Program for accounting for the sale of goods in retail trade. Trading warehouse

On this page you can download the free warehouse program “Info-Enterprise”. It differs from the paid versions in that it has somewhat limited functionality, but is quite suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who are not yet ready to purchase a program for product accounting. See what functions are disabled in it below.

The advantage of using free product accounting programs The fact is that you don’t have to look for it, order it, or purchase it. You just need to download it from the site. It is easy to install and easy to learn. It won't work - use educational videos! They are installed along with the program.


This is not a demo version, it is a full-fledged working product accounting program, but it is free. It does not contain any restrictions on work, including restrictions on time, date, number of documents, volume of turnover, printing of documents, etc. Its capabilities are consistent with the documentation (except for the functions listed below).

If you currently keep track of goods in other programs, then you do not need to enter everything again. You can transfer reference books from Excel. In addition, if you have installed commodity accounting programs such as “1C: Trade and Warehouse” or “1C: Trade Management”, then you will be able to transfer not only directories, but also most of the entered documents.

Why is it free? What's the catch?

Due to the great competition in the software market, more and more companies are forced to release free products in order to somehow lure potential buyers to their side. And our free warehouse accounting program is no exception to this. Our main calculation is based on the fact that you will like our product, you will get used to it and at some point you will want some kind of greater service, greater opportunities. And then we will offer our paid products.

What features are disabled in the free version?

The program has all the functions for product accounting! Only those that are not needed by small or start-up companies are disabled:
  • Possibility of simultaneous work by several users with a common database over the network.
  • Differentiation of user access rights to different data and areas of work.
  • Database administration tools: optimization tools, logging user actions, etc.
  • You cannot program in a built-in language, modify existing ones or develop your own forms, reports, or change operating principles.
  • The free product accounting program cannot be integrated with our other products for comprehensive enterprise automation.

You can compare the capabilities of the free program and paid versions in more detail at. If you still need any of the listed functions in your work, write to us by email. If you are not alone in this desire, we will include it in one of the next versions.

She is constantly improving

By starting to work in the program now, later you will receive some new functions for product accounting and more conveniences. She herself notifies about the release of new versions and offers to install them. Sometimes these versions contain legislative changes, for example new forms of invoices, payment orders or some other documents.

By downloading the free warehouse program, you will be able to use limited technical support, consisting of consultations on the user forum. And by switching to one of the paid versions, you will be able to use all types of support, including the “Hotline” and the “Remote Support” service. For paid versions it is possible to use the free version after a year.

Wouldn't it be great if someone could help you do your routine work of accounting for goods much faster? This desire is by no means a fantasy. It's possible!

Since 2000, the team of developers of the Business.Ru program has been implementing programs for accounting for goods and services, automating work in various business sectors. Many years of experience have allowed us to create a universal solution for automated accounting of goods in retail trade. The wide functionality of Business.Ru covers all tasks of maintaining trade and warehouse records, managing sales and purchasing, maintaining and growing a customer base.

Features of the product accounting program in the Businesses.Ru store

  • Effective work with the product directory

Consider any characteristics, add descriptions, images and files. Create price lists, assign different types of prices and discounts.

  • Accurate accounting of warehouse operations

Carry out capitalization, shipment and write-off operations quickly and accurately.

  • Unified database of counterparties (CRM)

View the history of relationships with clients and partners, identify the most profitable suppliers.

  • Instant work with accounting documents

Generate and print invoices, invoices, acts, etc. directly from the program.

  • Full trade accounting

Control the movement of goods in real time, track stock balances in all warehouses and reserve goods for order.

  • Hassle-free reporting

Receive commodity reports in various sections for any period of time, conduct an analysis of trade turnover and inventory, and the financial results of the company.

Subscribe to the Free plan

Business.Ru takes into account the specifics of various business processes and is easily customized to suit the user’s individual tasks. Whether it is retail or wholesale trade, the service sector or manufacturing - any organization can use the program for selling and accounting for goods Business.Ru to improve the efficiency of its activities.

Create commercial offers

Any transaction begins with a commercial proposal. The Business.Ru system is built in such a way that by filling out just one document, you can perform all other actions in one click - all forms will be filled out automatically.

Set prices for any product

Any product that arrives at the warehouse for the first time needs to be assigned a price; this operation is easy to carry out directly in the system; to do this, you just need to enter the price for each specific type of product once, and then the price will be set automatically.

Issue invoices

Issue an invoice and send it to a counterparty in one click? No problem, all operations are structured in such a way that the required fields are filled in in accordance with the history of interactions with the counterparty. The program for Business.Ru stores allows you to issue an invoice and instantly send it by Email, without using third-party applications.

Process product returns

The return of goods can now be processed almost instantly; to do this, you only need to indicate the completed transaction and the form will fill out itself.

Perform account transactions

It's incredibly easy to view and pay all your bills. Having opened the required account, you can immediately carry out all the necessary actions - issue a receipt, a power of attorney, pay in cash or non-cash.

Track related documents

It is easy and simple to track related documents: on the basis of which invoice the payment was made to the supplier, on the basis of which commercial offer the buyer’s order was placed, on the basis of which receipt of goods the return to the supplier was issued.

Track all stages of order fulfillment

All stages of fulfilling customer orders, orders to suppliers, and the results of working with commercial proposals are transparent and can always be tracked in the Business.Ru system.

Issue documents easily

Quick issuance of all documents necessary for the sale: invoice for payment, invoice, certificate of completion of work, invoice.

Integration with an online store

The Business.Ru system supports the most popular platforms for online stores, loading data on supplier goods into the system: warehouse balances, price lists and mutual settlements.

