Slavic symbols and their meaning. Male Slavic symbols

In past centuries, embroidery for peasants was never just decoration. On the contrary, Slavic ornaments were considered a powerful magical tool capable of creating order out of chaos. In order for life to develop according to the desired scenario, a person had to have a supernatural image, as if a reduced “model” of well-being. This role was played by elements of embroidery on clothing or woven household items, made with one’s own hand or by those closest to them.

Of course, the products were not made just like that, but according to strictly observed canons. When embroidering motifs, not only the exact execution of the element was required, but also the quality of the stitches, equally beautiful on the front and back sides, without knots. From this, the magical power of the product increased many times over and formed an even and strong energy field around the owner.

Different symbols of the Slavs had different thematic meanings. Each element of the ornament performed a specific function: protection from diseases, assistance in spiritual quests, preservation of the family, etc.

For example, in Sverdlovsk region It was customary for loved ones to embroider something with the following symbol:

It means "Unity and harmony of masculine and feminine", serves to strengthen love and family ties. And the women’s amulet “Blessing of Mother Earth and Ancestors” (Tver region) looks like this:

These Slavic ornaments on clothes gave the woman the belief that she would have many healthy, strong and smart children, and that her youth would not fade for a long time.

“The Sun’s blessing of grains in a field” (Perm region) can be interpreted by contemporaries as a talisman for successful business and academic success, mastering new knowledge:

There is another interpretation of this symbol - “The Holy Union of the Sun and Earth.” Our ancestors believed that this ornament guaranteed a bountiful harvest.

IN Yaroslavl region a light curtain over a cradle, and the clothes of children and teenagers were often decorated with the following embroidery:

It is called “The Blessing of the Seven Elements”: fire, water, earth, air, matter, spirit and mind. Served to protect children from all misfortunes.

“True love” is already a wedding talisman from Perm region:

Slavic ornaments, on which S-shaped figures are embroidered, depict pairs of white swans. And the red motifs between them form repeating symbols of Mother Earth. They bless the couple, grant protection from any harm, real and eternal love based on friendship, respect and care.

Ritual embroidery for expectant mothers “Healthy pregnancy and happy motherhood” from the Perm region looks like this:

This is like a graphic spell for a healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth - a blessing from Mother Earth for the mother and baby.

In the computerized era, you won’t see outfits with such embroidery, except that in winter you can see mittens with an ornament on a child. And still ancient art embroidery of pagan symbols has not gone into oblivion, it is actively being revived. Slavic ornaments attract not only their beauty, but the belief in them is still alive magical power. This is, of course, good, it means it survived folk art. A new wave Symbolic art will certainly revive interest in the knowledge of our ancestors.

Slavic patterns and their history

Since ancient times, the art of the Slavs has been distinguished by its mystery and belief in magical powers. All this is clearly expressed by Slavic patterns, which were used for various purposes and individual patterns and compositions were created according to them. Each pattern was believed to have a special and individual magical power that could protect, strengthen, or even make richer anyone who wears it.

Mysterious Slavic patterns and their meanings

As everyone knows, art and religion are opposite poles, which, nevertheless, cannot exist without each other. It's funny that the religion of our ancestors had a very interesting origins: these include Slavic patterns and other symbols, which later became church symbols. Even ancient Russian temples and divine fortresses were completely decorated with special ornaments. So let's talk and reveal the mysterious letters, signs, and find out what the Slavic pattern is and where it is used...

Architecture and ancient beliefs

For us, ordinary tourists and eternal passers-by, numerous Slavic churches seem simply beautiful and interestingly decorated, but in fact they can also be dangerous for people with an unclean soul. The fact is that thanks to its ancient alphabet At first glance, cute and harmless patterns, the Slavs could cast a kind of spell that could torture and heal the unclean.

If you look closely, you will notice that all Slavic patterns have their own meaning, for example, above almost all the entrances to the temple, on the top left side, there is a small “picture”, which is a guardian of peace. The Slavs believed that it was thanks to this pattern that when entering the temple, people were seized with peace and harmony, which gave strength to any lost soul.

Often, each temple was surrounded by Slavic patterns, which symbolized restraint. But this is not the only interpretation, since there is an opinion that this belt symbolized majesty, since it often had a chic and voluminous relief, it can be compared to a royal belt or crown...

The most interesting thing is that you cannot give a name to each and every one, since Slavic patterns have millions of varieties. Each ornament changed from year to year, and each spiritual representative had the right to change all meanings or add new ones. It is also important that each pattern was cut by hand, but only believers and adult craftsmen took part in the work, who gave their lives to art and faith.

