How to draw a mirror step by step with a pencil. Going to dark colors

A lesson on how to draw a mirror was prepared in stages at the request of Svetlana Kudryavtseva and many other girls who read DayFan. I won't name all of them, because the list will be too long. I hope you enjoy the lesson, but as an example, I took an image sent by one of the readers, here: Mirror - the only possibility man to look himself in the eye. This is an amazing property of smooth surfaces to reflect light. Understanding the principle of the path of light rays is very important if you want to depict someone's reflection in the mirror. In our example, we will try to depict the object itself, no one will be displayed in it. Therefore, here we will not consider the principles of reflection, but if you want, you can practice yourself in front of a mirror.

More ways to use this item:

  • False mirror - special kind art, the basis of the caricature genre, as well as the brainchild of Petrosyan (yes, Yevgeny Vaganych, this is not a joke);
  • A symbol of another world, which is often used by writers. Good example this is a fairy tale about Alice through the looking glass;
  • Einalej - a magical mirror that can show a person's innermost desires (from the Harry Potter book);
  • There is also a myth that vampires are not reflected in the mirror;

In addition, the mirror still often appears in Russian folk tales. Try to draw it yourself:

How to draw a mirror with a pencil step by step

Step one. Mark a place on paper where a mirror and his leg, or a stand, or whatever it is, will be depicted. Step two. Let's sketch out the outlines oval shape.Step three. Let's draw in more detail. Step four. We will remove the excess and correct the contours. Let's add hatching: We have already accumulated a large number of drawing lessons of useful things, try to depict.

Broken mirror - unfortunately? Bad sign? Perhaps this is so. But not in our case. More precisely, not in the case of Korean artist and designer Hye-Yoon Kim, who turned the breaking of mirrors into a kind of ritual. Yes, Hye-Yun Kim paints amazing images on the mirrors with the help of cracks.

I would call art not only mirrors covered with "special" cracks, but the process itself. Anyone can break a mirror on purpose. But only Hye-Yun Kim can do it in such a way that the cracks form into the composition he needs. Of course, in this case, the object ceases to fulfill its original functions, but it turns into a decorative accessory that you can risk decorating the interior with.

And even if many consider this art to be vandalism, and will repeat that it is blasphemous to spoil mirrors, creating dubious images, they will have enough opponents who are convinced that such paintings on mirrors are unique. They have no analogues, and each such work is exclusive, since it is simply impossible to break several mirrors in the same way.

On the convex surfaces of shiny objects - such as a nickel-plated teapot - you can find very interesting distorted reflections. Drawing such reflections with a pencil is quite difficult, but very interesting.

A surface polished to a mirror finish does not always accurately reproduce the object reflected on it. If the surface is convex or concave, objects will be reflected on it in a distorted form and take on a strange, unexpected shape. In order to correctly sketch such reflections, they must first of all be very carefully studied, since it is absolutely impossible to predict the reflected outlines.

How to draw a still life
IN this case the still life is organized around a metal teapot with convex walls. However, instead of it, you can use any other convex shiny object - for example, a nickel-plated iron or even a car cap. Having chosen such ((reflector), lay various objects around it.

Remember that the shapes of objects with regular, even edges will be most interesting to distort. It is best to lay out objects on a white surface - it will not create additional distorted reflections that distract the viewer's attention.

By the way, on a smooth convex surface you can see your own reflection. Include it in your composition - it will be interesting! But reflections such as windows and furniture should not be transferred to the drawing. This will make your still life look overloaded with details. So that you do not have to “screen out” these reflections in the process of work, it is better to immediately isolate yourself from the interior of the room with a white cloth.

For a pencil drawing lesson you will need:
Sheet of watercolor paper
Simple pencils: 2B, 4B, 5B and 8B
craft knife
Mastic eraser

Tonal shading of a pencil drawing.
In order for the reflections on the surface of the teapot not to dissonate with each other, it is necessary to create areas of different tones and combine them with smooth tonal transitions- in a word, apply a graduated tone. At the same time, areas of light tone are created first, then medium and, finally, dark tones.

