Main base colors. Primary colors

If you are into painting or simply use paints in your work or creativity, then you should definitely find out what they are additional colors what shades they are, how to get them and use them. This will come in handy both with a brush and when working on modern graphics tablets.

Studying the spectrum: primary and secondary colors

Each of you has at least once seen in books an image of a rainbow stripe or circle, where one color smoothly transitions into another in the sequence in which they are located and in natural phenomenon- rainbow. These are not made up, but a real display of the distribution of shades when a beam of white light is divided into components. Each color corresponds to a specific wavelength.

This is called a spectrum. It is used by artists and designers when selecting tones and their beautiful combinations for your works. There are three primary colors - red, blue and yellow. You can also hear the term primary. These colors cannot be obtained by mixing any paints or colored rays. The remaining shades are considered composite, as they are derivatives of the main ones. Usually, in contrast to the main ones, additional colors are indicated, which are obtained by mixing the first with each other: orange, made up of yellow and red, green - from yellow and blue, and violet - from red and blue. If you mechanically mix the three primary colors, you get black. In the case of optical overlay, white appears.

Pairs of additional colors

So, complementary colors are those that are located at opposite ends of lines drawn through the center of the spectral circle. To make it easier for you to navigate in practice, you need to remember three main pairs: yellow and purple, red and green, orange and blue. The remaining shades can be easily determined by moving the line corresponding to the diameter to the desired angle.

How to get complementary colors in painting

The paint pigments in modern sets are usually varied, so when working with a palette, you can use many ready-made colors, making up the desired shades from them. If on initial stage If you doubt what you need to add to the existing color, you can always use the spectrum as a hint, a diagram.

In fact, it is not at all necessary to buy a set of paints with a large number of ready-made shades. It is easy to obtain the entire possible range on your own, having only the primary colors (blue, red, yellow). To change the saturation of an additional composite shade, black and white colors will be required. A problem can only arise if the box contains some shade of it instead of a pure spectral color, for example, blue-green, purple, burgundy. When choosing a set of paints, be sure to ensure that it contains pure primary colors, then it will not be difficult for you to prepare additional ones.

Painting in digital format

In the world modern technologies even artists are moving beyond monitor screens and electronic input devices. Working on a tablet, you create your painting not on paper, but on a display screen, actually mixing not paints, but outgoing rays of light.

The term "color space" is commonly used in computer programs for working with graphics and implies a model for displaying shades in digital form. Each color is characterized by numerical parameters in the selected coordinate system. It can be three-dimensional or multidimensional, depending on the number of axes used, that is, color parameters. The simplest and most understandable color models are RGB and CMYK. The first is used to visualize images on the screen (TV, monitor), and the second is used when printing on a four-color device, for example, a regular office printer.

Thus, when drawing on a tablet, you will choose shades of colors, each of which has its own numerical characteristic, consisting of three values.

How to choose for a painting

No matter how you create your work, with a brush on canvas or a stylus on a graphics tablet, all paint colors must be selected so that they are in harmony. This is easy to do using the spectrum.

There are several ways:

  1. Use only the warm part of the shades (those with a yellow component).
  2. Choose exclusively cool colors based on blue.
  3. Try a contrasting option - a combination of one primary color and an additional component color, as well as their shades.
  4. Experiment with achromatic tones (black - gray - white), adding any spectral shade.

These are just the most simple ways obtaining harmonious, vibrant combinations in work.

So, the paint colors are in close relationship. All the variety of shades can not only be systematized, but also used strictly in accordance with theoretical knowledge of color science. It is in this case that your work, both hand-made and digital, will be the most interesting and effective.

Test work 6th gradeI quarter(option 1)

    Which color is not composite colors?

    The color is:

8. What color is there?

9. Red, blue, yellow are the colors...

10. Line, stroke, tone - the main means of artistic expression:

11. Preliminary drawing for the work, reflecting the search the best composition:

.12. A quick drawing to study nature:


15. What else are they called? spatial views art?

Test work 6th gradeI quarter(option 2)

1. Line, stroke, tone - the main means of artistic expression:

a) painting; b) sculptures; c) graphs

2. Preliminary drawing for the work, reflecting the search for the best composition:

a) sketch; b) sketch; c) sketch

.3. A quick drawing to study nature:

a) sketch; b) sketch; c) sketch

4. Works of which art form have a three-dimensional volume:

a) architecture, b) graphics, c) sculpture, d) painting

a) architecture, b) graphics, c) sculpture, d) painting

5..Which of the following refers to temporary forms of art?

a) painting b) literature c) sculpture d) design

6. What is another name for spatial art??

a) constructive b) decorative c) figurative d) plastic

7. To which art materials include pencils, crayons, ink, charcoal, sanguine, pastel?

a) architectural b) graphic c) sculptural d) picturesque

    What types of plastic arts are considered fine?

    Graphic arts; b) architecture; c) design; d) painting; e) sculpture

    Write down the sequence of colors in the spectrum.

    Which color is not a primary color?

a) red; b) yellow; c) green; d) blue

    Which color is not composite colors?

