How to make your aura strong. Solar plexus area

Just as no one has ever seen a person’s soul, no one knows what his aura really looks like. In the world, of course, there are masters who are able to look beyond the boundaries of the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person’s aura is pierced by negative influences?

In this article

Signs of breakdown

The first sign A breakdown of a person’s subtle body can be considered increased fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, but you still don’t have enough energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy leaks.

The second sign can be attributed to troubles that suddenly befall a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life looks like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes minimal results with a lot of effort expended. It happens that a person does a lot to achieve a goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign include more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, causeless aggression, inappropriate behavior, fluctuations in body temperature, diseases that medicine cannot explain. Here we are not talking about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of an energetic essence being subsumed.

Demon, spirit, larva

Such an entity can be a spirit sent with corruption, a demon, or a larva created by human thought forms. All these entities are invisible to the human eye, but they cope with their task of pumping out energy masterfully. Sometimes such settlers can incline their victim to suicide or illegal actions.

Did you find one sign or several at once? Then it’s worth thinking about how to correct the situation.

Strengthening the biofield and aura

In mild conditions, a person can cope with holes in the aura on his own. But if we are talking about settling, then it is necessary to carry out certain rituals to expel the entity.

Important! In case of severe physical conditions, do not try to deal with the resident on your own; contact a trusted specialist.


You can increase the energy level of the physical body through breathing exercises. Beginners can use the following training scheme:

  1. Stand up, relax, take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Inhale into your belly, then forcefully push the air out by squeezing your pectoral muscles.
  3. Breathe frequently and intermittently, gradually calming your breathing to a normal frequency.

Try also using the technique from this video:

These simple techniques help normalize the flow of energy around the body. With small breakdowns, the aura recovers on its own in 2–3 days. Increased energy circulation helps the recovery process.


Another effective way to recover is meditation. It is better to meditate in silence and complete solitude. If it is difficult to get into the lotus position on the floor, you can simply sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax.

After listening to the silence for a while, you need to imagine a pillar of light coming out of space and flowing straight into the top of your head. Then you need to distribute the radiance throughout your body, wrapping yourself in it like a veil. People with powers can see black holes around them. They also need to be patched with light.

And the practice from this video will give you energy for the whole day:

If during meditation an entity appears on the inner screen, try to throw it away from you, mentally strengthen the glow so that it cannot get close again.

Working with crystals

Ordinary crystals also help in the fight against negativity. Stones with a crystalline structure perfectly accumulate and also conduct energy. There are several ways to patch the aura with their help:

  • using real stones;
  • visualizing the crystal.

Through a real crystal, a person is recharged by simply carrying it with him. You should choose a stone in accordance with your zodiac sign and personal preferences.

Gems according to zodiac signs

By visualizing the crystal, you can use it as a source of power. To receive a personal energy stone, simply imagine its shape and color. Then you can imagine that rays shoot out from its faces, patching holes in the biofield.

Closing the holes

The aura can suffer not only from everyday negativity. It is the natural shell of a person, therefore it is the first to be damaged when the evil eye and damage are cast.

From the evil eye

A person can survive a simple evil eye without major consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleaning on a subtle level:

If the blow has passed, but the holes in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close the holes with your palms.

From damage

Real damage often comes with its own resident. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, negativity cannot be removed from a person’s fields.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel an entity with prayers and mantras, energy agents can expel them by increasing the level of energy that is unpalatable to the “guest,” ordinary people can use ready-made rituals and ceremonies for expulsion.

From the curse

A severe case is considered to be an induced curse. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, get the message cleared by a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura using any of the methods listed above.

Protecting your aura from attacks

When the essence is detached from a person, in order not to attract new negativity, you need to cover up the holes in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


Special mantras have always helped people protect themselves from the evil around them. Mantras are certain sounds that are chanted sequentially and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space that can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

Five-syllable prayer to GodShiva. To achieve a protective effect, it is sung in the morning and evening, imagining the face of God before oneself.


Universal protective mantra, which can be pronounced as needed the desired number of times.


Thought forms

In addition to mantras, a person can protect himself from negative messages with thought forms.

Non-standard interview with Sergei Mader:

There are often cases when an attack on a person is carried out in a crowded place. Did grandma yell in line? Did another passenger on the transport look unkindly?

During a negative incident, simply imagine your offender in a comical pose or imagine a pipe that goes from him to you, going around you, and loops around him.

These methods of protection are effective if applied in a timely manner.


Another powerful means of protection is prayer. The power of the prayer word helped people win wars, and will help you receive protection from damage and the evil eye.

Prayer “Cry to the Mother of God”

Prayers to the Mother of God can simply be written down on paper, sewn into a bag and carried with you; other appeals to God can be simply read in the morning and evening.

Material protective items

Symbols of faith are the best items to protect against negativity. Without a deep immersion in religion, they are useless, but for believers they are considered a real support in the fight against evil.

Amulets, talismans and amulets

You can also protect yourself from evil with the help of amulets or talismans. Any natural material on which a protective spell can be recited can act as a talisman. Jewelry made from precious metals that suit a person's zodiac sign is also considered protective.

Mental projections

They are considered as the ability to project one’s subtle body in any other place in the non-material world. Some researchers believe that the souls of people live in the space where the mentality reigns.

During an energy attack, an experienced person can imagine how he leaves his body and redirects the message to the aggressor. But mastering the technique of mental projections takes time.


After receiving a breakdown in the aura, it is necessary not only to patch the energy hole, but also to replenish the previous level of energy. To replenish the energy of the physical body, we have selected 12 techniques and methods.

golden skeleton

The exercise begins by imagining golden energy swirling in space. After a clear mental picture appears, it is worth imagining how this pure energy penetrates the feet and bones.

golden brain

The exercise covers only the human head area. Golden energy is directed into the gray matter and other parts of the brain. The energy enters through the point between the eyebrows, from there it is mentally directed to the pituitary gland and white matter.

