How to mix purple color. How to get purple color

Now let a beginner paint the most banal landscape, and the end result will be a blue sky, green grass, a yellow sun, a brown house, a red flower, etc. That is, a person clearly knows what color the grass, the sky and everything else are, and paints them exclusively with pure colors available in the set of paints. However, he does not take into account, for example, that these colors can have many shades under different lighting conditions, and they must be achieved by mixing paints. In the same way, you can get one additional color from several basic colors.

The basic colors that cannot be obtained by any mixing are yellow, red and blue. There are also so-called neutrals and whites. All the rest can be classified as complementary, since they can be achieved by mixing two or three basic colors. And adding neutrals will give a darker or lighter shade. For example, how do you get the color purple? It's suddenly not in your paint box, but you need it. To do this, mix a little red on the palette and a little Already something happened. It may not be exactly what you wanted, but it's easy to fix. This is why there are paint mixing proportions. If your purple has a reddish tint, then you just need to add a little blue to it. And you need to do this until you achieve exactly the shade that you need. If you have gone too far with blue, then add more red.

So you'll get it, but maybe it's too dark? How to get a lighter shade? This is where neutral white comes to the rescue. Take just a little bit of it, literally at the tip of the brush, and mix it with what you already have. As you can see, the shade has become much lighter. The more white, the lighter and more subtle your purple will be. Let's say you are drawing an ordinary flower. If you paint its petals a solid color, it will look flat. To “revive” it, you need to determine where it will have its lightest and darkest areas. It would be logical to assume that the lighter shade of the petals will be closer to the outer edge, and the darkest shade will be towards the middle and between the petals. How to get dark purple color? It's very simple: mix red and blue and add a drop of black. It’s better not to touch the shade that you got when mixing with white, otherwise you’ll just get a dirty daub. Make a dark tone separately.

So, the flower is painted with the main color, and we have defined its light and dark areas. Take a light tone and brush it along the outer edge of each petal, literally with one stroke. Now put a dark shade on the brush and walk along their bottom in the same way. Using the same tone, “separate” the petals from one another. There is no need to completely outline them, especially in those places where you have outlined the lightest areas. The closer to light, the thinner and more transparent the shadows between the petals should be. Now, knowing how to get it, you can experiment with it, as well as with other colors, creating not flat, but quite voluminous, almost living images.

Many artists are faced with a situation when the tube with the necessary paint runs out, and going to the store is inconvenient or simply too lazy. How to get out of this situation? It turns out that you can get the desired shade by mixing certain colors. You just need to know what colors need to be mixed to get purple or another missing shade. Many painters have known since school that purple and many other colors are secondary, and they can be obtained by mixing primary colors. In this case, red and blue.

Use a brush to apply a little red paint to the palette. After rinsing the brush, take the same amount of blue and mix the colors thoroughly. Also, every professional artist knows what colors need to be mixed to get a lighter shade of purple. To do this, take not red, but pink paint. After mixing on the palette, you can apply paint to the canvas, adjusting the color by adding one shade or another.

Are there any other tips on what colors to mix to make purple? Indeed, you can do it differently: you need to take purple paint and mix it thoroughly with white. Don't forget to rinse your brush every time you change colors. By varying the amount of white paint, you can obtain the desired shade of varying degrees of intensity. It is worth noting that any color range when mixed with red produces purple. Each artist always has a large selection of colors and shades in stock, so try mixing ultramarine red (azure) and phthalocyanine blue. The result will be interesting, calmer and subdued. You can also mix black dye with alizarin red. You will end up with a slightly dark purple color that is pure and beautiful.

When a child draws, he always asks about what colors need to be mixed to get a purple hue or some other, and he should definitely help with this. Maybe in the future he will be a professional and draw his dad or mom. Little children always love to mix things with something, and let it be paints. Knowing what colors to mix to get purple or another shade will help your child not only entertain himself with experiments, but also develop his aesthetic taste. Someday, perhaps, artists will consult him when they paint pictures. After all, many of them can perfectly depict contours, but they have difficulty choosing colors.

