How old is the singer Maxim V. Biography of singer Maxim - performer of lyrical songs

Singer and composer Marina Maksimova (MakSim) was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. A name familiar to many is just stage name, at birth the girl was registered as Marina Abrosimova. Her father worked as a car mechanic, and her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. Marina Maksimova’s children appeared in different marriages; the girl was never able to find happiness in her personal life. However, she loves her daughters immensely and is ready to do anything for them.

WITH early childhood Marina began to get involved in music. She liked not only vocals, but also playing the musical instruments, in particular on the piano. The young lady’s interests were not limited to music: she also attended the karate section. In this type of martial arts, she managed to achieve quite impressive results.

While still a schoolgirl, Marina began to engage in her own musical career. The girl took an active part in many music competitions, took first places, won prestigious prizes. At the same time she began to write own songs, which could not go unnoticed. Some of her first works were subsequently included in the singer’s albums.

At the age of fifteen, Marina had already definitely decided on her choice of profession and was moving in the right direction. Together with musical group“Pro-Z” she recorded several tracks. The song “Zavedi” gained enormous popularity in his native Tatarstan. However, making it to the pinnacle of fame was not so easy. Simultaneously to musical Olympus The now popular group TATU also tried to rise. It even got to the point where singer Maxim was accused of imitating the group. However, this was wrong.

The first steps on the path to success were very difficult. But Marina did not give up and continued to build her career. In 2003, the girl decides to move to Moscow. This is where the troubles have just begun. The relatives who were supposed to shelter the young star abandoned her. I had to spend the night at the station for several days, and then I met a dancer. It was she who suggested that Marina rent an apartment together, in which Maksimova lived for the next six years. Now she remembers this with a smile in her eyes, but at that time there was no time for laughter. Difficulties helped to significantly strengthen character and achieve success with even greater persistence.

The personal life of Marina Maksimova was not very rosy. She repeatedly tried to create happy family, but these attempts were unsuccessful. After working on the “Letting Go” video, the star was credited with an affair with actor Denis Nikiforov. Nevertheless, the guys did not give any comments about this. Maxim's first official husband was sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsev. Very soon, a daughter, Alexandra, was born into the young family. A few years later, the couple finally decided to separate. Despite severe stress After the divorce, Marina did not give up on love and the possibility of a new relationship. After the breakup, she completely immersed herself in work.

Some time after the divorce, Marina began an affair with musician Alexander Krasovitsky. This did not lead to anything serious and the couple decided to separate. In 2014, the singer remarried businessman Anton Petrov. From him was born the second daughter of the artist named Maria. But this time it was not possible to create a strong and happy family.

IN Lately rumors began to spread actively that Marina had resumed her relationship with ex-boyfriend Alexander Krasovitsky. The guys give neither refutations nor confirmations about this.


This week, 34-year-old businessman Anton Petrov will celebrate his wedding. True, he will not lead the singer down the aisle. His chosen one is a 21-year-old student, daughter of a Russian millionaire and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Bryksin - Lisa.

Let's hide our tears from strangers

“How quickly time flies... I’ve been with you for a year now,” Elizabeth shared on one of her social networks on August 14, accompanying the post with a romantic photo. Important date The lovers celebrated abroad - Anton gave the girl a surprise. The entire territory of the mansion where the couple stayed was filled with bouquets of roses and daisies. An even more luxurious holiday will take place on September 26: the businessman, apparently, knows how to pamper and surprise. You can imagine what a shock MakSim (real name is Marina) experienced when she learned that her lover was spending the evenings with someone else. Especially considering that at that moment the singer was expecting a child from Anton - and was already seven months pregnant.

“Marina took the betrayal very hard,” her friend Regina tells StarHit. “She was terribly jealous, didn’t sleep at night, cried into her pillow, but she kept the pain inside - at first she didn’t even show that she knew everything.” Of course she loved him. And I think he still loves me. She never said a single bad word about him. Caring, attentive, with a sense of humor, smart, generous... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton apparently decided otherwise. He good father, helps her with little Mashenka - he often comes to visit, babysits, carries in his arms, watches her daughter grow. He buys her toys and gives Marina flowers. But can you imagine what it’s like to share your loved one with another! Until the last moment, she hoped that Anton would return. But this spring he suddenly put an end to it - he signed with Lisa. For Marina, who learned about the event through those around her, this was a terrible blow. But she found the strength to live on. Young, beautiful, successful - I’m sure she will find her happiness.”

