What are major and minor modes? What does minor mean in music? The meaning of the word "minor"

In musical practice it is used big number various musical modes. Of these, two modes are the most common and almost universal: major and minor. So, both major and minor come in three types: natural, harmonic and melodic. Just don’t be afraid of this, everything is simple: the difference is only in the details (1-2 sounds), the rest of them are the same. Today we have three types of minor in our field of vision.

3 types of minor: the first is natural

Natural minor- this is a simple scale without any random signs, in the form in which it is. Only taken into account key signs. The scale of this scale is the same when moving both up and down. Nothing extra. The sound is simple, a little strict, sad.

Here, for example, is what the natural scale represents: A minor:

3 types of minor: the second is harmonic

Harmonic minor– in it when moving both up and down increases to the seventh level (VII#). It rises not suddenly, but in order to sharpen its gravity to the first stage (that is, in).

Let's look at the harmonic scale A minor:

As a result, the seventh (introductory) step actually transitions well and naturally into the tonic, but between the sixth and seventh steps ( VI and VII#) a “hole” is formed - an increased second (uv2).

However, this has its own charm: thanks to this increased second harmonic minor sounds something like an Arabic (Eastern) style– very beautiful, elegant and very characteristic (that is, the harmonic minor is easily recognizable by ear).

3 types of minor: third – melodic

Melodic minor is a minor in which When the gamma moves upward, two steps increase at once - the sixth and seventh (VI# and VII#), but during the reverse (downward) movement, these increases are canceled, and the actual natural minor is played (or sung).

Here is an example of the melodic appearance of the same A minor:

Why was it necessary to increase these two levels? We have already dealt with the seventh - she wants to be closer to the tonic. But the sixth is raised in order to close the “hole” (uv2) that was formed in the harmonic minor.

Why is this so important? Yes, because the minor is MELODIC, but strict rules moves in MELODY are prohibited.

What does an increase in levels VI and VII give? On the one hand, there is a more directed movement towards the tonic, on the other hand, this movement is softened.

Why then cancel these increases (alteration) when moving down? Everything is very simple here: if we play the scale from top to bottom, then when we return to the elevated seventh degree we will again want to return to the tonic, despite the fact that this is no longer necessary (we, having overcome the tension, have already conquered this peak (tonic) and go down, where you can relax). And one more thing: we just shouldn’t forget that we are in a minor, and these two girlfriends (elevated sixth and seventh degrees) somehow add fun. This gaiety may be just right the first time, but the second time it’s too much.

The sound of melodic minor fully lives up to its name: it really It sounds somehow special MELODIC, soft, lyrical and warm. This mode is often found in romances and songs (for example, about nature or in lullabies).

Repetition is the mother of learning

Oh, how much I have written about the melodic minor here. I’ll tell you a secret that most often you will have to deal with the harmonic minor, so don’t forget about “Mistress the seventh degree” - sometimes she needs to “step up”.

Let's repeat once again what they are in music. It's a minor natural (simple, without bells and whistles), harmonic (with an increased seventh level – VII#) and melodic (in which, when moving up, you need to raise the sixth and seventh degrees - VI# and VII#, and when moving down, just play a natural minor). Here's a drawing to help you:

Now you know the rules, now I suggest you watch a simply gorgeous video on the topic. After watching this short video lesson, you will once and for all learn to distinguish one type of minor from another (including by ear). The video asks you to learn a song (in Ukrainian) - it’s very interesting.

Three types of minor - other examples

What is this all we have? A minor and A minor? What? no others? Of course I have. Now let's look at examples of natural, harmonic and melodic minor in several other keys.

E minor– three types: in this example, changes in steps are highlighted in color (in accordance with the rules) – so I will not give unnecessary comments.

Key B minor with two sharps at the key, in the harmonic form - A-sharp appears, in the melodic form - G-sharp is also added to it, and then when the scale moves down, both increases are canceled (A bekar, G bekar).

Key F sharp minor : there are three signs in the key - F, C and G sharp. In a harmonic F-sharp minor, the seventh degree (E-sharp) is raised, and in a melodic scale, the sixth and seventh degrees (D-sharp and E-sharp) are raised; with a downward movement of the scale, this alteration is canceled.

C sharp minor V three types. The key has four sharps. In harmonic form - B-sharp, in melodic form - A-sharp and B-sharp in an ascending movement, and natural C-sharp minor in a descending movement.

Key F minor. – flats in the amount of 4 pieces. In the harmonic F minor the seventh degree (E-Bekar) is raised, in the melodic F minor the sixth (D-Bekar) and seventh (E-Bekar) are raised; when moving downwards, the increases are, of course, cancelled.

Three types C minor. A key with three flats in the key (B, E and A). The seventh degree in the harmonic form is increased (B-bekar), in the melodic form - in addition to the seventh, the sixth (A-bekar) is also increased; in the downward movement of the scale of the melodic form, these increases are canceled and B-flat and A-flat, which are in in its natural form.

