Slavic symbols and their meaning. Drawing in folk style

IN modern world ornament is a pattern that decorates household items without carrying any meaning. For us, rhombuses on a carpet are just rhombuses, and circles are just circles. But there were times when people knew how to read patterns, encrypted in them their ideas about life, about the other world, about eternal truths.

It can be said that decorative pattern is the result of the found relationship between the perception of nature and the decorative display of reality. Over many years of existence decorative arts Various types of patterns have developed: geometric, floral, complex, etc., from simple joints to complex intricacies.

The ornament can consist of objective and non-objective motifs, it can include human forms, the animal world and mythological creatures; naturalistic elements are intertwined and articulated in the ornament with stylized and geometric patterns. At certain stages of artistic evolution, the line between ornamental and subject painting “blurs”. This can be observed in the art of Egypt (Amaranian period), the art of Crete, ancient Roman art, late Gothic, and Art Nouveau.

First, geometric patterns arose, this was at the dawn of human culture. What could be simpler than straight or wavy lines, circles, cells, crosses? It is these motifs that decorate the walls of clay vessels. primitive people, ancient products made of stone, metal, wood and bone. For ancient man they were conventional signs, with the help of which he could express his concept of the world. A straight horizontal line meant earth, a wavy line meant water, a cross meant fire, a rhombus, circle or square meant the sun.

According to ancient belief, the symbols in the patterns carried spiritual power, capable of conjuring any evil and injustice of the elemental forces of nature. These symbolic signs that came to us from the ancients ritual holidays, – with magical symbolism. For example, in the Filimonov toy (Russia) we see symbols of the sun, earth, water, and fertility. The masters passed all the images and symbols through their perception of the world and showed their perception of the world in the painting. Ancient symbols are also found in the Dymkovo and Kargopol toys. But they are different in ornamentation everywhere. In every craft we notice symbols of the sun, water, etc. The ancient symbolism of peasant religion runs through them as a thin thread.

And the ornament is in Russian folk costume. The main motives of which were solar signs - circles, crosses; images of a female figure - a symbol of fertility, mother - damp earth; wavy rhythmic lines – signs of water; horizontal straight lines indicating the ground; images of a tree are the personification of ever-living nature. Embroidery on peasant clothes not only decorated them and delighted those around them with the beauty of the patterns, but was also supposed to protect the one who wore these clothes from harm, from an evil person. A woman embroidered Christmas trees - which means she wished the person prosperous and happy life, because spruce is the tree of life and goodness. A child was born to a peasant woman. And she will decorate his first simple shirt with embroidery in the form of a straight line in a bright, joyful color. This is a straight and bright road that a child should follow. May this road be happy and joyful for him.

The image of the sun occupies one of the main places in decorative and applied arts. The sun in the form of round rosettes, rhombuses, can be found in different types folk art.

A straight equal-pointed cross was also an image of the sun in folk symbolism. The rhombus was revered as a symbol of fertility and was often combined with the sun sign inscribed in it.

The tree of Life

In addition to the geometric one, in the ornaments of Ancient Rus', one can often find various ancient pagan themes. For example, female figure personified the goddess of earth and fertility. In pagan art, the tree of life embodied the power of living nature; it depicted the divine tree, on which the growth of herbs, cereals, trees and the “growth” of man himself depended. Very often you can find stories of magical calendar rituals, which are associated with the main stages of agricultural work.

The most diverse symbolism is characteristic of images of the plant world, which included flowers, trees, and herbs.
In Egyptian ornaments, the decoration often used a lotus flower or lotus petals - an attribute of the goddess Isis, a symbol of the divine productive power of nature, regenerating life, high moral purity, chastity, mental and physical health, and in the funeral cult it was considered a magical means of reviving the dead. This flower was personified with the sun, and its petals with sun rays. The lotus motif has become widespread in ornamental forms. Ancient East(China, Japan, India, etc.).

The Egyptians also used the image of aloe in their ornaments - this drought-resistant plant symbolized life in the other world. Of the trees, the date and coconut palms, sycamore, acacia, tamarisk, blackthorn, persea (Osiris tree), mulberry tree were especially revered - they embodied the life-affirming principle, the idea of ​​the ever-fruitful Tree of Life..

Laurel in Ancient Greece was dedicated to the god Apollo and served as a symbol of cleansing from sins, since a sacred laurel branch was fanned for the person to be cleansed. Laurel wreaths were awarded to winners in musical and gymnastic competitions in Delphi, the main center of the cult of Apollo. The laurel served as a symbol of glory.

Hops - cultivated plant, the picturesque appearance of which contributed to the widespread use of plant forms in ornamentation. The image of hops combined with ears was used as decoration on household items.
Grapevine - clusters and branches were especially revered in antiquity and the Middle Ages. In ancient Greek mythology, this is an attribute of the god Bacchus, among Christians - in combination with ears of corn (bread and wine, meaning the sacrament of communion) - a symbol of the suffering of Christ.

Ivy is an evergreen climbing shrub, sometimes a tree; like the vine was dedicated to Bacchus. Its leaves have a variety of shapes, most often heart-shaped or with pointed lobes. They were often used in ancient art to decorate vases and wine vessels.
Oak is the king of forests, a symbol of strength and power. Oak leaves were widespread in Roman ornamentation. Their images are often found on friezes and capitals, church utensils and other types of Gothic applied art, as well as in the works of masters Italian Renaissance. Currently, images of oak leaves along with laurel can be found on medals and coins.

Oak is a symbol of power, endurance, longevity and nobility, as well as glory.

IN ancient China pine symbolizes immortality and longevity. a truly noble personality. The image of the pine tree echoes the image of the cypress, which in Chinese beliefs was endowed with special protective and healing properties, including protection from the dead. Among flowering trees, the wild plum occupies an important place - meihua - this tree is a symbol of the New Year, spring and the birth of everything new. Among flowers, the central place is given to the peony. The peony is associated with female beauty and family happiness. The orchid and chrysanthemum are associated with the divine world and ritual ceremonies. The most common symbol among vegetables is the gourd pumpkin, which has become a symbol of immortality and longevity.

Painted gourd, vessel and talisman (China, 19th century)

“Happy fruits”: pomegranate, tangerine, orange - symbols of longevity and a successful career.

Sakura motifs are often found in Japanese arts and crafts. It is a symbol of beauty, youth, tenderness, and the inevitable variability of the transitory world.

Flowers are widely used in ornamental motifs of all times and styles. They serve as decoration for fabrics, wallpaper, dishes and other types of decorative art.
The rose has polar symbolism: it is heavenly perfection and earthly passion, time and eternity, life and death, fertility and virginity. It is also a symbol of the heart, the center of the universe, the cosmic wheel, divine, romantic and sensual love. The rose is completeness, the mystery of life, its focus, the unknown, beauty, grace, happiness, but also voluptuousness, passion, and in combination with wine - sensuality and seduction. A rosebud is a symbol of virginity; withered rose - transience of life, death, sorrow; its thorns are pain, blood and martyrdom.

