Summary of GCD using EOR “On a visit to music. Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (music) using ICT "Merry Orchestra"

Integrated play activity with children 4-5 years old “Fun Journey”

Let me present you with a summary of the educational activity “Happy Journey” in middle group with elements of logorhythmics and the use of didactic games. During the lesson, musical and sensory abilities are developed in a playful way.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Happy Journey”

Target: formation of motor skills and abilities, development of musical and sensory abilities of children.


1. Developmental:

Develop auditory attention, memory, visual-spatial orientation, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm;

Develop a sense of color, the ability to name and recognize primary colors;

Develop tactile sensations.

2. Educational:

Enrich children with musical impressions, develop their sensory musical abilities: timbre, modal-pitch, dynamic, rhythmic hearing;

Strengthen children's ability to change movements in accordance with the form of a piece of music.

3. Educational:

Cultivate friendly relationships in the children's team.

Game material: a house, toys Hare and Cockerel, a cube on the sides of which various animals are depicted, a cube with images of musical instruments, musical instruments(tambourine, pipe, drum, rattle, bell, metallophone), a basin of water, nesting dolls in different sundresses (patchwork dolls worn on the hand), a plane tree, Aunt Matryoshka’s house.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall to a recording of E. Grieg’s play “Morning” ( classical music for children “Music about nature)

Musical director:

Children, what do you say when you come to visit? (children's answer)

I also say hello everywhere - at home and on the street,

I even say “Hello” to a familiar chicken.

Let's say hello with me.

Pronounce the text while performing the movements:

Hello, golden sun - raised arms crossed, fingers spread

Hello, the sky is blue - arms raised, palms open up

Hello, free breeze, - swinging arms above

Hello, little oak - hands on the right, one higher, the other lower, palms open upward

We live in our native land - spread your arms to the sides

I greet you all! - wave your arms above your head

Musical director:

Guys, do you like to visit?

Children: Yes, we love it!

Musical director:

Today we will go to visit Aunt Matryosha!

The path will not be close, so it doesn’t matter!

We have fun with music, it’s always good!

Music will help us run, ride and walk together.

And for auntie we’ll collect a gift, we’ll take a down shawl in a bag,

So that her scarf will warm her on a winter evening!

(Takes a bag with a shawl and hangs it over his shoulder)

Well, are you ready to hit the road? Let's walk together in step,

A cheerful march will help us and a cheerful one...

Children: Drum!

Sounds like "March" wooden soldiers P.I. Tchaikovsky. The music director taps the rhythm of the music on the drum. Children walk in a circle. In the middle part of the march, they tap the rhythm with their fingers, then imitate playing the trumpet.

Musical director:

The path breaks down here, we'll ride a little.

Everyone stand behind me, turn behind each other!

I am your new locomotive, it doesn’t matter that there are no wheels!

Let's go in clomping steps, there's a carriage behind the trailer.

To the music “We are going, going, going” by M. Starokadomsky, children move with a stomping step behind the leader, imitating the movements of the wheels with their hands. For the chorus, they will perform the following movements: three claps on the right, three claps on the left, clench and unclench their fists - 4 times, show a “tail” with their hands from behind, show a “dog” stance, show “wings” - 4 times, wave their palms in front of them - 4 times, bend forward with arms out to the sides - 2 times.

Musical director:

Here is the stop - the village of Sosnovka.

What's happened? What kind of miracle? Where did the house come from here?

How many of you guys know who lives in that house?

(children express their guesses)

Well, we won’t guess, we can just go ahead and knock.

(knocks on the door, shows Bunny)

This house is on the edge of the forest, the house of the Long Bunny.

The bunny looks out the window: is anyone coming to visit?

Various little animals come to visit the bunny's hut!

Do you want to know who is in a hurry to visit the bunny?

Children: Yes!

Musical director:

I have a funny cube, it will help us find out who is in a hurry to visit the bunny.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, to the cheerful music “Oh, you canopy,” they pass the cube to each other with the words:

You run, funny cube, across your palms, through your arms.

Whoever has a funny cube will show us...

The child who has the cube throws it on the floor in the center of the circle. The teacher asks who is depicted on the top edge of the cube. The children answer. Then the children must depict the image and habits of the depicted animal.

Musical director:

The bunny was glad that so many guests came to him, and danced in the clearing. Let's play with the bunny too.

Game “Hares and the Breeze”, I. Bodrachenko, “Musical games in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old”

Musical director:

We played with the bunny, but it’s time for us to hit the road again.

Children: On horses!

Musical director:

That's right, on horses, like brave riders!

The play "Bold Rider" is played. Children gallop straight in a circle. In the middle part they stop and hit with their “hoof” on the spot.

Musical director:

We galloped to magic meadow! (turn on a recording of the murmur of a brook, put a basin of water)

And here a cheerful stream gurgles.

We'll sit down on the bank and let our legs rest.

Here clear water, look everything here!

Splashes fly to the sides, everyone is happy to splash!

Let's splash our hands in the water! (children splashing in the water)

Musical director:

What kind of water? (children name the properties of water (wet, warm, pouring, murmuring)

All we have to do is run a little along the path.

Part 1 of “Italian Polka” by S. Rachmaninoff is playing. Children perform light running on their toes.

Musical director:

And here is my aunt’s yard.

Finger game "House"

There is a house on the edge of the house - put your palms over your head.

There is a lock on the door - close your palms.

There is a table behind the doors - set it right palm left hand fist.

There is a picket fence around the house - spread your fingers in front of you.

Knock-knock-knock open the door - knock on your palms with your fists.

Come in - I'm not evil - open your arms to the sides, inviting everyone to visit. (Aunt Matryosha, a teacher in a Russian sundress, comes out)

Integration educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Develop free communication with adults and children in the field of music. Continue to teach children to draw simple conclusions and express their thoughts. Improve the ability to speak out about the content of music by sharing your impressions. To teach independent judgment. Develop attention and observation. Strengthen children's ability to act independently in music games and dancing.

Cognitive development.

Expand your horizons in the field of music. Develop imagination and creative activity. Continue to introduce the work of composers D. Shostakovich, G. Sviridov, B. Kabalevsky. Continue to teach children to distinguish the genre of a piece of music: march, song, dance. Recognize and name familiar works.

Speech development.