Now MakSim, together with her two daughters - 6-year-old Sasha and 11-month-old Masha - is preparing for a housewarming in the spacious apartment that Anton gave her. The singer's children's nanny helps her with housework; parents from Kazan often visit.

After the breakup, MakSim wrote a song, which, according to relatives, she dedicated to her lover. It contains lines that accurately describe the girl’s state at that point in her life: “It’s not easy to be a goldfish. I would like to patch up all the issues with threads. Again into the same river, speechless. You can't heal with gold bars. Diving deeper into the seas, as if into puddles. How many people have you really said, “I love you already?”

“Marina had a hard time with the betrayal. She was terribly jealous, didn’t sleep at night, cried into her pillow, but kept all the pain inside - she didn’t even show that she had known everything for a long time..."

Another reality

Businessman Petrov and MSU art student Bryksina met in the spring of 2014. Then Anton, by the way, had already been dating MakSim for several months - they were often seen in the movies or in fashionable metropolitan restaurants. “I didn’t reciprocate his feelings for six months,” Elizaveta said in in social networks. – At first I didn’t like him at all. I don’t even know why... Now I’m absolutely happy. The 12-year age difference between us is not felt at all, and our parents really like our union.” Bryksina always wanted her future husband was a little older. “My man knows exactly what he wants. “He knows how to appreciate,” Lisa explains the advantages of such relationships. – Moreover, when a girl is so much younger, feelings and relationships are much warmer and more touching. People the same age have no aspirations in life!”

Anton met the bride's family at the beginning of this year. The parents warmly received the charming young man, agreeing to his union with eldest daughter. Lisa’s father, Alexander Bryksin, is not only engaged in political activity. He is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling and vice-president of the All-Russian Federation rhythmic gymnastics. Lisa, by the way, practiced this sport for many years, but never reached any particular heights. Alexander Yurievich’s net worth, according to the income statement for 2014, published on the website

State Duma of the Russian Federation, is estimated at 127 million rubles. In addition, he owns a land plot of 6200 square meters. m, houses of 557 sq. m and 262 sq.m., apartments in Spain and several cars. In addition to Lisa, three more children are growing up in the politician’s family. And this spring, the spouses Alexander and Svetlana Bryksin celebrated their 25th anniversary. life together. Alexey Chumakov, Grigory Leps and many other stars congratulated them on their anniversary from the stage. Petrov’s fortune, by the way, is many times greater than that of his father-in-law.

As of 2014, according to the publication Delovoy Peterburg, it is estimated at 6 billion rubles. Anton became rich in the early 2000s from a construction business, a chain of fitness clubs, and a jewelry factory. He is co-founder and chairman of the board of directors construction company"Baltic Monolith", which is building luxury real estate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, and also owns the FitFashion fitness club chain and the Zolotoy and 585 jewelry stores.

“I dream of having the same happy and friendly family“like my parents,” Bryksina shared in an interview with one of the publications earlier this year. “They are my role models.” Anton and Elizabeth began living together after officially registering their marriage in one of the Moscow registry offices. They decided to have a big wedding celebration in the fall. In the spring, the bride had no time to organize an event - the girl was preparing to take state exams and defend her diploma at Moscow State University. In May, the couple celebrated Bryksina’s birthday in the United Arab Emirates, where they flew on Petrov’s private plane. They have many common hobbies - Lisa and Anton play sports and adore pets.

They recently got a common pet - a beagle named Parker. “Lisa, of course, knew about the existence of her rival, that his girlfriend was expecting a child,” Bryksina’s friend Kamilla Lavrova told StarHit. “But Anton insisted that his love for Marina had passed. In October, he took her and her daughter from the maternity hospital. He often goes to visit. As far as I know, they were able to save friendly relations... Lisa fully supports him in his intention to raise a child and says that she is not at all jealous.”

When communicating on the Internet, Bryksina never mentions the name of her lover - supposedly he is against publicity. After the wedding, which is scheduled for September 26, she plans to take her husband's surname.

“Unfortunately, we were not able to become a family, what to hide. Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy."

“StarHit” contacted MakSim to find out what she thought about Anton’s hasty marriage. The singer was not surprised to hear about the upcoming magnificent celebration... “Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide,” she shared. - Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy."

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Biography, life story of MakSim


Singer and songwriter MakSim (Marina Maksimova) was born on June 10, 1984 in the city of Kazan in the family of an auto mechanic Sergei Orefyevich Abrosimov and a teacher kindergarten Svetlana Viktorovna Maximova. According to MakSim, everything in her life happened by itself. First there was training in vocal circle city ​​of Kazan. At the same time, MakSim was engaged in a ju-tzutsu karate sports club. 6 years of effort and a red belt in your pocket.

