Where to start teaching your child to dance. Stages of preparation for dancing

The brain of a child under 3 years of age is very receptive to information and can assimilate it in sufficient time. large volume. It is at this age that the basis of future intelligence is formed, and the main activity at this stage of development is play.

Children 2 years old are extremely emotional. Movement to music brings them great joy. Their movements are not yet precise and coordinated enough, their sense of balance is poorly developed, therefore the variety of motor exercises is small, and they are all of a playful nature. Therefore, the main task of a teacher working with children 2-3 years old is to conduct classes as interesting as possible in order to awaken children’s interest in dance art. As a result, by the age of 3, the child has a sufficient supply of emotional impressions, an elementary aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness to what is happening, be it a game or a dance, will be formed. The child’s dance activity increases - the child performs simple dances (including dances with attributes, dances in a circle, in a pair, in a round dance, easily gets involved in musical and active games, the child performs actions to music, conveys characteristic movements game characters(fox, hare, bear, cat and so on). The child's first creative expressions appear in movement.

The material should be arranged according to the degree of complexity and gradual transition from play to dance. Children 2-3 years old need to be given much more dance games, with minimal choreography - clapping, stomping, turning. At this age, the task is not to teach a child to dance. It is important to teach, first of all, that children repeat after the teacher, navigate in space, and interact with other children. Also with early age development is important for a dancer musical ear and sense of rhythm. As children grow older, they are given more complex elements both gaming (adding improvisation) and dance (coordination movements).

IN this material contains a large number of dance games, exercises for the development of physical abilities, development of rhythm, musicality, as well as ready-made dance performances.

A teacher working with children of this age must prove himself not only as a teacher-choreographer, but most likely as a storyteller.

For each dance etude and game, you need to come up with a fairy tale or plot that can interest and thus hold the baby’s attention. All dance sketches that the teacher learns with the kids must be offered in game form using famous images(train, airplanes, dolls, bunnies, bears and so on...) and with a plot for better understanding by the child. The movements are taught first by counting, then by music, which is carefully selected and thought out by the teacher. Every word in music must be captured and interpreted into movement: what the child hears is what he conveys with his body.

We teach children to perform basic dance moves:

Various types of hand and knee claps

Half squats with rotation to the right and left

Rocking from leg to leg

Jumping on two legs

Stomp with one foot and alternately

Circling alone and in pairs

Perform exercises with attributes

We teach children to combine dance movements with the rhythm of music

We learn to coordinate movements with text and music

Develop motor qualities and skills: move in accordance with the pronounced character of the music - cheerful, sad, running happily to light music, march energetically

Change movements depending on the nature and tempo of the music

Develop the ability to navigate in space: be able to move in a flock behind adults, form a circle, move a little in a circle, narrow and expand the circle, become pairs in a circle

We introduce children to the perception of musical and rhythmic culture.

Attune to the emotional perception of music

Promote the manifestation of emotional responsiveness to the nature of the dance;

To give an idea of ​​the possibility of facial expressions and gestures for conveying various emotional states.

Encourage children to be creative.

Set to emotional perception music

Learn emotional performance games

Involve kids in story-based musical games

Encourage interest in creativity

Learn to express various emotional states with facial expressions and gestures.

Development of psychomotor abilities:

Develop fine motor skills

Develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance

Develop coordination abilities

What a child should be able to do by the end of the year:


Calm step



Walk on half toes, on heels;

Orientate yourself in space;

Perform smooth and sharp movements with your hands;

Do squats

Perform clapping;

Perform Flashlights

Perform floods

Jump in place

Jumping on two legs.

Perform a straight gallop;

Spin alone and in pairs

Place your foot on your toes and heels;

An additional step to the right - to the left.

Walking in a circle holding hands

Nowadays, thanks to television, dancing has gained considerable popularity. Dancing is good mood, beautiful posture, sense of rhythm. Dancing improves respiratory system, teaches you to appreciate the beauty of art and gain self-confidence.

From our article you will learn how to teach a child to dance to music at home and how to choose a dance direction and a teacher-choreographer for him, and of course we will tell you how to choreograph a dance for children.

What dances do children dance?

Dance styles

There are many dance styles and styles. It is difficult to classify them, since one type is born thanks to another, and the third bears notes of the first. Therefore, it is difficult to decide which style of dance will suit and please your child. The best option will go and watch how children dance in different circles. Perhaps your child will like some kind of dance.