Clothes: how they were selected and decorated...

The most interesting thing was the production of shirts and sundresses, which were decorated with Slavic patterns. The patterns were selected directly for the person who subsequently wore the item. As a rule, such ornaments were created with the aim of making the character of its owner stronger and more resilient. For example, if a boy was born weak, then he needed a pattern that would give strength, and if a girl was unkempt, then, accordingly, the pattern should give her cleanliness and neatness... The most important thing was that the pattern was selected after 5-6 years, this complex task belonged to the grandmother, and until the child was five years old, he wore clothes with a protective Slavic pattern.

Slavic patterns

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The ancients believed that evil forces could penetrate through the edges of clothing (hem, sleeve edges, collars), and therefore these parts of clothing had to be protected with embroidery.

Ornament (from the Greek “ornamentum”) decoration.

In Rus' they used the word “pattern”.

"Pattern" comes from ancient Slavic word“behold” - see. See the beauty.

In Slavic ornament, red is the main color.

Geometric patterns are inherent in all Slavic mythology.

The rhombus is the most common embroidery pattern of all East Slavic peoples.

The diamond has many meanings: sun, fertility, agriculture.

A rhombus with extended sides is a symbol of the crown of a log house.

A rhombus divided inside into 4 parts is a plowed field.

A rhombus with dots inside is a symbol of a sown field.

A rhombus with hooks at the top and bottom (rhombus-frog) is a symbol of the feminine principle in nature (fertility, birth of children).

A cross with curved ends (solar sign) is a symbol of the solstice, the change of day and night.

There is a wide variety of designs and two directions of rotation.

Horizontal wavy line- symbol of water.

A straight horizontal line is a symbol of the earth.

A female figure with arms raised to the sky stands in the center of the pattern

and dominates the animals and plants around her - a symbol of Mother Earth.

At her feet there is a jagged line - water.

The East Slavic goddess Bereginya, or Mokosh (Makosh), was considered the patroness of water, family hearth, and fertility.

"Firebird" - spring sun.

Guardian horse hearth and home. According to legend, the horse participated in the movement of the sun across the sky.

Eagle, falcon, rooster - in different regions of Russia these three birds symbolized fire.

“A pair of birds” is a symbol of the bride and groom.

Floral patterns – prosperity, wealth, birth of children.

A variety of plants are found in embroidery depending on the area.

In the south - roses, periwinkle. In the middle zone there are cornflowers and ferns, in the north there are coniferous branches.

The image of a sacred tree is found among many peoples.

In Rus', the sacred tree was the birch.

Ukrainian embroidery is characterized by the following floral patterns:

“Grapes”, “Hops”, “Oak Leaves”, “Periwinkle”, “Roses”, “Currant”, “Viburnum”, “Lily”.

"Periwinkle" is a symbol of unfading life.

"Apple circle" divided into 4 parts and opposite parts,

made in one color - a symbol of love.

"Grapes" is a symbol of family.

"Stars" are a symbol of the Universe.

"Lily" is a symbol of girlish purity and innocence.

“Oak” is a symbol of male energy and life.

“Hop” refers to wedding and youth symbolism.

“Tree of Life” - an ancient symbol depicted in the form of stylized leaves and branches.

The sun is the source of life, possessing life-giving power.

Hello, dear readers!

At first glance, it may seem that the figures and ornaments in the pattern are only a figment of the imagination of its author. In fact, all its constituent elements are symbols of ancient knowledge.

They are part of mythology and cultural heritage of this or that people. And today we'll look at some buddhist patterns and learn their meaning using the example of Buryat ornaments - ugalza.

Definition and functions performed

The word ornament in Latin means “decoration, pattern.” His main characteristic feature is that it is not independent, that is, it cannot exist separately from the object it decorates.

But decoration is not the only function of this image. It also serves for protection, as a talisman and for the transmission of certain information that reveals the properties of objects or phenomena, the qualities of a person.

Not every pattern is destined to become an ornament. For a pattern to fit this definition, the patterns in it must alternate or repeat in a certain order.

Creative sources

Where do the ideas for this type of creativity come from? Usually they are drawn from folk faith, the natural environment of many generations, and their way of life.

All patterns are divided into:

  • cosmogonic (natural);
  • zoomorphic (animalistic);
  • geometric;
  • vegetable;
  • cult.

Variety of constituent elements

The most popular motifs are suggested by nature itself. These are rain, thunderstorm, water, wind, sun, moon, stars, fire, rainbow, mountains and also mythical animals elevated to the rank of deities.

