The main cultural monuments of ancient Greece. Athens: the main architectural monuments of Ancient Greece

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"Siberian State University of Telecommunications

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in cultural studies

Outstanding monuments

ancient architecture

Completed by: student of group E-73

Shcherbinina Olga

Checked by: Metelkina Yu.S.



I. Monuments of ancient Greek architecture………………………………………………………4




    Temple of Nika the Wingless…………………………………………………..9


II. Monuments of ancient Roman architecture…………………………………………….12


    Trajan's Column………………………………………………………15


    Mausoleum of Hadrian………………………………………………………15


List of used literature……………………………………………………18


“Not knowing history means remaining a child all your life” - Marcus Tullius Cicero said these words 2000 years ago, and the speech of the politician and great orator in which they were heard belongs to history. But has the meaning of these words aged over twenty centuries? No, they are still alive today, they are part of our lives.

Architecture is also a part of our life. Our cities are larger, the streets are wider, the houses are higher than what was created in antiquity, and yet they have not lost their essence and in some of the most important ways remained what they were - cities, streets, houses... Before us is not just a chain endless changes, but a process of development, because only that which remains itself in something most essential can develop. Architecture is the art of creating a living environment according to the laws of utility, strength and beauty. “Concerning art, it is known that certain periods of its flourishing are by no means in accordance with the general development of society” (K. Marx) 1. The pinnacles in the art of architecture are the Parthenon, Chartres Cathedral, the Versailles ensemble, and the Eiffel Tower. But in the same way, the Palace of Knossos, created in Crete a thousand years before the Parthenon, and a residential building in Kirokritia in Cyprus, built three millennia before the Palace of Knossos, remain the pinnacles of this art in our culture.

An increasing number of people are realizing that familiarization with the historical past is not only an acquaintance with the masterpieces of world civilization and unique monuments ancient art, not only a school of education, but also morality and art, an integral part of modern life, to a certain extent an assessment of the present and even the “discovery” of the future. This necessitates historical research of the past.

The term "antiquity" comes from the Latin word antiquus - ancient. It is customary to call it a special period in the development of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as those lands and peoples that were under their control. cultural influence. The chronological framework of this period, like any other cultural and historical phenomenon, cannot be precisely determined, but it largely coincides with the time of existence of the ancient states themselves: from the 11th to the 9th centuries. BC, the time of the formation of ancient society in Greece and until the 5th AD. - the death of the Roman Empire under the blows of the barbarians.

The ancient Greek and Roman civilizations were the largest civilizations of the ancient world. They occupied territories located geographically close to each other and existed almost at the same time, so it is not surprising that they are closely related to each other. Both civilizations had developed cultures that developed interacting with each other.

Civilizations Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome later became the basis for the emergence of European civilization, and had a huge influence on the development of the medieval, and, consequently, the modern world. “Without the foundation that was laid by Greece and Rome, there would not have been modern Europe» 2.

Monuments of ANCIENT GREEK architecture

Proof that the renowned power of Hellas and its former wealth are not a false rumor is the construction of magnificent buildings.

Plutarch, Pericles, XII

The capital of Greece, Athens, is a city of amazing destiny, at the same time the oldest and perhaps the youngest capital of Europe. This is a city in which life began more than five thousand years ago and which was a recognized center of culture and art throughout the ancient world when most modern European capitals did not exist at all. This is a city that, after centuries of decline and desolation, was reborn again as the capital of a small Balkan state only more than a hundred years ago, after Greece gained independence. But it is not modern Athens, like many European cities, that attracts the attention of scientists and attracts large crowds of tourists. In the center of the new city, remarkable monuments of art of the past have been preserved, primarily the architecture of classical Greece, the era of its greatest prosperity, the 5th century BC. e. This is the Athenian Acropolis with its world famous temples of the Parthenon and Erechtheion, the monumental main entrance - the Propylaea and the elegant Temple of Athena Nike, as well as a number of interesting monuments of the lower city located at the foot of the Acropolis, including the famous Theater of Dionysus.


