The image of Alexander Nevsky in hagiographic literature. Artistic concept and meaning of "the story of the life of Alexander Nevsky"

The image of Alexander Nevsky is quite popular in Russian literature. This is due to the fact that the personality of the prince is a link in the historical chain that determined the development of an entire state on the world stage.

For many Russian people, Nevsky is a hero whose feat for the Motherland is unlikely to be devalued or forgotten. Therefore, the image of Alexander Nevsky in culture and literature will never sink into oblivion. His personality illuminates life path youth, fills our hearts with pride for native land, and his courage is an example of Russian fortitude!

Biography of the commander

Since our conversation touched on the image of Alexander Nevsky in culture and literature, we should clarify some information about this outstanding person.

Nevsky Alexander Yaroslavich was born in May 1221 in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. He died at the age of 42 on November 14, 1263 in Gorodets. During his short life he managed to be the prince of Novgorod, Kyiv and Vladimir.

Alexander was not the first-born, he was born the second son in the family. The sons took princely tonsure. This rite meant initiation into warriors; it happened in Pereyaslavl in the Transfiguration Cathedral. The ceremony was performed by Saint Simon of Suzdal.

Under his father's banner in 1234, Alexander first went on a campaign against Dorpat.

Activities of the young prince

The independent reign of Nevsky began in 1236. The time was turbulent, since the Novgorod lands were in a state of enmity with their neighbors (Mongols, Teutonic Order). And in 1238 Novgorod launched an offensive operation.

Alexander gives the order to build fortifications in the southwest of Novgorod. In 1240, the Swedes headed to Novgorod. On the night of July 15, Alexander and the Ladoga residents took the Swedish king Birger and his army by surprise and inflicted complete defeat. This was a battle that was later called the Battle of the Neva. That night, Alexander fought in the front ranks and personally took the life of the Swedish “King” Birger. Victory in this battle demonstrated Alexander's tactics, strength and talent.

Events based on which the film was made in the twentieth century

The image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature and cinema was captured thanks to the sad historical events on Russian soil. The film “Alexander Nevsky” by Sergei Eisenstein tells the story of how capricious Novgorod townspeople fell out with Alexander. He left them, ruling in his father's Pereyaslav-Zalessky. But the enemy did not sleep and used these events for his own purposes. The Livonian Germans besieged the city of Pskov, and there were city traitors who helped the Germans. The Pskov land was subject to tribute. Caravans of traders were mercilessly plundered by enemies. The Novgorodians experienced fear and panic; they sent to Yaroslav for Alexander several times. For the first time, the father-prince sent youngest son Andrey. The Novgorodians still asked to hand over Alexander to them. So in 1241, Nevsky nevertheless illuminated the lands of Novgorod with its presence. He cleared the lands of the enemy and headed to Pskov, the Chud land - the nest of the Order.

Continuation of historical events and paintings by Eisenstein

On April 5, 1242, a battle called the Battle of the Ice took place on the border with the Order of Livon on Lake Peipsi. The exact course of the event remains unknown, but researchers of Livonian and domestic chronicles were able to come to a common view and build the events of that time. But there are some differences. German records describe the actions of how the Russians surrounded the knights, and it is said that our soldiers drove the Livonians seven miles across the ice. It was certified that the Germans lost about five thousand soldiers, another 50 were captured and were brought by the hand to Novgorod.

Thanks to Eisenstein’s film, the image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian was captured more than realistically and courageously.

Another victory

Three years later, the Lithuanians attacked Novgorod lands under the leadership of Prince Mindovg. Prince Alexander sets out with lightning speed to attack the invaders. The Lithuanians, having received news of Nevsky's offensive, rushed to flee with the loot from his possessions. Our brave prince caught up with the wicked and defeated them in a battle near Lake Zhitsa.

So why is the image of Alexander Nevsky so faithfully revered in literature and art? Yes, because the defense of Rus' under his wing for six years led to the Germans abandoning their last conquests, and also transferred part of the land of Latgale to the Novgorodians.

The second life of the image of Prince Nevsky

A talented commander, a brilliant diplomat and a competent politician - all these words are about Alexander Nevsky. All these words are confirmed by his victories in the fight against the Germans. Such an image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature could not go unnoticed in the period 1941-1945, when Soviet people defended his lands in the fight against Nazi Germany.