Through the endocrine system

The exercise consists of the following steps:

  • golden energy is directed to the thyroid gland and is concentrated there as much as possible;
  • then the energy flow is sent to the thymus gland, located above the heart;
  • after an effort of will, the heart itself is nourished with golden energy;
  • the pancreas and mid-back are an intermediate stage of energy direction;
  • in the final part of the exercise, the energy descends to the genitals, then moves to the feet.

When performing, you need to concentrate as much as possible. But the physical body must be relaxed.

Grounding as a separate practice

The easiest way to physically ground yourself is to simply walk barefoot. The energy exercise of grounding involves directing golden energy into the earth, after this step the person imagines how the returned energy flows through him and out of the crown into space.

This practice helps cleanse the biofield.

Life Center

The aura can also be qualitatively restored through a person’s existing energy centers. The vital center is in his spine. This is where the energy is directed to restore the aura.

Creative-sexual center

Its location is the area between the navel and genitals.

The center color is orange. When restored, the orange color is mentally changed to gold, saturating the center with energy.

Solar plexus area

At the energy level it is indicated in yellow. It is also pumped with gold so that all internal organs work harmoniously.

Heart area

The green center is the area of ​​the heart and the thymus gland nearby. There is also a change to a golden color here. Thanks to this, a person becomes calmer and more resilient.

Throat area

Labeled as blue center. For strong speakers, this area is colored blue. But changing colors to gold has a beneficial effect on the ability to persuade others.

Third Eye

Located between the eyebrows on the forehead. Its color designation is indigo.

Pumping this area with golden energy helps develop intuition, clairvoyance, and extrasensory abilities. Makes a person perspicacious and wise.

Crown area

It is worth working especially hard on the crown of the head with the help of golden energy. When removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

This way your energy will be looped until the next exercise.

Delay and stuffing

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. As you inhale, you need to imagine how the halo above your head swells with energy. As you exhale during the exercise, visualize a fountain of energy that comes out through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day eventually become inaccessible to any energetic negativity, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have amazing restorative effects, but only when a person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that is happening in the head. You should not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person’s biofield; there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks by energy vampires.

Energetic vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings out the emotions of other people.

Impact on the biofield

Energy vampires often cause scandals, insult others, complain a lot, and lament their fate. And when their victim begins to feel compassion or anger, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Opinion of clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova:

Sometimes such pumping can be quite harsh. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong; due to lack of energy, older people and small children become vampires.

Methods of protection

The first way is balance. Of course, when a friend has troubles at work, you want to support her, but it is better to provide support through action than to start suffering with her.

The second method closely resembles the above practices. Breaking through a strong and dense biofield for a vampire is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between yourself and your interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

It works on the same principle protection "Mirror", when a mirror surface is mentally directed at a screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, a vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hastens to retreat in order to find a new victim for himself. After all, he remained hungry.

In this video, Evgeny Green explains how to properly protect yourself from energy vampires:

Today, common hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help them stay fit. Try to do the same.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, natural protection from subtle material influences, therefore, when it is violated, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell most often occurs due to aggressive external influence from others. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is also possible with psychological problems. Both affect health, vitality and luck.

A breakdown in the aura is not necessarily created by some evil witches who strongly resemble Baba Yaga from a fairy tale or a character in a horror movie... Any person with strong energy, for example your relative, a neighbor’s grandmother at the entrance, or a work colleague, is quite capable of providing it.

Attack on the biofield- a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss got angry at work, the husband/wife yelled, or they quarreled in the transport (fill in the correct one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.

The most dangerous attack of this kind- this is when your aura takes on a strong flow of negativity from a mentally abnormal, crazy person, for example, someone who has escaped from a mental hospital. There may not even be shouting or insults, just hatred in the gaze and the release of a portion of energy.

A look can kill. I am not kidding. Even in works of fiction and by historians, such facts have been repeatedly described.

Signs of a breakdown of the aura or biofield

Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes slight chills, reluctance to live, causeless fear, and sometimes panic attacks. If you have the whole package at once, and especially if you have an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory infection, but a breakdown of the aura or, in popular parlance, the evil eye. It can be treated. :)

Most often there is no need to run around looking for old healers and certified traditional healers. Most of them are simply honestly cheating their fellow citizens, taking advantage of their complete ignorance in this area.

Most often, in a relatively healthy person, this goes away on its own, within a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or those around you do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week, and chronic bad luck and unwillingness to live are added, then perhaps this is not the evil eye, but damage.

In this post I will describe how to restore your aura if your aura is damaged and/or you have some reason to believe that it urgently needs to be patched up.

Pumping with energy, which some healers offer, in the presence of a hole in the aura, is not very effective. There is no point in filling a leaky bucket, the energy will still flow out. Therefore, first you need to close the holes... The solution is below...

Aura restoration in practice

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself the mindset that you will now restore your field and health. Smile.

2. Turn off your thoughts; the evaluating factor is in the way.

3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, you will be able to feel the border the first time. Imagine it as a kind of package of light. It has a spindle-shaped shape, like a butterfly cocoon.

4. Try to rotate the cocoon around its axis without moving your body. Just imagine it. At first it will be difficult and it will seem like nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and the mind are the enemies of this practice. Don't pay any attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise.

5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous point, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes... and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself... When turning around the body, the holes fill up and are covered with this sticky shell and tighten the holes... Make 10 revolutions counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous point is not needed.