From any point in Athens you can see a flat-topped hill stretching from east to west - the Acropolis. It rises above the city, above its squares, grid of streets, low houses. The slopes of the Acropolis are overgrown with small bushes, from which powerful fortifications protrude. It is surrounded on all sides by fortress walls, high in places where the slopes are gentle, and low where the rock of the Acropolis is inaccessible. The dimensions of the upper square of the Acropolis are small - 300 m long and 130 m wide. It was in this space that the ancient architects erected their beautiful buildings. The columns of the Parthenon, the temple of the city's patron goddess Athena, rise proudly here. Next to it is the Erechtheion - the temple of Athena, Poseidon and Erechtheus. The entrance to the Acropolis is decorated with a majestic gate - the Propylaea. To their right is a small temple to the goddess of victory Nike.

The ancient builders tried to make the transition from the low houses of the city to the temples of the Acropolis not too abrupt. The sacred hill was surrounded by buildings famous in ancient times. Near it were the Theater of Dionysus, the market square - agora, temples, sanctuaries. And later, when Greece became a Roman province, new buildings arose in this city covered in glory. The Roman Emperor Hadrian built a lot in Athens. A place for musical competitions, the Odeon was built in the 2nd century AD. e. near the southern walls of the Acropolis. At the foot of the hill a colonnade of the market square and the temple of the god Hephaestus grew.

Athenian architects at all times sought first of all to emphasize the splendor of the Acropolis. Thus, the huge temple of Olympian Zeus, begun in the 6th century. BC e. and completed under Hadrian, was erected at a respectful distance from the sacred hill. Between the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the Acropolis, Hadrian placed an arch, as if dividing Athens into two parts - the ancient city and the city of Roman times.

The Acropolis not only decorated the great city. First of all, it was a shrine around which the entire social life of the Hellenes took place. The Acropolis united the townspeople and protected them from enemies. But the Greeks themselves undoubtedly understood the high artistic and aesthetic significance of his monuments. After all, it was not for nothing that they had a saying: “Yes, you are a blockhead, when you didn’t see Athens, you were a donkey, if you didn’t admire them when you saw them, when you willingly abandoned them, you were a camel.”

The Athenian Acropolis is close in importance to the Kremlins of ancient Russian cities. Kremlins were also not only fortresses in hard days invasions of enemies and a place where especially solemn holidays were held, but the best temples were erected in them, they were decorated with the most outstanding works of art.

In Athens, the construction of tall buildings that could obscure the Acropolis is now prohibited. The Hellenic Kremlin reigns over the modern city as evidence of greatness ancient greek culture, as a monument to the formation of European civilization.

Today there is a museum here, the works of which, having passed through millennia, have not lost their significance and have enormous historical value. They are silent witnesses to the glorious events that played out on this hill in the centuries when, under the conditions of the slave system, the foundations of democratic freedoms were first known.

However, they are even more significant from an artistic point of view. Marble temples and sculptural monuments ancient Athens is recognized by all connoisseurs of beauty as unattainable examples of art.

The buildings, the ruins of which can now be seen on the Acropolis, were erected in the middle of the 5th century. BC e. However, even before the 5th century. The Athenian Acropolis was not a deserted rock. Life has been going on here since the end III millennium BC e. The Acropolis was already a refuge for the inhabitants of the surrounding plains when attacked by enemies. Powerful fortress walls up to 10 meters high and 6 meters wide protected the Acropolis and made it an impregnable stronghold. It was possible to penetrate the hill from the west and north. The entrance from the western, less reliable side was fortified especially carefully. On the northern side, it was apparently hidden by thickets of bushes and the steps of a narrow staircase carved into the rock led to it. Subsequently, when only the sanctuaries of the gods remained on the Acropolis, the staircase on the northern slope became unnecessary and the northern entrance was blocked. Only one main entrance to the Acropolis was preserved - on the western side.