    Orange; b) green; c) purple; d) yellow

    To get lightness you need to add:

a) yellow color; b) White color; V) grey colour

    The color is:

a) light waves of a certain length; b) polar opposition

c) the relationship of all color elements

    Does not apply to achromatic colors:

    black; b) white; c) brown

15. What color is there?

a) local, b) well-fed, c) foggy, d) saturated, e) light,

16. Red, blue, yellow are the colors...

a) Cold; b) warm; c) additional colors; d) primary colors.

Primary colors- these are the tones with which you can get all other shades.

This is RED YELLOW BLUE (for printing this is MAGENTA, YELLOW, CYAN, BLACK see below)

If you mix red, blue and yellow light waves together, you get White light. However, such a merger will not work with paints. For artists, there is a separate mixing table, which overlaps with the combination of waves, but follows its own rules.

Yellow, red, blue - different ones, in which they are at their peak. If you convert them to black and white format, you will clearly see.

It is difficult to imagine a bright dark yellow tone, as well as a bright light red one. Due to brightness in different lightness ranges, a huge range of intermediate rich colors: orange, red-orange, light green, emerald, blue-green, lilac, red-violet, violet, etc. These three colors form almost the entire palette, with the exception of black, white, gray. Taking them as the primary basis of color construction, it is worth imagining that secondary colors are still less bright than their parents, and shades formed from the second circle using black, white or shades produced from the primary circle are even duller.

Constructing shades from primary colors

Pairs from the “team” of primary colors form the following colors of the second circle:



If you mix secondary colors, that is, orange, purple and green, with the primary ones (which are already present in the color), then their order will not change, they will also remain in the second circle, since we are changing the quantity of content, not the quality:





Adding primary tones to the secondary, but which are not already present in it, leads to a mixture of all three primary colors. The result is brown. Such pairs are called complementary.


Mixing complementary shades such as purple + yellow, red + green, blue + orange gives a medium dark red-brown shade. If you mix not paint, but light rays, you should get the effect of gray light. But since the paint only reflects the wave, there will be no 100% replacement.

Primary ink colors for printing

It is very important to obtain the maximum tones from a minimum set of inks for color printing. Today there are 4 necessary paints to implement the entire spectrum:


Where magenta is a fuchsia shade, cyan is a bright blue color, and white is the tone of the printed material.


The emergence of the concept of primary colors is associated with the need to reproduce colors for which there was no exact color equivalent in the artist’s palette. The development of color reproduction technology required minimizing the number of such colors, and therefore conceptually complementary methods for obtaining mixed colors were developed: mixing colored rays (from light sources having a certain spectral composition), and mixing paints (reflecting light, and having their own characteristic reflection spectra) .

Various options for choosing “primary colors”

Mixing colors depends on the color model. There are additive and subtractive mixing models.

Additive model

In the additive mixing model, colors are produced by mixing rays. In the absence of rays, there is no color - black and white. An example of an additive color model is RGB.

Subtractive color synthesis

A method using reflection of light and appropriate dyes. In the subtractive mixing model, colors are produced by mixing paints. In the absence of paint, there is no color - white, maximum mixing gives black. An example of a subtractive color model is CMYK.

According to Johannes Itten, there are only 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue. The rest of the colors on the color wheel are formed by mixing these three in different proportions.

Biophysical prerequisites

Primary colors are not a property of light; their choice is determined by the properties of the human eye and the technical properties of color reproduction systems.

Four "pure" colors

Psychophysiological studies have led to the assumption of the existence of certain “pure” and unique colors: - red, yellow, green and blue, with red and green forming one color-contrast axis, and yellow and blue another.

Technical options for implementing the model of using “primary colors”



  • Handprint: do “primary” colors exist? - a comprehensive site on color primaries, color perception, color psychology, color theory and color mixing.
  • Online color mixing - Web service for color modeling when mixing original colors in any proportions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Primary colors” are in other dictionaries:

    Three colors, optical addition (mixing) to rykh in definition. In fact, you can get a color that is completely indistinguishable to the eye from any given color. The limiting condition for O. c. yavl. their linear independence, i.e. none of them can be... ... Physical encyclopedia

    primary colors- Primary colors on which color models are based. In the additive RGB model these are red, green and blue, and in the subtractive CMY model these are cyan, magenta and yellow. primary colors Primary colors in... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Primary colors- cyan, magenta and yellow colors, with which you can synthesize all the colors of a multi-color original. See three-color reproduction... Publishing dictionary-reference book

    Modern encyclopedia

    Three colors, mixing which in different proportions you can get any color. The number of possible primary color systems is infinite. Often the primary colors are red, green and blue... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Primary colors- PRIMARY COLORS, three independent colors, by mixing them in different proportions you can get any color. The number of possible systems of primary colors is very large, but usually in colorimetry they use a system of primary colors consisting of red, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Unleash diversity color range in painting.

Fine art 2nd grade Topic 1. Three main colors that create the multicolored world

Lesson type: lesson on learning new knowledge

Goal: To reveal the variety of colors in painting.

