Options for wedding decoration in blue: all the nuances. How to combine jewelry from different metals - create your own style

As is known, best friends girls are diamonds. In the absence of diamonds, cubic zirconia will do. Well, no matter what, costume jewelry will do! It is a rare representative of the fair sex who does not suffer from a weakness for jewelry. Skilfully selected jewelry can turn even the most modest dress into a royal outfit.

True, they also have the opposite effect: they can make your image tasteless and even vulgar if you make the wrong choice. To protect you from such annoying mistakes, the site Suit for You decided to explain to you how to wear jewelry correctly.

Principles of combining decorations with each other

Perhaps the most important rule that you should memorize is like the Lord's Prayer - never mix silver and gold.

Combining jewelry with different stones is also a sign of bad taste, especially if we're talking about about rings.

When choosing jewelry, you must first of all remember a sense of proportion. If you hang all the gold you have on yourself, you will look cheap, despite the fact that gold is an extremely noble metal. The abundance of gold trinkets smacks of gypsyism. In the worst case, people around you will suspect that you robbed a jewelry store.

Products made from precious metals and stones and jewelry.

If you bought a set consisting of several items, you will probably be tempted to wear everything at once. Do not rush. Even jewelry from the same set should not be worn at the same time. Combine, for example, a ring from a set with a necklace. A bracelet will match the earrings.

A large, eye-catching decoration can be included in an ensemble in singular. Two brightly highlighted accents are bad manners.

Do not wear both a watch and a bracelet on one hand, even if they are elegant and graceful.

Decoration and style

In addition to skillfully combining jewelry with each other, you also need to be able to maintain the overall style of the image.

We hope you understand that, either, sneakers and a T-shirt do not harmonize well with a gold ring with a diamond. For that matter, no additions in the form of decorations are required at all.

There is a golden rule for selecting jewelry for clothes: the more complex the cut of your dress, the more elegant its decor, the more laconic the jewelry should be. Conversely, a modest simple dress allows for greater freedom of choice. But again, everything is good in moderation.

Very conservative in the choice of jewelry. One or two gold items, modest but elegant pearls, one stylish but not too flashy brooch - this is the maximum that he allows.

Large jewelry goes well with simple and casual clothing. Just try to choose quality products.

An airy light dress will look ridiculous when paired with too massive jewelry - choose something elegant and filigree to go with it.

There is also a dependence of decorations on the season. For example, cheerful, bright jewelry combined with a thick sheepskin coat will clearly not be a standard of harmony.

In addition, jewelry should be divided into evening and daytime. For example, a shiny, luxurious necklace is inappropriate in the first half of the day - this is clearly the type of jewelry that goes with an evening dress.

Jewelry should also be chosen according to age. A scattering of silver rings on the fingers of a woman of elegant age will look tasteless, and youth style fits in gracefully. Too expensive and large jewelry - for example, rings with large precious stones- also inappropriate on a young girl.

We hope that our tips on how to wear jewelry correctly will be useful to you. But if in doubt, follow the principle: less is better than more.

went on vacation and this moment is probably already lying like a vegetable on the shore of the warm sea, and I’m left here in charge alone, so please, don’t be naughty, and don’t swear in the comments;)
In the meantime, I’ll tell you what Natasha and I jointly dug up on your questions in the “question-answer” section. Everything is in order.

"How to combine jewelry (jewelry) from different types metals: silver and gold? Are there any rules about this? Do they need to be coordinated with the fittings of other accessories: shoes, bags, etc.?", asks five_free .

We didn’t find much new on this topic, but our main discovery was that, as a rule, it is strictly forbidden to combine jewelry together only on some dubious forums like Galya.ru, where commentators categorically declare: “ gold and silver together is bad taste, there’s no reason I’d wear it like that". Around the same place they claim that " more than three rings on both hands at the same time is bad manners. The same applies to bracelets.“No one knows why this is so. It’s bad taste and that’s it. Fortunately, the designers of Tiffany, for example, don’t know that it’s bad taste and that’s it, otherwise there wouldn’t be such beautiful things in the world:

That is, it is still possible to combine, but, apparently, not any with any. This means that smart girls who are not bound by the Gazprom dress code should not be concerned about these rules invented by someone unknown; the same principle applies to us as everywhere else - the principle of unity and struggle between opposites of similarity.