Even in high school, MakSim was not distinguished by diligent behavior. But absenteeism and tardiness were always for “valid” reasons, - “ creativity above all!“That’s how MakSim justified herself when she was late for class after a rehearsal. Punishment was inevitable - the students who were late had to recite a poem, which MakSim did with pleasure. " Oh, Van, look at these clowns...“- she read with expression, and the whole class burst into laughter.

The ironic girl is a real tomboy in a skirt, “her guy.” She even attended a karate class, and the boys in the Kazan courtyard called her “Maxim.”

In their early years MakSim has come a long way, which she doesn’t regret at all: “ This is not work, but pleasure. In general, I'm lucky in life. It's a sin to complain" MakSim is that rare case when a calling has found a person. She began writing poetry while still at school, and quite unexpectedly: maliciously violating discipline in educational institution, exchanged notes with a friend in class, accidentally rhymed two lines... and away we go! Usually schoolchildren get a “two” in behavior for this. MakSim acquired a profession.

« At first these were verses about nothing, or more precisely, about something unreal that had nothing to do with my life. Later I realized that you can write about yourself, about your life" I read classical poets, especially loved Anna Akhmatova; The lyrics of the song “Becoming the Wind” are inspired by the works of the great poetess.

At the same time, MakSim took part in song competitions. " It was great way skip school - with pleasure and without consequences", - the singer ironically notes


The singer received her first professional contract at the age of 14. The producer literally “took her away from the competition” and decided to make a star out of the young singer. " Actually, I didn’t want any success, and to build singing career I didn't intend to. My parents wanted me to become a lawyer. I didn’t mind: being a lawyer is an honorable profession!».

The beginning of creativity

By the age of 15, having firmly decided to become a singer, Marina begins to take her first steps in musical career. At the Kazan studios, in collaboration with the group “Pro-Z”, her first songs were recorded: “Alien”, “Start” and “Passerby”. The song “Zavedi” becomes a local hit in Tatarstan, gets into rotation on local radio stations and is often played in clubs. After some time, the song ends up in the “Russian Ten” collection, but under the authorship of the incredibly popular group “t.A.T.u.” at that time. As the singer recalls:

"Many years ago I had a song called “Start It Up.” After several years, the pirates released this song on the disc of the group “Tatu” and the listeners decided that I was trying to “mow” to them. In fact, this song was born long before this group appeared on our stage."

MakSim begins to independently pursue his career, recording new songs. During this period, the singer performed as a low-budget project, collaborating with little-known groups, for example, with the group “Lips”, which she remembers with reluctance:

"I don't even want to remember. Absolutely not interesting project was, I got into it by accident. They called me, I agreed to sing their material, and the girls toured to my soundtrack. I just earned some money, which I really needed at that time."

Also, during that period, MakSim wrote songs for the group “Sh-cola”, including “Party”, “Cool”, “Do you love it or not” and “I’m flying away like this”.

First album - “Difficult Age”

In 2003, the singer independently released the single “Difficult Age” on the radio, which, however, did not have much success, like the second single “Tenderness”. The Kazan group “Pro-Z” helps the singer in recording songs, whose members act as arrangers and producers of new songs. In 2004, MakSim released the song “Centimeters of Breathing” on the radio. Unexpectedly the single has big success, despite the fact that it was not supported by any promotional campaign, reaching position 34 in the Russian radio chart. However, the singer still remains unknown to the general public. Having given her first performances in clubs in Kazan and other cities of Russia, MakSim realizes that she needs changes and goes to Moscow. In the capital, a girl collects material for the first solo album, writes new songs. It was reported that at this time MakSim even performed in the Moscow metro.

After finishing school, Marina went to Moscow, where after some time she signed a contract with the recording company Gala Records, the official representative of one of the world's largest music concerns EMI Music in Russia.

MakSim’s debut album “Difficult Age” was released on the Gala Records label in March 2006 and immediately brought the singer a “platinum disc” from the NFPF, which is officially awarded for the sale of more than 200 thousand discs. On this moment MakSim's album "Difficult Age" sold more than 1,200,000 copies and became the best-selling album among Russian performers in recent decades.

The video for the single “Do You Know” from the debut album went down in the history of the national music channel MUZ TV as the highest rated in the entire existence of the channel. The singles “Tenderness” and “Becoming the Wind” became radio hits throughout Russia.