Heraldic roses: 1 – Lancaster; 2 – York; 3 – Tudor; 4 – England (badge); 5 – German rose Rosenow; 6 – Russian stamp.

The heraldic medieval rose has five or ten petals, which connects it with the Pythagorean pentad and decanate. A rose with red petals and white stamens is the emblem of England, the most famous breastplate of English kings. After the “War of the Scarlet and White Roses,” so named after the badges of the families who fought for English crown, the scarlet rose of Lancaster and the white of York were combined to form the "Tudor Rose". The bright crimson rose is the unofficial emblem of Bulgaria. The famous tea rose is the emblem of Beijing. Nine white roses are in the coat of arms of Finland.
In ancient ornaments, along with plants, various animals are often depicted: birds, horses, deer, wolves, unicorns, lions. They form a horizontal structure of the tree of life: at the top are birds; at the level of the trunk - people, animals, and also bees; under the roots - snakes, frogs, mice, fish, beavers, otters.

Animals can be seen on embroidered towels and aprons , on a painted chest X, on carved and painted spinning wheels; on the walls of ancient Russian cathedrals and in the decorations of huts , in the ornaments of initial letters. Ancient images of a horse and a bird were preserved in folk toys and dishes. Pommels for horse whips and combat bows were carved in the shape of animal or bird heads. Stylized animals and birds decorated hair combs, utensils and dishes. In ancient times, many natural phenomena were personified in the images of animals and everyone looked at these phenomena from the point of view that was closer to him, depending on his lifestyle and occupation: the point of view of the shepherd differed from the views of the hunter, and both of them - from the warrior. People transferred their knowledge about earthly animals to atmospheric phenomena.
A bird in folk arts and crafts could personify wind, cloud, lightning, thunderstorm, storm and sunlight. Ladles and salt shakers were carved in the shape of birds; embroidered birds decorated women’s clothing. . The image of a bird has widely entered the folklore of almost all peoples of the world.

The horse also represented everything natural phenomena, Related fast movement, - wind, storm, clouds. He was often depicted as fire-breathing, with a clear sun or a moon on his forehead, and with a golden mane. A wooden horse, made for children's fun, was often completely decorated with solar signs or flowers. . It was believed that this protected the child from evil forces. Images of horses can often be seen on objects household items(bucket handles, spinning wheels , spindles), on clothes .

In the northern regions, natural phenomena associated with horses were also attributed by ancient people to deer . Deer were often depicted near the tree of life on embroidered towel, sometimes they were placed instead of a ridge on the roof of the hut. The sacred role of the horse and deer in Scythian art is often associated with the hope of the successful ascension of the soul to another world.
The lion in the mythology of many peoples was a symbol of the sun and fire, as well as different times at different nations he personified higher powers, power, power and greatness, generosity, nobility, and intelligence. The image of a lion has existed in decorative and applied arts since ancient times.
For many centuries, the lion remained one of the favorite figures in Russian symbolism. In ancient Russian images associated with grand-ducal power, the image of a lion, depending on what surrounded it, had two meanings: power bestowed by God, and defeated force evil.

Folk craftsmen often carved lions on the front board of the hut or painted them on chests surrounded by floral patterns; craftswomen embroidered them.

Feminine. The Great Mother, in her terrible form as the weaver of fate, is sometimes depicted as a spider. All lunar goddesses are spinners and weavers of fate. The web that the spider weaves, weaves from the center in a spiral, is a symbol of the creative forces of the Universe, a symbol of the universe. The spider in the center of the web symbolizes the center of the world; The sun is surrounded by rays; The moon, representing the cycles of life and death, weaving the web of time. The spider is often associated with luck, wealth or rain. Killing a spider is a bad omen.

Spider depicted on an American Indian amulet

Thanks to the stability of religious canons, the meaning of symbols in the ornamentation of Egypt and the art of the countries of the Ancient East remained unchanged for many millennia. Therefore, for ethnographers and archaeologists, ancient ornaments are signs with which one can “read” a kind of magical texts.

Ethnocultural contacts, trade, military campaigns, religious missions, ambassadorial gifts and visiting artists contributed to the movement of works of art from one country to another, which led to the spread of artistic ideas and styles.
Often subsequent generations artists use previous art and create their own variations on it. Such a striking example is the swastika element, one of the earliest symbols, which is found in the ornaments of almost all the peoples of Europe, Asia, America, etc. Ancient images swastikas are already found in the culture of the Tripoli tribes of the 5th-4th millennium BC. e. In the ancients and medieval cultures The swastika is a solar symbol, a lucky sign, with which ideas about fertility, generosity, well-being, movement and power of the sun are associated.

Kolovrat or Solstice is one of the oldest ancient Russian symbols, personifying the Sun and solar gods Svarog, Dazhdbog and Yarila. The name of the symbol comes from the word “kolo” - sun.

The symbol itself looks like a circle with curved rays, which is why many associate it with the fascist swastika. Although this is fundamentally not true: the fascists really used this solar symbol, but not vice versa.

In 1852, the French scientist Eugene Bournouf first gave the four-pointed cross with curved ends the Sanskrit name “swastika,” which roughly means “bringer of good.” Buddhism made the swastika its symbol, giving it the mystical meaning of the eternal rotation of the world.
There is virtually no modern symbolism in the ornaments of modern times, despite the fact that it exists in abundance in the surrounding reality. As an exception, there may be the work of modernist artists. IN late XIX- early 20th century these artists tried to create their own symbolism and reproduce it in their work.
Ornament in their works no longer played a supporting role, but became an integral part of the image, organically woven into the outline of the plot.
At the same time, A. Bely, a theorist of Russian symbolism, wrote: “The symbolist artist, saturating the image with experience, transforms it into his work; such a transformed (modified) image is a symbol.” And further A. Bely records the main slogans of symbolism in art: “1. a symbol always reflects reality; 2. a symbol is an image modified by experience; 3. shape artistic image inseparable from the content."
In these three points, the famous poet and prose writer precisely formulated the basic principles of creating a symbolic work, which can be used in any form of art, including ornamental.

This article appeared due to the increased interest shown in the article “Solar Signs Around Us”. The topic of solar symbols fascinates many people. Firstly, its antiquity. Solar symbols have appeared since the beginning of time, perhaps at the very moment when man consciously looked at the shining circle of fire in the sky, the circle we call the Sun. Secondly, because this is one of the symbols often used by the Slavs. Thirdly, the theme of the sun is close to everyone, well, who among us is not happy when the sun comes out after a long period of bad weather?

