Choosing jewelry in a dream. Decoration interpretation of the dream book

What awaits the dreamer in real life if he (or she) suddenly began to often see jewelry in a dream? After such dreams, feelings in most cases become quite mixed... On the one hand, you remember the dream very vividly, and you still feel the pleasant heaviness of beautiful things, and on the other hand, you are overcome by anxiety, because not always a good dream in a dream will be a harbinger good events. It often happens that a dream happens the other way around.

Dream Interpretation Symbols

The symbolic interpreter says that seeing a lot of jewelry in a dream can mean useless actions that bring absolutely no meaning to life, besides wasting your time. Dream about jewelry - in reality you desire wealth and fame. You will achieve them, but it will not be the financial side. Perhaps your experience and knowledge will be enriched through life lessons.

Symbolically, if we rely on the explanation of this dream book, a person can see counterfeit jewelry (for example, cheap jewelry or fake diamonds) in a dream when he is deceived by his soulmate.

Also this interpreter suggests that materials for decoration have great real-time significance. The variety of colors of stones in products is a sign of all kinds of well-being and the revelation of interesting secrets. Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream means marriage. Especially when, out of all the variety, the sleeping young lady begins to try on rings and earrings.

Finding a treasure in a dream is not a very good thing to do in real life. Seeing precious jewelry in a dream means being deceived in reality. Look around, if you have a dream like this, the Universe is hinting that you need to be a hundred times more attentive.

According to the Dream Book of black magic

This dream book does not promise anything good to the dreamer or dreamer because they have dreamed of beautiful products. It is especially bad when shiny coins from jewelry made of yellow noble metal and coins begin to appear in your dream - to various sorrows and troubles. Maybe you will fall ill (quite seriously) with disastrous consequences.

When you dream of a lot of dark-colored semi-precious stones, you will soon get involved with a bad person. He will want to harm you, so be careful.

A huge mountain of emeralds and rubies is explained by this dream book as the imminent receipt of otherworldly signs. It is also possible that you will acquire some knowledge regarding fortune telling.

A dream in which you see someone putting on amulets made of gold and silver speaks of a ritual being prepared against you. It is necessary to take all possible measures to repel such a blow from the outside.

A crystal ball on a stand inlaid with gold can be a good sign for the dreamer. Such a dream suggests that all endeavors will be successful and things will improve. This is because you will guide them based on your intuition. In this case, she will not let you down.

Seeing your fingers in rings with stones is a symbol of the strength that the Universe has given you, and it will help correct almost any situation in life. The more rings, the more clearly you can influence your affairs with the help of higher powers.

And this is what the Modern Dream Book promises

Everything here is also quite confusing. Each dream must be interpreted based on your own situation. Seeing jewelry in a dream means good luck in any endeavor, even one that seems hopeless at first glance. Perhaps you wanted to open your own business, then now is the right time. The dream is especially favorable if you have been presented with jewelry.

And the dream book does not advise the dreamer himself to give such expensive gifts in a dream. If the sleeper gave something from jewelry, he will be deceived. In addition, this dream warns of exorbitant spending that should be stopped.

In a dream, seeing jewelry with stones and losing them means you should prepare for such a loss of a loved one. Perhaps instead you will be separated from luck, it will leave you, and things will go badly.


Seeing a piece of jewelry you found in a dream (not a treasure) is a sign that your financial situation will improve. Make sure that there are no fake or dirty jewelry in the treasure - this will lead to deception.

For loving hearts, the discovery of jewelry promises strengthening of mutual feelings and a quick consolidation of relationships through legal marriage - if the jewelry mostly consists of a variety of rings.

Jewelry can also promise a quick meeting with friends and a fun time. By the way, the meeting will happen very unexpectedly.


In the dreams of a sleeping person, do you suddenly see silver coins? This is not very good, since the dreamer will have problems paying off debts or other financial losses. In order not to “go to the bottom”, you need to take care of the financial component of your life in advance. How soon the dreamer’s financial failures will leave him will depend entirely on him.

Seeing silver jewelry on yourself in a dream means a lack of modesty in a person. Especially if the products were previously found by him.

Gold and silver

But when you see earrings (as well as other items of jewelry) made from two metals (silver and gold), get ready for a bright streak in your life. Moreover, both your personal and professional life will be prosperous.

For men, silver means quarrel

Wearing silver in a dream means men need to be wary of such actions. For a strong part of humanity, such a dream foreshadows a quarrel and all sorts of conflict situations. They can occur at home or at work.

It happens that you have dreams in which you first find a piece of jewelry and rejoice at it. But after a while you suddenly realize that the decoration has disappeared. Such a dream about finding and losing is interpreted practically as it is. Namely: a successful state of affairs may soon await you, but you don’t need to be very happy and relaxed about this. Good events will be followed by very bad ones. They will lead to disappointment and apathy.

Dream Interpreter by Hasse

This dream book says that everyone is looking forward to an early meeting with an influential patron. Also, such a dream promises an improvement in your financial situation.

If in a dream you clearly see them, but taking them is a difficult task for you - in real life, stop thoughtless waste and eradicate laziness and uncertainty in yourself. To succeed, you need to correct your lifestyle and become stricter with yourself.