Develop speech as a means of communication and culture. Activate vocabulary on the topic, develop skills in children’s active use of all parts of speech. Improve dialogue skills and the ability to answer questions. Enrich your active vocabulary with words: “dove,” “twilight.” Practice diction, correctly pronounce the words: “frowns”, “clashes”, “tin”, “bottom”, “necks”, “dries”, “embroidered”. Work on diction and articulation.

Physical development.

Develop children's motor experience, physical qualities - coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills; attention, ability to navigate in space, follow the rules of the game. Move in accordance with the nature of the music, perform movements with and without objects. Improve the execution of hops, jumps on two legs with forward movement, waddling, step on the entire foot with forward and backward movement.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Promote the development of musical-sensory and creativity(song creativity). Foster a desire to engage in music and activities. Enrich musical impressions and motor experience. Develop emotional responsiveness, perception and understanding of works musical art, folklore.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning songs and dances;
  • Individual work with children.

Methods and techniques:

  • practical: game with healing massage;
  • visual: viewing, showing;
  • verbal: story and questions from the music director, situational conversation.

Musical repertoire:

Hearing:“March” by D. Shostakovich, “Lullaby” by G. Sviridov,

"Waltz" by D. Kabalevsky

Song – chant with wellness massage “ Good morning» O. Arsenevskaya

Chanting:“Chicks, chicks” r. n. m., “Drum” by E. Tilicheeva, “Trumpet” by E. Tilicheeva

Singing:“It will rain down the street” by V. Shainsky, “At the cinema” by E. Tilicheeva

A game:“Game with a tambourine” in Ukrainian. n. m.

Exercises:“The Bunnies are Jumping”, “The Bears Are Coming”, b. n. m., arr. T. Lomovoy

Round dance game "Raven" b. n. m., arr. E. Tilicheeva

Dance “Circle Polka” J. Ozolin

Playing the metallophone:“Rain” by E. Tilicheeva

Material and equipment:

Laptop, projector, interactive board, phonograms of works;

video presentation, musical instruments: tambourine, piano.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Musical 1. Listening musical pieces“March” by D. Shostakovich, “Lullaby” by G. Sviridov,

“Waltz” by D. Kabalevsky.

Target: Improve children’s ability to respond emotionally to music, verbally express their attitude towards it, the ability to maintain a conversation, answer questions; continue to teach children to distinguish the genre of a piece of music: march, song, dance. Recognize and name familiar works.

2. Performance of songs:

Chanting: “Chiki, chikalochki” r.n.m., “Drum” by E. Tilicheeva, “Trumpet” by E. Tilicheeva

Target: Sing chants, purely intoning intervals, expressively, with a light sound, clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words.

Singing: “It will rain down the street” by V. Shainsky, “At the cinema” by E. Tilicheeva

Target: To consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce words in songs, sing expressively, start and finish singing in a timely manner, and convey the melody correctly.

3. Rhythm and dancing:

Musical game “Game with a tambourine” in Ukrainian. n. m.;

Round dance game "Raven" b. n. m., arr. E. Tilicheeva;

Dance “Circle Polka” J. Ozolin

Target: Move expressively and rhythmically in response to the varied character of the music, musical images; start moving independently after the musical introduction. Improve the execution of a step on the entire foot, moving forward and backward, the ability to expand and narrow the circle. Fulfill dance moves: hopping, putting the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stamping, circling while running lightly, stepping on the entire foot moving forward and backward.

Strengthen children's ability to act independently in musical games and dances.

4. Playing the metallophone “Rain” by E. Tilicheeva.

Target: Continue to teach how to play simple melodies on the metallophone one at a time.

Motor 1.Motor exercise “Bunnies are jumping”, “Bears are coming”

Target: Improve the execution of jumping on two legs with forward movement, waddling, step on the entire foot with forward and backward movement.

2. Physical education lesson “Rain! Rain!"

Target: Develop motor activity, emotionality, expressiveness of movements.

Communicative 1. Counting table “Do, re, mi...”. Target: Develop general speech skills, clear and correct pronunciation.
Gaming 1. Speech game - chant with a wellness massage “Good morning”.

Target: develop attention, quick reaction to changes in movements and gestures, clear diction. 2. Musical game “Game with a tambourine”; 3. Round dance game “Raven” Target: Strengthen children’s ability to act independently in musical games and dances.

Perception fiction and folklore 1. Counting table “Do, re, mi...”.

Target: Replenish your literary luggage with rhyming rhymes,

Logics educational activities

Activities of a music director Pupils' activities Expected results
1 . Meets children in the music room. They come into music hall jump up and stand in a circle. The execution of the step-hop is improved.

Song – chant with wellness massage “Good morning” I'm very glad to see you. The weather is so wonderful today! The sun is shining! I just want to wish everyone: “Good morning!” 1.Good morning!

Smile soon!

And today all day

It will be more fun.

2. We will stroke the forehead,

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful

Like flowers in the garden!

3. Let's rub our palms

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

They perform the chant, accompanying the singing with appropriate movements:

They spread their arms to the sides and bow slightly to each other.

They clap their hands.

Raise your hands up

perform movements according to the text.

Perform head tilts to the right and left shoulders in turn.

Perform movements according to the text.

They take their seats.

Attention develops, a quick reaction to changes in movements and gestures, and clear diction.
3 .

Musical greeting. Slide 1.

Let's imagine. That you and I are residents of a fairy tale music country"Merry notes." Our country is a big, beautiful island where everyone loves music very much. The inhabitants of this island are musical and love to sing. Early in the morning, when the sun rises, the notes come out of their houses. When they meet on the street, they greet each other with a song. Like this (sings): “Hello!” Let me greet you like this too. How the notes greet each other (sings): “Hello, guys!” And you also say hello to me.

Children sing greeting one at a time and all together.

Chanting “Chicks, Chicks”

After greeting each other, the notes talk about latest news. One note has this news:

So Kolya rode on a stick, and took Sashenka with him and put her on the cart. Let's sing a song about this too.

They sing the song, purely intoning the m3 down, expressively, with a light sound. The ability to sing a song develops, clearly intoning intervals, expressively, with a light sound, clearly, correctly, and clearly pronouncing the words.