In the modern RuNet there is a lot of different information on solar signs and, therefore, it is very important to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” That is, if you are interested real story this article can and should be read, if you are satisfied with pseudo-Slavic cranberries, then there is no point in reading the article, buy yourself some kind of “Perunitsa”, “Lada Star” or “original Slavic symbol"Kolovrat" and calm down. For those who are planning to reach the end, I advise you to be patient.

All illustrations in the article can be viewed in enlarged form (right mouse button - open image)

Sun worship.

Let's talk about how we know about solar signs, such as they were understood and depicted by the Proto-Slavs, Slavs and then the Russian people. The sources of our knowledge are primarily archeology and ethnography. Archaeological excavations provide numerous materials: jewelry, religious objects and household items. Ethnographers provide material in the form of house carvings, carvings of household items, embroidery and oral art, and rituals.

They talk about the antiquity of the cult of the Sun archaeological finds. For example, solar signs from the Sungir site. . The Sungir River is a tributary of the Klyazma, not far from Vladimir. The age of the disks is approximately 25,000 years (from 20 to 29 thousand years). In the graves of mammoth hunters, the disks were located in such a way that the version of their cult significance, primarily the amulet significance of solar signs, is seriously considered by many scientists. High level burial cultures, high tech in the manufacture of clothing (the hunter's clothing was embroidered with 10,000 thousand beads from mammoth bone), weapons (a spear made from straightened mammoth ivory) and household items speaks of the development of cults and culture in general. (read the article by O. N. Bader “Elements of the Cult of the Luminaries in the Paleolithic”)

It is believed that cults of sun worship were born in the Neolithic. And what is of particular interest is that these cults are common to almost everyone. Farmers, cattle breeders, and hunter-fishermen worshiped the sun in a similar way. Sun cults were similar among different ethnic societies, sometimes living far from each other and not connected in any way. The symbolic signs that are associated with the cult of the sun are also very similar. These signs have been preserved among many peoples of the world in one form or another, usually in the form of ornaments. In embroidery, folk crafts, in everyday life.

Solar signs of the Slavs.

Let's leave the distant past alone and talk about what, according to historians, happened quite recently. About the times of the formation of Kievan Rus and the first centuries of the formation of the Russian state. In particular, we are interested in real artifacts of the past, found by scientists, and “something” invented out of the minds of modern entertainers.

The topic of solar signs was most fully presented in his book “Paganism of Ancient Rus'” by the wonderful scientist B. A. Rybakov. His book traces several main theses regarding the solar signs that the Slavs used.

    The solar signs of the Eastern Slavs primarily carry a protective, protective meaning. The Slavs used various versions of solar signs to protect a person and his home from evil otherworldly, night forces. From ghouls and navi.

    Rybakov believes that the symbols of the sun were used by our ancestors not on their own, but as part of the universe, which the Eastern Slavs imagined as follows: the “firmament of the earth,” with plants, animals and people, was covered by the arc of the sky along which the sun moved. During this movement, the sun was depicted in several forms - Morning, Midday, Evening, all three suns together made up the Triune Sun. Often, below ground level, the Midnight Sun was depicted, which in the evening, having gone beyond one edge of the earth, appeared from behind the other edge in the morning. Above the firmament there were “heavenly abysses” in which all the moisture was stored, which then fell in the form of rain. Jets of rain connected the “heavenly abysses” with the earth.

    Rybakov suggests distinguishing sun signs by shape. For example, he fills a circle with four spokes with the meaning of a talisman “on all four sides.” The solar symbol with six spokes is traditionally called the thunder wheel and correlates it primarily with the cult of the sun. Rybakov correlates the solar sign with many spokes or rays not with the Sun but with the White Light, the concept of which he distinguishes from the concept of the Sun (read optionally from Rybakov about the White Light). Rybakov does not define solar symbols with eight spokes separately; he only speaks about the rarity of their use by the Slavs.

The main images of solar symbols that the Slavs used in life and everyday life.

A simple version of the solar symbol
Solar sign "on all four sides"
Solar sign "six spokes" - Thunder wheel
Solar sign "eight spokes"

Multi-beam solar sign.

This option has a large number of various images.

Multi-beam solar sign.

This option has a large number various images.

"Artistic" solar symbol.

This option has a large number various images.

Amulet meaning of solar signs.

According to scientists, solar signs were used by the Slavs primarily as protective, amulet symbols. The course of the sun across the sky was predetermined and has not changed since human memory. Day after day, the fiery wheel rose above the horizon and, having rolled across the sky, descended to the other end of the earth. I had to pray to the sky to send rain, I had to pray to the gods to protect me from bad weather, hail, invasion and other misfortunes. But the sun, for its unshakable course across the sky, could simply be revered and thanked. Day after day, the sun, rising above the horizon, gave people its warmth and light, dispelling the darkness of the night and driving away the cold. The sun embodied the victory of light forces over dark ones. The triumph of the forces of good over the forces of evil.

Therefore, solar signs carried within themselves, first of all, a protective meaning - the eternal victory of good over evil. What kind of dark creature would poke itself into where the bright and hot sun is depicted?

Thus, we can conclude that the Slavs and later the Russian people used numerous images of the sun as a powerful amulet symbol in the hope of protecting themselves and their home from all sorts of misfortunes “known and unknown”

Protective house carving of the Slavs.

The home, a sacred place for every person, had to be protected first of all. When enemies attacked, the man took a spear in his hands and went into battle, trying to defend his house. But what about invisible misfortunes, evil and malevolent spirits, navyas and ghouls? To protect the house from this threat, the Slavs used well-developed methods of house carving, the obligatory element of which was images of the sun.

All entrances to the hut were covered like locks with solar signs. This protective complex primarily included carvings on the piers and carved frames on the windows.

Rybakov clearly connects the ornamental carvings on the porches of huts with the Slavs’ understanding of the structure of the universe.

The prichelins embody the firmament, according to

to which the triune sun moves. Below on the left is rising, under the ridge is midday, on the right is setting. Several suns may be depicted, probably to enhance the effect. Under the ridge, on a vertical board - a towel, several sun signs could also be depicted. One of which was most often a thunder wheel. Images of a thunder wheel (six spokes) under the ridge were supposed to be used as a talisman against thunder and lightning. A wavy line was often drawn along the upper edge of the piers, which, according to Rybakov, represented “heavenly abysses.”

But covering the main entrance to the hut from evil forces was not enough. The windows also had to be protected. The protective function for the windows was performed by solar signs carved on the frames, among other ornamental patterns.

In addition to the external security complex, internal protection of the hut was also created. Ceiling beams (logs) called svolok or matitsa, which carry great domestic and sacred meaning in the hut, were also decorated with amulet carvings, including solar symbols.

