Dreaming about heights. Why do you dream of heights and fear of falling: you are afraid of life’s difficulties

In dreams, everything is literally permeated with riddles, hints, secrets.

Sometimes dreams have everyday, everyday plots, and sometimes the symbols and signs are so bright and concrete that immediately after waking up you want to interpret and find out the secret - what does the dream promise?

One such striking symbol is height. A sign that can promise a lot - both good and desirable, and alarming. Heights are different, and some people experience fear and apprehension, sometimes even panic, while others, on the contrary, experience a craving for heights and euphoria from being above the ground.

Height in dreams can be a symbol of achieving heights in reality, it can indicate the dreamer’s ambitions or his fear of serious decisions and actions, or it can hint at mistakes and warn about something. It depends on the details of the “high-altitude” dream, and these details can be like this:

  • You fall from a great height in your dreams.
  • Stand high above the ground, afraid of falling.
  • You fell to the ground from a height.
  • You are standing on the roof of a building.
  • You are going to jump down in a dream.
  • Fly by plane.
  • Stand on a high tower, on an observation deck.
  • In a dream you are on a high mountain.
  • You jump with a parachute in your dreams.
  • Watching someone fall from a height.
  • Look down from above calmly, without fear, with pleasure.

All these “high-altitude” dreams can bring different emotions to the dreamer, but the main thing is that they carry different meanings, and sometimes very important ones. Remember not only the details of your dream, but also the emotions that you experienced - this will also help you understand the dream in the right way and make the right decision in reality.

Fall or fly...

To explain what heights mean in dreams, the dream book should ask the right question, taking into account everything that happens in dreams. Where exactly the dreamer had to be, what he experienced - all this is extremely important for the interpretation of the “high-altitude” dream.

1. Falling in a dream from a great height, flying down, experiencing fear - this can be a serious shock and frighten, but it does not promise any catastrophe. This indicates that the dreamer sets himself in reality too serious, sometimes impossible tasks.

You are probably putting too much on your own shoulders, demanding the simply impossible from yourself - you shouldn’t do this, slow down. Set realistic tasks and goals, complete them calmly and confidently, and then set the next ones.

2. T Such a dream in which heights seriously frighten you, you experience terrible fear and panic - a hint that you are not only too demanding of yourself, but also too critical. Again, the interpreter recommends being more realistic, soberly assessing your own strengths, and setting tasks according to your capabilities.

3. Falling to the ground from any height in a dream is a good sign; it portends you overcoming obstacles. If any goal now seems unattainable to you, be sure that you will overcome everything and reach great heights.

4. As the dream book says, the height below, below you, if you are standing on the roof of a building, indicates your ambitions. You plan a lot, and perhaps even talk about your plans, but you do little. It's time to use your strength and start taking active action.

5. If in your dreams you not only stood at the top, high above the ground, but also intended to jump down - such a dream may indicate your desire or readiness to leave your usual life.

Change, for example, a noisy city for peace, do something more measured. A re-evaluation of life awaits you, and perhaps you will radically change a lot by understanding what your heart wants.

6. Dreaming of flying high in the clouds on an airplane or other flying vehicle is a hint of your habit of building illusory dreams and hopes, sand castles. Be more realistic, evaluate life more soberly to avoid disappointments.

7. Have you stood on a high tower in your dreams? A high position or an attractive new position awaits you. In any case, feel free to expect recognition and honor, you will soon earn it.

8. Standing on a high mountain in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will achieve something very serious, you will simply make a breakthrough, and you will reap the benefits of your achievements for a long time. So now work with the firm confidence that it is not in vain.

9. If you jumped with a parachute in your dreams, you clearly lack some sharp or simply fresh sensations. You have probably been stuck in everyday life for too long, you are accustomed to routine, but your soul is asking for vivid experiences and a shake-up.

10. Watching someone fall from a height in your dreams means experiencing a reassessment of values. Someone’s experience or example will make you think extremely seriously about your own life, goals and dreams, and you will want to change a lot in your usual reality.

11. If you looked from above in a dream calmly, without fear or even with pleasure, know that you will soon achieve incredible heights and accept high position and honors with dignity. This is wonderful!

