Corn sticks with condensed milk.

If guests are already on the doorstep, then this recipe for an incredibly tasty and also quick-to-prepare cake made from corn sticks with condensed milk will certainly help you out. This delicacy will diversify your tea drinking and will please everyone.

Cake made from corn sticks and boiled condensed milk


  • butter toffee – 1 kg;
  • – 200 g;
  • corn sticks – 300 g;
  • natural butter – 200 g.


Melt the butter in a bowl and add the butter toffee, broken into slices. Then add boiled condensed milk and mix thoroughly. Throw corn sticks into the resulting mixture and remove the dishes from the stove. After this, cool the contents a little and proceed to forming the cake. To do this, we wet our hands with water, put the sweet mass on a flat, beautiful dish and form a slide. Cool the finished cake with corn sticks and condensed milk and serve with fresh tea.

Anthill cake made from corn sticks


  • boiled condensed milk – 500 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • sweet corn sticks – 150 g.


Chop the butter into pieces, place in a bowl and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping, add boiled condensed milk and mix until a soft, uniform texture is obtained. Now add corn sticks to the prepared cream and mix thoroughly. We put everything on a large flat dish, give the dessert a mound shape and put the sweet corn sticks cake with condensed milk in the refrigerator for several hours. Then we decorate the delicacy at our discretion and invite everyone to the table.

Recipe for a cake made from corn sticks and condensed milk



We cut some of the corn sticks into rings, and leave the rest whole. Lightly fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan, chop them and pour them onto the sticks. Beat the butter well with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk. Add the resulting cream to the sticks and mix thoroughly. Next, place the sweet sticks in a round pan lined with parchment paper and place them in the refrigerator to harden for 3 hours. Place the finished delicacy on saucers, decorate with grated chocolate and invite everyone to a tea party.

If you want to prepare an unusual dessert, you can use the simplest ingredients that can be purchased at any store. Among the products used to make no-bake cakes, one of the most popular are corn sticks. Using them in the cooking process is as simple as possible, so even an inexperienced housewife can prepare a cake.

Each of the recipes assumes that in addition to the sticks, the required ingredients will include butter (margarine as an exception) - about 100-200 g. Corn sticks should be classic - without additives, coloring agents or flavorings.

Recipe for corn sticks cake with condensed milk

Condensed milk is an excellent addition to sweet dishes. The cake, which is based on corn sticks, was no exception. You can prepare it for tea with your family or relatives.

Preparation steps:

After cooking (immediately before serving), remove the film. If desired, the cake can be decorated with cream, coconut shavings or fruit on top. For this purpose, you can also use powdered sugar, which you can easily prepare yourself by grinding the sugar in a coffee grinder.

"Anthill" with toffee

Anthill cake made from corn sticks and toffee is easy to prepare using a simple set of ingredients:

  • butter (butter or cooking fat) – 200 g;
  • candies (taffy) – 450 g;
  • corn sticks – 350 g.

Cooking time – 110 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g of cake – 68 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. Oil or cooking fat used in baking should be heated. To speed things up, it is recommended to use a water bath.
  2. Unwrap the toffees, chop a little, add to the melted butter;
  3. Place the resulting composition on low heat and melt the toffee. In order to avoid burning, you will need to constantly stir the mixture.
  4. After the composition is completely homogeneous, without pieces of candy, corn sticks should be added to it, without crushing;
  5. In the form for preparing the “Anthill” you need to put cling film, then lay out the mass and cover it with another piece of film on top;
  6. Place the container in the refrigerator until completely hardened (from 40 minutes to 2 hours - depending on the volume of the future cake).

Before serving, the film must be removed, and the resulting sweetness must be decorated with cocoa or coconut shavings, as well as seedless dried fruits.

"Lazy Anthill"

There is an option for preparing “Anthill” with corn sticks, which is ideal for welcoming unexpected guests. It is prepared quickly, combines tenderness and aesthetic appeal, so it is appropriate to serve it at a children's party. Make sure you have the following ingredients before you start cooking:

  • butter (salted butter or margarine can be used) – 65-70 g;
  • boiled condensed milk (to save time, you should buy ready-made) – 1 can;
  • cocoa (powder) – 50 g;
  • nuts (walnuts) – 120-150 g;
  • sticks – 300 g;
  • powdered sugar – 30 g.