The question of what colors need to be mixed to get blue is usually asked by non-professionals, because real artists know that this range is basic and cannot be obtained in its pure form by mixing some shades. Many people think that you can mix yellow and green to get blue, but this is not true. A mixture of these two colors will not give a blue, but a light green tint. But if you try to use a lot of blue and a little purple, you can enjoy a beautiful bluish tint in your drawing.

Many artists are familiar with the situation when a tube of paint runs out, there is no spare one nearby, and going to the store is neither a possibility nor a dream. The way out of such a situation is quite primitive: you can often mix several available colors in order to get the missing one.


1. Many people remember from school, from drawing lessons, that purple is a secondary color, therefore, to acquire it, you can use two primary colors - scarlet and blue. Take a little red paint with a brush and apply it to the palette. After this, remembering to thoroughly rinse the brush in water, take the blue paint. Paints must be taken in approximately equal proportions, only varying them slightly; on the contrary, if one of the colors is much larger, the color will vary from dark purple to crimson.

2. If you want to get a clear purple, take pink paint, apply it to the palette, and then add blue paint and mix thoroughly. Apply a couple of strokes to the canvas, perhaps this particular shade suits you perfectly.

3. In order to get the purple color, you can go another way. Take purple paint and mix it with white, remembering to rinse the brush so as not to spoil each tube. By varying the amount of white paint, you can achieve varying degrees of violet intensity.

4. In the thesis, any color belonging to the blue range of pigments, when mixed with cold red, produces violet. If you're a serious painter, you probably have more than just a six-color pack of gouache. Therefore, in order to get the purple you need, mix cobalt, ultramarine, azure blue, and phthalocyanine blue with red. By adding a little white paint to the palette and thoroughly mixing, you can lighten the color you end up with.

5. Mix black paint with any cool red color. It can be phthalocyanine or alizarin scarlet. The end result is a muted purple color. It will be more dull and not as chromatic as pure pigment, but nevertheless, you will get purple.

Unlike oil paints, tempera and watercolors, gouache contains a large amount of pigment and filler, and therefore becomes opaque on the canvas. In addition, many gouache paints contain white (zinc, barite, titanium), which gives the paint a matte and velvety appearance, but at the same time a whitish appearance and a decrease in color intensity.


1. Knowing this tendency of gouache paints to lighten, you need to adhere to a number of rules when applying paints: determine for yourself the primary colors that will be the basis in the color scheme of your work. Use colors (paints) when working with gouache Yu. Pre-diluted and tested primary colors will promptly tell you whether a given dried color corresponds to the intended one. There should be 4-5 such colors at a time. You need to mix them together to get intermediate unexpected shades.

2. Remember that when mixing white gouache paints with paints of other colors, the brightness of the color decreases. Experiment with adding some colors to others to increase intensity (beyond black and white).

3. For example, when adding clear yellow cadmium to ocher, you can increase the intensity of the ocher color, and to reduce the saturation of the clear yellow cadmium tone, you can add clear ocher to it.

4. If the paint has curdled when combining gouache and tempera, add a little hair shampoo, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

5. To improve the quality of gouache (hiding power), add PVC wood glue to it. Mix the glue as thoroughly as possible, otherwise the paint on the canvas may not dry.

Video on the topic

If during the creative process you need a purple color, but only basic paints are at hand, then it can be obtained by mixing. In this case, it is important to consider the chemical composition of the starting material and its concentration.

You will need

  • – palette or mixing container;
  • – paints (red, blue, black, white);
  • – brushes;
  • – water.


1. Purple color is obtained by mixing red and blue; to create a dark shade, you can add black. Because the paints are different, this circumstance leaves a certain imprint on the process of combining them. The easiest way to get purple is from watercolors and gouache.

