How to get light blue color. How to get green by mixing paints


Features of color mixing

In the interior of premises, it is becoming fashionable to decorate walls with various types of plasters and paint them with paints. But it’s not always possible to choose the palette you like in hardware stores. Don't despair. Modern technologies allow you to get the desired result. Mixing colors of standard shades allows you to achieve the desired result. The next question arises, how to mix paints to get a beautiful tone? Let's try to get an answer.

There are quite a lot of tones. But the production of paints is based on the use of standard colors. Nowadays, non-standard colors are in fashion, which can be obtained by mixing dyes. The following expert recommendations will tell you how to mix colors correctly.

It has been known since childhood that the basis of all tones are three colors: red, blue, yellow.

To get other options, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. The combination of basic dyes gives a wide range of different undertones.

The secret to creating a new color scheme by mixing colors is to use basic dyes in different proportions. For example, when mixing the colors blue and yellow, we get green. If you continue to add yellow to the resulting substance, you can get tones that are increasingly closer to it. It all depends on the volumes that are connected.

On video: how to get a new color.

The nuances of combining dyes

Mixing colors of chromatic shades, which are placed next to each other on the color wheel, gives a fairly bright palette. If you mix dyes that are on opposite sides of the circle, we get achromatic tones, that is, with a predominance of gray.

Related article: How to get an orange tint: learning to mix colors

To get the desired result, you need to understand not only the color scheme, but also ensure that the solutions match the chemical composition. Otherwise, you may get unexpected results. If the color initially turns out bright when mixing paints, then over time it begins to darken and turn gray. For example, a combination of lead white and cinnabar red color initially gives a bright pink, but after a while it will lose its saturation. This also applies to oil paints. They are very susceptible to solvents.

The best option for achieving high-quality rich colors is to combine a minimum amount of paints. Comparability of materials is required. A color mixing table will help you select them.

Traditional palette mixing options

When getting a color yourself, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. Let's look at common options for getting the desired color.


Red is a representative of the main color. To obtain different red shades, you must follow the following rules:

  • The tone of carmine, which is as close as possible to fuchsia, is combined with yellow 2:1. The result is red.
  • Combining pink with yellow produces orange.
  • To get scarlet, you need to take red and yellow in a 2:1 ratio.
  • To achieve a red palette with a soft effect, red and pink paint are mixed. To achieve a lighter tone, it is better to add white paint.
  • If you add a dark dye to the main red paint, you get burgundy.
  • You can achieve dark red by mixing red and purple colors in a 3:1 ratio.


There are primary colors, which include blue. To obtain the desired blue color, you must use this primary color. We get blue by adding white to the blue palette. As the volume of white increases, the shade will become lighter. To obtain a moderate tone, use turquoise instead of white.

Shades of beige are widely used in architecture, design, and painting. They are considered neutral, therefore they can either “dilute” an overly bright palette, make it more muted, or emphasize another color.

It happens that the desired color is not available, besides, beige is not included in the main range and is rarely sold in stores. Professional artists know very well how to get a beige color. To do this, you need to mix gouache or other paints in a certain combination.

There are also tables according to which all tones of beige can be divided into warm (with a hint of brown) and cold (with a bit of gray). Beige combines best with coffee and brown tones, as well as blue, light blue, olive, light green, wenge, burgundy, sandy yellow, lavender, and pink.

Instructions for obtaining beige color

To make beige color yourself, you don’t need any special knowledge. It is important to prepare the necessary paints and follow simple tips.

Necessary materials

Beige is obtained by mixing paints, so for work you should prepare a set of colors of different shades. A container for combining pigments is also useful if the finished paint is needed in large quantities, or a palette if the beige color is needed for painting. You also need brushes for picking up paints and a coating to check the finished tone of the material.

To make beige paint, different color mixing techniques are used. You need to prepare the following dyes:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • golden;
  • red;
  • green.

Paint selection

The most popular material among artists and beginners is gouache. It gives the most rich, beautiful tones that can be brightened by adding white. Watercolor is also suitable for mixing, but making beige from it is more difficult - the finished pigment can turn out watery and too nondescript.

A good result is obtained by combining acrylic colors and a number of water-based construction paints and varnishes. You can even get the desired color by mixing pencil strokes or pieces of plasticine - as desired.

Preparation and main process

There is the easiest way to create a beautiful beige paint shade. To do this, you need to prepare only two colors - white (white) and brown. You should take a little brown, then add white to it until you get the desired paint. Typically you need 1 part brown and 2-4 parts white. You can drop a little yellow pigment into the finished mass to increase contrast.