Chanting "Drum"

The second note reported another news:

They bought her a drum. And now we will sing a familiar song about a drum.

The chant is sung energetically, expressively, with a clean intoning of the melody (ch4 up, m2 up and down). The ability to sing a song develops, clearly intoning intervals, expressively, energetically, clearly, correctly, and clearly pronouncing words.

Chanting "Trumpet"

And the third note had no news and simply decided to blow the trumpet.

Like this: Tu-ru-ru, tu-ru-ru! Let's help the note.

They sing the song clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words, purely intoning the melody (ch4 up, b3 up and m3 down), helping with a hand gesture to feel the movement of the melody. The ability to sing a song clearly, correctly, clearly pronouncing the words, and purely intoning the melody develops.

Listening to "March"

Our big, beautiful music island holding three whales. Now I’m going to tell you musical riddles, and if you guess them, you’ll find out the names of these whales. This is the name of the first whale.

That's right, the first whale's name is Marsh. How did you determine that this was a march?

Yes, the music is clear, upbeat, and you can march to it.

They find out and call the march. Answer questions. Children's ability to distinguish between the genre of a piece of music - march - is improved; respond emotionally to music, speak out on the content of the music, sharing your impressions;
8. Listening to "Lullaby" Listen to the second one musical riddle. Slide7. That's right, the second whale's name is Song. What song was played? That's right, it's a lullaby. How did you determine this? (Children's answers). Yes, the music is affectionate, gentle, quiet. They find out and name the song. Answer questions. Children's ability to distinguish between the genre of a piece of music - a song - is improved; respond emotionally to music, sharing your impressions;

anwser the questions; recognize and name familiar works.

9. Listening to "Waltz" Now it’s the turn of the third whale.

That's right, the third whale's name is Dance. Who can say what dance was performed?

Yes, this is a waltz - a smooth dance that is danced in circles.

They recognize and name the dance. Answer questions. Children’s ability to distinguish between the genre of a piece of music—dance—is improved; respond emotionally to music, sharing your impressions;

anwser the questions; recognize and name familiar works.


Singing "It's Raining Down the Street"

During the day, when the sun is at its zenith, our notes begin to sing their songs. Even when the weather is bad outside, the notes do not lose heart. They go out for a walk with umbrellas and sing a song about rain, for example, this one (plays the melody of a familiar song). Who knows what song this is? Right. Let's sing it.

Answer questions.

They sing expressively, pronounce words clearly, start and finish singing in a timely manner, and convey the melody correctly.

The ability to clearly pronounce words in a song is consolidated: “frowns”, “clashes”, “tin”, “bottom”, “necks”, “dries up”, “embroidered”; diction is being practiced. Children’s ability to sing expressively, start and finish singing in a timely manner, and convey the melody correctly is improved.

Physical education lesson “Rain! Rain!"

Rain! Rain! We need

Go home!

Thunder! Thunder like cannons.

Today is a holiday for frogs.

Hail! Hail! Hail is pouring down

Everyone is sitting under roofs.

Only my brother is in a puddle

He catches fish for our dinner.

Perform physical education.

They walk in place.

They jump on the spot.

They clap their hands.

They walk in place.

Motor activity, emotionality, and expressiveness of movements develop.

Playing the metallophone “Rain”

Notchs like to walk in the rain. They even call him to go harder, saying: “Rain, rain, more.” I suggest we call for rain by singing and playing this song on a metallophone.

If desired, play a song on the metallophone. The ability to play simple melodies one at a time on a metallophone is developed.

Slide 9. Singing "At the Movies"

In the evening, notes like to go to the cinema. They run very fast, because they are afraid of being late, and they sing this song (the intro plays), sing along to the notes. Tell me, what character does the music of this song convey? That's right, the music is alarming, fast, excited. After all, the notes are afraid of being late for the start of the session.

But the notes don't always work in movies. Sometimes they just go out into a large area and start different games, for example, they love playing with a tambourine. Do you want to play it? Then stand in a circle.

They recognize a song by its introduction, sing expressively, conveying character, pronounce words clearly, start and finish singing in a timely manner, and convey the melody correctly.

Answer questions about the nature of the song.

They stand in a circle.

The ability to clearly pronounce words in songs, sing expressively, conveying the character of the song, start and finish singing in a timely manner, and convey the melody correctly is consolidated.

Counting book "Do, re, mi..."

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si –

We're playing, you drive!

They learn the counting rhyme and choose the leader of the counting rhyme. The literary stock is replenished with counting rhymes.
15. Game "Game with a tambourine" They play, moving in accordance with the nature of the music, perform movements with an object (tambourine), acting independently. The ability of children to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to perform movements with an object (tambourine), and to act independently in the game is consolidated.

Exercise “Bunnies are jumping”

In their games, notes like to depict various animals and birds.

Here come the mischievous bunnies.

They imitate the movements of bunnies by hopping on two legs. Children's motor experience accumulates, coordination of movements, attention, and ability to navigate in space develop. The execution of jumps on two legs with forward movement is improved. waddle walk, step on the entire foot moving forward and backward.

Exercise “The Bears Are Coming”

Here come the clubfooted bears.

They imitate the movements of bears by waddling. Children's motor experience accumulates, coordination of movements, attention, and ability to navigate in space develop. The performance of waddle walking is improved.

Round dance game "Raven"

Here on the mountain, on a tall oak tree, a raven in red boots flew.

They play the game, moving in accordance with the dance character of the music and convey the content of the lyrics of the song. Children’s ability to move in accordance with the dance character of the music, to convey the content of the song text through movement is improved; performing a step on the entire foot with movement forward and backward, the ability to expand and narrow the circle.

Dance "Circle Polka"

Having played enough, the notes begin to dance.

They dance by performing dance movements: jumping, placing the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stamping. Circling while running lightly, stepping on the entire foot moving forward and backward. Children’s ability to expand and narrow the circle is improved; perform dance movements: jumping, placing the foot forward on the heel, clapping and stamping, spinning while running lightly, stepping on the entire foot moving forward and backward.

When night falls and they appear in the sky bright stars, the notes say goodbye to each other until tomorrow and sing to each other farewell words, like this: “Goodbye!” And you say goodbye to notes.

They sing: “Goodbye!” Song creativity is developing.


So you and I learned about the magical island where cheerful notes live.