Add products and services

You can always add a product or service in just a couple of clicks. At the same time, you have the opportunity to immediately set a price, a discount, indicate the quantity of goods and storage location. The system will automatically inform you about stock balances for similar items.

Track your implementation history

It is not difficult to track the entire history of transactions and the financial balance thanks to the “Realization” section. A table sortable by the required request (you can group data by dates, counterparties, statuses, etc., thereby seeing sales in different sections) will clearly show the state of affairs for any period of time and with any individual client.

Keep warehouse records

For users of the Business.Ru system, the functionality of full-fledged warehouse accounting is open with the possibility of establishing an unlimited number of warehouses.

Control of goods movements

All movements of goods are completely transparent and visual. The entire path from the warehouse to the store shelf can be traced within the Business.Ru system.

See how Business.Ru works
Login to demo

Advantages of the Business.Ru accounting program

  • The online program does not require installation or purchase of an expensive license
  • Access to the program 24 hours a day, from any device with an Internet connection
  • Ability to work in a single system from offices remote from each other
  • Increasing the speed of processing primary documents up to 100%
  • Full control of employees: evaluate the effectiveness of the sales department and the implementation of plans

You can use Business.Ru constantly, the validity period of the free version is unlimited. The only limitation is that only one user can work in the free version. If necessary, you can always increase the number of users and provide your employees with access to the full .

Thanks to the advent and spread of computers, working in enterprises has become much easier. For example, account transactions now take significantly less time than before. The products have been sent to the warehouse, you just need to check them in accordance with the shipping documents. After this, you can send a letter to the store manager, who is located several tens of kilometers away, about the availability of the order. This gives him the opportunity to safely accept orders. To further simplify it, you can, the choice of which is very large. All you have to do is read the review and download the application you like to your computer.

First of all, it is recommended to download the wonderful VVS: Office-Warehouse-Shop program. The utility boasts reliability, flexibility and simplicity in creating automation of trade and warehouse production. The software does not require much power from the computer; even relatively old machines are suitable for normal operation with VVS: Office-Warehouse-Shop. The interface is clear and accessible; company employees will immediately be able to work with the program, using its full potential. Feel free to download VVS: Office-Warehouse-Shop.
You can suggest another popular free utility called Atonex Warehouse. The software is perfect for both small and medium-sized businesses, because working with it is very simple and easy. Despite this, the functionality is varied and rich. Control of product balances, a set of financial status reports, warehouse accounting, cash register, sales and much more - all this is available.

Another popular utility is called “Product - Money - Product”. The software belongs to the category of trade and warehouse applications, the task of which is to control the work of wholesale, retail, wholesale-retail and other trading companies. Users will have the opportunity to perform a full analysis of the enterprise’s operation, create all the necessary documentation, monitor payments to clients, take into account financial flows and other types of trade and warehouse operations.

Finally, let’s talk about OK-SKLAD, which has recently gained enormous popularity. You just need to download this accounting application to get full access to the software's functionality. OK-SKLAD boasts simplicity and power; with the installation, all issues related to warehouse accounting will disappear.

Today, there are many tools for managing trade and accounting for goods. But many people have a question: how to choose a program that allows you to keep records? The Internet service "MySklad" is ready to help you understand some issues. We offer several programs to help:

  • improve store efficiency;
  • generate reports;
  • keep records of current sales, on the basis of which to form requests for the supply of goods, and so on.

The accounting program is a reasonable solution that makes it possible to keep track of goods. You can download the manual for it for free on the support portal. Main advantages of the program:

  • simple interface;
  • system of hints and help.

Even inexperienced users can quickly understand the program. You can download the program for free directly on the website of the Internet service "MoySklad". We also provide remote support for users of our programs via the Internet.

Goods accounting program: main features

If you decide to automate your store, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • install free special programs from the Internet service "MoySklad";
  • download to a laptop and connect a fiscal recorder and a bar scanner to it.

The program is completely ready for use. It was created specifically for entrepreneurs - people who want to know and control revenue and product balances at each outlet. The program does not require complex settings and has a convenient, simple interface:

  • sales registration;
  • calculation of change;
  • work with returns;
  • closing the shift.

Thanks to this service, you can download the necessary reports without even leaving your home. The program will promptly remind you of the deadlines for submitting reports. What else can our free program do?

  • Show balances, receipts, movement of goods, generate reports on the movement of goods.
  • Compile orders for the supply of goods, taking into account the balance on the day of preparation.
  • Conduct an inventory and audit of warehouse balances according to reports from responsible persons.
  • Manage any number of retail outlets.
  • Print price tags and barcode labels.
  • Keep records of your customer base.
  • Work both on one PC (single-user mode) and on multiple computers connected to a local network using a database server.
  • Import data from Excel price lists and supplier invoices.
  • The program can work with almost any commercial and fiscal equipment.

If you have any difficulties, contact the support service of the MySklad online service - we will help you get started with the service. Our programs are reliable, time-tested tools for effective business management.

Program for accounting goods in a store - download for free

Just yesterday it was very difficult to monitor the state of affairs of the enterprise. I had to store scattered documents, constantly keep abreast of legislative changes, and find the necessary templates to fill out. We have created a simple, but at the same time convenient, reliable and understandable service to automate all trading processes. Using our program, you will appreciate how convenient it is to keep track of products.

In general, a program for accounting for goods in a store will significantly simplify all accounting at your outlet, bringing financial and product order, which will naturally improve the efficiency of stores. The cloud service MoySklad is constantly improving its software products, thanks to which our clients can receive maximum quality for the lowest price.

The program for accounting for goods in a store is successfully used in many stores in Russia and the CIS - from small kiosks to large grocery supermarkets.