1 Making an initial sketch

With a 4B pencil outline the outlines of the teapot, bottle, mug and apples. Make sure that the shapes and sizes of objects, as well as their location relative to each other, are applied correctly. Pay special attention to the ellipses: one of them forms the rim of the mug. Outline the main reflections on the teapot, following the curve of its walls,

2 Refine the sketch lines

Take a 2B pencil and go over the lines of the sketch in order to make them clearer and more precise. Describing the curves, hold the pencil away from the lead and draw these lines with a smooth movement of the hand from the wrist. Add a shadow under the reflection of the bottle on the surface of the teapot,

3 Create light and gray tones

Take a 5B pencil and start adding tone. Lightly shade the reflection of the mug and the white surface of the table. Cover the reflection of the bottle, the shaded side of the mug and some parts of the background with a medium intensity tone. Remember to leave the paper unpainted where the highlights will be. Apply diagonal strokes of light and medium tones to the bottle and mug.

4 Moving on to dark tones

Pressing a little harder on the same 5B pencil, shade a dark tone stripe going from top to bottom down the center of the bottle. At the same time, to the left of this strip, areas of the lightest tone should be located. Then shade the black plastic handle of the teapot, the ring on its lid and the whistle. Start describing the shape of the apples and the mug with free, multidirectional strokes. Return to the reflections on the teapot: deepen the tone of the bottle, and then draw a dark line - the reflection of the teapot handle on its lid.

5 Apply the darkest tones

Take an 8B pencil, sharpen the tip of its lead and draw the edge of the teapot lid. Deepen the tone of the bottle reflection. Mark the lines at the base of the teapot, and then deepen the tone of the teapot handle and ring on its lid.

6 Draw your own reflection

If you want the same as shown here. to include your own reflection in the drawing, circle the outline of your head and upper body with hatching. Check all reflections and make corrections if necessary. Lightly cover the spout of the teapot and further deepen the tone of the ring on the lid of the teapot and its reflection.

7 Working on a still life

Make the edges of objects even sharper - for example, the spout of a teapot. Refine the rounded shape of the apples with simple and cross hatching. Deepen the shadow that lies inside the mug. To highlight the dark color bottles, again go with a pencil along the dark line going from top to bottom. Apply light shadows cast by objects on a white table surface.

Reflections on the walls of the teapot vary from abstract to quite recognizable forms. Now, if you wish, you can apply additional shadows and check if any reflections are missing.

8 Refine the tones

Take a 4B pencil and deepen the tone on the edges of the bottle. Deepen the tone on the reflections of apples with additional hatching. Shade the top edge of the kettle handle and its lid with the side of the lead.

9 Finishing the white surface

Shadows cast by objects on a white horizontal plane are barely noticeable, so mark them with light shading. These shadows will help "attach" objects to the surface of the table.

Step by step pencil drawing lesson - result

A round shapes
This composition is united by smooth, rounded shapes of objects. The contrast in the outlines of these objects is brought by the bottle with its rounded, but too elongated shape.
B Dark bottle
The same bottle plays an interesting role in the tonal range of the composition. Its dark outlines stand out sharply against the background of reflections of other objects.

The curved reflections
The convex surface of the teapot causes all objects to be reflected on it in a distorted form. All contours of reflections, narrowing, bend upwards towards the lid.

Categories: April 2, 2012

For us, this type of drawing is useful in that it contributes to the development of interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the brain of babies and adults: the exercise is useful at any age.

Mirror drawing

Drawing with two hands at the same time helps to form a sense of symmetry, which is lacking in some schoolchildren, which adversely affects the assimilation of mathematics. It is also used as a method of art therapy, which relieves excessive anxiety in schoolchildren and adults.

We start with the so-called double doodling - mirror drawing with both hands.

Double doodling options:

  1. tracing the drawing with two hands;
  2. actual mirror image.

Circle with two hands

Let's start by tracing the drawing. Such drawing can be started quite early - at 1.5-2 years.

The drawing is simple, with a minimum of detail (house below). We intentionally draw an extraneous (not related to the drawing) line. She helps the kids initial stage distinguish between the right and left parts of the picture, find a point to start drawing. Older children can be explained that this is a special line. If a sheet of paper is bent along it, then the halves of the pattern will match. About the importance of understanding symmetry for learning here.

Teaching with two-year-old Seryozha

A two-year-old is not able to complete the task on his own. You can follow our example.

Take a board, attach a drawing to it with masking (paper) tape. The adhesive tape will fix it. Sit on the floor, put the child on the floor between your legs with your back to you. A board with a drawing in front of you.

Give your child a felt-tip pen (or marker) in each hand. The child holds the markers, and you are his hands. Place the tips of the felt-tip pens at one point - the top of the roof. We begin to trace the drawing with both felt-tip pens at the same time, but in different sides. Make sure that none of the hands "is not in a hurry." The meaning is in the simultaneity of actions.