Since there are many shades of beige, you can conduct a number of experiments and obtain paint in other ways:

  1. Mix yellow, red, brown and dilute with white. Very little red tone is needed; it is required to obtain orange when combined with yellow. The largest share in this combination is accounted for by white and yellow.
  2. Mix yellow, pink, white. The pink tone is added in small quantities, otherwise you will have to use too much white.
  3. Combine white paint and golden ocher (approximately 60 and 40% respectively). To soften the tone, add a drop of red, to “cool it” - a little green.
  4. Combine scarlet, blue, yellow colors, dilute the mixture well with white. You can also add a little gold to the finished color to add some “zest”. This method allows you to get a natural flesh tone.

After production, the paint should be immediately tested on the canvas, then wait until it dries completely. Beige often changes tone as it dries, and you may have to make it lighter or darker. You can add black or brown to darken the paint. It is important that their number is negligible, otherwise the finished tone will become dirty gray.

Beige color from plasticine

Plasticine figures can also be made in a variety of colors. This is achieved by combining different shades of this material. Take bars of white, pink or red, yellow, orange (coral) colors. Dark tones are combined in equal proportions, and then mixed with white (only 10-15% of the remaining tones and 85-90% of white plasticine are needed).

The process can take a long time and will require perseverance, because the material will have to be kneaded very carefully. As a result, it should not contain unsightly veins or unevenly colored inclusions. You can warm up the plasticine a little by putting it in a bag and in warm water - this will make mixing easier.

Beige color for walls

Various types of paints are used for walls. Before starting repairs, it is important to clarify the properties of each and try to tint a small amount of paintwork. Next, you should calculate the consumption in order to prepare the entire batch of paint at once. The fact is that it will be difficult to re-create exactly the same shade of beige - you will have to contact a colorist.

Here are the most popular interior paints that are easy to mix:

  1. Acrylic water-dispersion. Made on the basis of acrylic, water, dispersion of various particles. They are environmentally friendly, odorless, give a beautiful matte surface, are elastic, and wash well. Usually sold in white, which can be tinted at your discretion. As a rule, a little brown pigment is added to white paint to create beige.
  2. Alkyd. Allows you to create a high-strength coating that is resistant to environmental factors. Alkyd paints are waterproof and have excellent decorative properties. The walls will be glossy, without streaks or defects. Typically, such paints have a ready-made color, so they will have to be mixed together.
  3. Latex water-dispersed. They have all the properties of acrylic, only more durable, beautiful, but they cost an order of magnitude more. Easily tinted beige by adding ready-made shades or mixing pigments.
  4. Silicone water-dispersible. High-quality paints can hide wall defects, are easy to tint, incredibly durable, and easy to clean. The downside is the high price.

The beige tone is relevant in any interior - classic, country, minimalism, romantic and most others. You can make such a shade yourself, especially since experiments often result in unique combinations and original tones.

When choosing paint for the interior, even for watercolor paintings, it is easy to make a mistake with the shade. Paper testers may not match the tone in reality.

Don't worry, there is a way to achieve the desired shade! Read on to find out what paints to mix to get blue.

Creating a classic shade

Unfortunately, no matter what components are mixed, without the primary tone itself it will not be possible to even come close to creating the required shade .

Red and yellow colors follow the same rule.

If the color in your palette is too dark, then white paint will help to lighten it a few tones.

If, on the contrary, you need to darken the shade, then you need to add more dark tones to the mixture - black, gray or brown.

Important! If you are mixing colors to create a small pattern in the interior, then you can mix them in a small bowl by hand. If you want to paint an entire wall, tint the ingredients in a bucket using a mixer.

How to maintain proportions

How to get blue color by mixing:

  1. Get delicate ultramarine by mixing blue and white parts in a 3:1 ratio.
  2. To create a shade with a slight blue, increase the portion of white color. The ratio of blue to white is 2:1.
  3. To obtain a more transparent, light tone, mix them in equal proportions.

WITH Hello! The heavenly color is perfect for painting a boy’s nursery.

A turquoise tone will help you get a more saturated heavenly tone.

A complex recipe of three ingredients will help you create an aqua color. How to make blue using turquoise and white? Take 2 parts blue paint, 1 part white and turquoise. Enjoy the blue of the sea.

This is interesting! Red, blue, yellow are called primary, because by mixing other tones it is not possible to achieve the desired shade. Why do you need to know what colors need to be mixed to make blue? To achieve a play of shades and original texture, create artistic masterpieces.

