your memory.


If in a dream there was a wiring short circuit, and you decided to fix the problems yourself, then try to become more attentive, as an unusual or new activity is expected.


Seeing bright sparks fly out of the shield - to conflicts with people around you. Dream interpreters advise to communicate neutrally with others, especially with management, otherwise their own antics will lead to grandiose scandals. A sparkling teapot promises the beginning of conflicts in the love field. If you really care about relationships, then try to compromise.

Other interpretations of dreams

She dreams about how the lights were turned off in the house at the most crucial moment - you will have to regret that you did not agree to a tempting offer. If the fair sex decided to conduct some experiments with electricity, then her risks would be justified.

If you had to turn off the light in the house, then hope will leave the soul of a sleeping person, leaving behind a trace of despondency and apathy. The Lunar Dream Book tells that turning on the electricity promises an unexpected insight, which was so lacking. Pay for electricity - you will be able to get secret information by using it against competitors.

A dream about a short circuit means an unexpected obstacle in business. If it did not last long and did no damage, then the obstacle that you feared will not bring you losses.

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