“High-altitude” dreams are a reason to think carefully about your life, look at your daily actions and actions, and listen to your own heart. What does it want, and is this how you live, are you moving there?

You build your own reality, remember this, and do not let circumstances control your life - and amazing heights will await you. Author: Vasilina Serova

Looking down at someone means that you may make a wrong decision that will have a bad effect on your affairs.

Looking down on someone in a dream has a literal meaning and can mean arrogance or a clear advantage over a rival, or sometimes both.

Looking down from the window predicts obstacles in business. See interpretation: window.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Height

If you were high in the dream, this indicates that your plans are overly ambitious; alas, your capabilities do not yet correspond to them.

You were not alone there - the dream suggests that your ambition is fueled by people who do not really wish you well.

Falling from a height - a dream about trouble or a sudden onset of illness; saw another fall - the meaning applies to him or someone close to you; plans after such a dream will not be realized.

Rising in height (no matter how) - a dream to an increase in material well-being; saw how someone else did it - you will have to envy other people's successes.

Interpretation of dreams from

Briefly about the main thing

Being afraid of heights in a dream is a sign of impending life changes according to most dream books. Psychology defines the meaning of such fear as emotional depression, depression.

Most often, people who have such dreams are slow and indecisive. Their subconscious mind gives them clues that they need to take risks, otherwise the opportunity will be missed.

Ambitious and active people in real life experience a similar fear in a dream before an event that could bring them failure. On the contrary, you need to calm down and weigh your decisions again.

TOP 4 negative interpretations

  1. Getting injured in almost all dream books it is a bad sign. The sleeper may face problems, financial losses or deteriorating health.
  2. Get down from something high- retreat. Perhaps the dreamer’s life faces too many impossible tasks.
  3. Holding tightly to something before falling- false hopes that prevent you from achieving what you want.
  4. Fall from a height and get scared- obstacles await you.

TOP 3 neutral interpretations

  1. Fear of Fall- need rest. Or a person is on the verge of making an important decision.
  2. Fear of heights- the desire to be free, to remove unnecessary obligations.
  3. A person who really suffers from acrophobia- fear of heights - can have such a dream in difficult life situations. A dream does not bring signs, but only shakes up the psychological state, helping to cheer up.

Fear of heights in a dream, why is this according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, a vision can mean loss or disappointment.

Depending on the location of the person at altitude, the interpretation of the dream is specified:

  1. In the sky, parachute jump. It is recommended not to get involved in adventures in the near future and not to take unnecessary risks.
  2. High-rise building, roof, skyscraper. Most likely, a person is tormented by doubts and it is they that prevent him from completing an important task. First, you need to understand the nature of your emotions.
  3. Mountain. An omen of health problems, it is worth paying special attention to this.
  4. Ferris wheel. Scrolls through your thoughts, helping you find mistakes in business or personal relationships.
  5. Falling into the river. Serious health problems. But if a person gets out of the water in a dream, the disease will quickly recede in reality.
  6. Fear of heights arose in connection with the destruction of a house or mountain - such a sign speaks of fatal changes in life.

Video: interpretation of fear of heights in a dream

Filmed by the Night Owl channel.

Why do you dream about fear of heights according to Freud’s dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, people who experience difficulties in relationships with their partner dream of a fear of heights. Height means a manifestation of feelings, and being afraid of it in a dream means being afraid to confess your affection to your loved one.

In a dream, a person can be not at a height, but near it:

  • at the foot of the mountain;
  • in front of the entrance to a high-rise building;
  • at the door to the balcony.

Such a dream foreshadows that in a relationship with your chosen one you will have to show imagination in order to conquer or maintain passionate relationships.

For men:

  • the dream represents the fear of losing one's strength and attractiveness.

What does a dream in which you are afraid of heights mean, according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga's dream book interprets fear of heights as follows:

  • desire for self-development;
  • the need to work on personal development;
  • desire to improve the universe.

A falling plane in a vision indicates that attempts to improve a difficult situation in life will not bear fruit.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tsvetkov believes that fear of heights in a dream is felt by people whose planned business is very risky. It is worth reviewing plans and possible problems.