Dark shade

In the case when you want to make the color darker, the mixing recipe is a little more complicated. It all depends on what the final result is and how rich the tone you are trying to achieve. How to successfully mix different tones to get a dark blue color:

  1. You will need two paints: black and aquamarine. If the tone is made to decorate parts, then stir the mixture with a brush or stick in a small container. To paint walls, you need to tint the shade with a construction mixer, a special attachment for an angle grinder.
  2. There are no exact proportions. Add black color to the base paint drop by drop or a few milliliters.
  3. It is better to test the resulting mixture on a sheet of white paper and let it dry. If you are satisfied with the shade, then stop tinting. If not, add even more black.

Advice! Did it get dark? Lighten the mass by several tones using white. Stir in gradually so you don't have to add black again.


Ultramarine is similar to artificial, which does not occur in nature. Purple will help create paint the color of a dark sky. Magic coloring will help create an interesting tone that can be used to paint the ceiling in the nursery, and bright luminous star stickers will create an imitation of the night sky. How to get blue from purple:

  1. Mix blue paint with purple in proportions 3:1.
  2. For the ceiling, knead the dye with a construction hook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Test the finished mixture on a small section of the wall. Do not forget that you need to apply the interior color in 2-3 layers.

A woman's favorite shade is royal ultramarine.

To get such a noble tone on the verge of night blue and sea wave, you need an acidic violet color or pink. The recipe is similar to the previous tinting:

  1. You will need 2 tones: acid violet (pink) and ultramarine.
  2. The proportions of blue and pink are 3:1. Sometimes you need a little more pink.
  3. Evaluate the result by applying the dye to a small area.

Advice! To get purple, mix red and blue in equal proportions.

From yellow

To create an emerald blue color based on ultramarine, you need yellow. The resulting shade is similar to the shine of precious stones. It is appropriate to use it for decorating small elements to create a fantastic picture. How to get blue from yellow:

  1. Mix yellow and ultramarine colors in equal parts.
  2. For a pastel look, add white. The proportion recipe depends on the desired degree of pallor.

Advice! To create a fantastic shimmery color, do not stir the paint too thoroughly. A lazy tinting method will create an interesting mother-of-pearl effect.

From green

Prussian blue is a favorite of designers not only for interior design, but also for clothing.

The deep color is associated with the depths of the sea and a distant galaxy. How to easily turn green into blue:

  1. We combine two colors: aquamarine and green in equal parts.
  2. Mix using a technique to ensure uniform texture.

Surprisingly, when adding a third white ingredient, the color does not fade.

How to make paint the right shade

What if there is no main color, but you need to make blue paint? An interesting tone, similar to sapphire shine, is obtained by mixing red and green. This tinting will not give pure ultramarine, but by adding black and white paint you can achieve interesting and unusual shades.

Prices for colors

Useful video: how to mix colors

Combine combinations of warm shades with delicate pastels, blue tones with cold ones. Change the proportions to your liking; proper tinting is the key to successful repairs. Experiment and create your own color scheme!

We will show you how to get green and its shades in 7 photos, where blue and yellow in different proportions create different shades, and black and white complement them. Photo.

Green paint is made by mixing yellow and blue. A wide range of shades of green depends on the proportions of mixing the main colors, as well as the introduction of additional darkening or lightening tones: white and black paint. In addition, olive and khaki shades are the product of mixing yellow, blue and brown (with a small amount of red) paint.

How to get green color by mixing colors: yellow and blue, bright and saturated?

First of all, it depends on the purity (saturation) of the main colors: yellow and blue. The more intense they are, the brighter the green color will be, however, it will always be duller than the main colors. This is actually why paint sets that include green are sold.

If yellow and blue are primary colors, and green is secondary, then all subsequent shades: dark (with the addition of black or brown) and light (with the addition of white) will be tertiary, that is, even duller than the green color itself.

Mixing acrylic paints for painting:

How to get grass green color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (1 part) blue = grass green color

How to get yellow-green color?

Mix (2 parts) yellow + (1 part) blue = yellow-green color

How to get blue-green color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (2 parts) blue = blue-green color

How to get dark green color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (2 parts) blue + (0.5 parts) black = dark green color.

How to get light green color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (1 part) blue + (2 parts) white = warm light green color

Mix (1 part) yellow + (2 parts) blue + (2 parts) white = cool light green color

How to get olive color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (1 part) blue + (1 part) brown = dark olive color

How to get grey-green color?

Mix (1 part) yellow + (2 parts) blue + (0.5 parts) brown = taupe color

As I already said: the brightness of the green tone directly depends on the brightness of the primary colors, and the brightness of the green subtones will depend on the saturation of the greens. Therefore, shades of green paint will be more attractive if they are produced from ready-made green paints, of which there are usually two in a 12-color set: bright green and emerald, which correspond to blue-green.

