Draw a sunbeam. Drawing lesson “Sun”

    I couldn’t find how to draw the sun step by step. But these funny and interesting pictures with the sun probably won’t be difficult to draw right away with a pencil or paints. There are even pictures with different moods of the sun.

    The easiest way to draw the sun is draw a circle on paper and rays (straight lines) extending from it in different directions.

    I can also suggest this option, how to draw the sun with a pencil step by step, with rays!

    as you can see, it is very easy, simple.

    I also offer these options, they look very interesting, which are drawn even though they are more complicated

    I will share a diagram of drawing a beautiful sun. Just follow all the drawing steps and you will get an amazing drawing!

    Finishing touches and coloring:

    I think it’s not difficult to draw step by step, but what a masterpiece!

    In my opinion, draw the sun It’s quite simple (especially a cartoon sun for a child’s drawing), you need to draw an even circle from which the rays extend, and you need to try to give them a symmetrical shape. You can also finish drawing the sun’s face - mischievous eyes and a cheerful smile. And then paint the finished drawing with yellow or orange paint.

    This is what the step-by-step drawing scheme looks like:

    Draw the sun You can do it in different ways, the main thing is that there is a yellow circle and rays. As it shown on the picture. Of course, you can fantasize and draw something of your own. You can also draw clouds. Scenery.

    Draw the sun Anyone can do it - both adults and children.

    Everyone will draw the sun in their own way.

    Using an example you can see how this is done correctly. And there are many, many such examples on the Internet.

    I like this example of drawing the sun:

    Probably the sun is the first thing that children begin to draw well. This is the simplest thing that every child understands. A more or less even circle is drawn (if by hand, and not using a stencil), and from the outside of the circle we draw rays in the form of sticks. Rays are drawn of different lengths, alternating short-long-short-long.

    You can draw eyes, a nose and a smile for the sun. You can add grooves on the spout.

    There are many options for how to draw the sun.

    In order to paint the sun you will need mostly yellow paint. The basis for drawing is a circle. After we have drawn the circle, then we draw the rays. The rays can be drawn in stripes, or in the form of elongated triangles. Then we move to the center and draw the eyes and mouth.

    Here are options on how to draw the sun.

  • How to draw the sun

    Explaining to a very young child how to draw a sun is much easier than explaining how to draw something else. It is enough to draw a circle and stick rays from it in different directions. The sun is the first thing a child gets from drawing, although they are already trying to draw mom and dad and the house... With an older child, you can even dream up. For example, make the sun smile, draw beautiful iridescent rays...

    You can depict a laughing sun.

    First, we draw a circle, and then we add details, everything is as in the picture, then we paint the sun.

  • To draw the sun, you don’t need a lot of time and effort.

    There are many ways to draw the sun. Everyone draws as they can or want to.

    And so, first we draw a regular circle with a pencil. This will be the outline of our sun. If you want more realism, you can add spots in the sun. With light strokes we can indicate the rays of the sun. You can also add stars.

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing the sun using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw the sun we may need:

  • Graphic editor GIMP. You need to download the new GIMP for Windows and install it.
  • Download brushes for GIMP, they may come in handy.
  • Some add-ons may be needed (instructions on how to install them).
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Natural phenomena are quite difficult to draw. That is, drawing them is not difficult, but achieving realism is much more difficult. I always recommend looking at the original to get the most accurate copy of what you are about to draw. In the Yandex image search, just search for “sun in the photo” to get a large amount of the necessary material.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: Perform different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be made on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

As you complete this tutorial, please note that due to differences in software versions, some menu items and tools may have different names or be missing altogether. This may make the tutorial a little difficult, but I think you can do it.

Open the image in GIMP on which you want to apply the sunrise effect.

Copy the image; to do this, go to Layer → Create a copy layer. Now go to Filter → Light and → Supernova, use the following settings (the color of the supernova can be customized):

Go to Filter → Light and Shadow → Lighting, using the settings shown in the photos below.

Now create a new layer - Layer → New Layer. Fill it with black (#000000) using the Bucket Paint tool. Go to Filter → Light and Shadow → Reflection. Set the layer with the highlight to the blending mode “Screen” (located in the layers panel. Drop-down list with the “Normal” option).

Activate the lighting effect layer, go to Color → Levels. Use the following settings.

Create a new layer and place it directly above the lighting effect layer. Fill the layer with #fffec4 color using the Bucket Paint tool. Change the blending mode of this layer to Multiply.

Our sunrise is ready. We enjoy the result.

It seems to me that the simplest thing a child can draw is a drawing of the sun. After all, in order to draw a sun, you don’t have to know how to draw: even a person who has picked up a pencil or pen for the first time can create a circle and rays.

But if you ask a thousand people to draw a sun, then I am more than sure that there will not be a single drawing similar to each other. After all, for everyone the word sun contains its own meaning, its own mood, so the drawing will turn out to be original and unique!

Have you ever wondered why a person even draws the Sun? Perhaps because the Sun is a kind of symbol of mood, warmth, goodness, light? Or perhaps because everyone understands that it is thanks to Him that our Planet is alive and we live on it? Or maybe this is the Dream we are striving for?