For a woman to see her partner wearing gold jewelry in her dreams may mean that very soon some secret will become known to her.

Beads worn on you in a dream, as well as all kinds of brooches and pendants, mean national fame and romantic adventures.

To see earrings inserted into the earlobes or one ear - beware of deception in love. Your partner does not have very honest intentions towards you.

Jewelry (beads or chains) twisted together can promise love or friendship.

Unloved job and boring relationship

Are you trying to take off your jewelry in a dream? In real life, you feel bondage due to certain factors. Maybe your married life is a burden, then you are trying to pull off rings and bracelets. And if you wanted to take off a chain or necklace in a dream, this means a desire to change your job.


All kinds of hairpins and invisible pins, made of gold and gems, shimmer in the sun in your night visions, and meanwhile you touch them and admire them - most likely, a newborn will appear in your life soon. Moreover, this could be news of the birth of a child in your social circle, as well as news of pregnancy. By the way, perhaps you yourself will soon become parents.

To see a tiara or a crown in a dream - your other half expects attention from you. Do not neglect such a desire on her part, otherwise someone else will be able to surround your soulmate with attention.

A good dream is one in which you go to a store for any kind of jewelry. Choosing rings, earrings and other jewelry in a dream means in reality improving your material well-being.

Often, a dream in which jewelry appeared is a very good sign, foreshadowing success in business and financial prosperity in reality.

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In order to understand why you dream of jewelry, you need to remember all the details you saw - the material of the product, the presence of stones, the circumstances under which you had to come into contact with the jewelry. After the dream image has been restored, you can begin to interpret the dream according to the dream book.

    Value and type of jewelry

    Seeing gold items in a dream is a good sign that foretells prosperity in the dreamer’s house, but sometimes the details of the dream have a different meaning, namely:

    • If a person in a dream greedily put on a lot of gold jewelry, the dream speaks of the greed of the sleeper.
    • If the gold in the dream turned out to be fake, deception from the outside is possible.
    • A golden ring portends marriage or matchmaking for girls, and for married women - prosperity and well-being in family life.
    • A signet ring made of pure gold, seen in a dream, promises to make a big profit in an easy way.
    • Precious earrings with gems portend an offer related to employment or a higher position.
    • Jewelry made from silver is interpreted as invisible protection from ill-wishers. For people who have health problems, such a dream foretells a speedy recovery.
    • A dream in which a person can only see gold jewelry without being able to touch it warns of severe grief due to a loss.
    • A gold chain is a dream for a meeting with a deceiver, a gold ring for a wedding, a bracelet for power and new opportunities, a tiara for a gift from fate.
    • A dream in which a precious item with bells or ringing coins appears means that the dreamer will have important information at his disposal.

      If in a dream you happen to see a chest or box with jewelry, then by its contents you can determine the moral and psychological state of the dreamer:

      • Rings, hairpins, chains or brooches indicate that the sleeper is aimed at satisfying his own ambitions and obtaining personal gain.
      • Paired items (earrings or wedding rings) are interpreted as the dreamer’s readiness to start a family.
      • Cheap jewelry in a box is dreamed of by a person who needs to reconsider his life values ​​and pay due attention to family, friends and self-education.

      It is important to remember that if the day before a person had to purchase jewelry or accept it as a gift, then the dream is a reflection of real impressions and does not carry any meaning.

      The dreamer's actions

      If in a dream the sleeper stole jewelry, then such a dream symbolizes a loss of trust among loved ones. After such a vision, it is important not to deceive anyone or commit rash acts, since retribution will not be long in coming.

      If a girl’s jewelry is stolen, this is a direct warning that a strong rival may soon appear who will cast doubt on the seriousness of the relationship with her loved one. After such a dream, it is important to show wisdom and protect your lover from momentary weaknesses. But for men, such a dream promises the possibility of missing out on a successful situation and predicts problems of a material nature. They should be more careful in making important decisions when concluding deals or contracts. After such a dream, it is not recommended to lend a large amount to friends.

      Receiving a piece of jewelry as a gift in a dream means quickly concluding profitable deals or meeting a very influential person, communication with whom will help in solving difficult issues related to work or real estate. But if in your dreams the gifted jewelry turns out to be fake, you need to expect a dirty trick from management or people who are trying to provide some kind of service. The dream warns that there is a high probability of becoming a hostage to an unfavorable situation.

      A dream in which the sleeper picks up someone else's lost piece of jewelry from the ground is a symbol of frivolity and the desire to achieve success the easy way. After such a vision, you need to look from the outside at your own desires and ambitions, which can sometimes run counter to your actions.

      Returning an expensive piece of jewelry that you have found means receiving unexpected outside help.

      Trying on pearl jewelry means purity of intentions and success in business. But if you dreamed of jewelry made of precious metals, you should be careful, since the dreamer’s actions may be assessed as the pursuit of selfish goals.

      Finding jewelry in a dream is a very good sign that promises incredible success in real life. For girls, such a dream foreshadows an early meeting with their soulmate, and for men, an improvement in their financial situation and the conclusion of new business contacts and connections.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream of finding jewelry” from professionals for people.