In the XVI-XII centuries. BC e. Athens did not stand out among other cities in Greece. They were inferior to Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos and other powerful Hellenic centers. The advance of Athens began after the fall of the Cretan power. The poetic legend about the ancient hero Theseus, who brought victory to Athens, still lives. The legend tells of the terrible tribute that the Athenians had to send annually to Crete. Seven young men and seven girls became the prey of a terrible monster, half-man, half-bull - the minotaur, who lived in a labyrinth in Crete. Once, as the myth tells, the brave and handsome Theseus, the son of the Athenian king Aegeus, was among the young men. With the help of the daughter of the Cretan king Ariadne, who fell in love with him, he defeated the monster and returned to Athens, bringing them freedom and glory.

The ancient Acropolis of Athens may have been similar to the acropolises of Mycenae and Tiryns. The buildings of this time were poorly preserved, since later many structures were erected on the Athenian Acropolis in different eras.

Excavations have shown that in the 2nd millennium BC. e. meetings of rulers took place here, trials, religious festivals. In the northern part of the Acropolis, archaeologists found a site, apparently, for sacred ceremonies of the Athenians. To the west of the royal palace, at the northern gate, a well was discovered that provided good drinking water to people who found protection from enemies behind the walls. Data from archaeological excavations indicate that even in these years social, religious, cultural life The Athenians were concentrated on the Acropolis.

In the VI century. BC e. On the Acropolis there was a temple of Athena, called Hekatompedon (translated as “one hundred feet” - the length of the side of the temple was one hundred Greek feet). It was located directly opposite the Propylaea and amazed the person who entered the Acropolis with its beauty. This effect was facilitated by the measured gradual ascent along the hillside and the passage through the small gate decorated with columns - the Propylaea.

The placement of the Propylaea and Hekatompedon on the ancient Acropolis was dominated by symmetry, which was often followed by archaic masters. The principle of symmetry was also considered important by sculptors, especially the creators of sculptures on the pediments of temples. Symmetry was also the basis of the statues that adorned the Acropolis at that time. The frontal image, strictly in front, which seemed especially expressive and beautiful, also appeared in the layout of buildings of this time. That is why the architects placed the Hekatompedon temple right in front of the Propylaea, so that a person entering the Acropolis would see this main temple of the Sacred Hill not from the side, but from the front, from the richly decorated facade.

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Being the cradle of civilizations of many nations, Greece has on its territory a huge architectural potential of the past centuries. The architectural monuments of Greece delight the many tourists who visit this truly divine country every year. The architecture of Greece itself reflects the various periods of the country's development, embodied in stone and marble. For visiting tourists, excursions to the sights of Greece begin with an inspection of the country's architectural monuments.

The most famous of the architectural masterpieces of Greece is the Acropolis of Athens, which is an example of ancient Greek architecture and fits perfectly into the landscape of the area. This is a unique creation of ancient architects, created in the heyday of Athens in 4000-3000 millennium BC. The Acropolis was the most beautiful temple in Greece and was built in honor of the goddess Athena.

The gods of Hellas were the inspiration for the construction of most of the monuments in the western Peloponnese, where tourists can look at another unique masterpiece architectural art, a temple dedicated to Zeus, the main deity of the Greek pantheon. This amazing sight, the temple is surrounded by emerald greenery all the way to Mount Kronos. The remains of the temple testify to its former glory and wealth, even now it impresses visiting tourists.

In the very center of the country mountain range Parnassus, which is located next to the city of Delphi, tourists will be able to explore, a place where rulers and kings from many states of the ancient world flocked in ancient times. This is a Panhellenic temple, where the most famous oracle of ancient Greece arrived; at one time, Athena, Hermes, Dionysus, Poseidon and Apollo were worshiped and sacrificed here.

On the Peloponnesian Peninsula, tourists will be able to admire the Temple of Apollo Epicurius, which was one of the most important temples in antiquity. The architects who built this unique building used many innovative designs and ideas.

