How to fry semi-finished cabbage rolls in a frying pan. Semi-finished cabbage rolls: how to cook with delicious vegetable broth

Actually, they are already ready, as you probably understood from the name. What to do with them? Just fry, boil, bake in the oven? Maybe some kind of sauce? Tell me please

Isn't it written on the box?

I don’t really like semi-finished products, God knows what kind of meat they put in there... but they bought it, so they bought it. If they are frozen, I advise you to defrost them and let the excess liquid drain; it’s commonplace to put them in a colander to defrost. Next, fry in a large frying pan in sunflower oil on both sides, but not too much, so that they brown. Then put it in a large saucepan in layers, layer with raw grated carrots (on a coarse grater). Then add water to cover them and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and taste the water.. add salt, pepper, you can add seasonings, you can add chopped fresh tomatoes and finely chopped bell pepper.. sometimes even a spoonful of sugar is not enough. If it interferes, try everything yourself... it is in this water that your cabbage rolls will be cooked and you need to find its optimal taste. That’s it.. cover with a lid and simmer for 40-45 minutes on low heat. However, I don’t have this time for semi-finished products, but for my raw meat cabbage rolls, which I cook myself. By the way, I stopped putting rice in meat fillings a long time ago... both in cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers. I add grated carrots and it turns out to be a very dietary product.

My recipe is this: I put cabbage rolls in a saucepan, fill them with water, salt and bring to a boil. At the same time, I make the sauce: I fry onions, carrots, tomato paste and sour cream (a jar). Then I pour this sauce over the cabbage rolls and cook until done. It turns out amazingly delicious.

How long to stew cabbage rolls

Place semi-finished cabbage rolls frozen in a heated frying pan, poured with oil, and fry for 5 minutes on each side. Then add water (to half cover the cabbage rolls), sour cream or ketchup and simmer for 20 minutes over medium heat under the lid.

How to deliciously fry semi-finished cabbage rolls

Semi-finished cabbage rolls – 6 pieces

Carrots – 1 large carrot

Sour cream and tomato ketchup (optionally, mayonnaise and adjika) - to taste

Dry white wine (or water) – 1 glass

Salt and pepper - to taste

1. Peel and cut the onions, peel and grate the carrots.

2. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add onion, fry it for 5 minutes, stirring.

3. Add carrots to the pan and fry for another 5 minutes.

4. Salt and pepper the onions and carrots.

5. In a separate frying pan, fry the cabbage rolls for 5 minutes on each side. Semi-finished cabbage rolls are not defrosted before frying.

6. Place the cabbage rolls with the onions and carrots, add wine (or water) to half the level of the cabbage rolls, pour in the sauce and simmer under a closed lid for 30 minutes.

How to stew cabbage rolls

Minced meat – 300 grams

Onion – 1 piece

Rice in bags for cooking – 1 piece

Cabbage – 300 grams

Salt - half a teaspoon

Ground black pepper - a quarter teaspoon

Breadcrumbs – 5 tablespoons

Vegetable oil – 5 tablespoons

Sour cream – 200 grams

1. Cook 1 bag of rice.

2.Very finely chop 1 onion.

3. Cut 300 grams of cabbage into 1x1 centimeter squares.

4. Place 5 tablespoons of breadcrumbs on a plate.

5. Place 300 grams of prepared minced meat in a bowl.

6. Add onion, rice, cabbage, eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper to the minced meat and mix everything.

7. Form cutlets (lazy cabbage rolls).

8. Place each cabbage roll in a plate with breadcrumbs and turn over several times.

1. Pour 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying pan, place over medium heat, heat for 1 minute.

2. Place cabbage rolls in a frying pan and fry for 5 minutes.

3. Turn the cabbage rolls over and fry for 5 minutes.

4. Close the frying pan with lazy cabbage rolls with a lid, turn the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.

1. Pour 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and place the lazy cabbage rolls.

2. Cook for 60 minutes on the “Baking” mode.

1. Place the lazy cabbage rolls in the pan.

2. Add 1 glass of water and a quarter teaspoon of salt to 200 grams of sour cream, stir and pour the resulting sauce over the lazy cabbage rolls.

3. Cook for 40 minutes at 750 watts.

Serve lazy cabbage rolls with sour cream, mayonnaise or ketchup.


Stuffed cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, frozen for the winter

Cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice are a classic of the genre. But preparing cabbage rolls takes quite a long time. To enjoy your favorite dish at any time, spending a minimum of effort and time, cabbage rolls can be prepared for future use by freezing them. You will learn how to prepare semi-finished stuffed cabbage rolls in the freezer by looking at this step-by-step recipe with photos.

