It’s not better to consider godmothers to work than to turn into godfathers for themselves. "

Lida (14:06:22 10/23/2011):
What is this fable about? What is its moral? And what is its allegorical meaning?

The essence and meaning of the fable (13:44:00 04/29/2016):
“We notice our shortcomings in ourselves very rarely - both in real life and in the mirror of life - in a book, in satire, although we see these same weaknesses, and even more so vices, in others, point our fingers at them, laugh at them, we openly reproach them (“The Mirror and the Monkey”). Inattention to our shortcomings is destructive for ourselves: our shortcomings entail troubles and misfortunes, from which we can only be saved when we recognize and eliminate their causes, i.e. that is, these very shortcomings." (D. I. Tikhomirov, “Selected fables of I. A. Krylov for schools and people”, edited by D. I. Tikhomirov, Moscow, printing house of M. G. Volchaninov, 1895) The authors of the book “I. A. Krylov and his fables" explain the essence and meaning of the fable as follows: "...He [Krylov] saw that some people are not affected by any lessons. No matter how and what they were told, simply, as the proverb says, even a stake on the head amuse them, even then they will not admit to their vices; put all their deeds before them so that they can see them as themselves in the mirror, and then they will begin to be surprised and say: “There are people!.. If only you were like them.” , then I would really die of boredom!" Let them be told the same thing that the bear said to the monkey in the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey", they will not pay attention to these words." ("I. A. Krylov and his fables", compiled by Kiryukov, St. Petersburg, editor of the magazine "Leisure and Business", 1886)

The essence and meaning of the fable (18:54:00 04/19/2017):

The essence and meaning of the fable is as follows: “A person loves to be praised, but he not only doesn’t want to know his shortcomings, he doesn’t even see them, although you hold a mirror up to him. It’s another thing to notice others: we are masters at this! The ancient Greek fable writer Aesop said: “Every person has two bags: one in front, the other in back. Both are full of human shortcomings: the back with the shortcomings of the wearer himself, the front with others. That’s why people don’t see their sins, but strangers are in full view!” Read Krylov’s fable “The Mirror and the Monkey”..." (book “Fifty Fables by I. A. Krylov” with explanatory notes and notes, St. Petersburg, publisher M.N. Sleptsov, 1908)

Moral of the story (11:49:00 06/18/2017):
The moral of the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey" is that people easily notice the flaws in others, but have difficulty recognizing their own. negative traits.

Krylov himself explains the moral of the fable in its last lines, recalling that one must be impartial and objective in assessing both the shortcomings of others and one’s own: “There are many such examples in the world: No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.”

The meaning of this fable is also perfectly reflected in Russian folk proverb: “He sees the straw in someone else’s eye, but does not notice the log in his own.”

Why should godmothers work hard? Isn’t it better to work for yourself, godfather? Instead of criticizing the shortcomings of others, it is better to see if you yourself have them. It is usually said ironically in a situation where someone points out to another the shortcomings that he himself has. Each of us, to one degree or another, must first of all “turn on ourselves”, be stricter with ourselves. Artist G. Kupriyanov. ?Kuma (obsolete, colloquial) – here: friend, appeal to a female representative.

Slide 13 from the presentation "Krylov's Fables 5th grade". The size of the archive with the presentation is 624 KB.

Literature 5th grade

summary other presentations

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Mirror and monkey drawing

Fable The Mirror and the Monkey read text online

Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,
Quietly push Bear with his foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!
What kind of face is that there?
What antics and jumps she has!
I would hang myself from boredom
If only she was even a little like her.
But, admit it, there is
Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:
I can even count them on my fingers." -
"Why should gossips consider working,
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?” -
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

There are many such examples in the world:

I even saw this yesterday:
Everyone knows that Klimych is dishonest;
They read about bribes to Klimych.
And he furtively nods at Peter.

The Mirror and the Monkey - Moral of the fable by Ivan Krylov

There are many such examples in the world:
No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.

Moral in your own words, the main idea and meaning of the fable The Mirror and the Monkey

Often people do not notice shortcomings in themselves, but they readily criticize others.

Analysis of the fable The Mirror and the Monkey

In the fable “The Mirror and the Monkey,” fabulist I. A. Krylov showed a casual conversation between two animals, in which the bear poked his face at the monkey’s ignorance and pointed out the shortcomings of people. The monkey, looking at her reflection, for some reason saw the shortcomings of all her friends and acquaintances, but not her own.

The author ridicules such people through his works, translating their behavior into the image of one or another animal. But quite often there are individuals who have too high an opinion of themselves, in contrast to the stupid and unattractive surroundings. Many have encountered at least once such ignorant people who do not even notice their own shortcomings, but actively point out those of others and laugh at them. So in this fable, the monkey is unable to admit that the little creature he sees is himself, and does not pay attention to the bear’s advice at all, letting it fall on deaf ears.

People who are depicted in the fable as a bear are often silent and try not to interfere with the behavior of the “monkeys,” which further emphasizes the latter’s confidence in their rightness. But it's probably not correct solution and such ignorance and arrogance should be stopped.

Heroes of the fable


Represents people with high self-esteem who only see the shortcomings of others


A wise person who can see more from the outside and who gives good advice, but the monkey does not listen to him.

Winged expressions that came from the fable The Mirror and the Monkey

Listen to Ivan Krylov's fable The Mirror and the Monkey

Sound filmstrip. Read by Ilyinsky

About how the stupid Monkey expressed contempt for own reflection in the mirror, the fable “Mirror and the Monkey” by Krylov tells.

Read the text of the fable:

Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,
Quietly push Bear with his foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!”
What kind of face is that there?
What antics and jumps she has!
I would hang myself from boredom
If only she was even a little like her.
But, admit it, there is
Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:
I can even count them on my fingers." -
\"Why should gossips work?
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?\" -
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

There are many such examples in the world:
No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.
I even saw this yesterday:
Everyone knows that Klimych is dishonest;
They read about bribes to Klimych.
And he furtively nods at Peter.

Moral of the fable The Mirror and the Monkey:

Moral of the fable: no one wants to see themselves in satire and denunciation. The fabulist shows that the one who hears the reproof first of all thinks that it is addressed to another. I. A. Krylov loved to make fun of human shortcomings using images of animals. He did it for a reason the main character monkey fables. She makes fun of her own antics, like ignoramuses who notice “the beam in someone else’s eye.” Few people notice their shortcomings and correct them. Everyone is good at judging others.

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