I dreamed of “diving from a height” - an amazing and successful thing awaits the one who saw the dream.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff’s dream book, fear of heights foreshadows financial stability:

  • saw a high-rise building in a dream - career success;
  • climbing a high ladder means promotion, as well as a transition to a new level of development.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The meaning of fear of heights in this dream book is that close friends and family are in serious danger. The dream is given to warn of a threat and save loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In Nostradamus’s dream book there are two meanings for fear of heights:

  • a huge height suggests that all events occurring in a dream will happen in the distant future;
  • seeing many people on a pedestal is a belittling of one’s talents and capabilities in front of others.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti’s interpretation, people may have a terrible dream in the following cases:

  • being at high altitude means imminent physical illness;
  • looking at the sky - joyful events;
  • falling is an illness, serious problems.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

A person who was afraid of heights in a dream can interpret what he saw as follows:

  • has too many demands on himself;
  • will not be able to achieve what he wants;
  • acquiring an obligation that cannot be fulfilled.

Azar's Dream Book

According to this dream book, fear of heights and falling are a good sign. You can expect an invitation to a new job or a career boost.

Dream Interpretation Veles

The dream interpreter of Veles explains the fall from a height by saying that in reality the person got involved in a dangerous business. Perhaps in reality, the person who saw the dream should not do things that he will regret.

To fall in a toilet or into a cesspool - in life, the owner of such a dream will make a terrible impression on people.

Aesop's Dream Book

In Aesop's dream book there is an interpretation of the following dream: fear caused by a child falling from a balcony or roof.

There are two interpretations of the vision:

  • In reality, the baby will discover new talents and skills;
  • the one who had the dream should do something unusual, it will bring him happiness.

You need to pay attention to the health of children if in a dream real kids fell into a well or pit. This is a possible request for help that the child cannot voice in reality.

English dream book

In the English dream book there are several meanings of the feeling of fear in a dream:

  1. Falling from a height means losses and problems.
  2. A person in love who is in doubt about his chosen one can interpret the vision as a waste of time. Most likely, the relationship will not be happy.
  3. This is also a bad sign for businessmen. Difficulties and losses await you in business.
  4. People who are going on a long journey and have a dream associated with a fear of heights should be careful. This is a sign of disaster and an unhappy path.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

In the Wanderer's Dream Interpreter there is a decoding of such dreams associated with heights:

  1. Fear of heights in the elevator, fear that it will fall. Dreams of those who are afraid to commit an important and necessary act. To get rid of a nightmare in reality, you need to decide on a difficult step.
  2. The elevator falls. There will be regrets about the time spent, it is worth reconsidering plans for the near future.
  3. Objects fall on a person from a height. A harbinger of mortal danger.

French dream book

In the French dream book, the fear of falling from a height foretells trouble and trouble.

How the dream ends can serve as a hint for the future:

  • a person who survives and rises after a fall will overcome his problems;
  • someone who dies or is injured in a dream can expect difficulties and bad news.

Assyrian dream book

Meanings of the feeling of horror due to heights in the Assyrian dream book:

  • falling into the abyss - an exciting business and a new acquaintance awaits;
  • to be broken in the vision - there will be no success in work in the near future;
  • falling from a large and small height promises the emergence of serious and minor problems in life, respectively;
  • falling off a mountain or a high-rise building - the business that a person is implementing will not bring success.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The dream book of the healer Akulina interprets falling in a dream from a great height as follows: great luck awaits after overcoming difficulties.

Modern dream book

According to the modern online dream book, fear of heights tells a person that he has no material support in life. This condition worries him and prevents him from realizing his plans.

Fear of cosmic heights, on the contrary, foreshadows the opening of new opportunities. The person seeing the dream will not be ready for them, so you should pay attention to this in real life.

Chinese dream book

The Chinese dream book associates height with spirituality. This means that fear of her is fear that has settled in the soul in connection with changed circumstances.

Perhaps what awaits a person in life is:

  • difficulty in achieving a goal;
  • career growth;
  • change in financial status;
  • moral shock;
  • increasing social status.

Muslim dream book

The Muslim dream book interprets fear of heights as follows:

  • looking out of a window at a height personifies a person’s thirst to free himself from boundaries and gain the desired freedom;
  • jumping into the abyss - you need to take a risky step to get what you want;
  • descend from a height carefully or jump with a parachute - any actions require caution, you cannot rush to make a decision;
  • standing on a high cliff - a person’s position in life is very precarious; it is necessary to reconsider priorities.

