Moscow international multi-genre festival of children's creativity “Musical Kaleidoscope. Game program “Musical Kaleidoscope”




"Musical Kaleidoscope"

Khanova A.B.

    LANGEPAS, 2013

Music and entertainment program script

"Musical Kaleidoscope"

Before the start of the event (8-10 minutes), while they are getting readysquads from different schools, viewing in progress popular cartoons: “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle sang a song”, “How Petya Pyatochkin counted elephants”, “Bobik visiting Barbos” and others.

A song about summer is playing, and a slide presentation is on the screen.

Leading: Good afternoon everyone! Radiant smiles to everyone and Have a good mood! Dear guys, we congratulate you on the start summer holidays!

Today we will sing, play and just have fun together! We congratulate you, dear guys, on the start of the long-awaited holidays, wish you a fun holiday, be happy, healthy and joyful, and open a music and entertainment program.

Welcomes you... ( musical numbers are reflected in the concert programs by numbers )

1.Musical number

2. Musical number

And now I give you a task: riddles for your attention:

Riddles for the younger ones

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

Invited 9 seagulls:

“Come everyone for tea!”

How many seagulls? Answer! (10)

Hedgehog gave the Ducklings

8 brand new boots.

Which one of the guys will answer?

How many Ducklings were there? (4)

Mom brought toys

And I gave it to the kids:

Gave it to Masha Ball ,

And Andryusha - Samovar .

To son Vanya - Drum,

To my daughter Darling - Sofa .

How many toys mom

Gave it to children? (4)

The Rabbit lost her baby rabbits,

And the little rabbits lie and play pranks -

Behind the pillow one,

Behind the feeder one,

Under the leaf one,

Under the bridge one.

Help me find the little rabbits,

How many are there, please tell me quickly! (4)

7 sparrows descended onto the beds,

They jump around and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

He immediately grabbed one and rushed off!

This is how dangerous it is to peck without looking back!

How many of them are left in the garden now? (0)

Cheren is not a raven,
Rogat is not a bull,
Six legs - but no hooves.
(Answer: beetle)

Carrying it to another donkey
Sweet honey bear.
But the pot is empty...
Guess who ate everything?
(Answer - Winnie the Pooh)

Very homey cat
Lives in Prostokvashino.
Gavryushka is mooing in the yard,
All the mugs are full of milk.
(Answer: Matroskin the cat)

Who is busy with good deeds,
Saving friends with Dale?
(Answer - Chip)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away.

Answer: butterfly)

Lives in a hollow
Yes, he gnaws nuts.

Answer: squirrel)

Come on guys
Who can guess:

For ten brothers

Two fur coats are enough.

Answer: mittens)

Chick - tweet!
Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this?
(Answer: sparrow)

Riddles for elders

Two notes, two letters,
All together is a game,
Which kids love to play.



We show the time
We help a lot of people.
Change the emphasis -
And shoot at the target
We will.



If the first syllable is stressed,
We are drinkware.
Rearrange the emphasis -
And damn us, friends.

Answer: mugs-mugs

Here old house huge:
Walls, towers, a moat have been dug.
Rearrange the emphasis -
And it hangs on the door.
Answer: lock-lock

This item is indispensable for predictions.
Wizards all use it.

It is round and transparent, like glass,

It is quite easy to see the future in it.

Answer: BALL

I am a collection of cards; from stress
My two values ​​depend.
I want - I will transform into a name
Shiny, silky fabric.
Answer: Atlas-atlas

Water flows from the hot well through the nose.

White dog with a sore on its nose.

iron Horse
Jumps into the fire.

Answer: Poker

She will fluff up her sides,
Its four corners,
And you, when night comes,
It will still attract you.
Answer: Pillow

Two stripes in the snow
I leave it on the run.

Answer: Skis

Bone back,
Stiff bristles
Goes well with mint paste
And he serves diligently.
Answer: Toothbrush

To the couch potato by the river
I brought two hands
I adjusted it to my sides
And swam across the water surface.