Jewels in a dream are a symbol of a person’s wealth, prosperity and success. To understand why jewelry is dreamed of, you should remember all the details, nuances of the dream and your own emotions, and, after analyzing what you saw, look at the meaning in the dream book.

Miller's dream book interprets jewelry on the human body as the dreamer's tendency to significantly overestimate his own capabilities and merits. In the near future, men need to keep their mouths shut so as not to incur ridicule from people and others.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, the meaning of the dream is decoration, foreshadows the patronage of an influential person, wealth and prosperity of the sleeping person. However, in addition to positive omens, this vision may be a sign that a person should stop leading an idle life full of excesses and vices.

The fulfillment of cherished desires and ambitious plans for the future is what many dreams of jewelry mean. In some cases, such a picture characterizes the sleeping person as a person who has no spiritual values, recognizing only money and power.

Type and value of jewelry

To find out what jewelry and costume jewelry are for in dreams, you need to pay attention not to the type of metal and the value of the embellishment. According to the dream book, gold in a dream is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, strength and nobility, the metal of kings and winners.

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream, according to the dream book, means profit and prosperity in the sleeping person’s house; it can also speak of the dreamer’s greed and stinginess. False gold signifies finding truth in real life.

The opportunity to achieve honor, celebrity and respect among others is what precious jewelry dreams about. For a man, precious stones on jewelry in a dream are, according to the dream book, a sign of honor among family and friends, as well as a symbol of a leader.

If a girl dreams of jewelry with stones, then in real life the young lady will have a great prospect at work, or a chance to change her life for the better. And only by reacting in time and deciding to take a rather risky step, you can achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Why do you dream of silver jewelry? This vision foretells excellent health and longevity of the dreamer. Silver is considered in many cultures to be a talisman that protects against evil spells and spirits, therefore silver jewelry is interpreted by the dream book as an invisible protection of a person from the machinations of ill-wishers.

To understand why you dream of expensive jewelry, you should remember their type and purpose. Gold rings speak of imminent marriage, matchmaking or marriage proposal, rings are a sign of prosperity, influence and authority.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret why you should remove neck jewelry. This dream may be evidence of sexual claims dictated by the desire to please someone from the environment. The second interpretation of the image is a loss of control in real life, or the emergence of problems that do not allow the dreamer to go higher.

A jewelry box symbolizes the values ​​of a sleeping person. If the chest contains only pairs of jewelry (wedding rings, earrings, a pair of bracelets), then, according to the dream book, the person is focused on starting a family. If the box contains predominantly single values, it means that at the present time, the person’s own ambitions and benefits are important.

Interacting with Jewels

It is useful to know why you dream of stealing jewelry in a dream. Such a vision is considered an unfavorable sign, signaling a loss of trust or respect from loved ones. Only deep repentance can soften the fate of a sleeping person and, over time, build trusting relationships with others.

If in a dream a girl’s jewelry was stolen, it means that in real life the young lady should be wary of the appearance of a strong rival who is capable of fighting off her loved one. Only demonstrated wisdom and patience can protect a young lady from an unpleasant situation with her lover. For men, this dream promises a missed chance to improve their financial situation and an inability to take advantage of a successful situation.

If a girl was given jewelry in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer will receive generous gifts from fate, by taking advantage of which the young lady can ensure a stable financial position for herself. If a man is given jewelry in a dream, then in reality the young man will meet an influential person who will help the dreamer in solving problematic issues. If the trinket turns out to be fake, you should expect a dirty trick from higher-ups who can use the person as a pawn in their dishonest game.

Trying on jewelry in a dream, according to the dream book, is deciphered as the dreamer’s subconscious envy of the successes of loved ones, as well as the pursuit of selfish motives when communicating with people of the opposite sex.

Unjustifiably large financial expenses, this is what dreams of buying jewelry mean. For women who had to buy jewelry in a dream, the dream book foretells a thrashing from their husband for unnecessary expenses. For men, thoughtless actions that are fraught with a sharp deterioration in their financial situation or a violation of the favorable atmosphere in the family.

It is considered a fairly reliable sign to choose jewelry in a dream, indicating that the dreamer will soon significantly increase his monetary income, which will subsequently allow the sleeping person to live in grand style.

Unprecedented success and luck in love and work, this is what you dream of finding jewelry for. For young girls, such a picture foreshadows a meeting with a young man who, in addition to moral and ethical qualities, has great financial wealth. The young lady should not lose sight of such a worthy candidate for husband.

For men who happen to find jewelry in a dream, the dream book foretells improved working conditions and increased financial and material well-being. For businessmen, this dream speaks of the emergence of new business connections that will ensure work and, accordingly, profit for the enterprise.

In a dream, collecting jewelry, according to the dream book, warns of committing frivolous acts, which you will bitterly regret in the future.

Jewelry in a dream symbolizes prosperity, wealth, success. But in order to find out in more detail why jewelry is dreamed of, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the vision and the emotions experienced.

Miller's interpretation

Wearing jewelry shows a person's tendency to overestimate his capabilities and merits. If the plot appeared to a man in a dream, then the psychologist recommends remaining silent, otherwise you will become an object of ridicule.