How to cook cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice

First, let's prepare the filling. For this we need meat or ready-made minced meat. I used 900 grams of minced pork.

Peel the onion (200 grams) and cut into small cubes.

Peel carrots (150 - 200 grams) with a vegetable peeler and three on a coarse grater.

The next step is to fry the carrots and onions until lightly browned.

While the vegetables are fried, boil 100 grams of rice. I prefer to use long grain rice to stuff any vegetables. Place it in boiling water and cook for no more than 5 minutes.

You want it to turn white and swell slightly.

Now, let's prepare the filling for the cabbage rolls. To do this, add rice and sauteed vegetables to the minced meat, as well as salt, a mixture of peppers and an egg.

Mix the stuffing for cabbage rolls thoroughly.

Now, let's take care of the cabbage. This is probably the most crucial moment in preparing cabbage rolls. Cabbage should be loose, as it is easier to work with. But if your head is dense, then you can, after initially removing the stalk, place it in the microwave for 5 minutes (at full power). After this manipulation, the leaves will fall off easily. In my case, the cabbage was pliable, and there was no need to resort to the microwave.

So, we carefully remove the leaves from the cabbage, cutting off each leaf at the base. We try not to damage them.

Boil water in a large saucepan and add cut leaves (maximum of three pieces) to the boiling water. Blanch them for about one minute and place in a colander to cool. We do this procedure with all the leaves.

How to freeze cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice

After the cabbage has cooled, you need to carry out one more, in my opinion, necessary manipulation. If the leaves are juicy and large, then I cut off the thick veins with a knife. To make sure the cabbage roll rolls more accurately, I pierce the base of each leaf with a hammer.

Now you can start forming semi-finished products. To do this, place a tablespoon (or more) of minced meat on the cabbage and carefully roll up the cabbage roll. Place the finished twists on a tray covered with cellophane. Place the filled tray in the freezer for a day.

After 24 hours, we take out the frozen cabbage rolls and put them into bags in which they will later be stored in the freezer.

Undoubtedly, it is worth a little effort and rolling up more stuffed cabbage rolls at a time for freezing. But this preparation will make it much easier for you to prepare such a wonderful dish.

How to cook cabbage rolls? Cooking technology

Stuffed cabbage rolls are one of the favorite dishes of people of different nationalities and having different culinary preferences. They are included in the traditional cuisines of Moldavian, Georgian and other peoples. Stuffed cabbage rolls are made in different ways: from cabbage and grape leaves, lazy, meat and vegetarian, with various cereals. And even from the oil seal.

How to cook cabbage rolls? There are many tips and recommendations on this topic. While examining various recipes in this article, we will also touch on the intricacies of preparing the dish. Let's start with a version of cabbage rolls that is somewhat exotic for Europeans - made from lamb caul.

In Georgia the dish is called “drob”. Its variants are present in the Bulgarian national cuisine, and in Turkish, and Tatar. Liver is used as a meat ingredient. How to cook cabbage rolls in Georgian style? You will need half a kilogram of liver (heart, liver, lungs) of a young lamb, 1 seal, 1-2 eggs, 4-5 onions, allspice in peas, salt and ground hot pepper (to taste), a little hard salted feta cheese, grated grater, as well as chopped parsley and dill.

Culinary process

How to cook cabbage rolls, where to start the process? Of course, from preparing the minced meat. Rinse the liver well and cut into pieces. Chop the onions and sauté them in vegetable oil. Place the chopped liver and other offal into the pan and fry a little. Then put everything into a cast iron, add a little water, salt, a few bay leaves, spices and simmer until done.

Wash the oil seal, carefully wring it out, and spread it out to dry. Cut into squares. When the liver is completely stewed, take it out, cool it and pass it through a meat grinder, maybe twice. Beat the eggs into the minced meat, add a little salt if necessary, as well as chopped herbs and pepper. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass. Place the filling on each square of the stuffing box and wrap it, giving the product an oblong shape. Before cooking stuffed cabbage rolls, they must be fried on both sides. Then carefully place them in boiling water for 10 minutes (the water should cover them). Remove, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 15 minutes in the oven. These cabbage rolls are served with fresh tomato salad and boiled potatoes.

Cereal cabbage rolls

The following recipe will tell you how to cook cabbage rolls in a pan. Unlike fractions, this dish is already prepared from cabbage. The variety “Zavadovka” is most suitable. The heads are taken both fresh and pickled. Cut out the stalk, rinse the head of cabbage and place it in a pan of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, i.e., so that the vegetable is boiled until half cooked. Next you need to transfer it to cold water to cool. Divide the head of cabbage into leaves, cut them into small pieces. If some of them have harsh veins, they should be beaten off with the handle of a knife.

