True online fortune telling for wish fulfillment. Fortune telling by wish

Any desire can come true if it is not interfered with. This fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish will show which energies support it and which counteract it, and how you can help the wish come true.

If you are worried or feeling anxious, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards for wish fulfillment

Card 1 - “Driving Force”, a source of help in fulfilling your desires
Card 2 - What you can use, what you can rely on to fulfill your desire
Card 3 - Vulnerability or upcoming test on the path to fulfilling a desire
Cards 4–5 - What needs to be done to make your wish come true
Map 6 - Summary

So, focus on the question and... look at the layout!

“Driving force”, a source of help in fulfilling your desires

You lead the Knight of Cups, personifying the warm atmosphere of love, peace, and goodwill. Fulfillment of desires, declaration of love. Implementation of creative ideas. Favorable cash offer. Favorable resolution of issues through a friendly meeting. Guest. Arrival of news. Caring for friends, reconciliation and peace. An honest and intelligent young man, possibly a relative. Attractive, progressive.

Strength in wish fulfillment

The map shows what you can use, what to rely on

You have the Seven of Cups - illusions and delusions. Inability to concentrate, to see circumstances soberly and clearly due to excessive fascination with the issue, strong embellishment of things; rushing from one desire to another, fraught with failures and disappointments. The likelihood of deception, self-deception. Excessive daydreaming, sentimentality, wishful thinking. “Castles in the air”, nothing durable or long-lasting. Idle talk and laziness.

Weakness in wish fulfillment

The card indicates vulnerability or an upcoming test on the path to fulfilling a desire.

Here is the Nine of Cups, speaking of abundance, well-deserved reward, and satisfaction with life. The joy of communicating with people, hospitality, a great time. The advent of wonderful times, bringing happiness, friendship and carefreeness. Blooming health, harmonious inner peace. Fulfillment of desires. Choosing the best.


This and the next card will indicate what needs to be done to fulfill your desire and get closer to your dream.

The “Emperor” card you have been dealt indicates will and logic prevailing over feelings, secular power and authority, the desire for protection, stability, security; control over circumstances. Wisdom, maturity. This is the Master, the Ruler of the World, ready to defend his possessions and not afraid to keep power in his hands. This is a strong, influential, ambitious person. The desire to control everything and everyone, the readiness to fight for this opportunity.

What needs to be done to make your wish come true

This and the previous cards will indicate what needs to be done to fulfill a desire and get closer to a dream.

You received the “Star” card, meaning a wonderful future, hope, justified optimism, happiness, luck, good news. Receiving benefits that exceed expectations, success. Long-term long-term planning, brilliant projects. Thirst for life, a surge of creative inspiration. Making dreams come true. Positive solutions to issues. Well-deserved rest, relaxation in nature.

Bottom line

This card shows the result you will get by using the cards' advice

You received the Four of Cups, indicating anger, frustration, loss of joy from usual pleasures, satiety. Frequent change of entertainment, boredom. Disappointment, resentment, feeling offended, need for privacy. Grumbling, irritation, apathy. An offered chance that causes anxiety and mistrust, which there is a risk of missing. Undesirability of returning to a disappointing situation.

Online fortune telling using the Four Kings is a very simple, accessible and truthful fortune telling on cards. Just shuffle the cards and see the result. If you get 4 Kings, then your wish will certainly come true. 3 Kings - with 75 percent confidence that your wish will come true. 2 Kings - maybe, but perhaps the wish will not come true. 1 King or none - unfortunately, your desire is unattainable. Make a wish and start fortune telling your wish online.

Fortune telling by wish

This simple but accurate wish list will help you find out whether your wish can come true. Fortune telling online about a wish is very simple: tune in and imagine for a couple of minutes that your wish has already come true or is in the process of coming true. Then start fortune telling. Click on the deck of cards and select a significator card. Follow the instructions.