Answer: Oars

Cold in summer, hot in winter.
Answer: Battery

Four ears, two bellies.
Answer: Pillow

I fly lighter than feathers,
I shine brighter than the rainbow.
I'm expanding in size
Because I...?

Answer: Bubble

I've been sitting on the river since morning,
I hold the crane in my hand.
Answer: Fishing rod

It's warm, not the sun. It shines, not a lamp.

Twisted, tied,
He dances around the hut.
Answer: Broom

Favorite children's toy,
Naughty joker...

Answer: Parsley

You can't see it, but you can touch it.
Answer: Glass

He moves so quickly:
Neat, subtle, clean.
Cuts, cuts everything:
Fruits, vegetables, salad.
It looks a little like a saw.
Be careful, sharp...

Answer: KNIFE
Two wings hit the water,
So that the boat floats.

Answer: OARS

Iron sister
Toothy and sharp:
Even the maple tree is afraid of her,
And poplar and pine...
And even oak
Get on the tooth
To my sister.
Answer: Saw

They knock, they knock,
They don't tell you to be bored.
They're going, they're going,
And everything is here and here.

Answer: Watch

I'm standing on the roof of all the pipes above.
Answer: Antenna

Oh, and a sharp object -
Will harm anyone.
Behave more strictly with him -
Be extremely careful.
You just have to gape -
It hurts, there's nowhere to go.
Although he is dangerous, but still,
Needed every day...

Answer: KNIFE

If you're tired of playing,
Then you lie down on...
At dawn and dusk
Sleep sweetly on...

Answer: BED

People sit on it, but not a chair.
There are armrests, but not a sofa.
There are pillows, but no bed.
Answer: CHAIR

Wide horned rhinoceros,
Working a lot
Helped workers dig a ditch
And level the road.
Answer: IRON

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?

Well who's ready
Your two swords

Because of a piece of paper?


Flax river,
The boat is steel.
She will float -
The wave will disappear.
Answer: IRON

On this side and on this side
There are horses and elephants in cages.
In the cells on the right, in the cells on the left
Kings and queens.
But they can't resist
So as not to fight with each other.

Answer: CHESS

Knock-knock -
If you took
You're in my arms,
So don't hit me
To the finger
It didn't hit.
Answer: HAMMER

If it starts to rain -
Like a flower blooming.
If the rain stops -
It will shrink and wither.


What kind of animal is this?
Walks up and down?
Nose stained with paint,
Wooden long tail.
Answer: BRUSH

We love to poke our noses everywhere:
And draw and draw.
We color everything ourselves
Multi-colored noses.


Freak stands on a stick
With a beard made from a washcloth.


King and Queen
Without crowns
A boat without oars
An elephant without a trunk
Horse without hooves, saddle
And bridles,
And the privates are not little men.
White armor, black armor.
What kind of soldiers?
Answer: CHESS

The senor has a quirk:
The lord himself - of his own free will -
Head banging everywhere
But he doesn't feel pain.

Answer: HAMMER

This bird won't fly away
This bird will return.
Let him circle under the clouds -
I hold the tail with my hands.
Answer: KITE

Carrying it to another donkey
Sweet honey bear.
But the pot is empty...
Guess who ate everything?
(Answer - Winnie the Pooh)

Very homey cat
Lives in Prostokvashino.
Gavryushka is mooing in the yard,
All the mugs are full of milk.
(Answer: Matroskin the cat)

Who is busy with good deeds,
Saving friends with Dale?
(Answer - Chip)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away.

Answer: butterfly)

Lives in a hollow
Yes, he gnaws nuts.

Answer: squirrel)

Come on guys
Who can guess:

For ten brothers

Two fur coats are enough.

Answer: mittens)

Chick - tweet!
Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this?

Answer: sparrow)

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.
(Answer: peas)

I stand on a thin leg,
(Answer: calendar)

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I...
(Answer: cabbage)

Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
Where the nose will pass -
He puts a note there.

