Juno and maybe a love story in brief. The real story of "Juno" and "maybe"

“Juno and Avos” is the most famous and still popular Russian rock opera. The play premiered in 1981 at the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, on whose stage it continues to this day.


The author of the music for the play is A. L. Rybnikov. He was born in Moscow on July 17, 1945. His parents were people creative professions: mother is an artist-designer, and father is a violinist. Alexey Lvovich began writing music at the age of 8. His first compositions were pieces for piano, and at the age of 11 he wrote the ballet “Puss in Boots.” A. L. Rybnikov graduated from the conservatory in composition class, his teacher was Aram Khachaturian.

In addition to the work “Juno and Avos,” Alexey Lvovich wrote another legendary rock opera, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta.” He is the author of music for the mystery play “Liturgy of the Catechumens”, for the musical drama “Maestro Massimo”, for the modern opera “War and Peace”, for such films as: “Treasure Island”, “That Same Munchausen”, “The Tale of the Star Boy” ", "Andersen - Life without Love", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Brothers Karamazov", etc., as well as cartoons: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats on new way", "Black chicken", the Moomin Troll series, etc. In addition, A. L. Rybnikov writes symphonic, chamber and choral music. And there is no doubt that giving him the title People's Artist in 1999 quite fair.


The most famous work The rock opera “Juno and Avos” was and remains by composer A.L. Rybnikov. A brief summary of the performance will be presented in this article. Based on the plot poem of the same name, written by Andrei Voznesensky. She introduces us to true history which happened at the beginning of the 19th century. Russian statesman Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1806 took a trip to California, where he met Conchita, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco.

So, “Juno and Avos” ( summary The opera will be described further in detail) - this is a story about how Nikolai Rezanov, as part of the expedition he led, stopped in California on the way to Alaska. At the ball, he meets sixteen-year-old Conchita, who falls in love with him. After getting engaged to her, Nikolai Rezanov is forced to continue the expedition and leave his bride in California. On the way to St. Petersburg, where he was going to apply for permission to marry Conchita, since she is a Catholic, Nikolai Petrovich falls ill and dies. Conchita waited for him for many years and did not believe that he was dead, and having received confirmation of his death, she became a nun and took a vow of silence.


The rock opera “Juno and Avos” (the summary goes hand in hand with the work itself) begins with a prologue. Nikolai Petrovich prays, calling on the Lord and the Motherland. After which a prophet appears on stage and predicts to Russia that the difficult year 1812 is coming soon.

The first act of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

The summary of the first part is as follows: after the funeral service in the church of his wife, Rezanov submits a petition to Count Rumyantsev to support his project - the first round-the-world trip in the history of Russia, which he intends to lead in order to establish friendly relations with America, which promises great benefits for Russia . Having received the go-ahead from Rumyantsev, N.P. Rezanov sets sail.

Second act

Rock opera “Juno and Avos” summary (second part) tells about what is happening to the heroes already in America. The scene begins with Nikolai Petrovich writing a letter to A.N. Rumyantsev about the state in which his expedition arrived on the shores of California, and how they were greeted by local residents. Next, the action moves to the ballroom. This is where N.P. Rezanov met Conchita, in honor of whose 16th birthday a ball was given. Nikolai Petrovich presents the commandant's daughter with a gift - a golden diadem from the collection of Empress Catherine. After the ball, Rezanov enters Conchita's bedroom and seduces her. The girl falls in love with him, and he only feels remorse. During confession, the girl tells everything to her confessor, which he reports to her father, who insists on an engagement in order to hide his daughter’s dishonor. Rezanov and Conchita get engaged, after which he sails away, but he is never destined to return to her. For thirty years Conchita waited for the return of N.P. Rezanov, not believing the rumors about his death.

This rock opera, I believe, needs no introduction. everyone famous songs-I I will never forget you, and “Hallelujah” I really wanted to see a real production and it’s a pity. which is no longer the case with actors like Alexander. Abdulov. and Nikolai Karachentsev - he is alive and God bless him for long years. with him this opera is the most strong in spirit and emotional.

