Scenario for the concert “Music is a Magical Land”. And will inspire a wonderful Anniversary!!! Boys to the music of the March “Farewell of the Slavic Woman”

Ekaterina Bogdanova

Currently, many modern children are growing up on primitive musical “masterpieces” built on frantic rhythms and a cacophony of electronic sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness, and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development.

Already in ancient times people loved to delight their ears with musical sounds. The oldest musical instruments, pipes and tweeters, date back to the Upper Paleolithic era (which is 2522 thousand years BC). Stone Age people made their musical instruments from a variety of things. One of the oldest "musical instruments" is itself human body. The first sounds arose from knocking or hitting various parts body (for example, along the chest or thigh). Gradually, more and more tools arose that people used.

Currently, the world of musical instruments has become even more diverse and richer - great amount new, old instruments were modified. Electronics have also not bypassed the world of music. But how rarely do modern children see and hear this rich variety of instruments! Increasingly, from the very early childhood hear audio recordings, and not very well good quality. Modern lightweight music also involves lightweight orchestrations, performed on a computer and implying only an imitation of the sound of real musical instruments. Large concert halls inaccessible to residents of small towns. And in this regard, children know only a small part of the huge world, which they deprive themselves of, and do not receive enough of the musical impressions that instruments in all their diversity can provide!

To generate interest in the history of musical instruments and their diversity, to intensify the desire to listen and enjoy music, an idea arose of this entertainment, which will allow the child to be introduced into huge world musical instruments!

Target: introduce and show children a variety of wind instruments.



awaken children's interest in the history of its origin and existence

musical wind instruments.

enrich knowledge about wind instruments ( appearance, timbre


develop musical thinking, ability to analyze, compare;

form components musical ear(sound height,

timbre, creativity,

promote the development of vocal and choral skills in the process of singing

to the accompaniment.


instill a love of music brass band.

cultivate feelings of respect for the culture of your people;

contribute to the formation of the need to communicate with music.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, music Center, metallophone, magnetic boards, cards with musical instruments, musical wind instruments: clarinet, saxophone, trumpet.

Predicting entertainment results: Children will get acquainted with wind musical instruments, learn the names of the instruments, and learn to identify them by ear by timbre. The sphere of feelings and emotional responsiveness to listening will develop classical music, readiness for creativity.

Progress of the event

Classical music is played by a brass band (A. Vivaldi “Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra”). The teacher welcomes the children and invites them to take their seats in the hall. Children go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Introductory part

Musical director: Every day, guys, you and I hear different sounds. But when we come to the concert, we hear musical sounds, which are distinguished by their special beauty and melodiousness.

Today, the head of the brass band of the City House of Culture, Mikhail Timofeevich Azarnikov, came to visit us to go with us on a trip to the Land of Musical Instruments. You are ready?. We close our eyes. I pronounce magic words: “Tili-tili, tili, bom. Let's open our album." (Glissando on metallophone).

Main content

Look where we got to? This city has no name. What kind of musical instruments live here? I wonder what these things are doing here? Some pebbles, shells, reeds, onions. Maybe you can tell me what's going on here? Then listen! I'll tell you what the secret is! It is no coincidence that these objects ended up in a musical country. All the musical instruments that we know came from these objects. Let's hit a stone against a stone - we get a clear rhythmic sound. What group of instruments does the sound of striking stones resemble? (drums) And if you touch the taut string of a bow, it will sing. What instruments start to sound the same? (strings) And this is a sea shell and if you blow into it, it makes a drawn-out sound. What kind of instruments does a shell look like? (wind) And this is an ordinary reed, it is empty inside, but if you make holes in it, it begins to sing wonderfully. It looks like woodwind instruments.

So a stone, a bowstring, a shell and a reed became the ancestors of all existing tools. Nature itself divided them into four main groups. Maybe we can call this city Ancient?

And I know the most ancient instrument– this is our voice. And you and I can use it at any time. Let's sing using our ancient instrument.

They perform the song “Green Shoes”

music S. Gavrilova lyrics. L. Aldonina

Musical director: And again we hit the road! “Tili-tili, tili, bom. Let's open our album." (Glissando on metallophone).

The next city is Dukhovoy. See what instruments live here (showing and examining musical instruments: flute, clarinet, bassoon, trombone, horn, oboe, trumpet). And they are called wind instruments, because sounds are produced only then... When can we hear the sound of these instruments? (Children's answers) Right! It is necessary to blow into them - to “release the spirit.”