Answer: pencil

Cunning cheat
red head,
The fluffy tail is beautiful!
And her name is...
(Answer: fox)

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...

(Answer: onion)

Summer in the swamp
You will find it.
Green frog.
Who is this?
(Answer: frog)

The fat one will beat the thin one.
The thin one will hit something.
(Answer: hammer and nails)

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

( Answer: carrot)

In a clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million residents there.

Answer: anthill)

Near the forest on the edge

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,


Answer: fly agaric)

All my life I've been racing,

But they cannot overtake each other.

( Answer: legs)

I stand on a smooth leg,
Under the brown hat

With velvet lining.

Answer: mushroom)

I swam in the water,

But it remained dry.

Red paws,

Pinches your heels

Run without looking back.

Answer: goose)

Knocking all the time
The trees are being hollowed out.

But it doesn't hurt them

But it only heals.

Answer: woodpecker)

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread.

Answer: hedgehog)

Prickly, green
They cut it down with an axe.

Prickly, green

He comes to our house.

Answer: Yo lk)

Cheren is not a raven,
Rogat is not a bull,

Six legs - but no hooves.

Answer: bug)

What kind of horses -

Everyone is wearing vests.

Answer: zebra)

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Answer: hare)

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something,

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.

Answer: willow)

I'm small in stature

Thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me.

Answer: needle and thread)

I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower.

But change the emphasis

And I turn into candy.

( Answer: iris)

I can wash myself clean
Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk!

Answer: cat)

A log floats down the river.

Oh, how furious it is!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off...

Answer: crocodile)

Every day a leaf drops.

But as a year will pass -

The last leaf will fall off.

Answer: Calendar

Seven guys on the stairs
Songs started playing.
(Answer: notes)

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

(Answer: dandelion)
Sir, not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.
(Answer: donkey)

Lives in a hole

Gnawing on crusts.

Short legs.

Afraid of cats.

Answer: mouse)

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.
(Answer: thimble)

Leading: And on stage...

3. Musical number

Leading: And now we offer you the game " A ball is flying across the sky." Listen to the melody and words and repeat after me. Together.

Well done boys.And now it sounds to you:

4. Musical number

Leading: And now we offer you a competition "Guess the melody"! Fragments of songs from famous cartoons, and you try to guess the name or who is singing.

Pinocchio (“Song about me”)

“Who comes to visit in the morning” (Winnie the Pooh)

Leopold the Cat “You Can Do Anything in the World”

Flying ship "Babki-Yozhki"

Flying ship "Dream"

"From a smile"

Prostokvashino “Mama’s Song”

"Song about Summer"

"Song of Leopold the Cat"

Song of Princess Zabava (Flying Ship)

Umka. "The Bear's Lullaby"

“Man is a dog’s friend” from the film “Bobik visiting Barbos”

"Chunga - Changa"

Leading: (announces musical number)

5. Musical number

6. Musical number

Leading: Guys, do you know musical instruments? Now we will wish for you musical riddles. Listen to the riddles and look at the screen. (on the screen - presentation -riddles about musical instruments in verse )

7. Musical number

The host conducts the game: "Find a toy."Children get acquainted with noise musical instruments. Two children come out. One hides an instrument - a tambourine, rattles or maracas in the hall, and the other looks for it while listening to the music.

8. Musical number

Leading: And now we offer you a fun musical game. It is called “Riddle a riddle for a friend” (or “Guess what I’m playing”). Anyone can make a riddle. You need to depict with the movements of your hands and body how you play a musical instrument. And you guys and I will try to guess this instrument.

Those who wish come on stage and expressively depict playing various instruments.

For you...

9. Musical number

10. Musical number

Leading: And now we invite you to play in our noise orchestra. 9 people come out and choose their noise instrument: tambourine, maracas, rattles and others. When the soloist plays at the piano, you need to play Quietly when he plays quietly or Loudly if the soloist plays loudly. Listen to the music carefully. A game:Orchestra

11. Musical number

12. Musical number

Leading: Guys, do you know that there are songs that lift your spirits and we will sing one of them now. I will demonstrate the movements to the music, and you repeat after me.“If you have fun, do it!”