Another confirmation of the extraordinary popularity of MakSim in the sales figures for mobile content: more than 1,000,000 downloads of ringtones and more than 800,000 realtones and ring-back tones, which is an absolute record in the Russian music market (both domestic and foreign performers and groups). Mak Sim became the leader among all performers in the ratings search queries in the WAP zone (data from

In November 2006, the Gala Records company released a DVD of MakSim with a recording of the singer’s first Moscow concert. This release became the best-selling music DVD in the entire history of the record business in Russia.

Album "My Paradise"

Back in mid-2007, changes were taking place in MakSim’s work. A team of musicians is being recruited to perform with the singer, which is reflected in the writing of new songs. At the same time, the Gala Records studio is rushing the singer to release her second album. In 2007, the material for the second disc was completely recorded, which included only two old songs, “Alien” and “Winter,” which MakSim wrote at the age of 15. Billboard magazine noted that Maxim, at that time, being in the status of not just a popular singer, but a “star,” did not “waste her energy on participating in entertainment programs and others television projects, and was completely focused on recording the record.”

At the end of the year, the album's promotional campaign begins. To introduce new material public, simultaneously with the release of the album, the organization of a large-scale concert tour begins. The first single from the album is released, a song called “My Paradise”. Despite the singer's fears, the single immediately rises to first place in the Russian radio chart, and the video, filmed in St. Petersburg, becomes very popular on television.

Released in November 2007 new number Russian edition of Billboard magazine with MakSim on the cover.

On November 13, the singer’s second album, “My Paradise,” will be released. In the first week, more than 500 thousand copies of the record are sold. In total, in 2007, the album sold 700 thousand copies, receiving diamond status.

Despite such success with the public, critics greeted the album with quite different opinions. It was noted that live sound significantly improved the sound of the songs, and the artist’s sincerity and warmth were noted. On the other hand, many critics felt that the album had few hits. This opinion was refuted by the release of the second single, “I’ll Learn to Fly,” which quickly rose to first place on the radio chart, staying there for 5 weeks.

A new tour begins. MakSim gives concerts in Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Israel. During the tour, the singer performed more than 90 concerts. On March 22, MakSim gives a big concert in Moscow at the Olimpiysky. This concert attracts a lot of attention from the press, as the question is being discussed: will the singer be able to collect such a large concert venue? However, despite many doubts, the concert was sold out and more than 18 thousand tickets were sold. MakSim performed songs from both albums in a new arrangement, with the participation of musicians from her group, as well as trumpeters, violinists and violists invited specially for the concert. A special decoration of the stage was a transparent piano, behind which the singer performed the most lyrical songs from her repertoire.

In mid-2008, rumors appeared about MakSim's pregnancy. The singer’s press service does not comment on the information, however, with the release of the new single “ The best night“It becomes clear that MakSim is really pregnant. In the video for the song, the singer appears with a noticeably rounded belly. The new single, like the previous ones, rises to first place on the radio chart, staying there for 7 weeks. The song becomes the singer's most successful single, and MakSim is the only performer in Russia whose 6 singles consistently rose to the top of the Russian radio chart. As a result, MakSim becomes the most rotated Russian performer in 2008.

On December 31, the NTV channel will broadcast a recording of MakSim’s performance as part of the New Year’s Eve program. The singer performed the song “Winter” from the album “My Paradise”, but the composition was never released as a single.

By the end of the year, the album “My Paradise” sold more than 1.3 million copies.

In March 2009, MakSim released the single “Sky, Fall asleep” on the radio. The song was used to advertise the film “Taras Bulba”, but the composition itself was recorded earlier, in 2008, and ended up on the Internet under the name “Birds”. For recording new version the rapper was invited to collaborate. The single was not particularly successful, reaching only position 99 on the radio chart, but it became the singer's 10th single to reach the top 100.

Album “Loner” and single “I Won’t Give Up”

On March 28, radio rotation of the last single from the album “My Paradise,” the song “I Won’t Give Up,” begins. The video for the composition was filmed during MakSim’s pregnancy, and the singer herself said in an interview that she really liked the way she looked on the set, that she seemed very calm and spiritual. The song rose to first place on the radio chart and remained there for 5 weeks.

In April, information appeared that the song “No Secrets” from the album “My Paradise” will become the soundtrack to the series “Love is not what it seems.” The song is featured in the title trailer of the series.

On June 5, MakSim attended the Muz-TV Award, where she received an award in the “Best Performer” category.

