What colors can be used to get brown? How to get light brown color

Working with paints, getting different color schemes, thereby conducting experiments - interesting activity. A simple person can get carried away - an amateur, a professional artist. Experimenting, creating and enjoying the process is great! In this article we will also try to experiment. Let's find out what happens when you mix red and yellow A.

It must be remembered that there are 3 primary colors colors - blue, red and yellow, they cannot be obtained independently.

And the rest obtained by mixing are shades. What happens when you mix red and yellow? What color will it be? By mixing primary colors, secondary shade results are obtained. For example, if you mix:

  • blue and red, you get an excellent purple tone;
  • yellowish with red – orange;
  • blue with yellow - green.

It is impossible to get black and white on your own - these are exceptional tones. If you add white to the paint, the shade will change and will look much lighter, but if you use black, the opposite effect will occur.

Mixing table

Basic tones Mixing Nuances
Rich red color and yellowish tonality quite bright Using one part red and two parts yellow, you get a bright orange color.

By adding a large amount of yellow it becomes lighter, and by adding red it becomes darker.

White, brown and yellow Take an equal percentage of paint, you get the perfect beige shade When using white in greater quantities than indicated, the tone will be lighter, and when using brown, on the contrary, it will be darker
Red, yellow, green and black If you mix these tones, you get an excellent mustard color. Of course it will be lighter when adding yellow and darker when using a large percentage of black
Brown, yellow and red If you take 2 parts brown and yellow and one part red, you can get a golden hue It will turn out brighter and more saturated when used a little more attitude yellow paint
Yellowish and brown If you take one part brown and two parts yellow, the color you get is ocher. The tonality changes depending on the amount of adding a particular shade
Red and white If you mix these colors, you get pink color You can vary it by adding red or white, depending on these conditions and get the saturation of shades

The required paint tones are not always available retail sales, so the best solution would be to get them yourself.

When deciding to get a color scheme at home, you need to be patient and have the advantage of good location spirit. This manifestation of independence has some advantages:

  • You can get positive emotions from experiments.
  • It is not forbidden to vary numerous times.
  • You will still get the desired color.

On video: how to mix colors.

Any artist knows that a picture painted with his own hand must be alive and the appropriately selected tones must also be natural, which are obtained using trial methods.

The perceived painting should not contain more than three colors of paint, then it will be an artificial masterpiece.

In order to carry out work on mixing tones efficiently and the result exceeds all expectations, you need to know some rules:

  • Do not mix paints made on different bases. For example, on oil and water, everything should be uniform. Otherwise nothing will work out.
  • It is not recommended to use expired coloring agents, since the pigment in them has settled to the bottom and is unlikely to mix with the base again.
  • It is very difficult and almost impossible to choose the same shade that was previously there. In rare cases, this can be done by professionals, but for amateurs it is best to prepare a new color scheme.
  • Before directly mixing the paints, it is necessary to thoroughly stir each color separately, so the quality will be clearer.

Based on the resulting shade, if necessary, you can conduct research again any number of times, adding different shades. But you should follow these tips:

  • To avoid getting stained with paint, it is recommended to have a solvent.
  • Work must be carried out in a specially designated place.
  • Sufficient lighting in the room will also contribute to excellent results.

Color combination (2 videos)

Every person who has ever held a brush and paint in his hand knows that you can get a lot of shades from two or three colors. The rules for mixing and matching colors are determined by the science of coloristics. Its basis is the color wheel known to many. There are only three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Other shades are obtained by mixing and are called secondary shades.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get brown?

Brown is considered complex; when creating it, you can use all the primary colors. There are several ways to get brown:

  • Classic: green + red in proportions 50:50.
  • The main trio: blue + yellow + red in equal quantities.
  • Mixing: blue + orange or gray + orange. You can vary the intensity of the hue by adding less or more gray.
  • Optional: green + purple + orange. This shade has a pleasant red or red tint. You can also mix yellow + purple - the color will have a yellowish tint.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get purple?

