Seeing your parents in a dream. Seeing deceased parents in a dream, dream book

Parents give their children tenderness and love not only in reality, but also in dreams.

Loved ones always come in night visions as a sign of calm, balance and harmony in a person’s real life.

What do dreams about loved ones and relatives mean? And why do you dream about dead parents?

Close people in visions carry semantic information. It is very pleasant for a person to see happy and calm relatives; he himself becomes a little luckier when he sees how his dearest and dearest people are positive, cheerful and successful.

A dream when parents are upset or dissatisfied with something is not negative, this situation just invites the sleeper to think about his behavior, about situations happening in life, and try to change something in order to become a little luckier.

Dreams about parents

1. If you dream that close people behave confidently, then this situation is a harbinger of good and positive events. Perhaps you will soon learn happy news that will completely change your daily life in the opposite direction.

2. When you dreamed of parents who smile or laugh fervently, then such a vision foreshadows the advent of complete harmony in a person’s life. If recently there were a lot of worries in his life, then after such a dream all problems and worries will be resolved by themselves.

3. Such a vision is also a favorable sign if loved ones enjoy each other’s company, when sparks of love and warmth slip between them. Such a dream promises positive changes in the personal life of the sleeper.

If the sleeping person has a family, then after this vision a new period in life will begin when the spouses understand the value of each other. Spouses in love always give their children mutual relationships in real life.

4. A dream where parents scold their children or are upset with them foreshadows changes in life. A person will need to make a lot of his own efforts to turn his personal destiny to the white side.

The dream book also indicates that parents scold their children means that in real life a person largely depends on the opinions of his relatives.

5. Why do parents dream about praising their children? Such a vision indicates that in life a person is an egoist; he rarely values ​​the opinions of people around him.

Most often, such people try to live only by their own rules, but the situation shows that it is best to change something in your character in order to become a little more loyal and confident in life.

6. If a young girl dreams that her mom and dad are giving her some advice or teaching her what to do in a given situation, then you should listen to these words. Often such phrases become prophetic, and fulfilling the prescribed actions leads to a happy marriage or romantic relationships with the opposite sex.

7. According to the dream book, drunk parents are not always a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows imminent changes in life that must be guarded against. When you dream that spouses begin to swear while drunk or behave inappropriately, this situation often indicates a deterioration in the health of the sleeping person.

8. The dream book foretells that when parents are dressed in dark clothes, the onset of unpleasant times when you need to beware of new acquaintances, unusual situations or other unusual situations.

If you also dream that your loved ones are sad and in mourning, then this situation is a sign of imminent unpleasant moments in life. It depends on the person himself what to do in this case in order to move past negative events.

9. A good sign is when mom and dad come alive and cheerful in night visions. After such events, relief comes, the person becomes confident that he is loved and that everything is fine with his relatives.

The deceased father and mother in night visions predict slightly different circumstances.

Dreams about dead parents

A person who dreams of deceased parents often remembers a past life when all the relatives were together. That dream when parents dream of being dead, but in fact they died recently, may not be interpreted in any way.

Such visions often come to children on an emotional level. After experiences associated with the death of loved ones, children experience a slight nervous shock; they often think about the dead, thereby urging them to come to them in their dreams.

Why do you still dream about dead parents?

  • In most cases, deceased relatives come at night when they want to warn the living about something.
  • If the father and mother are happy and cheerful, then this is a sign of positive events.
  • It’s worse when you dream that loved ones are upset about something or are crying, this is a sign of sadness and small losses.
  • Why do you dream of parents who actually died, but in night visions they remain alive? Such a vision portends well-being for children and successful resolution of all important matters.
  • Visions where dead relatives come to children promise longevity.
  • If loved ones are sad or dressed in dirty clothes, then this situation is a harbinger of deteriorating health.
  • Clean clothes on a deceased father and mother portend good luck in all endeavors and a positive resolution to all matters.

There is no need to be afraid of dreams about deceased relatives; as a rule, they never come to their relatives with evil. Such visions are harbingers of some events, so it is important to remember all the smallest details of the vision, and especially the words spoken by deceased relatives.