The artist P. D. Korin painted the painting “Alexander Nevsky” at the very height of the terrible Great Patriotic War, during these years heroic image a warrior with the Germans was especially in demand.

The image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature and cinema briefly

Cinematography is one of the most important types of art, which in a special way honors and preserves the image of Prince Nevsky. In 1938, the people of the Soviet Union saw the film “Alexander Nevsky” in cinemas, directed by Sergei Eisenstein. Today this picture is considered a classic of 1930s cinema.

This film was released twice. What year do you think it was shown in cinemas for the second time? Yes, precisely in 1941, when the Germans attacked Soviet Union. The Soviet government bet that watching the film would boost morale Soviet soldiers. And it was right! During these years, the film was even more successful than during its first release.

In 1991, director Georgy Kuznetsov shot the film “The Life of Alexander Nevsky,” where Anatoly Gorgul starred as the prince.

17 years later, the collection of historical films was replenished with the film “Alexander. Neva Battle”, filmed by Igor Kalenov, and main role performed

The image of Nevsky in culture and literature, as well as in this film, is significant. After all, our prince is shown in a heroic image, who sincerely defended his lands and his beloved people!

Philologists also honor the image of the prince. Many poets and writers sang him in their works. The very first mention of Alexander in literature was recorded by a contemporary. Literary scholars refer to the text “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” as historical monuments era Ancient Rus'. In the work, the author talks about the great exploits of the prince, his bravery and courage.


So, the image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian literature, cinema, history, religion, architecture, painting and other arts is firmly established and is one of the main ones. It is very difficult to overestimate the activities of Prince Nevsky, although some historians are trying to do this; attempts have been made more than once to “undermine” his personality, but to this day they have not been crowned with success, and in 2008, at the television competition “Name of Russia”, the personality of the saint became the winner Prince Alexander Nevsky.

One of the noblest pages in the history of our state is the period of the reign of Alexander Nevsky, the famous statesman and great commander. The characteristics of Alexander Nevsky are known to us from a story describing life, with which any schoolchild is undoubtedly familiar. This person is one of a galaxy of great statesmen whose actions led to the formation of great Russia.

Constant descriptions of brilliant historical exploits lead to the fact that the biography of the prince becomes the subject of essays in school. In the 8th grade, “Life” is included in the compulsory school curriculum, which undoubtedly makes many people study this topic. Knowing it is necessary not only for successfully passing the exam, but also for comprehensive development personalities at school.

Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. Years of life 1221 - 1263

Who is the story talking about?

Literary work, written in the Nativity Monastery (Vladimir), tells us about the commander Alexander Nevsky. Born in Pereyaslavl in 1219. Father Yaroslav was a believer and a fair father, mother Theodosius is described as a quiet and submissive woman. WITH early years the future ruler showed interest in science and grew up agile and strong. Already at the age of 17 he took the main post in Novgorod, and at the age of 20 he gained wide fame among the population.

Metropolitan Kirill (namely, many scholars point to him as the author of the story) points out that the commander and strategist, before any important actions - campaigns or wars - invariably indulged in prayers. This further emphasizes the connection between the spiritual sphere and the Russian land: it is not for nothing that in the everyday life of that time the words were heard every now and then: “We are Russians, God is with us.”

What did you become famous for?

In short - battles and diplomacy. In 1240, detachments of Swedish knights invaded the territory of Rus' from the north-west. The clash between the sovereign's squad occurred on June 15, 1240 near the Izhora River. Based on the story of the life, one can judge the courage of the prince’s warriors: we are offered a description of six men who fought side by side with the prince: Gavrilo, Zbyslav, Yakov, Mikhail, Savva and Ratmir.

A year later, the sovereign went to war against the Lithuanian knights, who by that time had captured significant territory near Pskov and Novgorod. On April 5, 1242, a battle took place, which went down in history as, in which the knights were disgraced and expelled from the territory of the principalities. Such a defeat of enemies, as described in the work, became known far beyond the borders of Rus'.

From the story about the life of Alexander Nevsky, you can learn many personal characteristics of the prince. The narrator, describing the events, never ignores self-will (he could not tolerate the order of the residents of Novgorod gathering for the evening), and nobility (forgetting grievances, he was the first to come to the aid of Novgorod during the invasion), and courage (personally went to the Horde khan to agree on the fate of the Russian people), and competent government (military exploits were not the main goal, because after them it was necessary to restore cities and villages).