Islamic dream book

The fear of falling in the Islamic dream book symbolizes difficult, even unrealistic tasks facing a person.

Various variations of the dream complement the interpretation:

  • hanging at a height - expects to overcome difficulties, after which the desired goal will finally be achieved;
  • standing on the balcony - being too demanding of yourself, not seeing the real reasons for your failure;
  • being on the roof is a sign of acquiring higher spiritual power;
  • sitting in a Ferris wheel is a change of power: either you will become higher or lower;
  • any rise like an elevator or staircase symbolizes advancement in life or career.

Russian dream book

Dream meanings:

  1. A dream associated with altitude, according to the Russian dream book, is a good sign. It leads a person to important life changes.
  2. Fear of heights in dreams is a signal from the brain that a person lacks extreme situations and emotions, which generates adrenaline in the blood.
  3. Being on a high-rise building means rapid development of relationships for a person in love.
  4. A child or family members located on top symbolize a crisis situation. It is worth spending more time with your family.

Slavic dream book

Height in the Slavic dream book also has several interpretations:

  • seeing a cloudless sky means a happy future;
  • being afraid to fly on a plane means fear of a love relationship;
  • dive or crash of an airplane - a crisis in the family or problems at work.

According to the Slavic dream book, a person who sees a catastrophe at a height, but does not experience horror, knows exactly how to solve problems.

Ukrainian dream book

Fear of heights in a dream promises a quick change in existing affairs - these can be both positive and negative changes.

To climb down from a hill is to not notice obvious solutions to problems in reality.

Family dream book

According to the family dream book, experiencing fear from the sight of heights is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

According to Felomen’s dream book, fear of heights means a change from a streak of bad luck to great success. Very soon, a person who saw heights in a dream will have all their complex problems solved.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream interpreter advises those who dream of falling or have a fear of heights to become more self-confident and find the right motivation.

Love dream book

The love dream book suggests that interpretations in books may not always reflect reality. It is worth listening to your feelings from the dream you lived and thinking about how this applies to real life.

Individual frames of what was seen can be analyzed like this:

  • a jump into an abyss, from a roof or from a window is seen by those who will soon commit a rash act;
  • often lonely people dream of fear of heights;
  • height in different variations is someone whose life is undergoing serious changes.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • A fall from a height in a woman's dream book foreshadows a big disaster. Moreover, if the person who saw the dream was injured, then painful losses await her in life.
  • A woman who stands on top and is very scared is too arrogant in life and behaves unworthily.
  • If she sees someone on the roof, it means she is not confident in herself and this prevents her from achieving her goal.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • To be high in a dream means to have too ambitious plans. Fear personifies the doubts occurring in the soul of a man.
  • In a dream, someone may be standing next to you - this person in real life does not rejoice at the successes of the person who saw the dream and does not support him.
  • Conquering a mountain means an increase in material well-being, and falling from it means failure and the collapse of a business.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Height symbolizes many possibilities. Being afraid of heights in a dream means not deciding in reality to do something that will bring prosperity.

To get down from a mountain or a high-rise building - in life you need to refuse a tempting offer; perhaps it does not promise happiness.

A huge hill or flight is a sign that promises good news according to Juno’s dream book.

Lunar dream book

According to the lunar dream interpreter, seeing heights means moving up the career ladder and taking a new post.

There are other meanings:

  • fall from the top - difficulties will arise in your work;
  • a long flight into the abyss - insoluble problems in the family;
  • injuries received from a fall - despair and depression;
  • paralyzing fear of heights in a dream - loved ones are in danger.

Intimate dream book

The intimate dream book interprets fear of heights as follows:

  • watching someone's flight means you will soon have to re-evaluate your loved one;
  • parachute jump - the desire to experience new emotions in intimate life;
  • to be afraid for another person who is on top means to see a partner who will play an important role in his personal life.

Winter dream book

According to the winter dream book, being at a high altitude with fear means committing the wrong actions.

Other interpretations:

  • coming down from a height is a missed opportunity;
  • rise - new career paths.

Home dream book

According to the home dream book, fear of heights is interpreted as new achievements.