At the end of the summer of 2009, reports appeared about the recording of a new album. According to the singer, the new album reflects the fact that she became a mother, but the album will not be entirely devoted to this topic. Later, reports appeared about the alleged title of the album - “Loner”.

At the end of August, the song “Loner” hits the Internet, which slightly shocks the public with its provocative lyrics. In particular, the singer sings: “If I’m sitting at home, I’d rather blow and smoke.” For these lines, MakSim is accused of promoting drugs. The singer herself did not comment on this situation.

On September 1, MakSim presented on Russian Radio the first single from the upcoming album, the song “On the Radio Waves.” At the same time, the singer went on a new promotional tour, during which she performed several new songs from the unreleased album, including “Lonely”, “On the Radio Waves”, “Spring”, “Road”, “Blues” and “I Love you".

On September 11, filming of the video for the song “Road” was completed, which was included in the soundtrack to the film “The Book of Masters”, filmed in Russia by the American company Walt Disney.

On December 1, 2009, the singer’s third album, “Loner,” was released. On February 2, 2010, the album topped the Russian chart.

On March 5, the third single from the album, the song “Spring,” premiered on the Love Radio radio station. Before this, on February 13, MakSim presented the song to the general public at the “Big Love Show” concert in Moscow, at the Olimpiysky. At the end of 2010, the singer received a WIPO award (“All-Russian Organization intellectual property) "Golden phonogram 2010" for the circulation of her albums and radio rotation of songs, and also became the winner in the user vote “” in the category “Best Singer of 2010”, gaining 9356 votes. At the end of 2010, the Russian edition of Billboard magazine summed up the results of the decade 2000-2010, where debut album singer “Difficult Age” was included in the list of the main releases of the decade.

In August-September 2010, MakSim presented two new songs: “My answer is Yes!” and “Rain,” the latter of which became a new radio single. The singer also participated in an online conference on the Muz-TV website, in which she said that no new singles from the album “Loner” will be released. On February 18, 2011, the radio premiere of the song “How to Fly” took place.

In February 2011, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, MakSim mentioned that she was not yet going to release a fourth album and was separately writing and promoting songs. On April 19, the premiere of the video clip for the song “How to Fly” took place. On May 26, it was announced that MakSim would become a judge on the Disney Channel’s My Camp Rock project.

In July it became known that the singer’s new single was being prepared for release. It was also reported that the film “Shadowboxing 3D: The Last Round” will be released in November, the soundtrack of which includes one of the singer’s songs. In August the song “ A beautiful couple" by singer Maria, authored by MakSim. On September 7, the premiere of the new single “Oskolki” took place, which should be included in the upcoming collection of the singer’s best songs, called “Your MakSim”.

At the end of 2011, the premiere of the song “It’s Me” took place, on March 23, 2012 - “Sky-Planes”. On April 13, 2012, the premiere of the video for the song “Loner” took place. According to the singer’s Twitter page, a video for the song “It’s Me” is currently being filmed.

To the whirring of movie cameras

On November 22, 2007, the film “Enchanted” appeared, in which MakSim voiced main character- Princess Giselle. The singer shares her impressions:

- I was interested in trying myself in new role. They didn’t teach me this at university, so I felt a little uneasy. True, the voice-over director says that I’m good at it. During the time that I spent in the Disney studio, I had already become so attached to my fairy-tale heroine that I began to copy her facial expressions and gestures. In general, it seems to me that Gisele and I are a little similar in some ways

Personal life

On October 23, 2009, MakSim and Alexey Lugovtsov got married and celebrated their wedding on the island of Bali (Indonesia). The wedding ceremony took place in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoselsky Lane, in Moscow.

On March 8, 2009, MakSim gave birth to a daughter named Alexandra. The birth was very difficult and lasted 18 hours. As expected, after this Marina went to maternity leave, which lasted 5 months. Now she has a clear rule: not to leave for more than two weeks in order to be with her family all the time.

In December 2010, information appeared in the media about the singer’s divorce from Alexei Lugovtsov. In March 2011, this information was confirmed. Maksim gave exclusive interview magazine "7 days", as well as an interview in the program " Female look", where she talked about the reasons for the divorce. The singer also added that due to the constant clarification of relations with ex-husband, she practically stopped writing songs and for last year nothing worthy came from her pen. After the divorce, the singer returned to creativity: “ ...I'm writing songs again now. And this is for real good sign: I'm coming back to myself", MakSim explained.

Secrets of popularity MakSim

In a fairly short time, MakSim became one of the most popular singers in Russia and the CIS countries. Having developed her unique style and thanks to her enormous capacity for work, the singer became the most successful performer in Russia in the first decade of the new century.