Solitaire for a wish

Everyone has their own desires. Secret and lightning fast. And each wish has its own date of fulfillment. In this online wish layout, you are invited to find out the exact date of fulfillment of your wish, down to the day. Online wish fortune telling is accurate, the cards don’t lie. So, tune in to your desire and think about it, concentrate and follow the instructions.

Fortune telling solitaire for wishes

This is a very long, but very accurate solitaire game for fulfilling wishes online. He will let you know whether your wish will come true or not. It will tell you how long to wait for its execution. Everything is very simple. The online wish solitaire technique is very simple: you need to remove one card from the deck when someone tells you the name of the cards. For example, they said “Ace”, and you click on the card. If the card and the word match, the card is removed. If not, then scroll further. The speed of fulfillment of a wish depends on how quickly you remove all the cards from the deck.

Online solitaire for desire

Online wish solitaire - play solitaire and see if your wish comes true or not. You can also use this online solitaire game to get an answer to your question. This solitaire game is universal. He will help you find the answer to any question about life situations. If you wish, you can play this solitaire several times a week, but to answer a question - only once. If you play solitaire on a wish, then the time frame for its fulfillment is approximately a month. If the answer is to a question, then when asking the question, indicate the time frame. Solitaire is very simple - you need to remove paired cards until you remove all the cards from the field. If there are no cards left, then the wish will come true. And if you remain, then, alas, your desire is unattainable.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their destiny. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune telling for the future was as common an activity as going online is now for us. Cards, dice, colors and many other paraphernalia were used for fortune telling. Today we offer you wish fortune telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling for wish fulfillment?

Another second and you will find yourself in the amazing world of wish fulfillment, which was developed by professional fortune tellers, experts on runes and ancient Tarot cards, and card solitaire experts. You don't need to light candles, send a photo of yourself, or walk under the moonlight. Fortune telling is absolutely free and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your destiny?

If yes, then close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for to come true. Clearly formulate the question, visualize it and boldly throw the dice (the “Start fortune telling” sign).

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. It will come true, but a little later.
  3. It won't come true.

Or maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling for wish fulfillment does not easily give dry answers “yes” or “no”, depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune telling pushes you, brings clarity, and going towards your dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet anticipation and achievement of your intended goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer worries you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of fortune telling with bones, or all about card predictions

There are many divination technologies: using coffee grounds and melted wax, when Gin or other signs were looked for in a blurred image. Fate can be seen in a mirror or ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by wishing for the page and line number.

Fortune telling on cards probably appeared with the invention of the first card deck. Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only enlightened and naturally gifted people knew that in their hands, cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Today you can tell fortunes for your wish to come true for free on the Astrog website. For example, card games “Golden Fish”, “Yes-No”, “Four Kings” and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, an ace of hearts in fortune telling is good news from afar, and an ace of clubs denotes a friend, and ace of spades means sad news.

Remember that for fortune telling on a real deck, you need “unplayed” cards, that is, a new deck. Cards on which “Fool” or “Preference” were played lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune telling

The simplest way to wish is fortune telling using the 36 cards of a standard gaming deck. Make a wish, if you can’t concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After this, shuffle the deck and pull out a card. The red card represents luck and success, while the black card represents pipe dreams.

History of bone divination

Fortune telling with bones is as old as the world; generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in sorcery and fortune telling. Initially, parts of the sheep's spine called astragalus were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, what is important, it was convenient to interpret meanings from it.

In each culture, such ancient bones were made using a special technology: symbols were carved on them, patterns were painted with red and black natural paint. The latter option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made from plastic and wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune telling with dice according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If an outsider is guessing, then you should put the cubes in a glass, shake them and throw them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires and find out the most accurate answer using online dice divination!

Will your plans come true, will your plans come true? Fortune telling online will help you figure this out. To find out whether what you want will come true or not, enter your question in a special field and click the “get forecast” button. Our online oracle will instantly perform fortune telling on your wish!

Enter the question you are interested in in this field

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

Virtual prediction

Our ancestors could not use wish fortune telling online. But this does not mean that people were not interested in fortune telling before! There were many ways to perform fortune telling on a wish - whether what you had in mind would come true or not could be found out with the help of a coin.