"People blow into instruments,

The sounds flow as if they were alive.

We are such instruments

We call them brass."

Game “Choose wind musical instruments”

The card shows various musical instruments; your task is to circle only wind musical instruments.

Musical director: There are two types of wind instruments: wood and brass. Wooden tools, as you guessed, they are made of wood. Well, copper ones are, accordingly, made of metal.

Woodwind instruments

The flute has full music

Some kind of miracle

It’s as if she’s calling into the distance

A beautiful, gentle song.

And she was born, guys,

Once upon a time, once upon a time,

Probably in ancient times

From a reed pipe.

Musical director: The flute looks like a long tube. The sound is produced when the performer blows air through the foramen ovale. When playing, the flute is held transversely, pointing towards right side. The flute has a soft and gentle sound. Let's look at the performer and listen to the flute's voice.

Video fragment

Musical director: If musical instruments were playing a play about animals, the flute would certainly represent a bird. (Listening to the Birds theme from symphonic tale Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf").

I hear: somewhere in the distance,

The clarinet brings out the melody

About a very strange eccentric,

That I was happy among the melodies,

Various songs and plays,

Born by him for fun...

He lived alone, alone, like a finger,

Only music was next to him...

But he did not know sad notes.

Minor always sounded major...

And now the clarinet is singing

Beautiful, joyful, cheerful

About the fact that there is no grief in life,

No matter what trouble comes...

Let the clarinet sing to you too

Love divine chorale...

(Azarnikov M. T. demonstrates the clarinet appearance, sound, timbre of the instrument.)

Musical director: And the great-grandfather of the clarinet is the shepherd's horn.


One summer

By the river, behind the village, on the soft bank

Happened to meet a shepherd's horn

With clarinet.

- "Great!" - the clarinet squeaked.

- “Great, brother,” the horn answered:


As I see, you are from the city. -

I don’t understand: from a bar, or from which ones?”

- “This is new,” -

The clarinet was offended: “Wipe your eyes forward,

Yes, you better take a look.

Why is it inappropriate to ask me a question?

I am a clarinet player, a famous musician.

But my talent takes me to such places!

If I tell you guys, you will be afraid.

And I’ll tell you everything, I won’t hide it:

To my music

Sometimes princes and counts dance, my friend!

Now compare your game with mine:

After all, under yours - there are only bulls and cows

They're wagging their tails!"

“That’s right,” said the horn: “counts are not akin to us.

However, remember:

Someday they

They will dance to my music too!”

Musical director: If musical instruments were playing a play about animals, the clarinet would certainly portray a cat. (Listening to the Cat theme from Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”).

Musical director:

The languid gentleman oboe greets us.

He either cries, or laughs, or bursts into tears.

The instrument is a conical tube with a valve system and a double reed (tongue). It has a melodious, but somewhat nasal, and sharp timbre in the upper register. Let's look at the performer and listen to the oboe's voice.

Video fragment

Musical director: If musical instruments were playing a play about animals, the oboe would certainly represent a duck. (Listening to the Duck theme from Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”).

Musical director: You feel sad in anticipation of something -

Either love or separation.

The soul in peace asks for torment,

As the orchestra waits for the wheeze of the bassoon.

When disassembled, the bassoon resembles a bundle of firewood (this is where it got its name, because translated from Italian fagotto means “bundle of firewood”). The bassoon looks like a bent long tube with valves and double (like an oboe) a reed that fits over an S-shaped metal tube that connects the reed to the main body of the instrument. This is a low register bass instrument.

Let's look at the performer and listen to the bassoon's voice.

Video fragment

Musical director: If musical instruments were playing a play about animals, the bassoon would certainly represent a bear. (Listening to Grandfather’s theme from Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”).

Music game

Children listen to the sound of instruments and use their movements to represent animals: flute - bird, clarinet - cat, oboe - duck, bassoon - bear.

Musical director: I freeze in delight, the saxophone sounds

And this melody is like a fairy dream.

The sounds of music flow in the silence of the night,

And they come to me with a charming echo.

The saxophone still sounds and excites me,

The journey to music beckons the heart.

I'll plunge headlong into this music,

And she will dance around me.

Saxophone, you play the beauty of the soul,

I hear purity in your sounds of love.

Saxophone, you wonderful fairy tale in the night,

Don’t be silent dear, I ask you to speak up.

(Azarnikov M. T. demonstrates the saxophone appearance, sound, timbre of the instrument.)

Brass instruments

Musical director: We need to sound the alarm

Or shouts of victory,

Call for help

Brass groups.