Dreams about other people's parents

Young men and girls often have dreams about the parents of former lovers. Relatives of an ex-boyfriend come to girls as a sign of a past relationship.

When his family is happy and content, the vision indicates that the separation of former lovers passed without negative consequences. Sad and angry people for a girl foreshadow a return to the past. There were probably mistakes made in a long-standing relationship that can be corrected now.

Relatives of an ex-girlfriend mean fast news for a guy. A harmonious relationship between them brings successful moments in real life. If the parents of the former lover are angry with the young man, then he should be wary of business trips, trips or trips related to the performance of official duties.

Whatever the dream, bad or good, parents will never cause harm and grief to their children. Visions about parents always warn children and guide them on the right path, which will certainly lead to luck and harmony in everyday life. Author: Tatyana Agishina

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication. If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs. If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment. If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper. If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of your parents who are still alive, then such a dream indicates that you have an Oedipus complex (for women, the Antigone complex). At the same time, you tend to blame your failures and troubles in your intimate life on anyone but yourself. Deceased parents symbolize your regrets about missed opportunities and memories of past successes. If you dreamed that your parents died (and they are alive), then it is possible that you really subconsciously wish for them to die, since they are preventing (or have prevented) you from fulfilling your desires. See Mother, Father.

Modern dream book

Seeing cheerful, joyful parents in a dream portends harmony and pleasant friends. If you dream of dead parents, then such a dream warns of impending disaster. You should be especially careful when conducting business. Seeing happy parents in your home is a prediction of pleasant changes in fate. For girls, such a dream usually foreshadows Marriage and prosperity. If the parents are pale, tired and dressed in black, then deep disappointments await you. If the parents in your dream look good, are healthy and happy, then the dream promises you favorable circumstances. Your affairs, both commercial and personal, will be successful. Seeing exhausted, sad parents means that luck will pass you by unnoticed.

Reader comments on the topic “Seeing parents in a dream”:

r why do you dream about parents who have died long ago?

Together with my late mother, I bought her beautiful fabric, two cuts. And then someone stole the package with the purchase, and my mother did not scold me for the loss.

I dreamed about the parents of a man who abandoned me with a baby. I carry this man in my arms in the form of a child, he is sleeping. I go up to his parents, they tell me that I took away their son’s child, I seem unworthy. Moreover, his father has already died, but his mother is still alive. I’m trying to wake up the man so that he can hear me, but I just can’t.

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Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream- foretells you in a dream harmony in relationships and pleasant communication.

If you dream about them after death- this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home- this means pleasant changes for you. A young woman has such a dream- usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If the parents are pale and dressed in black- you are threatened with serious disappointments.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy- this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper.

You will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Parents- reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

If in a dream you see your parents calm and happy visiting you- pleasant changes await you. A young woman has such a dream- usually portends a happy and prosperous marriage.

If the parents are pale and dressed all in black- Serious disappointments await you.

If they look unhealthy or sad- for the time being, luck will pass you by.

If you dream about them after your death- this is a warning of impending troubles: you must be especially careful in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Roles played by family members- usually change dramatically. But, despite these changes, stereotypical ideas about parents always live in the memory of our souls. In these memories, the father is always associated with authoritarianism and with a linear thought process.

Father can be a symbol- your own projecting power and your inner authority. This image can symbolize your own father or your fathering skills that you apply to your children.

Stereotypical images of mothers- traditionally symbolize the perceptive, feminine principles of intuition and caring. This image can also represent your own mothering skills.

Dream book of the 21st century

See parents- means to get help, talk to them- a sign that true friendship awaits you.

Lose them- means being forced to rely on someone else's help.

Seeing both deceased parents together- fortunately, wealth.

Seeing your father dead in a dream- to loss of inheritance, sick to see him- unfortunately, talk to your dead father- means to understand something correctly, to argue with him- to a decline in business.

Seeing mother in a dream- to prosperity, a happy event, sick- to trouble, mother's breast- to the road.