Its essence is that if you want to combine jewelry from different metals, then since the metals are different, something should unite these jewelry. Style, shape, weaving...

For example, like Ira Kolesnik:

And all sorts of beautiful combinations different decorations.

Here, it seems to me, completely different metals combine very harmoniously due to stylistics- everything is Indian-Nepalese-ethnic, very similar textures.

But here it is absolutely the same shape - but different metals. It turns out this Yin-Yang, emphasized black and white dress(sweater?)

Different metals, but everywhere inserts of unifying colors:

Another option is when you do collage of jewelry, deliberately combine many different bracelets, for example. The result is such an obvious grotesque, which is good precisely because of the combination of opposites. But then it is clear that there should be a lot of such decorations.

Something like that. It is possible and necessary to combine different metals, but it should probably be done in such a way that it is clear: the combination is intentional and thoughtful, you know what you are combining and why. But just silver stud earrings with a gold wedding ring and a brass grandmother’s ring will most likely look dreary - it’s better either not to use them together, or to find something that can combine them.

Now the fashion world pays attention not so much to the elements of clothing themselves, but to which ones to wear and combine, how to place accents, emphasizing their advantages. I'll tell you how to combine jewelry correctly without turning into " christmas tree". To do this, it is important to know, and most importantly, follow a few simple rules:

Remember: necklace + brooch = taboo forever!

1. Try Do not mix jewelry made of metal different colors . For example, a white gold ring, a yellow bracelet and red earrings will never go together. This is only possible in the design of one piece of jewelry (Cartier trinity, for example).

2. Jewelry from different materials it's also better not to mix. The Shambhala bracelet will never be a harmonious pair with gold earrings, and a silver chain will be discordant with a gold ring. I repeat, it’s better to limit yourself to just one thing. This will place the right accents in your image.

Original Cartier trinity rings, where a combination of several metals is possible

3. One of the main points - combination of stones will lose its aged value among the abundance of emeralds, turquoise, jasper and even. The stone will “reveal” only when it is alone or in the company of its own kind.

The correct combination of stones in jewelry and the wrong option

4. Choose jewelry in accordance with the overall style of your outfit. A large necklace in an ethnic style and gold or elegant earrings are unlikely to look harmonious together. It is better to choose a large necklace and bracelet, or elegant gold earrings and a thin chain with a classic pendant.

5. known to almost every girl from birth. You can wear no more than three items at a time: ring + bracelet + earrings; necklace + earrings + bracelet; watch + earrings + brooch; etc. But don't wear a ring, earrings, necklace or bracelet with a watch. Remember: everything is good in moderation. We add light accents with jewelry, but we don’t dress in them.

Golden Rule three decorations should not be disturbed

6. Three decorations on the face. This makes the image “overloaded”. The following combination is unacceptable: necklace (chain) + brooch + earrings; watch + bracelet + ring; bracelet (watch) + 2 or more rings.

7. Consider your physiological parameters. Fragile ladies will look ridiculous with large rings, huge necklaces or earrings. A thin neck will be emphasized by a chain, an elegant necklace and long earrings. At the same time, a thin, lightweight ring will look out of place on a lady’s plump finger “in the body.” The beauty of such hands is emphasized by large stones and massive forms of jewelry.

8. Combine jewelry according to age and status. To a young girl You should not wear an impressive gold set with large diamonds. Also, for a respectable lady, jewelry is not appropriate for her age.

Right choice Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham. If the decoration is large, it should be one

9. If you decide to wear something non-standard, for example, a ring for the entire finger, a huge designer necklace, a wide bracelet and other fashion trends, the main rule for you is this decoration is ONE for you.

10. Required consider the place where you are going. A strict business dress code requires decorations strictly “according to the rule of three decorations”, according to the law of combinations of metals and stones (see above). In evening dressing, all these rules are advisory in nature. If you plan to wear Evening Dress, choose more formal decorations. For example, diamond earrings or earrings with rubies, emeralds, agates, rings with large stones, watches with a gold bracelet and diamonds. At dusk you will shine.