However, the arsenal of amateur oracles was not limited to fortune telling “heads or tails.” Our ancestors did not need to go online to find out whether a wish would come true or not. To get a prediction, you just had to get up early in the morning and look out the window! The answer depended on who could be seen on the street:

  • An adult man - your wish will certainly come true
  • Adult woman - very little chance of success
  • Child (boy or girl) - will come true, but not completely
  • Dog or cat - there will be difficulties or delays in the execution of plans
  • Bird - they will help you achieve your plans

As you can see, online fortune telling is not the only method of predicting your destiny. Of course, the simple fortune telling listed above does not allow one to get answers to serious questions or solve complex problems. Those who aspired to become a real oracle had to spend a lot of time mastering card layouts.

What determines the accuracy of prediction?

Will online fortune telling for wish fulfillment be reliable? The answer to this question depends on several factors. To determine the probability of fulfillment of a particular desire, the Oracle focuses on planetary cycles. But he also senses the mood of the person asking the question. If you want to make fun of the Prophet, then the answer will also be a joke.

Sometimes the online Prophet cannot foresee the future. This usually happens when the influence of Mars or Saturn is activated. If a forecast cannot be made at this time, you will see the message “The future is very uncertain, it is impossible to give an exact answer.” In this case, try repeating the fortune telling the next day.

Every person cherishes one or another desire in his soul. It happens that it comes true when you don’t expect it at all, and sometimes it tends not to come true at all.

Playing cards are a magical attribute that allows you to find out whether a wish will come true or not.

If the wait is tiring and you urgently need a hint or sign, then you can turn to the cards for help. For centuries, people have used fortune telling to get answers to their questions, so why not do the same now?

Features of card fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling on cards for the fulfillment of a wish can lift the veil of the unknown for anyone who wants to know the truth.

Those who want to tell fortunes should remember that the wish card layout has a number of rules. Accurate adherence to them guarantees that the magical attribute will be completely honest with the fortuneteller.

Important to remember:

  • fortune telling is carried out on the full moon;
  • the layout is done before sunset;
  • the process must take place in complete privacy;
  • the deck should be purely personal;
  • You cannot tell anyone about fortune telling and its results.

Another important point is that it is not recommended to guess for fun and disturb Providence with stupid questions. The layout can be done no more than four times a day. In subsequent times, the cards will not answer you anything coherent and truthful.

On what days can you tell your wish?

Fortune telling with playing cards can be done on certain days of the week, namely:

  • Monday - any desire;
  • Tuesday and Friday - desires related to the love sphere, resolution of complex issues and everyday situations;
  • Wednesday – answers to work-related questions;
  • Thursday – layouts for money and other material assets.

A simple way of fortune telling by wish

For fortune telling, you will need a new deck of 36 deer or a deck that has not been touched by the hands of a stranger. Such a deck is considered incomplete, and it is actively used not only in games, but also in tasks. This method of prediction is the simplest and takes very little time.

You should fully concentrate on the process and start shuffling the deck, thinking about the wish you have made. Concentration is very important. Thus, higher powers hear the call and begin to speak to the fortuneteller through the cards. Next, the first nine cards are removed and placed face down in front of you.

If there are aces in this nine, then they are set aside, and the deck is shuffled again along with the remaining cards. The procedure is repeated again. If an ace appears in this layout, it is postponed to the previous ones. After the cards have been dealt three times, you need to look at how many aces were removed from the deck:

  • all 4 aces - the wish will come true;
  • not a single one - the wish will not come true;
  • another number - they don’t know the answer.

A more accurate schedule according to desire

This wish fortune telling is widely used to get answers to questions of interest. The fortuneteller, as in the first scenario, begins by shuffling the deck. At this time, you need to focus on the desire itself and its formulation.