On the screen there is a video sequence: characters from different cartoons

Leading: This concludes our concert. Thank you all for your attention. See you again!

Concert program for school camps

    Kolesov L. “On the swing”, Spanish. Kuznetsova Polina (accordion)

    Y. Dolzhinov “Arishka”, Spanish. Krasnoshtan Dasha, conc. Filipeva E. (flute)

    Kotelnikov V. “Joke”, Spanish. Yunusov Idris, conc. Konareva E. (balalaika)

    Krasev M. “Happy Geese”, Spanish. Ponomarenko Denis, conc. Konareva E.

    “Shepherd”, arr. Stempnevsky S., Spanish Ponomarenko Denis, conc. Konareva E. ()

    Derbenko E. “In the mood”, Spanish. Lobov Nikolay (accordion)

    Y. Dolzhinov “Polka”, Spanish. Sergienko Nastya, conc. Filipeva E. (flute)

    Kotelnikov V. “The Cheerful Ant”, Spanish. Balalaika ensemble, conc. Filipeva E.

    Ivanov A. “Polka”, Spanish. Khramtsova Dasha, conc. Filipeva E. (domra)

    Troyanovsky B. “Play my bagpipes”, Spanish. Velizhanin Gleb, conc. Filipeva E. (balalaika)

    P. Harris “Nut Cookies”, Spanish. Klimuk Nadezhda, conc. Filipeva E. (flute)

    “Sea Study”, performed by Vladislav Bolbas

    J. Mendel “The Shadow of Your Smile”, Spanish. Yantovsky Vladislav, conc. Golofeev A.I.

    V. Monti “Czardas”, Spanish. Fedotov Pavel, conc. Davletova A. Yu.

Eroshkina Lyudmila Timofeevna

MKOU secondary school in the village of Pushkino, Yaransky district Kirov region

Music and art teacher

Competition game “Musical Kaleidoscope”

introduction teachers. Music is one of the art forms. Like literature, painting and theater, it is figurative reflection peace.
    At what age do you think a person first hears music? Indeed, from the first minutes of a person’s life, music enters his home with his mother’s lullaby. Where can you hear music? From morning to late evening, music accompanies us during the holidays, it sounds while camping, on the street, in the cinema, in the theater. It flows from the radio, from the TV, during lunch, dinner. In a word, it sounds everywhere and everywhere. And today we dedicate our game, as you probably already guessed, to... music.

Progress of the game.

