Writing a particle not with an adverb. Integrated and separate spelling of NOT with adverbs ending in –O and –E

Remember how to write with Not nouns and adjectives.

    Sloppiness, sloppy.
    Insincerity, insincere.
    Not politeness, but rudeness.
    Not polite, but rude.

Read the writing rule Not with adverbs. What's new in it compared to the rule about writing Not with nouns and adjectives? Explain spellings with examples.

When applying this rule, think like this:

(Not) carelessly. I am writing together, because there is no word Not- not used.

(In)accurately wrote. Piitu is inaccurately combined, since this word can be replaced with an expression close in meaning - without diligence. In this word Not-- console.

(Not) far, but close. I am not writing separately, since there is a contrast with the union A.

This museum is (not) far from us at all. I am writing not far apart, since the word at all strengthens the statement.

241. Explain how these adverbs are formed. Why Not Do they write together? Choose antonym adverbs for these words.

Not fun ← fun; impolite, thoughtless, a little, careless, unstable, unfriendly, unclear, unserious, insincere, indifferent, unfair, careless, a lot, illiterate, ugly.

242. Analyze these adverbs. Write down the adverbs with Not to the table.

To do (not) a (k, kk) neatly, (not) neatly, (not) skillfully. Sew on a button (not) tightly..to. Pr..sew (not) tightly, but weakly. Look (not) trustingly, (not) pleased, (not) friendly. Look (not) trustingly, but with suspicion. Talking is not at all (not) fun, not at all (not) loud, far (not) affectionate. Say it (not) loudly, but quietly. Express thoughts (in)consistently, (in)connectedly. Fly (not) high. Fly (not) high, but low. Fly very (not) high. Dig (not) deep at all. (Not) open your eyes slightly. Perform (carelessly). It's a (im) foolish thing to do. To speak out (not) indignantly. Not at all (not) happy.

not at all
not far
not at all
not at all
not at all

243. First write down examples of proverbs where Not-- prefix, then examples where Not- particle. In which sentences are these words adverbs? Which sentences need punctuation marks - commas?

1. What is (un)comfortable is (not) okay. 2. An affectionate word is (not) difficult, but quick. 3. It’s easy to say (not) easy to prove. 4. A smart word is (not) hard but easy. 5. The bird flew high and sat down (not) far away.

244. Write down, indicating the conditions for choosing continuous and separate writing Not with adverbs. Name the types of spellings in place of gaps in prefixes.

1. The weather soon (imperceptibly) changed. 2. (Several) weighty stones, falling off the steep slope, fell down. 3. (Not) equally one of the forays, with absence (?) from the den for the whole day and night, almost (not) ended (?) for the wolves (un)expected (n, nn) ​​trouble . 4. The (un)restless wolf cubs (didn’t) rest as much as they ran around, sniffing and looking at everything that attracted their curiosity. 5. (Not) far from the wolves with their cubs, (not) much to the side, in the tamarisk groves, saigas were grazing. There were (not) few of them.

(According to Ch. Aitmatov)

245. Write down, underline words with a prefix Not- as members of a sentence. What part of speech is each of them? What sounds are pronounced in place of the highlighted letters?

1. The winter sun is (not) kind. The forest of children was (not) affectionately flying. 2. (Un)noticeably a day passed in the forest. After cleaning, the stain on the surface is (not) noticeable. 3. Seryozha jumped up (not) high. A young tree (not) tall. 4. Objection (un)convincing. Kolya made excuses (un)convincingly. 5. Defeat was (inevitable).


246. What style does the text belong to? What word that does not exist in the language is used in Dima’s question? What word did the commander replace it with?

“Listen,” then Dimka said, although there (wasn’t) anyone around, “you (don’t) go straight there... it’s better to run around.” As if (not) noticed.

They warned the wounded (n, nn) ​​commander.

Well, he said, just be careful, guys. And if (not) help..t, (n..)what then (not) done..sh... (I wouldn’t) really want to prop..give so (not) stupidly...

What if it’s lepo?

