How to get dark blue color when mixing. Modern coloristics – fashion for uniqueness and absolute individuality

Have you decided to take up painting or are you painting furniture? But don't know how to get different shades? Paint mixing charts and tips will help you do this.

Basic Concepts

Before you start studying paint mixing tables, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some definitions that will make it easy to understand a new material. The words used in the theory and practice of mixing shades are explained below. These are not scientific encyclopedic definitions, but transcripts in a language understandable to an ordinary beginner, without the presence of complex terminology.

Achromatic colors are all intermediate shades between black and white, that is, gray. These paints contain only a tonal component (dark - light), and there is no “color” as such. Those where it is present are called chromatic.

Primary colors are red, blue, yellow. They cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors. Those that can are composite.

Saturation is a characteristic that distinguishes it from an achromatic shade that is identical in lightness. Next, let's look at what a table for mixing paints for painting is.


Paint mixing tables are usually presented as a matrix of rectangles or squares or in the form of schemes of shade combinations with numerical values ​​or percentage each color component.

The fundamental table is the spectrum. It can be depicted as a stripe or a circle. The second option turns out to be more convenient, visual and understandable. In fact, the spectrum is a schematic image of a ray of light decomposed into color components, in other words, a rainbow.

This table contains both primary and secondary colors. The more sectors in this circle, the greater the number of intermediate shades. In the picture above there are also gradations of lightness. Each ring corresponds to a specific tone.

The shade of each sector is obtained by mixing neighboring colors along the ring.

How to mix achromatic colors

There is such a painting technique as grisaille. It involves creating a painting using gradations of exclusively achromatic colors. Sometimes brown or another shade is added. Below is a table of mixing colors for paints when working using this method.

Please note that when working with gouache, oil, acrylic, more gray shade is created by not only reducing the amount of black, but also adding white. In watercolors, professionals do not use this paint, but dilute it

How to mix with white and black

In order to get a darker or lighter shade of the pigment that you have in your set, you need to mix it with achromatic colors. This is how you work with gouache, mixing acrylic paints. The table located further is suitable for working with any material.

Comes in sets different quantities ready-made colors, so compare what you have with the desired shade. When you add white, you will get what are called pastel colors.

Below is shown how a gradation of several complex colors is obtained from the lightest, almost white, to very dark.

Mixing watercolor paints

The table below can be used for both painting methods: glaze or single layer. The difference is that in the first version, the final shade is obtained by visually combining different tones superimposed on one another. The second method involves mechanically creating the desired color by combining pigments on a palette.

How this is done is easy to understand using the example of the first line with purple tones from the picture above. Layer-by-layer execution is done like this:

  1. Fill all the squares with a light tone, which can be achieved by using a small amount of paint and enough water.
  2. After drying, apply the same color to the second and third elements.
  3. Repeat the steps as many times as necessary. IN this option cells color transition only three, but there may be more.

When working using the glaze painting technique, it is worth remembering that it is better to mix different colors in no more than five layers. The previous one must be well dried.

In the event that you prepare the required color immediately on the palette, the sequence of working with the same purple gradation will be as follows:

  1. Apply color by taking a little paint on a wet brush. Apply to the first rectangle.
  2. Add pigment, fill the second element.
  3. Dip the brush further into the paint and make a third cell.

When working in one layer, you must first mix all the colors on the palette. This means that in the first method the final shade is obtained by optical mixing, and in the second - mechanical.

Gouache and oil

The techniques for working with these materials are similar, since the pigments are always presented in the form of a creamy mass. If the gouache has dried, it is first diluted with water to the desired consistency. Any set always contains white. They are usually used up faster than others, so they are sold in separate jars or tubes.

Mixing (table below), like gouache, is not a difficult task. The advantage of these techniques is that the next layer completely covers the previous one. If you make a mistake and after drying you don’t like the resulting shade, make a new one and apply it on top. The previous one will not show through if you work with thick colors, without diluting them with liquid (water for gouache, solvent for oil).

Paintings using this painting technique can even be textured, when a thick mass is applied impasto, that is, in a thick layer. Often a special tool is used for this - a palette knife, which is a metal spatula on a handle.