The actions that occur in such a dream are deciphered as follows:

  • to be in a dream very high in the mountains or in space - a change in lifestyle or a feeling of loneliness;
  • to see something very high - in reality, the owner of the dream is impressed by some person or event;
  • standing on a building means being in a state of spiritual development.

According to the home dream book, any fall in a dream is doubt, lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

Creative dream book

According to this dream book, if a person has a feeling of fear of heights, it means that in reality he has raised the bar. Having high claims on yourself means feeling imperfect. Such a dream shows the sleeper his weaknesses.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

A person who goes to bed and experiences a fear of heights subconsciously answers important questions to himself.

Possible interpretations:

  • climbing up and then falling into the abyss are difficult tasks in life that will not bring success;
  • crashing in a dream from a great height - insurmountable problems;
  • falling and getting up means victory over any difficulties;
  • to be very afraid of heights - an overly critical attitude towards oneself;
  • stand on a hill - the distance to the ground under the person standing speaks of the size of the ambitions inherent in him;
  • jump down or readiness for it - changes in life are needed;
  • climbing to heights means achieving a better social status.

Video about fear of heights in a dream

Filmed by the House of the Sun channel.

Even in ancient times, people have been trying to unravel the secrets of dreams, or rather, what information load they carry. The experience of our ancestors was outlined in numerous dream books, which today make it possible to interpret completely different dreams.

Why do you dream about heights and the fear of falling?

Most often, such a dream is the personification of self-doubt. It's time to cast aside all doubts and move towards your goal. In one of the dream books, fear of heights is a symbol that prophesies changes in life. A dream in which a person is at a height and is afraid of falling indicates a desire to break the law. If the dreamer falls from a height and experiences great fear, it means that he will soon encounter problems, but do not worry, because by overcoming them, you will be able to achieve good results.

It is important to understand why people who, on the contrary, love extreme sports in real life dream about fear of heights, and they do not have it. In this case, such a dream may mean that a person simply lacks freedom. Maybe someone close to you is constantly monitoring or telling you what should be done. The dream book says that the time has come to get rid of the shackles. Such a dream may also represent the need for rest. Let’s find out why people who are currently facing a serious choice dream about fear of heights. Such a plot can be taken as a recommendation that you should pull yourself together and make an important decision.

Now let’s find out why people who have such a phobia in everyday life dream about heights. In most cases, such a plot means that you should not set huge goals for yourself. It is important to think through your every step and not build castles in the air. This night vision can also be considered advice that you don’t need to be too demanding of yourself.

For a long time, humanity has been trying to unravel the secrets that dreams carry. By immersing themselves in them, people can look into themselves. Those details that were not noticed during the day emerge at night. Having relaxed, a person can calmly analyze the current situation and even predict its outcome.

The best way to understand the images that come at night is to use a dream book. Height is a specific symbol. It can be interpreted differently for different social groups, nationalities and religions. However, common features for all can still be traced. It will be easier to understand what the dreamed height means if you delve into the details.

General associations

Interpretation of a dream about heights we should start with a general understanding of this symbol. For many categories of people it means approximately the same thing. Height can be seen as something significant, outstanding and large. If you “achieve” it, it can be associated with success, achieving a goal. Moreover, not everyone can rise to such a height.

There is also a common expression “to aim high.” This means that a person sets difficult, sometimes impossible goals. These can also be quite prestigious tasks.

Conquering heights is difficult. You can fall off and fall down. If you fall from a height, you can get seriously injured or even die. Everyone knows this. This is why many people are afraid of heights.

You can also climb to heights in different ways. Some people are carried there by an elevator, while others have to take special equipment and, overcoming all difficulties, climb to their goal. Many also know that you can float above the earth or look at it from an airplane window. The dream book will help you figure out what each specific image means. Height evokes different emotions. They are the ones who determine the message of the symbol seen.

Types of dreams about heights

To understand what do dreams mean, it is necessary to divide them into subgroups. Each of them can mean something different. And it is necessary to consider a dream from the perspective of the category to which it belongs. The sign that height carries can be either favorable or negative. In any case, dreams warn us, warn us against making mistakes. The following categories can be roughly distinguished:

  1. Stand high and look down, afraid to fall.
  2. Fall down.
  3. Fall to the ground.
  4. Stand on the roof overlooking the surroundings.
  5. The desire to jump.
  6. Fly on an airplane or other device.
  7. Standing on top of a mountain.
  8. Skydive.
  9. Seeing another person fall.
  10. I like to be on top (stand on a hill, soar in the sky).