6. Now you don’t have any holes, everything is overgrown and sealed. You have a whole and elastic aura, which has the correct shape and is capable of repelling any attacks... Fix this picture in your mind...

7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will force the mind to switch from “sticking a spoke in the wheels” of the process of restoring the aura to performing a new task. The result will automatically be recorded by the subconscious.

After some time of practice, restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts and intention.

How to restore the aura?

Our aura is a biofield that surrounds every person, energy centers that are mainly concentrated in the seven chakras. The color of the aura depends on which center prevails. In a healthy person, the flow of energy occurs harmoniously, his aura resembles the shape of an egg. But sometimes you can observe characteristic turbulence or a breakdown in the aura. Through these holes there is a gradual leakage of energy, which inevitably affects well-being. Fortunately, our biofield can be regenerated, just like the tissues of the physical body. And today we will talk about how to restore the aura.

Cleansing the aura with prayers

Prayer is one of the most powerful medicines for a wounded soul. At the moment of listening or reading prayers, micro-discharge processes take place in our body, which release additional energy and also connect the energy of the biofield with quantum divine energy. Thus, our biofield expands and thickens, the aura is cleansed and restored. It is interesting that prayers of different religions have approximately the same power of influence on every person, regardless of his religion.

To cleanse and restore the aura, resort to the method of prayer at least three times a day. It is best to read the main prayer of your religion seven times - it is the sevenfold repetition that maximally saturates and cleanses the aura. If you are not committed to any religion, recognizing that God is one, then read the seven canonical prayers for different religions. A burning candle enhances the effect. End the ritual with a prayer of gratitude. Indeed, in a world of constant accusations, we often forget to thank the Universe for existing.

Other aura cleansing methods:

Whatever option you choose, do not forget that to maintain the health and integrity of the aura, it is very important to “work with your soul.” Experience positive emotions, love yourself, practice gratitude - and you will be rewarded!

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sus said: “Praying means sending luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

At AURASUDIA we conducted an experiment using canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, praying people and people who do not know prayers. During the research process, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

prayers - calls for forgiveness and well-being;

Self-recovery of aura

The human body is protected by an energy shell called an aura or biofield. This shell protects a person from the penetration of harmful bacteria and directed mental influence.

How to restore your aura after illness and stress? The density of the bioshell directly depends on the mental state of a person, his mental balance, nutrition and physical activity. Let's look at simple practices for self-correction of the biofield and strengthening the aura.

Causes of weakened aura

The human aura consists of several layers - esotericists count 7 subtle bodies. Human subtle bodies are connected to chakras - energy centers for receiving and processing cosmic energies. Chakras play an important role in the energy exchange of a person with the environment - they adapt the “alien” energy of the cosmos to the human body.

The seven chakras form 7 subtle bodies that make up the aura:

Imbalance in the functioning of the chakras leads to deformation of the biofield. This immediately affects a person’s well-being - from mild ailments to serious diseases of organs and systems. Each chakra is responsible for the health of the organs that are in its sphere of influence.

Muladhara responsible for the removal of toxins from the body, immunity, longevity and regeneration of cellular systems. The key word of the chakra is benefit, preservation and increase of what has been acquired. If a person has problems with material things, it means that the chakra is not functioning correctly. Once you free yourself from excessive material dependence, the energy failure in this area will be corrected.

Svadhisthana is responsible for sensual pleasures, as well as the excretory system of the body. This chakra of emotions, enjoyment of beauty, sexual contacts and self-esteem. If in a person’s life the relationship with the opposite sex is disturbed or there is an excessive passion for food and drinks, problems will begin with the genitourinary and excretory systems of the body.

Manipura is responsible for self-awareness, this is the center of the individual Self, the volitional center. Manipura gives charisma, uniqueness and originality. It also coordinates the digestive system. If a person cannot tolerate someone or something, problems with the stomach and intestines begin, including the formation of ulcers. Forgiveness and tolerance towards other individuals will help improve the functioning of the chakra.

Anahata is responsible for love for the opposite sex, parents and the world in general. Anger, hatred and narcissism upset the functioning of the heart energy center. Heart attacks, strokes and problems with the hematopoietic system indicate problems in relationships with the world and people.

Vishuddha– chakra of social relations and self-realization. The inability to find compromises, psychological complexes and dissatisfaction with society cause problems in the energy exchange of the chakra with the environment. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, hearing and vision problems indicate that Vishuddhi is not working properly. Loss of vision - a person did not want to see something or someone. Hearing problems – reluctance to hear unpleasant things.

Ajna and Sahasrara belong to the higher chakras and are responsible for a person’s connection with the spiritual world. Denial of spirituality and lack of connection with the cosmos lead a person to madness and schizophrenia.

How to restore a person's aura? To do this, it is necessary to balance the functioning of the chakras. This can be achieved with the help of psychotrainings and affirmations, since the harmonious work of human energy centers directly depends on the mental state and mental attitudes.

Restoring the aura must begin with awareness of the causes of imbalance in the energy system. Analyze your life, find problems in communicating with people or incorrect thinking. Confession in church, communion and prayers help a lot. If you are a believer, be sure to attend church.

Sincere forgiveness of yourself and other people helps to cleanse the aura and restore vitality. Attending the liturgy cleanses the biofield well, but you need to stand directly under the dome of the temple - this is an energetically strong place.

Quality rest restores the aura well. Sleep should be complete; before going to bed, be sure to take a warm bath. If you know how to meditate, conduct meditation sessions with an aroma lamp or aroma sticks.

Incense and aromas have a good effect on the human astral body, calming and strengthening. Choose pleasant aromas to improve your mood and pine aromas to cleanse and calm.

