The workshop and the person in it. Writing a mini-essay

The negative consequences for nature and man himself, which have sharply manifested themselves in recent years, force us to take a closer look at the system of relationships between man and nature. And especially important is the problem of the relationship between man and nature, which at the current turning point in human history has, unfortunately, acquired a tragic sound. Among the numerous socially significant problems facing peoples on the threshold of the third millennium, the main place was occupied by the problem of the survival of humanity and all life on Earth.



“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop. And the person in it is a worker.”

Bazarov, hero of I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

The negative consequences for nature and man himself, which have sharply manifested themselves in recent years, force us to take a closer look at the system of relationships between man and nature. And especially important is the problem of the relationship between man and nature, which at the current turning point in human history has, unfortunately, acquired a tragic sound. Among the numerous socially significant problems facing peoples on the threshold of the third millennium, the main place was occupied by the problem of the survival of humanity and all life on Earth. All this makes us think about what the relationship between man and nature should be, how to find harmony with nature.

After all, only the need to get out of the current crisis situation necessitates the establishment of a special form of unity between man and nature. This is the harmony of man and nature. We adults must understand and convey to children three basic rules:

Man is the main part of Nature;

Man and Nature should not be opposed to each other; but they must be considered in unity;

A person and everything that surrounds him are particles of a single, Whole;

Responsibility of Mind to Nature. A little man came into the big and complex world of adults. In the brightIn this joyful, polyphonic and multi-colored world, we must help children find and love the beauty of nature through poetry, painting, and music. Art helps a child become familiar with goodness and condemn evil. Art reflects life and expresses one’s attitude towards it. Art is a particularly powerful and irreplaceable means of cultivating the relationship between man and nature and maintaining harmony between them. Exciting and delighting the child, it makes him look closely at everything around him more attentively, brighter and respond more fully to the beauty in nature and life. Everyone understands that art in its mature and developed form cannot be mastered by a child. Children can and should be introduced to all its most accessible forms from early childhood. Only in its diverse forms can art help the development of a child’s versatile artistic abilities. He needs all types of art. From an early age they should be part of his life: an artistic toy, a fairy tale and a saying, a riddle and a proverb, a song and an instrumental piece, a picture and decorative items - the child’s acquaintance with art begins with them. No matter how simple these products by masters of art are, they introduce the child into a special, new world of artistic experiences.

Fine art, like natural phenomena, evokes varied and interesting statements in a child if an adult encourages the child to do so. The content of these statements is associated with the impressions caused by an encounter with beautiful phenomena that are accessible to the understanding and feelings of a child. The statements concern the beautiful in nature and in everyday life. Any artistic phenomenon requires from those who perceive it a certain level of development of perception processes. The more active the “search movements” of the hand, eye, and hearing, the more intense the perception of the surrounding world, its colors, shapes, and sounds will be. In the process of learning to draw, children learn ways to isolate a form from the general appearance of an object, determine its properties, compare it with the most suitable geometric figure, and vary it when the proportions and positions of the object change. All this leads to a more correct depiction of the object, to the emergence of an artistic image in the child, to the development of creative imagination, because the child must change many things under the influence of the idea that has arisen in him. Nurturing a subtle apparatus for creative perception of nature, life, and art equips children with the ability not only to feel harmony, but also to create it in any other environment of activity, extending it to relationships with people, with the surrounding and natural world.

Art, including theater, teaches us to notice and appreciate everything beautiful in what surrounds us. Anyone who loves and appreciates beauty is unlikely to destroy. Often evil begins with the smallest thing - with the wings of a fly torn off, the very fly from which an elephant is worth making. You can destroy a harmful insect, but you cannot torment it. This corrupts a child's soul. Love for animals fosters a sense of responsibility in a child. And this is perhaps the most important thing. Responsibility for someone's health, for someone's life, for your choice. Remember, as Saint-Exupery said: “We are always responsible for those whom we have taught.” And one more thing: “I got up in the morning, put myself in order - put my planet in order.” Writer Nikolai Sladkov said: “You can’t make someone love nature, but you can help.” One of these helpers is the theatrical and play activities of children. Why do we call children's theatrical creativity theatrical and playful? Because, unlike the creativity of adults, it has a free playful character, which persists even when children perform a play based on a literary plot.