Cooking time – from 90 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished cake is 67 kcal.

Steps for making a cake from corn sticks, nuts and boiled condensed milk:

  1. Peel the shells of walnuts and chop using a blender for this purpose;
  2. Break the sticks into halves (each);
  3. Melt the butter used in cooking (it is recommended to use a water bath for this);
  4. Then add boiled condensed milk (a full jar) and cocoa to the butter, mix;
  5. Place cling film or parchment in the mold, pour the sticks into it and pour in the resulting cream of butter and condensed milk, then add chopped nuts.

The cooking process will take place in the refrigerator and will require from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the volume of the mold and cooling power. After cooking, the Lazy Anthill is sprinkled with powdered sugar on top as a decoration.

Another cooking option - with chocolate chips


  • corn sticks – 600 g;
  • almonds (peeled kernels) – 50 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • chocolate (chips) – 100 g.

The time required for preparation is from 140 minutes.

The calorie content of the cake is 61 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. The sticks should be cut into rings and then placed in the prepared pan on cling film;
  2. Pour condensed milk evenly onto the sticks, mix, distribute throughout the entire volume of the mold so that the layer is even (leave for a few minutes so that the sticks are saturated with condensed milk);
  3. Chop the nuts, cover with the next layer, form an anthill, put in the refrigerator until hardened.

Before serving, decorate the cake with chocolate chips.

Corn cake with sticks, coconut and liqueur

This option would be appropriate for serving at a celebration or family holiday, as it contains exquisite ingredients:

  • sticks – 400 g;
  • coconut flakes – 70 g;
  • liqueur – 30 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 can.

Cooking time – 100 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​61 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. Chop the sticks a little;
  2. Mix condensed milk with liqueur and combine with chopsticks;
  3. Place the mixture in the pan on parchment paper and refrigerate until hardened.

Before serving, sprinkle the cake with coconut.

In order for a cake that contains corn sticks to turn out perfect, you will need to know a few simple rules: it is better to fry the nuts a little first in a hot frying pan without oil - the aroma will be rich.

For a piquant taste, liqueur or cognac is added, but if there are children in the house, it is recommended to replace this ingredient with fruit or berry syrup.

If you plan to use chocolate, then it is better to use dark chocolate for contrast.

Condensed milk can be used with flavoring additives, and dried fruits should be soaked in warm water to soften before adding.

A selection of interesting recipes from corn sticks.

Corn stick cake.
You will need: 150 grams of marmalade, 200 grams of peeled walnuts or peanuts, two and a half packs of corn sticks 70 grams each, one can of boiled or regular condensed milk, 175 grams of butter.
Pour the corn sticks into a deep bowl, put condensed milk and melted butter there.
Cut the marmalade.
Mix corn sticks with condensed milk and butter. In this case, you should knead the sticks very hard with your hand, breaking them.
Then add the chopped marmalade and mix.
Chop the nuts. From the resulting mass we form an oblong loaf. Roll in chopped nuts.
Wrap in cellophane or foil. And put it in the freezer for half an hour. Remove from the refrigerator, unwrap and cut into slices crosswise.
The cake is ready.

Cake "Raffaello"
Pass the sticks through a meat grinder, add condensed milk. Knead the dough. Now we form small balls from the dough (like “Raffaello”), put a piece of nut inside, roll in coconut flakes. That's it - the cake is ready. Now - put it in the refrigerator, and in an hour you can eat! Very tasty, by the way!
Ingredients: A pack of cereal sticks (corn sticks), a can of condensed milk, nuts, coconut flakes.

Cake "Anthill"
Method of preparation: Mix crushed nuts with honey and vanilla sugar, carefully fold in the egg whites, beaten with powdered sugar into a thick, stable foam. Grind the yolks until white, adding liquid honey and wine in small portions. Place the pan with the cream in a water or steam bath and whisk. When the mixture begins to rise up, remove from the bath. Apply a thin layer of protein cream onto a small deep dish and press a layer of corn sticks into it. Repeat layers of cream and corn sticks, placing them in a heap, like an anthill. Allow the cake base to harden slightly in the refrigerator, pour hot yolk cream from top to bottom, cool, sprinkle finely grated chocolate candy or a slice of chocolate on top and keep the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Ingredients: (for 8-10 servings) fresh crispy corn sticks 1-2 bags. Cream for the cake layer:
100 g honey
3 squirrels
200 g crushed walnut kernels
vanilla sugar to taste
cream for filling the cake:
3 yolks
3 tbsp. l. honey
1/2 cup of red wine

Corn sticks in toffee
500 gr. Melt butter (or other, except fruit) toffees with 1 stick of butter (250 g), add corn sticks and mix. Place in a plastic bag in an even layer of 1-2 cm and place in the refrigerator until hardened. Remove and cut into squares.