In the fight against the effects of stress, active recreation, visiting the pool or general cleaning of the house help well. The main thing is not to remember unpleasant moments, to disconnect from working through the past situation in your mind.

Remember that resentment and hatred leave holes in the biological shell and contribute to the outflow of vitality. A bad peace is better than a good war - this rule should become one of the main ones in life if you want to maintain your health.

How to restore your aura: unity with nature

Esoteric science views the human body as a unity of the four elements and the spirit. How to restore the aura and biofield yourself with the help of the elements? To do this, you need to turn to the forces of nature for help. Let's consider the practices of working with the elements.

Earth cleansing

Earth can cleanse the body of negative energies and strengthen the aura. This requires direct contact of the body with the soil. In the summer, you can simply lie down on the ground with the thought of getting rid of black energy and diseases.

Just go to bed in natural, not synthetic, clothes. Burying in sand, mud wraps or baths helps a lot. In the cold season, you can simply touch the soil with your hand with the thought of cleansing and liberation from negativity. Only the hand should not be “taking”, but “giving”: for a right-hander - the left, for a left-hander - the right.

Cleansing with water

How to restore your aura with water? It must be a natural source - a lake, river, stream, sea. If it is not possible to swim in a natural source of water, do the following.

Draw water from the tap and leave it in the open air for a day. The water will be saturated with the light of the stars, sun and moon, and will acquire natural properties. Then draw a bath and add this water to it. Bathe with the thought of cleansing from any negativity and strengthening the body.

Purification by fire

How to restore the aura using fire? Fire is a powerful absorber of negative energy. It is enough to spend a few hours by the fire and your well-being will change dramatically. Meditate on the flame, ask the element to destroy everything bad and cleanse it of filth.

If it is not possible to make a fire in nature, you can cleanse the aura with the help of candles. Place 12 candles around and lie down among them on a warm mat. Lie in the circle of candles until they burn out completely. At this time, you can mentally ask the fire to take away all the negativity.

Air purification

The air element is very capricious and capricious. Standing on the seven winds is dangerous to health. However, smoke comes to the rescue. Smoke cleansing is an ancient practice of restoring the aura. Only the smoke should not be just any smoke, but from cleansing herbs and plants. The smoke of juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, sage or pine needles cleans and restores the aura well.

The herbs should be dry and the smoke intense. If you don't have herbs, you can cleanse your aura with incense. Light the incense seeds and sit in prayer for at least thirty minutes. It is very good at this time to listen to the recording of bells or the sound of Tibetan bowls.

How to strengthen your aura and improve your vitality? Feel like an integral part of nature, feel love for the world, maintain inner harmony. Remember that earthly life is only a part of the eternity that lies ahead.

One should not attach too much importance to earthly troubles. Learn to perceive all events in a positive way. If you can’t find something positive, just allow events to have a right to exist – whatever they may be. Meditation and regular prayer calm the soul well.

If water changes its structure depending on what music is playing nearby, what words are spoken, then the aura no longer seems like something fantastic. And you also believe in the soul, especially after dreams that later come true.

The main thing is to be in a good mood and healthy, and then the aura will be good.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Jesus said: “Praying means sending streams of light into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

How do our appeals and prayers “work”?

At AURASUDIA we conducted an experiment using canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, praying people and people who do not know prayers. During the research process, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

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  • Karmic health
  • Chakras
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  • Interesting news.
  • A selection of information about Love
  • About prayer
  • Peace of Prayer
  • BARRIER NETWORK - how to control the aura?
  • LOVE

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During worship, through the utterance of prayer, energy flows ascend upward to the egregor and return from the egregor to those praying. Egregors They are energy “bags” of a certain shape. Their structure depends on the system of spiritual development. With the help of prayers (certain verbal formulas), representatives of different religions send energy flows from the earth to the higher spheres, thereby feeding the corresponding egregor.

The main representatives of religious egregors are the founders of religions: Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed. Thus, there is a constant energy network around the globe, connecting the believer in difficult times and providing him with spiritual and energetic help. Therefore, people have used church methods of protection from the forces of evil since ancient times and still use them today.

The most reliable and centuries-tested way to protect a person from dark forces and people with a negative field (sorcerers, witches, sorcerers) is Holy Prayer.

Prayer - the basis of the life of every believer, for whom it is a private conversation with God. The famous Russian priest Alexander Men said that “Prayer is the flight of the heart to God.” Prayer - this is a clot of energy, part of which rushes towards the believer himself, and part - towards God or the saint to whom the person praying is addressing.

Prayer is a word, and a word is a conductor through which not only thoughts and images flow into the soul, but also the corresponding healing energy (i.e., high-frequency vibrations). For centuries, great ascetics brought as a gift to humanity the fruits of their spiritual creativity - prayers-channels for communication with God.

Prayer is a test of our sincerity: whether we can say these simple words from the depths of our hearts. If we can, the prayer will be heard.

“Doxology,” said Theophan the Recluse, “is the most perfect and selfless form of prayer. Gratitude is sent by a person for the benefits received; it is born in a grateful and sensitive soul.”

The canonical text of the prayer is a ready-made “trodden” path to God. These texts can be compared to a coded signal that is “received at the other end of the wire.”

The effect of prayer varies in strength and depth. It is very important to know that prayer operates on different planes and levels. Each person’s body has its own internal pharmacy, containing a complete set of medications for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases. And they are more effective than all the drugs ever created by pharmacists. Based on a signal coming from the nervous system, the body of any of us is capable of producing substances that relieve pain, producing antibiotics, and dissolving tumors.