Now the stuffing for cabbage rolls. To prepare it, take 2 onions, chop finely and fry until golden brown. Pour 200 g of rice with hot water and boil until semi-soft. Hard boil 2 eggs, chop finely. Strain the rice, add fry and eggs, add a little chopped herbs, salt and pepper, and stir. Place a little minced meat in the middle of the cabbage shreds and roll them into “cylinders”.

What's better to cook in?

Now let's discuss the question of how to cook cabbage rolls: in a saucepan or in a cast iron pot. Of course, an enamel pan will do, but the cabbage may stick to the bottom and ruin the surface of the pan. Therefore, we still recommend using a cast iron or deep saucepan to prepare the dish.

Line the bottom with a few cabbage leaves and stack the cabbage rolls in tight rows. Add some vegetable oil. Pour in tomato or sour cream sauce so that the cabbage rolls are completely covered, let it boil and cook (simmer) for 30-40 minutes (or a little longer) until the cabbage is soft. Place the finished dish on plates, pour over the cast iron sauce and serve with sour cream, ketchup, and mayonnaise.

Semi-finished products from the refrigerator

Let's say you have prepared foods in your refrigerator. How to cook frozen cabbage rolls? Almost the same as regular, freshly prepared ones. First, fry it. Grate 2-3 carrots on a coarse grater, cut 2 onions into cubes. Sauté them in vegetable oil, add carrots and fry. Add a few tablespoons of tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper to taste, pour in a little water, and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan, add the frying agent, water to cover the contents, and cook for 40 to 50 minutes. Then place them in a deep dish, pour over the sauce and serve hot, adding sour cream or mayonnaise to the dish. Here's how to cook semi-finished cabbage rolls.

On the issue of cabbage and more

How should you properly prepare the cabbage in which the minced meat is wrapped so that it turns out moderately soft, but does not fall apart under your fingers? There are also several important points here. Firstly, for cabbage rolls you should choose heads that are not tight, so that the leaves are not hard. Secondly, how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls depends on whether it is sour or fresh.

You can do this with fresh ones, for example. Disassemble the head into leaves, place them in a saucepan, pour boiling water, cover with a lid and keep for 5-6 minutes. Then take it out, rinse with cold water and cool. If you process the whole head of cabbage, cut out the stalk, place the head in salted boiling water and boil for about 15 minutes, carefully remove and place under cold water. Then squeeze it out and you can use it for cabbage rolls, not forgetting to beat off the areas with veins. If you have sour cabbage (sauerkraut), then just place it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Cabbage rolls are also prepared from grape leaves - in the Caucasus and Moldova. To do this, wash the leaves, pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes, and cool.

How to cook properly

How to cook ready-made cabbage rolls? The question is very relevant for those who are preparing a dish for the first time and have not yet decided on the time and temperature conditions. We recommend the following. As soon as the contents of the pan or cast iron boil, turn the heat to low. Let the cabbage rolls slowly cook, or rather, simmer in the sauce. If the heat is left high, the liquid will quickly evaporate. Then the lower layers will burn and boil, lose their shape, and the upper layers will remain with damp minced meat and tough cabbage.

At the same time, there should not be too much gravy. Otherwise, the cabbage rolls will turn out watery and uncooked. To make the taste of the dish brighter and richer, you can place a layer of sauteed vegetables under the cabbage “envelopes”, and chopped tomato slices on top. Or you can pour tomato juice over the semi-finished products, and then add a couple of spoons of sour cream or pour in half a glass of cream. Close the lid of the pan tightly to steam the cabbage rolls. The dishes must have a thick bottom.

Multicooker to help the housewife

How to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker will certainly interest the happy owners of this kitchen unit. To begin, as usual, heat water in the bowl of the device and blanch the cabbage. Then fill the multicooker pan about a third with water, add a few tablespoons of tomato paste, finely chopped 2 carrots and 2 onions, as well as a teaspoon of sugar, a little hot pepper, and salt to taste. A pinch of coriander and dill seeds, and a couple of bay leaves will not hurt you. Start the device on the “Soup” (“Cooking”) program for 10-12 minutes. After this, place the cabbage rolls tightly in rows in the gravy. Close the lid, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode, time - 40 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the delicacy in tomato sauce is ready!


And a few more words about the dietary method of preparing the dish: how to properly steam cabbage rolls. You can also use a slow cooker. In general terms, the chef's recommendations are as follows. Rinse the minced rice well, put it in a bowl, add a liter of water, add salt, cover with a lid and start the “Grains/rice” mode. Cook until done, half an hour.