The architectural monuments of Greece are not only monuments of antiquity, they are also cultural monuments early Christianity and Byzantine Empire, which include the Hagia Sophia, which amazes with its beauty and unique Byzantine frescoes and mosaics. The Church of St. George, which is known as the Rotunda, also attracts a lot of attention from tourists. Tourists for hours cannot tear themselves away from the elegant beauty of these unique religious buildings, which are rightfully included in the UNESCO lists as masterpieces of Greek architectural art.
On the islands of the Aegean and Seas of Marmara, there are also many architectural monuments of Greece, which tourists visit with great interest.

Perhaps in no other country in the world will you find as many ancient monuments as in Greece: the famous Acropolis of Athens and the rotating Temple of Apollo in Delphi, the Theater of Dionysus and the Temple of Zeus, the Tower of the Winds, the Perama Cave and much more...

The white stone ruins here have preserved the memory of the birth of civilization for centuries, turning legends and myths into history. RT has compiled a list of the most interesting attractions that are worth visiting for anyone who decides to travel to this amazing country.



A unique architectural monument, the palace of King Minos, is located on the island of Crete. Legends about this palace have been circulating since ancient times. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a labyrinth of more than a thousand rooms, the walls of which are decorated with frescoes and drawings.

The Athenian Acropolis is an incredibly beautiful hillside building in the center of Athens. It is known that the first temples and buildings appeared in archaic period. The Greek government has repeatedly carried out restorations to return the place to its original appearance.

The Theater of Dionysus, located on the Acropolis hill, is one of the oldest theaters in the world. It was here that the works were first presented to the audience greatest representatives ancient Greek literature and drama: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes.

The Temple of Nike Apteros is a striking example of classical Greek architectural art. From the site on which the temple is located, you can enjoy a beautiful and impressive panorama of Athens.

The city of Delphi is located in the region of Phocea, on the southwestern slope of the famous Mount Parnassus, near the Gulf of Corinth. In Ancient Greece, the city was a major trade and financial center.

Olympion, or the Temple of Olympian Zeus, is the largest temple in Greece. Its construction began from the 6th century BC. e. until the 2nd century AD e. This monument of ancient Greek architecture is located in Athens, near the Acropolis and the city center. If you believe the legends, the temple was built on the site of the sanctuary of the mythical Deucalion, considered the forefather of the entire people of Greece.

Hadrian's Arch was built in the 2nd century AD. in honor of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Ancient architects placed it on the line of the road that connected the Acropolis area and Olympion and went in a south-easterly direction.

The uniqueness of the Panathenaic Stadium lies in the fact that it is the only stadium in the world whose walls are made of white marble. It was here in 1896 that the first Olympic Games.

The Temple of Hephaestus in Athens is one of the best preserved ancient temples in the world. All columns, pediments, as well as most of roofs.

In ancient times, the Temple of Apollo was of great importance for the culture of Ancient Greece. This is where it was located Delphic Oracle- a great soothsayer, where even Alexander the Great himself came to ask for a prophecy.

The Temple of Hephaestus (Hephaestion), or Thesseion, gave rise to many legends associated with its name. According to one version, the temple was dedicated to the son of Zeus and the god of fire Hephaestus, the patron of blacksmithing. According to another version, the temple was named Tesseion - in honor of Theseus, famous hero ancient Greek mythology.

Delphi is the most popular among the sacred sites of Ancient Greece. The town is located at the foot of Mount Parnassus - the place where Apollo lived surrounded by muses. Since ancient times, many people specially traveled here from afar to find out the predictions of the famous oracle of Apollo and look into the future.

The huge book depository, built in 132 AD, is impressive in its size. Having built the library, Emperor Hadrian gave the Athenians a new Cultural Center with lecture halls and lush gardens.

The Tower of the Winds is the oldest meteorological monument, its height is 12 meters and its diameter is about 8 meters.

Architectural monuments of ancient Greece – part world heritage humanity, attractions that attract the attention of tourists. The ruins of ancient temples are scattered throughout the Peloponnese and the Aegean islands.