Snail in the garden near the concert hall

With a polite smile she said to the horn:

You and I look alike, as if we were relatives.

Please play a waltz for me.

The French horn originated from the hunting signal horn. The timbre of the instrument is somewhat rough in the lower register, soft and melodious on the piano, light and bright on the forte - in the middle and upper register, and therefore the instrument can well convey a sad and solemn mood.

I looked in fascination

How the horn is drawn

After how many squiggles

She's got sound!

Listening to the Horn Voice

Musical director: Huge pipes,

Shiny pipes –

In the orchestra they are called tubas.

And it seems there is no harder work,

How to blow out very low notes from them.

Tuba - The largest of the brass instruments. It has a harsh, low, massive timbre. Mainly used in symphony orchestra, where she plays the role of a bass instrument in a brass section. Actively used in brass bands. The tuba appears relatively rarely as a solo instrument.

Listening to the Tuba Voice

Musical director:“Y,” the trombone puffs up. –

Y, trumpets like a wild elephant. –

Y, - it howls, then growls.

Well, when will he shut up?

The trombone differs from other brass instruments by the presence of a backstage - a special movable U-shaped tube.

Listening to the Trombone Voice

Musical director: But today we are talking about the Trumpet

Not loud, most inconspicuous,

The last of the copper squad,

About the most ordinary pipe.

(Azarnikov M. T. demonstrates the trumpet appearance, sound, timbre of the instrument.)

Musical director: What power there is in brass bands!

What strength and what sadness

In melodies forgotten and known,

And those we have learned by heart.

Girls perform musical improvisation

to the waltz “Amur Waves” by M. Kyuss

using scarves and colorful ribbons.

Musical director: Guys, now walk through the hall to the “Farewell of the Slav” March and convey the mood and character of the music in motion.

Boys to the music of the March “Farewell of the Slav” by V. Agapkin

stand in a column and march along the hall.

Photo as a souvenir with M. T. Azarnikov

Final part

Musical director: So our journey to the wonderful land of wind musical instruments has ended. Did you like it? Next time we will get acquainted with other countries and the inhabitants of these musical countries! See you again!

Presenter: Good afternoon, Dear friends, colleagues, students, guests. We are glad new meeting with you. We called today's program " Musical pictures about Russian folk instruments"
The Russian people have always surrounded their lives with songs and music flowing from the Russians folk instruments….. then everything sings in the soul, and nothing is as close to a person as the sound of a native instrument, familiar from childhood. This extraordinary palette of sounds will flow in the hall today, performed by the Laureate of international and interregional competitions, the folk instrument orchestra of the Krasnoyarsk College of Arts. P.I. Ivanov-Radkevich. Artistic director– Olga Grinberg

1). Presenter: We all know that music heals. And, no matter how well our life goes, we sometimes have to feel anxiety. To get rid of this feeling, we are advised to listen to the music of Chopin, Strauss Waltzes and a specific work by Anton Rubinstein - “Melody”. If anyone in the hall now has even the slightest anxiety, it will go away as soon as we hear these enchanting sounds performed by Victoria Fedorova
Class of teacher Liliya Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, accompanist - diploma student international competition Maria Ivanovna Morozova

2). Presenter: Megul “Sonata” 1st part. Performed by Stud,__ Course Galina Kulak. Class of teacher Alexey Nikolaevich Nepomnyashchikh

3). Presenter: Guitarist John Richards expressed his love for the instrument through poetry.

The strings are shaking
Fingers rush along the fingerboard,
In search of a harmonious harmony,
Legato flows
Hitting the reefs
Stately chords of the major series.
The performer is hidden by consonant unity,
With your sweet-voiced guitar,
The heart is spinning like a vast wave,
Music tango of Orpheus's hymns.
Improvisation, wind, freedom,
The artist’s fingers awaken delight,
Hiding the ear with the chime of harmonies,
Sowing by word of mouth appendages, like God.

Germal. "Baden Jazz Suite" 1st part. Spanish Student_________ course Elizaveta Lavrentieva, Class of teacher Natalya Yuryevna Zamyatina

4). Rossini. Cavatina Figaro from the opera " Barber of Seville". Performed by Stud,__ Course Ivan Ekimenko, Class of teacher Yuri Vasilyevich Dunaev

5). Presenter:

Domra, like a forgotten queen,
that she once lived in Rus'.
Balalaika big sister,
a good sound in the blue heights.
Spread it around for the amusement of the world,
in buffoonish mischievous hands
Folding songs ringing satire,
in old fairy tales, fables and poems.
But the slander is insidious and malicious,
I wanted to get rid of the sounds of the domra,
Like a pitiful and cowardly thief,
that he wants to forget his shame.
He silences those cherished strings,
prophesied with a daring hand,
So that their songs flow like a bright stream,
timelessness has flown out like a river.
But Domra’s slander is no barrier,
through the centuries its wonderful sound,
Like fate a worthy reward,
again flows with a joyful song.