Animals may not be depicted in their entirety. Some part of their body is often taken as the basis. The most popular is the “horned” pattern, where the image of a horn is repeated.

The most ancient motifs are various geometric figures:

  • straight,
  • zigzag lines,
  • spirals and curls,
  • different types of crosses,
  • circles and circles,
  • diamond patterns.

They symbolically convey natural phenomena related to fertility. For example, round shapes represent the celestial bodies, zigzag and wavy shapes represent the air environment, reflecting the influence of wind, clouds and clouds on obtaining a good harvest.

Plant patterns include images of leaves, flowers, stems, shoots, fruits, and trees. Special sacred meaning for any Buddhist has an image of a lotus flower. It usually forms the throne of deities in Buddhist icons, on which they sit or stand.

Since the green world draws strength from nature, floral motifs usually personify motherhood, vitality, and powerful energy.

Peoples who professed always tried to live in harmony with nature. She inspired them to create unique and original designs. Buryat patterns are similar to the motifs of ancient and modern South Siberian and Central Asian nomads and semi-nomads.

Elements in iconic images

Speaking about Buddhist ornamentation, one cannot fail to mention 8 auspicious symbols, which can be found everywhere both in churches and on altar tables in the homes of believers. This

  • umbrella white,
  • two goldfish,
  • treasure vessel,
  • sink with right turn,
  • endless knot ,
  • victory banner,
  • golden wheel.

8 symbols of Buddhism

In different Buddhist cultures, these objects are interpreted differently: in China they are associated with the internal organs of the Buddha, in Tibet - with parts of his body. Also, each of these items has many more independent meanings.

Description of some images

All Mongol-speaking peoples, including the Buryats, prefer geometric shapes. Among them, the most common patterns are:

  • hammer (alkhan hee, meander),
  • wickerwork (ulzy),
  • (has).

Hammer motif has many varieties: ancient Greek classics, simpler and more complex options. The meander contains the idea of ​​continuous movement:

Meander Pattern

The herders also expressed their respect for the artisans and love for the craft itself by using the name ancient instrument– a hammer in the designation of this ornament.

It is a well-known fact that nomadic tribes became famous as great craftsmen in the manufacture of jewelry and horse harness.

The scope of application of the meander is wide. They decorate both hard and soft objects. This:

  • parts made of wood;
  • furniture;
  • felt products;
  • embroidery;
  • cloth;
  • utensils;
  • harness;
  • musical instruments.

Patterns for nomadic dwellings

If earlier the hammer ornament was found only on things dear to the heart, then in the age of workers it can be seen everywhere.

Swastika– symbolizes:

  • the path of the sun around our planet;
  • four Seasons;
  • life;
  • light;
  • abundance;
  • generosity.

The two Sanskrit words from which “swastika” is derived together mean “welfare.”

The image focuses on the winter and summer solstices and the four cardinal directions. The swastika can show movement either clockwise or counterclockwise. Accordingly, this symbolizes masculine and feminine energy, as well as good and evil.

The right-handed swastika dominates the material and controls energy on the physical level in order to prevent lower forces from manifesting themselves.

The left-sided swastika gives freedom to both physical strength and instincts, which interferes with the influence of higher forces. She personifies black magic and negative energy.

This symbol can be seen in all places associated with Buddhism: on statues, rocks, in temples, on, in caves.

Ulzy- This is an image in the form of weaving, which is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. The sign can be framed with floral motifs. It is placed on an object made of any material, and can be woven from beads. In Buddhism it means infinite, which echoes the meaning of a meander.


Tattoo in Buddhism

Many Buddhist images look impressive on the body in the form of tattoos. The attitude of Buddhists themselves to this is ambiguous.

Some Buddhist branches have a neutral attitude towards drawing, others are strongly negative, especially when sacred patterns placed on their feet by people who do not adhere to the Buddhist faith.

However, in southeastern countries There is the practice of Sak Yant - applying sacred images to the body.

A specially trained Buddhist master applies the desired design using bamboo sticks and either oil (if the client wants no one to see it) or ink. At the same time, he reads prayers, and upon completion, he becomes the customer’s spiritual teacher. The image acts as a talisman.

Getting a tattoo at the Sak Yant festival in Thailand

Among the popular tattoos is the image of unalome. It symbolizes enlightenment. Winding lines represent the vicissitudes of fate, and straight lines represent victory over weaknesses and desires and spiritual purity.


Buddhist ornamentation has not yet been sufficiently studied. If all its mysteries are ever revealed, ideas about the unique Buddhist culture will certainly expand significantly.