The second stage is cabbage. Empty the bowl of porridge, pour in one and a half liters of water and boil in the “Paste” mode. Place cabbage leaves in the slow cooker and wait for the process to complete. Next, roll up the cabbage rolls. At the last stage, pour water into the multicooker pan and place a steam container on top. Place the cabbage rolls with the seams down, close the appliance, turn on the “Steam” program, the “Meat” product, and cook for 30 to 40 minutes (depending on the power of the appliance). Serve the steamed cabbage rolls, sprinkled with herbs, with ketchup or a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with sour cream.

Greetings from sunny Moldova

Although this recipe belongs to the national cuisine of the southern people, it can be used by both Crimeans and residents of the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, i.e. those places where grapes grow. Because we will prepare cabbage rolls from its leaves. Pick 40-50 pieces - young, fresh. Pour boiling water over and cut the cuttings. Moldovans use finely ground corn grits for cabbage rolls. You will need approximately 5-6 tablespoons. Pre-soak it for a couple of hours, then boil it until it is half cooked. Pass 400 g of pork meat, quite fatty, through a meat grinder. Grate 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, and a piece of celery root. Fry 1-2 onions in melted fat or butter. Mix all ingredients to obtain homogeneous minced meat. Salt and pepper. Add chopped herbs (dill, parsley). Place a little minced meat into the leaves and wrap them like cabbage rolls. Cover the bottom of the pan with leaves, place cabbage rolls, slices of tomatoes between them (finely chop about 4 pieces), and cover the top with leaves too. Pour everything over one and a half glasses of meat broth, boil and bring to readiness over low heat. Serve with sour cream.

How to cook frozen cabbage rolls? Recipes for delicious semi-finished products

Stuffed cabbage rolls are not a traditional Russian dish, but a recipe from Middle Eastern and European cuisine. Frozen cabbage rolls are a real help for housewives, because they can be prepared at any time, simply by taking the semi-finished product out of the freezer. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the dish has its secrets.

How to cook semi-finished cabbage rolls?

  • Cabbage - 1 head
  • Minced meat (can be replaced with mushrooms) - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper and seasonings - to taste


  1. First you need to prepare the filling. Mix the egg, seasonings, finely chopped onion, cooked rice and minced meat in a separate bowl. When the filling is ready, you can start preparing the cabbage.
  2. Carefully remove the large leaves from the head, place them in the pan and cook for about 20 minutes. Place the filling in each prepared leaf, wrap it and place it in the freezer.
  3. Frozen cabbage rolls are ready, now you can cook them at any time according to the following principle:
  4. Without defrosting, place the cabbage rolls in a thick cast iron pan. Sprinkle the dish with grated raw carrots on top and add a small raw onion. Pour enough boiling water into the pan so that it completely covers the semi-finished products. Cover with a lid.
  5. When the water boils, reduce the heat, add a little sour cream, salt to taste and tomato sauce. Simmer the cabbage rolls until done. Serve the finished dish hot, sprinkled with herbs.
  6. Frozen cabbage rolls can also be cooked in the oven. Place semi-finished products on a ceramic baking dish. Pour some water into the bottom. Coat the cabbage rolls with sour cream or prepare the sauce. If desired, you can sprinkle grated carrots on top.
  7. Cover the pan with parchment paper or double folded foil. There should be a small gap between the paper and the cabbage rolls. First 30 min. bake cabbage rolls at a temperature of 120 degrees, then for about an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. Keep an eye on the water, if it has evaporated, add a little more.
  8. Remove the paper from the pan, pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls and keep them in the oven for another 10 minutes. at a temperature of 170 degrees.

How to cook cabbage rolls correctly?

Classic cabbage rolls

  • Cabbage - 1 head
  • Pork - 1 kg
  • Pork fat - 150 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 150 g
  • Tomato puree - 50 g
  • Ground pepper and salt - to taste


  1. Separate the leaves from the cabbage, place them in salted boiling water and simmer for several minutes over low heat.
  2. Cut the pork into thin slices, beat them, salt and pepper. Finely chop the onion and stew it in fat. Place a slice of meat and stewed onion on each cabbage leaf.
  3. Wrap each sheet with a roll. Place semi-finished products in the freezer.
  4. To prepare, place cabbage leaves on the bottom of the pan, place cabbage rolls on them, pour in salted boiling water, add pork fat and simmer over low heat for about 1.5 hours. When the dish is ready, pour it with tomato puree and sour cream sauce. Serve hot.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with cheese