Protective household carving of the Slavs.

The amulet carving of the Slavs extended to all aspects of human life. Protecting the hut was not enough. Therefore, protective measures were also taken for household items that people used in their lives.

Many objects were decorated with symbols of the sun. Dishes - ladles, clay pots, chests, chests. The backs of chairs and children's cradles were decorated with solar signs.

Among the protected household items and tools special place occupy those that were used in the production of fabric and clothing throughout the creation cycle. Tools and accessories for weaving and spinning were especially densely decorated with solar symbols. All objects are used in the cycle of creating fabric - rollers, crushers, ruffles, carders and others bore solar signs.

Spinning wheels were decorated with especially lavish carvings, often representing true work folk art. All work with yarn was considered sacred and often images associated with weaving were used in various magical rituals.

Rybakov believed that the protective carvings on the shovels of spinning wheels often not only carried images of the sun, but often reflected the Slavic worldview, with its earth’s surface, the course of the sun and the “heavenly abysses” connected to the earth by threads of rain.

Household items decorated with amulet solar carvings.

Items related to fabric production. Spinning wheels, rollers, ruffles.

I would like to dwell on this illustration in more detail. It is from the book by Darkevich V.P. “Journey to Ancient Ryazan”. Ryazan was destroyed by Batu's troops in the winter of 1237. There was never a city in this place again. The Ryazan that we know now was built in a different place.

Darkevich led the Staroryazan archaeological expedition for many years. A wealth of material was found, including numerous pot bottoms bearing marks. Very often the marks were solar symbols.

One hypothesis says that these signs are the personal marks of the masters. But Darkevich, after an in-depth study of the material, claims that these marks are symbols of amulets against evil spirits, applied to pots for magical purposes.

Protective clothing protection.

Having protected the hut, objects of labor and everyday life, it was necessary to protect oneself. Human clothing, both men's and women's, was covered with amulets embroidery or already woven with amulets ornaments. Ornamental images of solar signs, earth, and a sown field protected the “openings” of clothing—collars, sleeves at the wrists, and hem. Women's clothing was more carefully decorated.

Such a part of clothing as a belt was decorated with a talismanic ornament. Not a single Slavic costume could be imagined without a belt. The belt was a mandatory accessory to the costume. The belt was often used in folk customs, carrying a sacred protective and connecting meaning. Appearing in public without a belt was unthinkable.

Another sacred part of the costume of the Slavs and Russians was the headdress. The girl, after marriage, always wore a headdress to cover her head and hide her hair. Women in the hut did not take off their headdress like men. The women's headdress, as well as clothing, was richly decorated with embroidery and various metal products.

Often a woman’s headdress, especially a festive one, was a difficult-to-understand product, each detail of which carried one or another sacred and protective meaning. Decoration (especially festive) head women's clothing There were also various metal products, but more on that below.

Quantity various options and the richness of the decoration of women's headdresses amazes the imagination. But you can often find symbols of the sun that protect a woman from evil.

Here's another interesting illustration. On the left is a drawing of embroidery on magpies (one of the variants of women's headdress) from the book by Grigorieva G. A. "Hats of the Russian North."

This embroidery can be mistaken for some kind of traditional ornament with plant elements.

But! If we try to apply to this embroidery the theory of the Slavic universe according to Rybakov, we can easily discern in this embroidery the “firmament of the earth” - it is symbolized floral ornament, a firmament with many suns depicting its course, and a wavy line of “heavenly abysses” above the suns.

Here it is - the Slavic universe, depicted in the center of a woman's headdress.

Very often, instead of the traditional circle, a swastika symbol in the form of a four-rayed cross with curved ends was used as solar symbols in ornamental embroidery. Or various combinations connections of these symbols. Scientists traditionally include this swastika symbol in the group of solar signs; sometimes they talk about a second meaning of this sign. This sign symbolizes fire. However, the signs of fire are easily correlated with solar symbols, since the sun is nothing more than “heavenly fire.”

The presence of a swastika (traditional, four-rayed) in embroidery is connected, as one can assume, precisely with the embroidery technique. Rectangular symbols are easier to embroider (weave) than round ones; it is easy to build repeating complex patterns.

It should be especially noted that all the wealth of swastika symbols that in our time were invented by “neopagans” and with which online stores selling “pseudo-Slavic cranberries” are filled, is absent in folk embroidery.

Amulet jewelry and metal jewelry.

In the matter of jewelry, women have undoubted primacy. Exactly woman suit and, especially, the headdress is richly decorated with metal products that carry various protective meanings. Solar signs are almost always depicted on jewelry.

Necklaces, necklace pendants, headdress temple pendants, bracelets, rings often bore the image of the sun, additionally covering the owner from dark forces. The temple rings of a woman's headdress can also be correlated with solar symbols. It is interesting that pendants with images of the sun going down on both sides of the woman’s head seemed to cover the woman’s ears. After all, ears are holes in the body and evil can penetrate through them.

At this point it will be interesting to draw some kind of analogy. In my article about pagan women's tattoos, I wrote about the tattoos of Berber women. By applying protective protective tattoos, Berber women protected all the orifices of their bodies. This detail interestingly coincides with the construction of the amulet protection of the Slavic costume, in which they try to cover with embroidery all the holes through which dark forces can gain access to the human body. Apparently people both in Africa and here, in the territory occupied Slavic tribes thought the same.

Coin-shaped pendants (see below). From the book by Sedova M.V. “Jewelry of Ancient Novgorod. ( X-XV centuries). These pendants were found mainly in layers XI - XIII centuries and you can see how many of them carry the Christian cross and how many bear solar signs. Quite a comparable amount. This indicates the wide distribution of solar amulets in the form of coin-shaped pendants.

Rings with geometric patterns (see left). Most of the finds were made in the Moscow region in the basin of the upper Klyazma, its tributaries Uche and Vore, and in the basin of the middle Moscow River. All these finds were made in burials, in the burial mounds of the Vyatichi people. It is believed that the existence of these rings began in the third quarter of the 12th century. Among the patterns, patterns containing solar symbols in the center of the composition are easily distinguished. (T.V. Ravdina “Old Russian cast rings with geometric patterns”).

The Arabic numeral to the right of each ring design indicates the number of copies found.

As you can see, solar symbols and swastikas were a popular part of the ornaments.

Comparative table from the article by Darkevich V.P. “Symbols of heavenly bodies in the ornament of Ancient Rus'.” I - general view of jewelry of the X-XIII centuries, II - diagram of the ornament on jewelry, III - signs used as solar symbols in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Darkevich included decorations in the form of a cross in the table, some in the form of an explicit Christian cross, on the basis that the cross is an ancient symbol denoting fire and the sun, but nevertheless, in the era to which these decorations belong, these crosses carried an unambiguous meaning - the meaning of the Christian cross, so the basis for including such decorations in this table is doubtful.