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Back in Paleolithic times, humanity learned the art of ornament. Valuable information was embedded in the repeating pattern. Such an image can evoke associations that intertwine with each other and help to understand the full depth of the work.

Ancient Slavic culture in patterns and ornaments

They have absorbed many sacred, magical meanings and have special energy. The signs were used by the Magi for sacraments and rituals. With their help, shamans could erase the boundaries between worlds and travel to the dark or light world, communicate with the gods, and pay tribute and respect to the forces of nature. A person who lived among nature continuously observed it, transferred its lines to fabric, dishes, and household items. Each line was non-random and was endowed with its own meaning. The ornament helped the ancient Slavs protect their home, themselves and their family; for this purpose, patterns were applied to windows, entrance openings, clothes, and towels.

Traditional colors in symbolism

The ornament was applied to clothing with special care, as it protected the wearer from evil spirits. The ritual pattern was applied to vulnerable parts: neckline, collar, hem, sleeves.


Most of the embroidery was red, as a symbol of life and love. This color protects living things. Red is also a sign of energy, fire, that is, the sun. He grants healthy body, warmth, removes any evil eye.

It is not without reason that ordinary phenomena were endowed with the epithet “red”: the red sun, giving life to all living organisms; spring is red - the personification of the beginning of life; red summer - dawn, life triumphs; red maiden - beautiful girl, healthy, full of strength etc.


In combination with red, it enhanced the protective effect of the ornament. Black is the fertile Mother Earth, this color was assigned the role of protecting a woman from infertility.

The sign, embroidered with a black zigzag, means an unplowed field; it was worn by girls who needed to be impregnated. Wavy black lines indicate a plowed field, ready for the grains to germinate, that is, for fertilization.


Blue color protected from bad weather and natural elements. It was used mainly on men's clothing, because it was the man who was often away from home, getting food or being at war. Blue water is the sky on earth, its reflection. Blue embroidered ornament on a person’s dress tells us that he has embarked on the spiritual path of self-improvement.

Masculine color, a sign of readiness to protect a woman. If a young man gave a girl a blue embroidered scarf, this meant that he had the most serious intentions, he was ready to protect his chosen one for the rest of his life. Important point: the man himself always tied the gift on the girl’s head, thereby confirming his intentions.


Green color was endowed with the power of plants and helped protect the body from wounds. Symbol of the Forest, youth and rebirth. The Tree of Peace, sown fields and young shoots were depicted in green.

The Slavs had names: - a green garden meant a blooming life; - the green wilderness, the same as “far away lands”, very far away; - green wine had a negative connotation - strong alcohol intoxication. But, at the same time, this color denoted the space of a stranger, places inhabited by evil spirits.

In the southern region, the Slavs had conspiracies that helped drive out evil spirits on the " green grass", "green tree", "to the green mountain". They also had green body parts mythological heroes: the hair and eyes of the mermaid and the goblin, and the merman himself was all the color of sea mud.


The dual color is white. It is associated with everything pure, bright, holy, but at the same time it was considered mourning. Any other color can be combined with this color, so white is a symbol of harmony and reconciliation. Also White light- This is the space that is intended for human life.

People with pure thoughts and bright thoughts were described as follows: white hands, white face, white birch tree. Everything that is spiritual, bright and good in the world is reflected in the color white: - white tablecloths protect guests from evil thoughts; - white sheets protect from death; — white underwear creates a barrier to grief and illness; — a white apron can protect female organs from the evil eye.

Slavic symbols and their meaning

Alatyr Another name is the cross of Svarog, an eight-petal star. This is the Eye of Rod. It was applied to the clothes of knowledgeable people; the sign acted as a talisman on a dangerous and long journey. The cross combines all svargas, two-headed and tri-headed and many other sacred symbols, since it is the basis of all things.


This symbol has many names: Rozhanitsa, Mother of the World, Goddess of the Home and others. She protects her entire clan, family, hearth, children. Beregina is allowed to rule in heaven, in nature, she was responsible for fertility. Female image embroidered with raised or lowered hands as a sign of amulet and blessing.

The embodiment of the Universe, the center and axis of the world, the personification of the entire Family. Women, so that the family is strong and healthy. In the minds of the Slavs, the World Tree was given a place in the center of the world, in the middle of the ocean on an island of land. The branches stretch to the sky, gods and angels sit in the crown. And the roots go deep underground, into the Underworld, where demonic entities and demons live. Bereginya and the Tree of Knowledge were interchangeable. Often the Goddess of the House was depicted with roots instead of legs - a sign of the earth.