2. If watercolor is selected, then before starting work, dip the brush in a container of water and dissolve the red paint, take the desired number. Squeeze the composition onto the palette, rinse the fibers without squeezing them, and pick up the blue color. Carefully begin mixing with red to the desired shade. Paint dries in the air, so if you haven’t fully applied the color on the palette and they have hardened, then simply dissolve them with water. You should not use white to acquire a purple tone - when applied to a sheet of paper, it will create a feeling of opacity that is unusual for paintings painted with watercolors.

3. When drying, the gouache becomes a little lighter, and this quality should be considered when choosing a color. It can be mixed on a flat palette or in a separate jar. To do this, take a brush and pick up the required amount of red paint, place it in a separate environment. After this, rinse the brush - it should be damp and excess water should be removed. Dip it into the blue color and squeeze the composition next to the red color prepared for mixing, start combining. Adding white will help make the tone clear and gentle, and to get a dark shade, use black.

4. Proceed with caution: combine colors little by little, achieving a systematic increase in saturation. In theory, it is possible to obtain purple color on the canvas itself during the painting process, however, such experiments require precision, which is developed through practice.

Have you ever wondered how professional artists work with different colors to create paintings? Do they really stock up on every possible shade of color for their work? Of course not. As a rule, they have several basic colors in their arsenal and with the help of an entertaining science - coloristics - they obtain hundreds of the desired shades.

Purple in the color palette

This article is dedicated to the color purple, the very last color in the rainbow.

It is not basic in the palette. The main colors are blue, yellow and red. What does it mean? By mixing them you can get a huge variety of colors and shades. It is worth mentioning two more colors. It's black and white. They cannot be obtained by mixing. So, in essence, artists use five colors when creating their magnificent masterpieces - these are three basic colors plus black and white.

A little history

The color violet (also known as purple) is considered a cool and deep tone.

Its history is interesting and shrouded in mystery. Purple has always been considered a mystical and “royal” color.

In Byzantium, purple was called blattion and was considered imperial. Purple was very often used in stained glass windows in cathedrals in medieval times. Purple smalts can be found in Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna.

In Rus', the color purple was called yubagr. And in England in the second half of the 16th century, only members of the royal family or reigning persons had the right to wear clothes made of purple fabrics.

The color purple also has a special meaning in Christianity. It represents the seventh day of the creation of light and is considered a day of rest. This is the spiritual meaning of this color.

Among Catholic Christians, the traditional clothing of clergy is the cassock - this is a split dress to the floor. This purple robe can only be worn by bishops; it is prohibited for ordinary clergy.

How to get purple? The easiest way

Coloristics is a very entertaining and interesting science. All children love to watch how, with the wave of a magic wand, two or three colors form a completely different, fourth one. It really looks like mysticism.

For example, in order to get brown, you need to mix blue, red and yellow on the palette.

To obtain orange - red and yellow, green - yellow and blue.

But how do you get purple? You only need to mix two colors - red and blue.

The depth and brightness of the resulting purple will depend on a number of indicators:

  • tones of original colors;
  • quantities of one or another paint, their proportion.

How to get different shades of purple?

But artists are not content with just one shade of purple when painting their paintings. It would then not be art, not magic. Yes, they can create dozens of different tones of this mysterious color.

How to get dark purple color?

There are two ways.

  1. Add a few drops of black to the red color.
  2. Mix red and blue, adding more of the latter, and also adjust the intensity by adding black. The result will be a very dark, muted, but violet color.

How to get a purple tint?

When mixing red and blue paints, you need to add more red. If there is more blue in the proportion, then the purple will be brighter and more pronounced.

How to get a light purple shade?

You need to mix pink and blue paints on the palette.

How can I make the resulting color lighter?

In this case, you just need to add white to the mixture.

Features of working with gouache and watercolor

The above methods are ideal if you are wondering: “How to get purple color with gouache?” This type of paint is thick and well pigmented; the artist will have no problems adjusting the color intensity. But there is one pitfall that you should not forget about: when drying, gouache becomes lighter by several tones. This is always worth remembering when getting the desired purple shade.