The plot of Juno and Avos is based on a true romantic story love between Russian Count Nikolai Rezanov and Conchita Arguello. As the story goes, in 1806 Rezanov undertook a sea expedition from Alaska to the shores of California on the ships Juno and Avos in order to obtain provisions for the starving Russian colonies in America. Arriving in California, he met spanish colony San Francisco is the daughter of the local governor, but their rapidly developing romance was interrupted by the Count's urgent departure to Russia. Unable to obtain a quick permission to marry a Catholic, Orthodox Rezanov spent several years waiting for him and died near Krasnoyarsk. Conchita waited for him for 35 years until she received reliable information about his death, after which she retired to a monastery...

The love story that has touched people's hearts for twenty years is back. It seems that such music cannot become obsolete, and for many years these melodies will make people's hearts clench and tears flow from their eyes.

13 years before the appearance, Alexey Rybnikov first connected church choirs and ambient music on a synthesizer. For the first time, our compatriot revealed to the world a new dimension of mystical music.

In 1978, composer Alexey Rybnikov showed director Mark Zakharov his musical improvisations on themes Orthodox chants. Zakharov liked the music, and then the idea arose to create a musical performance based on it based on the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” He approached the poet Andrei Voznesensky with this proposal (this was their first meeting), but he did not support this idea:

Then I was an arrogant young poet; it seemed incomprehensible to me why it was necessary to write something Slavophile based on “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign,” while its author was unknown and it was not even known whether or not there was an author of “The Lay.” I say: “I have my own poem, it’s called “Maybe!” About the love of forty-two-year-old Count Rezanov for sixteen-year-old Conchita, let’s make an opera based on this poem.” Mark was a little confused and said: “Let me read it.” The next day he told me that he agreed and that we would make an opera, and the choice of the composer would be his, Mark. He chose Alexey Rybnikov. It was a happy choice.

The libretto was indeed based on poem "Maybe" (1970), although for theatrical production Naturally, I had to add many arias and scenes. Since the word “rock opera” was banned at that time (as was rock music in general), the authors wrote under the title of the work: “modern opera”. Staging dance numbers was carried out by choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev, who also initially felt that the upcoming production had no analogues on the Soviet stage.

Unlike Rybnikov’s previous rock opera"The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta", which the commission rejected 11 times, new performance was resolved immediately. At the same time, according to Voznesensky’s recollections, before passing the commission, Zakharov went with him in a taxi to the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, where they lit candles at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God(which is mentioned in the opera).

The opera premiered on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, starring Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchita), Alexander Abdulov (Federico). In a few days, according to Rybnikov's memoirs, scandalous articles about the play were published in the West, assessing it as anti-Soviet, which made life difficult for its authors:

The Western press reacted as if we were premiering on Broadway, and not in Soviet Moscow. After that, I was pushed into the shadows for a very long time. The play was performed, but was not released abroad, the record was not released for a very long time (after all, 800 people go to the performance 2-3 times a month, and the record means mass fame). They didn’t even recognize me as the author, they didn’t sign an agreement with me, and I sued the USSR Ministry of Culture, foreign correspondents came to the trial... Having won the trial, I fell into the category of people with whom it is better not to get involved at all. A. Rybnikov

However, after some time, thanks to Pierre Cardin, the theater toured in Paris and on Broadway in New York, then in Germany, Holland and other countries. Subsequently, the opera was staged in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, and South Korea.

Rock opera - Juno and Avos

Released: 1980 | Country: USSR | Genre: Rock opera | Quality: mp3/320 Kbps
Composer: Alexey Rybnikov

“Juno and Avos” is one of the most famous Russian rock operas by composer Alexei Rybnikov with poems by poet Andrei Voznesensky. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (director Mark Zakharov, choreographed by Vladimir Vasiliev, artist Oleg Sheintsis), whose repertoire the play is still included in.

1. 01 - Prologue
2.02 - Funeral service
3. 03 - Romance “I will never forget you”
4. 04 - Aria Rezanova “I’m madly tired in my soul”
5.05 - Church scene, prayer
6. 06 - Aria Holy Virgin
7. 07 - Sailors' song "Maybe"
8.08 - Swimming
9.09 - Arrival in America
10. 10 - Scene at the ball
11. 11 - White rosehip
12. 12 - Night in Conchita's bedroom
13. 13 - Aria Rezanova “Angel, become human”
14. 14 - Duel with Federico
15. 15 - Engagement
16. 16 - Rezanov’s monologue “Bring me discovery cards”
17. 17 - Choir and scene “Give unto the Lord...”
18. 18 - Scene in the cell. Waiting for Conchita
19. 19 - Final
20. 20 - Epilogue "Hallelujah"