  1. Separate the leaves from the cabbage, place them in a pan of boiling water and cook until tender. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. Finely chop the onion, grate the cheese on a medium grater, and finely chop the pork. Combine chopped onion, pork, cheese, eggs and flavored vinegar in a separate bowl.
  2. Grind the bread pulp and add to the filling. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the prepared filling onto the cabbage leaves, form into rolls and secure. Freeze prepared semi-finished products.
  3. To prepare the dish, heat the oil in a frying pan, add 70 ml of water, a little vinegar and tomatoes. Simmer the cabbage rolls in the resulting sauce for about 15 minutes.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat

  • Cabbage - 1 head
  • Buckwheat - 200 g
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml
  • Dried mushrooms (any) - 30 g
  • Onions - 70 g
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g
  • Flour - 40 g
  • Salt and pepper - to taste


  1. Boil a head of cabbage in salted water for about 15 minutes. Carefully cut off the leaves. Place pre-boiled buckwheat on them, add vegetable oil. Tie each sheet with thread. Roll the cabbage rolls in breadcrumbs and fry them in vegetable oil until cooked.
  2. When you have prepared the main part, you can start the sauce. Soak dried mushrooms for 4 hours in water, then boil. Finely chop the onion and fry it with flour, add mushroom broth, finely chopped mushrooms and ground black pepper. Pour the prepared sauce over the dish and serve hot. In this recipe, you can not only freeze semi-finished cabbage rolls, but also prepare the sauce for future use. You can store it for several days in a clean glass container with a lid.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a delicious dish that has many recipe options. You can make the stuffing for cabbage rolls from meat, mushrooms, vegetables, and then freeze the semi-finished products in the freezer and cook when the opportunity arises. Stuffed cabbage rolls can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish. For example, baked potatoes with garlic go great with them!

Frozen semi-finished products are a real treasure for the modern busy housewife. They are very helpful when you need to quickly prepare lunch or dinner, but there is almost no time. And then I looked into the freezer, took it out, and within 20-30 minutes there was a wonderful lunch on the table.

Nowadays you can buy not only dumplings or cutlets frozen. Lately, frozen cabbage rolls have become especially popular. The dish is very tasty and nutritious, but difficult to prepare. After all, before you cook the cabbage rolls themselves, you need to do a lot of preparatory work. Frozen semi-finished products can be cooked immediately without defrosting. But you need to know how to do it correctly.

Benefits of frozen cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a satisfying, hearty dish that is traditionally prepared from ground meat, rice and cabbage. Other fillings can also be used. Its nutritional value is quite high, and depending on the sauce and meat, the calorie content of the product can be adjusted to suit you.

Frozen cabbage rolls are not only good for quick preparation, they will also be an excellent help for a novice housewife who is not confident in her abilities. Having prepared such a dish, you can’t chew on its appearance and taste.

Choosing the right semi-finished products

The best choice would be to prepare semi-finished products yourself, because you are confident in the quality of your meat, cereals and cabbage. You can prepare a less fatty dish by replacing pork with beef or chicken. You can also prepare purely meat cabbage rolls or vegetable ones, adjust the amount of cereals and meat.

But it is difficult for an inexperienced housewife or business woman to do this due to lack of time and skills. In this regard, many manufacturers took care of their consumers and released a line of frozen cabbage rolls. Among their abundance, you need to make the right choice, namely:

  1. If you buy a product by weight, without packaging, do not hesitate to ask about the composition of the meat in the cabbage rolls (is it one type or mixed).
  2. Look at the appearance of semi-finished products. Conscientious sellers always store one cabbage roll in cut form.
  3. The cabbage should not be too thick. It is better to refuse to buy such cabbage rolls; no matter how much you cook them, the vegetable will still remain crispy. Plus, you pay the same price as meat for cabbage.
  4. Rice should not predominate in the composition over minced meat.
  5. When purchasing packaged cabbage rolls, pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Having made the right choice of frozen cabbage rolls, even an inexperienced housewife can prepare a completely decent dish.

How and what to cook frozen cabbage rolls with

Semi-finished cabbage products can be prepared in a variety of ways, using different cooking methods and sauces. Thus, every day you can eat a new dish or find something more tasty and special for yourself.

Depending on the method of preparation, cabbage rolls can be made into a dietary dish and a dish that will please even the most picky gourmet. Semi-finished products can be pre-defrosted or left frozen.