The proportions of mixed paints and the necessary colors to obtain the desired shade are shown in the previous table diagram. It is worth saying that it is enough to have only three primary colors in the set (red, yellow and blue), as well as black and white. From them, in different combinations, all other shades are obtained. The main thing is that the paints in the jar should be exactly the main spectral tones, that is, for example, not pink or crimson, but red.

Working with acrylic

Most often, these paints are used on wood, cardboard, glass, stone, making decorative crafts. In this case, the process is the same as when using gouache or oil. If the surface has been pre-primed and the paints are suitable for it, obtaining the desired shade will not be difficult. Below are examples of mixing shades with acrylic.

For (batik) they are also used, but they are sold in jars of liquid consistency and are similar to printer ink. In this case, the colors are mixed according to the watercolor principle on a palette with the addition of water, rather than white.

Once you understand how to use paint mixing charts, you can easily create an unlimited number of shades using watercolor, oil, or acrylic.

Brown is universal color, which has many possible uses, but is not always found in art supply sets. Luckily, different shades of brown can be created by mixing the three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Just mix these three primary colors and you have it. Brown color. You can also start with a secondary color, such as orange or green, and add main color until it turns brown. To achieve the shade of brown you want, add more of one of the primary colors, use a little black, or mix two or more different shades.


Mix primary colors in equal proportions

    Squeeze a small drop of each color onto the mixing surface. Place red, blue and yellow paints next to each other on a palette or piece of paper. The exact amount depends on how much brown paint you need. It is important that there is an equal amount of each paint.

    • Leave some space between flowers. This empty space in the middle is where you will mix your different paints.
    • To get brown from primary colors, you just need to mix them in equal quantities.

    Advice: In principle, this combination can be used for oil sticks, watercolors or colored pencils, but the final color may not be uniform, since they are more difficult to mix.

    Mix the colors completely. Run the tip of the palette knife along the inside edges of all three paints to bring them toward the center. Then use the flat bottom surface of the tool to mix the paints using increasingly wider circular movements. At the same time, you will notice that the mixture gradually acquires a rich brown color.

    Add a little white to give the brown some depth. Once you have mixed the paints and got a brown color, add some white paint and continue mixing until it is completely gone. Be careful not to use too much white paint - generally no more than ⅓ of the total paint is needed.

    How to get brown from secondary colors

    1. Mix red and yellow together to make orange. Start with enough red paint and add yellow paint little by little until you reach a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, mix the paints until you get a dark orange color.

      • To make the brown color dark enough, you can use a little more red paint.
    2. Mix orange with blue to get brown. Use a little less blue than orange - the proportion of blue paint should not exceed 35-40%. Mix the paints thoroughly until you get a chocolate brown color.

      Mix red and blue to get purple. Use these two colors in approximately equal proportions. The perfect combination of red and blue will produce violet, and if you deviate from the exact proportions, you will end up with purple or a similar red tint.

      • Getting the right purple color is quite difficult. If the final mixture has a reddish or bluish tint, add a little of the opposite color to achieve balance.
      • If you add too much blue paint, the purple color will be more difficult to correct. It is easier to achieve the right shade with an excess of red.
    3. Add yellow paint little by little to the purple until you get a brown color. As you mix the paints, you will notice a dirty brown tint beginning to emerge. Continue adding yellow paint in small increments until you get the color you want.

      Mix blue and yellow to make green. Squeeze out a large drop of blue and add yellow paint to it little by little. As with orange, you should start with the most saturated green and work your way towards the middle of the spectrum.

      • For best results The green color should be closer to dark blue than light aquamarine.
    4. Add the right amount of red paint to the green to get a brown color. Mix in just a little red at first and continue adding and stirring as needed to get a darker color. A mixture of green and red can range from an earthy olive brown to a warm burnt orange hue.

      • To get the most “real” brown color possible, the mixture should contain 33-40% red dye. If the proportion is equal, red will slightly predominate.

      Advice: The brown color obtained from a mixture of red and green is perfect for landscapes and images of nature.