So let's begin. For each correct answer, a token (note) is awarded. At the end of the game, having counted the tokens, we will see who will become best player our "Musical Kaleidoscope".
    Competitions with notes.
    Guess the riddle.
- Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si – The sparrows have arrived. They sat on my notebook And they sang the melody. (notes) - Without what is it impossible to create music? (no notes) How many are there? List.
    Read what is written .
In the garden beds grew: ogu (re) c, po (mi, do) r, (fa, salt), (re) pa, (re) dis. (Mi) sha and Ko (lya) (re) sewed to harvest.
    Musical words.
If you know the names of notes, animals, plants, then you will successfully complete the task. An animal whose name contains the note “D” (drawing of a note) (turtle). A plant that looks like a pea. (beans) A bird and a flower whose name contains “si” (tit, lilac) Bird and plant where the note “C” was found (hoopoe, plantain)
    A note of peace.
Remember words that have syllable notes. "fa" (bean, harp, pharaoh, pheasant, torch...) “before” (board, road, house, daughter...) “re” (turnip, river, radish, belt, elastic band...) "la" (frog, mile...) "si" (power, siren, blue...)
Feather, si, whale (peaches) La, goose, closet (frog)
    Children know everything in the world -
There is a lot of music in the world. From 7 ordinary notes The composer creates: Plays, operas, sonatas Arioso il cantatas, symphonic tales, Minuets or dances. But one favorite genre We are dear to everyone from the cradle Life is more wonderful, more interesting, When next to us - song! (M.N.Glubokaya)
    They say you can’t erase a word from a song. This is right. I say the words and you can guess which songs they are taken from.
Fun (It's fun to walk together) Friends (When my friends are with me) Grasshopper (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass) Pedestrians (Song of Crocodile Gena) Firmament (Chunga-Changa) Cheburashka (Cheburashka's Song)
    What do these songs have in common? (one composer - V.Ya. Shainsky) What other songs do you know? (Antoshka, Clouds...) Guess the melody from the description.
This song is about a tree with Russian roots, it is a symbol of Russia (“There was a birch tree in the field”) A song about an incident that happened to the owner of the forest (“Fitter”) In this song you can hear about a verb and a dash (“What they teach you at school”) What carriage is the song talking about in which you can reach the sky (“Blue Car”) Who didn’t go through anything and who wasn’t asked anything? ("Antoshka")
    And without what can you not hear the sound of a note?
Find " superfluous word»
    violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika, bow accordion, button accordion, accordion, piano , keys
How to name the remaining words in one word? (musical instruments) Guess the riddles.
    Triangular body,
3 strings and a ringing voice. Well, try and guess This is our... (balalaika)
    It will sparkle in the sun,
It will hum with a gentle sound, In jazz he is the very first Silver...(saxophone)
    This instrument is in the military orchestra, near the stove, but she doesn’t play it. (pipe) Louder than a flute, louder than a violin
Our giant is louder than trumpets. It's rhythmic, it's distinct Our cheerful...(drum)
    Smooth bow movements
The strings make me tremble, The motive sounds from afar Sings in the moonlit evening. How clear the sounds are There is joy and a smile in them Sounds like a dreamy tune I call myself... (violin)
    Which instrument?
Are there strings and a pedal? What is this? Undoubtedly This is our... (piano)
    I put the phone to my lips
A trill flowed through the forest The tool is very fragile It's called...(pipe)
    It stretches, not rubber.
With valves, not a car. Sings songs, not radio. (accordion) Where there is fun, there he is... I won't give any hints - Everyone knows... (accordion)
    Three whales.
Determine which whale the work belongs to.
    E. Doga “Waltz” from the film “My affectionate and gentle beast» W. Mozart “Lullaby” M. Glinka “Polka” P. Tchaikovsky “March of the Wooden Soldiers”
    Solve the crossword puzzle.
    One of the whales in music. How many strings does a violin have? Darling musical instrument Sadko. What is the name of the person who creates musical works? It gets fatter, then it gets thinner,
The whole house is screaming A relative of the piano, a brother of the button accordion.
    The solemn song is a symbol of the state. The most ancient “whale” in music.
Melody is the soul of music. It is she who is closest to a person, because she is in tune with his voice and soul. The last chords have sounded in our game. It's time to take stock.
Thank you all for your attention, For enthusiasm and ringing laughter, For the fire of competition, Guaranteed success. Music flows like a river, It winds like a line of notes. Again the sounds of the flood swept over everything around. Now let's sing your favorite song.

Goal: activation of initiative and creative abilities of adolescents through gaming moments; broadening your general horizons; introduction to the art of music.

Objectives: development of musical memory, imaginative thinking, hand motor skills, sense of teamwork.

Hall decoration:

  • poster with Shakespeare’s statement “There is no living creature on earth so evil, cruel, cool that music could not make a revolution in him, even for one hour”
  • On the desk stave, with notes;
  • field with categories of melodies and sectors of notes.
  • Balloons.

Technical equipment:

  • Music center “KARAOKE”, microphones
  • TV
  • Piano

Props: tokens, prizes for participants.

Progress of the lesson

Presenter 1: - Hello!

Presenter 2:- Good afternoon!