Exist different styles dance, for example:

There are different types of ballet: romantic, modern and classical. But every ballet is based on a dramatic meaning; less often there are productions without a plot. In ballet you need to be an artist, be able to convey the whole gamut of feelings with gestures and movements. Ballet teaches willpower and strengthens the spirit.

Quite interesting folk dances. This includes hopak, krakowiak, belly dancing, and Scottish dancing.

Ballroom dancing, of course, has gained particular popularity. This dance came to us from medieval Europe, when couple dancing was in fashion. Ballroom dancing include: tango, waltz, foxtrot. And Latin American dances: samba, cha-cha-cha, jive, rumba. Many competitions and festivals are held for this type of dance.

This type of dance is very interesting modern dance. This type is very popular. If your child is too energetic and doesn't sit still for a minute, then you should channel all that energy into modern dance.

Answers to parents' questions about dancing for children

How do you know if your child wants to learn to dance? The most important thing for you is to understand whether the child wants to take up dancing or whether his eyes lit up only the first time when he watched the children dance, and by the second lesson he had already lost interest? After all, it is important for you that your child not only develops physically, but also enjoys the activities.

Never drag a child by force. If there is complete trust between you and your child, he will tell you about his desires and preferences.

In which dance school give the child away? Which school to choose to teach your child to dance is up to you to decide. After all, many important factors play here: price, location, class schedule and composition of teachers. Here you must calculate your strengths and capabilities. And of course, do not overload the child, because school program and it takes a lot of energy. Therefore, talk to your child more often, ask, trust. And then there will be complete harmony between you and the child.

How to teach a child to dance?

At what age should a child learn to dance? What kind of dance? Probably the main questions that arise at a certain period in every parent’s life. First, let's decide why we need dancing? Dance is, first of all, plastic, and plastic is always beautiful. The development of coordination, correct posture, dynamic body movements - this and much more is contained in dance. Move then we're all in equally we can. And here experts in this matter will come to our aid: teachers-choreographers. Will they tell us at what age we need to start training? How to teach a child to dance? How to prepare for this type of class? And how not to go wrong with the choice of dance type.

Correct selection dancing for a child

In fact, a child’s interest in dancing can be determined from childhood. You may have noticed that your child at home somehow dances along to the music, “jumping” to the beat. Active children are more active than children with a calm temperament. This means that for active children (meaning, energy surging out of them) you need to choose fast rhythmic dances with a constant change of activity. For calm, measured children, any calm types of dances are suitable, which you will be advised about at any sports school.

Stages of preparation for professional dancing

But how to prepare your child for professional dancing? First, find some simple dance that you can learn with your child yourself.

stage - learning dance movements. The movements may not be complex, but flexible, so that your child moves as much as he can while dancing, otherwise what’s the point? Don’t forget that morning exercises have never harmed anyone, and if you decide to do it seriously dance numbers, then you will simply need it. At this time, the child will warm up all the muscles and the musculoskeletal system will be ready for stress.

stage - learning movements to music. Here the child not only moves, but also learns to perceive rhythm, and this is a necessary component of learning in all areas of knowledge. Experiment with music, first observe your child, what kind of music he likes best, to which he is more willing to move and move forward.

Soon your beloved child will have his own favorite melodies, movements, and rhythms, which he will be happy to demonstrate to his elders. And looking at how your baby dances at home to music, this question of how to teach a child to dance will seem something distant and funny to you.

How to choreograph a dance for children?

WITH early years many children demonstrate excellent musicality. Therefore, very often they dance with pleasure and learn complex movements without much difficulty. But how to put it correctly and beautifully children's dance for a matinee, audition or just a short performance? Almost all parents face this question, because their children attend kindergartens, schools, and special sections, where from time to time the kids need to demonstrate their abilities. Consider age and psychological characteristics children, and also practice a creative approach - as a result, everything will work out!

Children's dance performance

Before choreographing a children's dance on a specific topic, teach your child rhythm. Let the baby move under first simple music, trying to capture the strong and weak share, stop during the end of a melody or pause, slow down or speed up according to the content musical series.

