Lesson in drawing a fish. Synopsis of the open lesson "Fish swim in an aquarium" (an unconventional way of drawing)

Watercolor drawing for preschoolers 5-7 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos "Two fish"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, educator, CRR MDOU No. 1 "Bear cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Target: creation of educational work
- to teach the techniques of working with watercolors without a preliminary drawing
- improve compositional skills, the ability to navigate the sheet.
- develop the ability to convey movement
- cultivate curiosity
- to acquaint with the inhabitants of rivers and seas
Album (two sheets), watercolor, soft brushes No. 5 - 1

Preliminary work:
- Acquaintance with the inhabitants of rivers and seas.
View photos.

In these photos, aquarium fish

Toothy predator Pike watches for prey, hiding in algae at the bottom of a river or pond.
Variety is important in any class. You can, of course, create one excellent drawing in twenty to thirty minutes, but it is more useful to give several samples.
Drawing fish, we not only get acquainted with different ways of depicting them, different colors of scales, different habitats. Children receive both knowledge about the world around them and the opportunity to make a short coherent story about the inhabitants of a home aquarium, visiting an oceanarium or fishing together with their parents.
Consolidating the knowledge gained, at the end of the lesson, children play puzzles, collecting split images of fish, or draw at easels. Outside of class (before or after it), you can guess riddles about fish.
Drawing two drawings in one lesson can be done in a different way. Children almost completely repeat the first drawing after the teacher, and draw the second one using the same sequence of steps, but they come up with their own colors and composition. Here, it would seem, there is more room for creativity, but the real result is always an order of magnitude weaker.
Therefore, we will make two drawings. The first fish - aquarium - from the warm seas. The second is a resident of our rivers and lakes.


1. Open the album so that there are two blank pages on the table.

We draw with a brush a line of soil with ocher immediately on the right and left pages.

We start working on the left side. We put a dot in the middle of the sheet. The second point is at the edge of the sheet.

We connect them with smooth arcs. This is the back and belly of the fish. We paint over the resulting figure with a golden or yellow color.

The tail of the fish looks like a triangle. We draw a long vertical line and connect its ends, "collecting" the figure of a fish. The color we use is orange.

Add fins, a mouth and separate the head from the body with a smooth line.

In green color we draw the stems of algae in the background. They wobble a little.

Using the method of sticking, we add “leaves” to them.

Add more algae, draw pebbles at the bottom.

Let's start drawing patterns on the tail and fins. We work with a thin brush in red.

We depict scales, draw an eye.

2. In the second picture, the fish swims up or down. Therefore, we put the points along the diagonal of the sheet.

We connect them together (draw the back and stomach). We color the elongated silhouette of the predator. Add a little tail.

We draw algae with the whole brush and the tip of the brush.
The stones at the bottom lie randomly. They are of different sizes, round and oval.

In dark green or emerald we draw fins, patterns on the sides of the fish, shade the algae with the same color.

In black we draw an eye, teeth and a pattern on the sides.

Children's drawings
(preparatory group)

Literary component:
For parents and children
All clothing made from coins. (Fish.)

She lives in the water
There is no beak, but it pecks. (Fish.)
Among the seas and oceans
A hundred miles away I smell
I spin in the sea day and night.
And like a hound dog
I follow in the footsteps of prey. (Shark.)

I never know fear
I will boldly rebuff the enemy.
Pointy nose like a torpedo
I can break through the tanker. (Swordfish.)

Our teeth are like saws,
We dive here and there.
Having noticed us, crocodiles
They run to the shore in fear. (Piranha fish.)

With you just in case
I always carry binoculars
And into it among the quicksand waves
I'll take a look under the water. (Telescope fish.)

Mouth, if you really understand,
I have it on my stomach.
So it's more convenient for me to grab
Feed from the bottom in sea water. (Fish-guitar.)

I bury my fins
At the bottom of the sea - and silence.
And I put it outside
For bait tongue. (Cowfish.)

I've been wandering the seas all my life,
But it happens that secretly
I move on the ground
Like a snake, crawling. (Acne.)

We sail without worry
Even though there are fishermen nearby.
We can't close our mouths
Because the teeth are big. (Moray fish.)

In the depths of the sea I shed
And like a wise snake
I take off my skin,
I become smart. (Sea ruff.)

