Useful and dangerous fire. Presentation on the topic “Fire – friend and enemy of man” Fire is useful and dangerous

Batishcheva Elena Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

Open lesson on life safety

on the topic: “Fire – friend or enemy of man? »

Goals:- consolidate theoretical knowledge about the reasons why a fire may occur indoors, in transport, outdoors;

Strengthen children's knowledge about fire safety rules;

Consolidate knowledge about calling the fire service 01.

During the classes

1. Class organization.

2. Work on new material.

- Guys, the word “fire” has been known to man since ancient times. And who can say whether fire is a friend or an enemy of man?

Yes, fire is a long-time friend of man. But we often forget about fire as a friend. But with its help many useful things are accomplished. It serves faithfully in everyday life and in production. And the guys are ready to defend fire as our friend.


We are without a good fire

You can't get by even a day.

He is a reliable friend to us.

The cold is driving. The darkness is driving

He's a welcoming flame

Raises it like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire,

And for that he is honored,

That the guys are heating up dinner,

Cuts steel and bakes bread.


Steelworkers, electric welders and people of other professions have learned to use the beneficial properties of fire.

Have you seen how he controls fire?

He is wearing an iron mask.

A house is being built - look in the morning,

He sits in the wind in a quilted jacket.

He welded the supports of mighty bridges,

He made ships from huge sheets...

He can weld iron with iron!

He is a good wizard, what can I say.


Everyone knows: a man without fire.

Doesn't live a single day.

In the fire, it’s as bright as in the sun!

It's warm in the fire and in winter!

Look around, guys:

Fire is our everyday friend!

But when we are careless with fire,

He becomes our enemy.

Teacher: - When handled carelessly, fire often turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, which in a matter of minutes destroys what has been created over many years of hard work. He sweeps away everything in his path, and it can be difficult to stop him.

(Children are introduced to pre-prepared information about fires in their city.)

These guys will tell us what fire is like.


It's always different

Amazing fire.

Then an ugly brawler,

That's the quietest of the quiet ones.

Then he's a hurried snake

Slips on dry bark
That shaggy red mane

Blazes at dawn.


Here on a match, like on a branch,

The blue leaf is trembling.

Here, breaking the bars of the cage.

The predator makes a throw.


Anyuta stroked the ribbon

And I saw my friends

Got distracted for three minutes

And I forgot about the iron.

This is no joke!

That's what it means - three minutes!

There is no tape, there is a fuss all around,

There was almost a fire.


Made by Sergei Pugach,

I shot a little.

And now Serezha is a doctor

Treats burns.

From such a scarecrow

The usual path to the doctor.


This guy has no regrets

That a cigarette butt is smoldering in the forest...

Looking at such an uncle,

We guys will make a speech:

Aren't you ashamed, uncle?

We need to save the forest!


Yes, there are different types of fire -

Pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold

Very kind, very evil.


In case of fire, in case of fire

Every citizen knows:

In case of fire, in case of fire

Dial "zero - one".

And the cars are red

They rush to dangerous places,

Passers-by keep away -

The firefighters are in a hurry.

Teacher:- Guys, look at the exhibition of your drawings. You can also tell from them that fire can be different.

Teacher: - Very brave and brave people - firefighters - are sent to fight fires. Rushing into fire and smoke to save people and property, they often forget about their own lives.

Now firefighters have modern equipment at their disposal. Since fires occur in different places, on different objects that are completely different from each other, fire fighting equipment is very diverse.

But not only firefighters, but also ordinary people are distinguished by their courage in fires. They write about such heroes in books and newspapers.

Firefighters are looking for

The police are looking for

Photographers are looking for

In our capital

They've been looking for a long time,

But they can't find

Some guy

About twenty years old.

What work are these lines from? (S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa.”)

Among the heroes who distinguished themselves in the fire are often schoolchildren and even animals.

About fires. About troubles. Many books have been written about what fire brings. Including children's.

Why are so many books written for children about fires, the causes of fires and the lunches they bring? (because fires are often caused by children.)

Our exhibition presents only a small part of such books.

From which works are the following lines taken? These works are in our exhibition.

What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder over the pavement?

The house is on fire around the corner.

What kind of darkness is all around?

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves a house from fire...

(S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa.”)

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey! Firefighters, run!

Help, help!

(K. Chukovsky “Confusion”)

With a crack of clicking and thunder

There was a fire over the new house.

Looks around

Waving his red sleeve.

(S. Marshak “Cat House”)

3. Physical education minute.

Complete the missing words in the poetic lines.