Frozen cabbage rolls on the stove

The most common and easiest way to prepare frozen cabbage semi-finished products is on the stove. The classic recipe involves initially frying the cabbage rolls in a frying pan. To do this, you can first defrost them or do this:

  • Pour some water into the bottom of the frying pan and place frozen cabbage rolls;
  • cover with a lid and simmer, turning occasionally, until the water has completely evaporated;
  • if the cabbage rolls have become soft and there is still water left, carefully drain it and pour in vegetable oil;
  • fry the cabbage rolls until golden brown.

Next, the fried cabbage rolls are placed in a pan and filled to the top with tomato sauce. The sauce is made from tomato paste and water, salted and sweetened to taste, or regular twisted, seedless tomatoes are used. To make the dish even tastier and more nutritious, fried vegetables, usually carrots and onions, are added to the cabbage rolls.

A faster method involves immediately extinguishing. Frozen cabbage rolls are placed in a pan, poured with tomato sauce and placed on low heat. Cooking time depends on the cabbage. Once it has become soft enough, the dish is ready.

Cooking a semi-finished product in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a fairly convenient device that allows you to prepare dishes in several ways: baked, boiled and stewed. Before you start preparing cabbage rolls, you need to take care of the sauce:

  1. Fry the onions and carrots until golden brown using the “Baking” or “Frying” program.
  2. Add tomato paste to the fried vegetables and mix thoroughly.
  3. Dilute the thick mixture with broth or plain warm water. The broth will make the finished dish richer in taste.
  4. Drain the sauce and prepare the cabbage rolls. The width of the multicooker bowl is small, so frying the cabbage rolls will take quite a long time. Use semi-finished products straight from the freezer, placing them in a neat pile in a bowl.
  5. Then pour the prepared sauce over the cabbage rolls and simmer on the “Stew” program for 1-1.30 hours.

It’s even easier to cook diet cabbage rolls in a steamed slow cooker.

  1. Place frozen cabbage rolls in a steaming container.
  2. Pour water into the bottom of the bowl and place a wire rack with cabbage rolls.
  3. Cook using the “Steam” program for 40-50 minutes.

It will be very tasty if you serve ready-made cabbage rolls with sour cream mixed with dill and garlic.

Frozen cabbage rolls in the oven

The cooking process in the oven is almost identical to cooking on the stove. Only the dish is not stewed, but baked.

  • If you don't want to prepare the sauce in a frying pan first, use tomato juice or tomato paste mixed with sour cream and water.
  • When using unthawed food, cook it initially under a foil cover. This way, the cabbage rolls will become soft faster and the liquid will evaporate less.
  • You can also bake cabbage rolls in a special clay dish with a lid. Sour cream sauce and fried mushrooms will help make the dish richer in taste. And the slow simmering that a clay product provides will give an unforgettable aroma and amazing softness to simple frozen semi-finished products.

To summarize, we can say that even from store-bought semi-finished products you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece if you put a little soul and imagination into your dish. Frozen cabbage rolls are proof of this.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are the perfect combination of meat and vegetables. The dish comes out incredibly juicy, tender, aromatic and very tasty. We will tell you how to cook cabbage rolls.

You will need:

  • meat - 1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 90 g;
  • rice - 185 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • two onions;
  • cabbage - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 25 ml;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • ground pepper to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Remove the top unnecessary leaves from the cabbage forks. Place the head of cabbage in boiling water for 3 minutes. The cabbage should be soft, but do not overcook it or the leaves will spread.
  2. Carefully remove the leaves from the boiled fork. They shouldn't tear.
  3. We make minced meat from meat: cut it into pieces and put it through a meat grinder along with slices of peeled onion.
  4. Place the washed rice in a pan with water and cook until it is half cooked. It shouldn't turn into mush. Place the rice into the minced meat.
  5. Peel and grate two carrots.
  6. We sauté it in oil and add it to the minced meat mixture.
  7. Add the bulk ingredients and mix the mixture thoroughly.
  8. Straighten the cabbage leaf. Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle.
  9. Roll the sheet into a roll.
  10. When you have the required number of cabbage rolls, place them on the bottom of the pan, seam side down.
  11. Pour water into a bowl and add tomato paste.
  12. Pour the resulting mixture onto the cabbage rolls.
  13. As soon as the dish boils, turn the heat to low and cook for 40 minutes. Bon appetit!

How to quickly cook with Chinese cabbage?

Diversify the taste of your usual dish with a new ingredient - Chinese cabbage.

What to take:

  • salt - 5 g;
  • minced meat - 0.7 kg;
  • two carrots;
  • spices - 10 g;
  • a head of Chinese cabbage;
  • frying oil;
  • round rice - 90 gr.