There is no such word, Dimka. And if it’s not for nothing, then it’s possible.

(According to A. Gaidar)

247. Fill out the following table: Not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in -O And -e» with your own examples, indicating in them the conditions for choosing continuous or separate writing Not. Make two complex sentences.

248. Title the text. What is his main idea? Divide it into paragraphs and write it down. Underline the adverbs formed by prefixes. What linguistic means are used here to connect sentences?

Over the years, people have become more and more accustomed to the fact that the post office is always at their service. To speed up the delivery of letters in the city, postmen began to ride not only horses, but also bicycles. And only one thing remained (in)convenient. Each letter had to be weighed, calculated how far...it would be carried, and only then found out from special books how much money to take for mailing. Then write out a receipt. And more than a hundred years ago, people invented a postage stamp, a postage envelope and a stamp. Oh no, it was not at all (not) easy to think like that. The convenience turned out to be enormous. It was from this time that correspondence became commonplace. Almost all states immediately picked up both of these discoveries. In our country, the first postage stamp was issued at the end of 1857.

(According to A. Sheikin)

stamp [te]
envelope [in"]

249. Organize a dialogue on the topic “Why do people start writing letters to each other less?” Talk about what replaced them, how they now communicate with each other. Discuss the pros and cons of such communication. Work in a group.

2. The particle not is written together with adverbs ending in -o, which in combination with a negative particle acquire the opposite meaning (usually such words can be replaced with synonyms without not): not bad (cf. good); a little (cf. little); unsuccessfully (cf. unsuccessfully).

3. The particle is written separately, not with adverbs ending in -o, if there is or is implied opposition: they do not live richly, but poor; usually we went neither fast nor slow; infrequently a similar situation arises; not soon the river will open again; not by chance he started this conversation; not forever nature will keep its secrets from man; not sweet how the settlers lived at first; To be honest, A little There are people who do not experience an unpleasant feeling when they see spiders.

There is a distinction between the opposition expressed by the conjunction a and the opposition expressed by the conjunction but.

When using the conjunction a, two concepts are contrasted, one of which is denied, and the other, its opposite, is affirmed: Work is done not bad, but good - separate writing of the negative particle. When using the conjunction but, not directly opposite concepts are opposed, but compatible concepts; two characteristics are simultaneously attributed to the action without negating one of them: Work is done not bad, but with some minor flaws— continuous writing of a negative particle.

Note. In some cases, a double interpretation of the text is possible and, as a consequence, a double spelling of a particle not with an adverb. Wed:

not far (claimed to be close)

to the nearest bus stop from here not far (denies that it is far)

the editor left for a short time (‘for a short time’)

the editor did not leave for long (‘not for a long time’)

4. The particle is written separately not with an adverb ending in -o, if a negative adverb starting with ni, or the words far, at all or by no means are used as an explanatory word: The speaker spoke not at all convincing; Manuscript edited not bad at all. But: no way possible(in no way plays the role of an intensifying word; cf.: absolutely impossible).

5. Words of the state category starting with -o (the so-called predicative adverbs) are written with the particle not together when affirming: it is not difficult to see and separately when negating: it is not difficult to see (the meaning is usually established by the writer himself). For example:

statement: It doesn't matter what he thinks about us; Wrong consider the current situation so difficult; Impossible complete such complex work in a short time; Unprofitable leave immediately; Unknown how he will behave next; No wonder that she refused an uninteresting job;Inadmissibletreat elders this way; Unclear, why are they missing for so long; Unpleasant walking in wet weather; Unforgivable betray the trust of others; Today at sea restless; Not surprising, that constant exercise improved his health; Not good leaving friends in trouble;

denial: - Is that all? — Not rich; Not funthink that the holiday is already over; Can not see, so that the patient gets better; Shouldn't persist in an erroneous opinion; Not logical believe that events will repeat themselves; Not necessary, so that the answer is given immediately; Not dangerous, that there was a short break in treatment; Not easy carry out a complete reconstruction of a large enterprise; Not modest overestimate your merits; Not sweet live alone; Not by chance, that he turned to you for help; Not weird, that victory went to the strongest; Not significant for us, where to spend our holidays; Not bad it would be nice to go south.