Reading prayers is associated with the human subconscious, which controls physiological processes in the body. Impulses from the word come from the cerebral cortex and rearrange the vital functions of internal organs. When special words are repeated, the impulses become stronger. As a result, the nervous system normalizes organ functions. For this purpose, special prayers are used - for healing. There are prayers that bring about profound changes. They defeat our internal enemies (demons) and negative emotions, which are the root causes of diseases. Meaningful repetition of prayers leads to the fact that holy words penetrate our subconscious and rebuild it. Through frequent repetition, prayers become our inner content, changing our emotions and the quality of energies. The spiritual plan of the person praying is being adjusted. Life energy enters through the crown or, as bioenergeticists say, the chakra called sahasrara.

Life-giving energy, addressed to the Almighty with a request to help find the right path or remove a heavy burden, tunes the soul into resonance with the cosmos. In church this is enhanced by the special vibrations of church chants. In any church you can buy a special prayer book for every need, where there is a Rule for Holy Communion, morning and evening prayers, as well as recommendations on which Saint in what need to pray to.

  • about healing - to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,
  • about patronage in marriage, as well as healing of mental and physical ailments - to Saints Cosmas and Damian,
  • from sorcery and witchcraft - to the Holy Great Martyr Cyprian and the Martyr Augustine,
  • about protection from enemies - to Saint Theodore Stratelates,
  • about the successful resolution of the burden - to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, about deliverance from eye diseases - to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir,
  • about finding stolen things, from theft and from offenders - to the Holy Martyr John the Warrior,
  • in everyday needs, sorrows and troubles - to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg,
  • about those who left home, about drug addicts, about healing from cancer - to the Most Holy Theotokos (icon “The Tsaritsa”).

There are also special prayers for the reconciliation of warring parties, for healing from diseases of the hands, feet, head, liver, internal organs, from insomnia, for help in trade, for the protection of children, from demonic possession, etc.

Special incantatory prayers “for the exorcism of evil spirits performed” are read from the breviary. Such prayers are read by trained people (exorcists, priests, healers who have the blessing of a priest). Those who have dedicated themselves to the fight against “dark forces” need, first of all, humility, repentance and faith in God.

Suicide was and is considered the most serious unforgivable sin. An astral entity that has settled near a person or penetrated directly into his body always tries to destroy not only the person’s soul, but also his physical body (damage to hanging). Such damage is usually done to the entire family. If there was a suicide in the family, and especially a hanged man (Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree), then this is considered a curse aimed at the extinction of the family. What should the relatives of a suicide victim do? In church, praying for his soul is prohibited by the church charter, but at home you can pray with the following prayer:

Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of my father (mother, brother, husband, etc.) and, perhaps, have mercy on Your unsearchable destinies. Do not make this prayer a sin for me, but Thy Holy will be done.

If a situation arises that you are about to have an operation, then before it you need to pray for all the doctors. The cross is woven into the hair and tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand. During the operation, it is necessary for one of the relatives to light a candle in the temple (or at home).

In addition to prayers, there is also a Psalter. There are 150 psalms in total. The list of psalms will indicate which of them is read for which need. For example:

  • From evil spirits – Nos. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 57, 65, 90, 96;
  • Protective – the same as against evil spirits + Nos. 34, 133;
  • For women’s infirmities – Nos. 102, 25;
  • For bleeding – No. 145, 25;
  • For children - Nos. 22, 76, 109, 114;
  • For the prosperity of trade - No. 2, 57, 60, 64, 81;
  • Agriculture – No. 1, 26, 30, 50, 52, 62, 66, 71, 83,124, 147, 148;
  • Death and the deceased – No. 33, 150;
  • From disasters - No. 17, 21, 30, 50, 62, 68, 85, 89;
  • About physical health - Nos. 5, 12, 28, 36, 37, 44, 56, 58,63, 79, 86, 88, 95, 102, 108, 122, 125, 128, 145, 146;
  • About mental health – Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 27, 41, 55,56;
  • About peace in the family and with friends – Nos. 10, 19, 22, 35, 41, 43,45,54,65,76,86,94, 109, 116, 126,127, 139;
  • Spiritual issues – Nos. 3, 24, 25, 29, 49, 50, 57, 72, 91,98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 108, 115, 119, 130, 134, 136, 149;
  • Travel – No. 28, 29, 31, 92, 135, 150

Religious traditions, as a rule, imply a direct appeal to God for help and support both in church and at home.

In the East they use mantras, and in Europe they have known since ancient times that only prayer restores the aura, especially if the words are sincere, individually and correctly chosen. The effect of competent prayer is compared to powerful meditation to enlighten the soul and mind, because God relieves you of any energy problems.

The benefits of prayer for restoring the aura

  • Every word addressed to the Spirit helps to focus on the higher matters of the world, to concentrate on something favorable. Consequently, all black thoughts, experiences and negativity begin to fade into the background, they leave the person’s head. In addition, removing negative thought forms through prayer also means eliminating various energy suckers and invaders from the human biofield.

Through this transition to a positive way of thinking, it is possible to stop the leakage of energy from the biofield and prevent the appearance of energy holes.

  • God always gives those who turn to him in prayer and at the same time know how to distance themselves from worldly worries, the purest energy. In different cultures, this response flow of force is called differently: pranic gulp, breath of life, cosmic energy. With the help of such high-frequency waves from the Holy Spirit, you can completely fill the voids in your biofield. In the absence of significant holes in the aura, prayer can also create the necessary supply of energy. By the way, it is believed that the main part of the energy from God comes through the crown. It is there, according to Eastern practices, that the highest seventh chakra of the human energy system, Sahasrara, is located.
  • Cognizing the highest truths at the moment of connection with the Lord, the individual is transferred to the level of transcendence. Staying consciousness at a high spiritual level allows you to understand your mistakes in earthly life. A person begins to realize his sins, he abandons the vicious way of existence, which automatically harmonizes his aura.