Receiving as a gift promises benefits in business and success in concluding deals. But if you present it as a gift, the dream book recommends monitoring your actions; now, more than ever, you are prone to excesses.

In case of loss, Miller foreshadows a break in relations with a loved one or a missed chance to turn the situation in one’s favor.

The dream book of the medium Hasse deciphers jewelry as the appearance of a powerful patron, wealth. However, the image that appears in a dream may be advice to end idleness and get rid of shortcomings.

The dream book deciphers seeing a lot of jewelry as the fulfillment of a cherished dream, the realization of daring plans. But this vision characterizes the dreamer as a cold person for whom money is most important.

Material of manufacture

To correctly interpret what jewelry is meant for in dreams, it is necessary to take into account their cost and type of product. Gold, for example, is worthy of people, winners, foreshadowing success in business and financial well-being.

Jewelry made from noble metal prophesies prosperity, but characterizes the dreamer as a person prone to stinginess. And the fake ones promise in reality the comprehension of the highest secrets.

The dream book promises an opportunity to become famous and become a respected person if you see valuable jewelry in a dream.

The presence of stones in jewelry for a man means that his relatives recognize his merits and leadership qualities. A woman will have the opportunity to get a high position and change her life for the better. If there are a lot of them, then in reality you will have to choose between profit and piety. Before bestowing, fate tests you.

Why do you dream about silver items? They promise health and well-being. In many beliefs, this metal is considered a talisman against the forces of evil, so the dream book interprets it as protection against attacks on your well-being. The machinations of the enemies will be ineffective.

The Chinese dream book deciphers that jewelry made in silver means the approach of family quarrels with the use of violence.

But cheap jewelry and costume jewelry are harbingers of disappointment and unfulfilled hopes, warns the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima.

  • Gold rings foreshadow an imminent engagement and wedding. Rings promise strengthening positions, increasing authority, and prosperity.
  • Earrings in a dream and other “dangles” foretell: if you are careless, you risk losing something important.
  • Bracelets mean that your opinion will differ from the majority, but you will prefer to remain silent.
  • Why do you dream about a necklace? The image has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it can mean the dreamer’s desire to arouse sexual interest in someone and attempts to seduce. On the other hand, the dream book foreshadows a loss of control over the situation and the emergence of problems that prevent you from moving on.
  • Seeing beads means complex and hard work, for which you will receive a worthy reward.
  • Why do you dream about a cameo? Your loved one will need your participation and help.
  • The brooch portends good news or a pleasant surprise.

A box filled with jewelry in a dream symbolizes personal values. If the items in it are paired, it means that the person is striving to create a family. If they are single, then the dream book speaks of the individual’s ambitions, the desire to make a career, to earn a lot of money.

Actions with jewelry

Why do you dream of stealing jewelry? This plot is an unfavorable sign. You risk tarnishing your name in the eyes of friends and relatives. The dream book advises to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for what you have done, then you will be able to soften your fate and, over time, build a trusting relationship again.

If a woman’s jewelry disappears in a dream, it means that in reality a strong rival, an influential competitor will appear. There is a great risk of breaking up with your loved one. The dream book says that only by being patient and showing wisdom will you gain a chance to save the relationship. For a man, this plot foreshadows missed opportunities, losses, and loss of vigilance.

Why does a young woman dream of receiving jewelry as a gift? In reality, fate will present her with a rich gift that will help improve her financial well-being. For a man, this plot in a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with an influential person who will help solve problems that have arisen. However, if the jewelry turns out to be fake, the dream book calls for caution. They may simply take advantage of you by playing their game, or demand payment for your help.

In a dream, trying on jewelry indicates the emergence of envy of the luck and success of close friends and relatives, seeking self-interest in communicating with others, especially with the opposite sex.

Seeing jewelry on others means: you have overcome laziness and despondency and are ready for new exploits.

Why do you dream about buying jewelry? Significant expenses are expected. For a woman, this plot predicts a scandal with her husband due to waste of money. For a man to purchase jewelry in a dream, it foreshadows rash, spontaneous actions, as a result of which income will drop sharply and conflicts will begin in the family.

But choosing jewelry in a dream promises that in the near future your income will increase significantly, and you will be able to live in luxury.

Why do you dream of found jewelry? Success awaits you in the professional and love fields. For a girl, such a vision foretells a new admirer. In addition to high moral and ethical qualities, he will be rich. The dream book advises you to pay attention to him, perhaps this is your soul mate.

If a man finds jewelry in a dream, then in reality working conditions will improve and well-being will increase. For businessmen, the vision promises the conclusion of profitable long-term deals with new partners.

Finding one earring in a dream means that an almost achieved goal will move away for an indefinite period of time.

Why do you dream of collecting jewelry? In reality, you will commit rash actions, which you will sincerely regret a little later and repent of hasty decisions.

I dreamed about decoration

according to Miller's dream book

If you wear jewelry in a dream, you are exaggerating your advantages in reality. If you receive jewelry as a gift, you will be lucky in business. Giving jewelry in a dream means reckless excesses. Losing jewelry foretells that you will lose a loved one or miss a successful situation in business.