      How to get different shades

      Add a little more red or yellow paint to give the brown a warmer tone. If you want to lighten or enhance the brown color, simply add no a large number of one of the warm primary colors. Add paint in small portions and stir continuously until you get the desired shade.

In this article we will look at what needs to be mixed to get brown color in paints.

Such a noble and calm color as brown has always dominated the clothing of rich and noble representatives. By the way, its main characteristic is stability and stability. But often the palette does not have this color or its required shade. Yes, and young or even experienced artists must be able to choose the right colors in order to create their own color scheme brown spectrum. And our recommendations will help in this aspect.

How to get brown color when mixing: 3 ways

Before rushing to the color scheme and brushes, you need to remember what colors there are. They are divided into two groups – basic and additional. There are also two more subgroups - composite and complex. All of them make up the design of four groups of basic colors.

Remember - primary colors cannot be obtained by combining any palettes. By the way, they are the ones that become the basis for creating other colors. Moreover, having black and white on hand, you can extract absolutely any color.

IMPORTANT: Brown belongs to the group of complex colors.

We offer three basic methods for obtaining brown color.

Green (blue+yellow) with red

  • Even schoolchildren know that brown comes out when you mix two colors together - green and red. This is the case if we talk about the primary and composite colors.
  • But the task still remains to do green tint. As easy as pie! Take two primary colors - yellow and blue.
  • You need to take an equal amount various shades. But take into account your wishes.
    • If you want to end up with a darker color, then add a little more blue, but to the finished green color.
    • If, on the contrary, you want to make a more transparent shade, then initially take a little more yellow.
  • After receiving the secondary color, we begin making the tertiary color. To the green color you got, you need to add a little red tone.
  • It is important to introduce red paint, and not vice versa! After all, it is the basic tone that regulates the degree of darkness and saturation of the brown shade. If you add too much red coloring, then you will get more of a brick tone.
    • But also keep in mind that the red color makes brown so warm (in large quantities it can even create a rust effect), but green, on the contrary, will make it even a little grayish and cold.

Orange (yellow+red) with blue

  • The first thing you need to do is take red. And add yellow to it. By the way, it needs to be introduced gradually and in small quantities.
  • On average, yellow should be only 10% of the volume of red. It's important to get a dark orange. But keep in mind that too much red coloring will create a reddish brown color.
  • Blue paint will need even less - 5-7% of the total volume. You also need to add it gradually, in small portions and stirring the ingredients well.
  • Of course, adjust the tone and saturation of the brown color using the blue tint.

Violet (red+blue) with yellow

  • Red and blue colors should be taken in equal quantities. Then you can get a noble, and even royal shade of purple, which will have the desired saturation and warmth.
  • Then you need to introduce little by little yellow. It will lighten the resulting purple, so keep an eye on the amount. If the color is predominantly yellow, then the brown color will be lighter and warmer. Purple tone acts in the opposite way.

IMPORTANT: Too much yellow paint will create an ocher tint.

How to make a light brown color from paints, gouache when mixed?

To get a light brown color, you need to give the yellow color a predominance. But! Let us repeat that too much of it will make the color look like ocher. And, of course, it all depends on the desired lordship.

  • To whiten brown color, you need add white. Yes, it's that simple. The more you add, the lighter the final color will be.
  • But don’t overdo it, brown is a warm color and White color will neutralize this characteristic. Therefore, introduce very carefully, gradually and in small portions (literally, 1% of the total mass of paints).
  • Although adding the previous color will help correct the situation.

How to get a dark brown color when mixing paints and gouache?

If we talk about previous mixing options, more blue or green will make a darker brown. But they will also add their own nuance. There is another, simpler and quick way obtaining a dark brown color.

  • Just add black paint. But you need to work with it extremely carefully, since a small dose of excess paint will simply turn it into black.
  • Therefore, add paint in tiny portions and take note of one rule - conduct experiments with a small amount of paint.

  • By the way, so as not to make a mistake with in the right color, mix a little black with white. But leave the dominance of the first shade. Just make it a little softer as it can quickly eat up the brown color.

How to get chocolate when mixing paints or gouache?

To create a chocolate color, you need to tinker a little. The most unencumbered scheme is to choose the right tones of orange and blue. But there is another possible option.