Presenter 1:

Today all earthly sounds
We have merged into a single choir

Presenter 2:

And there is no place for melancholy and boredom
After all, music is our whole life!

Presenter 1:- What is music?

Presenter 2:- Ancient philosophers argued that music is greatest power. It can make a person love and hate, kill and forgive. Music elevates the feeling of love for everything. And there are no people in the world who are absolutely indifferent to music.

Presenter 1:- How many beautiful melodies have been written, they all consist of seven notes. Do you know what notes these are? (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si).

Presenter 2:- And today we will play a game called “Musical Kaleidoscope”.

Presenter 1:- But first, you and I need to create teams.

Presenter 2:- And we will create them with the help of questions - whoever answers them the fastest will become the captain of the team.

  1. The name of the flight attendant who became famous thanks to the song. (Jeanne)
  2. What is the name of the announcement about the concert of the play? (poster)
  3. What is the name of the Russian folk three-string instrument? (balalaika)

The guys who answered the questions correctly go to the presenters.

Presenter 1:- We have captains. All that remains is to type in the commands. (the captains take turns recruiting teams from the rest of the guys sitting in the hall)

Presenter 2:- Well, we have teams, and since not a single song is complete without a name, each of our teams must come up with a name, but remember that it must be somehow related to the music (they come up with names).

Presenter 1:“We’ve got some wonderful names, and now we can safely move on to competitions.”

Presenter 2: each competition is hidden behind these notes, which are located on the staff (points to the staff)

Presenter 1: Which team will be the first to choose a note?

Presenter 2:- And we will find out with the help of a cube. Now you will take turns throwing it and who will get it? greatest number, that command will select the first note. (commanders roll the dice, choose who will be the first to choose a note).

1st competition “Before”.

Presenter 1:- “Guess the rebus” competition. Your task is to guess these puzzles as quickly as possible, whose team does it faster, gets a token (application N 1).

2nd competition “RE”

Presenter 2:- Under this note “Star Quiz”. Now I will ask

ask you questions and offer three possible answers about creativity famous performers. You need to choose the correct option and pick up the card. (application N 2)

3rd competition “MI”

- Presenter 1: Under this note is “Mosaic”. Now I will give you envelopes containing photographs of stars cut into pieces. You need to collect a photograph and determine who is depicted in it. (a competition is taking place, the winners receive a token).

4th competition “FA”

Presenter 2:- Under this note “Guess the melody.” On the board you see a board in which there are categories of melodies and sectors with notes. You choose a category and note number, a melody sounds and your task is to guess it. (application N3).

5th competition “Salt”.

Presenter 1:- The next competition is “Collect a line”. You are given cards with the words of the song written on them. Your task is to put the words into in the right order, find out what the song is and sing a part of the song.

6th competition “La”.

Presenter 2:- The competition for captains is called “Musical Chair”, we invite the captains to the stage. There are 3 chairs here, and there are four of you. While the music is playing, you must run around these chairs, and as soon as it ends, everyone must sit on a chair. Whoever does not have enough chairs is eliminated from the game, the rest continue the competition.

7th competition “Si”.

Presenter 1:- “Hello, we are looking for talents.” Here you can demonstrate your artistry and your vocal abilities, and we will find out what song you will perform with the help of these cards (the numbers are written on the cards famous songs from the “Karaoke” catalogue) the goal is to sing a song with the whole team. Whose team performs it better and more emotionally receives a token

Presenter 2:- Great! You all did an excellent job in the competitions. The most solemn moment has come, count the tokens. The team with the most tokens is the most musical and receives a prize.

Municipal educational institution "Yasnaya Polyana School"

Dzhankoy district

Republic of Crimea


Developed by: Osmanova Z.M.

Gafurova E.E.


Goals : identify the level of musical knowledge;

develop intelligence, attention, resourcefulness;

improve choral singing skills;

cultivate interest in music.

Progress of the event

Poem about music.

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you -

Music comes into our home

In an amazing outfit:

Multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls move apart -

The whole earth is visible around.