And at the bottom of the deep sea,
And on the very shores
I'm always electrocuted
I drive away the enemies. (Electric Stingray)

I live in underwater mud
I'm scary in appearance, I suppose:
Fall and tail, and between them
Only a handful of prickly needles. (Ruff.)

Scales-fire sparkling,
We are always red.
Where our flock walks
It looks like the water is on fire. (Red salmon.)

From roach, ruff, bleak
I can weed
Your own underwater garden. (Zander.)

At snags, overgrown with grass,
Where the river foams
I love to catch fish
For two worm mustaches. (Som.)

I'm the only fish with success
Like stairs, easy
Along the cold mountain rivers
I rise high. (Trout.)

I'm wagging my tail for nothing
In the thick of gloomy water:
I define with a tail
The taste of the food. (Carp.)

It gets warmer - I almost cry:
In the spring, with the departure of ice floes,
Hiding from warm water
I am the only fish. (Burbot.)

Is it winter, autumn,
In the depths of the native river
We proudly wear vests,
Like dashing sailors. (Perches.)

We love to live in clear waters,
Every day at the appointed hour
Near the shore willingly
The fish farmers feed us. (Carp, carp.)

The pike would immediately suffocate
No water on the beach.
I'm in an empty pot
I can live a day or two. (Lamprey.)

He lives in the very pool,
Depth master.
He has a huge mouth
And the eyes are barely visible. (Som.)

Abstract of the lesson on drawing for children with intellectual disabilities

second year training (with eldest group).

Subject: "Fish in the Aquarium"

Target: Teach children to draw with their fingers.

Tasks: Teach children to leave fingerprints inside the silhouette of a fishand stay out of the loop. Fix red, yellow color. Development of fine and general motor skills. Raise interest in the world around.

Equipment: Sheets of paper in the form of an aquarium, red and yellow paints, red and yellow cards, a guest of the lesson - a fish toy fish on a stick for playing gymnastics for the eyes, for playing a basin with buckwheat and fish toys, cardboard fish and clothespins, an aquarium with fish 3D.

Vocabulary work: fish, tail, fins, eyes, scales

Lesson progress:

Circle of Joy:

The sun rises bright
He sends his rays to us

We stretch our hands to the sun
Hello sunshine, we say!

Guys, let's say hello to each other like birds with their noses,

Like fish side by side, like bunnies with tails.

Let's look into each other's eyes and smile.

Surprise moment:

Educator: Guys, we have an unusual guest in our group, and who you will find out as soon as you guess my riddle:


Swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on earth

I have a mouth, but I don’t say
I have eyes - I do not blink,

I have wings - I can't fly.

(balyk fish)

Are there fish in our group? let's consider

them. Tell me, guys, where do the fish live? Fish live

aquarium. The fish want to play with us.

Game: "Catch the fish"

Artistic word:

Fish swim in the water

Fish are fun to play with

They will shrink, they will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sandand among the stones.

Look at the fish hiding from us, let's catch them.

( Children put their hands in a bowl of buckwheat and dig out small toys depicting fish.)

Problem situation:

Educator: Our fish felt sad. Why did the fish feel sad? She wants, so that all the fish become her friends. But for this you need to get to know the fish even closer.

Survey object What is a fish made of?

First, let's look at what a fish consists of.

The fish haseyes , what are they for? To see everything.

Gymnastics for the eyes :

Guys, look, our fish swam up, and now down. Our fish swam to the left, and now to the right. (Children look up, down, left, right with their eyes)

The fish hasmouth . Articulation exercise: "The fish opens its mouth"- Show how the fish opens and closes its mouth. Take your time

The fish hastail . He serves as her helm.

Clothespin game "Fishtail"

Look how beautiful the fish are. And we can make them even more beautiful. Decorate the tail of the fish with colorful clothespins

Poetry reading and dramatization

The fish was chasing the fish
The fish wagged its tail.
Poked into the abdomen: - Caught up!
Hey girlfriend! How are you?

The fish also havefins .What does she need them for?

To swim. Let's swim like fish with the help of fins (show)

The body of the fish is covered with plates - this isscales .Why is she a fish? (defend)

And now we'll swim a little:

Game: Fish

Fish swim in the river

Brighter, purer than silver

The scales of a fish shine,

Will wag its tail back and forth

And there is no fish, And there is no trace

Where do fish live at home?

At home, the fish live in an aquarium.

Our fish will live inaquarium .