What new have you learned?

What did you find interesting?

What did you like, what do you remember?

If you want. We'll be there again and again.

They answer questions and share their impressions. They say goodbye and leave the hall. The ability to maintain a dialogue and answer questions develops. A background of positive emotional satisfaction from GCD has been created.

Author's material for music directors. Summary of an open competitive lesson in senior group Preschool educational institutions using health-saving technologies. There are applications from which you can create a multimedia presentation for your lesson. This lesson took first place in the competition.



Abstract of GCD in music

"Journey to the Magic Islands"

View: thematic gcd

Subject: "Journey to the Magic Islands"

Type: activity - travel

Age group: senior group

Tasks :


  • Create conditions for the development of: feelings of metrorhythmic pulsation; modal feeling; pitch and intonation hearing; articulatory motor skills; diction; singing and speech breathing; attention; coordination; memory; auditory, creative imagination and associative thinking;


  • learn to distinguish different types of music;
  • encourage children to be creative through songwriting;
  • reveal the concept of “vocal cords”;
  • promote the formation vocabulary emotions and feelings.


  • foster a culture of listening;
  • to cultivate a subjective-value attitude towards art

Methods: visual, practical, verbal, playful.

Techniques: explanation, conversation, demonstration.

Technical training aids:sound, visual.

Pedagogical technologies:humane-personal, gaming, RTV.

Equipment: multimedia installation, map of magical islands, children's musical instruments, colorful cards " Color palette", portrait of composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, multi-colored notes, ruler with thread for experiment, balloon, pin, note with a chant.


  1. Valeological chant “Hello.”
  2. Articulation exercise “Hide the candy.”
  3. Musical and active imagination game “Underwater inhabitants”
  4. Musically didactic game“Guess what I’m playing.”
  5. Orchestra "Wave".
  6. General dance "Barbariki".
  7. Breathing exercises “Candle”.
  8. “Autumn Song” by P.I. Chaikovsky.
  9. “Neapolitan Song” by P.I. Chaikovsky.
  10. "Funny song".

Progress of the lesson

Musical director:

Guys, today this musical meeting, we will spend it together. My name is Tatyana Yuryevna.

Let's say hello in an unusual way, repeat after me:

Valeological chant “Hello!”

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, light breeze,

Hello, little oak tree.

Hello morning! Hello day!

We are not too lazy to say hello!


I invite you to take a trip to the magical islands. Do you love to travel?

And for our magical journey to begin, I will treat you to invisible magic candies and we will all become wizards too. Get your tongue ready, I'm throwing candy. Catch it!

Articulation exercise “Hide the candy”

Once - I see candy behind my right cheek.Children hide their tongue behind their right cheek

Two - I see candy behind my left cheek.Children hide their tongue behind their left cheek

Three - I don’t see any candy!Children open their mouths wide

We treated ourselves to some candy,Children lick their lips

And they turned into wizards.

It's time for us to hit the road.

SLIDE No. 1 MAP OF THE ISLANDS (see Appendix No. 1)

You and I will travel along this map.

(Draws attention to the map with magical islands, looks at it with the children).But how do we get to the first island?

(Children's answers)

Guys, we are wizards and we can turn into whoever we want. Let us turn into underwater inhabitants and get to the island. Under beautiful music you will swim, and as soon as the music stops, you must also freeze in the pose of an underwater inhabitant and tell me who you have turned into.

One, two, three turn around -

Let the magic begin!!

Musical and active imagination game

"Underwater inhabitants"

(Children move to the music, depicting underwater inhabitants. When the music ends, they tell who they are depicting.)

The music director turns on the music again and invites the children to “float” onto their chairs

SLIDE No. 2 “ISLAND OF MAGICAL SOUNDS” (see Appendix No. 2)

Musical director:

Well, here we are on the first island of “Magic Sounds”. Look at the unusual trees on this island. Who lives here?

(Children look at images of the island and see that the trees are in the form of musical instruments)

Musical director:

Yes, judging by the trees, this is an island of musical instruments. Now we will guess what musical instruments live on this island.

There is a musical and didactic game “Guess what I’m playing”

(The music director takes turns playing musical instruments hidden behind a screen, and the children must guess which instrument sounds).

Musical director:

Great, guys, well done, you guessed all the instruments.

Now let’s take all the tools

We'll start playing with them.

You look at me

I will be the conductor.

I just wave my hand,

I'll revive the tools.

As soon as I wave higher, you play louder,

I'll just wave it lower

You play more quietly.

General orchestra "Volna"

Musical director:

A wave floats towards the shore,Children play musical instruments

And behind her is another one. instruments.

This one is higher, they play louder.

This one is below, They play quietly.

This one is not visible at all. They fall silent.

A terrible storm broke outChildren play loudly

And then everything is quieter, quieter.Children play more quietly.

And the wave is getting lower and lower. They fall silent.

Musical director:

Well done boys! Before a terrible storm breaks out again, let’s quickly hide the musical instruments and go to the next magical island, which is called “Harmony”. And we can only get there with the help of fun magic dance. You are ready?

(Children's answers)

The general dance “Barbariki” is performed

Musical director:

Guys, this cheerful dance lit a hot fire in us. Let us put out this fire as soon as possible so as not to burn out completely.

Breathing exercises “Candle”

SLIDE No. 3 ISLAND “HARMONY” (see Appendix No. 3)

Musical director:

Children, look how interesting this island “Harmony” is.

(Children, together with the music director, look at the island. It is divided in half - one half is painted in cold colors, and the other in warm ones.)

Musical director:

Look, the cat Major lives on one half -

He best friend Guys.

He always brings with him

A smile, a joke, laughter,

And if you're friends with him

Then success awaits you!

And on the other half lives the cat Minor -

Laughter is not his way,

He values ​​sadness.

Loves to shed tears while sighing

And he offers us:

Let's be sad together

What he doesn’t know about himself!

Children, let's say hello to the cat Major and the cat Minor. But in such a way as not to offend either one or the other.

(Children sing the word “Hello” in major and minor modes)

Guys, cat Minor has one favorite musical composition, I’ll perform it for you now.

“Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Why do you think this is Minor’s favorite music, what is its character?

(Children's answers: she is sad, despondent, gloomy)

Yes, guys, I completely agree with you. This piece is called "Autumn Song". What colors would you choose to paint this music?