Sweet sausage
Melt the butter, add “taffy” to it - you get a liquid mass. When it cools a little (but not much) add corn sticks. Mix. Then we take plastic bags or film and wrap small portions of this mass in them to create the shape of sausages. We put it in the refrigerator.

Corn stick cake with butterscotch
1 pack of butter, 300 grams of toffee, 1/2 pack of corn sticks. Melt the butter in a saucepan, put the toffees taken out of their wrappers into it and heat until the candies melt and mix with the butter. In this case, you need to continuously stir the mixture with a wooden spoon. Remove the pan from the stove and pour the corn sticks into it. Stir thoroughly, then place the mixture on cellophane or parchment, wrap it in the form of a sausage and put it in a cool place. After a few hours (minutes), when the mixture has completely cooled and hardened, remove it from the paper and cut it into slices.

"Golden balls with coconut
For preparation you will need: 1 pack of corn sticks, 1 can of condensed milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 200 g plums. oil, 1 tsp. honey
Mash the sticks, then mix the condensed milk with sugar, honey and butter. Next, form balls from the resulting golden mass, roll them in coconut flakes and refrigerate.

Wafers "Meteorite"
To prepare you will need: 1 kg of toffees, 300 g of butter.
Method of preparation: melt 1 kg of toffee with 300 g of butter. Add chopped corn sticks. Form into balls, dip into glaze and set aside in the cold.
Toffees should be soft milky ("tuzik" or "golden key" - so that they are chewed, not bitten off).

To prepare you will need: 7 packs of corn sticks, 600 g of Iris sweets, 20 g of butter.
Melt the butterscotch in hot butter and stir thoroughly. Dried corn sticks are gradually added to this mass and placed in a warm place for 1 hour.
Form balls from the resulting mass, place them on a dish so that they do not touch each other, and put them in the cold for 2 hours.

All recipes are taken from the Internet.

Everyone in childhood has probably tried a cake made from corn sticks and toffee. This cake is loved by children from the USSR along with the anthill. It is very tasty, light, suitable for children with gluten intolerance, and is easy and relatively quick to prepare. And no matter how much I cook it, it is one of the first to be eaten on the table. I simply adored him as a child!


  • 500 g toffee toffee
  • 180 g butter
  • 2 packs of 130 g sweet corn sticks

Recipe for corn sticks and toffee cake:

  1. For this cake you need toffees like those in the photo, there are also “Golden Key”. Dairy products in slabs are not suitable.

    Toffee candy

  2. We remove the wrappers from the toffees, put the candies in a larger bowl or saucepan (we will then put 2 packs of sticks there and knead them, estimate the required size in advance), put the butter and put it in a water bath to melt. It is most convenient to take a wide bowl. It takes longer to melt in a water bath, but nothing will definitely burn.

  3. The candies are gradually melting, and so is the butter, be patient and stir periodically.


  4. Still stirring. We don’t leave the spoon in the bowl, it drowns there.

    Ready-made sweet mixture

  5. When the mass becomes homogeneous, the butter is completely mixed with the toffee mass, pour in the corn sticks and mix thoroughly right in the water bath. This requires quickness. I pour out 1-1.5 packs, knead well, then add the remaining sticks and knead again.

    Add sticks and knead

  6. When the corn sticks are evenly covered with the butter-taffy mixture, place them in a mold or directly on cling film and quickly compact them. If you put it on cling film, then compacting it, of course, is more convenient, but it won’t turn out as beautiful. It is necessary to cover the top with a layer of cling film and form a large “sausage”, press with your hands.

    I took a springform baking pan with a diameter of 26 cm. Place corn sticks with toffee in the pan and press down, leveling with a spoon. Place the cake in the cold to harden. On the cold balcony, my cake froze for a little over 1 hour.