Concluding the topic of the protective solar symbols of the Slavs, we can say the following - against the forces of evil, against dark forces and various misfortunes “known and unknown,” our ancestors used the mighty, so to speak, "deep in echelon" defense

The first line of amulet symbols protected the home.

The second is household and labor items.

The third line was used to protect people and especially women.

It can be assumed that this ritual of protection was developed by our ancestors long before the times of Kievan Rus and was used long after, already in Christian times, as a well-proven protection. However, the hidden semantic meaning of such protection began to gradually be lost.

There was actually another line of defense! But it no longer carried a material image of the sun signs, although it resorted to direct protection of the sun. More on this below.

Addition for those especially interested, like me J

The protective meaning of the sun in conspiracies.

Having almost finished this article, I thought about the fact that such a powerful faith in good power the sun should have left traces in oral creativity Russian people. In search of such traces, we can only operate with what ethnographers have collected for us in last centuries existence of Tsarist Russia. It is clear that we cannot see the amulet conspiracies of the Slavs, in the form in which they existed in pagan times. Century Orthodox faith introduced a strong Christian element into the conspiracies and in appeals to the active force, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and various Christian saints appear primarily. This is quite understandable and explainable.

But, you can find traces of the solar cult in its amulet meaning (the given quotes are taken from the book by A.L.T. Porkkov “Russian conspiracies from handwritten sources of the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries”). I won’t give all the conspiracies, just what is related to our topic.

A conspiracy from sorcerers, evil people and corruption.

Speak(s) on Ivan Friday morning at the lock. Lord bless, father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Behold, servant of the name, I will bless you, I will go and cross myself, wrap yourself in the red sun(emphasis added), I will gird myself with the bright dawn, sweat with the frequent stars, take the young bright moon in my hand, and go into the open field, and meet my guardian angel and the Most Pure Mother of God; and pray and cry: Cover me with your blood and your wings and protect me with your robe from the sorcerer and from the sorceress, from the sorcerer and from the thing, and from every evil person, and from every an evil parable on the waters and on the earth. ...

Hunting plot List from Timoshkin's letters to Polokhov.

Lord God, bless father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Saint Trufan takes me from rivers and lakes and from stranded guns. And the same holy Trufan receives to me, to the servant of God named son, from all four sides every duck to my holy films, my holy films have sugar, on my circles there is a honey drink of my choice, and eat your fill and drink drunk. The earth is the father and mother of every man, I will support it with the earth, and I will fence it off with the sky, I will gird myself with the dawn, I dress with the red sun from the witch, from witches and from witches, from every horse sorcerer and from every sorcerer from white and from black, from monks and from monks and from girls of the head, from dashing blood and from envy. ...

Conspiracies against arrows, bullets and adversaries.

This ace, the servant of God named, shielded by the sun, I am covered with stars, I dress as a visionary from sorcerers and sorceresses. Stand near me, servant of God by name, fireplace wall from our adversaries who are fighting against me. I conjure you, iron and brush, and tin, all kinds of arrows, flying day and night, at all times from cannon bullets, from a knife and from an ax, and from a reed, and from a saber, and from spears, and from a spear, and from an awl, and from a wooden blow. Amen.

These are the conspiracies. And in each of them the sun is present, as a good and strong protection from dark and evil forces. Regarding the formula from the first conspiracy “...I will wrap myself in the red sun...” Toporkov gives explanations by correlating this formula with the Christian basis (Revelations of John the Theologian), maybe he is right, but this phrase falls painfully precisely into our topic - the sun as a talisman. In the end, you can take it literally - wear clothes decorated with solar symbols.

As can be seen from the quotes, the main active force to which the one who speaks turns is the Christian - Orthodox force, but, however, the “name” does not forget to use the powerful amulet power of the “red sun”, as his ancestors did from time immemorial. In the conspiracy, the protective power of the sun is used against sorcerers and other evil people, as well as against weapons.

The most interesting thing is that this is not all.

Almost every amulet or security plot mentions the sun. It is almost always said that the spell is pronounced in the light of the sun - “at dawn, as the red sun rises”, “under the red sun”, “turning towards the sun”, “to the east, at dawn, under the red sun”. That is, the one who pronounces the spell, as it were, calls the sun as a witness, and the sun, in turn, illuminates both in the literal and divine sense, and consolidates this magical action. Often this consolidation occurs through an action, for example, walking around three times in the direction of the sun’s movement - “salt”, the person pronouncing the spell imitates the movement of the sun across the sky, thus further consolidating the spell.

Thank you for your attention.

nordicrunes, April 2015


Rybakov B.A. "Paganism of Ancient Rus'"
Darkevich V.P. “Symbols of heavenly bodies in the ornament of Ancient Rus'”
Darkevich V. P. “Journey to ancient Ryazan”
Voronov V. “Peasant Art”
Grigorieva G.A. "Hats of the Russian North"
Kruglova O.V. "Russian folk carving and wood painting"
Kutasov S.N., Seleznev A.B. " Pectoral crosses, cross-connected and cross-shaped pendants"
Lebedeva N.I. " Folk life in the upper reaches of the Desna and in the upper reaches of the Oka."
Kolchin B. A. “Novgorod antiquities. Carved wood"
Sedova M. V. “Jewelry of Ancient Novgorod (X-XV centuries)”
Toporkov A.L. (comp.) “Russian conspiracies from handwritten sources of the 17th-first half of the 19th century. (Traditional spiritual culture of the Slavs)"
Chekalov A.K. "Folk wooden sculpture"
Ravdina T.V. “Old Russian cast rings with geometric patterns”
Golubeva L. A. “Symbols of the sun in Finno-Ugric jewelry”
Badera O. N. “Elements of the Cult of the Luminaries in the Paleolithic”


Ornaments and symbols are still very popular today. Since historical times, people have firmly believed in evil spirits and spirits. To protect themselves from otherworldly far-fetched characters, people came up with protection in the form of various amulets on clothes depicting different signs and unusual symbols.

Various details of embroidery carry a completely unique significance: from birth to carrying out a person on his last journey.

Drawings traditionally passed down through generations are divided into four types:

  • plant origin
  • geometric patterns
  • botanical mixed with geometric
  • patterns representing gods in animal form

Needlewomen most often use floral and geometric embroidered patterns. Among knowledgeable embroiderers, patterns of plant origin have the following interpretations:

Rose symbolism

Since ancient times, the rose was considered the most revered sunny flower in Ukraine. Red roses, reminiscent of blood, symbolize life.