The influence of divine energy on the development of a living organism has been proven even by scientists at the biological level. In particular, experiments show that plant seeds applied to the relics of saints give better growth rates and germination rates. Doctors also note that prayer impulses enter the brain and affect the entire life activity of a person, the functionality of all his systems.

It is interesting that esoteric centers also conduct research on the effects of prayer on the biofield. Of course, they focus on Hindu and Buddhist versions of addressing God, but this does not affect the amazing results.

A person who regularly communicates with the Almighty forgets about the deformation of the aura, his subtle substances become stronger and aligned, they have symmetry and a pleasant glow. The functionality of the energy system in the body is also restored: chakras and channels are activated and filled with the necessary strength. It turns out that every prayer is always an energetic phenomenon that enhances the importance of a person in the bioenergetic space of the earth.

It is safe to say that prayer optimizes all metabolic processes in a person, therefore it improves energy exchange as well.

Turning to the Lord is always filled with bright feelings, so with the help of God’s Word you can heal not only your body, but also your soul, heart, mind, and also your aura. At the same time, it is not necessary to use only Christian prayers, because you can talk to the Almighty in simple language, preserving the bioenergetic power of your words.

Harmonization of the biofield: rules for reading prayers

  1. Any conversation with God or a guardian angel is always a sacrament. Therefore, a secluded place is chosen for prayer, in which it will be quiet, comfortable, and calm. Select the desired text in advance.
  2. Prayer to restore the aura can be different, because it can imply getting rid of negativity, saturation with vitality, eliminating envious people and ill-wishers. In addition, sometimes in order to harmonize the biofield, it is first necessary to repent, and this is no longer a classic prayer-request.
  3. Create a favorable atmosphere around. You can place a suitable icon in front of you, hold a cross in your hands, and surround yourself with church candles. It is also allowed to use flowers and incense, such as incense. You can play soft, relaxing music. By the way, the use of candles is also due to the fact that the oscillation of the flame transfers sound vibrations to the desired level of waves that reach Heaven.
  4. Don't get hung up on the surroundings. Yes, a pleasant environment is important, but it has value only for your inner state, and not for God. Remember that the Almighty is always with you, he is in your soul and heart.
  5. Never ask during prayer to punish those who caused the deformation of your aura. Use the noble sides of your soul when turning to God, let a bright, spiritual impulse guide you, and not a thirst for revenge.
  6. How many times you read the prayer is also of great importance. Firstly, it is advisable to choose a specific text to restore the thin shell and stick to it constantly until the problem is solved. Secondly, the number of readings is usually determined individually, but the main canonical prayers are read seven times. As practice shows, one or two or three prayers are not enough to fully saturate the body with energy.
  7. Be sure to include in any prayer words of gratitude to the Almighty or to the specific saint whose help you are asking for. Higher Powers rarely meet those who only know how to demand and complain. Learn gratitude, and then prayer will become a real guide to God and an instrument of salvation, the good transformation of life.

A prayer that restores the aura is actually an energy clot that a person sends to God or an individual spiritual protector.

However, part of this power contained in the words always remains with the believer himself; it influences him already due to the very fact of the conviction that the result will be. That is why you need to be careful about what you say and how. Every thought, vibration, image enters the soul and settles in the energy system.

Types of prayers for improving subtle matters

Each word addressed to God has its own special power, its own level of depth. Most prayers operate on completely different energy planes, so a specific text is chosen in much the same way as a medicine in a pharmacy. You need to start from the picture of the aura disease and clearly understand what desired effect is required.

The most powerful prayer can bring about the most profound change. This means that it will not only restore the biofield, but will also permanently eliminate the cause of its deformation. Such a text defeats all a person’s inner demons, his negative emotions, and sets up the spiritual plane in a completely different way.

Inner Confession

Internal confession is aimed at eliminating those negative changes in the aura for which negative emotions, strong feelings and experiences of a person are to blame. You should start by remembering all cases of strong resentment, humiliation, insult, etc.

It is advisable to address all life moments of this kind from the age of 12. Imagine your former ill-wisher in your mind, kiss and hug him. If it doesn’t work out, because... the mental pain has not yet subsided, one can imagine the offender as a small child. Don't forget to send gratitude from the bottom of your heart to this person, because you taught each other something new.

We also need to say thank you to God, since the training took place thanks to him. Feel the warmth spreading in your soul and move on to the second part of the confession before the Almighty. Think about how often you have violated moral rules or been hostile to someone. Imagine that you are in court, where your heart rules. Tell him about all the bad deeds since adolescence, repent, getting rid of negativity.

Such a confession can be repeated several times, even daily, until all the negative aspects of life that can affect the integrity of the aura have been worked out.

Matching Prayers

Prayers that combine with each other usually refer to different time periods. For example, a morning restorative prayer can be directed to the Lord with the goal of receiving a blessing for all future affairs and meeting possible dangers to the aura with honor.

Evening prayer is precisely the most restorative. You must ask God to replenish the lost energy strength so that the acceptance of the new day will be worthy.

"Our Father"

The universal text for restoring the biofield is the “Our Father” prayer. It is usually read three times before going to bed. You can also combine reading with rolling out the body with an egg, which allows you to effectively diagnose the aura for the presence of the evil eye and damage, which deform the human biofield the most.

A raw egg is passed counterclockwise and the prayer is repeated, and then the product is broken into a bowl with water and looked for the presence of foreign inclusions, threads, and bubbles.

Prayer to the “Life-Giving Cross”

Prayer can be used to restore the subtle matter of individual parts of the body, because it perfectly removes manifestations of evil spirits. The vibrations of this text also destroy corruption. However, while reading the prayer, it is necessary to hold your hand on the affected area and visualize the outflow of negativity.