The easiest way to get purple is to mix equal proportions of red and blue. True, the shade will turn out a bit dirty, and it will need to be adjusted.

To make the tone cooler, take 2 parts blue and 1 part red and vice versa.

To achieve lavender and lilac, the resulting dirty purple needs to be diluted with white. The more white, the lighter and softer the shade will be.

Dark purple can be obtained by gradually adding black or green to the original color.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get red?

Red counts base color and is present in any artistic palette. However, you can get red by mixing violet (magenta) and yellow in a 1:1 ratio. You can also mix a carmine shade with yellow to create a more intense red. You can make it lighter by adding more yellow and vice versa. Shades of red can be obtained by adding orange, pink, yellow, White color.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get beige?

Beige is a neutral and independent color; it has many shades, which can be achieved by varying the amount of white and yellow shades added.

Most easy way get beige - mix brown and white.

To make the color more contrasting, you can add a little yellow.

Flesh beige can be obtained by mixing scarlet, blue, yellow and white. The ivory shade is created by mixing golden ocher and white paint.

Green color can be achieved by mixing equal parts yellow and Blue colour. The result will be a grassy green hue. If you add white color to it, the mixture will lighten. By mixing brown or black pigment, you can achieve emerald, marsh, olive, dark green shades.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get gray?

The classic tandem for getting gray is black + white. The more white, the lighter the finished shade.

  • You can also mix red, green and white. The color will have a slight yellow tint.
  • A blue-gray shade can be created by mixing orange with blue and white.
  • If you mix yellow with purple and white, you get a gray-beige shade.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get black?

Black is a basic monochrome color. It can be obtained by mixing magenta with yellow and cyan. Also, artists often mix green and red, but the resulting shade will not be jet black. Rich black color is produced by a mixture of orange and blue and yellow and violet. To get the shade of the night sky, you can add a little blue to the finished color, and a drop of white to lighten it.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get blue?

Blue is the main color in the palette and it is quite difficult to obtain it by mixing. It is believed that it can be obtained by adding a little yellow to green, but in practice the result is more of a blue-green tint. You can mix purple with blue, the shade will be deep but dark. You can lighten it by adding a drop of white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get yellow?

The basic yellow color cannot be achieved by mixing other shades. Something similar happens if you add green to orange. Variations of yellow are obtained by adding other tones to the basic one. For example, lemon is a mixture of yellow, green and white. Sunny yellow is a mixture of basic yellow, a drop of white and red.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get pink?

The easiest option is to mix red and white. The more white, the lighter the shade. It is important to know that the tone depends on which red you choose:

  • Scarlet + white will give a pure pink color.
  • Brick red + white - peach pink.
  • Blood red + violet give a fuchsia shade.
  • Orange-pink can be obtained by adding yellow paint to scarlet and white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get orange?

Orange color can be obtained by mixing red and yellow.

  • A less saturated shade will be obtained if pink pigment is added to yellow paint.
  • Terracotta orange is the result of mixing base orange with blue or purple.
  • Dark shades are achieved by mixing red, yellow and black.
  • If you add brown instead of black, you get red orange.

We vary the intensity of the tone by adding more white or black.

Color mixing table

Primary colors (blue, yellow, red) are almost impossible to obtain by mixing other shades. But with their help you can create all color palette!

How to get a?



Green + red


Red + blue

Magenta (violet) + yellow

Brown + white

Blue + yellow

White + black

Magenta + yellow + cyan

Yellow + green

Green + orange

Scarlet + white


Red + yellow

Knowing the basic rules of color, it will be easier to understand the decoration and get the desired shade!

You started painting with gouache and are studying color mixing, and specifically want to identify brown tint. Unfortunately, ready-made paint sets are often limited to certain colors.

But thanks to this, you can learn how to obtain certain tones.

Things to remember when mixing

Familiarize yourself with the color wheel; it figuratively shows what shades can be obtained by combining them. It is worth noting that those colors that are located in relative proximity to each other can be easily mixed without creating a mess. When you combine two tones from a circle, you get a secondary color, and when you add it, you get a tertiary color.