The ornaments and symbols created by noble needlewomen included flowers and rose leaves and were embroidered in a closed stripe, reminiscent of an endless wreath, denoting continuous life, rebirth and the renewed movement of the sun. Sometimes roses were depicted with a geometric pattern in the form of stars collected in the endless celestial surface.

Bunches of grapes

Grape patterns are recognized throughout central Ukraine. The Kiev, Poltava, and Chernigov regions are famous for their embroidered shirts and towels, decorated with large bunches of grapevines.

This vegetation means joy associated with marriage, the well-being of the future family, and peace. Garden - grapes are marked by a vital field. Here the husband is the sower, the breadwinner, and the wife is the keeper hearth and home. A bunch of grapes resembles a family tree with healthy and numerous members of the genus. The Ukrainian history of embroidery dates back to ancient times and reveals the meaning of ornaments and symbols.


The poppy was considered the most magical flower in Ukraine, protecting the family from the evil eye and problems. Blessed poppy seeds were scattered in the house, the owner's yard, and sprinkled on residents and animals.

The red color of the flower represents the blood of the dead. The poppy pattern, boxes with seeds, leaves represent protection from evil intent or the memory of fallen warriors - family members. Young women from the family of a deceased soldier wore wreaths of seven poppy flowers. This action signified an oath to protect and continue the family line.

White Lily

The tenderness and fragility of the lily flower is equated with girlish innocence, charm and beauty. The image of lilies and a pair of white swans look touching - a sign of pure, sincere love and endless fidelity. The lily is embroidered like a flower, leaves and bud, symbolizing the mystery of the birth of a new life and personifying feminine energy, as a symbol of purity, charm, virgin purity. The line drawing can be complemented by a cross blessing the young family. The image above the flower of a drop prophesies fertilization.


Even in ancient times, Perun was considered a powerful, formidable, omnipotent God. The symbolic sign of the above-mentioned God is the oak tree, which is considered a symbol of male strength, powerful vital energy, and inflexibility.

Clothing, towels and men's household items were decorated with a pattern depicting an oak tree, making Ukrainian men strong and courageous, proudly defending their family. Oak is a powerful plant that personifies the sun god, development and life. Oak and viburnum combine girlish beauty and masculine strength. They are often used to embroider shirts.

Viburnum is a symbol of the family

Kalina is a bush glorifying the Ukrainian family, reports girlish beauty the origin of life. Viburnum berries mean immortality Ukrainian people. A bush with life-giving flowers and fruits was planted in the yard. The old Slavs came up with a name for the sun - “kolo”. It is believed that viburnum took this name for itself. Juicy clusters of the above-mentioned berries indicate a healthy and strong family. Ukrainian craftswomen embroidered wedding towels and all kinds of shirts with clusters of red viburnum.

Symbolism of hop leaves

Embroidery in the central part of Ukraine - Podol is famous for the pattern of hop leaves. Hops are a sign of youth, carrying a positive energy reserve of feelings of love and rebirth. Shirts and towels intended for weddings were decorated with hops. It can be considered a wedding symbol, personifying the flow of life and a young, strong family.


The most powerful amulet in Ukrainian embroidery is a flowerpot with flowers, birds and Bereginya - a magical flower, marked by maternal power, reflecting the preservation of the entire human race. Ukrainians honor the symbol of the Bereginya, combined with their own mother, her affectionate and gentle hands. Bereginya of the human race is depicted as a flowering plant or a female silhouette. This is a sign of healing, cleansing, protection. It is embroidered with red thread with the addition of black. Shades of red signify the sun and cleansing fire.

The history of embroidery with creative images and the meaning of amazing patterns and iconic symbols is interesting. Chernobrivtsi are healing flowers that heal emotional distress and physical illnesses, personifying love for living nature.

Ornaments and symbols of the Sun and Water

In Slavic embroidery, patterns are used that symbolize the Sun and Water - the forces that support earthly life. The Sun and Water are parting symbols, like an octagonal flower. This amazing ornament connects the elements that support earthly life. Signs are perceived by solar and water parent energy. A flower with eight corners or a rosette is the Sun, and a twisted one is Water.

Geometric patterns

Popular type of embroidered pattern Slavic peoples- rhombus National folk embroidery is famous for its image of rhombuses. This is a strong amulet that brings happiness and good luck. The symbol is widespread and used in embroidery of Slavic ethnic clothing.

Ukrainian needlewomen, when embroidering all kinds of significant patterns, often used geometric designs, the meaning of which was made public.

  • The Earth and the Sun, supplemented by Water - symbols that give life to all living things, are indicated by symbolic rhombuses, which mean the fertility of the Earth, heated by the heat of the sun.
  • The stars represent the solar system and the universe, characterized by order and harmony.
  • A rhombus crossed by lines means a field, a plot of land.
  • A rhombus with dots in the center - fertility, fertilization.
  • The circle is a symbolism of the Sun and harmony.
  • The wavy contours are water sources.
  • Radiation - prosperity, blessing from heaven, a well-fed life.

The culture of all peoples of the world developed in its own individual direction and had its own special way formation. At the same time, in the monuments of the past that have survived to this day, one can easily discern common motifs that are simultaneously characteristic of all countries, nationalities and peoples of the world.

How to explain such amazing fact? If you delve closely into the history of art of each separate nation, one can trace a smooth transition from a primitive, untransformed consciousness, endowed with the simplest forms and images, to a more complex, highly artistic and sophisticated perception of reality.

The most compelling evidence of the commonality of cultures is the ornamental symbols that are present in the paintings of all modern peoples in the form of centuries-old, traditionally established artistic forms. If we analyze the elements of ancient ornaments, much will become clear in the way of thinking of the ancients, and the vector of development of global consciousness will come together.

First of all, it is worth noting that all folklore motifs were based on a mythological worldview. They are characterized by simplicity of lines, clarity of shapes and stability of repeating elements, the main ones of which are present to this day in the traditional ornaments of all peoples. Here are the most common and famous of them:

1. Symbolism of the feminine and masculine principles. In almost all cultures there are opposite images of Women and Men (in the abstract meaning of these forms). Most famous ornaments, one way or another, contain these forms in their composition as an integral attribute. For example, the simplest form in our opinion (X) underlies the symbol of the Masculine principle, and the opposite (+) symbolizes the Feminine principle. There are also combined symbols that combine both of these forms. The listed symbols are only the basic basis for drawing an ornament; they are supplemented and developed by numerous other elements.

Rosicrucian symbol. It signifies the atoning power of the blood of Christ and also represents the triumph of the spirit, the cycle of death and rebirth. In some interpretations it also symbolizes the union of the male and female divine principles. The Rosicrucians practiced black magic, cabalism and alchemy starting in the 17th century.