As in other cases, negation is strengthened by negative pronouns and adverbs, as well as words far, not at all, or not at all: No one is pleased, to be thought ill of him; It's not at all indifferent how to proceed in the future.

6. The particle is not written together:

1) in negative adverbs: nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no need;

2) in denominative adverbs: not far away, unaware, by chance, unbearably, unbearably, inadvertently, unbearably, not without reason(‘not in vain’, but: not for nothing - ‘not for free’), inopportunely, for good reason, reluctantly(verbal origin);

3) in combination with who knows who ( what, which, where, where and so on.).

7. The particle is not written separately:

1) with pronominal and intensifying adverbs: not here, not like that, not completely, not completely, not quite;

2) with words of the state category (predicative adverbs) that are not correlative with adjectives: no need, no time, no pity (but: lack of time, reluctance and etc.);

3) with the comparative form of adverbs: works no worse than others;

4) with adverbial adverbs: not today, not otherwise, etc.;

5) with adverbs that are written with a hyphen: not in my opinion, not in a comradely way;

6) in combinations of denominate origin: not to the credit, not to measure, not to the example, not to good, not to haste, not to taste, not within one’s strength, not to one’s liking, not to hand.

8. The particle is not written separately from the preposition, conjunction or particle that follows it: not in the field; not with friends; not that... not that; Not only; I don't know which one.

9. In prepositional combinations, despite, despite, the particle is not written together: Despite the bad weather, we went to the mountains; The speaker criticized everyone, regardless of position,

Often when writing articles and essays, people have a question: how do you spell “not” with adverbs?

The Russian language is great and powerful, and sometimes it’s difficult to remember all the rules. It is not always possible to carry a textbook or reference book with you. In the article we will analyze frequently encountered examples and recall the rule for writing “not” with adverbs.

Rule for writing “not” with adverbs

“Not” is written together when:

  1. The word without “not” is not used.
  2. It is easy to find a synonym for the word.
  3. The word has a negative meaning.
  4. A denominative adverb is used, which is not used without “not”.

“Not” is written separately if:

  1. There is a contrast.
  2. Between “not” and the word you can insert the words: not at all, not at all, far.
  3. The word is written with a hyphen.
  4. There is a comparative degree.
  5. With the circumstances of the time.
  6. The word is formed from an adjective and ends with –o, –e.

Examples of combined spelling of “not” with adverbs

  1. Cases when a word is not used without "Not":
  • Definitely– the word “definitely” does not exist in Russian.

I certainly I want to see you at my wedding!

  • Immediately– in Russian speech there is no word “slowly”, so this is the case when it is not used without “not”.

As soon as Alexander arrives, immediately call me.

  • Reluctantly– the adverb “although” does not exist.

I reluctantly did this job.

  • Not fun– if the word is not written without “not”. There are no particles: at all, not at all, far away and there is no opposition with the conjunction “a”, which means we use it together.

I was n fun at the party.

  • You can choose a word with a similar meaning without losing the meaning of the sentence:
    • Unbearable- written together if it has a meaning: heavy, difficult, painful.

    The exam was in progress unbearable for a long time(state category – painful).

    • Can not hear

    He came up to me Can not hear. He came up to me silently.

    • Immediately

    Immediately give back my tapes! Fast give back my tapes!

    • Slowly– if a word can be replaced with a synonym without “not”, we use it together.

    Young woman slowly walked through the city. Young woman slowly walked through the city.

    • Not difficult

    I was not difficult do all the work for you. I was easily to do work.

    • Quietly

    He said quietly. He said quiet.

    • Uncomfortable- written together if you can find words that are similar in meaning: awkward, shameful, bad.

    I was uncomfortable talk to him. I was awkward talk to him.

    • Leisurely– is always used together, with the exception of variants using particles: not at all, not at all, far.

    Student leisurely went to class. The student was going to class slowly.