Drama Theater.A theater where the children themselves perform the roles. The younger the child, the more similar his activities are to play, the more imitative his actions are. A child of 3-4 years old cannot work on an image for a long time; the stage confuses him. Since the development of speech in a small child lags behind the development of movements, it is easier for him to show than to say, so it is good to use simple dramatizations of rhyming texts. The texts may be different, but since we are talking about the relationship between man and nature, it is better to take texts about animals or those that will help the child understand himself as a biological whole (feel his body and every part of it). Almost all folk pedagogy is built on this ("Magpie-Crow", "Ladushki-Ladushki"...)You can also take the author's text. For example, E. Korganova’s poem “Palms, Palms” or K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”. The book does not describe the movements, but everyone will come up with their own version. You can dramatize poems with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Sketch work. The little actor still needs to learn a lot before going on stage. In any business, a person starts with the basics, with small easy tasks, exercises, if we are talking about theatrical creativity - etudes. And, if we don’t have time to stage a play or a dramatization, then the sketch work is quite real and necessary.It frees the creative nature of the child, creates conditions in which this nature awakens and acts. It leads to the release of muscles, to proper stage well-being, to the ability to act organically in the given circumstances - “to be, and not to appear, on stage.” The sketch work removes the pressure from the child. In the broad sense of the word, sketch work refers to all types of training work: from the simplest exercises to complex plot sketches.Theater in Greek means "action". Whether we are performing a simple exercise or working on a complex plot sketch, the action obeys the same laws, the laws of our organics (it must be natural). But, each action can be performed differently. In life, we behave organically, without thinking. For example, when in life have we thought about the expression on our face?! Busy with business, we don’t even know what we look like from the outside. We only have a deliberate expression on our face when we want to deceive someone or are trying to hide something.So, for example, when hiding misfortunes, people put on a cheerful face, smile, and when they receive a refusal, they try to appear indifferent... And, as a rule, they begin to behave unnaturally, their movements become constrained, and there is a frozen expression on their face...An actor who tries to portray feelings and diligently performs pre-planned gestures, trying his best to watch the expression of his face, will achieve nothing. Where can we think about a partner, here the goal is to please the audience or you, the teacher.

But Stanislavsky’s entire system (the system of organic action on stage) lies in the moment of tolerance - the ability to listen and hear. Therefore, work should begin with training individual elements of organic action: attention, imagination, assessment of the proposed circumstances. There are a number of exercises to develop each of these elements.

"Empathy" You imagine yourself as an image in a situation where this image has problems. Example: You are a tired grasshopper, lost in the meadow. What do you feel? (What do your legs feel? Antennae?) Or. You are a flower in a sunny meadow. You really want to drink. It hasn't rained for a long time. What do you feel? Tell. Or. I am an angry boy, and you are a beautiful daisy. I want to rip you off. Convince me not to do this.

"Point of view"

We set the situation on the basis of which the sketch was invented, and then change the character of the hero in this situation. Examples: the boy saw a nest. His actions. (A boy can be kind, cruel, curious, stupid, absent-minded). Or: in the same situation, we invite the child to play different images: a fly has fallen into a spider’s net. What does the fly feel? And the spider? Now switch roles. Or: you portray two dogs. One is big, sits near her kennel and gnaws on a bone. The other is small, homeless, hungry. After discussing the actions and feelings of the given images, the exercises are played out in the form of dramatizations. The value of this technique is that the child learns to feel the situation from different points of view and can analyze its pros and cons. This ability lies at the heart of conservation. Picking a flower is good for a person. It will stand in a vase and you can admire it. But when a child feels like this flower, he will think. At least he won’t pick flowers out of nothing to do and then immediately throw them away. We are talking again about a sense of responsibility.

Hearing exercises:

  1. Sit without moving and listen to the sounds coming from the street. Name what you heard. (Knocking, voices, car horns, wind noise, birdsong, rustling leaves, the sound of rain...)
  2. Sounds behind the wall, in the corridor.
  3. In the room where you are yourself.

The latter will require special concentration, because here the sounds will be very weak and random. (Crackling, breathing of comrades...) You can put an alarm clock on the top shelf (for better acoustics) and ask: “What new sound has appeared in our room?”

Exercises aimed at vision:

  1. Examine an object and describe it in detail.
  2. Close your eyes and remember what Sasha was wearing, or what Katya’s hairstyle is today...
  3. The game “What has changed?” is familiar to all of us, when we remove or swap objects.