The waves of the foamy river splash,

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting into a blue haze.

This music is in a hurry

And he calls us to follow him.

People have long listened to the sounds of nature and listened to music in them. Have you ever heard the music of rain, the music of wind, the music of bird voices? Music lives everywhere, manifesting itself in different sounds.

The wind sings barely audibly,

Lipa sighs near the garden.

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests -

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky

With this eternal melody

The world is replenished by nature!

Your quiet tears

The willow falls at the ford

The nightingales greet the night with a trill

The sound of branches

Song of the rains

The world is replenished by nature.

Birds meet the sunrise.

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen.

1 team- Melody 2nd team -Rhythm

We will spend some time with you music competitions. For all correct answers and completed tasks you will receive tokens. At the end we will sum up the results and reveal the winning team. So let's go!

1.Competition “Rhythmic Concert”

(teams repeat movements after the teacher)

On the count of “one” - clap with both hands.

On the count of “two” - snap the fingers of the right hand

On the count of three, click the fingers of your left hand.

Teacher: And now we will play the game “Come on!” »

(players of each team repeat the movements after the teacher)

Come on, clap like me (2 claps)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they clap like that! (2 claps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomps)

Only here they stomp like that! (2 floods)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Only here they meow! (Meow meow)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, all together, all at once -

Only here they bark like that! (Bow-wow)

Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once...

Only here they grunt like that! (oink-oink)

2.Competition “Guess Me”

(the teacher asks riddles about musical instruments)

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster,

Friends, I invite you

Let's get to the riddles quickly.

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Everyone knows………( accordion)

Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song (notes)

Which instrument?

Are there strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious...... (piano)

I put the pipe to my lips -

A trill flowed through the forest, -

The instrument is very fragile

It's called…….( pipe)

It gets fatter, then it gets thinner,

Skin on top, skin on bottom too,

And in the middle it's empty ( drum)

Success is guaranteed for me in the copper group,

I am needed in those houses where the stoves are heated ( pipe)

I'm spinning, but not spinning,

And a needle runs across me.

I speak, I sing, I play. ( plate)

What key won't open the door?


What note is put in the soup? (salt)

3. “Musical words” competition

? ?

(think of words that contain notes, for example: house, repair, mirage, beans, etc.)

with the note: “do” (road, house, chisel...)

“re” (river, repair, craft...)

"mi" (mimosa, peace, facial expressions...)

“fa” (headlight, apron, surname....)

"salt" (beans...)

"la" (frog, clang....)

"si" (orphan, tit, lilac...)

4.Competition “Understand Me”

(the presenter reads the clue to each team in turn, and the participants must guess the song from it)

  1. A song about a little girl's long journey

girls in a bright hat. ( Song of Little Red Riding Hood)

2. Song about a pet,

which the whole house hated. ( Black cat)

3. A song about a country where you can meet

firebird and golden horse. ( Little country)

4. Song about daily activities

children for 11 years. ( What they teach at school)

5. A song about how good it feels

walk with friends. ( It's fun to walk together)

  1. A song about a bright, scarlet flower.

(Song of the Silk Tassel)

5. Competition “Sing a song”

(based on the proposed pictures, children must remember the song and perform it)

Picture from a cartoon"Antoshka"

Railway carriage"Blue carriage"

Dog"The dog is missing"

Sun"Let there always be sunshine"

6. Competition "Roll Call"

(teams take turns naming musical instruments)

7.Competition "Musical mosaic"

(teams take turns guessing songs based on a musical fragment)

  • "Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle"
  • " Two cheerful geese"
  • "Two by two is four"
  • "Our land"
  • “We will survive this trouble”
  • "Song of the Baby Mammoth"
  • "The dog is missing"
  • " The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

8. Competition “You give me I give you”

(team players ask each other prepared questions)

Sample questions:

  • What are those people called?

who writes music? (composers)

  • What can you use to record music?