(Children's answers. Children choose a color palette)

Now let's listen favorite piece cat Major.

Musical director performs

“Neapolitan Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky

This piece of music is called "Neapolitan Song". What is the nature of this music?(Children’s answers: cheerful, active)

What colors would you choose to paint this music?(Children's answers. Children choose a color palette).

Yes, guys, what different music! I'll tell you one secret - this different music written by the same person. What is the name of the person who composes music?(Children's answers: Composer). So, this music was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.(The music director shows a portrait of the composer).You will hear the music of this composer more than once and see his portrait because he wrote a lot of music for children. He has an album with musical works written for children, it’s called “ Children's album" So what is the name of this composer?(Children's answers).

Well, guys, it’s time for us to set off further towards the uncharted islands.

And we will get to another island only when we complete the next task.

You need to find something transparent and airy, use something sharp, take out what is there and read it out loud.

(Children complete the task: find a balloon and pierce the balloon with a pin, take out a note with a chant and loudly repeat after the music director)

I want to become a Domisolka,

I sing songs loudly!

SLIDE No. 4 DOMISOLKA ISLAND (see Appendix No. 4)

Musical director:

Here we are on the Domisolka island. There are cheerful notes on this island. Guys, if you put the notes together, what do you get?

(Children's answers: song). Do you like to sing songs?(Children's answers). Do you know that our vocal cords help us sing songs and talk?

Material: ruler with a thin thread stretched.

Progress of the experiment:

The guys put their hand to their throat, pronounce the word in a whisper, then very loudly and explain what they felt with their hand. Quiet - there was no trembling, loud - there was trembling. The teacher talks about the vocal cords, comparing them to a thin thread. Next, an experiment is carried out with a thin thread stretched on a ruler; if you tug weakly, a quiet sound is produced, and vice versa. Therefore, if you speak very loudly, you can damage the vocal cords (the thread breaks).

Well, now we’ve figured out that our vocal cords help us sing. Now it’s time to sing the song, but first we’ll compose one. We are wizards and we can do a lot of things, for example: composing songs.

Well, first, let's write the words for our song. I will start a phrase, and you guys, help me - finish it, offer your options.


I'm walking in the yard

I see a house on...

Children: on the mountain (on the hill, on the grass),

Musical director:

I'll climb the ladder

And through the window…….

Children: I'll knock

Musical director:

Welcome, home, guests,

Open soon.....

Children: door!

Musical director:

You can also do this:

Take it home, guys,

Us, cheerful ones...

Children: Preschoolers!

How will we sing the first option or the second?

(Children's decision)

Let us first recite the song in verses in a whisper.

(Children perform the song in a whisper to the musical accompaniment)

And now we will sing the song cheerfully, cheerfully, but do not forget that if you sing loudly, you can damage your vocal cords!

Performing a “Merry Song”

Musical director: Guys, our journey through the magical islands ends, we need to return to kindergarten. You close your eyes, and I will read the magic words.

One, two, three - turn around,

The magic stops.

Musical director:

Guys, here we are back. Did you enjoy your trip to the magical islands? I have a card magical land and multi-colored notes, mark where you liked the most with a magic note.

(Children glue colorful notes to the island they liked)

Musical director:

I was very pleased to meet you. And I think that you were magicians only because you listened carefully, tried, and were diligent.

If you want to become a wizard?

You just have to dream!

And also add knowledge

And don't forget patience.

Then a miracle will happen

Just wait a little bit.

Thanks guys, goodbye!

Synopsis of a music lesson (NOD) in high school
preparatory group"Magic book"
Summary of a music lesson (NOD) in the senior preparatory group
"The Magic Book of Music"
Senior preparatory group.
TOPIC: “The Magic Book of Music.”
Goal: to teach children to listen carefully to music, to speak out about its character,
develop an idea of ​​the expressiveness of register and timbre in music; learn
reproduce the rhythmic pattern of the song in sounding gestures according to the graphic
image; practice jumping and circling in pairs; teach to recognize
familiar music and move in the character of this music; form singing skills
skills, sing harmoniously in an ensemble, clearly pronounce the words of songs; introduce to
the structure and sound of the violin; develop creative imagination, small
hand motor skills; cultivate a love of music.
Progress of the lesson:
To the music, children run lightly into the hall and stand in a semicircle.
MUZ. RUKLE: Guys, you see that we have guests today. And we are like
well-mannered children should greet them. Let's sing a musical greeting
for our guests in a sly voice, sad, and now affectionate, cheerful...
TEACHER: Guys, the guests brought us this book as a gift, look how
she is beautiful, probably interesting... Would you like to read?
(opens a colorfully decorated music collection, calls the children to him) Oh,
guys, but I can’t read it, there are no letters, some kind of signs. Do you know them?
Yes, these are notes.
What to do? Let's ask her to help us read our music.
MUZ. RUKLE: With pleasure! This magic book, she will take us on a visit
to music. But you know, to get to the land of music, you need
perform magical moves. Can you handle it?
Then quickly stand in a circle,
Well, be brave, be brave.
And they turned to each other,
They winked and smiled.
They offered their right hands and tied them with a little lamb.
They spun around on their tiptoes and stopped facing each other in a circle.

TEACHER: And we will go to visit the music with a special dance step -
Music ruk: You completed the first task of the music book.
We open page two,
What's on it? Now we'll find out...
Quiet, quiet, quiet, the music has come to visit.
What kind of music is this? Who will answer, guess?
The play “The Bells Are Ringing” by W. Mozart is being performed.
MUZ. RUK: Who found out what kind of music this was and remembered the name of the composer who
composed? Which composers' music have we already become acquainted with?
Tell us, what mood did this music give you? What is her character like?
Tender, funny, affectionate, sonorous, magical...
What register is this music in? Yes, the melody sounds high, similar to
the chime of wonderful bells. It seems to me that with such music they can
dance magical fairies or birds. Who else can dance to
this kind of music? (moths, bees, flowers)
Do you want us to make this music even more wonderful, more magical? Let's decorate it with sound
different musical instruments. Look, there are bells in front of you,
bells, triangles, crystal glasses, drums. Select
the instrument you like. Why didn't they take the drum (its sound is too rough and
loud). I invite the boys to play music on instruments. And the girls
They will turn into butterflies, into flowers and dance their magical dance for us.
For re-hearing dance improvisation and free music playing
What a beautiful melody the book of Music gave us, and how wonderfully you danced and
played like real butterflies and fairies.
Oh, look, the butterfly is beautiful.
She came to visit, she likes the music. (toy on a wire -
the butterfly “flies” around the children)
Imagine that a butterfly has landed on your palm, and it’s so beautiful. Let's admire it
with it, and now let’s blow carefully.
You fly, fly, have a nice trip!
MUZ. RUK: And here, in the book, there is an envelope! What's in it? A big secret.
The lock here is not easy, but we can handle it for you.