  • Combine yellow and blue paint, To obtain dark green color. In another bowl, combine red and a drop of yellow to create orange.
  • Now combine the two resulting colors. And in the end you get the color of green grass or grass green.
  • Now you need to create a bloody red color. To do this, combine the same orange and red palette.

  • In conclusion, it remains to combine the two complex colors obtained.
  • And as a result we get the color of real chocolate.
    • If you want milk chocolate then add a drop of white paint
    • A mixture of white and yellow will give an additional golden tint to the color
    • Dark chocolate is again obtained by adding black paint.
    • But yellow with chocolate will help you get a beautiful and even brown color

How to get coffee color when mixing paints or gouache?

  • Coffee color can be obtained by adding the same black gouache. Also, you need to mix according to technology - orange paint plus blue color. In this case, you can achieve the desired tone.

Getting coffee color
  • Alternatively, you can achieve the desired color using a composition of purple and orange paint. If necessary, you need to add a drop of black tint.

Color mixing: table

For clarity, we would like to provide you with a table that will show all possible versions removal of brown color and its range. To get a brown color, you need to mix the component colors, adding the main shade to them. True, there are other options where the composition includes not just secondary colors, but even complex palettes.

How to get orange color and its shades in 10 photos + table of all possible derivatives. How to get coral, peach, terracotta and red colors? The influence of white, black and brown in color composition.
Orange color is obtained by mixing red and yellow, but you can get a shade of this color (soft and quite light) by adding pink to yellow paint. Subsequently, all the main saturated shades of orange are in one way or another connected with red, yellow, pink, and white. More complex and dark colors, are obtained with the participation of purple, brown and black.

How to get orange color by mixing paints: red and yellow of the desired tone?

Everyone knows that the main gradient of orange lies within red-orange and yellow-orange. Since the color is obtained from two colors, depending on the percentage of each color there is a shift in one direction or another.
Of course, all the resulting shades from the primary colors (in our case, red and yellow) will be paler. However, orange consists of 2 warm tones, the waves of which are not very different (the opposite would be blue and yellow to create green), and even in the second order it looks quite catchy.

Mixing acrylic paints for painting:

How to get yellow-orange and red-orange?

It is believed that to get classic orange, you need to take 1 part yellow and 1 part red. However, in practice it turns out that you have to take more yellow than red. In the palette you can always choose the desired tone by adding yellow or red to the mixture.

How to get light orange color?

This tone comes in a wide range of pastel shades. They are built using white, but there are also Alternative option: mix pink and yellow, the resulting shade is a soft orange tone, belonging to the light range:

Another option would be to add yellow and white.
Usually in a palette of 12 colors there is already an orange tint, which is much brighter than the color obtained by mixing, so when constructing shades we will use the already existing one.
In my palette of glossy acrylic paints there is a bright red-orange tone. To get light orange tones from it, I will need to mix red-orange, yellow and white:

How to get coral color?

Although this shade is closer to pink, its construction is completely tied to orange color, and there are 2 scenarios for getting it:
1) Complex: take red-orange, pink and white in approximately equal parts (when you mix, adjust the shade by eye, the main thing is to mix the paint thoroughly).

2) Red-orange is close to scarlet, and scarlet is a shade of red. Red, when mixed with white, produces pink, and coral can be called a light shade of pink with an orange undertone.

IN in this case coral will lean closer to orange, but still remain a luxurious tropical shade.

How to get peach color?

Another light and subtle shade of the main color. Peach belongs to the soft pastel palette, standing out from it with its sophistication, it has long been loved and entrenched in our imagination. Its construction consists of 4 colors:
1) Red + yellow + pink + white
2) Orange + yellow + pink + white
3) Coral + yellow + white

How to get terracotta color?

Let's move on to dark shades orange. One of interesting options– this is terracotta: a medium-dark, but rich complex red-orange shade is obtained by mixing violet and red-orange:

Adding a drop of white will help make the shade lighter.

How to get red color?

Red color has an orange undertone. If you take brown and mix it with red-orange, the resulting shades will be dark but rich. You can adjust the tone by adding yellow.