Smell and taste exercises:

Exercises for smell and taste play an equally important role: games: “Identify by taste”, “Guess by smell”.

Touch exercise:

"Determine by touch"...

Exercises that develop imagination:

There are also many exercises to develop your imagination. For example, you invite children, having picked up any object (or looking at some thing in the room), to compose its story: who were its owners, how did it get here, what will happen to it in a hundred years when it is found in excavations

You can take 3 or several objects that are not connected in any way (say, a needle, a bench and a key) and try with the children to compose a story where these objects would appear and need each other to develop the plot.

We all must travel outside the city more often, communicate with plants and animals, admire beautiful landscapes, listen to forest rustles, enjoy the silence, so as not to lose harmony with nature.

We adults raising children should introduce them to the mysteries and beauty of nature every day, through art, so that already in early childhood a sense of community with it arises in every person!

Without any introduction, I say in response to this tirade of Bazarov, the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev: no, no, and no again! What did this nihilist who lived in the 19th century come up with! These words of his could be followed by others, which until recently were almost our slogan: “we cannot wait for favors from nature, our task is to take them from her.”

These are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves were inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed river beds, cut down forests, without thinking about the consequences. They didn’t understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. Forests were cut down - rivers dried up, cascades of dams with artificial seas were created - villages and sources of water contamination - cattle burial grounds - were under water. The rivers and seas were contaminated with industrial waste and fish stocks decreased. Chernobyl became a big environmental disaster. This is what people have come to, considering nature not a temple, but a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man and his well-being.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But only when trouble struck, they thought of it and learned to use nature without harming it, or to reduce this harm to a minimum. I don’t believe that half a century ago our scientists could not solve these problems. They launched satellites into orbit, were the first to send man into space, but did not think about reasonable relationships with nature, did not consider it necessary to calculate them for many years to come. Will we never eradicate from our mentality the concept enshrined in folk wisdom: “Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself”?

Now we have learned everything: to restore the “lungs of the planet,” that is, forests, and to purify waters discharged into seas and rivers. We even thought about alternative energy sources. Just don't expect quick results. Another popular wisdom says: “To break is not to build.” Now the main thing is not to inflict new wounds on nature. Material from the site

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple that everyone, young and old, should protect. Don’t break bushes, don’t hurt a cat, don’t leave trash in the forest or on the shore - all this should be taught from childhood. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. Do not pick wildflowers to no avail, do not extinguish the fire to the last spark - this should become a law for those vacationing in nature. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not need to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.

How do you understand “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is a worker in it”? and got the best answer

Answer from Lerich[guru]
That’s how I understand it - as a phrase taken out of context... In general, everything is very clear
I. S. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”
People forget that nature is their native and only home, which requires careful treatment, which is confirmed in the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.” The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, is known for his categorical position: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” This is exactly how the Author sees a “new” person in him: he is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to.
I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” raises the current topic of the relationship between nature and man. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic pleasure in nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. Arkady, Bazarov's friend, on the contrary, treats her with all the admiration inherent in a young soul. In the novel, each hero is tested by nature. For Arkady, communication with the outside world helps to heal mental wounds; for him this unity is natural and pleasant. Bazarov, on the contrary, does not seek contact with her - when Bazarov was feeling bad, he “went into the forest and broke branches.” She does not give him the desired peace of mind or peace of mind. Thus, Turgenev emphasizes the need for a fruitful and two-way dialogue with nature.
Source: 🙂

Answer from Clarinet*[guru]

Birds are given wings, fish are given fins, and people who live in nature are given the study and knowledge of nature; here are their wings. (H. Marty)

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How do you understand “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is a worker in it”?

Nature is not a temple but a workshop and man is a worker in it

Modern youth have a positive attitude towards the preservation and enhancement of natural resources, a civic position, high spiritual and moral values ​​and social guidelines have been formed, but in recent years the level of natural resources, the quality of drinking water, and the preservation of fresh water reservoirs have been steadily moving downward. The main reasons for the disruption of the condition of rivers and reservoirs are both external factors and human intervention in nature, wasteful and rather ineffective use of one’s resources. It was this problem that formed the basis for the development of my essay.