In accordance with the listed options, you should select the category to which night vision belongs. This will make it easier to figure out what the symbol you see warns or says.

Ancient dream book

Our ancestors also interpreted such dreams. In their times there were no skyscrapers or high-rise buildings. However, humanity has had an understanding of heights for a long time. Perhaps the secrets discovered in ancient times will help interpret the dream in the present. This knowledge has been tested by many generations.

Standing or falling from a height in a dream could portend illness for a person. However, floating in the sky was a good sign. This foreshadowed great joy. The peoples of Asia interpreted such symbols as a warning. They believed that rising to heights is commendable for a person. However, the higher he rises, the greater the likelihood of falling. Therefore, you need to be careful not to fall into the abyss.

The Islamic dream book says that such a symbol speaks of the need to take care of your loved ones. You need to think about the most important, significant things. This is family and close people. Therefore, such images were associated with relatives.

Our ancestors interpreted the symbols presented ambiguously. It was important to take into account the details of the dream. Fear is a negative sign. Can warn of impending danger. Only the positive emotions that the dreamer experiences can foreshadow prosperity.

Afraid of heights

Many people can be afraid of heights in a dream. This is not an unfavorable symbol. Perhaps it is fear of change or future problems. Not every person can calmly accept changes in their destiny and come to terms with them. Therefore, it is normal for people to worry and be afraid. However, everything that happens in life now leads to improvement.

Fear of the future and change can manifest itself in dreams about heights and their fear. Almost always, such an image does not carry any negativity. Rather, on the contrary, it foreshadows the successful completion of what was started, overcoming an obstacle. The difficult period will soon end. If a person is not afraid of difficulties, he will never dream of something like this. Therefore, looking into yourself, you need to face your fears and concerns. There is no need to be afraid of them. Everything is going as it should be.

Perhaps soon one of your relatives or close friends will need help. A fear of heights can mean a fear of responsibility. A heavy burden may fall on the dreamer. However, by helping another, he will be able to improve the situation in life not only for himself, but also for his loved one.

In some cases, the fear of falling may mean that you will have to travel soon. A business trip or vacation will open up something new and help broaden your horizons.


If the dreamer happened to be afraid of heights in a dream, and even fall down, this may indicate other events in life. In addition to change, this means a person’s high demands on himself. He sets himself almost impossible goals. At the same time, one’s own personality can be perceived very critically.

Such a person has shouldered an unbearable burden. If he sees himself falling and is afraid of heights, this means he needs to stop. You need to rethink your goals and objectives. Some of them should be abandoned. Everything should happen gradually. If you wait for everything at once, you may fail.

Each subsequent task should lead to a goal. However, you should not take on several things at the same time. If you happen to falling from a height in a dream, you should look at the situation realistically. Anything can be achieved, but only with a constructive strategy. You can't waste so much energy. Otherwise there won't be any left. It will be impossible to finish what you started.

This is a powerful warning. A person should treat such a dream as responsibly as possible. Your own subconscious mind warns you about the likelihood of going beyond the boundaries of your existing forces. Only by taking control of the situation can you move on.

Fall down

If the emphasis of the dream was not on the fall itself, but on the moment when the person fell down, this image also has a special meaning. This is quite common dream. Fall from a height also does not apply to negative signs.

Most often, such night vision occurs to people who have only recently received a new high status at work or in society. They are afraid of losing what they have achieved. However, this will not happen. You just need to get used to the new place. This will take some time. The fears will pass very soon.

People with serious illnesses often fall down. This means that the crisis has passed. Then the person will get better. If the dreamer was not sick, the fall foreshadows deliverance from danger. Perhaps the person didn’t even know about it. This will reveal itself over time. However, by a happy coincidence, the man was able to overcome the threat without loss.

There is no need to be afraid anymore. The difficult period is behind us. The worst has already happened. Then life will start to get better. This is a good omen. It takes time. Everything will fall into place, the threat has passed.