In the center of the embroidery is a symbol of the union of two clans, known as the Wedding Man. The fusion of masculine and feminine in one overall strength, unity and common destiny.

Traditional ancient Slavic solar symbols complement the action of the Wedding Party. Colard and Solard, solar crosses, were traditionally embroidered on the clothes of newlyweds.

Seal of Solomon, or Star of David

This is the famous magical seal of Solomon, or the Star of David. The upper triangle in her image is white, and the lower one is black. It symbolizes, first of all, the absolute law of analogy, expressed by the mystical formula: “What is below is similar to what is above.”

The Seal of Solomon is also a symbol of human evolution: one must learn not only to take, but also to give, absorb and radiate at the same time, radiate for the Earth, perceive from Heaven. We receive and are fulfilled only when we give to others. This is the perfect union of spirit and matter in man - the union solar plexus and brain.

2. Symbolism of Earth and Sky. Also, two clearly opposite concepts can act either in opposition to each other or together, creating a symbol of idyll and harmony (the symbol of the Earth is an inverted equilateral triangle, the symbol of Heaven is a circle with intersecting lines enclosed in it).

In Buddhism, as well as in Japanese burials, you can also find statues consisting of these figures. At the base there is a square, then there is a circle, after that there is a triangle. The square is a symbol of the earth, and the circle is a symbol of the sky. The whole figure symbolizes man and denotes the connection between heaven and earth.

3. Symbolism of the Sun. At the dawn of the development of the arts, ideas about the world were far from those of today, there was no faith in a single God, and the cult of numerous pagan gods was welcomed. One of the most revered is the god Ra in Egyptian mythology (aka Yarila among the Slavs, Helios among the ancient Greeks, Tonatiuh among the Mayans and Aztecs, the sun goddess Amaterasu in Japan, etc.). It is quite understandable that the only correct symbolism of the Sun can be a circle, represented by each nation in its own interpretation.

Solar symbolism is the symbolism of the solar element, the sun, and the light gods.

Variants of the image of the solar disk

Indo-Aryan symbols among the Saltovites

This is the Solar symbol. Russian name swastikas - “Kolovrat”, i.e. “solstice” (“kolo” is the Old Russian name for the sun, “vrat” is rotation, return). Kolovrat symbolized the victory of light (sun) over darkness, life over death, reality over reality.

4. Symbolism of movement and space. Depicted in ornaments in the form of a broken line. Moreover, what exactly the artist wanted to say largely depends on its direction and method of drawing. Thus, a smooth wavy line clearly means a positive direction - fertility, abundance, wealth, longevity, well-being in all its manifestations. A curve consisting of sharp lines speaks of repulsion, moving backward, breaking.

Swastika in the Star of England. The swastika is a symbol of the eternal circulation of the Universe; it symbolizes the Highest Heavenly Law, to which all things are subject. This Fire sign was used as a talisman that protected the existing Heavenly Law and order. Life itself curtained them from inviolability.

The circular mandala is associated with the natural cycles of the year. One of its axis was formed by the spring and autumn equinoxes, and the other by the summer and winter solstices. This is a universal symbol different cultures for the perception of space, time and direction.

Triquerta is a symbol-amulet, a symbol of movement.

The cross is a symbol of Unity and the key to Unity. A sign of the merger of the four cardinal directions - north, west, east and south. Each line of the cross is essentially a space-time spiral, which continuously generates two main flows of the Universe, as well as all its dimensions and levels.

This is just a small number of basic ornamental symbols that are common to all cultures at the same time. Ornaments made with their help can be complemented by other, less significant elements, creating a single harmonious composition, which, in addition to artistry, is endowed with a certain deepest meaning.

Woman with raised palms: Makosh, with lowered: Lada.

Most often they are depicted with deer on their sides. These goddesses were identified with two northern constellations - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. As you know, in Rus' these constellations were previously called Losin.


1) Bull is the sign of Veles.

2) The wolf is the sign of Yarila.

3) Raven - a sign of wisdom and death, Veles.

4) Tree - a sign of life and fertility; or - the Universe (World Tree).

5) The serpent is a sign of Earth, wisdom, Veles. Connected with the Lower World.

6) Horse is a sign of the Sun, Solar Gods.

7) Swan is a sign of Mary, death, winter.

8) Bear is a sign of Veles.

9) Reindeer (important) or elk - a sign of the Goddesses of Fertility (Rozhanits).

10) Eagle - sign of Thunder, Perun.

11) Rooster is the sign of Fire, Aguni.

12) Falcon is a sign of Fire, Aguni. There is an opinion that the “trident” (the coat of arms of the Rurikovichs and modern Ukraine) is a stylized image of a falcon in flight.

13) Cuckoo - a sign of life, Alive.

14) The goat is a sign of fertility, fertility.

15) The pig is a sign of fertility, abundance.


1) A wavy line is a sign of Water. Rain is depicted by vertical lines, rivers, underground waters - by horizontal lines, "heavenly abysses" - by horizontal lines.

2) Gromovnik (six-pointed cross in a circle or hexagon). Sign of Thunder (and Perun). Used as a talisman against lightning; is also a military amulet.

3) A square (or rhombus) divided by a cross into four parts - (plowed field). If there are dots inside, the field is sown. These are signs of Earth and fertility.

4) Kolokres (cross in a circle). The sign of the Sun, a barrier and aversion to evil, a sign of closure.

5) Krada (“lattice”) is a sign of Fire. Krada is a sacrificial or funeral pyre.

6) Cross (equilateral cross: straight or oblique) - a sign of Fire (and the God of Fire - Aguni).

7) Month - Sign of the moon, month. The “lunar” pendants are known.

8) A cockscomb with seven protrusions is a sign of Fire.

9) Horn of plenty. A sign of wealth, abundance.

10) Yarga (swastika). Otherwise, it's a whirlwind. There are a huge number of style options. Yarga is the sign of the Sun (and, accordingly, the Sun Gods: Khorsa, Dazhdbog, etc.).

Based on the direction of rotation (salt/anti-salt), the sign of the light Sun (sun of Yavi) and the sign of the dark Sun (sun of Navi) are distinguished.

The Sun of Reveal is a beneficial, creative Power; The Sun Navi is a destructive Force. According to Slavic myths, after sunset the Sun illuminated the Underground (Nav), hence the name.

We know that the Sun is not under the Earth at night, but it is difficult to doubt that the Sun has a destructive aspect... There are two interpretations for determining the direction of rotation of a sign; the traditional one, as far as I know, is this: the ends of the rays are bent against the direction of rotation.

11) A tree (most often a Christmas tree) is a symbol of the interconnection of everything in the world, a symbol of long life.

12) Spiral - a symbol of wisdom; if the color scheme is blue-violet - secret knowledge. The most powerful aversive sign for all dark entities of the shadow world - if the color is red, white or black.