I dreamed of a ring

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you wear rings on your hands, it means that you have new things ahead in which you will be lucky. A broken ring means quarrels and unhappiness in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers. If a girl receives a ring in a dream, it means that her worries associated with her lover are over, since from now on he will devote himself entirely to her present and future. Seeing rings on others in a dream means an increase in your well-being and new acquaintances.

Why do you dream about a ring?

according to Vanga's dream book

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity. In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of your loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises. A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand foreshadows unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. If in a dream you just can’t choose the right ring size for yourself, this means that in real life you do not feel heartfelt affection for anyone. In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of fidelity, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Why do you dream about a ring?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

offer, communication; to lose - divorce, separation; without stone (for men) - cunning, intrigue in business; put it on someone’s finger - get rid of the enemy; bind the enemy.

I dreamed about earrings

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing earrings in a dream is a sign that good news and interesting work await you. Seeing them broken means that bad rumors and gossip can harm you if you do not show wisdom and caution.

Why do you dream about earrings?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

gift, find out a secret.

The meaning of a dream about a ring

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a ring in a dream - in reality you often become the cause of family discord and conflicts, since you still have not decided and therefore pose a threat to married couples. Trying on or wearing a ring in a dream means you will soon fall in love with a person you have not noticed before. He will appear in a completely new image, which will make you change your existing opinion about him.

Why do you dream about a ring?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

admiring - separation, quarrel; find - disagreement; to lose - will not be rewarded, hope will not come true; to receive as a gift is prejudice; give it yourself - make an offer; buy - fall in love; damaged ring - ingratiation.

Why do you dream about pearls?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The meaning of a dream about pearls

according to Freud's dream book

It is considered not a very good sign to dream of pearls, because it promises a person tears and grief. Therefore, if you dreamed of pearls, it means that your relationship is destined to break. Everything was leading to this, they have outlived their usefulness and it will be beyond your power to do anything. If you decorated yourself with pearls in a dream, it means that in real life you will try to renew a lost relationship. It will be difficult to do this, since your partner will not find any sense in restoring them and will resist your desire in every possible way. Do not be persistent, so as not to completely turn the person against you. It is better to maintain warm friendly relations than to find outright enmity.

I dreamed about pearls

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing pearls in a dream portends good business, successful trade and good luck in social activities. If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is giving her pearls, she will be unusually happy: fun and pleasure await her, as well as a loving, faithful groom, who is alien to selfish jealousy that destroys happiness. If a woman loses or scatters pearls, she will suffer indescribable sorrows. For a young woman to admire pearls in a dream means that pure love will fill her soul, and she will do everything in her power to please her chosen one.

Pearls in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing pearl jewelry in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance on Earth of a spectacle of extraordinary beauty, the witnesses of which will receive some kind of revelation that will change their ordinary life. Opening a shell in a dream and seeing a pearl there - such a dream predicts an unexpected event that will seriously shock the psyche of many people. Seeing black pearls in a dream is a terrible omen, threatening the arrival of dark forces. The most terrible thing is that people with a fine nervous organization will serve evil without knowing it, as if submitting to hypnosis or the magical influence of an evil principle. If in a dream you buy a rare pearl, it means that you have enormous potential hidden within you, which will unexpectedly be revealed under the influence of sudden changes.

Seeing rings in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make commitments to ourselves or to receive assurances that others will make commitments to us or a particular enterprise. Magic rings can indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a boundary that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the circumstances inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make your own ring or find it? Do you feel like you are able to exercise control over it? Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Why do you dream about a jeweler?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The meaning of a dream about a jeweler

according to Freud's dream book

If you see a jeweler in a dream, it means that you will make love in some unusual place, perhaps in a luxurious hotel room or in a cottage outside the city. Ordering any jewelry from a jeweler or choosing something in a jewelry store means there are some disagreements between you and your “other half,” and if you don’t want them to develop into a quarrel or breakup, then use the advice contained in the dream, – give your partner (partner) something original as a gift. To be a jeweler in a dream - the development of your future relationship depends on how you perceive your partner’s offer to have sex in a slightly unconventional way. Perhaps the proposal will seem shocking to you, and then a breakup and mutual disappointment are likely. Well, if you show healthy curiosity, you will discover such depths of sexual sensations that you didn’t even suspect existed.

I dreamed about a bracelet

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a bracelet on your hand in a dream - a gift from a lover or friend - is a sign of an early and happy marriage. If a young woman loses her bracelet, all sorts of trouble awaits her. Finding a bracelet in a dream means that you will become the owner of significant property.

Why do you dream about a bracelet?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

trap; on the hand - a scandalous story; receiving is secret love.

I dreamed about bronze

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman sees a bronze statue in a dream, then it seems that her attempts to win the heart of the man she has planned for her husband are doomed to failure. If in a dream a statue shows signs of life or moves, its woman will have a short love adventure. Seeing bronze snakes or insects in a dream foretells that you will be haunted by envy. Seeing alloys with bronze means that your fate will be uncertain and unsatisfactory.