And now we will help the fish draw many, many friends in the aquarium.

Display and examination of the sample.

Show step-by-step progress :

We will draw in an unusual way, with the help of our fingers and paints. First, repeat the colors on the cards: show the red color, and now the yellow color.

Our fish will be bright, beautiful.

Now with the help of fingers we will draw. Choose any color andleavingeatfingerprints inside the silhouette of a fishAndwe don't go outside the loop.

Finger gymnastics:

There lived and there was one burbot

Two ruffs were friends with him.

Three ducks flew to them

Four times a day

One two three four five.( Children get to work drawto background music)

-Creative work of children.

Educator: And now, guys, get to work, and I will help you.

Outcome: Educator: - What are we guys today

painted? R fish - Thank you guysNow I have many friends. Educator: - Guys, you are great, helped the fishto make friends with all the fish. See how fun they swim in aquarium.

AND gra "Fish"

The fish swims in the water.
Fish are fun to play with.
(Two palms together represent swimming movements)

Fish, fish, naughty,
We want to catch you.
(Palms alternately clenched into a fist)

The fish arched its back
I took a piece of bread.
(grasping movements with a pinch)

The fish wagged its tail
Went away quickly.
(wave hand)

Expected result: Know-what is a fish made of

Be able to- draw with fingers

Have - draw without leaving the outline

Open lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group



. To consolidate the ability to work in the techniques of drawing with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, potato prints, palm drawing.

. develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of hands, thinking, attention, research interest and cognitive activity of children.

. Develop imagination and fantasy;

. To cultivate a desire to help, to encourage the desire to participate in joint work, to teach to bring what has been started to the end.

Equipment and materials : demonstration material - toys, a fish in an aquarium; handout - painted aquariums, a dish of paint, wet wipes, paints, a sheet of paper for creasing, cotton buds, potato prints.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:


Educator: - Dasha why are you crying?




Educator: Now take a close look at the toy. Guys, who do you see on my palm? (Fish). Who has aquarium fish at home?

What shape is the body of the fish? (oval). And what shape does the tail look like? (triangle). What color is our fish? What other color are the fish?


But, before we draw a fish, let's remember where it lives? (in water)

And we will draw water with crumpled pieces of paper, at the same time we will knead the pens. (Children crumple the paper sheet into a ball. Then, the children dip it into a plate with blue paint and draw water with slapping movements.)


Physical education minute

Fish swim in the water

Fish are fun to play with

They will shrink, they will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand



Now let's take strips of cardboard, scoop up green paint and draw algae (hold the strip at an angle, draw from top to bottom). We draw a wavy line without tearing it off, we press hard so that it is drawn well.


Dashenka comes in.


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"Class on fine arts "Fish in the aquarium""

An open lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group "Fish in the aquarium".


1. Exercise children in the technique of working with gouache;

Learn to draw with non-standard techniques (drawing with crumpled paper, palms, cardboard strips, imprints with potato prints and cotton swabs)

2. Develop aesthetic perception;

Draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding objects and objects of nature;

Generate interest in art activities.

3. Cultivate love for pets;

To cultivate goodwill towards people, to help people.


To consolidate the ability to work in the techniques of drawing with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, potato prints, palm drawing.

develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of hands, thinking, attention, research interest and cognitive activity of children.

Develop imagination and fantasy;

To cultivate a desire to help, to encourage the desire to participate in joint work, to teach to bring what has been started to the end.

Equipment and materials : demonstration material - toys, a fish in an aquarium; handout - painted aquariums, a dish of paint, wet wipes, paints, a sheet of paper for creasing, cotton buds, potato prints.

GCD progress:

Organizing time:

Educator: -Hello guys! Take your seats. They sat down correctly, beautifully, legs together, backs straight. They smiled at me, then at each other.

There is a knock on the door, and the doll Dashenka enters the group. She is crying.

Educator: - Dasha why are you crying?

Masha: - My fish got sick because she was bored alone in the aquarium. And there is no one to help me.

Educator: Don't cry, we'll help you! Will the guys help Dasha? Let's draw fish friends.


Educator: Now take a close look at the toy. Guys, who do you see on my palm? (Fish). Who has aquarium fish at home?

Look at the fish, it has a head and a body together. They form one unity.

What shape is the body of the fish? (oval). What shape does the tail look like? (triangle). What color is our fish? What other color are the fish?

Mobile game: "Know your color."