Nature - the whole world in the diversity of its forms - is still an object of study for people. Humanity has discovered many laws that explain the structure of various natural processes. We learned how to make fire, develop new breeds of animals through selective breeding, and we sent man into space. We plant cereals and vegetables wherever we want. Even if the soil is not suitable, we will fill it with organic and mineral fertilizers and the sprouts will sprout. We plant decorative flowers in beautiful geometric designs, creating new beautiful gardens with our own hands. We try and make mistakes, calculate probabilities, theoretically or practically, in the end we arrive at a given goal. We craft.

Since ancient times, man has been trying to adjust nature to suit himself, to create new convenient forms. He is moving further and further away from the “original plan”. A person does not allow the process to develop independently.

He controls it and calls this control culture.

Man does not allow nature to dictate its terms to him. In large cities, clouds are even dispersed before large-scale parades, preventing the rain planned by nature from overshadowing the holiday.

It is likely that in the future people will learn to change climatic conditions. The weather will become completely subordinate to man. And yet man is a part of nature.

The human body is still not fully understood. Even biochemical reactions familiar to specialists can give unpredictable results. A person is free to make his own choice, but it is very difficult for him to go against his nature.

A man can plant a garden, but can he fashion himself into the image he desires? Can he control the biochemical processes of his body? Set the heart rhythm, make the blood circulate faster? Don't let hormonal surges affect your mood? Slow down or speed up hair growth? Maybe with the help of chemicals. With the help of certain physical exercises he can change his body, with the help of plastic surgery - his face. The man even made a workshop out of himself. But who will have the last word? While we grow old and die, it remains with nature, but the future sparkles with bright prospects. Perhaps it's just a matter of time?

People forget that nature is their native and only home, which requires careful treatment.

A person is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to.

These are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves were inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed river beds, cut down forests, without thinking about the consequences. They didn’t understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. The forests were cut down and the rivers dried up. The rivers and seas were contaminated with industrial drains and fish stocks decreased. This is what people have come to, considering nature not a temple, but a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man and his well-being.

But how should modern man relate to nature?

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple that everyone, young and old, should protect. Don’t break a tree, don’t hurt an animal, don’t leave trash in the forest, don’t uselessly pick wildflowers, put out the fire to the last spark - we learn all this from childhood and this should become a law for those who vacation in nature. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not need to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But we must and are obliged to use nature without harming it, or to reduce this harm to a minimum, to maintain reasonable relationships with nature and plan for them for many years to come.

Our generation must certainly remember the destruction that people have caused to nature, for example, the great environmental disaster that Chernobyl became, be sure to take nature into account, and then in the future it will answer us in kind.

The beauty of our world is so multifaceted and amazing, there are so many amazing corners on our planet with their stunning views that people cannot allow it to be destroyed without allowing the next generations to enjoy it.

We need to remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the shine of the sun, the greenness of foliage - how can you not love it? We and nature are one big family and should live together.

Without any introduction, I say in response to this tirade of Bazarov, the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev: no, no, and no again! What did this nihilist who lived in the 19th century come up with! These words of his could be followed by others, which until recently were almost our slogan: “We cannot wait for favors from nature, our task is to take them from her.”

These are the ideological origins of what our country has now come to. planet. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves were inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed river beds, cut down forests, without thinking about the consequences. They didn’t understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. Forests were cut down - rivers dried up, cascades of dams with artificial seas were created - villages and sources of water contamination - cattle burial grounds - were under water. The rivers and seas were contaminated with industrial drains and fish stocks decreased. Chernobyl became a big environmental disaster. This is what people have come to, considering nature not a temple, but a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man and his well-being.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But only when trouble struck, they thought of it and learned to use nature without harming it, or to reduce this harm to a minimum. I don’t believe that half a century ago our scientists could not solve these problems. They launched satellites into orbit, were the first to send man into space, but did not think about reasonable relationships with nature, did not consider it necessary to calculate them for many years to come. Will we never eradicate from our mentality the concept enshrined in folk wisdom: “Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself”?

Now we have learned everything: and to restore the “lungs” plan. you,” that is, forests, and purify the waters discharged into the seas and rivers. We even thought about alternative energy sources. Just don't expect quick results. Another popular wisdom says: “To break is not to build.” Now the main thing is not to inflict new wounds on nature.

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple that everyone, young and old, should protect. Don’t break bushes, don’t hurt a cat, don’t leave trash in the forest or on the shore - all this should be taught from childhood. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. Do not pick wildflowers to no avail, do not extinguish the fire to the last spark - this should become a law for those vacationing in nature. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not need to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.