Jewelry made of gold or silver, discreet rings, small chains with pendants are suitable for work. But let’s add that all of the above rules lose force if your profession is creative or without a strictly prescribed dress code, here you can take some liberties, but in moderation.

With massive stones, there should be a minimum of jewelry

11. The hardest thing to combine jewelry with stones. The main rule is color harmony. Any red stones (coral, ruby, jasper, garnet, tourmaline) cannot be combined with any others; they are worn in monochrome. Black and white stones can withstand any combination, there is only one rule here - do not overdo it, there should not be too many of them. Do not wear black, blue and purple stones together - this is a very difficult combination. Yellow stones (citrine, spinel, amber) are good with any stones except blue and violet. Green stones (emerald, chrysoprase, malachite, jade) are easily combined with all stones, but also look amazing alone.

How to correctly combine colors in clothes and jewelry

When creating a style, color choice is key. Everything in clothing and accessories should look harmonious, matching each other in color.

How to combine the colors of jewelry? And first of all, we will pay attention to the clothes, since the jewelry must first of all match the color of the clothes, and then you need to look at how they combine with each other.

For cold color range Silver jewelry or silver-plated jewelry is more suitable for clothing. But golden bracelets, hairpins and other beauty elements are more suitable for warm colors.

Jewelry should also match your skin color. For example, almost any color will suit dark skin. But the main thing is not to overdo it with metal elements.

Combining jewelry by color is an important matter, but anyone can do it. If you take several thin bracelets of different colors and put them on one hand, it will immediately become clear which colors go best with each other. By the way, wearing such bracelets together, choosing the right colors, has also become one of the elements of modern fashion.

The hair color of the owner of the jewelry is also important. For brunettes, jewelry in red, purple and Pink colour. Olive and peach colors will suit brown-haired women well. But mother-of-pearl and pearls are perfect for blondes. The main thing is to experiment, and then you yourself can determine the most acceptable color.

Combination of colors in clothes and jewelry:









The principle of similarity, according to which items made of silver, gold and other metals can be combined with each other, implies a certain commonality of elements inherent in metal jewelry. They can be similar in shape or texture, decorated with the same rhinestones or precious stones, and also have the same matte or ribbed surface. Thus, using the principle of similarity, rather than color, you help different decorations unite into a common ensemble and “sound” next to each other.

This principle applies not only in the case of different metals, but also when selecting accessories in general. For example, blue suede shoes go well with a suede bag of any color; What unites them is not the color, but the texture of the material.

An example of an unsuccessful combination is a classic wedding ring made of yellow gold, worn silver cross on a thin chain and brass earrings. In this image, there is nothing in common between the jewelry, so they are dissonant with each other.

We create harmonious combinations

The simplest example of the correct combination of jewelry from different metals in one look is the combination of many gold and silver bracelets-rings. Ring bracelets, no more than 3 millimeters thick, are worn 15-20 times per hand. You can put smooth silver bracelets on your hands, dilute them with the same gold ones, and also add a few silver ones with shiny coating or carving. IN in this case the accessories will “overlap” due to the same diameter and thickness of the product, as well as the ring shape common to all bracelets.

When creating an image, consider the design of the accessories on the bag and shoes. As a rule, the color of the metal or decorative elements (zippers, rivets, spikes) should “echo” each other.

Chunky watches on a metal bracelet, such as models from Michael Kors, Mark Jacobs or Fossil, look simple enough to be combined with bracelets different models. For a silver watch, wear a gold and silver chain bracelet with thick links (the width of 1 link is at least a centimeter). In this case, all three products will be combined in their overall massiveness, and the bracelets will differ only in color. For the same watch, only in rose gold, wear a variety of thin woven leather bracelets with inserts of various metals. These decorations are combined thanks to the common rope weaving.

When wearing many bracelets made of different metals, remember that all other jewelry should be as simple and concise as possible. Laconic hoop earrings or minimalist studs will go well with a wide variety of bracelets or chains around the neck if they match one of them in metal color.