The teacher gives the children red, yellow, blue fish. Then he shows the ball and offers children with fish of the same color as the ball being shown, at the command “run to me!” run up to him.

Educator: The guys are now looking carefully, I will show you how we will draw a fish.

But, before we draw a fish, let's remember where it lives? ( in water )

That's right, therefore, so that our fish do not die, we will fill our aquariums with water.

And we will draw water with crumpled pieces of paper, at the same time we will knead the pens. ( Children crumple the paper sheet into a ball. Then, the children dip it into a plate with blue paint and draw water with slapping movements.)

caregiver : Great! There is water, now let's draw a fish.

We lower the palm into a plate with paint. Then put your palm on the center of the sheet and press well. Then wipe your hand with a tissue.

Physical education minute

Fish swim in the water

Fish are fun to play with

They will shrink, they will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand



Now let's take our seats. And, so that our fish comes to life, we will draw eyes and a mouth for it. To do this, take cotton swabs, dip them in black paint and draw eyes and a mouth on the fish.

Now let's take strips of cardboard, scoop up green paint and draw algae ( hold the strip at an angle, draw from top to bottom ). We draw a wavy line without tearing it off, we press hard so that it is drawn well.

We can put pebbles on the bottom of the aquarium. And we will draw them with the signets of their potatoes.

Well done. We have some very beautiful fish.

Educator: -Children look at the pictures. Which drawing do you like best? Why?

Dashenka comes in.

Masha: - Guys, look how fun my fish became because she has so many friends now! Thank you!


NOD "Visual activity" Drawing

"Fish in the Aquarium"

Middle group.

Program content:

Develop the ability to place the image on the entire sheet when transferring the plot,

Continue to teach children to draw the silhouettes of fish swimming in different directions.

Develop imagination, artistic and creative abilities.

To form the skills and abilities of children in visual activity.

To educate the emotional and aesthetic feelings of children, accuracy in work.

Build a positive mindset throughout the day.

To consolidate children's knowledge about aquarium fish.

Instill a love for wildlife.

Preliminary work:

Examining live fish in an aquarium, images of fish in atlases and postcards, watching videos about aquariums.

Modeling of fish.

Reading the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish." Compilation of fish figures from different geometric shapes. Learning a poem about an aquarium.

Listening to the musical work of Camille Saint-Saens "Aquarium".

Material and equipment:

Wax crayons 12 colors per child

Sheets depicting a fragment of an aquarium with one fish.

A real aquarium with a fish (can be small-portable).

Sample images of fish.

3-4 new aquarium fish to add to the aquarium at the end of the session.

Musical center with records: Saint-Saens "Aquarium", the sounds of nature "Sound of the Sea".

Lesson progress

The music of Saint-Saens "Aquarium" sounds.

Educator: Guys, what is this music?

Listen riddle:

Grass and grottoes - crumbs,

Clear water…

The fishes play in it -

There's a mess of fish.

Look - one of the fish

He waves his fin at me -

It tells, apparently

About life behind glass.

Children's answers.

Educator: We also have an aquarium, and a fish lives there. But I think she's sad there alone. Let's draw her friends - fish. What fish shape? What else do fish have? (fins, eyes, mouth, tail, body covered with scales. Can be of different sizes, colors)

Physical education:

The fish swims in the water

Fish are fun to play with.

Fish, fish - mischievous

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back

I took a crumb of bread

The fish wagged its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

Educator: Now let's sit down at the tables. Wax crayons and an aquarium with a fish are already waiting for you there. Let's draw her friends. What else is there in the aquarium besides fish? - algae, pebbles (soil). During operation, calm music with the sound of waves sounds. The teacher helps, advises, prompts during work.

What wonderful aquariums we have! And the fish became more fun. Let's dance like fish to the wonderful music of Saint-Saens "Aquarium".

Surprise moment:

While the children

dancing in the aquarium

launch 3-4 new

fish (preferably different

colors and sizes).

Educator: Guys, in our aquarium, the fish also had friends. How many fish were there? How many appeared? How many fish are in our aquarium?

Do you guys know how to draw water in an aquarium?

I'll teach you this tonight.

In the afternoon, the educator, in subgroups (2-3 people), introduces the children to watercolor and helps to draw water in the aquarium. Explains that watercolor loves water. Shows how to prepare paints for work. Clarifies what color is better to paint water. Pays attention that the paint does not paint over the image, but flows around it, because the fish are drawn with wax crayons.