When you want to make a certain shade darker, you can’t add a lot of black to it. And also when using white to combine with other tones, you will get components that will be too cool.

We must not forget the most important thing that gouache becomes lighter after drying, and the color will always differ from that originally applied to the canvas. This paint is even divided into groups based on light resistance.

You don’t need to mix a lot of colors; nothing will come of it; it’s better to have no more than three. If you mix fluorescent gouache with regular gouache, it will lose its brightness. Learn the technique of using colors. Choose the main colors to work with, dilute them in separate containers, and make preliminary strokes. When they dry, you will see if the resulting shade suits you. It is advisable to make about five of these colors, and combining them to obtain intermediate colors.

What colors does brown come from?

There are three main colors that cannot be obtained in any other way: blue, yellow and red. If you mix these three tones in equal proportions, you will get a finished brown.

Also, to remove the classic brown shade, use:

  1. Red with green. If there is no second color, it can be obtained by combining blue with yellow and only then adding red until the correct tone is achieved.
  2. Blue with orange. Accordingly, to create the latter color, a larger amount of red is mixed with a small proportion of yellow. After that, add blue little by little.
  3. Yellow with purple. The principle of operation does not change, purple is obtained by combining red with blue, and then adding yellow. Don't forget to stir the paints when mixing.
  4. Orange with grey. The second color is added to the first color. To get gray, you need to add a little black to white.
  5. Purple, orange and yellow. The above describes how you can get these shades.
  6. Purple, orange and green. Again, collect secondary tones according to the color wheel.
  7. A messy mix of blue, yellow and red. Choose any two shades from three, and combine them into equally, and then add the last one, gradually, until you get a chocolate or other brown color.
  8. A combination of all primary colors. In this case, in equal proportions to each resulting mass, all colors are gradually mixed, except for the last one. First come blue and green, then black is added to them, and then red. At the very end there is a yellow tone; it does not have to be brought into equal amount, the main thing is to get the right brown.

It is important to know what this color has a large number of shades, depending on the proportions of mixing the various components. Large amounts of yellow will result in ocher. Red gives a chestnut tone or red-brown color, blue brings brightness and creates contrast.

If we want to get darker shades, then very little black is added to colors such as yellow, red and orange. Also, to create dark brown, mix yellow with red, and then black and white.

To make a light brown or golden brown, white is usually added to the already obtained consistency.

Learn to find golden mean when working with different components.

What are the names of brown shades that ready-made gouache has?

Specialized art stores often sell prepared materials. They contain natural dyes and may be suitable for you. After all, it is not always possible to obtain one color or another by mixing; it happens that completely faded colors come out. Ready-made shades of brown have names such as: natural umber (natural) or burnt (dark brown with a green tint), as well as dark mars brown; natural and burnt sienna; ocher, including golden.

Brown, like all other colors, has many shades and each specific person perceived in its own way. If you need to draw a brown dog or paint a fence this color, then we will try to help you. The recipes will indicate the basic proportions of paints to be mixed, but you can vary them to add depth or a lighter shade. We will also tell you how to get Brown color from plant materials, for example, for dyeing a white blouse yourself.

Brown color - how to get it by mixing other colors

Any artist will tell you that absolutely all colors are based on three basic colors: red, yellow and blue. They are the ones that make up the entire spectrum of colors, which means you can get the same brown by mixing the three basic ones. Brown color will be obtained if:

  • First, mix red and blue in equal proportions, and then add a little yellow to this purple color. If you need dark brown, then add a little yellow, if light, then add more.
  • Mix blue and yellow (proportion 1/1) and achieve green color. Add red color to it drop by drop until you get the shade of brown you want.
  • Take red and yellow paint and mix them into orange. Add blue to orange - you get brown, reminiscent of chocolate.

Using this knowledge as a basis, you can use not only the three primary colors for mixing, but also the rest. This means ready-made:

  • Purple and blue.
  • Green and red.
  • Orange and blue.