The sun attracts our attention! We admire it at all times of the year, because it is It that “colors” nature in a unique range of colors! We are waiting for it, because it is It that gives us unique sunrises and fabulous sunsets. And in bad weather, when there are clouds in the sky, we wait for His every ray like a miracle!!!

A ray of sun... Light of Hope!

There is nothing impossible!!!

And LIGHT will break through the clouds!

And the Dream will smile on us!!!

Sometimes we really want to touch the Sun and hold this fiery red ball in our hand. But, alas, we understand that this is impossible...

Although we are quite capable of creating a kind of illusion-dream of this! To do this, you can draw a picture where the sun will be obedient and warm on our hand! By giving such a drawing to a person dear to us, we seem to convey to him with this drawing a piece of our warmth and mood, and there is a feeling of real warmth from the drawn Luminary!

Therefore, now I give you my drawing of the Sun. I drew it on the sand, on the banks of the Desna River! Summer, beach, river and SUN!!!

I draw a beautiful sun on the river sand!
Let it smile as I smile at you!
Look, everything worked out! The sun smiled!
The wave tried to “wash away” Him, but only “licked its lips”!!!

And I also suggest watching my solar video, which I called Sun Attraction!!!

Have a nice summer mood! And a lot, a lot of Sunshine in the sky, in the soul and in the heart!!!

In this lesson we will look at 6 options for how to draw a sun with a pencil step by step, among the six options one will be for children, namely a smiling sun. The sun is a star in the solar system, our earth and other planets in the solar system revolve around the sun, and the sun itself rotates in the orbit of the Milky Way.

1 option how to draw the sun. We draw a circle and around it from the outside we draw straight lines in the middle horizontally and vertically. Then between these lines in the middle we draw the same lines, then between the existing lines we draw small lines in the middle.

Option 2, how to draw a sun for kids, draw smiling suns. We draw a circle, a nose, a mouth and eyes of the sun, then we draw the rays of the sun in a chaotic order, just draw as many rays as you draw.

Option 3 sun. The principle of drawing is the same as in the first version, only the lines are curved, but once you draw all the large curves between them, you need to draw a middle curve in the middle, and between all the curved lines we draw small straight lines in the middle between them.

Option 4 sun. You need to draw the main circle and the outer circle with thin lines and divide it with two perpendicular straight lines in the middle. Now we divide each quarter into three equal parts (we draw two straight lines in each quarter). Then we draw a zigzag and erase all the auxiliary lines that we drew.

Option 5, how to draw a sunset or the sun setting over the horizon. By the way, I have something similar in the lesson on how to draw an African sunset, to see it, click here. We draw a straight line and a semicircle, then we draw haze or clouds.

God created man in his own image and likeness and, finally, the creator in you also awakened. Have you lost peace and sleep in search of an answer to the question of how to draw the Sun? Nothing could be easier! You just have to do it like we do.

You are absolutely right if you think that drawing a “cartoon” Sun is easy and simple. After all, when you look at a real star that is high and in the sky (don’t look too long), you just see a big ball of dazzling light. And anyone can draw a circle... However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we’ll tell you how to draw the Sun step by step.

Step 1 - big ball of light

Find any two, but different in diameter, round objects of a suitable size for your sheet of paper (saucer, mug, coin or CD). Circle the smaller one so that you get a circle of the correct shape.

Step 2 - detailing the face

One more simple step. The mouth is simply a curve with two "brackets" at the ends. The eyes and eyebrows are a pair of two short convex segments. Note that the mouth is drawn at a slight angle, which makes the Sun's face a little more interesting than if the left and right sides were symmetrical. Feel free to experiment, your inner artist knows best how to draw the Sun to create a unique, vibrant personality for your cartoon.

Step 3 - Rays

Place a larger prepared object on top of the blank for the face of the Sun, but do not circle it, but draw a vertical dotted line along this circle.

Remove the object and draw another circular dotted line around the sun's face, but with one condition: each stroke must fall just between the two marks of the large circle.

Check the picture to see if you have followed the instructions correctly. This is one of the most important steps on the path to mastering the section of painting called “how to draw the Sun.”

Step 4 - Adding Curves

It's time to add some curves to the cartoon Sun. Finally, let it shine!

Place the pencil lead on any dotted line from the outer layer and draw a concave smooth line to the nearest stroke from the inner circle.

Extend the curved line to the next point from the outer circle.

Continue drawing curves in this manner until you have your first layer of shiny rays.

Step 5 - final row of curves

This is an optional lesson in the fun science of "how to draw the Sun." So, if you are satisfied with the result, you can skip this step.

The essence of this step is to draw another dotted circle between the drawn rays, but the strokes must be positioned a little higher. Draw small curves connecting the finished rays and the dotted lines of the top row as shown in the figure. You will get a second radiant layer.

Step 6 - coloring

Notice that the Sun isn't just orange, it has a bright red outline around its face. The lower part of the rays of the second layer should be painted with the same color. This gives the impression of heat spreading and that the light is really very hot.

We hope you enjoyed it and are convinced that depicting our Universe is simple and easy. What about the Sun? You will learn about this next time. Draw with us!