Jump on your own

It may be similar to the previous one dream. Jump from a height in it the dreamer is informed independently. He does this of his own free will. This situation means that a person is ready for change and craves it. He wants to change something in his life and is even ready to take risks. For example, a person wants to sell his apartment in a noisy big city and move to the countryside. Or, on the contrary, he strives from silence into the moving, dynamic reality of the metropolis.

Such a dream advises you to listen to yourself. You need to understand what the dreamer really wants. At the same time, you don’t need to pay attention to others. You should honestly admit to yourself what your heart longs for. Without this, a person cannot feel happy. Having understood his desire, a person can decide to take the first step on the path to happiness. He wants serious changes.

If one sees himself landing on the ground in a dream, it means the end of a period of change. Now everything has fallen into place. The obstacle was overcome. This is a new life.

When does it happen in a dream descend from a height on a parachute, this indicates a need for thrills. I'm tired of everyday life and routine. A person wants extreme sports, new vivid impressions and emotions. Perhaps it's time to go on vacation.


People often dream about the opposite dream. Climb to heights or being at a height - this can also be considered a good sign. A person who climbs up overcomes obstacles on his life's path. He is confident of his victory. With all his efforts, the dreamer will achieve his goal in reality.

If he was able to climb the mountain and surveys the expanses from above, success will come in the near future. Perhaps this will be a new position that the person aspired to, or another personal peak. Such a dream speaks of high ambitions and moving forward.

If the dreamer did not see him climbing to a height, but was standing on the roof of a building or on a balcony or observation deck, this indicates insufficient action. A person is only planning his brilliant future, but is not doing anything for it yet. Perhaps he needs to look around, assess the situation around him. But without action, success is unattainable. Therefore, you should consider how the goal will be achieved.

If a person is lifted up by an elevator or other transport, this indicates that it is easy to achieve what he wants. Everything is going well. Luck floats into your hands. However, it is necessary to understand whether this is what a person wants. If he surrenders to the will of the current and allows circumstances to decide his fate, will he be satisfied with the result? If yes, then boldly go towards your goal. The way is open.

Soaring high, seeing another person fall

One of the best omens is considered in a dream look from above, soaring in the sky above the earth. This speaks of great success and happiness. A bright period has begun in a person’s life. This is abundance, fullness of life, joy. The dreamer rightfully gained success. If he experiences euphoria in a dream, this indicates receiving a gift from fate. He finds happiness.

If you have to soar in the sky on an airplane or other aircraft, this indicates the habit of making unrealistic plans and dreams. A person cannot really look at things. He builds sand castles, dooming himself to disappointment in the future. You need to come down from heaven to earth and really look at the world around you. This is the only way to achieve what you want.

A dream about heights may show an image of another person falling down. This indicates a revision of your worldview. Someone's example (positive or negative) can give rise to different thoughts. A person draws certain conclusions for himself based on the experience of others. This is a fairly favorable sign. He says that a person learns from the mistakes of others.

If a loved one or child falls from a height, it is necessary to consider the relationship with him. Perhaps they are not harmonious enough. This is a warning about the need to establish a common language with the person whom the dreamer saw.

Other interpretations

There are many varieties dream books. Height is interpreted by them ambiguously. Thus, the yogis’ dream book says that seeing a tall building or climbing to a height means achieving something. This is gaining new knowledge, opportunities, or simply moving up the career ladder.

Vanga's dream book speaks of the desire for perfection of the world around us if the image of heights came at night. A person wants to develop and improve others. Miller's dream book says that such symbols indicate the presence of obstacles in life. They interfere, but do not exclude the possibility of achieving the goal. It all depends on the person's mood. What lengths he is willing to go to to overcome everything in his path.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that, sensing heights in a dream, a person begins some kind of risky business. Moreover, he is ready for this and moves along the path voluntarily. Juno's dream book interprets such a dream as a symbol of perspective and new opportunities. Such dreams can warn of danger or speak of good luck and prosperity. It all depends on the circumstances, the mood in the dream. By making the right conclusions in reality, you can avoid many problems and resolve some situations.

Having considered what interpretation the dream book gives of height, falling and rising to a hill, as well as many other symbols, everyone will be able to correctly understand the image that has come. This will allow you to organize your life correctly.