Brown color - how to get it in different tones

Any resulting brown color can be made darker or lighter. For this:

  • Add a small amount of red to dark brown and you will end up with a chestnut color.
  • Chocolate (made from orange and blue paint) can be lightened with white - you get the color of milk chocolate.
  • The brown color will take on a golden hue if you add the colors white and yellow to it.
  • You will get the darkest shade of brown if you add black to orange instead of green.

Brown color - how to get it from plant materials

In ancient times, the juice of beets, blueberries, blackberries, sorrel, etc. was used to dye clothes brown. Nowadays, it is unlikely that anyone will squeeze out these juices and mix them in basins. It is best to go to a clothing dyeing shop or buy a ready-made brown sweater. But, if you urgently want to wear a brown blouse in the evening, then dye it with natural coffee. For this:

  • Brew coffee from 100 grams of powder and 2 liters of water.
  • Chill the resulting broth and strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Pour the solution into a basin and heat it to 80 degrees.
  • Wet the item to be dyed in warm water.
  • Dip the wet item into the hot coffee broth and wait until it boils.
  • Keep the basin on the stove for 15 minutes, constantly stirring its contents. This is necessary so that the blouse or skirt is evenly colored.
  • Remove the fabric from the basin and allow the liquid to drain.
  • Dry the blouse on hangers, and fasten the skirt on a rope with clothespins to your belt.

In this video clip you will find ways to obtain not only brown color, but also many others.

This shade is not too bright, but popular. It is actively used to decorate the interior of a room, when painting furniture, makeup, while painting canvases, and also to change hair color. Based on this, the question is what needs to be mixed with what to get desired result, is very relevant.

What colors make brown?

Proper mixing is a whole science, but today the task is made easier by a ready-made color wheel, which can be seen on the Internet. It gives an understanding that the main colors are yellow, red and blue. The circle represents the result when each of these options is mixed with each other - secondary colors. If you combine them, you get tertiary ones. There are three main laws when mixing:

  • Law No. 1. Each color of the circle is a symbiosis of those opposite to the center, which, when mixed, give an additional color, that is, achromatic. Complementaries are clearly defined, for example, red has green, and yellow has blue.
  • Law No. 2. Used in practice, it indicates that when mixing paints that are close to each other on the color wheel, new colors of the main color are formed - the one that is located between the mixed pigments. So, to get orange, you should combine red with yellow, and green - mix yellow with blue. By combining the three main components in the form of red, yellow and blue in ambiguous proportions, you can achieve any effect.
  • Law No. 3. When the same shades are mixed, similar mixtures are obtained. This result is achieved by combining colors that are identical in tone, but different in saturation. Another option: mix several colors through a symbiosis of chromatic and achromatic.

What colors need to be mixed to get brown?

Artists working with gouache know that when combined different colors new colors are born. Even a special synthesis table has been created that helps make the necessary shades. The most basic way to get brown is to add red to green. These tones are available in any hardware store or in the office supply department. However, you cannot mix dark red and dark green, because you will get a dirty shade that will vaguely resemble black.

Don't know how to get a brown color when mixing paints if there is no green in the palette? In this case, you can use three colors: red, blue, yellow. This is due to the fact that green is obtained through the synthesis of blue and yellow. Another mixing option will use gray paint plus orange, or purple and yellow. Thus, the missing pigments that make up basic formula, you can always find a replacement.

How to get dark brown color

It’s easy to get the desired result: add a little black pigment to red, orange or yellow. Brown can be easily made various shades: You need to take yellow, blue and red as a basis, and then add other colors. For example, red helps create a warm tone with a hint of rust, while blue helps ensure the final result has depth and punch. Saturation can be achieved by combining different proportions of yellow, blue and red according to the following scheme:

  • You can get mustard if you combine red, yellow and black with a drop of green.
  • Dark brown will be achieved by mixing red, yellow, white and black.
  • Red-brown (known as marsala, similar to dark pink) should be obtained by mixing two shades: chocolate and red in large quantities.