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Find out the meaning

Gold is highly valued all over the world. Moreover, many cultures endow this noble metal with special qualities. Some peoples believe that gold jewelry in a dream is a good sign. They can be interpreted as purity of thoughts, well-being, a path to enrichment and career advancement. If you combine all the interpretations of such a dream, you will create a very attractive picture that positively paints the dreamer’s personal life.

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream is a favorable sign according to most dream books. To understand the essence of the image, it is worth getting acquainted with the meanings in more detail.

Why do you dream of gold jewelry according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of gold jewelry? The meaning of such an image according to Miller’s dream book may vary. Here a lot depends on the details of what you saw in the dream.

If someone gives a woman jewelry or coins made of this noble metal, then she will soon be proposed to in marriage. Most likely, she will become the wife of a rich, wealthy man. However, he will be very greedy and selfish.

When a person sees gold in his hands in a dream, then such an image promises him success in his work and good luck in any endeavors and projects.

Why do you dream of finding gold jewelry? According to Miller’s dream book, this is a sign foreshadowing the acquisition of financial stability, wealth, and recognition of the dreamer’s honor. Another interpretation of the dream may concern moving up the career ladder.

Finding a gold mine in a dream means performing an honorable deed. It will probably be difficult, but the dreamer will cope with it 100%.

If in a dream you lost gold jewelry, having lost it through your own stupidity, then in real life you will also face not the best times. There is a high risk that the dreamer will not be able to hold onto luck by the tail and will miss the most important chance in his life to change something for the better.

Gold jewelry, according to Miller’s dream book, can portend other not-so-pleasant things. So, if you dream that a person is going to work in a gold mine, this is a negative sign. You should be more careful and careful. Perhaps you should rethink your intentions and actions a little. A dream often prophesies the emergence of bad conversations around the dreamer’s name, shame, intrigue and rumors.

Gold jewelry according to Loff's dream book

Psychologist Loff interprets gold seen in a dream as something good. Gold jewelry in a dream is a symbol of wealth and purity. In order to correctly interpret what you saw, it is necessary to understand how the noble metal appeared in the dreamer. It could be:

  • find;
  • present;
  • conquest

If you see gold jewelry given by someone in a dream, then you should expect a favorable outcome of all affairs and projects.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream means quick unexpected joy or good news. Most likely, the dreamer will be brought pleasure and happiness by all the events that will occur in his life in the near future.

Gold jewelry according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The esotericist Tsvetkov interprets the gold jewelry he saw in a dream completely differently. The meaning of such an image in his dream book comes down to falsehood, deception, and disappointment.

You should not trust even the closest and most beloved people. Such a dream prophesies bitter resentment from lies and deception coming from friends, lovers, relatives or friends.

The meaning of gold in Zedkiel's dream book

The English dream book identifies gold jewelry seen in night dreams with something negative. The Briton Zadkiel prophesies to a man who saw jewelry in a dream:

  • disease;
  • misfortune;
  • sadness;
  • anxiety;
  • disappointments;
  • poverty.

If such a vision comes to an unmarried woman, then the interpretation of the dream is even sadder. She is not destined to tie the knot with her beloved man, or her family union with him will be unhappy.

How does the Mayan dream book interpret gold?

Seeing a noble metal in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is good. It is believed that gold jewelry and precious chervonets are a symbol of colossal changes only in a positive direction.

If you dreamed of gold jewelry, chervonets, then many good changes will happen to you in the near future. Moreover, it is especially good to see a lot of golden things. This promises success in all matters, health, happiness in your personal life and career heights.

Why else do you dream of gold jewelry? Such a dream may also have a negative meaning according to the Mayan dream book.

Seeing unprocessed precious metal in a dream means the need for long, hard work, which in an instant may turn out to be beyond the dreamer’s strength.

Find gold jewelry in a dream according to Grishina’s dream book

Finding gold jewelry in a dream according to Grishina’s noble dream book means that everything will turn out well. This is a sign of honor, success and mutual love. Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream means hopes that may be slightly exaggerated, the dreamer’s innocence of what they are trying to accuse him of, purity of thoughts and actions. Also, the meaning of such an image can be interpreted as the presence of important matters.

Gold jewelry found in a dream promises joy or the revelation of a terrible secret in which the dreamer desperately needed the truth. Giving precious metal means improving your own financial situation.

Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream is good. If it is money, then the interpretation of the dream changes dramatically. This image prophesies misfortune. Moreover, if a person hides them, counts them, then all the troubles will happen due to his own carelessness or oversight.

Seeing gold earrings in a dream - interpretation according to a women's dream book

Seeing gold jewelry in a dream, in particular earrings, is a sign of success. Such a picture, seen in night dreams, promises:

  • happiness in love;
  • good luck in any endeavor;
  • financial reward for work;
  • easy solution to any issues.

Gold jewelry, especially earrings, taken as a gift from someone is not the most positive sign.

Gold earrings as a gift are a symbol of self-interest. Perhaps the girl is marrying for convenience, but this will cause her mental anguish and disappointment.

Finding gold jewelry in a dream: why do you dream about such an image? If these are earrings made of noble metal, then the women’s dream book prophesies an easy solution to all issues and real success in business.

Finding gold in a dream: what does it mean according to the new family dream book

Why do you dream of gold jewelry, especially if a person finds it? According to the new family dream book, this is an image of financial well-being and wealth.