The quality of paints also affects the abundance of possible shades and their expressiveness.

However, if you put aside the brightness and quality of the colors and imagine a graphical map of mixing colors to obtain shades of green, you will be able to navigate any palette.

Where in the center is the main paint for mixing. The first circle is the shades to be mixed with the main paint, the second circle is what happened when mixing green paint and one adjacent tone. The third circle is the shades of the previous circle mixed with the main one, white and black.

How to get other colors and their shades: theory and practice. Click on the icon.

Blue is one of the primary colors. Along with red and yellow, it is on the list of tones that cannot be produced at home. But artists know very well how to get blue in its various shades - to do this, you need to mix the classic color with other pigments, which gives amazing results.

Traditional color wheel

Experts call blue, red, and yellow the “three pillars” of color and painting. It is on them that the widest palette of halftones of the second and third orders rests; they are combined with each other, while creation with is excluded.

All the most important colors are included in the so-called color wheel. It represents a conditional model divided into sectors. The latter are placed in an order close to their location in the visible light spectrum. The adjacent shades are called chromatic; they can be mixed together to obtain a new chromatic (color) paint. If, when mixing paints, you take opposite tones, the result will be an achromatic color (grayish). That is, the further the colors are from each other, the more likely it is that their mixture will give an inexpressive, ugly tone.

Classic blue and its shades

You won’t be able to make blue at home, so to create different shades of it you need to purchase ready-made gouache, watercolor, acrylic paint or another type of dye (even plasticine). Then you can use other colors from the set, because when they are combined you can get incredible tones and halftones of blue. Artists have special tables with the names of shades and the required proportions for paints, but in practice they still have to experiment.

In regular gouache sets, blue is represented by the shade ultramarine. It is very bright, moderately dark, and has slightly purple notes. There is an important rule that you need to remember: add white to lighten the tone, black to darken it, and different colors to change the reflection of the paint.


Making shades of blue with green highlights is easy. The effect of a dark green tone is achieved by introducing a small amount of ready-made green paint into the blue. If it is not there, you can do it differently. Since the combination of blue and yellow gives a green color, you can add a little yellow to the blue. Next, the paint is lightened with white, the result is a third-order shade, less saturated.

Prussian blue

The azure color also contains green shades. Artists have a recipe for its preparation - you need to combine 1 part blue and the same amount of light green or bright green (grass) shade. If necessary, the tone is diluted with white.


This color is considered very rich and powerful in energy; it is prepared by combining blue with red paint in equal proportions. But the finished purple must be made to turn blue, for which blue color is added drop by drop until the desired tone is obtained. Typically the final ratio does not exceed 2:1.

Royal blue

The royal color is a dark, cool tone, close to classic. Traditional royal blue is part of the HTML color scheme used in computer graphics. It is also the main tone of ink and paint for cartridges. To make this color, a drop of black and even less of green are added to ultramarine.


This shade is reminiscent of a cloudy sky, as well as the color of water on a non-sunny day. You need to add a little brown to the base blue, the result will be a dark blue-gray tone. It is diluted with white to the desired degree of lightening. There is another option for creating a gray-blue tint - combining blue with orange, the result will be a grayish mass with a slightly blue tint.

Dark blue

The blue paint begins to darken with the addition of a small amount of black color. The ratio should be no more than 4:1. Creating such a shade is required if you need to “calm down” a color when it is initially too bright.


Blue color is easy to make. To do this, blue of any tone is diluted with white 3:1 or more. Increasing the volume of white paint results in even greater lightening, up to a sky blue or pastel blue. To achieve an original tone, you can dilute turquoise with white.

Other shades

Wedgwood tone is obtained by combining a portion of blue, as well as a drop of white and black paint. For dark turquoise, yellow-green color is added dropwise to blue. Cornflower blue is created by mixing purple, blue, a drop of brown and the same amount of black dye.

Blue in nature

In the real world, blue is perceived by the eye in the range of 440-485 nm. This is a digital value of the electromagnetic wavelength that has a blue tone in the general spectrum of light. In nature, you can see up to 180 shades of blue - its tones are visible in the colors of the seas and oceans, the sky, twilight, moonlight, many plants, and insects.

To obtain the ideal color, you need to ensure that all ingredients are similar in chemical composition. Otherwise, the mass may separate, leaving unmixed veins. It is also important to use high-quality paints, because others begin to darken and turn gray over time. Oil dyes are very susceptible to changes - it is better to first try the work on a small area and evaluate the effect after a couple of days. Artists note: the fewer colors were combined, the better the result will be, and the lower the risk of fading and peeling of the finished decor.