The well-known swastika sign originates from the Slavic peoples (it acquired a negative meaning thanks to Hitler and the Nazi army). Kolovrat, or Solstice, is the most ancient and deeply revered pagan amulet. It was considered the most powerful protective sign, which personifies the unity of the Family, its continuity, the rotation of everything and everyone. This is how the idea of ​​Eternal Renaissance received a symbolic embodiment.

The direction of rotation of the swastika (salting/anti-salting) determines the summer and winter sun. The aspiration along the course of the sun (Revelation) is bright, it is a Creative force, a certain symbol of energy control, superiority over existing matter. She is opposed left-handed swastika(Sun Navi), this is the triumph of everything earthly, the superiority of the material essence and instinctiveness of things.

Undoubtedly, the most common symbols were those that brought happiness. Orepei (or Arepei) is one of them. The comb rhombus received this name in Ryazan region. In other regions it is known as oak, well or burr. The rhombus itself in Slavic ornamental tradition has many interpretations: agriculture, fertility, it was believed that it was also feminine, the sun.

A sign with a dot in it meant land planted with seeds. On the woman’s robe, in the area of ​​the shoulder, Orepey represented the World Mountain, Alatyr-stone with a god sitting on it. The gates to another world were embroidered on the hem. On the elbow means ancestor. Often the diamond pattern ended with crosses. This is how the Slavs believed that they were spreading happiness and goodness to all four sides. The symbol of a sown field brought prosperity, success, wealth to the Slavs, increased vitality, gave a person self-confidence.


The sign of Perun (the thunder god) was depicted as a cross with six ends, which was inscribed in a hexagon or circle. At first, it could only be used by men and exclusively in a military environment; it was depicted on the weapons and armor of warriors. It was believed that Gromovnik had a detrimental effect on feminine energy. Later, the ornament began to be applied to simple clothing and homes to protect against destructive lightning. Shutters and door frames were often decorated with this sign.


The Heavenly Mother of God is the arbiter of destinies. With her daughters Dolya and Nedolya, she weaves the threads of fate for gods and people. Those who adhere to a righteous lifestyle, honor the saints, know the canons, draw good lots, and Makosh gives them a Share, good fate. For those people who follow the lead of their desires and selfishness, Nedolya will be the mistress of fate. Makosh is the patron of fertility, women's handicrafts, and on her shoulders is the responsibility for the crossroads of the Interworld.

The symbol helps to call upon the power of the gods for help, it protects, heals, helps to find harmony and happiness. A sign that looks like a loop has the ability to connect torn, confused and broken parts into a single whole.


Water acted not only as an element, it is knowledge, the beginning of which is in the Interworld. The personification of the Currant River, which serves as the border between Reality and Navy, a river that carries the knowledge of ancient ancestors, oblivion and death. The Ra River is a bright road to God. Brings knowledge top level and the milk river in Iria bestows immortality.

A strong amulet that personifies the union of two Clans. This ornament was always present in wedding embroidery. The pattern means the eternal spiritual, mental and physical merging of entities: two newlyweds and two Clans. The threads of Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience of both Clans are intertwined into a new created Life System.

Strong and weak principles in the Wedding Book are indicated by color: male - red (fire), female - blue (water). The combination of the energies of the two Elements generates a new universal energy and is a manifestation of endless life in time and space.


In the culture of the ancient Slavs, Ognevitsa was a strong female amulet. Beneficial influence It turned out only on a mature female body and a formed soul. This image was not allowed to appear on the clothes of young girls. Ognevitsa worked effectively on married women who have given birth to at least one child. She protected from everything bad, from an accidental word to purposeful evil deeds.

Carrying a sacred meaning, Ognevitsa was embroidered only on clothing; it cannot be found on household items. This symbol is able to ward off any misfortune from a woman and direct her to positive aspirations. Slavets, a swastika solar symbol that helps protect women’s health, often appears in tandem with her. The Slavs knew that Ognevitsa enhances the effect of the energy flows of protective symbols that are located next to it.


Stribozhich directs his creative energy towards protection from the elements (hurricane, blizzard, storm, drought and others). The amulet gave immunity to the entire Family and the family's household. Sailors also loved this symbol. They carved signs on ships, and Stribozhich gave them good weather. Farmers and grain growers revered him. Embroidered on work clothes, the pattern called for a cool breeze in the hot midday heat. There is an opinion that the blades windmills were built in accordance with the arrangement of the petals of the symbol. This made it possible to use wind energy most efficiently.