What colors to mix for light brown shades

To create café au lait, a beautiful copper brown, an unusual taupe, or a honey brown, you should use white. How to make brown from light shades of paint? You need to add a little white to the mixture consisting of the main colors. If yellow predominates in the consistency presented above, the result will be ocher, that is, a light shade of brown. Training with compatible proportions will help you understand how to get a brown color when mixing paints. Only in this case can you get the perfect result.

Video: what colors to mix to get brown

Typically, water-based batik paints are sold quite concentrated.

And if you don’t want the canvas to have rich, bright colors, the paint needs to be mixed with water. This will make it less saturated. Beforehand, check the resulting shade on an unnecessary piece of fabric (I usually do this at the very corner of the product).

But today I would like to touch on this topic. It’s rare that any of us manage to buy paints of various shades for batik. What about khaki, for example? I haven't seen a jar with that name among textile paints. But experienced artists know the tricks of how to mix paint colors to get the desired color. In this situation, you can get by with just a dozen key colors without buying an expensive one!

How to make the paint color the right shade?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a kind of table:

  1. Hot pink (fuchsia), pale pink= water + red (depending on the amount of water, the desired color saturation is obtained)
  2. Pink = red + a drop of red-brown (it softens the color) + scarlet + water
  3. Burgundy (closer to scarlet) = scarlet + red + brown:
  4. Cherry (closer to red) = scarlet (larger) + red + brown:
  5. Swamp color = green + scarlet + red
  6. Lime color = yellow + green
  7. Berry = scarlet + russet + red
  8. Purple-raspberry= red + scarlet + green + blue (you will find the proportions experimentally)
  9. Salad = yellow + green + blue (a little bit is enough)
  10. Pistachio = yellow + green + a little brown (red + scarlet + yellow (drop) + green)
  11. Rich honey color= scarlet + yellow (wheat shade) + green (you can only take a drop)
  12. Blood red = scarlet + green or black (a drop)
  13. Orange = scarlet + yellow
  14. Beige color = chocolate + yellow + water
  15. Tea (brown-yellow color)= brown(red+yellow+green) + warm yellow(yellow+scarlet)
  16. Peach color = green (drop) + chocolate + orange (scarlet + yellow)
  17. Dark chocolate = red (take more) + scarlet + yellow (a drop is enough) + green
  18. Warm greens = scarlet (main in proportion) + red + green + yellow (the more yellow, the more green color will be softer)
  19. Cold greens = scarlet (take more) + red + green (more green) + yellow (a drop)
  20. Brown = red + scarlet + yellow (drop) + green
  21. Aquamarine = green + blue
  22. Purple color = red + blue
  23. Lavender shade= purple + blue + water
  24. Cornflower blue = purple + red-brown (just a drop) + blue + just a little black
  25. Creamy chocolate= scarlet (more) + red + yellow (drop) + green
  26. Black = red (more than scarlet) + scarlet + yellow (drop) + green

Wall decoration is becoming fashionable in interior design various types plasters and painting them with paints. But it’s not always possible to choose the palette you like in hardware stores. Don't despair. Modern technologies allow you to get the desired result. Mixing colors of standard shades allows you to achieve the desired result. The next question arises, how to mix paints to get a beautiful tone? Let's try to get an answer.

There are quite a lot of tones. But the production of paints is based on the use of standard colors. Nowadays, non-standard colors are in fashion, which can be obtained by mixing dyes. The following expert recommendations will tell you how to mix colors correctly.

It has been known since childhood that the basis of all tones are three colors: red, blue, yellow.

To get other options, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. The combination of basic dyes gives a wide range of different undertones.

The secret to creating a new color scheme by mixing colors is to use basic dyes in different proportions. For example, when mixing the colors blue and yellow, we get green. If you continue to add yellow to the resulting substance, you can get tones that are increasingly closer to it. It all depends on the volumes that are connected.

On video: how to get a new color.

The nuances of combining dyes

Mixing colors of chromatic shades, which are placed next to each other on the color wheel, gives a fairly bright palette. If you mix the dyes that are on opposite sides circle, we get achromatic tones, that is, with a predominance of gray.