Seeing both parents together- upcoming important changes in life, blessing, for woman- marriage.

Beating one of your parents in a dream- expression of internal protest, defending the right to one’s point of view and independence- to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to benefit, benefit from being beaten in reality.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Everyday dream book

Why do parents dream according to the dream book:

Parents - Seeing parents is a warning dream. Usually parents are dreamed of by those who in real life find themselves in difficult situations, are confused, and do not see a way out of the current situation.

If you dreamed of parents who died in reality, then you should expect warnings or advice from them on how to behave in a situation that will happen in the future. At the same time, if you dreamed of your mother, then most likely you will find yourself in a situation in which you will feel mental discomfort and you will need the moral help of your loved ones - this could be betrayal of people close to you, deception, and so on.

If you had a dream in which your father gives you advice, then, as a rule, financial difficulties, risky transactions, and adventures await you in the near future.

To see that you have seen your dead parents who are calling you to their place and you are going, then such a dream can mean great difficulties in your real life, illness and even death.

Seeing happy parents is a good dream, which suggests that in the near future luck will become your constant companion, and you need to take advantage of this period to resolve the main issues. If your parents are sick or upset about something in a dream, then a number of difficulties await you soon.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do parents dream according to the dream book:

Parents - Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news. Seeing happy parents in your home is a symbol of pleasant changes in fate. For girls, such a dream usually promises a successful marriage. Seeing deceased parents is a sign of receiving news of any unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble and warns of approaching danger. You should be especially careful in your affairs.

If the parents in your dream look good, are healthy and happy, then the dream promises you favorable circumstances. Your affairs, both financial and personal, will be successful. If your parents look bad and are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that you will face failure in business. The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you receive will be.

If you see your parents as strict, embittered, and so on, then this means failure in the business you have begun. Why dream of seeing that you are watching an argument or a fight between your parents, then soon you will have to defend your rights to inheritance. If you see that you are avoiding meeting with one of your parents, then it is possible for you to receive an inheritance.

If you see that you see all your relatives in one place, for example at a festive table, then in real life you will be involved in family conflicts, which can cause serious discord in the house. Missing one of your parents means that in reality you should definitely visit them.

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes.

The dream in which you saw your father warns that you may find yourself in a difficult situation, from which wise advice will help you get out. Seeing your father in good health and good mood means great joy and pleasure.

A dream in which you saw your father sick portends grief. If your father remains silent in his sleep, then soon you will receive news of his illness. Arguing with your father in a dream is a sign of failure. To see that your father is dead is an omen of disorder in family affairs, as well as the fact that your business is in danger of serious trouble. For a young woman, such a dream means that her lover may be dishonest with her. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows news of betrayal. If you see that you are talking to your father, who died a long time ago, then you should remember him. Seeing your stepfather in a dream is a harbinger of news from relatives, and sometimes travel to foreign lands. If you see him angry, then the news will be bad and vice versa.

Dream book for pregnant women

If you dream about Parents, what is it for:

Parents - It is with our parents that we are most often connected by various kinds of events. After all, native blood flows through the veins of both sides. The connection will be unbreakable as long as both parties are alive. The most acute feelings - love, hatred, resentment or gratitude towards them - are always expressed and transmitted to us in our dreams. But we may not always directly see our parents or our relatives in our dreams in their likeness and appearance. Sometimes it happens that they are simply replaced by “intermediaries”. In most cases, it is the deputies who try to convey the information that concerns our relatives. It is not necessary that the deputy of our loved one, just like him, has a human likeness. Take for example, if a child has been afraid of his parents since childhood, then they may appear to him in a dream and in the form of animals or any negative creatures, an evil black force.

Years pass, the child grows up, and at the same time his childhood fears disappear. He understands that his parents are not as “scary” and strict as they seemed. Children begin to realize that their parents are just like them. But there are cases when childhood fears can still haunt a fully grown person in their dreams. Children's fears can hide in the subconscious and come true, but not in reality, but only in a dream. In a dream, you may dream of good parents who will come and take the child away from the evil and bad parent to whom he ended up by accident.