The resulting clots are usually mentally burned over a real church candle.

Psalms from the Book of Psalms

Psalms from the Psalter are also particularly effective.

  • Let's say, if mental health is required, you need to read texts numbered 4, 7-9, 11, 27, 55.
  • Psalms No. 3, 6, 13, 34, 90, 133 protect from evil spirits.
  • Various spiritual questions also allow you to solve tests No. 24, 25, 29, 72, 98-100, 130, 136.

Strong prayer to return human energy

This text is suitable reading for anyone who feels a constant loss of strength. This prayer collects all mental evil from a person’s soul, processes it and returns it in the form of clean and fresh energy flows. In addition, sincerely voiced words can relieve a person from the burden of energy vampirism, returning to all victims their, perhaps involuntarily collected, vitality.

There are several variations of this returning prayer.

If you have time, then you can prepare a special drink in the morning, which, in combination with the text, will help enrich the aura with energy.

You need to brew 5 clove seeds with 200 ml of hot water. When the potion has settled for 20 minutes, you need to drink it on an empty stomach in one sip. But before this, the drink is charmed with prayer. The words should contain a request from God. It is necessary to beg for healing from mental illness, protection from the evil eye and damage, and strength for the body to absorb this life.

Prayer option No. 1

For those who prefer the pure power of prayer, an impressive text addressed to the Almighty is suitable. It must be read repeatedly and consciously, imbued with the soul in every word. Such a prayer is real repentance, and it can be voiced even in church:

“I ask my true Creator, as well as all the Light forces of the Higher order, whose support I need: collect from my bioenergetic shell, from all corners of the body, from every cell and atom the energy that was taken accidentally or purposefully from other people in any time. I ask that you please take these streams of power and cleanse them, let them be filtered and return to their original owners. I ask these people for forgiveness, let them release me to God's Judgment. Amen. I also forgive them all and release them to the Lord’s Judgment. Amen. As for those energies that, by the will of God, I received when I was born, then find them, restore them in full and, if necessary, change them, cleanse, filter and return them at any time, from this moment and forever. Amen. My true Creator, do it right (3 times). Amen!"

Prayer option No. 2

There is also a simpler and shorter version of the prayer, which transforms negative energy into positive and, thereby, returns harmony to the aura:

“Everything that destroys my biofield, strains and zombifies my mind, stops spiritual growth, I cancel with just awareness! All the released energy of the past is directed by me to heal the aura and soul. I cancel everything that prevents me from going on the right path. I direct the freed flows of energy to restore my memory. I change the accumulated flows that have become harmful to me into the energy of love, happiness, mutual understanding with the world and my soul. I cancel all stagnant energetic vibrations that stand between me and my pure consciousness. I direct all the released energy to transform myself.Let it be so!"

Thus, every believer should have no doubt: any prayer restores the aura and strengthens the energy of the individual. At the same time, however, we must remember that the reader must have only good intentions, and his convictions must be unshakable and persistent.

It is necessary to desire restoration not only for yourself, but for the whole world.

Therefore, the effectiveness of a particular prayer text should be assessed, first of all, by one’s own behavior and spiritual development. Sincere prayer will certainly help the heart become freer from disappointment and resentment, and this always makes the biofield strong and healthy.

This set of exercises allows you to restore the biofield and make the aura “impenetrable” to various energy influences.

What to do to restore the biofield?

This set of exercises effectively eliminates holes in the aura and restores the biofield. This helps prevent loss of energy, which is extremely important for spiritual growth and the development of superpowers, restores health, and gives a charge of vitality and vigor.

Exercise “Golden Skeleton”

1. Feel, sense, imagine or think about the golden energy swirling around your feet in a clockwise direction. This energy must be allowed to enter the body through the feet. The mineral composition of the bones makes the skeleton a good conductor for this purified energy.

2. Now, bone by bone, you need to direct this golden energy through the entire skeleton: you should imagine that it rises higher and higher through the bones of the toes, the energy passes through all the bones, moves up the ankles to the knees, then goes to the bones of the hips.

4. Then you need to imagine how the flow of energy passes through the shoulders and shoulder blades, down the chest and around the ribs.

5. Then the flow of energy is directed through the bones of the arms to the hands and to all the small bones of the hands and fingers.

6. Now you should direct attention and energy up to the bones of the neck, pass it around the jaw through the teeth, and “wash” the skull with it.

During this exercise, you should be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply. It is important to allow the golden energy to pass through all the bones of the body, to feel its movement as brightly as possible.

Exercise “Golden Brain”

In this exercise you need to move all the golden energy into the brain. To do this you should:

1. Move your attention inside the brain and express the intention that the brain will absorb this energy. The place to start is with the cerebral cortex (the gray matter that covers the top of the brain).

2. Then you need to transfer the energy deeper. Just below the gray matter is white matter, the largest part of the brain. White matter is responsible for the development of extrasensory abilities. The white matter should be allowed to absorb this golden energy like a sponge. Consciousness will independently distribute energy between the two hemispheres.

You need to direct the golden energy into it and completely surround this small point with it, and then express the intention that this energy will be completely absorbed into the pituitary gland.

You should also mentally voice your intention to activate the hormonal changes you desire. The pituitary gland is the first point of contact and is energetically connected to the pineal gland.

4. Now you should move your attention to the center of the brain. This area is also sometimes called the sacred chamber. This is where the pineal gland is located. This is a small, kidney-shaped dot. You need to direct energy into it and express the intention so that this golden energy is completely absorbed into this center.

5. Also in this part of the brain is the hypothalamus² and thalamus³. The thalamus is a fan-shaped organ consisting of gray matter surrounded by white matter. Two sections of the thalamus are located in the two hemispheres of the brain. The thalamus is responsible for the power of visualization.