How to get dark orange color?

You can adjust the brightness of shades of orange using black: either to complete darkness or simply dim the brightness. This is necessary to create contrast.
If you want to tone down light shades: mix white with black to a gray mass and bring it into the working tone.

Table for obtaining orange shades when mixing colors:

Practice in color science is irreplaceable, but theory can give you an understanding of how this or that tone is built.

In the center is the main color from which the color is built. The first circle of colors is the shades with which the color is mixed in the proportion indicated below. The third circle is formed by tones that were obtained by mixing the main color and the first circle in a smaller proportion than the third. On the sides of the color at the end of the beam, the same color with the addition of black (darker) and white (lighter).

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

Thanks to modern technologies, interior designers become real wizards. In the blink of an eye, they will make any room stylish and original. IN Lately More and more attention is being paid to color design. The most popular are non-standard shades that can be obtained by mixing colors.

Process Basics

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes have presented quite a number of a wide range of. But it’s not always possible to choose what suits the interior perfectly. Combining several shades will help save time and money.

In many specialized stores you can use the services of a specialist who will help you make the desired color. But if you know the basic rules of how to mix dyes, you can do it yourself at home.

One thing to remember when mixing important rule: Do not combine liquid products with the dry mixture. They have different indices, so the coloring composition may eventually curdle.

The most interesting part of the process is creating the desired shade. There are four primary colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • green.

By mixing them you can get any others. Here are some illustrative examples:

  1. You get brown if you combine red and green. To make a lighter shade, you can add a little white.
  2. Orange is the result of mixing yellow and red.
  3. If you need green, you need to combine yellow and blue paints.
  4. To get purple, you need to mix blue and red.
  5. Red and white will result in pink.

This way you can mix endlessly.

Mixing acrylic-based materials

Designers love acrylic paints the most. They are very easy to work with, and the finished coating has excellent water-repellent properties. Their use has several nuances:

  1. The working surface must be perfectly flat and smooth. To do this, it needs to be sanded.
  2. It is important that the paint does not dry out.
  3. To obtain an opaque color, use undiluted paint. Conversely, you can add a little water for transparency.
  4. To be able to slowly select the desired color, it is recommended to use. Thanks to it, the product will not dry out so quickly.
  5. Use the edge of the brush to distribute the paint.
  6. Mixing is better clean tool. In this case, the colors should be directed towards each other.
  7. To make a light tone, you need to add white dye to the solution, and to get a dark one, add black. It is worth remembering that the palette dark colors much wider than light ones.

Here are some examples of mixing acrylic-based paints:

  1. Apricot color is obtained by mixing red, yellow, brown and white.
  2. The recipe for making beige paint involves combining brown and white. If you want a bright beige, you can add a little yellow. For a light beige shade you will need more white.
  3. Gold is the result of mixing yellow and red colors.
  4. Ocher is yellow and brown. By the way, it is considered popular this season.
  5. Khaki can be made by mixing green dye with brown.
  6. To get purple you need three different colors: red, yellow and blue.

Mixing oil paints

Oil-based paints are more fluid, which necessitates more thorough mixing of the compositions if tones are mixed. The specificity and properties of oil colors provide the following advantages:

  • the tone will be the most uniform, so the paint is perfect for decorating any surface;
  • if desired, you can leave veins in the paint, which will allow you to create unusual effects on canvas or wall.

Stirring the oil

Before work, it is important to evaluate whether it is possible to combine individual tones with each other, what will happen in the end. If you introduce a little glossy paint into matte paint, the result will be inexpressive. Adding matte paint to the shiny one helps make the latter a little more subdued.

You can use these methods:

  1. Mechanical. In one container, on a palette, different colors are combined by mechanically mixing them. The saturation of the finished mass is adjusted by adding brighter or lighter shades.
  2. Optic. This method only professionals practice. Paints are combined to produce a new color when applied to a canvas or wall.
  3. Color overlay. By layering strokes, a new tone is created.

Features of mixing paints

The mechanical method is the simplest, so it is recommended for beginners. When using color overlay, the result may differ from what was intended, which must be taken into account in advance. You can use the glaze method - first apply a darker color, then lighten it with strokes light paint. Better practice connecting oil paints in small portions, learn how to create original effects, and then start creating paintings or interior decoration.