MakSim also received several nicknames from the funds mass media. She is called the pop princess and the best-selling singer in Russia. Many journalists draw parallels between the singer and the group “”, which was very popular in the early 90s of the last century. This comparison is caused by the large number of lyrical, touching songs in MakSim’s repertoire.

MakSim also attracts the attention of the public by writing most of her songs herself, calling them autobiographical. The singer herself characterizes herself more as an author-performer than a pop singer, and wants people to primarily pay attention to her work, and not to her personal life.

...I hope there are enough songs. I really want to believe this. You would know how hard it is for me to take part in events that have nothing to do with music. What is all this for?! Can they really explain from the stage when they receive their awards why they are there? I like concerts much more; I go on stage and understand perfectly well why I am there.

Another fact of MakSim’s incredible popularity is the undoubted commercial success of her two albums, each of which sold more than 1.3 million copies in Russia alone.

MakSim also holds the record for the number of hits that took first place in the Russian radio chart. 7 of the singer’s songs reached first place, staying there for a total of 34 weeks.


NFPF 2006 - Golden disc for the album “Difficult Age”;
- Golden Gramophone 2006 - statuette for the song “Tenderness”;
- Song of the Year 2006 - diploma for the song “Tenderness”;
- Love Radio Awards 2006 - singer of the year;
- NFPF 2006 - Platinum disc for the album “Difficult Age”;
- Muz-TV Award 2007 - breakthrough of the year and best ringtone;
- MTV Russian Music Awards 2007 - best pop project, best performer;
- Record Award 2007 - best debut, best album female artists, best music DVD;
- Golden Gramophone 2007 - statuette for the song “Do you know”;
- Golden Seven Award 2007 - best singer;
- Sound track 2008 - best female performer of the year;
- NFPF 2008 - Diamond disc for the album “My Paradise”;
- Radiomania Award 2008 - bronze microphone for best singer;
- Muz-TV Award 2008 - best song (“My Paradise”), best performer, best album (“My Paradise”);
- Billboard Award 2008 - best-selling album (“My Paradise”);
- Fresh Art 2008 - the most stylish singer;
- Glamor Awards 2008 - singer of the year;
-Golden Gramophone 2008 - statuette for the song “I’ll Learn to Fly”;
- Muz-TV Award 2009 - best performer;
- “Top Beauty” Award 2009 - Glossy singer;
- Platinum Wave Award 2009 - best performer;
- Golden Gramophone 2009 - statuette for the song “I won’t give it up”;
- Song of the Year 2009 - Diploma for the song “Best Night”;
- NFPF 2010 - Golden disc for the album “Loner”;
- Song of the Year 2010 - diploma for the song “On the Radio Waves”;
- Laureate of the WIPO honorary diploma “Golden Phonogram 2010” singer;
- Golden Gramophone 2011 - statuette for the song “Rain”;
- “20 best songs” 2011 - diploma for “ Best song year" - "How to fly?"

Video MakSim

the site (hereinafter - the Site) searches for videos (hereinafter - Search) posted on video hosting (hereinafter referred to as Video Hosting). Image, statistics, title, description and other information related to the video are presented below (hereinafter - Video information) in within the framework of the Search. Sources of video information are listed below (hereinafter referred to as Sources)...

News MakSim

Famous singer MakSim, who is also the mother of two charming girls, demonstrated the incredible wonders of stretching. A thirty-three-year-old woman published photographs in which she easily does the splits - in...

Popular singer Maxim, a mother of two children, has long been actively advocating for healthy image life. To prove the seriousness of her intentions, the artist took part in the “Become a Man with Stars” campaign from Reebok. Maxim is on par...

Did not make it Russian pop singer Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova, better known to a wide circle listeners under the pseudonym MakSim, enjoy the joys of quiet family life how her happiness was destroyed. Entrepreneur Anton P...

Photos by MakSim


Alina (Minsk)

2017-07-11 22:51:18

Marina (Kaspiysk)

What opinion can there be here? She's such a beauty

2017-06-03 23:25:06

Nadezhda (Kansk)

I love MakSim's songs. I really like them.

2016-10-09 16:05:06

Kartunkov I.V. (Moscow)

They prophesied great glory for this singer. And what? 590th place! And singers will never take a place in the ratings and in the hearts of people. We have the old guard: Rotaru, Pugacheva, Allegrova. Here they have passed their creativity through the hearts of fans for decades. And Maxim is 2 years old...And she’s gone!