At this stage, you should imagine a golden butterfly in the center of your head. Your intention should be to enhance its radiance with the help of golden energy.

Here is an ovoid-shaped organ called the pons. One should imagine this egg-shaped organ being completely covered in radiant golden light.

7. After this, with the strongest intention you need to direct the golden energy down the entire spinal cord.

During this exercise you need to be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply.

Restoring the aura through the endocrine system

During this step, golden energy flows through the entire endocrine system. To do this you need:

1. Focus the golden energy within the parathyroid and thyroid glands, which are located at the bottom of the throat. The intention must be expressed so that the golden energy is completely absorbed into these glands.

2. Above the heart area under the chest is the thymus gland. This is the point at which all the energy of the body is accumulated. Strengthening the radiation of energy in the area above the heart is one of the key points in restoring the biofield.

By directing energy to this center, we heal the energy body and restore the aura.

To do this, you should direct the golden energy to the thymus gland and give the command so that this energy is completely absorbed. By an effort of will, you need to imagine filling this gland with golden energy as clearly as possible. Subsequently, from this center, energy will nourish the entire heart area.

3. Then you need to move your attention to the heart muscle. The heart is not part of the endocrine system. But, nevertheless, the pericardial sac, which surrounds the heart, must be filled with this healing energy. This will improve the functioning of the heart and improve the health of the entire body.

4. The pancreas is located to the left of the navel; it also needs to be saturated with golden energy.

5. Now you need to move your attention to the middle of the back - to the adrenal glands or adrenal glands. They are located above the kidneys. These internal organs should be filled with energy with the power of intention.

6. Then you need to move your attention a little further down - to the ovaries or testicles, directing golden energy into them.

The energy then flows down through the thighs, legs and ankles into the feet.

Grounding energy to restore the biofield

At this stage, you should “ground” the energy. To do this, direct the golden energy that rotates around the legs clockwise into the ground. There, this energy changes due to the vibrational frequencies of the earth and comes out of it in the form of a concentrated beam (all steps must be imagined as vividly as possible in your imagination).

Then this beam of energy must be directed through the entire body, passing through all energy centers - chakras⁴. The change in energy may be felt as a change in temperature or a tingling sensation.

Restoring the biofield through human energy centers

Life Center

First, to restore the aura, energy is directed to 1 energy center. To nourish it with energy, you should:

1. Direct your attention to the base of the spine (tailbone area) and feel, feel or imagine a glowing red sphere in this area. You need to imagine how a golden ray gently enters this sphere and fills it, as a result of which the sphere begins to radiate in all directions.

Then you need to direct the beam of golden energy to the next energetic creative-sexual center.

Creative-sexual center

This is the second energy center of the human body. It is located approximately between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel and appears as an orange sphere. To saturate this center with golden energy, you need:

1. Focus your attention on this center and imagine how a golden beam of energy fills the orange sphere.

2. When filling the sphere with energy, one should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center. This is how we awaken our sexuality and creativity.

During the exercise, you should be in a relaxed state and breathe deeply.

Solar plexus area

Then the beam of energy is directed higher and reaches the solar plexus area. This is another energy center. It should be imagined as a yellow sphere. When filling the sphere with energy, you should express the intention to bless, strengthen and balance this center.

Breathing during work is calm, the state is relaxed.

Heart area

Next, you should direct your attention and the golden ray of energy higher, to the center of the heart. This is an emerald colored sphere. Having imbued this area with energy, you need to move your attention just above the heart - to the area of ​​the thymus gland. The intention should be to strengthen the golden light in this part of the body. When performing the exercise, you can feel warmth in the heart area.

When you feel full, you can move on to the next center.

Throat area

The throat area is another energy center of our body. It appears as a blue sphere. This center is a special gate: this is the place where the energy of heaven and earth merges together and is reincarnated into human life force. This is the center of truth, which is why the words we speak have such power.

Having reached this center with your attention, you need to imagine how a golden ray fills the throat area and restores energy.

You can slowly turn your head from side to side while the energy feeds the throat area.

Then you should take a deep breath and turn your attention to the area between the eyebrows.

"Third Eye"

To do this, you need to concentrate your attention on this area and direct a beam of golden energy upward, through the center of the brain closer to the forehead. This is where the indigo color area is located. With your imagination, you should concentrate the beam in this center, imagining how it is filled with energy and begins to glow like a precious stone.

In this work, one should express the intention to develop superpowers, deepen wisdom and increase understanding. This area is also associated with telepathy, the development of the sixth sense.

Crown area

After the center between the eyebrows is filled with energy, you should move your attention and the beam of golden energy upward, to the center of the crown. You should imagine how the golden energy begins to swirl around the top of your head, forming a halo above your head.

“Delay and Ejection”

Then, with strong intention, you need to exhale air through your mouth, imagining as you exhale a fountain of colored energy rising up through your head and spiraling down. This colored energy envelops the body, restores the biofield, and strengthens the connection with the energy of the earth.

This concludes the exercise. It is advisable to perform this practice daily. This will help not only restore energy and biofield, but also strengthen the aura, making it “impenetrable” to negative influences⁵, which in turn will have a beneficial effect on overall health.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The pituitary gland is a cerebral appendage in the form of a round formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bony pocket called the sella turcica, produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function (Wikipedia).

² The hypothalamus is a small area in the diencephalon, which includes a large number of groups of cells (over 30 nuclei) that regulate the neuroendocrine activity of the brain and the homeostasis of the body (Wikipedia).

³ Thalamus is a region of the brain responsible for the redistribution of information from the senses, with the exception of smell, to the cerebral cortex (