On stage - Domra Trio: 4th year student Alena Cherkova, 2nd year students - Anastasia Solomatina, Shonchalai Mizhit-Dorzhu. Class of teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko, accompanist – Olga Chernoyarova. Artemyev, "Romance"

6). Presenter: It’s no secret that “Rumba” is a dance, a dance of LOVE. Rumba appeared in Havana in the 19th century in combination with European Counterdance. In Spain, the word “rumbo” means “path”; in Russian, the maritime equivalent of “rumba” is direction.
Lucio "Rumba". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Nachin Biche-ool, class of teacher Elena Vladimirovna Moderova

7). Presenter:
Neither storms nor reefs are afraid of me,
If you can hear in the string sound
Near the pier of the guitar riff,
The cries of seagulls and the rustle of waves.
I want the guitar to sound
Touching my soul with every string,
Like life without end and beginning,
And nothing will happen to me.

Vinitsky "Mercy". Performed by Stud,_2_ Course Mikhail Popov, Class of teacher Ivan Nikolaevich Afanasyev

8). Presenter:

The balalaika shook:
So it pours - rubbed - rubbed...
Come on, honey, play along,
Yes, speak Russian!
Balalaika simple sounds,
Maybe not right away, and not all of a sudden,
The memory of blood will be revealed to grandchildren,
To bring them out into the circle.
The balalaika player played out,
Have fun and dance people!
Burn, darling, let's try,
and the Orchestra will not let you down!

Ermochenkov. Concerto for balalaika and orchestra, 1st movement. Performed by Stud,_4_ Course, Nikita Krasnov. Teacher – Diploma winner of the international competition – Andrey Nikolaevich Shakorin. Concertmaster – Laureate of the All-Russian and International competition winner – Yulia Balabanova

9). Bogoslovsky, lyrics. Rodionov "Song of the Old Cabby".
Performed by Elena Moderova. Accompanied by Galina Sharavina. Concertmaster class of Vladimir Viktorovich Shakhov.

10). Tsintsadze "Sachidao". Performed by Domra Duet: Students,_2_ Course Elena Zhukova and Anna Katryuk. Class of teacher Liliya Vladimirovna Tsvetkova, Concertmaster - international competition winner, Maria Ivanovna Morozova
(The full orchestra gets ready and, following the text of the presenter, goes on stage)

2nd part of the concert

eleven). Presenter: K end of the 19th century century, for the wide masses art was not available. The advanced people of that time could not put up with such a situation. Among these people was Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev. One day, he heard the peasant Antipas playing an old balalaika. The sound of this instrument delighted Vasily Vasilyevich so much that he decided to create an ensemble of balalaika players and developed designs various types tools. A little later, Andreev decided to create an orchestra. Master Nalimov made musical instruments that made everything sound new: bright, colorful.
The orchestra of Russian folk instruments has become a unique phenomenon not only in our country, but also throughout the world. musical culture. Today, it represents a special synthesis of Russian folklore and European academic art... at the same time it has a unique characteristic timbre, which has become to a certain extent musical symbol Russian national culture.

The fog shrouded itself in a gray veil,
The earth is a fertile bed,
What are you singing about, bright-eyed Bayan?
Your voice worries my heart.
The song flows like a stream, the motive is so tender,
The harp plays so sweetly,
What it seems thin fingers yours
The strings caress my soul.
And, as if waking up from long sleep,
They stand in line in front of me
Those distant, glorious times
Where everyone lived in peace with the Earth.

Russian folk song"At the dawn, at the dawn" arranged by Vera Gorodovskaya. Conducting by 4th year student - Victoria Fedorova, class of teacher Oksana Igorevna Strelchenko

12). Presenter: Grieg’s music for Ibsen’s drama “Peer Gynt” has acquired the meaning of independent, works of art. The complete score of Peer Gynt includes twenty-three numbers. Now one of them will be performed - a bright and colorful dynamic piece.
At the conductor's stand - Artistic Director of the Orchestra
– Olga Grinberg.