2016-03-30 13:31:16

Sardor 13 (Termez)

Maxim, you are simply super.

2015-10-17 20:07:07

Katya (Severodvinsk)

I adore MakSim, he sings simply superbly! Sensual and so pure

2015-03-23 19:33:19

Sasha (Astana)

MakSim is my favorite singer, she sings very well! I can listen to it for hours!

2014-10-19 11:31:59

Stas (Saratov)

What's good about it? When he sings without a soundtrack, you really want to cover your ears and run wherever your eyes are looking! And the name I chose was Kick-Ass! She’s not sixteen anymore, but all her nicknames are like those of a cat! When we see it, we switch it! We love Valeria. She's beautiful!

2014-03-28 16:45:19

Max (Yuzhnouralsk)

Marinochka is super, she is very beautiful. Like a goddess. And her songs are very good, I love her very much, I’m ready to give my life for her, I want to be her boyfriend. Marina, come to us for City Day in Yuzhnouralsk next August, we are all waiting for you and love you, and me most of all*

Biography of singer Maxim. The life of singer Maxim. What is the name of the singer Maxim? The real name and surname of the singer is Maxim...

Biography: Marina Maksimova

The singer's real name is Abrosimova. Maksimova’s surname was borne by her mother before her marriage, which, according to the singer, determined her future pseudonym. Marina was born on June 10, 1983 in the city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.


  • father - Sergey Orefyevich Abrosimov, auto mechanic
  • mother - Svetlana Viktorovna Maksimova, kindergarten teacher

The future singer was interested in music from an early age. Marina graduated from music school. However, she had a boyish character and was often in the company of her older brother Maxim, and was fond of sports. It may surprise you to know that MakSim has a red belt in karate. After graduating from the Lyceum ( Kazan Lyceum No. 83) entered the Faculty of Public Relations of the Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev.
The future artist’s work began in school period. Marina takes part in various music competitions and writes songs that will later be included in her album "My Paradise".

At the age of 15, Maxim begins his path to a musical career. Her biography during this period is connected with the group "Pro-Z", with which the singer recorded her first songs. The composition “Zavedi” becomes a regional hit in Tatarstan, filling the airwaves of republican radio stations. In 2003, the songs “Difficult Age” and “Tenderness” were born. A year later, the composition “Centimeters of Breath” is born, which expects a worthy position in the country’s music charts. Now Marina goes to Moscow and soon begins working with the record company Gala Records.

MakSim’s creativity permeates her entire life, and she managed to achieve great success precisely thanks to her perseverance and determination. Marina describes her biography this way: “This is not work, but pleasure. In general, I'm lucky in life. It’s a sin to complain.” Be that as it may, now Marina Maksimova Maxim is not just a girl from the street and is already far from the notorious “zero”.