In a dream you can see your parents in different ways. They can be powerful, they can be rich or simply fantastic, they can have the appearance of saints who will be surrounded by a halo. Parents may just be saints incarnate. Such a dream indicates a strong emotional overstrain of the dreamer. Sometimes a strong load influences the occurrence of such dreams.

The interpretation and decoding of such dreams can be approached in different ways. If the approach is purely psychoanalytic, then a certain dream can be understood as the embodiment of energy in a person, which gives him enormous energy. This energy is called narcissistic. That is, this is the energy that will nourish a person. This energy fills us from within with a feeling of specialness, uniqueness, great significance, endows a person with a special talent, the chosen one for creating something new and necessary, etc. There is no need to immediately ignore such a dream. Approach it more loyally and try to figure out what this dream wants to “tell” you and what information it carries. After all, dreams are that little key to the encrypted code. The fact is that everything is stored in our “I”. Perhaps this will be the impetus for the solution that you need to understand and which can help you find out and understand for yourself certain issues that interest you.

Adoptive parents. Regarding this situation, one should not confuse “false” parents and “adoptive” ones. Yes, they can partially intertwine, but only in a dream. They have nothing in common in reality. You may have a dream in which the parents are animals, or you may realize in a dream that you are being raised by “strange” parents.

Living with adoptive parents, a child may exhibit feelings and conflicts that he had to experience while living with his natural parents, even in the womb. Nevertheless, this information is laid down from conception, and consanguinity conveys information, regardless of whether they live together or apart. Often, adoptive parents have to continue to play “someone else’s game.” All this arises only because parents and children do not always manage to find mutual understanding among themselves. There may be disagreements and scandals, conflicts and unpleasant situations. Everything happens because it is difficult for a child to restructure his thinking in a different way and change his behavior. The most difficult situation is for those children who are taken in by adoptive parents as adults. The child begins to divide parents into “good” and “evil”. It takes time for him to understand what they really are. The child himself can provoke his parents and push them towards an aggressive attitude towards him. Sometimes it’s not because they are bad and he doesn’t like them, but simply in the depths of his soul and his subconscious has not yet been rebuilt and tells him that these are not his parents and he needs to behave more carefully and be always on the alert. The child needs to be helped to break this vicious circle so that he can understand and figure out that his adoptive parents are not monsters, but good and kind people who only want the best for him and that they love him.

Seeing your parents cheerful in a dream foretells harmony in your relationships and pleasant communication. If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs. If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity. If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment. If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is protecting you: your affairs and love will prosper. If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed you by without recognizing you.

Freud's Dream Book Parents

If you dream of your parents who are still alive, then such a dream indicates that you have an Oedipus complex (for women, the Antigone complex). At the same time, you tend to blame your failures and troubles in your intimate life on anyone but yourself. Deceased parents symbolize your regrets about missed opportunities and memories of past successes. If you dreamed that your parents died (and they are alive), then it is possible that you really subconsciously wish for them to die, since they are preventing (or have prevented) you from fulfilling your desires. See Mother, Father.

Modern dream book Parents

Seeing cheerful, joyful parents in a dream portends harmony and pleasant friends. If you dream of dead parents, then such a dream warns of impending disaster. You should be especially careful when conducting business. Seeing happy parents in your home is a prediction of pleasant changes in fate. For girls, such a dream usually foreshadows marriage and prosperity. If the parents are pale, tired and dressed in black, then deep disappointments await you. If the parents in your dream look good, are healthy and happy, then the dream promises you favorable circumstances. Your affairs, both commercial and personal, will be successful. Seeing exhausted, sad parents means that luck will pass you by unnoticed.

Esoteric dream book Parents

Initial vital data. Cheerful, young - they remind you that you were initially given a lot. Old, sad - you did not have the necessary starting base, but you rise above your parents. They scold you - you pay too much attention to the opinions of your loved ones. They praise you - you are building your life, neglecting the interests of your loved ones - this is dangerous.