When you dream about jewelry that the dreamer has found, he will be able to move forward by leaps and bounds to wealth, fame, respect and honor. Probably, the dream prophesies his growth in the professional sphere thanks to his own merits.

If it’s clear why you dream about finding gold jewelry, then how can you explain gold things lost in a dream? Such an image can become a symbol of active actions that ultimately lead to nothing. However, more often the meaning of such a dream, in which gold jewelry was dreamed, indicates missed prospects and opportunities.

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We consider jewelry a sign of status (if it is expensive) or a sign of beauty, good taste, or fashion. How does the dream book look at them? Why do you dream of a gold pendant, a silver bracelet or earrings with stones?

  • As the folk dream book assures us, jewelry is a sign of a future meeting with a sponsor, patron, in general, a strong “breadwinner”. To get the most out of this meeting, do not be frivolous - “turn on” all your efficiency, responsibility, and adulthood.
  • A woman who wore jewelry in your dream means good changes that will soon come into your life.
  • Seeing a box full of jewelry is your worldview. If the “tchotchkes” inside were paired (earrings), you don’t want to be alone, hoping to create a relationship or family. If the items were single (necklaces, pendants), you would prefer to create a career.

What did you do in your dream?

  • If you admired them in a dream, it means: don’t shirk your work, and then you will achieve a lot.
  • Have you worn them? This means that in real life you can achieve success no matter what you undertake.
  • You have found a beautiful decoration: you will meet a person whom you did not expect to see. Perhaps the dream means that you will see someone close to you from an unexpected perspective, and your relationship will change because of this.
  • Choosing jewelry in a store is a sign of wealth.
  • Trying on jewelry is a new exciting hobby. It is also possible that you will change jobs and be very happy because of it.
  • Creating trinkets, that is, seeing yourself as a jeweler in a dream, means positive changes in your life.
  • Has a beautiful thing been stolen from you? If you are a woman or girl, you should be wary of the homewrecker who is already hovering around your chosen one. You are a man? You may miss the opportunity to make good money.

What kind of decoration was this?

  • Hairpins, made of gold, sparkling: another person may appear in your family (maybe you will give birth to a baby, or maybe your son will bring a daughter-in-law). Have you touched these things? In this case, the dream promises a journey.
  • If the jewelry was paired (earrings, cufflinks, paired pendant), also inlaid with gold, the dream promises that a woman whom you will truly love will come into your life. For a man it is a beloved, for a woman it is a close friend.
  • Hair jewelry (hairpins, headbands): spend more time communicating with your loved one.
  • Bracelets, especially silver ones: to the “Italian passions” in your home.
  • Ring, ring: you will grow in the eyes of others. It was golden: you might be asked to get married.
  • Earrings: for a salary increase or a profitable job change. Were they gold? You will fall in love and it will be mutual.
  • Beads, a pendant, a necklace - in general, a necklace: there are some problems that prevent you from revealing all your talents.

The material of the thing is also important

  • Why do you dream of jewelry made of metal jewelry, decorated with precious stones? The dream promises you wealth, respect from the public (or your environment).
  • Were they cheap, market jewelry? This means you have empty hopes.
  • If it was only jewelry made of expensive stones (say, beads), the dream is interpreted as follows: you are destined for wealth. This interpretation applies to both precious (,) and semi-precious stones (, aventurine).
  • Things made only from jewelry metals (chains, earrings, rings) warn: you will be prosperous and successful, but such achievements often cause envy in some people. Be careful, attackers can harm you!
  • Gold says: be careful, someone is planning to deceive you. Second interpretation: your weakest sides will soon “work.” Maybe it will be laziness, fear, shyness - what exactly do you consider your own weakness?
  • If there was a lot of jewelry made from this metal, this may be a sign: sometimes you have to “turn on” your inner “Scrooge McDuck,” otherwise you will spend more than you earn and find yourself bankrupt.
  • Silver warns: you will be given something that you will remember for the rest of your life.
  • Pearls: you will touch the beautiful. Maybe visit a painting exhibition?
  • Diamonds: a dream promises glory.

What do famous authors say?

Noble dream book by Grishina

  1. What kind of jewelry did you see in your dream? Medallion: your chosen one will love only you and will not change you. A bracelet, a chain, some kind of twisted jewelry: your family or relationships with friends will be the same “twisted”, they will be strong and happy.
  2. Who were they wearing? On a man: in this case, trinkets symbolize children and wife. If they sparkled, were expensive, and in good working order - that’s how you treat family ones. If they were dirty or broken, think about what is bothering you. Maybe it's time to talk frankly with your family?
  3. Your groom was wearing earrings: they will tell you a secret and ask you to keep it.
  4. Where exactly were they worn? In the ear (earring): be careful in love, you may get into a dubious story. On the chest or shoulder: you will be happy, maybe you will receive a gift. On the neck: love, respect of others.
  5. Who is the dreamer? If the person is an unmarried guy or an unmarried girl, the dream promises a Mendelssohn march, and this will be a very successful marriage.
  6. Were they difficult to remove? If yes, then the dream promises difficulties, and perhaps a feeling of bondage that will soon oppress you.

