Noble facial features in men. Thin long fingers

Noble image life was always considered privileged: land, decent salary, luxurious life, inaccessible to peasants. After the revolution, aristocrats who did not have time to flee abroad lost everything they had, and their descendants often have no idea about their noble origins. How do you know if you belong to a noble noble family? In this article, we have collected five signs that can indirectly confirm your noble origin.

Pale skin and blue blood

While the peasants worked in the fields from morning to night to feed their families and their few livestock, the nobles held balls and dinner parties. The skin of the peasants gradually darkened in the sun, becoming rough and wrinkled. The nobles had skin light shade all year round - in the heat they took refuge in the shade of luxurious gardens; they preferred to hold balls in evening time days. Nobles with dark skin from birth resorted to radical measures: they bleached it with flour and other powders, which became the prototypes of modern powder.

From pale skin we smoothly move to “blue” blood. Why did the expression “man” come into use? blue bloods"? It's simple: the thinner and lighter the skin, the more clearly the blue veins appear through it.

So, if you notice constant pallor and visible wreaths on your face and neck, it’s time to think about the fact that you belong to a noble family.

Thin long fingers

Every noble house always had a piano, or even two. WITH early age Music teachers came to noble girls and boys. Together they learned new sketches, which obedient children then played at the request of their parents at balls and parties. Playing the piano gave children long, graceful fingers. Due to exhausting work, the peasants could not boast beautiful hands: they constantly worked on the ground, which is why their fingers were short and their skin was rough and cracked.

Stretch your arms forward and see how proportional your palm looks in relation to your fingers. If your fingers are long and thin, then there is a high probability that your great-great-grandmother was a noblewoman.

Straight posture

Daily work in the fields turned the peasants into hunched people with poor posture and constantly stiff backs. The nobles, on the contrary, were taught to walk beautifully and correctly from childhood. This was especially true for girls: in etiquette lessons they learned the correct gait and often practiced, parading around the hall with books on their heads to the point of exhaustion. A girl from a noble family simply had to be able to present herself beautifully: a gait from the hip, a slightly upturned nose and a raised chin. A noblewoman was also distinguished from a peasant woman by the so-called “swan neck”.

To determine whether you are considered a noble on this basis, stand in front of a mirror and take a good look at yourself in profile. It is important whether you keep your back straight in a natural position, what position of your head you choose while walking and talking.

small foot

Noble girls most often had small, neat feet. Remember the fairy tale about the long-suffering Cinderella? During the times of the nobility there were a lot of such “Cinderellas” among noblewomen. They were distinguished by fragility and elegance, and this applied to absolutely everything - from the face and hands to the figure and shape of the foot. Fortunately, it didn’t go as far as wearing shoes 1-2 sizes smaller and bandaging the feet, as was done in China, and the difference in foot length was more likely due to lifestyle. The peasants did not travel in carriages or on horses, but spent the entire day on their feet. Their feet became wide and their leg size increased. So it turned out that, with the same height, the noblewomen were smaller in size than the peasant women.

If you have small feet - size 35-37 - it is likely that among your relatives there was one who could afford sophisticated high-heeled shoes several centuries ago.


Nobles have always been talkative. As children, they received a large amount of knowledge, read a lot, and therefore were considered interesting interlocutors. And regular balls and dinner parties served as a unique chance to show off one’s intellect and demonstrate this erudition to others. This was especially true for girls who wanted to get married. In those days, eligible grooms were demanding of their future wives, and in addition external beauty appreciated the ability to support small talk. True, there was back side medals: excessive talkativeness betrayed a narrow-minded, ignorant person. Quarrels, intrigues and gossip often arose in situations where girls did not know how to “keep their mouth shut.”

Consider whether you can be considered a talkative person, and critically evaluate how much you like to gossip behind the backs of friends and family.

Of course, making guesses about ancestors based on external signs not entirely correct - who knows what trick genetics played when you were in your mother’s womb. And the main thing for an aristocrat is still not appearance, and manners. We have no doubt that you know modern etiquette, but for fun, we suggest you take a test on noble etiquette and find out whether they would accept you as one of their own. secular society Russia XIX century.
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Everyone has heard about aristocratic appearance. Many can even say with confidence whether this or that person has it. But few people are able to give this concept an exact definition. It’s not surprising, because even modern sociologists, until very recently, could not do this. However, after several years of research, a more or less accurate definition of the concept " aristocratic appearance"was nevertheless highlighted. Of course, there are still disagreements and inaccuracies in it, but this is only a matter of time. And now all those interested can satisfy their curiosity and find out what she is like - the appearance of an aristocrat?

Myths about nobles

It should be noted right away that not all people of noble origin have a noble appearance. On the contrary, often the most great and “well-born” representatives of the human race have the most ordinary appearance, often even with some deformities. The reason for this is concern for the so-called “purity of blood”, due to which the bride or groom could be matched for reasons not of health, much less appearance, but of family fame. At times, consanguineous marriages also took place, which, of course, had a negative impact on the children born in them.

Aristocratic appearance: signs

Currently, nobility and sophistication can be found in the most different people. The main signs of an aristocratic appearance are as follows:


But, of course, an aristocratic appearance is created not only by the above characteristics, but also by the manner in which one behaves. True nobility is imparted to a person only by straight posture, a proudly raised head, direct gaze, graceful movements and politeness.

"Moon Features"

Like any other desire for the best, aristocracy had its drawbacks. Yes, that's enough for a long time“Moon features” were extremely popular - plumpness combined with huge pale eyes and a too thin, rounded face. But, contrary to the opinion of the majority, this was not a breakthrough or the result of carefully calculated marriages, but a genetic defect that arose as a result of sexual relations between close relatives.