A coal fell on the floor,

The wooden floor was on fire.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand,

And fill it up... (water)

If little sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Immediately those matches... (take away)

Where is the trash stored?

Or just different rubbish

You'll have to work hard

Put things in order there.

They took a broom and a shovel

And quickly everything... (removed)

Now guess the riddles.


Hisses and gets angry

Afraid of water

With tongue, not barking.

No teeth, but bites. (Fire)


The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone.

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand,

Bites the entire palm. (Fire)


What happens if birds

Do you light matches at home? (fire)


A midge was flying -

Aspen leg.

On a haystack village-

I ate all the hay. (Matches)

4. Work on new material.

Teacher:- Guys! To prevent disaster from happening, so that there are as few fires as possible on our land, it is necessary to know and follow fire safety rules. Listen and remember!

Guys! Remember that

That you can't play with fire.

Who is not careful with fire?

There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches!

There is fire in matches!

Don't play with a match, my friend.

Remember, she is small.

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare start a fire!

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property,

Don't leave when the stove is on.

Do not dry clothes over gas -

Everything will burn at once!

The iron is on, there are no owners,

There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.

Guys! Take measures

Turn off the hot iron.

To avoid any troubles,

There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree.

Remember, children,

These are the rules!

Have you heard about the fire?

Give a signal about this quickly.

Let every citizen remember

Firefighter number 01.

01remember this phone number.

It will come in handy in case of fire.

5. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work in groups.

1 task: talk about the causes, extinguishing and measures to prevent fires in ....

Group 1 – indoor fire

Group 2 – fire in nature

Group 3 – fire in transport.

Task 2: dramatization of the telephone conversation "Call 01".

What did we talk about in class today?

Now I will check how you have mastered the material of our lesson. Fill out the cards that are on your table. You need to read the questions and cross out the wrong answer, if there is one.

6. Lesson summary.

Guys! Compliance with fire safety rules will help the state save hundreds of thousands of rubles, and often the health and lives of people.

Lesson on “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, 2nd grade

Developed and conducted by Malinovskaya N.V.

Topic: “Fire – useful and dangerous”

Purpose: to show the positive and negative role of fire in human life.


    Convince children that playing with fire is unacceptable;

    To develop the ability to follow fire safety rules when using fire;

    To cultivate courage, resourcefulness, determination;

    Learn to work in groups.


    Illustrations on the topic of fire safety, drawings by children.

    Children's fiction, fragments from the works of children's writers on the topic of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

    Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

Children. The flame is mysterious and mysterious; you can look at it endlessly. You feel calm, think well and dream.

- Grigory Oster also considers fire a friend. Listen, why mu he calls. (A prepared student reads a poem)

Matches are the best toy for bored children.

Dad's tie, mom's passport.

Here is a small fire.

If you throw in some slippers or a broom,

You can fry a whole chair, cook fish soup in the nightstand.

If adults hid matches somewhere from you,

Explain to them that you need matches for the fire.

- Is the poet right? What do you think: is fire a friend or an enemy? Today we will try to answer this and some other questions (the plan opens on the board).

    Fire – friend or foe?

    Why does a fire occur?

    How to prevent it from occurring?

    If there is a fire, what should you do?

    Fire in human life.

Everyone knows: the man without fire

Can't do it even for a single day!

In the fire, like in the sun, it is light!

It's warm in the fire and in winter!

Look around, guys:

Fire is our everyday friend!

But when we are careless with fire,

He becomes our enemy.

Know that he is angry when he is angry!

He will never have mercy!

Can destroy a school

Grain field, new house

And everything is all around the house!

And, soaring to the skies,

It will spread to the forest.

E. Ilyin

    Collect a proverb







(Fire is our servant, but not our master.)

- Explain the meaning of this proverb.

- Yes, woe to us when fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying in a matter of minutes what was created over many years of hard work. (The poem is read by a trained student.)

It is always different, amazing fire.

Sometimes an ugly brawler, sometimes a quiet one,

Then he slides like a hasty snake through the dry grass,

That shaggy red mane blazes at dawn.

Yes, fire can be different - pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold, very good, very evil.

And you can’t go a day without a good fire.

He is a reliable friend of us, drives away the cold, drives away the darkness.

He raises a welcoming flame, like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire.

And for that he is honored that he warms the guys’ dinner

Cuts steel and bakes bread.

    Good fire.

Good fire has long been man's friend. What kind of help does he provide?

Children. Fire warms us, helps us cook food; melts steel, welds metal together.