The Slavs attached great importance color scheme. The red blades of the sign indicate solar energy, activity. The inner space of white color means unity with the Universal heavens, the place where energy originates. The outer blue color speaks of sacredness, the highest stage of spiritual development. This wisdom is not given to everyone; it is given only to a select few.


Spiral is a sign of wisdom. Pattern of blue color meant sacred wisdom. The ornament, made in other colors, was a talisman against evil forces and the evil eye. Slavic women they loved to embroider spiral images on headdresses.

The spiral itself is the oldest symbol of the Universe, because many galaxies are arranged according to this principle. And humanity has been developing in an upward spiral since ancient times.

A little more about symbols

It is possible to comprehend all the beauty of protective Slavic symbols if you study their meanings. Observing patterned embroidery, looking at the intricate interweaving of ornaments, the eye loses focus, and the picture becomes “holographic”. Attention switches between dark and light signs. Where the dark is everything earthly, and the light is the heavenly world.

Wanting to decipher the meaning inherent in the patterns, it is necessary to take into account the fact that depending on the location of protective symbols on clothing, its interpretation also changes. The Slavs accepted a three-part division of the world: Reality, Nav and the world, where there is a place for man. Accordingly: the neckline and shoulders are the highest divine light, the hem is the Underworld, the sleeves are the middle human world.

By placing one sign in different worlds, he gained and different meanings. Male and female, light and darkness, earth and sky, up and down - such opposites ultimately lead to the fact that the process of movement and development occurs continuously and forever.

The ancient Slavs had to observe golden mean, keep the two sides of power in balance. The symbols were created and improved over centuries; they incorporated special sacred meanings, magic, the works of ancestors. These are strong protective amulets, so their beauty and aesthetics should be judged last. For a very long time, craftsmen respected the canons according to which the ornament was embroidered and were in charge of the meaning. But by the beginning of the twentieth century, much was lost.

Modern embroiderers can no longer explain what they embroidered, but somewhere in the distant hinterlands the most ancient patterns still live and delight their admirers. There are still people who consciously wear protective clothing, delving into and comprehending the secrets of the past.

Slavic costume has always been admired by overseas merchants. Clothes skillfully emphasized external and spiritual beauty. The rhythm of geometric details plays a significant role. It is possible to know the truth, feel harmony and splendor through creativity. However, you shouldn’t look at it while running mysterious ornament. This requires a special mood, a spiritual mood, when a person hears his heart and is ready to follow its call.

In past centuries, embroidery for peasants was never just decoration. On the contrary, Slavic ornaments were considered a powerful magical tool capable of creating order out of chaos. In order for life to develop according to the desired scenario, a person had to have a supernatural image, as if a reduced “model” of well-being. This role was played by elements or woven household items, made with one’s own hand or by the closest people.

Of course, the products were not made just like that, but according to strictly observed canons. When embroidering motifs, not only the exact execution of the element was required, but also the quality of the stitches, equally beautiful on the front and back sides, without knots. From this, the magical power of the product increased many times over and formed an even and strong energy field around the owner.

Different ones had different meanings from each other in terms of topic. Each element of the ornament performed a specific function: protection from diseases, assistance in spiritual quests, preservation of the family, etc.

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region it was customary for loved ones to embroider something with the following symbol:

It means “Unity and harmony of masculine and feminine principles”, serves to strengthen love and family ties. And the women’s amulet “Blessing of Mother Earth and Ancestors” (Tver region) looks like this:

These on clothes gave the woman the belief that she would have many healthy, strong and smart children, and that her youth would not fade for a long time.

“The Sun’s blessing of grains in a field” (Perm region) can be interpreted by contemporaries as a talisman for successful business and academic success, mastering new knowledge:

There is another symbol - “The Holy Union of the Sun and Earth”. Our ancestors believed that this ornament guaranteed a bountiful harvest.

In the Yaroslavl region, a light curtain over a cradle and the clothes of children and teenagers were often decorated with the following embroidery:

It is called “The Blessing of the Seven Elements”: fire, water, earth, air, matter, spirit and mind. Served to protect children from all misfortunes.

“True Love” is already a wedding talisman from the Perm region:

Slavic ornaments, on which S-shaped figures are embroidered, depict pairs of white swans. And the red motifs between them form repeating symbols of Mother Earth. They bless the couple, granting protection from any harm, true and eternal love based on friendship, respect and care.

Ritual embroidery for expectant mothers “Healthy pregnancy and happy motherhood” from the Perm region looks like this:

This is like a graphic spell for a healthy pregnancy and easy childbirth - a blessing from Mother Earth for the woman in labor and the baby.