What about diplomacy?

After the death of Nevsky’s father, who became the dominant man in several principalities, Batu Khan called to bow. Gathering a small squad, the young sovereign set off. I didn’t intend to fight, I had to come to an agreement. After a long conversation with the khan, all honors were given to him as the governor of the Horde on the Russian lands, and assurances were also given of peace, which was guaranteed to the lands of Rus'.

The story also describes with quotes another case of nobility: Alexander’s brother, Andrei, who ruled in Suzdal, was severely punished by Batu for his self-will. The Mongol army devastated the lands of the Suzdal principality, opening it to destruction by a number of neighboring enemies. But Alexander came to the rescue - not only restoring the capital, but also, by his own will, again establishing his brother on the throne.

How is the sovereign described?

In moments of peace and quiet, Nevsky is a quiet and humble person, full of spiritual meekness. This is evidenced by the ruler’s constant appeals to prayers, to the patrons of his family in heaven. In turbulent moments of battle, the prince is courageous, ardent and merciless.

It describes unprecedented dedication in battle, which leads a huge human army, swiftness of action, invariably leading to victorious maneuvers, and after the battle - generosity towards those killed in battle, towards captured enemy people, towards the wounded and maimed. This ideal of a ruler: on the one hand, wise towards his subjects, and on the other, merciless towards his enemies, remained in ancient Russian history as one of the main archetypes of narratives.

The connection with the saints is constantly emphasized in the story and life, and the courage that is inherent in the prince is invariably determined by the signs that heaven gives. In particular, the story tells an incident when, during a battle, one of the elders, close to the commander’s headquarters, had a vision of the martyrs Boris and Gleb.

It is described as follows: an elder named Pelguy, during his next patrol, saw Boris and Gleb sailing across the sea in a boat “in scarlet robes” (crimson, dark red) “holding their hands on each other’s shoulders,” looking at the land. After this, Pelguy heard that one of the brothers, Boris, said: “Tell us to row, and let us help our relative, Prince Alexander.”

It is no coincidence that such lines are indicated in the essay: “relative” is a blood relative, close soul. Nevsky is helped due to his relationship with the angels, with the forces from above. Therefore, even a small Russian army was able to defeat the Swedes in the battle, and the commander himself “wounded the king himself in the face,” which meant an unconditional victory. In addition, the narrator, describing the portrait of Alexander, compares it with images from the Bible: he has the strength of Samson, the beauty of Joseph, the wisdom of Solomon, and the courage of Vespasian.

How does the work end?

As befits a hagiography, according to plan, the final part invariably describes the death of the main character. The next (fourth) trip to the Horde in 1262, the result of which was the agreement of Khan Mongke not to take any of the Russian people to conquer new territories, led to a long illness of the prince.

In 1268 and died in the city of Gorodets. The author of the life describes a “wonderful and worthy of memory” miracle: during the burial, Metropolitan Kirill III, following tradition, was supposed to place a “farewell letter” into the sovereign’s hand. But during the ceremony, the hand of the deceased himself reached out and took the letter from the hand of the amazed metropolitan.

Significance for history

Before late XVI century, Alexander Nevsky was a role model for a whole list of statesmen of all ranks. One of the monasteries in St. Petersburg bears his name, and during the Great Patriotic War, dozens of commanders who showed courage and bravery were honored.

“Noble protector of people”, “spiritual leader”, “wise protector” - dozens of positive epithets characterize the prince from the very beginning. different sides. His loyalty to ideals, desire to protect the state and spiritual kindness are forever enshrined in “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” - one of the monuments of ancient Russian literature.


The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that until the 16th century, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” was a kind of standard for depicting Russian princes when describing them military exploits. This work It is remarkable in that it was written by a contemporary of the events, and therefore is of great importance for understanding how the personality of Alexander Nevsky was assessed in those distant times, and what was the significance of the events in which he was a participant.

The purpose of the course research is to reveal the artistic intent and significance of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”, its influence on subsequent Russian literature in Russia. To do this, the following research tasks should be set:

Study the historical circumstances of writing “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”;

Determine the specifics and features of the genre “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”;

The Life of Alexander is not a biography, but a description of the most significant events that recreate the heroic image of a warrior prince, a valiant commander and a wise politician. At the same time, the Life contains a lot of canonical, traditional for this genre, since the idea of ​​​​the sacredness of princely power is conveyed. the main idea Lives: “God is not in power, but in truth.”