    Compact into shape

  7. Remove the cake from the mold.

    The cake is ready

The corn sticks and toffee cake is ready, ready to cut and serve.

Bon appetit! The indicated amount makes 6 large servings, but it is eaten like seeds!

Olga Soldatova author of the recipe

The fact that the most ingenious is what is extremely simple can be seen in the example of one wonderful sweet treat. In order to prepare a simple cake from puffed corn sticks with boiled condensed milk, you need a minimum of products, effort and culinary skill.

When a dish with sweetness is on the table and accompanied by tea or coffee, the main thing is to quickly put a piece on your plate, otherwise you may not have time...

Corn sticks with condensed milk: recipe with nuts

This magnificent dessert has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is incredibly simple to prepare, does not require baking at all, and children adore it. Moreover, even the youngest housewife can make it. But this sweetness has only one drawback - it ends too quickly!


  • Corn sticks (any sweet) – 2 packs of 70 g each;
  • Butter – 100-150 g;
  • Boiled condensed milk – 2/3 cans;
  • Nuts (walnuts or peanuts) – 100 g.

Making a cake from corn crunches and condensed milk

  1. First you need to cut the corn products into round pieces about 0.5 cm thick.
  2. We set them aside and get to the sweet impregnation. Heat the butter and combine it with the milk, which had to be boiled before, and stir until smooth.
  3. Chop the nuts, but not too much, fry until golden, stirring constantly, and add to the milk.
  4. Stir again and pour the resulting medium-thick mixture into a bowl where the sticks are waiting for us.

You need to mix everything so that the impregnation covers each piece of corn crisps, and then put it in a mold lined with parchment.

Cooking time for a cake made from sticks and condensed milk

It only takes 10-15 minutes to prepare such a light, airy dessert.

True, you will have to wait an hour or two until it hardens in the refrigerator and is soaked in milk, and it will take 2-3 hours to boil the canned condensed milk (in a saucepan with boiling water over low heat). But if you do it the day before, it will take a minimum of time.

Recipe for cake with corn sticks and condensed milk


  • Multi-colored marmalade slices— 150 g + -
  • Walnuts or peanuts— 200 g + -
  • Corn sticks— .5 packs of 70 g + -
  • Condensed milk (boiled)- 1 tin can + -
  • — 150 g + -

How to make a dessert from sticks and condensed milk

Pour whole corn products into a deeper bowl, add pre-cooked condensed milk and butter there, melt and cool it beforehand, mix everything well, crushing the sticks with your hands. Then we turn the marmalade slices into straws and into a common bowl.

From the sweet and sticky mass that is finally obtained, we form a sausage, which finally needs to be rolled in well-chopped nuts. Having wrapped it in food-grade polyethylene, we send the product into the cold for about an hour.

  • Already delicious nuts will be even better if you lightly toast them and peel off the husks, which give unnecessary bitterness.
  • There is no need to simmer condensed milk in boiling water for a long time - about 1.5 hours, since we do not need a too thick consistency.

Before you treat your family and guests with a delicacy, you need to unwind the “sausage” and cut it into slices of arbitrary thickness.

Cake “Lazy Anthill” made from corn crunches and boiled condensed milk

We will need the following ingredients

  • Corn sticks – 200 g;
  • Oil – 50 g;
  • Condensed milk (boiled) – 1 jar;
  • Nuts – 100 g;
  • Nesquik cocoa - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 100 g.

How to cook corn sticks with condensed milk

Cut the corn crunches in half. Separately, mix the ghee and milk well and pour it into the corn base of the cake. There are also crushed nuts. We mix and knead everything to get a more or less homogeneous mass. We compact it into a tall form, close it and put it in the refrigerator.

After an hour, take out the mold, open it, and carefully place the contents on a tray. Sprinkle strips of powder and Nesquik on top. That's it - you can serve it!

To add some piquancy to the dessert, you can add a couple of tablespoons of any available liqueur to the cream before mixing. Adults will be delighted with this “essence”, and children can make another dessert - without alcohol.

If you don’t know what else to surprise and please your beloved family or friends, prepare a delicious cake or other dessert from corn sticks and condensed milk, the recipes for which we have selected for everyone’s joy. This treat will appeal to both sweet-loving children and culinary-savvy adults!