Download the album "Juno and Avos" (159 MB):

Libretto: Andrei Voznesensky.
Characters and performers: Rezanov - G. Trofimov; Conchita - A. Rybnikova; Federico - P.Tils; Rumyantsev, Khvostov, Father Yuvenaly - F. Ivanov; Voice of the Mother of God - Zh. Rozhdestvenskaya; Soloist in the prologue - R. Filippov; Davydov - K. Kuzhaliev; Jose Dario Arguello - A. Samoilov; Praying woman - R. Dmitrenko; Praying girl - O.Ro

shaking and emotional production by Mark Zakharov with great actors

Director: Mark Zakharov. Cast: Alexander Abdulov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina, Pavel Smeyan, Alexander Shiryaev, Radiy Ovchinnikov, Vladimir Belousov, Sergei Grekov.
How much has been said wonderful words about love, but everything seems like it’s not enough! This film is another wonderful hymn of love.
The plot is well-known and not at all original: a middle-aged Russian count and the young daughter of the governor of San Francisco fell in love with each other. However, they were not given the chance to unite their destinies. The Count, thinking that he was leaving his beloved for a short time, was never able to return to her. And she before last days in her life she remained faithful to their love: “I will never see you. I will never forget you...". There is so much tenderness, sincerity, freshness and purity in this story!

Lenkom Theater Performance "Juno and Avos"


Creators "Juno and Avos" defined the genre of this performance as “modern opera”. Its plot is based on the fate of the Russian count, chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who set off in 1806 on the sailing ships “Juno” and “Avos” to the shores of California.

Spiritual suffocation and the unbearability of existence in Russia force Rezanov to look for new lands to fulfill the eternal dream of a free country for the Russian people. Rezanov realizes the utopian nature of his plans, but stubbornly submits one petition after another asking to be allowed to travel to California.

Refusals broke his will. In despair, Rezanov prays to the Mother of God, confessing his most intimate and frightening feeling - love for the Mother of God as a woman. Rezanov is overcome by a painful obsession and he hears an unearthly voice blessing him. Following this, Rezanov's dream comes true - he receives highest resolution for a trip.

After a difficult journey across the Pacific Ocean, Rezanov comes into contact with Spanish Franciscan monks and the governor of San Francisco, Jose Dario Arguello. Being invited to a reception with the governor, Rezanov meets his daughter, sixteen-year-old Concepcia de Arguello. At the ball, Conchita's fiancé Federico sings a sonnet about the sad fate of two lovers, and Rezanov sees in Conchita the earthly embodiment of the supernatural passion tormenting him.

At night in the garden, Rezanov hears a conversation between Conchita and Federico about their upcoming engagement. Unable to cope with the feeling that gripped him, he enters Conchita’s bedroom. Rezanov begs her for love, and then, despite all the girl’s despair, takes possession of her... And again a sad, quiet unearthly voice is heard. At this moment, love arises in Conchita’s soul, but in Rezanov’s soul only despair and bitterness remain.

From this moment on, good fortune turns away from Rezanov. His act forces Conchita's fiancé to challenge the chamberlain to a duel, during which Federico dies. The Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

In his letter to Rumyantsev, Rezanov writes that his dreams of enlightening human souls in the new Russian colonies were shattered, and he dreams of one thing: returning ships and sailors to Russia.

After a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov sets off on his return journey. In Siberia, he falls ill with a fever and dies near Krasnoyarsk. Conchita remains faithful to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting for Rezanov for thirty years, she became a nun and ended her days in the cell of a Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

The plot of the opera is based on the fate of the Russian count, chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov (1764-1807), who set off in 1806 on the sailing ships “Juno” and “Avos” to the shores of California.

Spiritual suffocation, unbearable existence in Tsarist Russia forces Rezanov to look for new lands to fulfill the eternal dream of a free country for the Russian people. He, however, understands the utopian nature of his plans and understands that the difficulties in his path are insurmountable. But even the presence of minimum chance As luck would have it, this belief in “Maybe” forces Rezanov to submit one petition after another asking for permission to travel to California.

Refusals broke his will. In immense anguish and despair, Rezanov prays to the Mother of God. In prayer, he confesses his most intimate and most frightening feeling - love for the Mother of God as a woman. This painful obsession completely covers him. At the peak of his ecstatic state, Rezanov hears an unearthly voice blessing him. Following this, like an echo of this divine radiance, his dream comes true - he receives permission to travel, moreover, an important state mission is entrusted to him.