The prince and his warriors are similar in every way: the author of the Life includes in the description of the Battle of the Neva the story of the brave men who fought “without fear in their hearts.” Scientists believe that this reflected oral tradition about the Battle of the Neva to convey the greatness of spirit and the beauty of courage. Alexander's warriors are compared in their courage and stamina with the warriors of King David, their hearts are like the hearts of lions, they are filled with the spirit of war and are ready to lay down their heads for the prince.

The subject of the research is the patterns of artistic-historical narration about the events of the 12th-13th centuries.

The object of research is the meaning and significance of such literary source as "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky."

In our research, we proceeded from the fact that, according to the testimony of famous historians, Alexander’s patriotism determined the principles of the structure of Rus' for several centuries. The traditions laid down by the prince, based on national and religious tolerance, have attracted peoples living in neighboring territories to Russia until our time.

To this day, the name of Alexander Nevsky is a symbol of unity, part of a common national idea.

Artistic concept and the history of the creation of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”

Historical period of the reign of Alexander Nevsky

In order to imagine in detail the historical place of the reign of Alexander Nevsky, one should pay attention to how the military-political, historical and religious situation developed at the time of the beginning of his reign.

XII - XIII century - period feudal fragmentation. Rus' was overwhelmed by civil strife. Each principality tried to exist in its own way. This is based on the following reasons. On the one hand, the formation of a subsistence economy, which ensured independent economic existence. On the other hand, political isolation, based on the creation of its own apparatus of violence - the squad. This objective reasons fragmentation.

Simultaneously with the isolation of cities, the number of the princely class continuously grew. The pace of development and formation of cities could not keep up with the “sort of” “demographic explosion” in the camp of the governors. The rulers lacked the vast expanse of the Russian land, whose borders could not be expanded, since the entire course of events indicated that only their narrowing could be expected. And under these conditions, the “law” will certainly come into force natural selection" Brother went against brother. Everything was used: murder, joining family ties with authoritative foreign families, incest, intrigue, flirtation and simultaneous cruelty with the townspeople. Historical conditions the period in which the princes were appointed pushed them to take certain actions. The situation was complicated by the specifics geographical structure Rus': its truly vast expanses and sparsely located cities. This fact to some extent justifies the lack of coordination of actions and the difficulty of centralizing military control. In a situation of imminent real military danger, the city was in turmoil and could not react quickly. First, it was necessary to gather an army and ask for help, which, as a rule, took a lot of time. Residents of the city had the right to accept or not accept the prince. The opinion of townspeople influenced certain political decisions. Naturally, the assessment of the significance of these decisions for the state was not always adequate. Their view came from the problems of current, everyday life, as if from their “everyday bell tower”. There was also the danger of a riot. Conflicts between boyars and ordinary people were frequent. Particular aggravation of contradictions was observed in economically unstable and politically alarming moments. The reason could be a bad harvest or the danger of military intervention from foreigners. Thus, despite the outward appearance of a prosperous existence, each of the Russian cities lived its own life, sometimes filled with internal contradictions. In such conditions, it was difficult without an autocratic ruler capable of taking into account the interests of all social strata of the city's population, weighing all the circumstances, making a decision - saying a firm word.

Let us briefly look at the place of the church in events beginning of XIII century. Unlike Western Catholicism, Orthodoxy in Rus' did not have such a great influence determining state policy, although the ideas of protecting the church were key in some military and political actions. In turn, the church advised the defenders of its interests, provided them with support, and elevated their actions to the rank of spiritual.

At the same time, the significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus' is not clear. There is also such a point of view on this matter: the adoption of Christianity is connected not so much with positive aspects for the nation, “... as with the departure of Rus' from European civilization, the formation of a closed religious space. With the fall of Byzantium, Russian Orthodox Church And Russian state found themselves essentially isolated from the rest of the Christian world. Hence the refusal Western Europe come to the aid of Rus' in its confrontation with infidels (Tatar-Mongols, Turks and other conquerors). " Is not it, interesting opinion? With this view of things, the role of many moments, in particular Alexander Nevsky, fades into the background, becomes insignificant, and, perhaps, negative.