Edvard Grieg. "In a cave mountain king"

13). Presenter: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov said:
Sow what is reasonable, good, and eternal. Sow!
The Russian people will say a heartfelt thank you to you.............

Sergei Rachmaninov. "Russian song"

14). Presenter: An Argentine musician and composer of the second half of the twentieth century, whose compositions radically revolutionized traditional tango, presenting it in a modern key, incorporating elements of jazz and classical music, is already known and recognized by many.

Astor Piazzolla Tango "Mietro del Angel" soloist Anastasia Paramonova,

15). Presenter: Felt boots, also known as valenki, wavelets, tricks, pimas, wire rods and combs, are a relatively recent invention, they are only about two hundred years old. Figuratively speaking, people were already drinking champagne, but they didn’t know felt boots yet. The birthplace of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to felt felt boots entirely, with the boot top. From time immemorial they - an integral part of Russian costume, Russian lifestyle, Russian winter and even Russian character. “Simple as a felt boot”, “Vanka is lying”, “Don’t wash like that” - these sayings have forever entered our language. And you don’t need to explain to anyone what they mean: the felt boots are simple, like a Russian peasant, but they are also strong, thorough and reliable, like him, they won’t let you down. Hard time!

At the end of the concert, Alexander Shirokov’s variations on the theme of R.N.P. will be performed. "Felt boots"
Encore number: (non-stop)
Presenter: (if necessary, say, after the performance) The Kuban fantasy of Yuri Zatsarny “Brynkovsky Cossack” was performed
Presenter: Thank you for your attention.
Our concert is over.

Probably someone needed it
Probably, it was God's will
To honor deserving people
Not secretly, but like this, publicly.
So that from different ends of Armizon
Gather you all here for a meeting -
You, responsive, into the life of lovers,
You, marked by life in different ways.
And call you elderly people
My tongue, believe me, refuses:
You are active, you are alive,
You are all handsome and beauties!
You don't need dates in your passport,
Since the eyes are still shining.
You can easily, as you once did,
In the spring they are able to fall in love.
And what’s the matter of winding down -
Young people can't keep up!
In general, a holiday, my heroes,
Should be called differently:
Day of the special, the wisest,
The very, very honored people,
Resisting in difficult worries,
The most loyal and most needed.

Today we invited you to talk about music, listen to beautiful songs, play music games, well, maybe even sing it yourself...

Along a narrow forest path,
Where is the uncrumpled grass?
Music wanders early in the morning,
Searches for the right words.
Looking for the timid and gentle,
And when he finds it, he picks the color
And she will carefully place it in the bouquet.
And then suddenly he will come to life
Song. Timidly and trustingly
He raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Joy of the morning, wisdom of the evening,
The smell of the forest, the expanse of meadows,
Everything in that song is uninvented
In a word, it touches the soul,
Like a seven-string guitar
A rainbow is singing in the sky!

Our music program Ruslan Gagin begins with a song ___________________________________________________________________

Music surrounds us from the very first days of our appearance on earth. But what do we hear in the first days, weeks, months of life?

(Everyone answers: Lullabies!)

Well, of course, lullabies that mom sings. Well, you yourself became mothers, and then grandmothers. What lullabies did you sing to your children and grandchildren?

(Guests sing lullabies)

Thank you, well done. Can you remember any song from your early preschool childhood?

(Attendees respond)

It's great that you haven't forgotten these songs! Well, time is running forward, and you along with him. Now you have already gone to school. What were they singing at that time?

(Guests sing)

Do you want to listen to what and how today’s schoolchildren sing? Then listen to the song performed by Marina Antonova.

(Song being played)

Well, did you like it? I think the performance of the next artist will touch your soul just as much. Gulnara Antonova sings for you.

(Gulnara sings)

All of you were raised by the pioneer and Komsomol organizations. Remember the songs on this topic. Sing at least one verse at a time.

(Guests sing pioneer and Komsomol songs)

Modern youth also know good soulful songs. I think it’s worth listening to the song performed by Ruslan Gagin.

(Song performed by G. Antonova and G. Ugryumova)

There are many songs and poems written about grandmother, as well as about mother. You will hear one of them now. On stage - Marina Antonova.

(Marina reads the poem “Grandmother”)

The song “Tenderness,” which Gulnara Antonova will sing for you, has always evoked awe and excitement in the hearts of people. So please feel free to sing along if you feel like it.