After a difficult journey through Pacific Ocean Rezanov comes into contact with Spanish Franciscan monks and with the governor of San Francisco, Jose Dario Arguello. Being invited to a reception with the governor, Rezanov meets his daughter, fifteen-year-old Conceptia de Arguello. At the ball, Conchita's fiancé Federico sings a sonnet about the sad fate of two lovers, and Rezanov sees in Conchita the earthly embodiment of the supernatural passion tormenting him.

At night in the garden, Rezanov hears a conversation between Conchita and Federico about their upcoming engagement, but he himself can no longer cope with the feeling that has gripped him. Having entered Conchita's bedroom, he first begs her for love, and then, despite all Conchita's despair, takes possession of her... And again a sad, quiet unearthly voice is heard. At this moment, love arises in Conchita’s soul, while only remorse and bitterness remain in Rezanov’s soul.

From this moment on, good fortune turns away from Rezanov. Things are going badly for the Russian-American campaign. The scandal caused by his act forces the Russians to urgently leave San Francisco.

In his letter to Rumyantsev, Rezanov writes that his dreams of enlightening human souls in the new Russian colonies were shattered, and he dreams of one thing - returning ships and sailors to Russia.

Having made a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov sets out on the sad journey back. In Siberia he falls ill with a fever and dies. And Conchita remains faithful to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting for Rezanov for 36 years, she became a nun and ended her days in the cell of a Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

For more than 30 years, the phenomenal rock opera “Juno and Avos” continues to excite hearts, immersing viewers in the romantic world of two lovers: Count Rezanov and young Conchita. Their sad love story ended more than two centuries ago, but thanks to the heartfelt poems set to wonderful music, this story seems to live forever.


The modern opera “Juno and Avos” is based on real events, which occurred back in the 18th century. In St. Petersburg, a son, Nikolai, was born into the impoverished noble family of the Rezanovs. The boy received a good education at home and showed brilliant abilities for learning languages. In addition, by the age of 14 he had grown handsome beyond his years and was able to enroll in military service to the artillery. For quite a short time An ambitious and purposeful young man, he changed several positions and rose to the rank of ruler of the chancellery under the secretary of Catherine II, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Portrait of a correspondent of the Russian-American trading company, Count Nikolai Rezanov, by an unknown artist

However, the appearance of the young, tall, handsome Rezanov at court aroused fears among the Empress's new favorite, Count Zubov. The latter, deciding to remove a potential rival from the road, ordered Nikolai to be sent to Irkutsk. In the province, Rezanov was supposed to inspect the trading activities of the merchant and traveler Grigory Shelikhov, known as the Russian Columbus. He became the founder of the first Russian settlements in America; it was with the help of Shelikhov that Alaska became part of the Russian Empire under Catherine II.

From that moment on, Rezanov’s fate was forever connected with Russian America. He married Shelikhov's daughter, young Anna, and both benefited greatly from this marriage. Shelikhov strengthened his position at court, his daughter received the title of nobility and all the privileges associated with it, and Nikolai became a co-owner of huge capital. By order of Paul I, who succeeded the Empress, a single Russian-American company () was created on the basis of the Shelikhov trading company and the companies of other Siberian merchants. Of course, Rezanov became its authorized representative, who made every effort to merge the companies into one powerful organization.

At his new post, Rezanov submitted a petition to the emperor to establish sea communications with Russian settlers in America. Due to the irregular and long delivery of food from Russia, they often received food that was expired and no longer suitable for consumption. By 1802 a plan had been developed trip around the world, the goals of which were to inspect Russian settlements in Alaska and establish ties with Japan.

However, preparations for the expedition for the count were overshadowed by the death of his wife. Anna died 12 days after the birth of their second child. The inconsolable widower was about to resign and devote himself to raising his children, but was stopped by the order of the emperor. He appointed Rezanov envoy to Japan and leader of the first Russian round the world expedition. In 1803, the count set off on two ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”.

The brainchild of geniuses

A country rising sun kept the diplomat on her soil for six months and ultimately refused to do business with Russia. After the failed mission, Rezanov continued his journey to Alaska. Arriving at the place, he was amazed: the settlers lived on the verge of starvation, in devastation, and scurvy “flourished.”