Key G minor: here, at the key, two flats are set. In the harmonic G minor there is F-sharp, in the melodic - in addition to F-sharp, there is also E-bekar (increasing the VI degree), when moving down in melodic G minor - according to the rule, the signs of the natural minor are returned (that is, F-bekar and E -flat).

D minor in its three forms. Natural without any additional alteration (don’t forget just the B-flat sign in the key). Harmonic D minor – with a raised seventh (C sharp). Melodic D minor - with an ascending movement of the B-bekar and C-sharp scales (raised sixth and seventh degrees), with a downward movement - the return of the natural form (C-becar and B-flat).

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Minora, m. [it. minore from Latin. minor – smaller]. 1. A musical mode, the scale of which is built a minor third down from major scale(with an increase of a semitone of the seventh degree in the so-called. Big dictionary foreign words

  • minor - CHERRY - SAD Fun - sad (see) fun - sad (see) fun - sad (see) Cheerful mood - sad mood. A cheerful look is a sad look. A happy evening is a sad evening. Fun performance- sad performance. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  • minor - minor I m. A musical mode based on a triad with a minor third and a perfect fifth, giving it a sad sound. || opposite major II m. coll. Sad, melancholy mood. || opposite major Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • minor - MINOR m. music. tone or mode, moth, languid, soft, opposite sex. major, dur. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • minor - MINOR, a, m. 1. A musical mode of sad, mournful coloring, the chord of which is built on a minor third (special). 2. transfer Sad, depressed mood. To be in a minor key. | adj. minor, oh, oh. m. tone. Minor mood. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • minor - -a, m. 1. A musical mode, the sounds of which form a chord built on a minor third (characterized by a sound coloring associated with the mood of sadness, mourning); opposite major | in meaning unism. adj. G scale minor. 2. transfer decomposition Small academic dictionary
  • minor - orth. minor, -a Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • minor - Minor, minors, minor, minors, minor, minors, minor, minors, minor, minors, minor, minors Grammar dictionary Zaliznyak
  • minor - MIN'OR, minor, male. (Italian minore from Latin minor - smaller). 1. A musical mode, the scale of which is built a minor third down from the major scale (with an increase of a semitone of the seventh degree in the so-called Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Minor - Order k - determinant of a matrix, the elements of which are in a given rectangular matrix at the intersection of multiple columns and multiple rows. If the numbers of the marked rows coincide with the numbers of the marked columns, then M. is called. Mathematical Encyclopedia
  • minor - MINOR -a; m. [from Italian. minore - smaller]. 1. A musical mode, the sounds of which form a chord built on a small trapezoid (characterized by sound coloring associated with the mood of sadness, mourning; opposite: major). Play in a minor key. 2. Unwind Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • MINOR - MINOR is a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or determinant. MINOR (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller; also moll, from Latin. Big encyclopedic Dictionary
  • Minor I Minor

    Lazar Solomonovich, Soviet neurologist, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1927). In 1879 he graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University, worked for A.I. Babukhin , A. Ya. Kozhevnikova . In 1910-17, director of the clinic of nervous diseases of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, in 1917-32, head of the clinic of nervous diseases of the medical faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University (from 1930 - 2nd Moscow Medical Institute). He described the symptomatology of damage to the epiconus of the spinal cord and a special “planting symptom” with sciatica (M.’s phenomenon), a peculiar form of hereditary tremor (the so-called essential tremor of M.). A number of M.’s works are devoted to histology nervous system. As a doctor and public figure contributed...

    m. 1) A musical mode based on a triad with a minor third and a perfect fifth, giving it a lyrical, sad sound. 2) transfer decomposition Sad, depressed mood.

    Minor a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or determinant.

    minor, m. (Italian minore from Latin minor - smaller). 1. A musical mode, the scale of which is built a minor third down from the major scale (with an increase of the seventh degree by a semitone in the so-called harmonic minor scale, and in the melodic minor scale - with the same increase in the sixth and seventh degrees only in ascending order; usually gives the impression of sadness, sadness; music). This piece is written in a minor key. Transition from major to minor. ? The same in meaning. unchangeable, adj. (music). Sonata in F minor. 2. transfer Sad, melancholy mood (colloquial fam.). Why are you in such a minor key?



    musical mode“dark”, sad coloring.

    Large explanatory dictionary of cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I. . 2003.





    in minors,

    in minor keys

    (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)

    Minor min o r

    Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS.

    M.V. Zarva.


    MINOR is a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or determinant.

    Minor min\"or, -a Russian spelling dictionary. /. Russian Academy. 1999 .

    Sci. Institute of Russian language them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M.: "Azbukovnik" V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.

    (from it.

    minor). See Mineur.

    lat. minor, it. minore, French mineur. In music, the tone is sad and quiet.