MUZ. RUK: And in the envelope is a rhythmic riddle. Let's try to guess it? Let's clap and
let's sing the sounds:
o o O o o O o o O o o O
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
What kind of song is this? (“Cockerel” Russian Nar Mel.)
Now, baby cockerels, straighten your scallops.
Let's sing the song and repeat the movements!
(performing a song with sounding gestures and rhythmic movements)
MUZ. RUK: And on the next page a surprise awaits us.
But first, don’t yawn and guess the riddle.
Performs the intro or melody of A. Fillipenko’s song “About Frogs and a Mosquito” on
What instrument did the mosquito play in this song? I promised to introduce you to
violin? Meet the princess violin! (instrument display). Look what
beautiful a slim body at our beauty's long neck, head with a curl.
The violin is made from spruce and maple. The strings are stretched over the neck. And they play on it
using a special stick - a bow, which consists of a cane and white horsetails
hair. Want to hear her sing? What kind of voice does a violin have? - gentle, affectionate,
soft. Don't forget about this when you convey its sound with your voice.
Performing a song with dramatization elements.
MUZ. RUK: Well done, we got a real little one musical fairy tale. A
Now we can play, but we’ll have to guess how and with what.
There are handkerchiefs prepared for you on one wall, and flags on the other. If you hear
dance tune, pick up the handkerchiefs and dance with them. If
If you hear the sounds of a march, take the flags and march. And if a lullaby sounds
song, you can lie down on the mat and relax.
RESULT: Well, did you enjoy reading it? music book? Which page do you like?
did you particularly like it? I believe that someday you will learn to read a book of music
yourself. (I give out badges to all children for their work in class)

Abstract of the GCD “Identify a musical instrument”
Goal: fostering a culture of listening symphonic music; introducing children to
basic musical instruments and terms, development of creative abilities in
children through music
develop knowledge about musical instruments.
develop communication skills, such as hearing and listening to comrades,
complete tasks together in pairs;
develop skills in classifying tools.
cultivate interest and love for music, the need to communicate with it;
cultivate a positive attitude towards art;
increase children's interest in musical activity through the organization of a search engine
cultivate a friendly attitude towards comrades.
This presentation game can be included in music classes in kindergarten or
lessons at school, as well as in leisure and evenings of entertainment, holding quizzes, concerts, riddles,

Life would be terribly boring
If life were silent.
How wonderful it is to hear the sound
The sound of rain and the beat of hearts,
The roar of elephants and the buzz of flies,
Stomp, whistle, moo, neigh. (A. Usachev)
Musical director: guys, look what it looks like Symphony Orchestra. Which
only there are no tools here! You probably think that they positioned themselves on stage like
whoever you want: some in the corner, some in front, and some somewhere on the side. But take a closer look
and you will see that the instruments in the orchestra are distributed in strict order. Ahead
violins and their relatives - violas and cellos - are located. There are double basses a little further away.
All these instruments form one family of bowed string instruments.
Immediately behind the cellos is a family of Woodwinds - flutes, clarinets,
oboes, bassoons.
To their right are their closest relatives, the Brass wind instruments - trumpets, horns,
trombones and tubas. Behind them are drums and much more different instruments related to
family of percussion musical instruments.
Three instruments also attract attention. The handsome piano is like a lord in a tailcoat. One
has the shape of a huge triangle with stretched strings, and the other - a small box with
keys. This is a harp and a celesta.
That's how many instruments we have learned, but they are also divided into groups - strings, winds,
keyboards and drums.
Let's try to guess them
A presentation game “Identify a musical instrument” is being held.
M. r.
Who runs the orchestra?
Who knows all the instruments?
Waving a magic wand,
He neither sings nor dances,
But he's a visionary at work!
We answer - conductor!
M. r.
The orchestra, like a well-organized state, has its own laws, and even has
Its president is the manager of the orchestra, who is called the conductor.
The conductor knows how to make the instruments play the way he wants, although he does not
says not a single word. He only uses a stick. He will pick it up and lightly tap it on

music stand - music stand - etc. Dead silence reigns in the orchestra. He'll wave it and
all instruments, obeying his will, will play in harmony and harmony.
M. r.
The conductor waved his hand,
And there was a strange hum,
And behind it a long ringing sound,
Rumble, roar from all sides.
A wave and silence,
And one string sounds
This violin began to sing,
Uncertain, timid.
Again the wave and violins of the sea
The friendly choir began to seethe.
And then there were trills
This is the sound of a cello.
With a wave of his hand the horn sings,
Wave we hear the sounds of the bugle,
Somewhere the harps are chiming,
And the trumpets are a calling cry.
The sounds are all vying with each other,
But there is no chaos here, no failure,
The piece sounds here
Orchestral creation.
Guys, let's listen to P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"
What instruments have we heard? (children's answers)