Seeing the confusion of the ruler of Russian America, Baranov, Rezanov, using his own funds, purchased the frigate “Juno” with a cargo of food from a visiting merchant. However, it was clear that these products would not last long. Then the count ordered the construction of another ship - the tender "Avos". For provisions, he decided to go to the rich and prosperous Fort San Francisco in California, and at the same time establish trade relations with the Spaniards, under whose rule this part of America was.

Starting from this journey, the action of the famous rock opera “Juno and Avos” unfolds, although at first there was only “Avos”. The poet Andrei Voznesensky wrote the poem “Maybe!”, based on Rezanov’s travel diary and the notes of J. Lensen, who had a very high opinion of the Russian count. The poem told sad story the love of 42-year-old Rezanov and 15-year-old Spaniard Conchita, a girl whom Nikolai met on the Californian coast.

Anna Bolshova as Conchita and Dmitry Pevtsov as Nikolai Rezanov on the stage of the Lenkom Theater in the rock opera “Juno and Avos”

When director Mark Zakharov approached Voznesensky with a request to write a libretto for the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the poet was not at a loss and suggested instead that the play be based on his poem. The director agreed, and invited Alexey Rybnikov as a composer. Thus, thanks to the initiative of three geniuses, one of the most piercing musical performances XX century, which became a sensation both in the USSR and abroad.

The rock opera premiered on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Lenkom Theater. Those who were lucky enough to participate in the production of the rock opera later admitted that the performance owed its stunning success to love. Every syllable and every note of the work is imbued with an atmosphere of love and inspiration, and even with the replacement of familiar and beloved actors, the opera does not lose its charm. But still, the version of the play with Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina - the first Rezanov and Conchita - is considered canonical.

"I will never forget you"

The events described in the rock opera are romantic, and the main characters are full of love and self-sacrifice. Reality from fiction differs, but, oddly enough, only slightly. When Juno and Avos arrived in California in 1806, the Spaniards greeted the Russians unfriendly and refused to sell them anything. However, pretty soon the governor of San Francisco, Jose de Arguello, succumbed to Rezanov’s diplomatic gift of persuasion and charm, especially since the governor’s young daughter, the beautiful Maria dela Concepcion, or, simply, Conchita, fell in love with the count.

Despite the fact that Rezanov was already 42 years old, he had not lost any of his attractiveness; in addition, he was famous, rich and moved in high circles society. Contemporaries claimed that Conchita’s desire to marry a Russian count contained as much love as calculation; she supposedly dreamed of luxurious life at the court in St. Petersburg, but subsequent events proved the sincerity of her feelings for Rezanov.

The Count stayed in San Francisco for only six weeks, but during this time he managed to successfully complete his mission and even more: he obtained provisions for the starving people from Alaska, enlisted the support of the Spanish governor and became engaged to Conchita. At first, Jose de Arguello did not want to marry his daughter to the Russian count. The parents took the girl to confession and convinced her to give up such unexpected marriage, but Conchita was adamant. Then they only had to give their blessing for the engagement, but the final decision on the issue of marriage was behind the Roman throne.

However, the harsh Russian winter and the long journey through Siberia undermined the diplomat's strength. Due to a severe cold, Rezanov lay unconscious and feverish for almost two weeks. In serious condition, he was brought to Krasnoyarsk, where he died on March 1, 1807. When the news of the count's death reached Conchita, she did not believe him. True to her promise, she waited for Rezanov and for a year every morning she came to a high cape, from where she peered into the ocean. Over the following years, to beautiful girl The best grooms in California were wooed, but each time they received an invariable refusal.

Conchita remained faithful to the deceased count and saw her destiny in charity and teaching the Indians; in her homeland they began to call her La Beata - the Blessed One. After 35 years, Maria Concepcion entered the third Order of the White Clergy, and after another 10 years she was ordained a monk. She died at the age of 67, and a stele was erected next to her grave in the cemetery of St. Dominic in memory of her fidelity and love.

Thanks to the world-famous rock opera, a symbolic reunion of the unhappy lovers took place. In 2000, the sheriff of the city in which Conchita was buried brought a handful of earth from the Spanish woman’s grave and scattered it over Rezanov’s burial place in Krasnoyarsk. A monument was erected at the count’s grave, which contains lines from the famous romance: “I will never see you, I will never forget you.”