(using notes)

*What is the name of a group of musicians who perform together musical composition on different instruments?


*What do you call someone who leads an orchestra?


9.Competition "Guess the melody"

Based on the description of the song, you must guess what kind of song it is, who sings it, and sing an excerpt from this song.

  1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat (“If it’s a long, long time” - the song of Little Red Riding Hood)
  2. A song about keeping your head, which for a little bear cub is not very special

values ​​(Song of Winnie the Pooh)

3. Song by syllables about a wooden man (Pinocchio)

4. A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries (“Beautiful

5. A song about a piece of land where ugly but good people. ("Island

bad luck")

6. Song about animals with long ears, working as lawn mowers (Song about

7. A song about a spirit who lived in a swamp and helped build flying ship(I'm a merman, I'm a merman)

8. Song about a strange toy that no one noticed (Cheburashka song “I was once

a strange nameless toy")

9. A song about an African island where life is easy and simple (Chunga-changa)

10. A song about an animal who loved to sunbathe in the sun (Song of a lion cub and a turtle “I’m on

I'm lying in the sun")

11. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis

(Somewhere in this world)

12. A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year (Song of the Crocodile Gena)

Summing up. Rewarding participants.

"Depict a fairy tale"

Two teams play. One team conceives some famous fairy tale and tries to portray it without words. And the other team must guess what kind of fairy tale it is and who is portraying whom. In this game, it is important to first agree on showing a fairy tale together, and then coordinate your actions with each other without words.

Pass the motion

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. An adult while in general circle, comes up with some kind of movement (for example, combing his hair, washing his hands, catching a butterfly, etc.), then “wakes up” his neighbor and shows him his movement, he “wakes up” the next one and shows him, and so on in a circle, until all the children “wake up” and it’s the last one’s turn. The game continues until everyone wishes to guess their move and pass it around in a circle.


The players are divided into pairs and stand in a circle, with one of the pair standing behind the other at arm's length and looking strictly at the back of the head of the person in front. Necessary odd number players so that one is left without a pair. During the game, the “lonely one” winks at one of the guys standing in pairs in front, and the latter must quickly run to the odd one out and stand behind him. The person standing in the back of the pair must react and prevent the person in front from running away. If he still runs away, the remaining one blinks at someone from the other pair. The main condition: the rear ones must look at the back of the head first. And you can't wink at the next couple. The game should be dynamic. Just watch, because you can tear your clothes.

Choose a partner

Choose a partner

Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Now you will have to divide into pairs. Each of you must silently choose a partner, but in such a way that others do not notice. For example, I want Masha to be my partner, I look at her and discreetly wink at her. Try to come to an agreement with the one you chose with your eyes. Is everyone agreed? Now we will find out who failed to reach an agreement. On the count of three, run up to your partner and take their hand.” If it doesn’t work out the first time, you should repeat the exercise several times, while the teacher should make sure that the children change pairs.

Who said?

A leader is selected who sits with his back to the group. Then one of the children, whom the teacher pointed to, says: “You won’t recognize my voice; you won’t guess who said it.” The presenter must recognize by voice which of the children said this phrase. The next presenter is the child whose voice was guessed. The game continues until each child has played the role of leader.

Build a deck

There are two or four participants in the game. Everyone will help them auditorium. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from “six” to “king” as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.

Purpose of the game: development of attentiveness and speed.

At least five people take part in the game. Players line up on playground in one line-up, the head of the game or the chosen leader stands against them. Players keep their arms extended forward with palms folded.

The leader of the game has a pebble, he walks in front of the line and pretends as if he wants to put it in the palms of the players. Then he quietly drops the pebble into someone’s palms. The one who gets the stone runs to a predetermined point and back to return the stone to the leader. The rest of the players chase him and try to catch him while he is in the field. It is no longer possible to grab him on the line.

Rules of the game:

  • if the player returns back and no one can catch him, in the next round he takes the place of the leader;
  • If a player is caught, the leader's place will be taken by the player who first touched the one who ran.