13) Triangle is a symbol of man; especially if accompanied by small dots or circles on the apex side. Symbol of human communication.

Even 100 years ago, while studying embroidery, V. Stasov noted: “among the peoples of the old world, the ornament never contained a single extra line, each stripe had its own specific meaning here...

This is a complex language, a consistent melody that had its main reason and is intended not only for the eyes, but also for the mind and feelings." This is an invaluable amulet that has been passed down from generation to generation.

A little about the technique of embroidering Slavic ritual clothing.

The meaning of the main symbols of Slavic ritual embroidery, the principle of transmitting positive energy through embroidery.

In ancient times, only girls embroidered clothes, since they could not do anything in the field. The earth, as a manifestation of feminine energy, was supposed to be cultivated only by women with children.

It was believed that seeds sown by a girl simply would not germinate, since she did not yet have the power of fertilization.

In Slavic families, girls sewed and embroidered, old women cooked and looked after children, and mothers worked in the fields and did other housework.

A girl preparing for marriage had to embroider wedding towels, holiday towels, and shirts. By the time of her marriage, she had already prepared clothes for the whole family.

Shirts, embroidered by caring hands, were passed on by inheritance, first to children, then to grandchildren. Such clothes served as a talisman for the whole family.

Girls were taught to embroider starting from the age of three, thereby instilling patience, diligence, perseverance and understanding of family symbols.

Correct embroidery requires the absence of tangled threads and knots on the reverse side, that is, correct embroidery should be harmonious.

The front side of the embroidery symbolizes a harmonious world, and the back side symbolizes our attitude to this world. Clothes with knots are allowed to be worn only by ignorant people who do not believe in the sacred meaning of embroidered clothing, this is the varna of workers, for them spirituality does not matter, they realize the energy of the lower chakras.

The main technique for embroidering ritual clothing is the cross, which symbolizes vital energy, protection, and connection with the world of ancestors. The cross stitch technique includes embroidery with alatyrs, that is, a double cross, and perunichs, that is, a thin cross.

Clothing for warriors and hunters is embroidered with a double cross, designed to protect a man in extreme situations.

Embroidery is a kind of structured matrix, a reflection of the Universe and its divine images.

The Goddess Makosh or Earth is embroidered in the form of a square, rhombus or rectangle. The rhombus is also a symbol of family, one's home, one's ancestors. Unlike a man, for whom the whole world is his field of activity, a woman’s field of activity is her home, which she must fill with energy.

The element of air was conveyed in the embroidery by tick-birds flying away to warmer lands, just as our ancestors fly away to Iriy, in order to then incarnate again and return to their family.

The element water was depicted by meanders, wavy lines, broken lines, both horizontal and vertical. Horizontal lines meant earthly water, which in legends and myths was called the Smorodinka River. The Smorodinka River separates the world of Navi and the world of Yavi.

Vertical lines are a symbol of the flows of divine energy descending to the earth.

Fire is a symbol of light, warmth, life. There is an internal and external manifestation of the element of fire. The internal manifestation of the element of fire is fire in the hearth, the external manifestation of the element of fire is the sun.

The element of fire is a symbol of life, light, warmth. There is an internal and external manifestation of fire. The inner is the fire of the hearth. The external is the sun. Our ancestors considered the circle to be a symbol of the sun. The sun of Trypillian culture is a spiral twisted in a circle.

Solar energy was also symbolized by a cruciform Kolovrat and an equilateral cross, showing the sun in its manifestations: summer and winter solstices, autumn and spring equinoxes. Another meaning of Kolovrat is a symbolic display of the solar system and galaxy.

Our ancestors used the spiral symbol not only in embroidery, but also in the construction of dwellings, which were usually located in a circle. In the center of this circle there was a temple where people gathered for various celebrations and veneration of gods and ancestors. In this case, the spiral symbolized the unification of the people into a single whole.

The main patterns that are used in traditional Slavic embroidery: meanders, geometric patterns, floral patterns, zoomorphic patterns, anthropomorphic patterns.

The main motifs of embroidered towels and clothing: alatyr - an eight-petalled star that brings love, peace and harmony to the house; bereginya - a woman with her hands lowered or raised, symbolizing female wisdom and motherhood. Bereginya is a symbol of Mother Earth Mokosha and her daughter Lada.

A few more plant motifs that our great-grandmothers used to embroider women’s clothing: grapes - a symbol of connection with the ancestors of the family, a symbol of fertility; a rose that reveals feminine charm and attractiveness; viburnum is a symbol of girlish purity, health and happiness.

Oak embroidered on men's clothing symbolized masculinity, fortitude, honor and courage.

A knowledgeable woman can heal with the help of embroidery by passing divine energy through herself while embroidering. The canvas on which the embroidery is applied symbolizes the world of Reveal, the embroidery itself is information emanating from the world of Pravi, which the embroiderer receives from her gods and ancestors.

The thread is literally the thread of fate; if it gets tangled, then this indicates the confusion of the embroiderer’s thoughts, that she needs to cleanse herself before embroidering further.

The needle is like a magic wand that makes all wishes come true. While holding the needle, the embroiderer brings all her fingers together, concentrating the energy at the tip of the needle. All this is the magic of embroidery.

Before you start working with ritual embroidery, the needle must be spoken. Putting the needle on your hand and covering it with your other hand, we call upon the Living Mother and the Light of the Most High Family.

Feeling the flow of energy passing through the top of the head and the warmth spreading throughout the body, we merge with the needle into a single whole, only after that it will become a magic wand, a conductor of divine energy.

To enhance the healing energy of embroidery, it is recommended that while working on a thing, imagine the image that we want to embody, the image that we want to put into a structured embroidery matrix. During embroidery, the memory of the family awakens, the memory of past incarnations.

A spell that is used to charm a needle: I spell my needle - for health, for joy. May my thoughts come true, may all those images in life come true. Let it be so forever and ever, like the eternal stone Alatyr.

An embroiderer of ritual clothing must have a set of enchanted needles; she has no right to pass them on even to her daughters. It is best to store the needles in a piece of clean white cloth, which cleans the needles and removes negative information.

You cannot use a hoop to embroider ritual clothing and towels, since neither good nor bad can penetrate the circle, that is, the energy of Zhiva ceases to nourish the images that are embroidered inside the circle.

In addition, the movement of the needle from top to bottom symbolizes the world of Navi, and this changes the whole meaning of ritual embroidery.

The cross stitch technique has its own principles: we begin to embroider to the left, laying the left-sided feminine energy. Returning to the right, we lay down the male image.

The magic of Slavic embroidery works regardless of whether a person believes in it or not, since all the images used in embroidery were laid down by generations of women who know the secrets of transmitting positive energy.