The personal attitudes of the inhabitant cannot be ignored. medieval Rus'. “Medieval people were dominated by faith and superstition, and often entrusted decisions to God and fate that they themselves had to make. Decisiveness was a rare quality at that time. Even in court, when analyzing complicated cases, suspects were tested with water (will they float or sink?) and a hot iron (what is the degree of burn?). Signs and omens that promised joy and sorrow, victories and defeats were remembered and recorded in chronicles.”

From ancient sources that have survived to this day, it is known that the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky was the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The exact date of his birth cannot yet be established. Scientists suggest that it most likely falls in 1219 - 1220. A historian XVIII century V.N. Tatishchev, who used chronicles that have not survived to this day, reports that future hero was published on Saturday, May 30, 1220.

The baby was named, according to the custom of that time, in honor of the saint, whose exploits the church remembered close to his birthday (June 9). The holy martyr Alexander became his heavenly patron.

The name Alexander was rare for the 13th century among princes and was reminiscent of the name of the hero of pagan antiquity, Alexander the Great.

“Alexander’s father was the active and powerful Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. At the time of the birth of his second son, he was 30 years old.” In considering the pedigree, we will stick to this traditional point vision. The reason for this is that in the literature we reviewed alternative version is not disclosed in detail, and there is no reference to primary sources. So, the mother of Alexander, the other seven sons and two daughters of Yaroslav was probably the daughter of the Moscow prince Mstislav the Udal Rostislav. This was Yaroslav's second marriage after his marital union with the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Yuri Konchakovich. According to N.S. Borisov, the marriage was childless, and therefore dissolved.

In this case, Alexander’s grandfather was Mstislav the Udaloy, who glorified Rus' with his numerous exploits. “The image of this brave and noble man served to young Alexander an example to follow.

N.I. Kostomarov in his work “Russian history in the biographies of its main figures” says that the personality of Mstislav can rightly be called a model of the character of that time. Despite the fact that he “did not give a new turn to the course of events, did not create a new prototype of the social system,” but on the contrary, he was “a defender of antiquity, a guardian of the existing, a fighter for the truth, but for the truth, the image of which had already been formed before.”

Alexander underwent training in internal and external diplomacy in Novgorod under his father, comprehending the art of subjugating the boyars and dominating the crowd, changeable and formidable. He learned this by being present at the meeting, sometimes at the council, listening to his father’s conversations.

“Men’s work” took up much more time. It obliged to keep order - both in the house, and in the church, and on the hunt - “and in the stables, and in the falcons, and in the hawks” to be knowledgeable. He liked the job and found it easy. Alexander studied together with the same young squad assigned to him by his father.

But special place The training and education of the prince was devoted to military affairs. While he was taught “on horseback, in borneh, behind shields, with a spear, how to fight” - years passed. To own a horse, defensive and offensive weapons, to be a tournament knight and to know the formation of foot and horse, the tactics of field battle and siege of a fortress - this is the whole world, a kind of art. As in any art: some have a gift for it, others lack it.” The young prince was preparing for military service. “Events were preparing that would draw Alexander into their cycle. They made him look at the city in a new way. Not the fortress, not the shrines, but the concerns and thoughts of the Novgorodians were revealed to him. These were difficult thoughts.” Increasingly, the young prince traveled with his father’s squad to distant and nearby cities, to hunt, took part in collecting princely tribute, and most importantly, in military battles. “He walked the usual path for a Russian knight, and the chime of battle swords, crossed either in the fight against an external enemy or in internal strife, reached his ears early.” “With the upbringing of that time strong characters took shape in the princely environment very early. Sharply contrasting impressions caused by participation from childhood in trips to different, sometimes very dissimilar way of life the lands of Rus' and its neighbors, the spectacle of bloody battles, conflagrations, the grief of frequent separations and early losses - all these experiences developed the need to learn, developed observation, and strengthened the ability to generalize. In a word, they accelerated the formation of the personality of a broad-minded, all-Russian guardian, alien to the miserable isolation of small princes.” Political situation early Middle Ages, as already noted, implied frequent military operations and violent internal intrigues. This in turn was good.” visual aid” for the forming regiment

We see a different picture in the princely lives created at the same time. While a number of hagiographic etiquette provisions, images, and verbal cliches are preserved, in the princely lives there are significant deviations from the canon and violations of it.

First of all, this was due to the fact that the hero of the life was statesman, and not an ascetic of the church, in addition, it was in the princely lives written during the period under review that the events of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke were reflected.