Next, deer are taken from the deck one by one and placed on the table in front of the fortuneteller. At this moment, you need to pronounce the names in ascending order: “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.” You need to repeat until the entire deck is finished.

If the value of the removed card matches the spoken word, then this number is put aside and the process continues. The selected sheets will answer whether the wish will come true or not.

Interpretation of the layout when fortune telling by wish:

Six of hearts? Congratulations - your wish will come true!

  • six hearts - wish fulfillment;
  • six diamonds - change for the better;
  • six clubs - sudden changes;
  • six of spades - do not try to get what you want by any possible means;
  • seven of hearts - caution is required in actions and decisions;
  • seven diamonds - changes for the better;
  • seven clubs - approval of people;
  • seven peaks - failure;
  • eight hearts - nothing depends on you;
  • eight diamonds - good news;
  • eight clubs - health problems with a relative;
  • eight peaks – danger;
  • nine of hearts - support from a loved one;
  • nine diamonds - the onset of a bright streak in life;
  • nine clubs - bad news;
  • nine of spades - a secret that must be kept;
  • ten hearts - a repeat layout is required, the cards cannot tell the truth;
  • ten diamonds - you need a positive attitude;
  • ten clubs - dangerous acquaintances;
  • ten of spades - joyful events;
  • jack of hearts – meeting;
  • jack of diamonds - unreasonable jealousy;
  • jack of clubs - bad news about your lover;
  • jack of spades - efforts are doomed to failure;
  • queen of hearts - someone is watching;
  • lady of tambourine - insults, disrespect;
  • queen of clubs - you will get what you deserve (both in a good and a bad sense);
  • queen of spades - quick fulfillment of desire;
  • king of hearts - all wishes come true;
  • king of diamonds - deception, treason;
  • king of clubs - fulfillment of the desired requires direct participation;
  • king of spades - bad news;
  • ace of hearts – external support;
  • ace of diamonds - the desired will not come true;
  • ace of clubs is a fatal mistake, because of which everything will go wrong;
  • ace of spades - help from true friends.

The Ace of Spades promises help from true friends in difficult times

You need to look not only at the interpretation of the layouts individually, but also at the combinations that fall out:

  • the king and the lady next to each other - the lover’s loyalty and strong family ties;
  • king, jack and queen together - the wish will probably come true;
  • all 4 aces - the wish will be fulfilled 100%;
  • 4 Kings - they are putting pressure on you, don’t give in;
  • 4 ladies - someone is weaving intrigues and gossip behind your back;
  • 4 jacks – minor troubles and problems;
  • 4 tens - unexpected news;
  • 4 nines – important metamorphoses in life;
  • 4 eights - pleasant meetings and unexpected acquaintances;
  • 4 sevens – problems in personal life;
  • 4 sixes - a long trip, a journey.

Fortune telling by wish “Black Rose”

Another of the most frequently used variants of the wish card layout is the “Black Rose” fortune telling. Gypsies actively use this method to answer your questions.

“Black Rose” remains one of the simplest options for fortune telling.

Before starting fortune telling, a person shuffles the deck, thinking at this time about his desire. A card is taken from the deck at random. The interpretation is limited to one sheet, since she is able to tell the truth. This is the simplicity of this card layout compared to others.

But for a favorable outcome, you need to remain calm and not make sudden movements. The cards will not give an answer if the person is excited, agitated, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Interpretation of cards in fortune telling “Black Rose”

Peaks - unfavorable prognosis

  • ace - the plan will definitely not come true;
  • figure - the chances are very small;
  • a simple figure is unlikely.

Clubs - unfavorable prognosis

  • ace - negligible chances that the desire will come true;
  • figure - serious obstacles will arise;
  • a simple figure - there is a minimal chance.

Tambourines - favorable prognosis

  • ace - will come true, but not soon;
  • figure - big problems will get in the way, but your plans will come true;
  • a simple figure - your wish will come true, but you need to try for this.

Hearts - favorable prognosis

  • ace - everything will happen very soon;
  • figure – chances 50 to 50;
  • a simple figure will most likely come true.