    Evil fire.

Evil fire is the enemy. It destroys everything living and nonliving.

A poem by E. Ilyin is read by a trained student

Evil fire is the fire of fire, evil fire is the fire of war!

The days are dark and the fields are black due to the merciless heat.

Residents of the globe, citizens of any country

The evil fire must be extinguished!

1 2 3 4 5

- Determine which picture shows a “good” fire and which one shows an “evil” one.

    Causes of fire.

- Since time immemorial, fire has been a companion of man and served him faithfully: warmed, protected from wild animals, helped prepare food. And today, on holidays and on weekdays, he warms and feeds us. But fire can be deadly when people forget to handle it carefully. A fire is not an accident, but the result of frivolity and carelessness. Where is the line when fire ceases to be a friend and becomes an enemy of man? What is a fire? (Children's opinions are listened to)

A fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

Why do fires occur? (Children's answers).

Yes, people are no longer careful with fire. What examples do you know that support this?

    Game “I am not me.” Starting position: standing at the desk. If you can answer my question “I!” - then you remain standing. And if to my question you mentally answer: “Not me!” - then, crouching, as if hiding.

    Smoke suddenly rose in a column, who didn’t turn off the iron?

    Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?

    A red glow ran, who was playing with matches?

    How many of you, noticing smoke, say: “Fire! We're on fire!"?

    The table and wardrobe burned down at once, who dried clothes over gas?

    A pillar of fire engulfed the attic, who lit the matches there?

    Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day?

    A fire ran into the yard, who was lighting the fire there?

    Who, sensing smoke in an apartment, will call 101?

    The flame jumped into the foliage, who was burning the grass near the house?

    Who threw unfamiliar objects into the fire?

What should you not do to prevent trouble from happening?

    Literary quiz.

- Listen to the excerptremember the title of the work and its author. State the cause of the fire.

    The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea.

“Hey firefighters, run!

Help! Help!"

K. I. Chukovsky “Confusion”; The chanterelles' play with matches led to a fire.

With crackling, clicking and thunder

There was a fire over the new house,

He looks around, waving his red sleeve.

S. Ya. Marshak “Cat House”: the stove was left unattended.

    What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder on the pavement?

The house is on fire around the corner.

What kind of darkness is all around?

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves the house from fire.

S. V. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”; children played in the attic with fire.

    Familiarization with fire prevention rules. Solving situational problems.

Listen to the tasks and decide what to do correctly. Explain your choice.

    You returned home from school and saw smoke flowing from under the next door. What will you do?

    You will enter your apartment and forget about the smoke you saw.

    Report what you saw to your parents or other adults (older brother or sister, neighbors).

    Call the emergency service on 101 and report your doubts.

    Slava Kiselev bought firecrackers and asks you to help light them in the vacant lot behind the house. What will you do?

    Help them light it up.

    You will leave and refuse.

    Convince Slava not to do this and give the firecrackers to the adults.

    Ivan Semyonov found a box of matches and invites you to throw “rackets” into the wall of the neighbor’s bathhouse, which is located next to your house. What will you do?

    You will happily agree, because it is so much fun!

    You will try to persuade Ivan to give the matches to the adults, because the bathhouse may catch fire, and you will not be able to put out the flames.

    Ask Vanya to wait while you run after the other kids in your yard, because you can arrange a competition in throwing burning matches.

Conclusion: A fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish!


How will you now answer the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: is fire a friend or an enemy?

- What will you tell your friends and younger comrades about fire safety rules?


    Fire safety. Methodological manual for teaching schoolchildren. Minsk. Editorial board of the magazine "Parus", 1993.

    Tests for teaching and monitoring knowledge in life safety, grades 2-4. Vitebsk. 2004

    Newspaper “Primary School”, No. 25 – 26/2003

    Reader on literature for junior schoolchildren.

    Materials from the newspaper “Young Rescuer”.


Middle group "A" "Teremok"

MDOU D/s "Fairy Tale"

Topic: “Fire, useful and dangerous”

(life safety + drawing)

Educator: Mashtakova Oksana Anatolyevna.

2010 – 2011 academic year year

Topic: “About fire safety”

Program content: Introduce children to fire hazardous objects. To form children's understanding of the benefits and dangers of fire. Reinforce the knowledge of what burns and what does not burn. Cause a feeling of danger from fire; bring home the idea that these items cannot be used independently.

Continue learning to draw with foam rubber; develop figurative imagination.