“Development of musical abilities in children
preschool age"
To form musical abilities, it is necessary to develop them in a child
as soon as possible. The earlier children are introduced to musical culture, the
they become more musical. B. M. Teplov gave the following
determination of abilities, individual psychological characteristics of the individual,
that distinguish one person from another.
The difficulty lies in the formation of musical and auditory representations,
pure singing and ability to select musical instruments by ear
melodic line. Musical-rhythmic sense ability is active
experience music through movement, feel emotional
expressiveness musical rhythm and the ability to accurately reproduce rhythmic
New approaches to the development problem are currently being developed
musical abilities of preschool children. Clarification
theoretical aspects development of musical abilities, opportunities and

patterns of their formation remains an urgent task of modern
Theoretical analysis of the problem musical education younger children
age was given in the works of such researchers as N. P. Anikeev, A. B. Keneman,
A. P. Usova, N. A. Vetlugina, A. B. Zaporozhets, G. S. Rigina, D. V. Mendzheritskaya.
Of great theoretical and practical importance for the problem under study are
works of domestic psychologists JI. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, G. S. Tarasov,
B. M. Teplova, D. B. Elkonina and others, revealing the activity
aspect of the development of musical abilities.
Issues of development of musical abilities of preschool children are considered in
works by D. B. Kabalevsky, E. B. Abdullin, Yu. B. Aliev, O. A. Apraksina, N. A.
Vetlugina, A. N. Zimina, O. P. Radynova.
This article describes the features of the development of musical abilities in
children younger age.
We characterized the musical and age-related abilities of younger children
age. We studied the problems of musical abilities, which are multidimensional
disclosed in the works of B. M. Teplov. The researcher identified common and
special musical abilities that children need to be successful
mastering musical activity.
He considers absolute timbre,
dynamic, harmonic hearing. To general points musical talent He
attributed the strength, wealth and initiative of the imagination, abundance visual images,
stability of creative attention, strong-willed and other human characteristics. TO
B. M. Teplov considers the main musical abilities: modal
feeling, ear for music, sense of rhythm.
Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that the game is the leading
activity, an important means of developing musical abilities
preschool children
To develop pitch hearing, it is necessary to select games that simulate
pitch relationships that involve vocal production of a melody
or on a musical instrument. To form ideas about
pitch of sounds, we use visual and auditory clarity, for example, pictures with
illustration of sounds of different heights, a musical ladder,
use of musical bells, game "Musical Echo".
The sense of rhythm develops in children much more difficult than pitch hearing.
Noise and percussion musical instruments help develop a sense of rhythm.
Tapping a simple rhythmic pattern, clapping - these techniques
Help children develop a sense of rhythm and musical abilities in general.
To develop a modal sense, you can use movable story games,
round dancing games that teach children to listen to each other’s singing
friend. The development of a modal sense in a preschool child involves
a combination of both auditory and visual methods.
Important methodological recommendation for the development of musical abilities
combining the efforts of teachers, parents, educators, it is necessary to create
special conditions, opportunities and facilities, use of benefits
and musical and didactic games in the group, creation music corner, work and
conversation with parents, individual consultations, creation of
groups of music clubs.

Often, while listening to or performing a piece of music on musical
classes, children participate with great interest in improvised theatrical
productions, the creative atmosphere of which directly depends on
musical director's skills.
We analyzed the experience of music directors of kindergartens on the development
musical abilities of preschool children and came to the conclusion that
use of musical theater activities and integrated forms
activities contribute successful development musical abilities of children.
1. Vetlugina, N. A. Methods of musical education in kindergarten / N. A.
Vetlugina, I. L. Dzerzhinskaya, L. N. Komissarova. – Moscow: Enlightenment, 1989. –
270 pp.
2. Obukhova, L. F. Age-related psychology.: textbook for universities / L. F. Obukhova. - Moscow:
Ped. obvo of Russia, 2004. – 448 p.
3. Radynova, O. Preschool age: how to form the fundamentals of musical
culture / O. Radynova // Musical director. – 2005. – No. 1. – P. 3–8.
4. Toropova, A. V. Music psychology and psychology of music
education: textbook. allowance / A.V. Toropova. – Moscow: GRAFPRESS, 2008. – 200 s.

Name it correctly
The tool is slightly larger
He is her closest friend
But the sound is a little lower.
There are strings and a bow,
Not new to music!
Three strings, plays loudly
That tool is
"cocked hat".
Find out quickly
What is this?
Hiking with me is easy
It's fun with me on the way,
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am loud, round...
He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance
He dances and sings -
If you get your hands on it.
Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler
Our vociferous...

You will take her in your hands,
Either you stretch it or you squeeze it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
It will play, just touch it,
What is her name?
What kind of miracles are these?
We hear voices in the forest
The guys are sitting by the fire,
They sing and look at her.
So that it suddenly sounds,
Pluck the string first.
And there are seven or six strings,
We cannot count her merits.
It’s easy for everyone to sing to it,
Tell me, what is her name?
The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard by everyone.
Six strings play anything
And that instrument is forever
He will never get old.
We call that instrument...
I'm on stage in the twilight
I'll go out in an elegant tailcoat.
I'll wave a thin stick
The violins will begin to sing,
The harpist will pluck the string,
The pipes will respond.
How wonderfully the orchestra plays!
Well, I’m the most important one in it!
Carved in the forest

What is the name of?
He writes music for us
Plays melodies
He will put poetry on
Who writes the songs?
He's like a senior to the violin
I'm glad to help her in the orchestra.
He is also a faithful friend to the viola,
It has a bass sound.
He's a bowed giant
A big, important gentleman.
Double bass
They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Play a little too
On beautiful bright...
What kind of instrument is this, the height of a whole
In pipes, dressed in wood, decorations on it.
This sonorous giant has many voices.
He is sometimes affectionate, sometimes strict, and his name is...
Musician, singer,
All it takes is a pipe and a box.
I stand on three legs
Legs in black
White teeth, pedal.

What's my name? ...
It will sparkle in the sun,
Gives you a gentle sound.
The very first in jazz
It's like the girl started singing
And the room seemed to brighten.
The melody glides like this
Everything is quiet: it's playing...
The smooth movements of the bow leave you in awe
The motif murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.
A dreamy tune sounds, it is played...
Know that they are neighbors with the drum.
They are made of copper.
Need hands in time
Strike loudly, then
Their party is not a trifle, not
There are also things in music...
We call the instrument a piano
I have a hard time playing it.
Louder, quieter, louder, quieter -
Everyone will hear my play.
I hit the keys zealously,
My instrument is...
Let's all sing a song together,
A song will sound throughout the school.

The next rhythm, which is transmitted in the same way
further. And so on in a circle.
Rhythms can be gradually made more complex. If someone doesn't
can repeat the clap rhythm the first time, the leader
should ask the person who invented this rhythm to repeat it
as many times as needed to guess. In that
there is a certain difficulty for the one who proposes,
sets an example - he should not forget and get confused when
repetition, that is, the original rhythmic passage
should be as complex as the “author” himself
can accurately remember and reproduce it.
The game can be gradually complicated by introducing rhythmic
drawing simple exclamations or words, for example: “And once!”,
"Ole-ole-ole", "One, two, three", etc. Can be used
some funny sayings or sayings, pronouncing
them rhythmically organized.