Older children can do mirror drawing on their own. But don't leave them alone, especially at first.

Seven-year-old Artyom could not put him to work left hand. The right one glided easily over the drawing, while the left one barely moved. The guys advised Artyom to stop right hand which he couldn't do either. Such a picture during drawing is evidence of a weak interaction between the hemispheres. The left one carries the main load, while blocking the right one. The boy needed external help: an adult sat next to him and held his right hand, limiting its movements so that the left could keep up with her.

Let's make the task harder. Children 3 years old and older can practice tracing with both hands a drawing drawn with a dashed line.

Outlining symmetrical pattern With both hands, we advise you not to skip, focusing on the age of the guys. If the tracing works well, just reduce the time for it.

Drawing with two hands

Actually double dudling is available to older children and is performed in two ways:

  1. based on part of the drawing (drawing),
  2. freehand drawing

I write “older”, without being tied to the “passport” age, because many factors influence the skill of two-handed drawing, and a four-year-old can completely overtake a six-year-old. Each child progresses at their own pace here. Comparison only with himself, and not with Vasya or Petya.

Reliance on part of the drawing

Draw half of the object: for the right-hander - the left, for the left-hander - the right. We fix the sheet with half of the pattern with paper tape. In each hand, a felt-tip pen. The leading hand draws the missing part of the object, and the "subordinate" circles the drawn half.

No support on part of the drawing

Free work with two hands is best to start with scribbles. Drawing with two hands starts from the line of symmetry. Both hands try to reproduce the same but symmetrical look. I repeat: the main thing is the simultaneous work of both hands. From doodles you can go to simple drawings: house, tree, flower, etc.

And you can draw two drawings at the same time. It will look like this.

Wet sand is perfect, which diversifies summer rest. We draw with fingers or a stick.

Art therapy

Double doodling - great option art therapy. Good for anxious kids high level self-control. We draw with paints: gouache is better for children. You can also take acrylic paints, but they have a drawback: they dry quickly. Art therapists believe that drawing with two hands removes fears and blocks.

Entry into the topic step by step

  1. alternating drawing with the right and left hand;
  2. draw with both hands at the same time: we go from simple to complex (first scribbles, then objects);

Mirror drawing is not easy even for adults, so 2 conditions are important: slowness and systematic work. This will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the education of children and the development of their minds. Site Non-standard children wishes you success.

Would you like, however, to be convinced of this similarity? You have a mole on your right cheek - your double has a clean right cheek, but there is a speck on the left cheek,

which you don't have on this cheek. you comb-

waving your hair to the right - your doppelganger combs it

to the left. You right eyebrow higher and thicker than the left; at

him, on the contrary, this eyebrow is lower and rarer than the

wai. You carry your watch in the right vest pocket, and

a notebook in the left pocket of the jacket; your

the mirror double has other habits: its

the notebook is stored in the right pocket of the pid-

jacques, watch - in the left vest. note

on the clock face (Fig. 98). Do you have such hours?

never happened: location and inscription

the numbers on them are extraordinary; e.g. the number eight

depicted as it is nowhere depicted - IIX,

and placed in the place of twelve; twelve

not at all; after six comes five, and so on; except

Rice. 98. Such a watch has a double,

moreover, the movement of the hands on your double's watch

who you see in the mirror.

back to normal.

Finally, your mirror double has one peculiarity: he is left-handed. He writes, sews, eats with his left hand, and if you express your readiness to greet him, he will extend his left hand to you.

It's not easy to decide if your doppelgänger is literate. In any case, he is somehow literate in a special way. You will hardly be able to read a single line from that book. which he is holding, or some word in those scribbles which he draws with his left hand.

Such is the man who claims to be exactly like you! Do you want to judge him appearance yourself...

Joking aside, if you think that when you look in the mirror you see yourself, you are wrong. The face, torso and clothing of most people are not strictly symmetrical (although we usually do not notice this): the right half is not quite similar to the left. In the mirror, all the features of the right half pass to the left, and vice versa, so that before us is a figure that often produces a completely different impression than our own.

Drawing in front of a mirror

non-identity specular reflection with the original appears even more noticeably in the next experiment.

Place a mirror vertically on the table in front of you, put a piece of paper in front of it and try to draw some shape on it, for example, a rectangle with diagonals. But at the same time, do not look directly at your hand, but follow only the movements of the hand reflected in the mirror (Fig. 99).