Unfortunately, time was not kind to religious buildings. Ancient temples themselves are refined and delicate, earthquakes are frequent in Greece, and local Herostrati tried to seek glory for themselves by setting fire to them. Christianity, which replaced paganism, did not really care about the memory of pagan ancestors. Muslim rule in the territory of modern Greece did not greatly contribute to preserving the heritage of antiquity.

Only after the liberation wars early XIX and the beginning of the 20th century, Greece occupied territory remotely close to the ancient borders. Attention to architectural heritage antiquity was addressed only from the second quarter of the XIX century. The study, excavations, restoration and conservation of monuments begins.

The pearl of Greece is, of course, Athens. In addition to the Acropolis with the temples of the Parthenon, the Erechtheion with the portico of the caryatids, the temple of Nike Apteros, in the city and the surrounding area there are many living witnesses of antiquity - the propylaea, the temple of Hephaestus (Theseion), the monument of Lysicrates (334 BC). Tower of the Winds – built in 44 BC. weather station - bears the features not of Greek democracy, but of Roman imperial architecture.

The Temple of Hera in Paestum (5th century) and the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens (Theseion) are the two most fully preserved monuments. Basically, the monuments of Ancient Greece are picturesque ruins.

We know about most temples only from mentions of ancient historians and meager results of excavations.
Other monuments of Ancient Greece - amphitheaters - have survived much more. Carved into the mountain slopes, they were more resistant to destruction and amaze with their excellent acoustics. Amphitheaters in Epidaurus, Delphi, Athens, now empty, were once as crowded as cinemas and supermarkets are now. Theaters at that time were also religious, not entertainment, buildings. They were dedicated to the gods, and the performances on stage were worship services.

Byzantine civilization left fortification monuments in Greece - the ancient fortress in Thessaloniki, the fortress of Mystras, the Venetian fortress of Methoni and religious ones - the temple of the Virgin Mary Ekatondapiliani (IV century) on the island of Paros, the temple of Demetrius in Arta (IX century), the temple of Panagia in Thessaloniki (1028) , Kapnikeria in Athens (XI century), Temple of St. Sophia on a rock above the sea in Monemvasia. You can admire the 14th-century paintings in the Monastery of Christ the Savior in Verria.

You can also see modern buildings: the Cathedral of St. St. Andrew the Apostle in Patras was built from 1908 to 1974, the Cathedral of Nektarios of Aegina on the island of Aegina in 1994. All of them are worthy successors of the majestic Ancient Greek architecture.

The ancient and majestic architectural monuments of Hellas can tell a lot about the events, the history of these lands and the glorious exploits of its heroes. Now Greece is one of the favorite holiday destinations not only among our compatriots, but also among tourists from all over the world. We'll tell you about eight of the most important and impressive sights of Ancient Greece, and why they should be included in your list of places you should definitely see when traveling around the country.

Acropolis of Athens

One of the main attractions, the calling card of the country and the material embodiment of the achievements of Greek civilization is the Acropolis, which is a rocky hill 156 meters high with a flat top. It was the residence of the king and the clergy; many temples were once erected on the territory, in which sacrifices were made to the gods and prayers were offered to them. The first buildings appeared here in archaic times.

Now the Acropolis is a Mecca for tourists; time here seems to have frozen in the impeccable beauty and grace of architectural forms. Many attractions of Ancient Greece are concentrated in this place: the Parthenon, the statue of Athena Promachos, Arreforion, Chalkoteka, Hekatompedon, Propylaea, etc.

In their reviews, travelers describe the Acropolis in literally two words: magnificent and delightful. They recommend devoting the whole day to exploring the hill and waiting for sunset - the most picturesque and mesmerizing time of the day.


In the past, it was a city and a pan-Greek religious center with an oracle and a temple of Apollo, and now an extensive archaeological reserve. Ruin ancient city are located 9.5 km from the Gulf of Corinth on the slope of Mount Parnassus. This place is another complex that unites several outstanding attractions of Ancient Greece: the temple of Apollo, the temple of Athena Pronaia, an amphitheater and stadium, and an ancient gymnasium.