    • Inadvertently– a word without “not” is not used, you can choose a word with a similar meaning.

    He inadvertently offended Sasha. He accidentally offended Sasha.

  • If the word is written in the affirmative negative form:
    • Sloppy - an adverb with the prefix “not” ending in –o is written together if it has an affirmative negative form.

    The seam is done sloppy. Redo it!

    • No need– if we add the question “why?” and the meaning of the answer will be a meaningless action, we can safely use it in continuous writing.

    To me no need go to the shop. I have everything!

    Examples of separate spelling of “not” with adverbs

    1. “Not” is always written separately:
    • Do not mind

    Kate do not mind go to Paris.

    • Not completely intensifying adverb, always separate .

    Vasya, you not completely revealed the topic of the essay.

    • Not right away - circumstance of time.

    We not right away realized what happened.

    • I don't mind - write together, so you can insert a word.

    I not always against your gatherings.

    • Not really - the intensifying particle is used separately.

    I not really I understand what you want from me.

    • Not on purpose

    I not on purpose spilled milk.

    • Can not see - negative form.

    Can not see that you are sick.

  • Adverb of comparative degree and measure:
    • Not good– used separately.

    Katya Not good loved this dress.

  • If you can put particles between “not” and the word: at all, not at all:
    • Not high quality

    This is not at all not high quality completed work.

    • Not by chance

    Not at all not by chance we met after so many years.

    • No need

    This is for us not necessary at all.

  • If there is a contrast with the union"A":
    • Not far

    We were not far from the city, but close.

    • Not difficult

    The problem was solved not difficult, but easy.

    • Not on purpose

    Petya did it not on purpose, but by accident.

    • Not hard

    I was not hard It's very easy to give up everything.

    • Not rich

    She was dressed not rich but very cheap.

    • Unclear

    The solution to the problem was unclear, but only raised more questions.

  • If used in the meaning of opposition:
    • Not only

    Not only you may be afraid of the dark.

  • “Not” is written separately if the word is written with a hyphen.
    • Not in a friendly way

    You got in not in a friendly way, leaving me in trouble.

    • Not in a friendly way

    This not in a friendly way, leaving friends in trouble.

  • “Not” with adverbs ending in –o, -e.
    • Not very fast- ends in -o. In opposition it is written separately.

    Not very fast We got there, but slowly.

    • Not far away - denominate form.

    I saw him not far away.

    • Not ideal - written separately if there is opposition or particles: not at all, not at all.

    You didn't make a sketch Not perfect, redraw.

    If difficulties arise when writing a particular adverb, remember the rule of contrasting and replacing a word with a synonym. If it is replaced, we use it together, you can put the conjunction “a” - we write it separately.

    If a verb cannot be used without NOT, it is written together with NOT.

    For example: to hate, to be unwell, to be indignant.

    In other cases, NOT with verbs is always written separately.

    It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the compound prefix “nedo” and verbs with the prefix “do” plus the negative particle NOT. The prefix “under” has the meaning of insufficiency of something, incompleteness, and is written together with the verb. A verb with the prefix “to” and the negative particle “NOT” denotes an action that is interrupted, not completed, impracticable, interrupted.

    For example: He lacks love (lacking love). He does not reach the door handle (impossible action).

    Spelling NOT with gerunds

    Subject to the same rule as spelling NOT with verbs.

    For example: indignant, not looking.

    Spelling NOT with pronouns

    In pronouns, NOT is written under stress and together, except in cases where NOT and the pronoun are separated by a preposition.

    NOT with pronouns and adverbs is always written together: there is no place, there is no need, there is no place.

    Remember: none other than; nothing more than; like no one else; like nothing else.

    Spelling NOT with numerals

    NOT with numerals is always written separately.