You will see that such an easy-looking task is almost impossible. For many years, our visual impressions and motor sensations have managed to come into a certain correspondence. The mirror breaks this connection, as it presents the eyes of the movement of our hand in a distorted form. Long-standing habits will protest against your every movement: you want to draw a line to the right, but the hand pulls to the left, etc.

Rice. 99. Drawing in front of a mirror.

You will encounter even more unexpected oddities if, instead of a simple drawing, you try to draw in front of a mirror more complex figures or write something, looking at the lines in the mirror: a comical confusion will come out!

Those prints that are obtained on blotting paper are also images that are mirror-symmetrical. Look at the writing on your blotting paper and try to read it. You can't make out a single word, even a perfectly distinct one: the letters have an unusual slope to the left, and most importantly, the sequence of strokes in them is not the one you are used to. But put a mirror to the paper at a right angle - and you will see all the letters in it written the way you are used to seeing them. The mirror gives a symmetrical reflection of what is itself a symmetrical image of ordinary writing.

calculated haste

We know that in a homogeneous medium, light propagates in a straight line, that is, in the fastest way. But the light chooses the fastest path also in the case when it does not go from one point to another directly, but reaches it, having previously been reflected from the mirror.

Let's follow his path. Let the letter A in fig. 100 indicates the light source, line MN is the mirror, and line ABC is the path of the beam from the candle to the eye C. The line KB is perpendicular to MN .

According to the laws of optics, the angle of reflection is 2 equal to the angle falls1. Knowing this, it is easy to prove that of all possible paths from A to C , with a passing mirror MN , path ABC is the fastest. To do this, let's compare the path of the ray ABC with some other one, for example with ADC (Fig. 101). Drop a perpendicular E from the point

A on MN and continue it further until it intersects with the continuation of the beam BC at point F. Let's also connect the points F and D. First of all, let us verify the equality of triangles ABE and FBE. They are rectangular, and they have a common cathe; in addition, the angles EFB and EAB are equal to each other, since they are respectively equal to the angles 2 and 1. Therefore, AE = FE . This implies the equality of right-angled triangles AED and FED along two legs and, therefore, the equality of AD and FD.

In view of this, we can replace the path ABC with the path FBC equal to it (since AB \u003d FB ), and the path ADC with the path FDC . Comparing the lengths of FBC and FDC , we see that the straight line FBC is shorter than the broken line FDC . Hence the path ABC is shorter than ADC , which is what was required to be proved!

Wherever point D is, the path ABC will always be shorter than the path ADC , unless the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This means that light really chooses the shortest and fastest path of all possible between the source, the mirror and the eye. This circumstance was first pointed out by the remarkable ancient Greek mechanic and mathematician Heron of Alexandria.

The burning stack problem

Knowing the shortest path in cases like those just considered can sometimes serve us well in practical life. Imagine, for example, that a man from his house (Fig. 102) on the river bank noticed that a haystack

Rice. 102. Burning haystack problem: find the shortest path to the haystack.

Rice. 103. Solution of the burning haystack problem.

hay in a meadow at a distance caught fire. Grabbing a bucket, he runs to the river and, scooping up water, hurries to the haystack. For simplicity, let's say that with a full bucket, he runs as fast as with an empty one. Which way should he run in order to reach the place of fire as soon as possible?

It is easy to see that this problem is quite similar to the one we have just considered. Therefore, it is not difficult for you to give the correct answer: the runner must imitate a ray of light, i.e., head towards the shore so that Angle 1 is equal to angle 2 (Fig. 103). We have already seen that in this case the path will be the shortest.

New and old about the kaleidoscope

Everyone knows good toy, called "kaleidoscope" (Fig. 104): a handful of colorful fragments is reflected in two or three flat mirrors and forms an amazing beautiful figures, varying in various ways at the slightest turn of the kaleidoscope. Although the kaleidoscope is quite well known, few people suspect what a huge number of different shapes can be obtained with it. Let's say you hold a kaleidoscope with 20 pieces of glass in your hands and rotate it 10 times per minute to get a new arrangement of reflective pieces of glass. How long will it take you to review all the resulting

while the figures?

The wildest imagination will not foresee

correct answer to this question. Oceans high

whip and mountain ranges will be erased before they are

exhausted all the patterns miraculously hidden

inside your little toy, because for

implementation of all of them will require at least

least 500 billion years. Over five hundred million

Rice. 104. Kaleidoscope.

new millennia need to rotate our kaleidoscope,

to revisit all his patterns!