Preliminary work: Reading S. Marshak’s “Cat’s House”; conversation about fire hazardous items; memorizing the nursery rhyme “Tili bom, tili bom...”; viewing the album “01”; games with a fire truck and s/r Firemen.”

Dictionary: fire, electrical appliances, flame, reeds, socket, stove.


    subject pictures;

    box of matches;

    various items;

    album sheet;

    set of gouache paints;

    2 pieces of foam sponge;

    glass of water;


    stamp pad.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part

- Guys, listen, it seems to me that something is squeaking.

(Children listen, look for the object that squeaked).

-Who could it be?

- Yes, these are matches! How interesting! They are saying something. (Everyone listens again.)

- The matches say that they really want to play with dreams.

- What are we going to play?

“The matches suggest that we light them, and the matches will burn.” Everyone will be warm and happy.

- Guys, do you want to play with fire? (Yes).

(The teacher lights a match).

- How amazing! The match itself is wooden, its head is made of sulfur. Look how quickly the match flares up, how beautifully the wooden stick burns, the fire is so bright.

- Oh, guys, look, the fire is creeping up to my fingers. He wants to burn me! I am very afraid!

- Guys, help me, please! What to do?

(Blow, throw on the floor).

- Save me, hurry up... (Children put out the fire).

- Oh, thank you guys, I was so scared! And you? (Yes, we were scared too).

- And if I threw a burning match on the floor, what would happen? (Children's answers: the carpet would catch fire and there would be a fire).

- That's right, the carpet would catch fire and there would be a fire. It turns out that a little match can be a big disaster. So, you need to remember the rule:

Don't be so bad

Where matches sleep

D/I “What burns, what doesn’t burn.”

“In our houses and apartments there are many different things that burn very well, so everyone, adults and children, must be very careful with fire. And what kind of objects these are, let us now find them.

(The teacher puts the answers to object pictures on the board)

She is not at all lazy to work,

Cooks food every day. (Kitchen stove)

… (socket).

With wrinkles and folds, (Electric iron!)

Devices that run on electricity are called electrical appliances. That means they are dangerous.

It can happen

short circuit

And there will be a fire in the house.

2. Practical part

— Guys, is fire always only bad? Why do people make fire?

(To warm up, cook food, barbecue, burn garbage).

- Let's remember and imagine fire. What colour is he?

(If the children don’t remember, you can look at a picture of fire). It is red and orange in color and the fire has flames.

– Fire is very beautiful if it is quiet and peaceful. So now we’ll draw a good fire that won’t burn us.

Fizminutka - psycho-gymnastics

- Before you and I start drawing, let's turn into little lights. At first you burned slowly, and then you began to flare up more and more, higher and even higher. ( Children imitate fire).

Practical part

    In order to draw fire, you need to take a piece of foam rubber, dip it lightly in paint,

    Tap on a napkin to remove excess paint.

    Lightly touch the yellow paint, and with light touches to the paper we begin to draw, filling the entire outline of the drawing

- Guys, I hope you never have such a problem, let's remember the fire safety rules again. What should children not do?

(Children's answers).

- You cannot pick up matches or lighters.

— You can’t light a gas stove.

— Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances.

— Do not insert objects or fingers into the socket.

— If there is a fire, you need to call a fire truck? (01)

“There are still many objects in our homes that can be dangerous and that can cause a fire. What are these items? ( iron, hair dryer, TV, refrigerator, tape recorder). Many of them run on electricity; we call them electrical appliances. Fire also lives in them, and if the devices are mishandled or broken, it can break out.

“In our houses and apartments there are many different things that burn very well, so everyone, adults and children, must be very careful with fire. Fires are very dangerous. In a large fire, various objects can burn. And what kind of objects these are, let us now find them.

(Children find objects throughout the group that can burn and explain their choice).

Don't be so bad

Habits - poking your nose into the house,

Where matches sleep

Because matches are not titmice,

The flame may fly out of a match,

So let them sleep in the crib,

But don't tickle their heels,

Because because of the heels

The house may become a mess

And such - oh pandemonium,

That my poem will burn.

D/I “Guess the dangerous object”

- Listen to the riddles and guess what objects these riddles are about.

She is not at all lazy to work,

Cooks food every day. (Kitchen stove)

My head is round, - Don’t push objects into me,

I have two eyes, Baby, he will tell the kids… (socket).

Without bragging, I will say: Very nice people are leaving,

I will make all my friends younger! Fun and smooth!

Despondent people come to me - That means I'm a reliable friend -

With wrinkles and folds, Electric iron!