Surprisingly, some people, even in those ancient times, understood that excessive pallor, weakness and obvious inability to live physical labor is not good, and sought to bring “fresh” blood into their family by entering into intimate contact with people of “lower” origin. Thus, bastards appeared - nobles, whose aristocratic appearance baffled many. Well, if a famous parent recognized such descendants, then they qualitatively improved their family.

You won’t believe it, but men also believe in magic, and they have cherished fairy-tale dreams from childhood. Each of them, as a child, certainly dreamed of becoming a king and proudly, autocratically ruling the power entrusted to him.

With age, fairy tales become a thing of the past, there are not enough kingdoms for everyone, but the dream of a real queen remains for life. Note that almost none of the men have ever seen a real queen in person, except on TV or vintage portraits. However, this does not prevent them from having a completely clear idea of ​​the signs of the royal “breed”, by which they will unmistakably identify the woman of their dreams. So, what are these signs?

Royal bearing

This is an unmistakable sign of the royal “breed” - a straight back, shoulders down, chin slightly raised. It is impossible to imagine a random man next to such a woman, since only a proud and confident man will look decent.


A woman's true royal "pedigreedness" is manifested in her manner of carrying herself - majestically, unhurriedly, without shuffling her legs or swaying her hips. It seems as if even among people running in the subway, she floats in the crowd, attracting admiring glances.


The Queen will never allow herself to fussily wave her hands during a conversation, gesticulate energetically, cross her legs and fidget in her seat, trying to straighten her skirt. She knows how to emphasize with her movements not the commonality, but the difference between a man and a woman, behaving gently, easily and delicately. She just walked in, sat down in one calm movement, put her legs down freely (knees together, legs one slightly in front of the other or slightly crossed), gracefully folded her hands on her knees... And everyone realized that in front of them was Her Majesty.


The “breed” of a true queen is manifested not only in a thorough knowledge of cutlery and the ability to use a fish knife, but also in an understanding of all the subtleties of behavior at the table and in society - how to receive guests, what to say and to whom, when to smile and when to show equanimity.


A true woman It is impossible to imagine the royal “breed” speaking in a thin, shrill voice, interrupting the interlocutor and using in speech slang words. She attracts attention with her low, well-produced voice, correct literary speech and the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor.


With all the freedom of morals modern world It’s hard to imagine a person of the royal “breed” dressed in a unisex style. No fashionable sneakers or chic trousers can replace an elegant dress and high-heeled shoes that will highlight your femininity and beauty, arousing the admiration of men.


It is not appropriate for a person of the royal “breed” to have an ultra-short haircut, tanned skin and flashy makeup. A woman worthy of a king should have hair flowing to her shoulders, delicate skin and discreet makeup that emphasizes her dignity, like Marie Antoinette, for example.


The appearance and clothing of a person of the royal “breed” always corresponds to the circumstances - place, environment and time. She always and everywhere has a well-groomed and neat appearance, monitors the cleanliness of her body and her clothes, and does not neglect any of its details, visible or invisible.


A woman worthy of a king is aware of all the news and will easily support a conversation on any topic, in the language of her interlocutor, tactfully explaining to other participants in the conversation the essence of her dialogue with a foreigner if they do not understand what it is about. Such a person knows how to listen with sincere interest to the nonsense of an amateur about a problem in which she is a professional and knows the issue perfectly. As you know, men prefer educated women.


A woman’s “breed” is manifested in having a special taste for life, the ability to surround herself with elegant things and interesting people, ability to radiate special charm, choose outfits for yourself and attract the attention of others, be yourself and not lose your dignity under any circumstances, like Princess Di.

To the credit of our men who dream of meeting the real queen of their lives, one important circumstance should be mentioned. If a man is truly in love, he certainly sees in his chosen one all the signs of a royal “breed”, he is ready to elevate her to the highest throne in his heart and with admiration lays the home kingdom and the whole world in addition at her feet.

The nobles, considering themselves a noble class, in every possible way emphasized their difference from the common people, be it in clothing, manners, tastes. They argued that even by facial features one can immediately distinguish a noble man from a simple peasant. Was it really like that?

What was meant by the concept of “aristocratic person”

Some people have heard: “aristocratic appearance”, “thoroughbred face”. These concepts, for example, often appear on the pages historical novels. But what are they?

Aristocrats, as already mentioned, were very proud of their chosenness and in every possible way distanced themselves from persons of lower classes. Therefore, they entered into marriage only with representatives of their own class.

There were only rare exceptions to this rule, for example, one can recall the love story of the noble aristocrat Count Sheremetev and the serf actress Kovaleva-Zhemchugova, his future wife.

And since noble people there were, of course, much fewer than ignoble ones; many nobles were related to each other to a certain degree, sometimes very close. In these cases, the likelihood of various genetic diseases increases sharply, leading to characteristic changes in appearance: fine facial features, pale skin.

Judging by the surviving portraits of many representatives of hereditary noble families XVIII–XIX centuries, as well as the beginning of the XX century, they were characterized by such facial features as a thin nose, sharp chin, thin lips and that notorious pale skin. These were the faces that were considered correct.

Did all nobles have “thoroughbred” faces?

Since the science of genetics arose only in late XIX centuries, such a danger of consanguineous marriages was simply not known.

Representatives of the upper class were still living people, and nothing human was alien to them. As a result, many illegitimate children were born into noble families. They inherited family titles and coats of arms, but they received an influx of fresh blood, with all the genetic characteristics, including those related to appearance.

In addition, Peter the Great gave the opportunity to many people of low classes to become hereditary