(The song “Tenderness” is performed)

Well, what is music without musical instruments? In this box - musical riddles. Whoever answers the riddle correctly first gets a token. Thus, we will determine the Best Music Connoisseur. Let's start solving riddles:
1. Oh, it rings, it rings,
The game makes everyone happy!
And only three strings
She needs it for music. (Balalaika)

2. You will take it in your hands,
You will stretch it, then you will compress it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row! (Harmonic)

3. Not a stick, not a tube,
What is this? (Pipe)

4. They don’t give him peace,
In the orchestra they beat him and beat him!
But he doesn't want to cry
You know it's rattling. (Drum)

5. The violin has a huge brother,
It is many times larger! (Double bass)

6. Which instrument
Are there strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our sonorous... (Piano)

7. Smooth bow movements
The strings make you tremble.
The motive murmurs from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening. (Violin)

8. There are keys on it, like on a piano,
But for them to play,
So that the song is not bad,
The furs need to be stretched. (Accordion)

9. Which musical word consists of three identical letters?

10. What musical instrument did Sadko play?
(On the harp)

11. What plant grows from two notes?

12. Which musical instrument most often mentioned in fairy tales?

13. Name the Russian dance song named after the insect.

14. The flight of which insect is based on the notes?
(Flight of the Bumblebee)

15. The name of which fish is present in the song “Along the Piterskaya”?

16. What's in famous song collected by a dark-skinned Moldovan woman?

17. If he is on the roof, then according to the famous song, there will be peace on earth. Who is he?

18. Four people singing together is... What?

19. Name musical part mushroom caps.

20. What two funny birds lived with grandma?

Now let’s check if you know pop singers.

The quiz “Pop Stars” is being held.

Well done! Let's count the tokens. So, _________________________ became the Best Expert in Music. He receives a prize.

(Prize presentation)

Well, for everyone else - a musical gift performed by everyone's favorite Ruslan Gagin! He will sing for you ________________________________

(Song being played)

I invite you to take part in one more game. It's called the Musical Instrument Auction. The last person to name a musical instrument will receive a small gift.

(Auction of musical instruments is being held)

For the ending:

We want you to live for a long, long time, so that the events in your life are only positive. Let the history of your families be written only in bright, joyful colors.
We wish you optimism and vigor! So that all later life you followed the old Russian recipe:

Take your patience
Pour it in full heart love,
Throw two handfuls of generosity,
Sprinkle a mug of humor there,
Sprinkle with kindness.
Add as much hope as possible
And mix it all well,
Then spread it on the piece of your given life
And take it daily without restrictions!

We didn't want to rush time,
But the hour of parting has come...
We don't want to say goodbye
And we say to you “Goodbye!”
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come!
We wish you success in all your endeavors
And we are always happy to meet again!

Compiled by: N. O. Zhiryakova, head. information and legal department of the Armizon Central Bank


"Military Brass Band"

Target: introduce students to the history of the brass band, its formation and development.
1. cultivate interest in the brass band, in the performance of music by a brass band;
2. cultivate interest in music

Equipment: computer, projector
Musical arrangement:
1. March farewell to Slavyanka (video recording)

2. “soldiers, brave boys” (video, + -)
3. March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (video recording)

4. March of the Semenovsky Regiment (video recording)

5. Fragment of a military music festival

Progress of the event

Hello guys, my name is Sofya Andreevna extracurricular activity I'll spend it with you.

Music is often compared to the sea, saying about it: “Sea of ​​sounds.” Indeed, if you trace the flow of all musical rivers from their very sources, you will find out that they are all directed towards a huge musical sea, whose name is the orchestra.

Any child today knows what an orchestra is. (Simply put, it is a “choir” of musical instruments).
The first orchestras began to be created at the beginning of the 17th century, when instrumental music has reached a relatively high stage of development.
The word “orchestra” comes from the Greek orchestra, which is the platform on which the ancient Greek choir was located. The voices of the choir were supported by the accompaniment of a small instrumental ensemble. The instruments in this ensemble were different and random. Well, in order to prevent the musicians from leaving “some for the forest, some for firewood,” they were helped by a well-versed musician. That is, in in every sense words savvy. This musician was wearing sandals with iron soles and loudly, so that the artists of the choir and ensemble could hear him, he beat the beat with his foot. His name was respectful - luminary. And in our time - this is the conductor.

Guys, why do you think an orchestra needs a conductor? (French for conductor is to manage, to lead).
- Guys, what do you think? the main task conductor? (One of the main tasks of the conductor is to force the entire orchestra to play strictly rhythmically and harmoniously).