— In order to draw fire, you need to take a piece of foam rubber, dip it lightly in the paint, tap it on the gauze pads and start drawing with light touches on the paper. The fire is light, airy, the flames quickly rise up - now all the wood in our fire is burning.

If the wire is left without any attention,

It can happen

Short and long short circuit

The electrical appliance will then light up,

And there will be a fire in the house.

You're walking down the street, you see a fire -

Still burning.

When it goes out, don't wait

Hurry up and pass by.

Vorontsova Olga Alexandrovna
Useful and dangerous fire


Useful and dangerous fire


Creation of a social situation, development of children’s activities with the rules of the objective world safe handling objects

Tell children about the work of firefighters, the occurrence of fires and the rules of behavior in case of fire, that if necessary, adults call "01".

Equip yourself with knowledge, skills and abilities to act in extreme situations.

Form ideas about the rules fire safety.

Develop imagination, ingenuity, and constructive abilities.

To form in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards following the rules security.

Exercise children in clear pronunciation "Shi-shi".

Arouse the desire in children to always be careful with fire.

Form of conduct:

Lesson life safety.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: Reading aloud a poem


Visual: Pictures on the topic

Set of numbers from one to five

Paintings "Firefighters are extinguishing fire»

"Fire engine"

Items (lighter, matches, candle)

Observation method - fire observation (candle burning)

Practical method training: D/i "Fire Trucks"

Di “What happens fire

Preliminary work:

1. Reading a poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Cat house". Conversation on the work.

2. Role-playing a fire scene with children based on a poem by S. Ya. Marshak "Cat house".

3. Looking at the painting "Firefighting". Conversation on the painting."

4. Drawing competition, drawing exhibition “Tili-tili-tili bom! The cat's house caught fire".

Vocabulary work:

Learning pure talk "Shi-shi-shi."

Vocabulary enrichment "Can", "It is forbidden", « Fire» , "Fire engine".

Progress of the lesson.

(I bring in a beautiful box, into her: matches, lighter, candle. I draw your attention to the colorful box)

Want to know what's there? (display of objects)

What are these items for? (kindle fire)

(Display pictures sequentially "Bonfire", "Mangal", "Bake", "Gas stove")

Why do people make a fire? (warm up, cook, burn garbage)

Barbecue? (barbecue)

Gas stove? (To cook dinner)

Bake? (to keep warm and cook food)

We told you what good fire, useful, necessary, but fire can be evil, ruthless, treacherous.

(I light a candle and look at fire, we call the color of fire)

If you don't put out the candle, what happens? (The candle will burn, there will be a fire)

In our apartments and houses there are many things that burn well, so all adult children must be very careful with fire. Fires dangerous! Furniture, clothes, toys, and even people can burn in a big fire.

(Reading plain talk)

Shi-shi-shi the reeds caught fire,

Shi-shi-shi, you put out the fire,

Shi-shi-shi the kids ran,

Let's put out, put out, we'll put out the fire.

Guys, so that such a disaster never happens to us, let’s tell you the fire rules security

What should children not do? (with pictures shown)

You cannot pick up matches or lighters

You can't light a gas stove

The iron cannot be turned on

Do not put your fingers or other objects into the socket

How do you call a fire truck? (show card "01")

Let's remember the poem "Cat house" (reading and reciting familiar quatrains with the children)

Hearing the alarm, a fire truck arrived. She started to put out the fire and put it out.

(Show picture "Fire engine")

Please note the fire truck is unusual. (I ask the children to carefully consider how many and what geometric shapes it consists of)

How many laps? (5)

How many ovals? (2)

How many squares? (2)

How many triangles? (4)

How many rectangles? (2)

(This work is accompanied by a display of numbers).

Bottom line:

And now we will stand in a small circle, turn around ourselves and turn into small lights

At first we are slowly burning

(Children make the circle wider)

Then they began to flare up more, more, higher, higher.

(Children imitate fire raising your hands up)

And so the fire got big, dangerous and treacherous

To avoid trouble, we already know the rules. Now we will repeat them

No matches. (take)

Gas is not allowed. (spark off)

Iron is not allowed. (include)

Fingers are not allowed into the socket. (insert)

Guys, try to remember these rules and always ensure that the fire truck does not come to your house!

Publications on the topic:

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy." Summary of an open lesson in the senior group Summary of an open lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Fire is a friend, fire is the enemy of man.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the dangers of fire and its safety.

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy." Summary of a lesson on life safety in the senior group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Zernyshki” in the village of Rabotki Summary of a lesson on life safety in the senior group.