At this time, the “Life of Alexander Nevsky,” the great commander and statesman of Ancient Rus', was created, a number of princely lives appeared, in which the prince appears not only as a statesman and commander, but also as a suffering prince who suffered martyrdom in the Horde.

“The Life of Alexander Nevsky” in its original edition was written in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir, where the prince (died in 1263) was buried, most likely before 1280, the year of the death of Metropolitan Kirill, since a number of data speak about his participation in the creation of this life.

“The Life of Alexander Nevsky” was supposed to show that even after Batu’s invasion, after the defeat of the Russian principalities, there were still strong and formidable princes in Rus' who could stand up for the Russian lands in the fight against the enemy and whose military valor inspired fear and respect in the peoples surrounding Rus' .

“The Life of Alexander Nevsky” is close to “The Chronicler of Daniil Galitsky” in the manner of describing military clashes, individual features of style, composition, and phraseology. According to the convincing assumption of D. S. Likhachev, such closeness of these works is explained by the involvement of Metropolitan Kirill II in their creation.

Kirill was close to Daniil Galitsky and participated in the compilation of the “Chronicle of Daniil Galitsky”, and later, having settled in North-Eastern Rus', he took an active part in government activities Alexander Nevsky.

“Without any doubt,” writes D.S. Likhachev, “Kirill was involved in the compilation of Alexander’s biography. He could have been the author, but most likely he commissioned the life of one of the Galician scribes living in the north.”

“The Life of Alexander Nevsky” also has a significant genre difference from “The Chronicler of Daniil Galitsky”: from the very beginning it was written as a hagiographic work, it is a monument of the hagiographic genre.

Genre features are reflected in the author's preface with elements of self-deprecation and the author's etiquette information about himself, in the way the narrator reported at the beginning of his story about the birth and parents of Alexander (“... born from a merciful and man-loving father, moreover, a meek prince the great Yaroslav, and from his mother Feodosia"), in the story about the miracles that happened after the death of Alexander, in numerous digressions of a church-rhetorical nature. But the real image of the hero of the story, his actions gave the “Life of Alexander Nevsky” a special military flavor.

The narrator’s feeling of living sympathy for his hero, about whom he not only heard “from his fathers,” but he himself was “a witness to his growth,” admiration for his military and state affairs gave “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” some special sincerity and lyricism.

The characteristics of Alexander Nevsky in the Life are very diverse. In accordance with hagiographic traditions, Alexander’s “church” virtues are emphasized. About people like Alexander, the author says, the prophet Isaiah said: “The prince of good things in countries - quiet, generous, meek, moderate - is in the image of God.”

He “is not a lover of the priesthood and a lover of the world, and a lover of the poor. The metropolitan and the bishops honor and obey them, like Christ himself.” On the other hand, he is a courageous hero-commander, terrible for his enemies. “His gaze [look, image] is more [here, more majestic] than a man, and his voice is like a trumpet among the people.”

Victorious, Alexander himself is invincible: “... he will never find an opponent in battle.” In his military actions, Alexander is swift, selfless and merciless. Having learned about the arrival of the Swedes on the Neva, Alexander, “inflamed in heart,” “in a small squad” rushes towards the enemy.

He is in such a hurry that he has no time to “send a message to his father,” and the Novgorodians do not have time to gather their forces to help the prince. Alexander's swiftness and heroic prowess are characteristic of all episodes that speak of his military exploits. In these descriptions, Alexander appeared as an epic hero.

The combination in one narrative series of an emphatically “church” and an even more clearly expressed “secular” plan - stylistic feature"The Lives of Alexander Nevsky." And it’s remarkable that despite this diversity and, it would seem, even contradictory characteristics of Alexander, his image is intact.

This integrity is created by the author’s lyrical attitude towards his hero, by the fact that for the author Alexander is not only a hero-commander, but also a wise statesman who cares about his people. He “judges the orphan and widow with justice, O merciful one, he is good to his household.”

This is the ideal wise prince, ruler and commander. It is no coincidence that, describing the death of Alexander, the author of the Life, in one of his sorrowful exclamations, almost repeats Daniil Zatochnik: “For a man can leave his father, but he cannot forsake the good of a master” (cf. Daniil Zatochnik: “The prince is a generous father to many servants: many Because they leave their father and mother, they resort to him”).