What do you think is the difference between a brass band conductor and military brass band. (They have different batons)

Think about what they are called. (Conductor's baton, military conductors control orchestras using traditional sticks, but the baton still remained in the orchestra. They are shown a special rhythm Human usually tall "grenadier" – drum major)

And now I offer you watch the video fragment “farewell to the Slav” - combined brass band.(video clip)

We watched a video fragment of what type of music it was (resonant, perky, lively, danceable, festive, marching...)

Guys, let's now talk a little about the history of the military brass band. How long do you think the military brass band has existed? (Yes, a long time ago)
FROM THE HISTORY OF THE MILITARY BRASS BAND The first military brass bands were formed back in medieval era. In Russia military music takes special place. Her rich history dates back to 1547, when, by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the first court military brass band appeared in Russia. In Europe, military brass bands reached their peak under Napoleon, but even Bonaparte himself admitted that he had two Russian enemies - frosts and Russian military music. These words once again prove that Russian military music is unique phenomenon. Peter I had a special love for wind instruments. He ordered the best teachers from Germany to teach soldiers how to play instruments. At the beginning of the 20th century in Russia there was already a fairly large number of military brass bands, and when Soviet power they began to develop even more actively. They were especially popular in the 70s

Guys, if the military brass band arose during the war, as they warned about the danger. (Once upon a time on high towers medieval cities there were trumpeter sentries. With various signals, they informed the city about a ship entering the harbor, about a fire starting, or about the approach of an enemy. But this trumpeter in magnificent clothes is probably leading the dashing cavalry into the attack (photo of a military cavalry musician). He is a very honorable figure in the army. You see he has a weapon. But the blade in the sheath of such trumpeters is unusual. Its end is broken. This emphasized that the trumpeter’s sword or sword is only a military symbol. The trumpeter is also a warrior, but his real weapon is a musical instrument. Commander A.V. Suvorov also spoke. “Music in battle is necessary and useful, and it must be the loudest. With unfurled banners and loud music I took Ishmael.”
The emergence and development of brass bands is entirely connected with the history of military formations).

Brass bands were created mainly for use by troops, for the purpose of playing on campaigns and in military ceremonies.

Now I suggest we sing a little, and in order to sing we need to warm up our vocal cords. Let's let's speak tongue twisters.( application)

First, let’s listen to the song “Soldiers, Bravo Lads,” and then learn the movements (I read the words expressively, and then sing together with the movements).

Well done guys, you all sang together.
-At the end of the 17th century (1693-1698) regular military units were formed in Russia, called the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments.

Guys, why do you think the first guards regiments of the Russian army were called Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky? ((Preobrazhensky (The regiment was formed by Tsar Peter I in 1691 from the amusing village of Preobrazhensky, from which it received its name.)
Semenovsky (Formed by Peter I in 1691 in the village of Semenovsky near Moscow under the name of the amusing Semenovsky; from 1697 they began to be called the Semenovsky regiment, from 1700 - the Semenovsky Life Guards).

I suggest you watch and listen to the march Preobrazhensky And Semenovsky shelf.

(Children watch a video of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments.)

Did you guys like the music? What mood did she convey to us?

Each of these regiments included small brass bands (“choirs”) consisting of small flutes, oboes, trumpets and small (military) drums. This marked the beginning of the existence of a military band service in the Russian troops. Since 1698, regular and gradual development military brass bands.

The brass band is not intended for concerts in halls. It mainly accompanies processions, marches, and on holidays, during parades and demonstrations, it sounds on open stages, squares, and parks. The sonority of the brass band is especially powerful and bright. Yes, this is understandable, because the main instruments of a brass band are brass:
cornets, trumpets, trombones, horns, baritones, violas, tubas. The orchestra also includes woodwind instruments - flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon. The essential parts of a brass band are drums and cymbals.

And now I want to check how much you know musical instruments! (application)

- You guys are great, you know all the instruments.

Also guys, it takes place in Moscow every year military music festival Russian and foreign military bands take part in it, folklore groups, as well as units of the honorary guard of heads of state. Traditionally, it ends with a large-scale event on Red Square. The name of the festival was given by the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin on Red Square, near which the festival traditionally takes place (watch the video).

Guys, in what century did the first orchestras appear? (17th century)
-What is the conductor’s task? make the whole orchestra play strictly rhythmically and harmoniously)
-Guys, what kind of shelf are there?

(Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Izmailovsky)

Thank you for your attention! See you again!