Think about the basic set of dance movements - it should be age-appropriate, not too easy, but not too heavy for the child. At first, it is better to learn the movements separately and without music. Once your child has mastered them, you can turn on the song and try all the movements you taught earlier.

If your child has any suggestions during the dance, listen to the child’s opinion - let him take a direct part in creating the performance.

Do not break up the dance and do not rehearse it in parts, starting from simple to complex. It’s better to start with the first episode, gradually moving towards the end.

Explain to your child that beautiful dance must be performed correctly and accurately from beginning to end. Very often children get tired by the end, and the performance does not look as spectacular as at the very beginning.

Let the dance not be too long if there are no time restrictions for staging. It is better to perform a dance for 1 minute and do it well than to stage a large-scale and complex 5-minute number that the child will not be able to learn.

Take care of the costume for your baby, taking into account the theme of the dance. The child will be happy to play the role entrusted to him if he likes the attire. There is no need to make dance costumes tight and complicated, since the child should move freely during the performance.

We hope that our tips will help you create a routine that will make your young dancer look great!

Dancing is a fun and positive activity that has absolutely no age restrictions. Already in the first year of their lives, babies make their first dance moves to the music - clapping, squatting, stomping their feet. As children grow older and develop motor skills, they are able to master increasingly complex elements of dance, but to do this they need the help and support of their parents.

Stimulating the desire to dance

Having noticed a preschooler’s interest in dancing, mothers and fathers try to develop it and, as a rule, enroll the child in classes at dance studios. Moreover, many parents simply do not know how to teach their child to dance at home, so they prefer to leave him in the hands of experienced trainers. This decision is logical and rational if you want to “grow” your child into a professional dancer. In most cases, namely for general development and just for fun, classes with a child 3-6 years old can be done at home.

Parents need to remember and understand that dance is, first of all, a way of self-expression. Free impromptu dance reflects a person’s character traits and temperament. Each child dances in his own way: some jump rhythmically to the beat of the music, some modestly shift from foot to foot, and some demonstrate original movements. The task of parents is not to “reshape” their child’s dancing style, but to help him develop his potential and liberate himself, if necessary.

Moms and dads don’t need to have classes with their baby on a schedule—the beauty of home dancing is that you can do it at any time. If you heard a rhythmic song on the radio - dance, clean your house to the music - find time to dance. With a child of 3-4 years old, it is not even necessary to learn specific dances, because... at this age it is enough to simply develop general musicality, plasticity and a sense of rhythm.

It is very important to make a choice musical material, which stimulates the child's desire to dance. Observe your baby’s reaction to individual songs - some compositions will make him sad, while others will lift him up from his seat and make him dance.

From simple to complex

Preschoolers absorb incoming information at an incredible rate, so don't be surprised if you see your little one painstakingly copying dance moves from a recent video clip. Children are open to new knowledge and skills, but mastering them will take some time. If a child cannot reproduce the dance he likes, he must be supported and helped learn the movements. This should be done gradually, without pushing and, especially, without criticizing the baby.

Some parents are in a hurry to immediately choose a dance style suitable for their child. Moreover, the decisive factor usually becomes the personal preferences of the mother and father, and not the desire of the baby. It is important to understand here that dancing is creativity and a way of self-expression, so the right to choose still belongs to the child himself. Perhaps the child does not want to limit himself to one style at all and dances, rather, for pleasure, rather than to achieve a certain result.

The process of teaching a child to dance should be exciting, presented in a playful way. You can start with improvisations - just turn on the music, dance yourself and invite your baby to join you. Already at this stage, it is possible to assess the general potential of the preschooler, as well as the degree of his enthusiasm and sense of rhythm. Gradually move on to learning easy dance moves:

  • turns;
  • jumping;
  • Steps;
  • clapping hands;
  • floods;
  • rocking from side to side.

For an adult, such elements seem very simple, but children aged 3-4 years have to work hard to perform them correctly. Be sure to demonstrate all the movements yourself and encourage your baby, even if he is not entirely confident in performing them.

Gradually begin to “link” individual elements into a dance - combine them using stomps and claps as transitions. Learning even such easy dances develops the child’s attentiveness, memory and coordination, which is very important in preschool age. The main thing is not to focus on the quality of movements and let your baby enjoy the process.