More complex example games is a game with
using any musical instruments. But not
be alarmed, by tools we mean everything from which
you can make a sound, anything that you can hit or use
may produce any noise, ringing, rattling or
even a rustle. Anything will do: wooden spoons, chopsticks,
metal cutlery, some ratchets,
baby rattles. Try using different
timbre materials - wooden boxes or boxes,
metal cans and pans brought from the kitchen
(with mom's permission, of course). You can knock on them
metal chopsticks or spoons.
Actually, this game is a continuation of the first one.
Only the task is complicated by the fact that we are now developing and
timbre memory. Several children participate in the game. One of
them, the first one must come up with and “play”, that is
simply tap or strum some rhythm. For
Start by using only two tones. For example, iron
with chopsticks the performer must tap part of the pattern on

The flu usually begins acutely, within a few hours
or 1 – 2 days after infection. The temperature can quickly
rise to 39 - 40 degrees.
Older children complain of headaches
muscle pain, weakness. The younger ones become lethargic
The acute period of the disease may
be accompanied
meningeal symptoms, abdominal syndrome
(abdominal pain, vomiting, increased bowel movements).

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and
lips, facial hyperemia, injection of the sclera of the eyes,
conjunctiva; Possible nosebleeds and
hemorrhagic rash on visible mucous membranes and skin.

Symptoms of damage to the upper
respiratory tract usually appears
on the 2nd day of illness and usually at the beginning
poorly expressed: the nose is stuffy or there are

Panteleeva Elena Anatolevna,

musical director

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

KHMAO-Yugra, Yugorsk


To form children's knowledge about the types of sounds, musical literacy. Develop musical abilities through singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. Cultivate a love of music.

Progress of the lesson.

Musical director:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with fun exercises.

We guys are friendly, together

We run in place.

If there is no peace in the heart,

They stomped their feet loudly!

And another!

And now my good ones

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

Musical director:

Guys, what were we doing now?

Children. They stomped, clapped, made noise.

Musical director:

How can you call such sounds?

Children. Noises.

Musical director:

Let's be silent for a moment and listen to the sounds around us. Do you think this world is silent or not? (answer). The world around us is sounding. There are many sounds around us.

Tell me, what sounds can you hear on the street? What kind of houses? (answer)

That's right, it's all noise. Let's play. I will make riddles for noises, and you will guess.

Game “Guess the Noises” (there are noises behind the screen)

Noises are non-musical sounds, including the voices of nature, what are you hearing now?

What are you hearing now? ( plays the metallophone). These are also sounds, but what kind? Noise?

(answer) Sounds performed on musical instruments are called musical. Human singing also belongs to musical sounds. Let's repeat: what sounds are there?

Musical director: Now let’s have a little quiz.

Let's divide into two teams and take cards, I will name the sounds, and you will classify them as musical or non-musical.

(boy singing, doors creaking, the sound of a women's choir, the sound of the sea, the sound of a ball, playing the violin, the sound of an orchestra, the noise of a car, playing the piano)

And by what sounds can you recognize a person without even seeing him?

Musical director: Guys, I suggest you take a trip to the Country Musical sounds, but first you need to answer the questions.

Who is the composer?

Who is a musician?

For whom does the musician perform his works? (for listeners)

I see you are ready to travel. Well done!

And an unusual ship will take us to the land of musical sounds.

Logorhythmic composition “On an Airship” (author of poems and movements E.E. Sokolov)

So we flew to the land of musical sounds, to the town of “Ding-Ding”. What are the names of the inhabitants of this town? Guess the riddle.

Fun hooks

They sit on the rulers

They sit on the rulers

Are they telling you to sing songs? (notes)

I have a magic key, without which you cannot open the door to the house where the notes live. What is the name of this key? ( treble clef, or key “salt”)

Now it's time to get acquainted with our notes.

Children talk about notes, and place them on stave

Note "C"

"Do" runs home along the path,

"Do" reached the gate

It goes up the stairs.

Note "D"

The note hid in a hole,

Under the first line

Note "mi"

The first one on the line is “mi”!

Musicians know this!

Now you understand:

I don’t have any other sheet music with me!

Note "F"

“Fa” - an owl screams in the forest!

Note "salt"

On the second line is me,

The note "salt" is my name.

Note "A"

“La” - the whole earth sang!

Note "B"

Note "B"! I am the thinnest of all

So I climbed up.

I live above "mi" and "sol"

The third line is my address!

On five lines

Fun and friendly

The notes are all alive.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - that's what they are called!

Children sing scales

Now all the notes are assembled,

So, we will be able to sing soon!

Along the ladder - wonderful.

It's so easy to walk up and down

Notes need to be studied

To sing us a song!

Song "Let's start a round dance" (Sat. " Winter fantasy"I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva)

Musical director:

Guys, Notes are very playful, they love to run, jump, dance and know how to make friends.

Show how cheerful and friendly you are.

Game "Search" (Sat. “Holiday every day” by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltsev)

Now the notes invite you to a music shop where musical instruments are sold. This store is extraordinary; to make a purchase you need to tap the rhythm correctly.

Game "Musical Lotto"
Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"
children voice a fairy tale by T.E. Tyutyunnikova

Musical director.

So you and I have visited the country where notes live. The notes love theirs very much hometown, in which they live, and in what city do you live? (answer). Do you love your city?

Let's sing a song about the Motherland, oh native land, where were you born.

Song “What we call Motherland” (magazine "Bell" No. 25 2002)

Musical director: Guys, our journey has come to an end, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. I want to wish you, love music, be friends with it. Let music be your friend. Good luck with music! Let a little bell ring in your soul, the sound of which gives you warmth and joy to those around you!

The children leave the hall to the music.

Used Books.

ON THE. Moreva " Music classes and entertainment in preschool"

Magazine “Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka” No. 3 2002.

Magazine "Musical Palette" No. 4 2005

Magazine "Bell" No. 25 2002

“Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000899, date of dispatch February 21, 2013, receipt No. 62502658075633

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?