In some ways it’s easier, but in some ways it’s more difficult to work with watercolors. It does not have such a rich texture as the same gouache. How to get purple paint color and desired shades using watercolor?

The working methods are absolutely the same. But if there is no white, then the pallor or saturation of the desired shade must be adjusted using water (by diluting the paint with it). And, of course, it is completely clear that you cannot achieve the same color saturation from watercolors as from gouache.

Methods for dyeing mastic purple

Confectioners often color the mastic when preparing their delicious masterpieces. And just like artists, they do not necessarily have all the shades and colors of dyes in their arsenal. To answer the question: “How to get the purple color of mastic?”, you need to determine how this delicious “plasticine” fell into the hands of the master?

If the mastic is homemade, then there is nothing easier than adding two dyes - blue and red - to the still liquid mass during its preparation. They can be either dry or gel.

If the mastic is purchased and white, then the easiest way would be to first paint two balls in different colors - red and blue. And only after that mix them in different proportions, ultimately obtaining the desired shade.

The effect of purple color on humans

There is such a science - chromotherapy. She studies the effects of different colors on the human condition. So, purple has a very beneficial effect on almost all organs and senses.

  1. Promotes more rapid production of invaluable hormones of joy - endorphins.
  2. Rejuvenates.
  3. Has a calming effect on insomnia and migraines.
  4. It has a tonic effect on the pituitary gland and eyes.
  5. Increases immunity.

But you need to use this color wisely, without overloading your space with it. In excess, the color violet can lead to melancholy.

Now you know how to get purple. You know how it affects the human body and you can successfully apply the acquired knowledge in practice, be it color treatment or creating a confectionery or artistic masterpiece. So multifaceted, from soft purple to almost black, this color personifies everything sensual, mysterious and enigmatic.

You will need

  • - color circle;
  • - NCS color catalog;
  • - blue, red and white paints;
  • - palette;
  • - mixing utensils.


From the basic colors you can get any others. Therefore, to experiment with purple, take the smallest box. There may be only six colors or even four, and that will be enough. First get a dark purple color. Mix red and blue paints in equal proportions. In fact, purple has several shades; in sets of artistic paints, two are very often presented - “purple K” and “purple C”. In the first case, more red paint is taken, in the second, blue, respectively. In the color wheel, the first hue will be between the violet and red sectors, and the second will be between the violet and blue.

Add white to the resulting paint. The color lilac has many shades; it can be dark or light. You can add about the same amount of white as blue and red paints. If you want an even lighter shade, add some more white.

You can do it differently. First, dilute the blue and red paints with white. You will get blue and. When you mix them, you get a purple color. And in this case, you can also try to make different shades of it. By adding more cyan, you get a color that is in the blue part of the spectrum. If it is more pink, then the shade is in the red part of the color wheel.

When working with watercolors, white is used extremely rarely. In this case, the role of the clarifier is water. In the same way as when painting with gouache, mix red and blue paints, resulting in purple. Then dilute it with water.

If you need to cover a large surface with oil paint or enamel, but the nearest hardware store does not have a suitable shade, contact a specialized one. You can always use the catalog there. Color samples are even displayed on special stands. You simply select the one you need and ask the seller to get it. This is done in special machines that allow you to get a large amount of paint of the same shade. When painting small volumes, use the same method as for gouache.

On a computer, the color purple can be achieved in several ways. Open Adobe Photoshop. In the top menu, find the “Image” section. By clicking on this button, you will receive a drop-down menu in which there is a line “Mode”. It offers you several options, in this case you may be interested in RGB and CMYK modes. In the first case, purple is obtained using the color composition method, that is, approximately the same as when working with conventional paints. First add red and blue to make purple. Then increase the brightness to the color saturation you want. In CMYK mode, the desired shades are obtained by subtracting colors from white. In this, as in some other editors, you can get the purple color in an even simpler way. Open the picture with the color wheel. Set the RGB mode In the left menu, find the button on which the eyedropper is drawn. Place it at that point on the color wheel, the color you need. You will see one of the squares at the bottom of the side menu turn the same color.