And a few more tips for parents helping their child learn to dance:

  • Support your child in dancing. Give compliments, praise, but do not overdo it - a few words of praise will be enough to cheer up the baby.
  • Choose dances that suit your child's temperament. Active and restless children find it difficult to concentrate while performing a waltz, while calm and relaxed children have a hard time active dancing.
  • Instill a love for music. If a child likes music, then it will be easier for him to dance - a sense of rhythm and musical mood greatly facilitate the learning process.
  • Organize home discos. Some children, even having excellent dancing abilities, are simply embarrassed to dance. In this case, you need to help them overcome their modesty and liberate themselves. And this can be done with the help of home discos, where the baby will feel calmer and more confident.

Over time, parents will decide for themselves whether it is worth doing this at all. Perhaps the child will not want to go to classes in dance studio, but will happily dance at home when he hears his favorite song. The main thing is that when making a decision, the wishes of the child himself must be taken into account.

Does your baby love to dance? Does he usually dance at home, or have you enrolled him in a dance studio? How do you think you can teach a child to dance on your own?

Music and dance contain the mysterious harmony of life, which heals the soul and makes people more balanced. A child should be accustomed to music from an early age (listen to beautiful melodies during pregnancy), and after birth, lull him to sleep with measured lullabies. But when can you start learning? simple dances? At what age can a baby feel the beat and begin to move in the same rhythm with the music?

It turns out that it’s too late to teach a child to dance at the age of 5, even sending him to the most professional studio in the city: training should begin from the moment the child stood on his feet and clapped his hands for the first time, smiling at the flow sounding music. And he needs to be accustomed to the rhythm of the dance even earlier:

  • 6 months-1.5 years: take the baby in your arms (don’t forget to read: ), turn on beautiful music and begin to dance carefully, measuredly, smoothly, shaking your head and smiling at him; soon you will notice that the child likes it: he himself will ask you to repeat it again and again;
  • 1.5-3 years: the baby is already standing on his own legs, so you can take him by the hand and do simple dance steps with him;
  • 3-5 years: even if you have already sent your little one to a dance school, organize unique dance “parties” for him at home, where he will be relaxed, not constrained by the rules and will be in free dance create more natural, own movements.

Let your child learn to feel music from a very early age and develop the harmony of his movements: the more successful he will be in dancing in the future.

Teaching children to dance: what music to?

What music should you choose for your first dance lessons at home?

  • Firstly, the music should be cheerful and fiery, and for this, children's songs from cartoons, which can be bought on disk or downloaded from the Internet, or Russian folk dances are ideal.
  • Secondly, it wouldn’t hurt to accustom your baby to the classics, which will calm him down before bed, which is especially important for parents who don’t know how, and will instill in him a sense of beauty.
  • Thirdly, you should not play modern heavy melodies for dancing: he will not learn any harmony from it, but will only be overexcited.
  • Fourthly, make sure that the music is not too loud: it should not damage the baby’s hearing.

The last thing you need to learn for home dance lessons is a set of simple movements that you will learn with your little dancer.

Dance training: first movements

The movements that you will teach your baby should be elementary, because the main task- teach the child to feel the music, and not to perform the most difficult steps. Teach him:

  • bob your head to the beat of the music;
  • clap your hands without disturbing the sounding rhythm;
  • jumping up and down - this will be his first “little sparrow” dance;
  • remember the simplest sequence of movements: 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, 2 steps to the side;
  • gradually complicate the movements: combine steps, claps, shoulder movements;
  • move in a round dance;
  • dance in pairs with you, your favorite toy or another child (brother, sister).

Make sure that the child does not get too dizzy while dancing: he may become dizzy and disoriented in space, which can lead to impaired coordination of movements.

By following these simple recommendations, you will soon see for yourself how the child’s movements become more and more harmonious, smooth, beautiful, and most importantly - in time with the music. You will give your child great pleasure and very soon you will be able to send him to dance training in one of the professional children's studios.

Find interesting activity for a child - a daily task for any good mother. The toys are boring, the construction set is abandoned, the weather is too bad for walks. What to do with your child?

All children, without exception, feel music and rhythm, but they still have to learn to dance. In addition to the fact that it is very fun and exciting, the baby will get a lot of benefits from dance lessons:

— dance develops coordination and gross motor skills;

— dance develops the child’s collective and individual thinking;

— dance develops independence;

- dance raises the child’s emotionality new level development;

— dance develops a sense of music and imaginative thinking.