Summary of GCD on safety in the middle group “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Integration of educational areas: “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”. Goal: deepening and systematization.

Summary of GCD on life safety in the middle group “Fire is friend - fire is enemy” Summary of GCD on life safety in the middle group “Fire is friend - fire is enemy” Objectives: - to consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety rules;

Summary of OOD for children 6–7 years old “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Summary of OOD for 6-7 years on the topic: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Objectives: Teach children to talk about the benefits fire brings to humans and.

Summary of the “Safety Lesson” in the preparatory group “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Program objectives: - To consolidate children's knowledge about the causes of fire, about the basic rules of behavior during a fire - To form skills.

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Slide 1

Lesson - travel

Eliseeva Ekaterina Stepanovna, primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 17 in Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia.

Life safety lesson, 1st grade

Slide 2

Slide 3

Guess the riddle

The red animal is sitting in the oven.
The red beast is angry with everyone.
He eats wood out of anger
A whole hour, maybe two.
Don't touch him with your hand,
Bites the entire palm.

Slide 4

Fire - friend or foe of man?

  • Slide 5

    Fire is a friend

  • Slide 6


    Everyone knows - a man without fire
    Doesn't live a single day.
    In the fire, as in the sun it is bright,
    It's warm during the fire and in winter.
    Look around, guys:
    Fire for us -
    Our everyday friend.
    But when we are careless with fire,
    He becomes our enemy.

    Slide 7

    Slide 8

    Fire is the enemy

  • Slide 9

    Causes of the fire

  • Slide 10


  • Slide 11

    When exiting through a smoke-filled corridor

  • Slide 12

    In case of a fire in the house

  • Slide 13

    Slide 14

    Now let's play!

    Slide 15

    Flammable items

    Flammable items

    Slide 16

    Dial the fire department!

    Slide 17

    Slide 18

    Solve the crossword puzzle

    You can work, play, study on it.

    All the guys want to have it at home.

    Pot-bellied, big-nosed

    There were nozzles on the stove.

    Then suddenly he started singing a song.

    Food is prepared on it.

    There is one thing in our room

    There is a magic window.

    That window is full of miracles.

    What kind of window is this?

    Slide 19

    Choose what the firefighter needs.

    Slide 20


    She sat on a stack and ate all the hay.

    Slide 21

    Hisses and gets angry
    Afraid of water
    With tongue, and not barking,
    No teeth, but bites.


    Slide 22

    What happens if birds
    Do they light matches in the house?

    Slide 23

    The fire has dared, they are bolder,
    He is strong, they are stronger
    You can't scare them with fire,
    They are no strangers to fire!


    Slide 24

    It hisses and foam flies.

    (Fire extinguisher)

    Slide 25

    Determine your mood

    • excellent
    • I was confident in myself
    • it was difficult for me
    • I'm tired
  • Slide 26

    Let the fire burn in your hearts, and let there be no fires!!!

    View all slides



    During the classes

    Greeting guests.

    Let the guys benefit from it

    Our lesson is very important!

    Communicating the purpose and objectives of the lesson

    Guess the riddle: (3 slide)

    The red animal is sitting in the oven.

    The red beast is angry with everyone.

    He eats wood out of anger

    A whole hour, maybe two.

    Don't touch him with your hand,

    Bites the whole palm (fire)

    Fire is a friend (5 slide)

    Fire is the enemy

    Sound of fire (7 slide)

    Household gas leak;

    Everyone knows that a man without fire does not live a single day. When there is fire, it is as bright as when it is in the sun. When there is fire, it is warm in winter. Look around, guys: We have fire -

    Our everyday friend. But when we are careless with fire, He becomes our enemy.

    In case of a fire in the house:

    Phys. a minute (13 slide)

    Game "Put out the fire!"

    names the address where it is burning;

    my phone number;

    your last name;

    what floor is it on?

    what is the best way to get to the house?

    how many entrances are there in the house?

    Solve the crossword (18 slide)

    Guess the riddles

    A midge flew - a pine leg,

    Hisses and gets angry

    Afraid of water

    With tongue, and not barking,

    What happens if birds

    The fire has dared, they are bolder,

    He is strong, they are stronger

    You can't scare them with fire,

    Hangs - is silent, but you turn it over,

    Game: Missing Words.

    Evil fire.)





    (Lighted up.)







    take away)



    Group work

    1 group

    2nd group

    Breathe through wet cloth.

    3 group

    Reflection (25-26 slides)

    Thank you for the lesson!