How to make cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice:

  1. We disassemble Chinese cabbage into leaves.
  2. Place ten leaves in a non-metallic container and place in the microwave for heat treatment. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  3. Cook the rice in a saucepan until half cooked.
  4. Transfer the rice mixture to the prepared minced meat, add salt and pepper.
  5. Saute the grated carrots in a frying pan until they release juice.
  6. Lightly salt the leaves and place the meat and rice filling on them.
  7. Roll the leaves into a tube, bringing the edges inward.
  8. Place the fried carrots on the bottom of the pan.
  9. Place cabbage rolls on top.
  10. Fill the dish with water and add a pinch of salt.
  11. Simmer with the lid closed for one hour.

Multicooker recipe

Required Products:

  • sour cream - 40 g;
  • rice - 95 g;
  • two carrots;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • minced pork - 0.7 kg;
  • one bay leaf;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • cabbage - 1 fork;
  • tomato sauce - 40 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking cabbage rolls in a slow cooker:

  1. Place the cabbage head, washed and cleared of old leaves, into a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Carefully sort through the softened cabbage and fold in the leaves.
  3. Our minced meat is already ready. All that remains is to grate the onion, add to the minced meat and mix.
  4. Add salt, washed rice and ground pepper.
  5. We stuff the resulting leaves into a homogeneous mass and roll them into the shape of envelopes.
  6. We have one onion and two carrots left. Wash them, remove the skin and grind them using a grater.
  7. Pour sunflower oil into the multicooker and sauté the vegetables on the “Fry” program until golden brown. Turn off the frying mode.
  8. Place a second layer of cabbage rolls,
  9. Separately mix tomato sauce, 200 milliliters of water and sour cream.
  10. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle salt and add bay leaf.
  11. The dish is prepared in the “Stew” program for 90 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls

For these cabbage rolls, you don’t need to sort through the leaves and then wrap them, just shred the cabbage. Very easy and fast.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato juice - 200 g;
  • pork - 0.7 kg;
  • a third fork of cabbage;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 100 gr;
  • rice - 0.1 kg;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We chop the pork into pieces, load them into a meat grinder and make minced meat.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage and immerse it in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  3. Grind the onion and carrots on a grater.
  4. Cook washed rice cereal in a saucepan.
  5. Pour eggs into the rolled meat and add bulk ingredients.
  6. Mix chopped vegetables and cooked rice. Add the mixture to the minced meat. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  7. We form cabbage rolls in the form of cutlets, place them on a baking sheet or a special form.
  8. Pour the cabbage rolls with tomato juice and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Temperature - 180 degrees.
  9. Mix the remaining tomato juice with sour cream. Pour the resulting sauce over the prepared dish.
  10. Raise the oven temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another half hour.

From frozen semi-finished product

If you plan to prepare the dish several days in advance, make frozen cabbage rolls. They tolerate storage well in the refrigerator and do not lose their taste.

What we need:

  • onion - 100 gr;
  • tomatoes - 0.4 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • carrots - 0.15 kg;
  • 12 semi-finished cabbage rolls;
  • salt to taste;
  • tomato sauce - 30 g;
  • water - 0.4 l;
  • one bay leaf;
  • pepper - 10 gr.

Cooking option:

  1. You can either prepare semi-finished products yourself in advance and freeze them, or buy them at the store.
  2. Take them out of the freezer an hour before cooking and place them on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Now let's prepare a delicious sauce.
  4. Remove the peel from the carrots and onions. Chop the vegetables with a knife and a grater.
  5. Fry them in sunflower oil for 4 minutes.
  6. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the thin skin.
  7. Grind the pulp in a blender.
  8. Transfer the resulting puree to the frying pan with the onions and carrots.
  9. Add salt, add bay leaves and pepper.
  10. Pour the resulting aromatic sauce into the pan into the cabbage rolls, add water.
  11. You will need:

  • long rice - 0.2 kg;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • minced chicken - 0.6 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste.

How to prepare cabbage rolls with minced meat:

  1. Remove healthy leaves from the cabbage and boil them in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  2. Sauté chopped onions and carrots.
  3. Cook the washed rice until half cooked.
  4. Combine minced meat, salt, rice, fried vegetables, mix.
  5. Place a lump of filling in the center of a cabbage leaf and wrap it in an envelope.
  6. Place all the resulting envelopes in a pan.
  7. You can simply add water to the cabbage rolls, or prepare a sauce of tomato paste and carrots and onions, as in the previous recipe.
  8. Simmer the food for 40 minutes over medium heat.
  9. Serve the treat with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Despite the fact that cabbage rolls are a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine, they are popular with many chefs of other nationalities. Currently, there are many recipes for preparing this dish.
The simplest and most common is from ready-made store-bought semi-finished products.