To get the desired result, you need to understand not only the color scheme, but also ensure that the solutions match the chemical composition. Otherwise, you may get unexpected results. If the color initially turns out bright when mixing paints, then over time it begins to darken and turn gray. For example, a combination of lead white and cinnabar red color initially gives a bright pink, but after a while it will lose its saturation. This also applies oil paints

. They are very susceptible to solvents.

The best option for achieving high-quality rich colors is to combine a minimum amount of paints. Comparability of materials is required. A color mixing table will help you select them.

Traditional palette mixing options

When getting a color yourself, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. Let's look at common options for getting the desired color.


  • Red is a representative of the main color.
  • To obtain different red shades, you must follow the following rules:
  • The tone of carmine, which is as close as possible to fuchsia, is combined with yellow 2:1. The result is red.
  • Combining pink with yellow produces orange.
  • To get scarlet, you need to take red and yellow in a 2:1 ratio.
  • To achieve a red palette with a soft effect, red and pink paint are mixed. To achieve a lighter tone, it is better to add white paint.

If you add a dark dye to the main red paint, you get burgundy.

You can achieve dark red by mixing red and purple colors in a 3:1 ratio.


  • There are primary colors, which include blue. To obtain the desired blue color, you must use this primary color.
  • We get blue by adding white to the blue palette. As the volume of white increases, the shade will become lighter. To obtain a moderate tone, use turquoise instead of white.
  • To obtain blue colors and shades, you must follow the following scheme. Add to blue:
  • yellow and we get blue-green;


How to properly mix paints to obtain green and its shades. The basic rule is to mix yellow and blue dyes. A bright palette of green shades is achieved by combining primary colors in different volumes and adding additional dyes. Additional colors are black and white.

How to get khaki color? To do this, two elements are combined: yellow and blue, with the addition of brown tinting. The amount of substance is important for the result obtained. Olive color can be obtained by taking green and yellow tones. Making a mustard shade is more difficult. Red, black and a little green are added to yellow.

Green is not a primary color. To obtain it, paint colors of yellow and blue are mixed. But, to obtain a rich green tone, it is necessary to use green paint prepared in production. If green paint

did it yourself, the tones will not be bright.

Mixing dyes that have white and green tints makes it possible to get light green, and if you add a little yellow, you can admire light green.

Other shades Let's look at other tones. Which shade is one of the most popular? Gray tone is very often used in the interior. It turns out if black is mixed with white.

The more white, the lighter the result will be. Gray, which has a silvery metallic tint, is also very often in demand. Silver color

when mixed, it will work if you use different additives, for example, antimony.

So, in order to have the color that suits a particular interior, you need to mix dyes. The recommendations given above will tell you which colors to mix to get everything right. The resulting colors will delight the owners for a long time. Brown paint is found quite often in everyday life. In addition to interior design, it may be needed when painting with gouache, acrylic or watercolor paints . Having become familiar with the secrets of mixing techniques, you can easily get not only brown paint in pure form

, but also all kinds of shades of brown.

Ways to get classic color

  • The answer to the question of how to make a classic brown shade depends on the paints available. There are several mixing options:
  • If the existing paints do not contain a green element, mix blue with yellow and add red.
  • Brown paint may result when added to orange color gray or blue.
  • Those who want to experiment can be advised to mix yellow and purple colors. A violet tone is sometimes used as a substitute for purple.

Attention! The latter method requires particularly careful dosage. The slightest excess of the volume of mixed paints will result in an unnecessary shade.

How to achieve different shades

Classic brown paint is not always needed; often you need to make it lighter or dark tone. We will tell you in detail what colors are needed to get red-brown paint or other halftones.

The easiest way to make dark brown paint is to add black to the existing ingredients. Should be implemented in small portions(depending on the total volume) so as not to spoil the desired result. The decision about the need to add a new portion of black is made only after thorough mixing.

The color of dark chocolate, as the dark brown shade is otherwise known, can be achieved in another way. Required:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • Finally, add a little black.