    Purpose: to introduce the basics of fire safety.

    Familiarize yourself with the main causes of fires and primary fire extinguishing means;

    Learn to follow fire safety rules;

    Train in actions in case of fire;

    To educate a personality ready for creative activity and moral behavior.


    Multimedia installation, presentation “Lesson-travel “Fire is the friend and enemy of man,” cards for group work, drawings on the PPB, fire signs, items for the game.

    During the classes

    Organizational moment (2 slide)

    Greeting guests.

    Today we have an unusual lesson. We will not solve examples and problems, we will not write down sentences. And we will talk about the most valuable, the most precious thing - about human life, about how to preserve it in a moment of danger.

    Let the guys benefit from it

    Our lesson is very important!

    Communicating the purpose and objectives of the lesson

    Guess the riddle: (3 slide)

    The red animal is sitting in the oven.

    The red beast is angry with everyone.

    He eats wood out of anger

    A whole hour, maybe two.

    Don't touch him with your hand,

    Bites the whole palm (fire)

    Today in the lesson we will answer the question: “Is fire a friend or enemy to man?” We will find out the causes of the fire and how to behave if a fire occurs. (4 slide)

    Fire is a friend (5 slide)

    Mastery of this greatest elemental force of nature made it possible for man to provide himself with light and warmth. Fire helped him spread throughout the Earth and overcome the climatic conditions unfavorable for human life that prevailed in certain areas of the globe. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is needed everywhere: in homes and schools, in factories and factories, on farms and in agricultural production. Fire melts ore, helping a person obtain metal. The operation of internal combustion engines, the flights of jetliners and spaceships became possible thanks to the mastery and skillful use of the mighty power of fire.

    Everyone knows that a man without fire does not live a single day. When there is fire, it is as bright as when it is in the sun. When there is fire, it is warm in winter. Look around, guys: We have fire -

    Our everyday friend. But when we are careless with fire, He becomes our enemy.

    Fire is the enemy

    Sound of fire (7 slide)

    Fire is an enemy that has left its traces in the history of all eras and peoples. Thousands of cities and villages disappeared in giant flames. Priceless creations created by the minds and talented hands of previous generations have turned to dust. The fire destroyed millions of human lives. In terms of their tragic consequences, fires were not inferior to epidemics, droughts and other disasters. (8 slide)

    Causes of fire (9 slide)

    Guys, think and name why a fire might occur? Careless handling of fire – matches, fire;

    Violation of fire safety rules when operating stoves;

    Violation of safety rules when using electrical appliances;

    violation of the rules for storing and using flammable and flammable liquids;

    Household gas leak;

    Careless handling of pyrotechnic products (crackers, firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks, etc.)

    Everyone knows that a man without fire does not live a single day. When there is fire, it is as bright as when it is in the sun. When there is fire, it is warm in winter. Look around, guys: We have fire -

    Our everyday friend. But when we are careless with fire, He becomes our enemy.

    How to behave during a fire (11-12 slides)

    The most important thing during a fire is not to panic, but to remember what was taught earlier.

    If it is impossible to leave the room:

    Assess the situation, make sure there is danger and determine where it comes from.

    Call the fire department by phone 01.

    Inform your neighbors about the fire, turn off the gas and electricity, and close the windows and doors if possible.

    Immediately leave the room, go in the direction opposite to the fire.

    Move towards the exit or towards a non-smoky stairwell.

    When exiting through a smoke-filled corridor:

    Cover yourself with a wet thick cloth, towel, blanket.

    Breathe through a wet handkerchief, fabric, or clothing.

    Move towards the exit, crouching or crawling - there is less smoke below.

    In case of a fire in the house:

    Come back and close the front door tightly.

    Plug door cracks and vents with wet rags.

    Signal to rescuers through the window with a piece of brightly colored cloth or a flashlight.

    If the room becomes smoky or the temperature rises, go out onto the balcony and close the door tightly behind you.

    Phys. a minute (13 slide)

    Game "Put out the fire!"

    Educational and entertaining games. (14 slide)

    Name flammable items (slide 15)

    Dial the fire department number (slides 16-17)

    The student “calls” the fire department on the phone and reports to the fire department dispatcher what happened:

    names the address where it is burning;

    my phone number;

    your last name;

    what floor is it on?

    what is the best way to get to the house?

    how many entrances are there in the house?