Municipal budget educational institution
additional education"Urmara Children's Art School"
Urmara district Chuvash Republic
/429400, Chuvash Republic, Urmara district, Urmary village,
st. Mira, 10, MBOUDO "Urmar Children's School"/

department's reporting concert
stringed and wind instruments
"In the world of magical sounds"

Completed by: teacher of the Urmar Children's School of Education
Mikhailova Margarita Pavlovna

Place of work: MBOUDO "Urmara DSHI" Urmary village
Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic, st. Mira, 10

Urmary - 2014

Leading. Good evening, dear friends!
Together. Good evening!
Presenter. We are pleased to welcome you to this wonderful hall.
Leading. There is one country on earth, it is called music.
Consonances and sounds live in it, but whose hands open them?
Presenter. Who makes the world sound when it gets tired of being silent?
When is he like a string that should ring?
Leading. Of course, this is a musician, his impulse, his talent,
His desire to create and give people beauty.
Presenter. We are starting our concert.
- We invite 1st grade student Daria Kornilov to the stage
She will perform “Andante” by M. Carcassi
Leading. - 1st grade student Sofia Kornilova
will perform for you “Etude” by D. Aguado
Presenter. We learn to play instruments
And we go to solfeggio and choir.
On these wonderful items
All musicians grew up from a long time ago.
- M. Carcassi “Waltz” will be performed by
1st grade student Daria Fedorova
Leading. The music gets louder and louder.
The morning of birth rings in the heart.
Stars of luck, excitement of love
You, musician, catch it quickly!
- W. Mozart “Allegretto”
performed by 1st grade student Vera Ananyeva
Presenter. We invite 1st grade student Yulia Andreeva to the stage.
She will perform “Etude” by M. Diabelli
Leading. How well the guitar sings along!
Oh, how much sun and heat there is in the song!
We dedicate a few lines to you,
Thousands of strings and fun in fate!
- P.Veshchitsky " Lyric song»
performed by 1st grade student Ilya Golosov
Presenter. - Performed by Saparkina Anastasia
“Cuckoo” will be performed, arranged by T. Sychetinsky
Leading. The element of music is a powerful element.
The more incomprehensible it is, the stronger it is.
My eyes, bottomless, dry,
They fill with tears in front of her.
- Russian folk song “Will I go, will I go out”
processed by A. Ivanov-Kramsky
performed by a quartet of guitarists from 2nd grade students
Presenter. Music is more than just sound. Music is movement.

· And flies out like a bird from the hands of notes of restless circling.
- E. Makarov “Evening” will be performed by
1st grade student Egorova Konstantia
Leading. - Polish folk song “Bear with a Doll”
performed by string ensemble
Presenter. - “Ditty” will be performed
2nd grade student Valeria Nikiforova
Leading. You will meet the day a cheerful song,
And in the evening you will sing a song -
Life becomes more interesting
And the world is incredibly good!
- "Smile"
Presenter. The sound of beautiful music will help us in sad times.
In moments of fear and despair, she, like a friend, will support us.
When the world starts spinning with happiness, and your legs suddenly start dancing,
Our hearts will turn to music.
- E. Shilin “Waves of Spain”
Presenter. - L. Beethoven “Theme from the 9th Symphony”
will be performed by 3rd grade student Maria Mikhailova
Leading. We are grateful to our fathers and mothers.
It’s not easy for them with us!
And the most beloved, the best,
We want to dedicate the song now.
- “Sweetheart” is performed by 2nd grade student Dmitry Kuzmin
Presenter. - “Soldiers of Russia” - will be performed by an ensemble of guitarists
Leading. Three strings include all states of the soul
And laughter, and joy, and sadness,
As soon as the pick touches the strings -
Your heart will respond to the sounds of music -
This is how human nature created -
The soul sings from the sounds of the house.
- N. Loktev “Topotushki”
performed by 4th grade student Ulyana Simushkina
Presenter. I want the music to sound from under my beloved, kind hands,
And a clear, rich sound flowed.
The soul rejoiced in delight: after all, a musical instrument -
Souls are just an accompaniment.
P. Moriah “Melody” - will be performed by a quartet of guitarists
Leading. " Last call" - in the same version
Presenter. A wonderful union - music and children!
What a joy it is to hear voices
There are none more wonderful in the world,
And see grateful eyes.
- words by Yuri Entin, music by Evgeny Krylatov
« Winged swing" - Spanish ensemble of department students
Presenter. This concludes our concert.
Leading. Thank you for your attention.
Together. See you again!!!

Attached files