    (Source: “Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots.” Mikhelson A.D., 1865)

    see Miner.

    (Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Chudinov A.N., 1910)


    estate, mood, mood, qualifier

    determinant composed of elements standing at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k lines and k columns of a given matrix or determinant.

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    A, m. 1. A musical mode of sad, mournful coloring, the chord of which is built on a minor third (special). 2. transfer Sad, depressed mood. To be in a minor key. II adj. minor, -aya, -oe. M. tone. Minor mood.



    Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

    see Miner.

    MINOR-A; m.[from Italian minore - smaller].

    1. A musical mode, the sounds of which form a chord built on a minor trapezoid (characterized by sound coloring associated with the mood of sadness, mourning; opposite: major). Play in a minor key.

    2. Razg. About a sad, sad mood. To be in a minor key.

    Minor, unchanged; in sign. adj. With a sad, mournful sound coloring. G scale minor.

    Minor (see).

    Large explanatory dictionary of Russian...


    MINOR a, m. mineur, it. minore. 1 . A musical mode whose chord is built on a minor third. BAS-1. And these hellish sonatas, And all the adagios, stocata, Allegro, menue, major; And more barbaric minor, which pulls at the soul. A. I. Klushin (1763 - 1804). // Music. est. 18 194. A minor measure will be when from the first degree to the third there is only a tone and a semitone. Jan. 1804 2 643. That part of the quartet... which replaces the minuet, under the pen of Beethoven serves most of all for the “play of contrasts”. .. that’s why majeur and mineur alternate so often. Serov Beethoven and his three styles. ...

    MINOR (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller) (musical), a mode based on a small (minor) triad, giving it a specific “gloomy” coloring (as opposed to major).


    Dictionary of antonyms. 2011 .

    Minor is an old Socialist Revolutionary, one of the founders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. During the days of Kerenskyism, Minor joined Chernov’s group, which was tossing between the coalition and a purely socialist ministry. In the later created Council of the Republic, Minor headed the Socialist Revolutionary faction and was among the Socialist Revolutionary members of the presidium of this Council.

    1. Musical mode.
    2. The “swan song” mode.
    3. Musical pessimism.
    4. Musical sadness.
    5. Depressed mood.

    m. music tone or mode, moth, languid, soft, opposite sex. major, dur.

    A soft musical mode, the foundation of which is a minor triad, giving it a specific “dark” coloring. IN figurative meaning- lyrical, soft, sad mood.

    see Miner.

    -A , m.

    A musical mode, the sounds of which form a chord built on a minor third (characterized by sound coloring associated with the mood of sadness and mourning); opposite major

    in meaning unism. adj. G scale minor.

    2. trans. decomposition

    Sad, sad mood.

    Thank you for your sweet, delightful letter. I came to life - I was in a minor key.

    [From Italian. minore - smaller]

    Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian...

    estate, mood, mood, qualifier

    order k is the determinant of a matrix, the elements of which stand in a given rectangular matrix at the intersection of multiple columns and multiple rows.

    If the numbers of the marked rows coincide with the numbers of the marked columns, then M. is called. the main one, and if the first ones are marked To rows and first columns - angular. The basis minor of a matrix is ​​called. any of its non-zero M. of maximum order. In order for a matrix to be basic, it is necessary and sufficient that all the variables bordering it (that is, those containing it that have a unit greater order) are equal to zero. The system of rows (columns) of a matrix associated with the basic matrix is ​​a maximal linearly independent subsystem of the system of all rows (columns) of the matrix.

    The meaning of the word MINOR in the Dictionary of Musical Terms


    (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller) - a mode whose stable sounds (1, 3, 5 steps) form a small (minor) triad. The minor triad together with the major triad is the basis of harmony. these triads are equivalent in consonant and mode terms, since they consist of the same consonant intervals (but in reverse combination) and as the tonic of the corresponding mode they have equal significance.