How to choose frozen cabbage rolls in the store?

Properly prepared frozen cabbage rolls do not lose their beneficial and tasteful qualities.
When purchasing these semi-finished products for the first time, you need to take into account some features of the obviously tasty cabbage rolls:

  • The cabbage should be of medium thickness. When buying cabbage rolls in a thick layer of cabbage, firstly, you pay for frozen cabbage at the price of minced meat, and secondly, when stewing, thick leaves are difficult to heat. The cabbage turns out firm and crispy, regardless of the duration of stewing.
  • The optimal minced meat option: 50% beef, 50% pork.
  • Rice, when visually examined, should not stand out too much on the surface of the minced meat.
  • Mandatory requirement: not expired.

Classic recipe for frozen cabbage rolls

For preparation you will need:

  • Semi-finished cabbage rolls – 7 pcs.
  • Carrots, onions – 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, ground pepper, bay leaf - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Water to lightly cover the cabbage rolls.


  • Defrost the cabbage rolls naturally within 2 hours.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  • Fry the semi-finished products on both sides.
  • Transfer to a thick-walled saucepan.
  • Alternately fry the chopped onion and grated carrots.
  • Add tomato paste.
  • Simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat.
  • Combine with cabbage rolls.
  • Add salt and seasonings.
  • Fill with water.
  • Simmer for 15-20 minutes until done.
  • When serving, top with cream or sour cream.

How to cook frozen cabbage rolls: the most economical way


  • Frozen semi-finished products – 7 pcs.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.


  • Sprinkle with finely chopped vegetables.
  • Place in a saucepan.
  • Defrost the cabbage rolls in the microwave until soft.
  • Pour water so that it covers the food halfway.
  • Put in the oil.
  • Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes until done.
  • Serve with ketchup and mayonnaise.

Calorie content of frozen cabbage rolls

  • Ready-made cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat contain from 110–300 kilocalories.
  • It all depends on the composition of the minced meat and sauce.
  • The presence of a large part of pork and sour cream filling in the product adds fat content.
  • Therefore, to make the dish as lean as possible: first boil the semi-finished products in water. Then we drain it. Refill. Boil it. When ready, we get an almost dietary dish.

We draw conclusions:

  • It is not difficult to prepare any dish from semi-finished products.
  • It is better if these products are prepared and frozen in advance, at home.
  • If you don't have the time or culinary skills, you can make a great meal using frozen cabbage rolls from the supermarket.
  • It is important to follow all stages of preparation and proportions.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are a unique culinary dish. They are served both for festive and everyday tables. You can experiment with the ingredients and seasonings of this hearty food for a very long period of time. There are also a lot of useful tips, following which you can give the dish an unforgettable and refined taste. Here are some of them.

  • To add some piquancy to the cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves, add a few grated bell peppers to the sauce or filling.
  • If you cook cabbage rolls with the addition of rice, you need to choose large rice - it should be thoroughly rinsed with water (preferably several times).
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls will be much tastier if the rice is fried together with onions in vegetable oil - it will not stick together, as it will be saturated with fat and become more aromatic.
  • To avoid the stickiness of the filling, add a small amount of water to the rice - just enough to cover the cereal a little.
  • For taste, you can put the skin of smoked lard or a smoked chicken wing at the bottom of the pot of cabbage rolls.

How to cook frozen cabbage rolls:

What we need:

  • Frozen cabbage rolls - 15 pcs
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • Seasonings - salt, pepper, bay leaf
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water or broth

Cooking steps:

Before cooking cabbage rolls, they should be thawed. To do this, just take our semi-finished products out of the freezer 2 hours before cooking, or place the dish with frozen cabbage rolls in the microwave (defrost by weight mode).

1. Defrost cabbage rolls, lightly squeeze out excess liquid and place in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.

2. Lightly fry on both sides until golden brown.

3. Transfer the fried cabbage rolls to a saucepan.

How to make sauce for cabbage rolls:

Peel the carrots and onions and chop them.

Three carrots on a coarse grater.

Onion mode for small cubes.

In the oil that remains after frying the cabbage rolls, fry the onions and carrots.

Add tomato paste and fry it lightly to remove the acid.

Add a little water or vegetable broth and leave to simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Salt and pepper the stewed vegetables, add bay leaf and leave to simmer for another 3-4 minutes.

How to stew cabbage rolls in a pan:

Pre-fried cabbage rolls, pour our sauce. If there is not enough liquid, then add water or broth until the liquid covers the cabbage rolls. Simmer over medium heat for no more than one hour.

Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise. Enjoy your meal!