Biography of singer Maxim Singer Maxim (Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova) was born in the city of Kazan on June 10, 1983. girl with early years started playing music. The future celebrity studied at music school in piano and vocal class. And at the same time, Marina went to the karate section. The versatile girl was constantly in the company of her older brother Maxim and that is why they began to call her by his name. According to the singer herself, the pseudonym is also derived from the surname Maksimov - this is maiden name her mother. From the age of 14, Maxim actively begins to take part in various music competitions, for example, “Teen star” and “Nefertiti’s Necklace”, and also begins to write songs. The first were the compositions “Alien” and “Winter”, which ended up on the album “My Paradise”. It is worth noting that musical preferences future celebrities were very diverse. As singer Maxim herself admits, she listened to everything from “Spleen” to “Guests from the Future.” However, the singer’s preferences were also influenced by the music her father listened to – “ The Beatles" And " Pink Floyd" Besides this, the girl spent a lot of time in the company of her brother and constantly listened to courtyard music. Beginning of a career At the age of 15, Maxim had already firmly decided that she would become a singer and began to take her first career steps. At studios in hometown the girl collaborates with the group “Pro-Z” and records her first songs “Zavedi”, “Alien” and “Passerby”. The first song becomes a number one hit in Tatarstan, played on local radio and in all clubs. The public’s favorite singer Maxim A after some time gets into the “Russian Top Ten”, although the authors declared the then popular “t.A.T.u.” According to the singer herself, she wrote this song long before the appearance of the group. Singer Maxim begins to do her own promotion. The girl records songs as part of a low-budget project and collaborates with little-known groups. And Maxim’s single “Difficult Age” hits the radio, however, it does not have the same success as the second one, “Tenderness”. A year later, the composition “Centimeters of Breath” was broadcast. Suddenly the song becomes popular. And this despite the fact that there was no promotional company. However, despite such success, the singer’s name is still not known to the general public. The singer decides to go to Moscow. In the capital, the girl begins to write new songs. By the way, they say that at first the singer Maxim performed in the subway. Unexpected success Maxim collected enough material for an album and began looking for a company that would agree to work with her. “One day I unexpectedly arrived at a dance festival in St. Petersburg and saw that 15 thousand people were singing the song “Difficult Age” with me. I came to the Gala Records company with this video recording - it was already obvious to the management that people perceived it positively,” recalls singer Maxim. Singer Maxim on video This is how the singer’s first album “Difficult Age” appears, business cards which became the songs “Becoming the Wind”, “Do You Know?” and “I’m letting go.” And the song “Tenderness” takes first place on the chart of the Russian radio “Golden Gramophone” and stays there for 9 weeks. By the way, in the first few weeks more than 200 thousand records of the artist were purchased and the album became platinum. After this resounding success singer Maxim goes on her first tour to the cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Estonia and Belarus. In 2007, the singer received two awards at once at the prestigious MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony: as the best pop project of the year and as the best performer. In 2007, the Gala Records studio began to rush the singer Maxim to record her second album. The girl has already recruited a team of musicians who will perform with her. And by the end of the year, the material for the second disc has already been completely recorded, which has become diamond certified. By the way, it also included two old compositions – “Alien” and “Winter”. The first single of the album, “My Paradise,” is received with a bang by fans, and the video becomes popular and in demand on television. Maksim. I won’t give it away “Unlike “Difficult Age”, where there were only two songs about me, and the rest were all sorts of observational situations, in the new album I sing only to myself. That is, it is autobiographical. It contains all my emotions - from panicked joy to tearful sadness - over the last two years of my life,” says Marina. Critics noted that new album It sounds much better than the debut, and also more sincere and warm. However, opinions were also expressed that there were too few hits on the record. The artist admits that before the release of the album she experienced the so-called “second album syndrome.” The girl was afraid that the disc would not be as successful as the first. For the first time, singer Maxim plans to perform at the Olimpiysky. The press is discussing the question of whether the singer will gather such a huge hall. Contrary to popular belief, the venue was sold out - more than 18 thousand people came to the performance. Unplanned pregnancy In mid-2008, information appeared that Maxim was pregnant. The singer’s representatives do not comment on the rumors, however, the release of the song “Best Night” confirms the veracity of the assumptions. And in the video for the song, the girl appears with a rounded tummy. This single once again storms the top of the charts, and the singer becomes the most played in Russia in 2008. The birth of a daughter and drug propaganda According to unverified data, in October 2008, Maxim married sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsev on the Indonesian island of Bali. The singer herself comments on changes in her personal life rather reservedly. On March 8, 2009, Maxim gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Alexandra. Immediately after this, the song “I Won’t Give It Up” appears on the radio. And again the single is a success. Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsev A few months later, the song “Loner” from the upcoming album of the same name hits the Internet. The composition will shock fans with its content. The young mother, in particular, sings: “I’ll sit at home, I’d rather blow and smoke.” The girl began to be accused of promoting drugs. However, the artist herself again decided to remain silent. Six months after the birth of their daughter, Marina Abrosimova and Alexey Lugovtsev celebrated their wedding and got married. The church ceremony took place in the capital's Church of All Saints. Singer Maxim, despite her status as a young mother and newly-made wife, continues to work actively. And already at the beginning of December 2009, the singer presented her third album “Loner”. Two months later, the album topped the Russian chart. By the way, at the end of 2010, Maxim received quite a few awards. Among them are VOIS (“All-Russian Organization of Intellectual Property”) and “Golden Phonogram” for album circulation and rotation of songs on the radio. However, in 2010, the artist presented only two songs, “Rain” and “My answer is Yes!” In December of the same year, information appeared that Maxim and the father of her child were getting divorced. The news was confirmed a couple of months later. After this, the singer said that she had no plans to release a fourth album and was simply writing songs. " Tender May“number two In a very short period of time, Maxim was able to become one of the most popular performers not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. The girl developed her own unique style, and thanks to her perseverance and work, she was recognized as the most successful singer in the country in the first decade of the 21st century. Maxim and his daughter The artist is already called a pop princess and the best-selling performer in Russia. And many media outlets drew a parallel between Maxim and the group “Tender May,” which was incredibly popular in the early 90s. This is because the girl’s work contains many lyrical and touching songs.