The heroic-epic spirit of “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” led to the inclusion in the text of the Life of an episode telling about six brave men who distinguished themselves during the Battle of the Neva. The author says that he heard about this from Alexander himself and “from others who were found in that battle at that time.”

The episode appears to be based on some kind of oral epic tradition, or perhaps a heroic song about the six brave men. True, the author of the Life only listed the names of the heroes, briefly reporting the feat of each of them.

Describing feats of arms Alexandra, the author of the Life, with freedom unusual for a hagiographer, used both military epic legends and visual means military stories. This explains stylistic originality“The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, and it in turn was determined by both the real appearance of the hero of the Life and the author’s task to draw perfect image prince - defender of the homeland.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / Edited by N.I. Prutskov and others - L., 1980-1983.

Alexander Nevsky: personality in history. Not only his descendants were grateful to him, but also people living in modern times; many famous creators praised his image in art. Over the centuries, the image of Alexander Nevsky in art has been praised in many works, from his contemporaries to the present day.
His name is always heard, this is how streets, squares and alleys are named, and for St. Petersburg he is the patron saint. However, not a single image of the prince has survived to this day, and everyone sees him in their own way. His image has appeared in various works of art since ancient times: in ancient Russian literature, fiction, fine arts, cinema, sculpture.


The image of Alexander Nevsky in various works of art, including literature, was widely praised by writers and poets.

The first mention in literature appeared thanks to a contemporary of the prince. "" refers to the monuments of Ancient Rus', talks about the exploits and courage of Nevsky.
In 1977, a story about the events of the 13th century was published, when Novgorod repelled the attack of the Germans. The story goes about the fate of a wise, spiritually rich man, who is a patriot of the Novgorod Republic. The story is called "Mr. Velikiy Novgorod", it was written by D.M. Balashov.

The novel-trilogy “Alexander Nevsky” from the author S.P. is interestingly written. Mosiyash. The work begins by describing the power of the city of Veliky Novgorod, its significance and the purpose of its capture neighboring countries. But Novgorod does not give up, because the prince and brilliant commander Nevsky comes to its defense.


The image of Alexander Nevsky is found everywhere in art, and a lot of attention is paid to him in painting. One part of the artists created his portraits and depicted him during battles, the other chose to embody the image of the saint, whom many believers worship today.

Ugryumov G.I. The ceremonial entry of Alexander Nevsky into the city of Pskov after his victory over the Germans. 1793A.N.Bukakin

M. Nesterov Saint Alexander Nevsky, 1894Semiradsky Burial of Alexander Nevsky, 1876

N. Roerich Alexander Nevsky strikes Earl Birger, 1904F. Moskvitin Holy Blessed Grand Duke
Alexander Nevsky and Khan Sartak in the Horde

G. Semiradsky Prince Alexander Nevsky receives the papal legates, 1876M. Nesterov Dormition of St. Alexander Nevsky

Yu. Pantyukhin Alexander NevskyF. Moller Alexander Nevsky, 1856


In 1938 it began collaboration director Sergei Eisenstein and composer Prokofiev. The main task The musician had to create music for the filmed plot according to his ideas and opinions. Through music, the composer managed to convey the image of a hero who fought in fierce battles, all this was combined with pictorial episodes and song and choral scenes. The embodiment of the image of Alexander Nevsky sounded very clearly in the work of Sergei Prokofiev, whose music was written to the words of the poet Lugovsky. It was expressed in such a work as the cantata “Alexander Nevsky”, consisting of seven parts. Each part is intended for a different performer: soloist, choir or orchestra depending on the part: " Battle on the Ice", "Dead Field", "Crusaders in Pskov", etc.


One of important species Cultures that preserve the memory of the prince can be called cinema. In 1938, a film from director Sergei Eisenstein appeared on the screens. He was marked Stalin Prize and accepted by the people, belongs today to classical paintings 30s. In 1941, when the Great War began Patriotic War, the film was returned to theaters to maintain the spirit, it had even more resounding success. The film stars everyone's favorite and famous actors Cast: Nikolay Cherkasov, Nikolay Okhlopkov, Andrey Abrikosov and others. The film takes place in 1242. The battle with the Swedes ended, Teutonic troops began to attack Rus'. The picture ends with the battle on Lake Peipsi. The image of A. Nevsky in art, including in this film, is very significant. The prince is shown as a hero who always tried to protect his lands and his people.