    Spelling NOT with adjectives, nouns and adverbs ending in -о, -е

    Together Apart
    1. Not used without NOT: hateful, ignorant, clumsy.
    2. Can be replaced with a synonym without NOT: ugly (ugly), foe (enemy), inaudible (quiet).
    3. If there are words with the meaning of degree: very, extremely, completely, etc.: very uninteresting, extremely unsuccessful, completely unreasonable.
    4. If there is a word “no way”: no way possible.
    5. If there is a union but: rather large, but spacious; uncomfortable, but warm.
    1. If there is a contrast with the conjunction a: not joyful, but sad; not a friend, but an enemy; not hot, but cold.
    2. If there are words not at all, far from, by no means and negative pronouns and adverbs with the prefix neither: far from dear; not a beauty at all; not scary at all; not at all smart.
    3. With short adjectives that do not have a full form (should, glad, ready, obliged) or have a different meaning in their full form (prominent - visible): not glad to meet; the city is not visible.
    4. NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e: not through.
    5. With the words of the condition category: not scary.
    6. With adjectives and adverbs in the form of degrees of comparison: no worse, not the best.
    7. With possessive and relative adjectives, with adjectives denoting colors: not brick; not my mother's; not green.

    Note. You should be careful when writing NOT with words that contain the word “absolutely.” If it means “completely, very”, it is NOT written together. If it means “not at all” - separately.

    For example:
    A very unexciting journey (= a very unexciting journey).
    Not a random word at all (not a random word at all). The spelling of short adjectives that have a full form follows the rules of spelling full adjectives.

    There are many rules in the Russian language that you can’t always remember when you need to write this or that word. Many people have difficulty writing “not” with adverbs. Below we will tell you how to correctly write “not” with adverbs in various situations, and also give examples.

    Joint spelling of “not” with adverbs

    There are quite a few cases when the particle “not” should be written together. You need to remember them, or better yet, do a few exercises to consolidate them and study examples. Subsequently, you won’t even have to think about writing this or that adverb; everything will come out automatically.

    So, this particle is written together when it is impossible to use a word without it. For example: inevitable, absurd, perplexing.

    Adverbs with “not” should be written together, if they can be quite easily replaced with synonyms, then there will be no negation in the sentence. For example: not bad (good), a little (little).

    In addition, you should remember that the particle “not” must be written together:

    • in adverbs with negation: nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no need;
    • in denominative adverbs: unawares, by chance, not far away, not without reason.

    When “not” with adverbs is written separately

    “Not” with adverbs that end in “o” should be written separately, if the sentence contains an adverb with a negative connotation that begins with “nor”, ​​or combinations such as not at all, far from, not at all. For example: The opponent spoke in a way that was not at all clear. The letters are by no means poorly written.

    You also need to write adverbs with “not” ending in “o” when the sentence contains or implies opposition. For example: The neighbor's family lives not richly, but poorly, so we often help them to the best of our ability. Most often we do not drive fast (but slowly). Mother Nature will not be able to hide her secrets from people forever.

    Other cases of separate writing

    • with pronominal and intensifying adverbs: not completely, not here, not completely, not so, not quite;
    • with comparative adverbs: she worked at the company no worse than other employees;
    • with predicative adverbs that do not correlate with adjectives: no time, no need, no pity. Be careful, this rule has exceptions: lack of time, reluctance and other similar adverbs should be written together with this particle.
    • with adverbial adverbs: not otherwise, not today, not now.
    • in combinations of denominative origin: not in moderation, not counting, not being an example.
    • with adverbs that are written with a hyphen: not in a comradely way, not in my way, not in our way, not in your way;
    • the negation “not” should be written separately from the following conjunctions, prepositions, particles: not in the field, not with relatives, not that... not that; Not only.

    Double situations and examples

    In some cases, there is a double interpretation of the text; as a result, a similar spelling can be observed: The nearest village is not far from here (that is, close) - The nearest village is not far from here (there is a denial that it is far).

    Predicative adverbs ending in “o” can be written together or separately with the particle “not” - it’s not difficult to see - it’s not difficult to see. For example: It doesn’t matter / It doesn’t matter what this person thinks about me.

    Now you know how to spell “not” with adverbs and try to follow the rules described below. Then no one will be able to accuse you of illiteracy.