Aquarium, aquarium!

A piece of the bottom of the sea!

Aquarium, aquarium!

I didn't see this:

Here are the golden fish

Roaring in the depths

Desires are simple

Are born in me:

I would like, like fish,

And swim and dive

And be as flexible

And wag your tail!


Completed by: Serebrennikova O.N.

Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 60" group 6 Polevskoy

Program content:

  • Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the underwater world, about the diversity of its inhabitants in the aquarium (clean water, sand, stones, algae plants).
  • Develop: the ability to place an image on the entire sheet when transferring a plot, develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition;
  • Continue to teach children to draw a silhouette of a fish, develop imagination, children's creativity in creating and implementing a plan, as a source that brings joy to the child and all the people around him.
  • To educate the emotional and aesthetic feelings of children, moral feelings, the desire to sympathize, empathize and help, respect for the environment.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of fish in an aquarium, images of fish on postcards, in encyclopedias, sculpting fish, composing fish figures from different geometric shapes.

Material, equipment: sheets of paper (in the form of an aquarium) for each child, brushes, gouache, jars,

Demonstration material: aquarium with fish, sample images of fish.

Lesson progress

1. B. All set! Adults and children! We can start! But first, you need "Hello say!" .

V. Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, which came to visit us, the sun is not simple, but magical, whoever picks it up will become the most affectionate and kind child. Let's check! (betray the sun and say affectionately the name of the child who is standing nearby).

Q. Guys, let's close our eyes and find ourselves in an interesting world.

(the phalenograph shows illustrations of aquarium fish)

Where do you think we ended up? (to the underwater world)

- Guys, where do the fish live? (In the sea, river, lake.)

And try to guess the riddle.

The apartment has a glass pond.

Tell me, what's his name? (Aquarium.)

More fish live in the aquarium

Listen here, verse. about the fish house. Reading poems to children


There is a transparent miracle - a house,

Day and night the fish in it

Instead of air, water

Fish can't live without it.

There are shells and snails

Plants are like threads

From the sand they grow

They are called algae.

The fish swim in circles

They smile at each other.

Watching fish through glass

They are cozy and warm.

2. Viewing the aquarium

- What is in the aquarium? (Sand, pebbles, algae.)- Why do we need algae in the aquarium?

Children. Fish feed on algae and algae also release oxygen, which the fish breathe.

And what do you think, where is it better to put an aquarium, in the light or in the shade?

Children. The aquarium should be well lit, light is needed for the growth of underwater plants.

- You already know that fish are different. (Examining samples of different fish, compare fish)

What do all fish have in common?

Children. Fish have a head, body, tail and fins.

And what is the body of the fish covered with?

Children. The body of the fish is covered with scales.

And why is she to them?

Children. It protects the body of the fish from damage.

That's right, when a fish swims along the bottom, it can get hurt on sharp stones, and the scales protect the body of the fish.

What helps the fish move in the water? (Tail, fins.)- Would you guys like to have your own piece of the underwater world at home - your own aquarium?

3. D/ game "What is missing"

Educator: Tell me, how does a fish appear? Model review.

Educator: Yes, indeed, guys, fish appear from eggs, eggs - into fry, and a big fish grows from fry.

Educator: How should people take care of the fish so that they feel good, so that they have cubs? Will they be able to survive if the water in the seas and rivers is dirty? Can you do something useful for fish?

Lead the children to the fact that water cannot be polluted, not to destroy the fry of different fish, not to catch a lot of fish.

4. Physical Minute

We float on a warm river, Swimming movements with our hands.

Quietly splashing water.

There are clouds in the sky, like sheep, Sipping - hands up and to the sides

They fled in all directions.

We get out of the river, Walking on the spot.

Let's take a walk to dry off.

Now take a deep breath, the kids sit down at the tables

And we sit on the sand.

Q. Would you guys like to have your own piece of the underwater world at home - your own aquarium? Then let's draw.

5. Draw fish, the bottom of the aquarium, algae.

The teacher shows the sequence of drawing fish.

6.Fizminutka (finger)

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

The fish swim on the bottom

You won't catch one!

7. Bottom line. Exhibition of works

  • What wonderful aquariums we have!
  • What is the biggest fish? The most mobile, funny?
  • Now each of you has your own little underwater aquarium world!