To brown paint dark shades acquired an even richer and more intense tone, a cocktail of blue and yellow with the addition of scarlet is assembled. The result should be first-class.

Adding white dyes to the base composition will help you make light brown paint. Lightening colors are used with less caution than darkening ones. In case of overdose, introducing basic tones will help restore saturation. In addition to white, the function of brightening elements is performed by:

  • yellow – gives an ocher tint;
  • red allows you to achieve a rust effect, it will be interesting for those who want to get red-brown paint.
  • The blue ingredient will help make the tone more contrasting.

Comment! To get the color good quality Mixing the main components is often not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to a complementary color palette.

Light brown mineral paint is formed by adding ocher, umber or sienna. The richness of earth pigments contributes to excellent results. And finally, a few more combination options for various everyday situations:

  • A combination of dark brown and red colors will help to make chestnut.
  • White color can lighten chocolate, where the source materials were blue and orange tones. The result will be a milk chocolate shade.
  • In order for brown paint to acquire a golden hue, it is saturated with white and yellow colors.
  • If necessary, obtain the darkest possible tone from base color, instead of green, black is used in combination with orange.

Brown mineral paint is used in construction and interior design, it appearance The following photo will help you evaluate:

Advantages of mixing and problematic issues

The decision to make your own brown by mixing is not always considered the best option. In what cases will brown paint made at home help you achieve your goals and when is it better to avoid experiments by purchasing a ready-made color? Let’s consider in detail:

  • The creative process of painting on canvas with acrylic compounds is an ideal field for experimenting with mixing in different proportions and obtaining all kinds of shades.
  • When during the renovation process there are suitable jars with unused color, and brown is exactly what is required in the design, please be inspired to search for the right tone.
  • If any household need to paint a surface brown is accompanied by a lack of the right paint in the shop.
  • The renovation is in the planning stage, does the interior design include brown? You should not initially purchase various components for mixing; choose a ready-made color scheme among wide range construction stores would be the best solution.

Advice! It is not recommended to experiment with mixing colors when dyeing your hair at home. Leave this field of activity to the professionals or choose a suitable shade from the very beginning.

Little secrets of mixing

Beginning experimenters may find expert recommendations useful:

  • If the color received does not meet expectations, additional color add in small portions. IN to a greater extent This applies to darkening tones; it is possible to correct an excess of the brightening element by increasing the main components.
  • The resulting dye is tested on a small area. The surface background will not always correspond to the composition in the jar.
  • Before you start adjusting a color you don’t like, wait until it dries on the surface; shades may change over time.

There are many ways to make the desired color yourself. It may be required in creative process artist or designer. But when mixing, the feasibility of experimenting with combinations must be taken into account. It may be easier to turn to the finished product and not resort to experiments.

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed in ancient times by Leonardo da Vinci. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To resolve the issue, let's approach it with practical side and let's look at how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it and what needs to be done for this.

Red color in printing is made by mixing other basic colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All differences in the colors of the model used are made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • Blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) – magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by a combination of 2 process colors: violet (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you acquire these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve shades of it by adjusting the ratio of yellow and magenta (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mix yellow and magenta to get red

Information: In addition to printing, the CMYK model is the basis for the operation of most printers. It is also used for professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, and in fabric production.

Natural red

In addition to artificially obtaining color, it can easily be made from natural materials. This is how bedstraw flowers allow you to paint objects bright red. To prepare this paint, flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red paint by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix with baking soda(it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore, its different shades are sometimes named based on their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All similar colors form the red spectrum.

Red shades in painting are made based on pigments of warm and cold shades. Quinacridone ruby ​​or violet should be considered cold, and light cadmium, orange sienna (natural and burnt) should be considered warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix it with yellow, then you won’t see red, only a semblance of it.

Burgundy is made from red by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can reach up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration you can create different shades of burgundy.

Another question is, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: we get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when mixing red and blue colors?. To clarify, let's look at the RGB color model (red, green, blue), where you can clearly see that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The basic colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color When mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

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