Lesson objectives:

Development of the ability to independently determine the topic and purpose of the lesson;

Acquaintance with primary and composite colors, the concept of painting through observation of color combinations in nature;

Mastering primary painting skills through the “living paint” technique.

Planned results:


Find images made by artists in the surrounding reality;

Talk about the content of drawings made by children;

Look at illustrations (drawings) in children's books.

Characteristics of students' activities:

Observe color combinations in nature;

Mix paints directly on a sheet of paper using the “living paint” technique;

Master primary painting skills;

Draw various flowers from memory and impression based on mixing three primary colors.


Visual and musical series:, “Waltz of the Flowers”

Literary series: poem by A. Shlygin “ Multi-colored ball earthly", "Three colors".

For students: gouache, palette, paper, water, tables on color science. textbook art. Art and you. 2nd grade by E.I. Koroteeva.

Organizational stage


We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work.

We work diligently

Let's listen carefully.

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

Acquaintance with the textbook “Art and You” by B. Nemensky, workbook.

Look at your paint set. What three colors would you call the main ones?

Under the video about flowers

The teacher reads A. Shlygin’s poem “The Multi-Colored Globe.” (after watching, students answer the question: What colors, in addition to the three main ones, exist around us?)

"Multi-colored globe"

If only white flowers bloomed in the field. You and I would soon get tired of admiring them. If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field, you and I would miss you

From such beauty!

It’s good that there are daisies, roses, asters, cornflowers, dandelions and porridges, forget-me-nots and oak trees! Chamomile is white, carnation is red. The color of the foliage is green, It's so beautiful!

Children's answers.

What do you think we will talk about in today's lesson?

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

How many colors and their shades fill our world! What do you think can be used to achieve such a multicolored world? (mixing three primary colors). What to do if you have a small set of paints and you need to show different colors and shades. It turns out that you can do this with only three colors: red, yellow and blue. Now we will all play the role of wizards together and transform these three colors into others. The guys on the first row will mix blue and red on the palette, on the second row - yellow and blue, and I will mix yellow with red.

When working with gouache, you need to put more paint on the brush than water. We take one color on the brush, put it on the palette, rinse the brush, if necessary, blot the brush with a cloth, take another color and mix it with the previous one.

Initial check of understanding

Let's check what happened. Listen carefully to the poems and answer those guys whose color is heard.

Three colors, three colors, three colors

Where can we get green and orange?

What if we mix paints in pairs?

From blue and red (this one)

We will get the color ... (purple) (answer of row 1)

Let's mix blue and yellow.

What color do we get? (green) (answer 2 rows)

And red plus yellow is no secret to everyone,

Of course they will give it to us...(orange color) (all together)

The new colors we have received are called composite colors.

Primary consolidation.

Let's name them again.

Composite colors

Blue Red Purple

Yellow Blue Green

Yellow Red Orange

Who remembers the rules of working with gouache and can repeat them?

Explanation of the task

The beauty of nature inspires composers to compose music, poets and writers to write poems and stories, and artists to write their own wonderful paintings(showing reproductions via presentation). There are many bright, rich colors and their combinations in nature. You will see them on the wings of butterflies, in the plumage of birds, in flowering plants. The most important thing for an artist is to see the beauty of nature, people, animals and be able to express his attitude towards it in a work of art.

Before completing the task, admire the flowers, their shape, color, shades of colors while watching the video “Waltz of the Flowers”

P.I. Tchaikovsky

What do you think you have to portray?

Draw flowers using primary and secondary colors.

Physical education minute

(conducted by the teacher at any time according to the need and condition of the children)

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

To the side of the hand, wave it smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down quietly -

The wings were folded back.

Exercise. There are prepared flower shapes on the tables. It is necessary to do them in color using the “live brush” technique, i.e. without using a palette. The bouquets of flowers that you brought will help you with this. When working, follow the rules for working with a brush and gouache (remember again, there are cards with working rules on the tables).

Operating rules

Don't put too much water on your brush. Blot excess water with a cloth. Rinse the brush with water. Use a little more paint than water.

Three basic colors that build the multicolored world.

Using 3 primary colors

Mixing 3 primary colors

Compliance with the rules of working with gouache



Mood (add a smiley face):

Pedrisunok (“living brush”)

Independent work.

During work, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. is played. Tchaikovsky.

Compilation of collective work.

Children, completing the task individually, may not realize until the end of the lesson that they are participating in teamwork. Collective composition, presented by the teacher at the end of the lesson, becomes a pleasant surprise for them. Large and beautiful, it brings students a feeling of joy and pride, as children realize their involvement in a real “work of art” that can decorate any interior.

Lesson summary.

Viewing and analysis of children's works. When summing up the lesson, the teacher emphasizes how the children were able to convey the beauty of flowers using 3 primary colors, how they showed their observation skills and skills in working with gouache.

What primary colors have you studied?

How to get composite colors?


Who is happy with their job today? Attach a yellow flower to the vase.

For those who were able to correctly convey the colors in the drawing, but had difficulties mixing the colors, attach a blue flower.

For those who have not mastered 6 colors enough, attach a red flower.


Complete the task in workbook on page 4, 5.

Thanks for the lesson!