In the computerized era, you won’t see outfits with such embroidery, except that in winter you can see mittens with an ornament on a child. And yet, the ancient art of embroidery has not gone into oblivion; it is actively being revived. Slavic ornaments attract people not only with their beauty; the belief in their magical power is still alive. This, of course, is good, it means that folk art has survived. And a new wave of interest in the knowledge of our ancestors will certainly revive symbolic art.

Russian culture originated many centuries ago. Even in pagan times, Russians decorated themselves and their living space (house, yard, household items) with original patterns. If a pattern repeats and alternates individual details, it is called an ornament.

Folk ornament necessarily uses traditional motifs. Each nation has its own. Russian ornaments are no exception. When we hear this phrase, embroidered shirts and towels immediately appear in our imagination. They feature horses, ducks, roosters and geometric shapes.

Traditional Russian ornament

Excursion into history

The primary unit of society is the family. And it is to families that we owe the first folk patterns. In ancient times, animals and plants had totemic meaning. Each family believed that it had one patron or another. For generations, family members used objects with symbols of their family, considering them protection and help.

Gradually, the family drawing went beyond the family and became the property of relatives. Several genera exchanged their patterns. Thus, the entire tribe was already using symbols that originally belonged to certain families.

Over time, there were more patterns, and the circle of their users expanded. This is how Russian folk ornaments appeared in Russia.

Even in the exterior of the houses, symbolism could be traced

It can be seen that in different areas they used different colors for needlework. There is a simple explanation for this. In the old days, only natural dyes were used. They were produced in a handicraft way. So, the availability of raw materials for paints often determined the entire palette of works.

IN different regions We had our favorite “decorations”. It is no coincidence that “paisley” is one of the motifs for ornaments in the eastern regions. The homeland of the “Indian cucumber” is Persia in the east.

Meaning and significance

A creative fusion of nature and religion. This is how we can briefly describe national, including Russian, ornaments. In other words, an ornament is a symbolic description of the world.

Elements of ornament were not only decoration. They carried a semantic and ritual load. They can not only be viewed, but also read. Very often these are conspiracies and amulets.

Each character has a specific meaning:

  • Alatyr is perhaps the most important of the Russian and Slavic signs. This is a symbol infinite universe, dual unity of the world and its balance. The source of life, consisting of male and female principles. The eight-pointed Alatyr Star and the Alatyr Stone were often used in patterns. They were expected to help in various life situations.

Holy Alatyr
  • Another symbol that was very revered and often used in patterns is the World Tree of Life (or Tree of Kingship). It was believed that it grows on Alatyr Stone and the gods rest under its crown. So people tried to protect themselves and their family under the branches of the Tree of Life and with the help of the celestials.

One of the options for depicting the Tree of Reign
  • Various swastikas are also a popular motif in Russian and Slavic needlework. Of the swastikas, you can find Kolovrat more often than others. Ancient symbol sun, happiness and goodness.

Variants of the image of the sun symbol among the Slavs
  • Orepei or Arepei is a diamond shape with combs on the sides. Its other names: Comb Diamond, Oak, Well, Burdock. It was considered a symbol of happiness, wealth, and self-confidence. When located on different parts clothes had different interpretations.

Orepei symbol
  • Animals and plants that surrounded people and were deified by them are a constant theme in the patterns.

Slavic symbolism is very diverse

Of particular importance was the number of alternations of elements in the ornament. Each number carried an additional semantic load.

Beauty and protection

The aesthetic meaning of the ornaments was combined with the totemic one. Magi and shamans applied symbols to ritual clothing and utensils. Ordinary people also put a special meaning into traditional drawings. They tried to protect themselves with embroidery as a talisman, applying it to certain parts of clothing (to protect the body). Table linen, household items, furniture, and parts of buildings were also decorated with appropriate patterns (to protect the family and home).

The simplicity and beauty of ancient ornaments make them popular today.

Amulet dolls were decorated with traditional ornaments

Trades and crafts

Gradually, with the development of civilization, ancient patterns were transformed, some became identification marks individual folk crafts. They developed independent crafts. Usually crafts have a name corresponding to the area where they are produced.

The most popular are:

  • Porcelain and ceramics "Gzhel". Her style is a characteristic drawing of blue paint on white background. Called by name settlement Gzhel, Moscow region, where the production is located.

Gzhel painting is an ancient craft
  • “Zhostovo painting” can be recognized by flower bouquets on a black (less often green, blue, red) metal tray coated with varnish. The fishing center is located in Zhostovo (Moscow region). This craft began in Nizhny Tagil, where the production of Nizhny Tagil trays still exists.