Fortune telling "Pyramid"

Before fortune telling, all sixes are removed. They are not needed in that scenario. Next, the deck is shuffled and four cards are drawn randomly. They need to be remembered. You also need to guess one more, which is not in the ones drawn out earlier; it will play an important role in the interpretation of the card layout.

All sheets, except for sixes, are collected together, shuffled and laid out in rows in this way:

  • first row – 6;
  • second row – 5;
  • third row - 4;
  • fourth row – 3;
  • fifth row – 2;
  • sixth row - 1.

The layout is done from bottom to top to form a pyramid. Now you need to pay attention to whether among the laid out cards there is the same one that was hidden earlier. If there is, then the probability of the wish coming true depends on the row in which this card is located:

  • 1st row - the wish will not come true;
  • 2nd row - the chances are negligible;
  • 3rd row – possible;
  • 4th row – chances 50 to 50;
  • Row 5 - high probability;
  • Row 6 - yes, it will come true.

How to play solitaire at will

Among the huge variety of fortune telling on cards, solitaire games are also popular. Despite the fact that many consider this layout to be an ordinary card game, it is a fairly effective way of fortune telling. Drunkard Solitaire is one of the most popular because it is simple. It is made with a fortune-telling deck of 36 cards or 52 cards.

As in other layouts, the cards are shuffled before fortune telling and a wish is made. Next, the cards are laid out in two columns. If there are cards of the same value in both columns at the same time, they are set aside.

When the deck runs out, the cards are collected and the procedure is repeated without shuffling them. This continues until all paired cards have left the layout. In this case, the wish will come true. If the solitaire game does not work out, and the paired cards remain in the deck, then the answer is negative.

In addition to the “Drunkard”, you can also use the “Lattice” solitaire; this is also a simple and primitive fortune telling on cards. The layout principle is also based on the exclusion of paired cards. The only difference is in the way the cards are laid out and their number. This solitaire game uses a deck of 36 cards.

Lattice solitaire plays out like this:

  • the cards are shuffled;
  • a desire or question is conceived so that the answer is “yes” or “no”;
  • the cards are laid out in 9 rows of four cards each;
  • the rows are located one above the other;
  • the layout is done from top to bottom;
  • The cards are stacked face down.

After the cards are laid out on the table, the fortuneteller needs to look at them carefully. You will have to look for cards of the same value, which are located diagonally from each other. Identical cards located above and below cannot be touched. After all pairs have been removed.

The cards are collected and, without shuffling, laid out again in rows of 4 cards. The process is repeated until the layout runs out of cards with the same value. If the solitaire is successful, then the answer to the question is positive, but if not, then the wish will not come true.

The wish will come true if the solitaire is successful

Fortune telling "Red and Black"

There is another way to find out if your wish will come true.

Fortune telling “Red and Black” differs from the others in that it gives a detailed answer to the questions posed.

As the reading progresses, the fortuneteller can ask questions that will help him understand what awaits him in the future.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 52 cards. The cards are laid out in a circle on the table, and a red wax candle is lit in the center. Paraffin candles are not suitable, so you need to find a wax one. After the cards are on the table, you need to make a wish and mentally ask the cards if it will come true. Next, two cards are taken from the circle. If:

  • both red suits – the answer is “yes”;
  • both black suits – the answer is “no”;
  • one card is black and the other is red - the answer is “I don’t know.”

If the cards do not know the answer, then fortune telling should not be continued. It is better to try again after a while or another day.


In addition to the main question, you can also ask the cards leading questions: “Will your plan come true soon?”, “Will this cause trouble?”, “Will I be happy after the wish comes true?” etc.

Fortune telling is not just entertainment or a way to pass the time, it is a serious magical rite, and it should be treated accordingly. You can’t make layouts just like that and bother the cards with stupid questions, otherwise you can invite trouble on yourself.

If the layout is made for another person, then he must shuffle the deck, because during this process the cards are filled with his energy, which can affect the result.