    Solve the crossword (18 slide)

    Choose what a firefighter needs (slide 19)

    Guess the riddles

    A midge flew - a pine leg,

    She sat down on a haystack and ate all the hay. (match) (20 slide)

    Hisses and gets angry

    Afraid of water

    With tongue, and not barking,

    No teeth, but bites. (fire) (21 slides)

    What happens if birds

    Do they light matches in the house? (fire) (22 slide)

    The fire has dared, they are bolder,

    He is strong, they are stronger

    You can't scare them with fire,

    They are no strangers to fire! (firefighters) (23 slide)

    Hangs - is silent, but you turn it over,

    it hisses and the foam flies. (fire extinguisher) (24 slide)

    Game: Missing Words.

    It’s not for nothing that this ball is in your hands. Previously, if there was a fire, a signal ball would soar high - Calling firefighters to fight the fire, Where people are careless with fire, There the ball will rise into the sky, There it will always threaten us... ( Evil fire.)

    One, two, three, four - Who has a fire in...? (Apartment.)

    A column of smoke suddenly rose. Who didn’t turn it off...? (Iron.)

    A red glow ran, Who's with the matches...? (Played.)

    The table and the closet burned down at once, Who dried the clothes over...? (Gas.)

    A pillar of fire engulfed the attic. Who's the matches...? (Lighted up.)

    The fire ran into the yard. Who was burning there...? (Bonfire.)

    The flame jumped into the foliage. Who was burning near the house...? (Grass.)

    Who threw Strangers into the fire...? (Items.)

    Every citizen remember this number... (01)

    I saw smoke - don’t yawn And firefighters... (Call

    A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor. Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it up...( water)

    If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do? Immediately those matches... ( take away)

    If there is garbage stored somewhere or just various rubbish, you will have to work hard to put things in order there. They took a broom and a shovel and everything quickly... ( removed)

    The fire doesn't wait! Throw to the box!!

    The embankment on the hearth is life-saving... (sand)

    Fire safety rules in a city apartment

    Fires are dangerous because they cause enormous losses to people, and most importantly, they take human lives. One unextinguished match can burn down an entire house. The best protection against fire is knowledge and compliance with fire safety rules. Do not play around with matches or lighters at home. This is one of the causes of fires.

    Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended, especially irons, heaters, TVs, lamps, etc. When leaving home, do not forget to turn them off.

    Don't forget to turn off the gas stove. If you smell gas, do not light a match or turn on the light. Ventilate the apartment immediately.

    Do not dry clothes over the stove. It may catch fire.

    Light fireworks, candles, sparklers away from the Christmas tree, preferably outside the house.

    Group work

    Now we will divide into three groups. Each group will receive cards, prepare on them and talk about what needs to be done if a fire occurs in the home.

    (The class is divided into three groups)

    1 group– your actions if the TV catches fire.

    Disconnect the TV (pull out the plug from the socket).

    Notify the fire department by calling 01.

    If the burning continues, cover the TV with a thick cloth, approaching the TV from the side, you can pour water on it.

    If you are unable to cope with the fire, leave the room, tightly closing the doors and windows. Tell your neighbors.

    2nd group– your actions in a smoky room, if there is a possibility of escape.

    Call the rescue service "01".

    Breathe through wet cloth.

    Move by crouching or crawling towards the exit.

    Do not enter areas where there is a high concentration of smoke.

    Closing the door tightly behind you, move along the wall towards the stairs.

    3 group- your actions in the event that the fire has cut off the path to the exit.

    1. Call the rescue service “01” 2. Plug all the cracks in the door with rags, pour water on the door. 3. Create a supply of water in the bathroom. 4. It is better to be on the floor near the window, breathing through a wet cloth, or go out onto the balcony. 5. Take with you a wet blanket to protect yourself from fire (if it starts to penetrate), a flashlight and a bright rag to signal to rescuers.

    Reflection (25-26 slides)

    Guys, what do you remember? Raise your hand, how many of you think you did a good job in class today? Who is not very happy with their work in class? Raise your hand, who will do better in the next lesson than today?

    Thank you for the lesson!


    “Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the blow” KVN, Lyudmila Egorovna Valnova, primary school teacher in Amursk

    Travel lesson “Fire is the friend and enemy of man,” Lepekhina L.S., Municipal Educational Institution “LSOSH No. 2”

    “Fire is a dangerous game”, presentation, Shchedrova E.V., teacher of preschool educational institution No. 16 “Rosinka”, Severodvinsk

    Quiz “Fire Safety” Prepared by 9th grade students of the municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Svyatoslavka Oganjanyan A., Andrienko E., Class teacher Anna Vladimirovna Sergadeeva

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