Luxurious Zhostovo painting
  • "Khokhloma" is decorative painting on wood. It is characterized by black, red and sometimes green patterns on a golden background. Her homeland and place of registration is Nizhny Novgorod region.

Khokhloma is still popular today
  • Sloboda Dymkovo is the birthplace of Dymkovskaya, and the city of Kargopol is correspondingly Kargopolskaya, the village of Filimonovo is Filimonovskaya, Stary Oskol is Starooskolskaya clay toys. They all have a characteristic pattern and color.

Stary Oskol clay toys
  • Pavlovo Posad wool shawls business card Pavlovsky Posad. They are characterized by a voluminous printed floral pattern. Red and black are their traditional colors.

The traditional Pavloposad scarf is a truly luxurious accessory

The continuation may be very long: Fedoskino and Palekh miniatures, Gorodets painting, Orenburg down scarf, Vologda, Yelets, Mtsensk lace. And so on. It is very difficult to list everything.

Drawing in folk style

Today, many people wear clothes and use things in folklore style. Many craftswomen want to create something unique themselves. They can take the finished product as a basis or create their own sketch.

To successfully complete this idea, you first need to:

  1. Decide whether it will be a separate pattern or an ornament.
  2. Break down the drawing into simple details.
  3. Take graph paper, make a marking, marking each fragment and its middle.
  4. We draw the first simplest detail in the center.
  5. Gradually, step by step, we add the following fragments.

And now the unique pattern is ready.

Anyone can draw a pattern like this.

About Russian embroidery

The patterns, techniques, and colors of Russian embroidery are very diverse. The art of embroidery has a long history. It is closely related to the way of life, customs and rituals.

Color is an important component of needlework.

People endowed it with sacred properties:

  • Red is the color of life, fire and sun. Of course it was often used in embroidery. After all, it is also beauty. As a talisman, it was designed to protect life.
  • White color pure snow. Symbol of freedom and purity. He was considered a protector against dark forces.
  • Blue color of water and clear skies. Symbolized courage and strength.
  • Black in the ornament meant earth. Zigzag and wave, respectively, an unplowed and plowed field.
  • Green is grass, forest and their help to man.

Traditional Russian embroidery

The thread was also endowed with certain qualities:

  • Linen is a symbol of masculinity.
  • Wool is protection, patronage.

In combination with patterns, special-purpose products were created.

For example:

  • Roosters and red horses were supposed to protect the baby.
  • To successfully complete the work, they embroidered with green and blue linen.
  • They embroidered with wool against illnesses and against bad influences.
  • Women's clothes were often embroidered in black to protect motherhood.
  • The men were protected by a green and blue pattern.

Of course, a special set of symbols and designs was developed for each occasion and person.

This embroidery will look elegant on any fabric.

Folk costume

Folk costume embodies and reflects traditions. For centuries, craftswomen have turned plain fabric into unique work art. WITH early age girls learned the secrets of needlework. By the age of fifteen, they had to prepare themselves everyday and festive clothes and a set of towels, tablecloths and valances for several years.

The cut of the suit itself is simple, rectangular. Linen or wool fabric of various qualities. Women pulled the fabric (removed some of the threads) and received new fabric. Hemstitching and other embroideries were done on it.

Russian folk costume is diverse

Of course, clothing varied in characteristic patterns depending on the area. It can be divided into two groups:

  1. Central Russian. Differs in multicolor. Among the techniques, counted satin stitch, cross stitch, braids, and hemstitch stitches are often used. In the southern regions, lace, ribbons or strips of fabric are also used to decorate clothes. The design is often geometric. Orepey was especially loved in different versions.
  2. Northern. For her characteristic techniques are satin stitch (colored and white), cross stitch, painting, white stitching and cutouts. Artistic motives were used more often than geometric ones. The compositions were performed mainly in one color.

Russian embroidery is unique. It is distinguished by stylized images of animals and plants, as well as a wide variety of geometric patterns.

Keeping traditions

Exploring national traditions and handicraft techniques using preserved items, modern masters adapt them to modern requirements. Fashionable original things are created on their basis. These are clothes, shoes, underwear.

One of the recognized fashion designers who includes folk motifs in each of his collections is Valentin Yudashkin. Foreign couturiers, for example Yves Saint Laurent, are also inspired by the Russian heritage.

Russian collection of Yves Saint Laurent

In addition, folk crafts continue traditions and improve skills in accordance with modern requirements. You can add enthusiasts who are not indifferent to traditional creativity. They independently study, collect and create in folk style.

Russian patterns continue to bring beauty and joy to people, and also preserve historical information.