    Dictionary of musical terms. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MINOR is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • MINOR in 1000 biographies of famous people:
      old Socialist Revolutionary, one of the founders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. During the days of Kerenskyism, Minor joined Chernov’s group, which was tossing between the coalition and purely socialist...
    • MINOR in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      (Italian minore from Latin minor - smaller; also moll, from Latin mollis - soft), in music - a mode, the foundation of which ...
    • MINOR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      (moll, soft) - a minor inclination of the tonality, in which the third degree of the diatonic scale is a minor third from the first. M. or...
    • MINOR in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    • MINOR
      (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller) (musical), mode, which is based on a small (minor) triad, giving it a specific “gloomy” ...
    • MINOR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      a, pl. no, m. 1. music. A mode, the stable sounds of which (I, III and V degrees) form a small triad, which has a sad, ...
    • MINOR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , -a, m. 1. A musical mode of sad, mournful coloring, the chord of which is built on a minor third (special). 2. transfer Sad, depressed...
    • MINOR
      MINOR, a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or ...
    • MINOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      MINOR (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller; also moll, from Latin mollis - soft) (music), mode, the foundation of which is ...
    • MINOR in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
      mino"r, mino"ry, mino"ra, mino"rov, mino"ru, mino"ram, mino"r, mino"ry, mino"rum,mino"rami,mino"re, ...
    • MINOR in the Anagram Dictionary.
    • MINOR in dictionary Great Russian language business communication:
    • MINOR in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      -ah, only food. , m. 1) A musical mode, the chord of which is built on a minor third; has a sad, mournful sound coloring. Gamma...
    • MINOR in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    • MINOR in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
      (French mineur, Italian minore, Latin minor minor) 1) otherwise mole - muses. mode, the stable sounds of which (I, III in ...
    • MINOR in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
      [fr. mineur, it. minore 1. otherwise moth - muses. mode, the stable sounds of which (i, iii in the v degree) form a small ...
    • MINOR in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
      estate, harmony, mood, ...
    • MINOR in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
      m. 1) A musical mode based on a triad with a minor third and a perfect fifth, giving it a lyrical, sad sound. ...
    • MINOR in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      min'or, ...
    • MINOR full spelling dictionary Russian language:
      minor, ...
    • MINOR in the Spelling Dictionary:
      min'or, ...
    • MINOR in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      musical mode of sad, mournful coloring, the chord of which is built on the minor third Spec minor sad, depressed mood To be in ...
    • MINOR in Dahl's Dictionary:
      husband. , music tone or mode, mole, languid, soft, opposite. major, dur...
    • MINOR in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
      a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of arbitrarily selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or determinant. - (Italian...

    - M. mus. tone or mode, moth, languid, soft, opposite sex. major, dur.
    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Minor- minor, m. (Italian minore from Latin minor - smaller). 1. A musical mode, the scale of which is built a minor third down from the major scale (with an increase of a semitone of the seventh degree in t.........
    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Minor M.— 1. A musical mode based on a triad with a minor third and a perfect fifth, giving it a lyrical, sad sound. 2. transfer decomposition Sad, depressed mood.
    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

    Minor Osip (Joseph) Solomonovich— (November 12, 1861, Minsk, – 1934, Paris). From the family of a rabbi, Jewish writer S.A. Zalkinda (pseudonym – Minor). As a student at Moscow University he participated in revolutionary........
    Political dictionary

    Minor- -A; m. [from Italian. minore - smaller].
    1. A musical mode, the sounds of which form a chord built on a small trapezoid (characterized by sound coloring associated with moods........
    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Major-minor- a mode formed as a result of combining two of the same name or parallel keys. In major-minor, chords and melodic turns of major and minor are used on equal terms.

    Minor— a determinant composed of elements consisting at the intersection of randomly selected k rows and k columns of a given matrix or determinant.
    Large encyclopedic dictionary

    Alexandria minor- see Iskenderun
    Geographical dictionary

    Minor- - a soft musical mode, the foundation of which is a small triad, giving it a specific “dark” coloring. In a figurative meaning - a lyrical, soft, sad mood.
    Historical Dictionary

    Harmonic minor- a type of minor scale. Compared to the natural minor, the 7th stage of G. scale is high. It represents an introductory tone, sharply gravitating upward towards the tonic;........
    Music Encyclopedia

    Minor- (Italian minore, from Latin minor - smaller; also moll, from Latin mollis - soft) - a mode based on a small (minor) triad, as well as the modal coloring (inclination) of this triad... ......
    Music Encyclopedia

    Minor— order k is the determinant of a matrix, the elements of which stand in a given rectangular matrix at the intersection of multiple columns and multiple rows. If the numbers of the marked lines match........
    Mathematical Encyclopedia

    Minor, Z. Sh. (sol. Alekseev.)- Moscow society rabbi, preacher, b. 1826 in Little Russia as a merchant. family, † in Vilna 8 Jan.

    Minor, Laz. Solomon.— neurologist, pr.-assoc. Moscow un., r. 17 Dec 1855 in Vilna, p. Z. Sh. Minora
    Big biographical encyclopedia

    Minor, Lazar Solomonovich— - neurologist; genus. in 1855 in Vilna (son of Solomon M., see). Graduated from Moscow University; despite receiving a gold medal in the fourth year, he was not retained at the university.........
    Large biographical encyclopedia

    Minor, Osip Solomon.- translator, collaborator "Northwestern words", p. 1861, b.
    Large biographical encyclopedia

    Minor, Osip Solomonovich- - genus. in 1861. For participation in various political affairs he was sentenced to hard labor. According to the manifesto, he was released in 1895 to live in Chita, and in 1898 he received the right to return........
    Large biographical encyclopedia