Dance classes for children at home are available from 2-3 years old. At this age, you can already create plots for them and compose movements. To help parents, there are a variety of children's songs with the movements already described. For example, songs from the collection “Songs with Mom” by Zheleznova provide an opportunity for even one-year-old babies to get involved in dance and music.

Before you teach your child to dance, find a few simple dance sequences that you can learn with your baby without musical accompaniment. Place the child opposite, pronounce the movements and immediately demonstrate them. For example:

Back two steps, forward two steps, spin around!

They stamped their feet and clapped their hands!

They moved their shoulders and jumped!

Thus, the child will learn to alternate movements in time and remember them. Repeat these simple steps until your child gets bored. If your baby doesn’t want to dance from the very beginning, don’t stop practicing. Make the moves yourself, cheerfully and cheerfully. Let the child understand that dancing brings pleasure and no one is forcing him. As soon as things get better, gradually increase the tempo of the dance until the movements are fine-tuned to the point of automaticity.

After this, you can start dancing with music:

- Prepare a cheerful and playful song and invite your child to dance.

- Make something like a train with your baby, he will be the trailer;

- Let the baby repeat simple movements after you - squats, claps, turns, jumps, run like a train around the room and return to repeating the movements again.

Children's dances for children

Now you can move on to developing individual movements.

1. Jump-jump dance.

Jumping is a very energetic movement, but babies learn it much later than walking and running, because jumping requires maximum concentration and good coordination from them in order to push off the floor with their feet and maintain balance when landing. Don’t forget that the music for such lessons should be rhythmic and playful, so he himself will start tapping his feet. Take your baby by both hands and jump to the music. Gradually release him from support. First remove one hand, then both. Very soon the baby will begin to jump without any help at the first sounds of a familiar cheerful song. Come up with a funny dance story for him, for example, tell him that this is how sparrows dance on branches when they wake up in the morning. Of course, you shouldn’t expect your child to have coordinated movements and completely fall into the rhythm. The main thing is that the child receives a charge of vivacity and positive emotions from the movement, and everything else will follow.

2. Blizzard

Who among us did not dream of learning to fly as a child? This simple dance of snowflakes will give your little dreamer that cherished feeling of flight. Find a smooth one instrumental music without a clearly defined rhythm. Spread your arms, you can take a light silk ribbon in your palms to create the effect of flight, and fly in a circle around the room, or throughout the apartment. Your baby will watch you and soon want to find out how fun it is? Run around the apartment, run into rooms, and there you can easily spin around in place. Running, strictly speaking, is also useful as a separate physical exercise, and circling and turning further develop coordination and flexibility. The child feels his body and the surrounding space in a completely new way. A couple of workouts and the child’s arms and legs move harmoniously and to the music. It turns out to be a real dance.

3. Round dance

Dancing with friends is even more fun. Such a simple dance as a round dance will teach a child to coordinate his movements with other little dancers, to work in a group and to music. Kids dance it easily and with great pleasure. Another undeniable advantage of round dancing is that, along with its simplicity, it is also very visual. Children look at their neighbors in a circle and see all the necessary movements. The collective social involvement of the baby is also important - every participant will be infected with fun from the first two or three circles. A round dance will help you relax, join the team, you can forget about shyness and timidity, but there is nothing to say about the development of gross motor skills and motor memory. Everyone knows the old motif about the loaf. But you can come up with any simple poems; you don’t have to be a poet to do this.

By the way, large team in the first stages it is not necessary. You can do a round dance with your mother. The main thing is to instill in the child the ability to obey collective rules, alternate movements with an eye on the leader’s commands. Fun will be in full swing when the baby starts clapping his hands, stomping his feet and repeating all the movements after his mother. By the way, if you decide to come up with the text for the round dance yourself, you can take into account topics that are interesting for your child with educational purpose. Come up with a poem where you focus on positive sides obedience, or for food.

4. Dancing with toys

A child's imagination truly knows no limits. Choose your favorites to dance Stuffed Toys baby, turn it on cheerful music, and we try to control them as if the toys themselves were dancing. They can dance on a table, on a chair, or on a sofa. When a child cannot yet properly coordinate his movements, and good result I want to see him, let his favorite soft friends dance for him. This will amuse the baby and provide food for new fairy-tale fantasies.

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