Miller's Dream Book

  1. Seeing jewelry on yourself, wearing it: in real life you try to embellish yourself. True, not with the help of “tchotchkes”, but with the help of words, sometimes describing advantages that don’t even exist.
  2. If you gave them as a gift - beware! If you turn off your head, you can do a lot of reckless things.
  3. Receiving jewelry as a gift means good luck in business.
  4. If you have lost a sparkling trinket, the dream warns of a real loss in life. This could be lost profits at work or a quarrel with a loved one who subsequently leaves you.

Jewelry in a dream- The bracelet and chain speak of a happy marriage awaiting you or the appearance of new friends in your life.
Seeing a gold wedding ring in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent wedding.
Seeing gold jewelry in a dream means your exorbitant desire and desire for wealth. You don’t always understand why you need it, but the passion for hoarding and a good life is stronger than reason.
Seeing fake gold jewelry in a dream- get great benefits, but in a dishonest way.
Seeing intertwined jewelry on yourself means that your family is friendly, your comrades are faithful and honest.
For a girl to have such a dream is especially good, it means her marriage will be long and strong, and her husband will be loving and faithful.
For men, such a dream foreshadows rapid advancement up the career ladder; for women, a successful marriage and a luxurious life.
If you are given jewelry in a dream, then this is a good sign. Perhaps an opportunity will present itself and you will be able to rise sharply socially.
If you dreamed of jewelry- this suggests that you are inclined to do frivolous things and generally have a carefree approach to life. Now there is a period in your life when rash actions will not only cause you disappointment and dissatisfaction, but can also seriously affect your future life. Therefore, you need to be more careful about what you do. You may also tend to exaggerate your abilities, and for this reason you will find it difficult to cope with your work. The interpretation of such a dream also significantly depends on what kind of jewelry you dreamed about.
If you dreamed of any decoration, then this indicates that in life you exaggerate your importance and dignity. this dream is a warning against committing rash acts that you will regret for a long time.
If you dream of all kinds of jewelry, then such a dream speaks of your inattention to important circumstances in life and excessive passion for trifles. You focus too much attention and give a lot of mental energy to something that doesn’t deserve it.
If in a dream you went into a jewelry store, then in your real life you will often deal with rich and famous people, but you will not be able to become on the same level with them.
If in a dream you get rid of gold jewelry, then your desire lies in inner freedom from addictions and the opinions of others. Forcibly taking away gold jewelry means a long separation from a loved one.
If in a dream you get rid of gold jewelry, then your desire lies in inner freedom from addictions and the opinions of others.
If in a dream you ask the seller to let you try on some gold jewelry, then in reality you will try for a very long time and persistently to get married “successfully.”
If in a dream you are drowning in gold jewelry, then soon you will also be suffocating among parasites and lazy people.
If you see jewelry made of expensive metals and precious stones in a dream, then you have practically found a way out of the current difficult situation; you just need to correctly interpret the signs.
If you lost him in a dream, then a series of failures will begin in your life.
If you steal gold jewelry, then in real life you will get a bad reputation among others.
If you find a treasure in a dream, with a lot of gold jewelry, then in reality you will be very lucky in business matters.
If you discover gold jewelry, then thanks to your abilities and skills you will quickly rise to the top of your career.
If you simply try on other people’s jewelry, then in reality you will never be able to become a successful and happy person because of your lack of initiative and laziness.
If you yourself give jewelry to someone, then you are a very wasteful person and may find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy.
If a woman dreams that she is giving jewelry, then in reality she will lose her privileges due to frivolity and carelessness.
If the opportunity does not turn up and no one gives it to you in a dream, then in real life your efforts will lead to nothing.
If it were earrings- you will probably soon feel attracted to a person with whom you had little contact before. Don’t rush to rush into the whirlpool of passions, think about everything carefully.
If, on the contrary, you give jewelry to someone in a dream, then be less flighty in life. Don't waste your money by allowing yourself unnecessary excesses. Believe me, very soon your material reserves will be useful for good purposes.
A woman is given gold jewelry- she will live in wealth, but with a stingy husband.
Gold in a dream means material wealth, fame, success and prosperity.
Having allies and like-minded people in your environment is a great help in life.
When in a dream you received a piece of jewelry as a gift, then in reality luck will smile on you, things will improve, and trade will bring good profits.
When in a dream you want to take off your jewelry and cannot, then in reality you feel a burden of responsibility, a burden with something, a limitation of your freedom.
When you try to steal jewelry in a dream, in reality it means that you want to grab a piece of someone else’s happiness for yourself, because you think that you deserve it more than others.
A medallion in a dream indicates that your love for this person will be long and happy.
Forcibly taking away gold jewelry means a long separation from a loved one.
In many ways, the interpretation of a dream in which you saw an ornament or jewel depends on what material it was made from.
A discovered gold mine means that you will soon have to perform a difficult but very honorable task.
Lose gold jewelry
Lose gold jewelry- miss a wonderful chance due to your own negligence and lack of faith in yourself.
Lose or break jewelry- missed opportunities or a quarrel with a spouse.
The acquisition of gold as a gift or after a search marks amazing success in business.