Once upon a time, the Greeks hurried to Delphi to find out what awaited them in the future and to unquestioningly follow the will of the gods. Now thousands of tourists flock here every year to enjoy the picturesque views and majestic architecture.

Knossos palace

It is impossible not to include in the list of the main attractions of Ancient Greece the masterpiece of Cretan architecture - the Palace of Knossos. The first mentions of it date back to the second millennium BC, it is the same age as Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. It is located near Heraklion, just 4 km from the coast of the Cretan Sea.

The Palace of Knossos is complex system from premises with a total area of ​​20 thousand m2. It was built from several types of stone. In ancient times, it had several floors and was a complex labyrinth consisting of living quarters, warehouses, kitchens, workshops, bathrooms, etc.

More than one legend is associated with the palace. According to legend, it was owned by the son of Zeus and Europe - Minos. It was here that the Athenian hero Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne's thread.

Burial in Vergina

Of all the attractions of Ancient Greece, this is perhaps the most unusual. In Central Macedonia there is a small town called Vergina with a population of about two thousand people. His modern history began in 1922. Perhaps it would have remained an unknown settlement if in 1977 the rich burial of the Macedonian king Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, had not been discovered here. In addition to his grave, two more were discovered. One of them contains unidentified remains, and the second, according to scientists, belongs to the son of A. Macedonian.

Magnificent frescoes, rich funeral gifts - all this, according to tourists, is in excellent condition and does not leave any visitor indifferent.

Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion

Since ancient times, Sounion has been the seat of two cults - Poseidon and Athena, who have always fought for the right to possess Attica. The Olympian gods were worshiped, and temples in their honor are not uncommon, so sometimes there is confusion about their location and names. The sights of Ancient Greece are varied and amazing, but the sanctuary of Poseidon on Cape Sounion, built in 490 BC. e., is impressive in its scale. Only the Doric marble columns have been well preserved to this day, but even they give an idea of ​​the size of the temple.

In addition to the exceptional historical value of the place, tourists celebrate the unusually beautiful sunsets on the cape.

Theater in Epidaurus

The ancient Greek city of Epidaurus in the north-east of the Peloponnese is famous primarily for its theater, which stands out from the rest with its exceptional beauty and acoustics. It was built in 340-330. BC e. for the entertainment of noble residents of the asklepion and accommodated more than 15 thousand people. It is believed that of all ancient Greek theaters This one has been preserved almost in its original form. To this day, festivals and concerts are held on its stage.

Travelers call it grandiose even by modern standards. In their reviews, they recommend planning a visit to the theater in July-August. During this period, performances are held there as part of the Greek Festival.


Do you dream of seeing the place where the Olympic Games were born? Then head to the ancient Greek Olympia - one of the largest sanctuaries in the Peloponnese. The city was built in honor of Zeus himself. Today it is an archaeological reserve with the ruins of the temples of Hera and Zeus, the ruins of early Christian basilicas, an ancient hippodrome and stadium. In total, the sanctuary includes 33 objects. This is where they light it up olympic flame, which is then delivered to the opening of the next Olympic Games.

In reviews, tourists compare Olympia with the Acropolis of Athens in terms of scale and splendor and recommend planning a visit not just for a couple of hours, but for the whole day.

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Hephaestus is the ancient Greek god of the blacksmith, patron of the craft. It is quite logical that his sanctuary should have special beauty and power. Located on the northwestern side of the Athenian agora, the Doric temple dedicated to Hephaestus is better preserved than all other ancient buildings. It was built in 449-415. BC e.

Travelers emphasize that Greece and its main attractions are first and foremost ancient temples. When visiting the capital of the country, you cannot pass by this austere and majestic building. The Temple of Hephaestus seems to have been carved out of a single block of stone.

Ancient Greek temples, acropolises, ruins and burials - all this mysteriously attracts people thousands of years later. Some of them appear on postcards and covers of guidebooks, while others are unfairly neglected. Majestic, beautiful, unique. Sometimes many of them defy description. Sights of Greece are not only monuments national history, but also sources of information about what he lived ancient world and how it developed.