The working process

Mixing several different colors, you can get a large number of different shades. Which ones?

Shades of Gray

Quite often used in interior decoration. They help create shadow or unobtrusive color, as well as:

  1. You can create a regular gray by mixing black and white.
  2. To create cool shades, you need to add a little green to gray, and ocher for warm shades.
  3. Grey-green is gray with white and green.
  4. Gray-blue - gray, white and a little blue.
  5. Dark gray is the result of mixing gray and black.

Brown tones

To make the dye, you need to mix:

  • green with red;
  • red with blue and yellow;
  • red with white, black and yellow.

How to create other original tones:

  1. You can get mustard if you add red, green and black dyes to yellow paint.
  2. Tobacco shade is red, green, yellow and white.
  3. Golden brown is the result of a combination of yellow, red, green, white and blue. In this case, there should be more yellow pigment.

Red tones

  1. The basis for the pink shade is considered to be white. Red is added to it. The brighter the desired shade, the more red you should add.
  2. To get a rich chestnut color, you need to mix red and black.
  3. Bright red-orange color - red and a little yellow. The more of the latter, the paler the result will be.
  4. You can give the dye a purple tint by mixing a few drops of bright blue and yellow flowers and red pigment.
  5. To create raspberry, according to the recipe, you need to mix bright red + white + brown + blue. The more white, the pinker the hue.

Deep green color is formed by combining yellow and blue tones. The saturation of the finished dye depends on the amount of each of them. To create shades, you need to add other colors to green:

  1. For mint you will need white.
  2. To obtain an olive color you need green and a few drops of yellow.
  3. The shade of grass can be obtained by mixing green with blue. Yellow paint will help to even out the color.
  4. The color of the needles is the result of mixing green with black and yellow.
  5. Gradually mixing green with white and yellow, you can create an emerald tone.

Violet tones

Purple is made by mixing blue and red. You can also use blue and pink paints - the final color will be light, pastel. To darken the finished tone, artists use black paint, which is added in very small portions. Here are the nuances for creating shades of purple:

  • for light purple, you can dilute the finished color with white in the required ratio;
  • For purple, you need to add more red paint than blue.

Orange color

When creating classic orange, combine one part of yellow and red paint. But for many types of paint you have to use more yellow, otherwise the color will turn out too dark. Here are the main shades of orange and how to get them:

  • for light orange use pink and yellow, you can also add a little white paint;
  • for coral, dark orange, pink, and white are required in equal proportions;
  • for peach you need colors such as orange, yellow, pink, white;
  • for red, you need to take dark orange and a little brown.

Important rule

Many people ask the question: is it possible to mix paints and varnishes from different manufacturers? It is advisable that the dyes being mixed are manufactured by the same company. It's even better if they come from the same batch. It is not recommended to mix dyes from different companies. They often have different properties, such as density, brightness, etc. Because of this, the finished coating may curl.

If you want to take a risk, you can combine a little bit of one and the other paint and apply the resulting solution to the surface. If it thickens or clumps, the experiment is a failure.

Computer help

You can mix several colors correctly using special computer programs. They help you see the final result and determine in percentage terms how much of a particular tone needs to be added. Such programs will help you figure out what shade you can get from the products that are available. They consist of several elements:

  1. A button that removes tones from the set.
  2. Color names.
  3. Lines of input or output to or from a calculation.
  4. Samples.
  5. A button that introduces colors into a set.
  6. Result windows.
  7. New selection window and list.
  8. Composition of the finished dye in percentage terms.

Mixing several various colors– a fairly common technique among designers. Unusual shades will help to decorate the interior favorably, make it original or even unique. You can even mix dyes at home. There are many recipes for creating one shade or another. For example, to get beige you need to combine white and brown, and to get pink you need to combine white and red.

It is recommended to always have a thinner on hand that will prevent the paint from drying out quickly. You should not mix products from different manufacturers, because the result will be a poor-quality coating. To find out the final result of mixing, you can use a special computer program.